To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Naurgalen.2374


S/D OP?! Are they insane? I have been playing S/D from beta and the last patch destroyed the only real thing i liked about it: fast might stacking. The range is almost non existent if you want to use things like fire grab, 2 sure hits with phoenix, or fire ring. Our combos are close combat but we lack the movement and even heals/defense of D/D. All the “area damage” S/D has is in fire and a little in Earth. D/D has area damage EVEN IN WATER. And ofc, Scepter water has the lamest water skills in the game.

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Milennin.4825


You know your class is in danger when the community doesn’t even bother trying to convince the devs to bring the class’s other weapons up to par anymore, but feel it’s more needing to defend the last the decent weapon set they still have from becoming the next useless thing.

Just who the hell do you think I am!?

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


You know your class is in danger when the community doesn’t even bother trying to convince the devs to bring the class’s other weapons up to par anymore, but feel it’s more needing to defend the last the decent weapon set they still have from becoming the next useless thing.

Well there are already countless thread with suggestions on how to improve the other weapon sets, they’ve been up for months…not a single answer from the Devs.

Look at the conjures, so many good suggestions and we receive useless buffs as an answer rather than doing the only useful suggestion so far: change attunement skills based on the conjure used instead than losing all 20 skills…but nothing.

Now we’re left only with dagger/dagger set as viable option, we can only try our best to defend it, but I’ve got little hope seeing at the latest round of nerfs the ele suffered.

I’m referring to the nerf to Healing ripple minor trait basically Anet is hell bent on destroying ele survivability while leaving untouched the offensive department, they simply look at the number and say :" Ok ele dmg is very high not need to buff it", but it’s not that we need buff in numbers instead we need buff on the conditions required to that dmg, better to have lower dmg but more consistent ways to apply it.

That’s why people love d/d…you don’t need hard CC to land your skill 2 everytime

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: jaif.3518


The devs have nothing personal for or against any class. Seriously.

I note that nobody provided a link to the hypothetical “overpowered” build. “There existed a post once in the WvW forum” is hardly a reference.

The class that beats you is overpowered. The class that falls to you easily needs a buff. This thread is full of such reactionary nonsense.


To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: ATMAvatar.5749


The rumors and fear spreads like it does because of two major things:
1. the devs rarely say anything on these forums to indicate vision or direction
2. we know the balance team lacks someone who plays elementalist

Those, combined with a large number of nonsensical changes in the last major patch make it easy to question if the devs know what they are doing with the profession. If you are already prone to a bit of paranoia, seeing them nerf some of our already mostly-worthless skills makes it easy to assume they’re just nerfing the class out of spite instead of any real balance concerns.

Addressing one (or both!) issues above would go a long way to quell the chicken little posts.

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Wreck.2634


Yeah, if they nerf us again I will most likely be re-rolling… a new mmo.

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Gintoki.6405


now thats funny lordbyran…

noone complains about ele but they will nerf it because of “tradition” that made me lol for real :P

Aurora glade [FURY] clan. Zetsu (zetsudai, zetsu mei, Zetsu Rounin)

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Gintoki.6405


in all seriousness though from listening to the chat yesterday between some of the top tourney teams and johnathan sharp, it seems the will be trying to make more viable builds, and small changes per patch in order to not mess with us too much, the last patch wasnt really like tht but you get the idea :P, one thing we can be fairly sure of a nerf however is the downed state we have.. seems like alot of qq about that.

you gotta remember that classes are normally balanced for top end play mostly, and ele is a hard charachter to learn. i can understand why its so hard to balance when its such a complex class.

Aurora glade [FURY] clan. Zetsu (zetsudai, zetsu mei, Zetsu Rounin)

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Solori.6025


in all seriousness though from listening to the chat yesterday between some of the top tourney teams and johnathan sharp, it seems the will be trying to make more viable builds, and small changes per patch in order to not mess with us too much, the last patch wasnt really like tht but you get the idea :P, one thing we can be fairly sure of a nerf however is the downed state we have.. seems like alot of qq about that.

you gotta remember that classes are normally balanced for top end play mostly, and ele is a hard charachter to learn. i can understand why its so hard to balance when its such a complex class.

The only real thing broken about our downed state is the fact that we go from 1% to 50%.
in spvp and tpvp we can prolong death to the last percent..
That will be nerfed..I hope that when that is nerfed they take away our double downed penalty.

The world needs more KUNG FURY!

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


in all seriousness though from listening to the chat yesterday between some of the top tourney teams and johnathan sharp, it seems the will be trying to make more viable builds, and small changes per patch in order to not mess with us too much, the last patch wasnt really like tht but you get the idea :P, one thing we can be fairly sure of a nerf however is the downed state we have.. seems like alot of qq about that.

you gotta remember that classes are normally balanced for top end play mostly, and ele is a hard charachter to learn. i can understand why its so hard to balance when its such a complex class.

The fact is I don’t see any Top Players, I only see a BS thief spammer and staff well necro spammer whining because their zerg tactic where they need to press 2-3-4-5 to get kills…can get countered somehow.

C’mon guys how can those two who play such easy mode roles can be considered Top Players?

- One just go around invisible and one-shot people with 20% HP while still invisible…if everything fail: thieves guild the IWIN elite

- The other just sit from the top of an hill spamming wells with his staff, going around with no less than one person..if things get hairy: plague elite followed by full DS bar usage, and of course by the time DS bar is over you’re against 3-4 people

Both get countered by eles specced for they QQ, that’s all there is to it

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kuthos.9623


Being a “top player” in Guild Wars 2 doesn’t exact mean a whole lot right now because we all know the sPvP pretty much blows at the moment.

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Gintoki.6405


yeah i know the phrase “top player” is abit meaningless at the moment, but you would expect players from competitive teams to have a decent idea of the metagame.

Aurora glade [FURY] clan. Zetsu (zetsudai, zetsu mei, Zetsu Rounin)

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: drtoph.4857


The part that is the most annoying is not that the thief and necro whine about ele, that is expected, its the fact that the freaking dev is sitting there nodding his head right along with their qq. None of those people even main ele’s. If you are going to take advice from someone of balance, why not ask a top player who actually mains an ele what they think. Instead of the button spamming thief.

80 Elementalist

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: plasmacutter.2709


The part that is the most annoying is not that the thief and necro whine about ele, that is expected, its the fact that the freaking dev is sitting there nodding his head right along with their qq. None of those people even main ele’s. If you are going to take advice from someone of balance, why not ask a top player who actually mains an ele what they think. Instead of the button spamming thief.

If this is true, the game’s going to go down in flames.

Their balance team needs at least one person for each profession who plays that profession actively. All balance decisions should be made with the input and consensus of everyone on that team.

This is by far the most complex game i’ve seen in a while in terms of just how unintuitive things are until you experience them first-hand in combat. People who have not properly experienced a profession should not be altering it.

I’m having a serious flashback to the late Ted Stevens talking about “the internet is a series of tubes” here.

(edited by plasmacutter.2709)

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Semprenaviguare.2936


hello , i am Elementalist Spvp and Tpvp 40 , i have only play elementalist ,
i have + 1000 tournement played
i play a elementalist tank/dps 0 0 10 30 30 with berserker amulet and sigil of energie .
on can trip specialisation .
i am a normal player , i play D/D

99% 1 vs 1 my opponent cannot kill me , and if a player are very good he can maybe kill me after 3 minute .
i can tank a position vs 2 or 3 player + 1 minutes .
i can tank graveyard vs 5 players ( medium player ) + 30 secondes .
i can fight fight and kill in the same time 2 thief without target , just radom aoe , dodge , and can trip survive .
mesmer isn t a problem , aoe party , finish clone
necro isn t a probleme i can remove all conditions when i want
war isn t a probleme , dodge , miss , dodge , miss cc ,
guardien tank not probleme i can /danse he cannot kill me .
guardien spirit is the same of war dodge , miss dodge miss .
engiener not probleme , aoe .
rodeur is not very difficult
i can rez a player on invulnerability or finish him on stability or invulnerability
i can rez himself if a heal elementaliste pet pop when i am on brume .

just elementalist spe who a god spé .
i don t want elementalist nerf because i am very happy play this class

but the reality is only that elementalist is op .
i am not a god , i am just a normal player !

i think too Elementalist D/D spé can trip is op .
because this specialistion have not probleme vs all class .

on pve can farm all event solo
can solo champion
can solo donjon , legendary boss and pack of mob .
on spvp can solo lord with 4 adds
on www can escap a bus , can fight and kill 1 vs 10 players unstuff ( look darkphoenix , is very good elementalist but i know much elementalist who make the same ) .

he have no counter class on 1 vs 1 for kill a elementalist .
and on battle fight just swat elements is a very good support !

(edited by Semprenaviguare.2936)

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: plasmacutter.2709


hello , i am Elementalist Spvp and Tpvp 40 , i have only play elementalist ,
i have + 1000 tournement played
i play a elementalist tank/dps 0 0 10 30 30 with berserker amulet and sigil of energie .
on can trip specialisation .
i am a normal player , i play D/D

99% 1 vs 1 my opponent cannot kill me , and if a player are very good he can maybe kill me after 3 minute .
i can tank a position vs 2 or 3 player + 1 minutes .
i can tank graveyard vs 5 players ( medium player ) + 30 secondes .
i can fight fight and kill in the same time 2 thief without target , just radom aoe , dodge , and can trip survive .
mesmer isn t a problem , aoe party , finish clone
necro isn t a probleme i can remove all conditions when i want
war isn t a probleme , dodge , miss , dodge , miss cc ,
guardien tank not probleme i can /danse he cannot kill me .
guardien spirit is the same of war dodge , miss dodge miss .
engiener not probleme , aoe .
rodeur is not very difficult
i can rez a player on invulnerability or finish him on stability or invulnerability
i can rez himself if a heal elementaliste pet pop when i am on brume .

just elementalist spe who a god spé .
i don t want elementalist nerf because i am very happy play this class

but the reality is only that elementalist is op .
i am not a god , i am just a normal player !

i think too Elementalist D/D spé can trip is op .
because this specialistion have not probleme vs all class .

on pve can farm all event solo
can solo champion
can solo donjon , legendary boss and pack of mob .
on spvp can solo lord with 4 adds
on www can escap a bus , can fight and kill 1 vs 10 players unstuff ( look darkphoenix , is very good elementalist but i know much elementalist who make the same ) .

he have no counter class on 1 vs 1 for kill a elementalist .
and on battle fight just swat elements is a very good support !

Did it ever occur to you that you are beating people most of the time not because of a spec being “overpowered”, but because of a vastly larger pvp experience?

Read this thread, most people encountered in wvw are underleveled, undergeared, inexperienced, or a combination of all 3, and are thus steam-rolled.

I’m not a pvp person. You could gear me in all legendary and still beat me, probably with scepter-focus. I will not be running to the forums demanding a nerf from being outplayed or directly countered.

D/D bunker builds are a specific counter to glass-cannon and 1-trick-pony burst specs. Nerfing them only vindicates people who are looking down their noses at the devs of this game for allowing cheesy thief builds and portal bombing to go unabated (meanwhile somehow borking mesmer further in pve.. nice Anet!)

Another nerf to ele will be a third wide-miss for Anet as they aim for “balance”. (the first being guardian symbol of wrath and the second being the mesmer ‘blockable summon’ patch)

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


hello , i am Elementalist Spvp and Tpvp 40 , i have only play elementalist ,
i have + 1000 tournement played
i play a elementalist tank/dps 0 0 10 30 30 with berserker amulet and sigil of energie .
on can trip specialisation .
i am a normal player , i play D/D

99% 1 vs 1 my opponent cannot kill me , and if a player are very good he can maybe kill me after 3 minute .
i can tank a position vs 2 or 3 player + 1 minutes .
i can tank graveyard vs 5 players ( medium player ) + 30 secondes .
i can fight fight and kill in the same time 2 thief without target , just radom aoe , dodge , and can trip survive .
mesmer isn t a problem , aoe party , finish clone
necro isn t a probleme i can remove all conditions when i want
war isn t a probleme , dodge , miss , dodge , miss cc ,
guardien tank not probleme i can /danse he cannot kill me .
guardien spirit is the same of war dodge , miss dodge miss .
engiener not probleme , aoe .
rodeur is not very difficult
i can rez a player on invulnerability or finish him on stability or invulnerability
i can rez himself if a heal elementaliste pet pop when i am on brume .

just elementalist spe who a god spé .
i don t want elementalist nerf because i am very happy play this class

but the reality is only that elementalist is op .
i am not a god , i am just a normal player !

i think too Elementalist D/D spé can trip is op .
because this specialistion have not probleme vs all class .

on pve can farm all event solo
can solo champion
can solo donjon , legendary boss and pack of mob .
on spvp can solo lord with 4 adds
on www can escap a bus , can fight and kill 1 vs 10 players unstuff ( look darkphoenix , is very good elementalist but i know much elementalist who make the same ) .

he have no counter class on 1 vs 1 for kill a elementalist .
and on battle fight just swat elements is a very good support !

You will never be able to tank 1 player of equal skill level who know how the ele works, you’re built for survival while you face people built for pure burst dmg who are unable to recognise how the ele works, give me a single burst profession who know you…and you go down in no time

Of course ele D/D tank got counter….an equally skilled player


@Prince vingador
why do people think ele is op? For me is one of the weakest class,i think mesmer are the op class in pvp,i have my share of pvp and eles are not op in any way.

P.S – You holding 2 people is pure bullkitten, take 2 decent players, a necro and mesmer…you last 0.5s, one shatter burst you and the other corrupt boon you at the right time…you are kaboom after 0.5s, Good Luck winning against players of 40+ when they put the matchmaking

(edited by Arheundel.6451)

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Emerald.8653


Honestly? At this point, I hope they’d actually continue with the nerfs until they literally smash the class through the ground to the point where not a single “pro” player would ever consider using it.

It would be a pretty crucial lesson to the company, if nothing else.

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Falunel.7645


Just going to poke my head in here to say this to any passing devs: we PvE eles, D/D and otherwise, don’t want PvP whining to ruin our own fun. Please keep us in mind. Signed, a level 80, 0/10/0/30/30, D/D, heal-and-vigor-oriented ele.

Or, to put things another way, what people whine about in PvP helps keep party members alive in dungeons. The ele build people complain so much about not being able to kill also lets us reach and rez people in Arah without being nailed to the ground- condition removals, used in the right place, can purge a frail party member of burning at low HP. The long protection buff granted by attuning to earth with enough points in Arcana prevents deaths at hard-to-avoid AoEs. Interrupts prevent breeders from spawning more gravelings; chills and cripples assist whoever’s kiting a boss. And even though heals are minimal, a correctly timed AoE heal is the difference between death and near-death for a fellow dungeon-runner.

Even though I love the versatility of the ele for different reasons than PvP eles, I would also very much like to not see my own experience ruined by whiners. It’s become a constant worry and a sore spot for me, that PvPers want to take away the tools that I gladly use to help them and others.

Again, please keep us in mind when considering any future nerfs. Thanks.

Falunel – Sylvari Elementalist | Falche Graysong – Human Mesmer | Tarnished Coast
Ember Solace [SOL] – A guild welcoming of newbies and those at the margins.
New Player Outreach Thread

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Curring.9752


hello , i am Elementalist Spvp and Tpvp 40 , i have only play elementalist ,
i have + 1000 tournement played
i play a elementalist tank/dps 0 0 10 30 30 with berserker amulet and sigil of energie .
on can trip specialisation .
i am a normal player , i play D/D

99% 1 vs 1 my opponent cannot kill me , and if a player are very good he can maybe kill me after 3 minute .
i can tank a position vs 2 or 3 player + 1 minutes .
i can tank graveyard vs 5 players ( medium player ) + 30 secondes .
i can fight fight and kill in the same time 2 thief without target , just radom aoe , dodge , and can trip survive .
mesmer isn t a problem , aoe party , finish clone
necro isn t a probleme i can remove all conditions when i want
war isn t a probleme , dodge , miss , dodge , miss cc ,
guardien tank not probleme i can /danse he cannot kill me .
guardien spirit is the same of war dodge , miss dodge miss .
engiener not probleme , aoe .
rodeur is not very difficult
i can rez a player on invulnerability or finish him on stability or invulnerability
i can rez himself if a heal elementaliste pet pop when i am on brume .

just elementalist spe who a god spé .
i don t want elementalist nerf because i am very happy play this class

but the reality is only that elementalist is op .
i am not a god , i am just a normal player !

i think too Elementalist D/D spé can trip is op .
because this specialistion have not probleme vs all class .

on pve can farm all event solo
can solo champion
can solo donjon , legendary boss and pack of mob .
on spvp can solo lord with 4 adds
on www can escap a bus , can fight and kill 1 vs 10 players unstuff ( look darkphoenix , is very good elementalist but i know much elementalist who make the same ) .

he have no counter class on 1 vs 1 for kill a elementalist .
and on battle fight just swat elements is a very good support !

You will never be able to tank 1 player of equal skill level who know how the ele works, you’re built for survival while you face people built for pure burst dmg who are unable to recognise how the ele works, give me a single burst profession who know you…and you go down in no time

Of course ele D/D tank got counter….an equally skilled player


@Prince vingador
why do people think ele is op? For me is one of the weakest class,i think mesmer are the op class in pvp,i have my share of pvp and eles are not op in any way.

P.S – You holding 2 people is pure bullkitten, take 2 decent players, a necro and mesmer…you last 0.5s, one shatter burst you and the other corrupt boon you at the right time…you are kaboom after 0.5s, Good Luck winning against players of 40+ when they put the matchmaking

I’ll be honest, rank means nothing at the moment, all it shows is how many games you’ve played which does not equate to play skill, I’ve been facing a lot more rank 30+’s recently and to be honest I’ve been dissapointed, I’m only rank 14 – I don’t PvP too often however I still manage to top rank 40 players, in fact not just myself but others of the same rank as me. Earlier there was a rank 4X thief who actually tried to use the rank 14 against me yet didn’t do so well himself considering his rank.

We only have one viable build and one viable weapon set, I don’t see whats OP with that. If they nerf us again I seriously might consider leaving the game and that not a threat at the company (I doubt they care about 1 person leaving) but it goes to show what they’re doing to their playbase, meta and how they’re actually ruining their ideals of an E-Sport.

In the greater blob of things, there is only the zerg.
Kittens, Kittens everywhere!

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


The problem with the weaponset Bunker Build is its very hard to destroy and offers amazing group utility as well as survivability while retaining good (AOE) damage.

In WVWVW they are almost invincible, 4-5 ele (which i’ve been seeing more and more) or teams of them can destroy entire groups of enemy players without much effort because they are so hard to kill, provide really good team buffs, and do amazing AOE Damage.

A group of them just constantly heal eachother/constantly lay down the AOEs/Destroy everyone else, there is nothing that even comes close to beating them except a good “well” necromancer, which are rare since its a rarely played class.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


The problem with the weaponset Bunker Build is its very hard to destroy and offers amazing group utility as well as survivability while retaining good (AOE) damage.

In WVWVW they are almost invincible, 4-5 ele (which i’ve been seeing more and more) or teams of them can destroy entire groups of enemy players without much effort because they are so hard to kill, provide really good team buffs, and do amazing AOE Damage.

A group of them just constantly heal eachother/constantly lay down the AOEs/Destroy everyone else, there is nothing that even comes close to beating them except a good “well” necromancer, which are rare since its a rarely played class.

You’re wrong!
All you face are burst players with the same old build seen million of times, once you face the exception, you’ll understand the limitation of the bunker build.
There duellist rangers, pro mesmers and more

Eles don’t heal each other constantly that’s a huge lie, a bunker ele run with 13k and 1.3k healing power so each healing skill seems to fill up the HP bar everytime and that’s wrong, simply the bunker build got a lower HP cap to fill compared to a soldier amulet user.
Then many eles may use ether renewal, but given the amount of interrupts on short CD ( mush shorter than 15s) there is really little exuse to let an ele use it constantly, if you’re unable to interrupt a 3s channeling skill…well that’s hardly a balance problem.

There are professions in game which can stack multiple conditions with ease and far too often, engineers and necros can fill you up with bleeding in no time, on top of cripple/fear/knockback/weakness/poison/burning/chill….everything.

The elementalist got already the lowest HP and lowest armour, once you remove the healing and condition removal can you tell me how an ele supposed to survive?
We’ve got no in-build defensive mechanism by default : no reliable pets, no stealth and no clones( this always by the way), no high HP, no heavy armour, no multi CC skills on low CD, no uber dmg .

Basically because of the heavy set of nerfs this profession has gone through, the ele playerbase has been pushed in a corner, try to outlast your enemy or GTFO
At equal level of skill the survival department is all that’s left for eles if we want even be taken in consideration for serious PvP, this profession is so badly designed in respect to the scope of the game

- far too many manual aiming skill
- overly slow spells activation
- overly low auto-attack dmg
- extremely complex combo system
- excessive CD of many vital skill

Especially the last one, it’s the main reason why people stear clear from staff and scepter, given the amount of gap closers in this game to keep range from mele attackers is literally impossible, the staff got CC skill ranging from 30 up to 40s CD while other profession got gap closer with a 15s CD or lower and in meantime the staff skills are so slow and lacklustre that they require heavy snare to hit any target with half-brain active.

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


The problem with the weaponset Bunker Build is its very hard to destroy and offers amazing group utility as well as survivability while retaining good (AOE) damage.

In WVWVW they are almost invincible, 4-5 ele (which i’ve been seeing more and more) or teams of them can destroy entire groups of enemy players without much effort because they are so hard to kill, provide really good team buffs, and do amazing AOE Damage.

A group of them just constantly heal eachother/constantly lay down the AOEs/Destroy everyone else, there is nothing that even comes close to beating them except a good “well” necromancer, which are rare since its a rarely played class.

You’re wrong!
All you face are burst players with the same old build seen million of times, once you face the exception, you’ll understand the limitation of the bunker build.
There duellist rangers, pro mesmers and more

Eles don’t heal each other constantly that’s a huge lie, a bunker ele run with 13k and 1.3k healing power so each healing skill seems to fill up the HP bar everytime and that’s wrong, simply the bunker build got a lower HP cap to fill compared to a soldier amulet user.
Then many eles may use ether renewal, but given the amount of interrupts on short CD ( mush shorter than 15s) there is really little exuse to let an ele use it constantly, if you’re unable to interrupt a 3s channeling skill…well that’s hardly a balance problem.

There are professions in game which can stack multiple conditions with ease and far too often, engineers and necros can fill you up with bleeding in no time, on top of cripple/fear/knockback/weakness/poison/burning/chill….everything.

The elementalist got already the lowest HP and lowest armour, once you remove the healing and condition removal can you tell me how an ele supposed to survive?
We’ve got no in-build defensive mechanism by default : no reliable pets, no stealth and no clones( this always by the way), no high HP, no heavy armour, no multi CC skills on low CD, no uber dmg .

Basically because of the heavy set of nerfs this profession has gone through, the ele playerbase has been pushed in a corner, try to outlast your enemy or GTFO
At equal level of skill the survival department is all that’s left for eles if we want even be taken in consideration for serious PvP, this profession is so badly designed in respect to the scope of the game

- far too many manual aiming skill
- overly slow spells activation
- overly low auto-attack dmg
- extremely complex combo system
- excessive CD of many vital skill

Especially the last one, it’s the main reason why people stear clear from staff and scepter, given the amount of gap closers in this game to keep range from mele attackers is literally impossible, the staff got CC skill ranging from 30 up to 40s CD while other profession got gap closer with a 15s CD or lower and in meantime the staff skills are so slow and lacklustre that they require heavy snare to hit any target with half-brain active.

Make me a video that prooves me wrong, this is a video that backs up my case.
Imagine 4-5 Eles doing the same thing, it would destroy raids of people in WvW, because honestly, if you play correctly, nothing can stop that train.

Once I saw the huge amounts of toughness stacked with 30+ seconds of protection and regeneration, with the CC Removal and Immunities I laughed. :>

Low Autoattack Damage? – Eles Dagger’s 1. – Thieves Dagger’s 1.
Yours does 47 more base damage with more then twice the range.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

(edited by Daecollo.9578)

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: TwoBit.5903


Many of those people were bad. They were wearing whites and rarely used cc, condition removals etc. They were also classes countered by d/d eles. Pit us up against one competent Mesmer, Guardian or Engineer and it’s a completely different story; we’d have problems simply avoiding ccs and would often be forced to run away.

Eles cannot get 30 seconds of protection, that’s not to say we don’t have high protection uptime. It depends on how long we stay in earth attunement. With max boon duration we’re looking at maybe 7 seconds of protection every time we switch to earth, and it’s not likely that we’ll switch out without using at least some skills like earthquake or churning earth. The same goes for regeneration.

4-5 eles doing the same thing? It may be a powerful roaming group but in now way would it stop a zerg. But if victory hinged on killing noobs and caravans then I suppose it’d be op.

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Many of those people were bad. They were wearing whites and rarely used cc, condition removals etc. They were also classes countered by d/d eles. Pit us up against one competent Mesmer, Guardian or Engineer and it’s a completely different story; we’d have problems simply avoiding ccs and would often be forced to run away.

Eles cannot get 30 seconds of protection, that’s not to say we don’t have high protection uptime. It depends on how long we stay in earth attunement. With max boon duration we’re looking at maybe 7 seconds of protection every time we switch to earth, and it’s not likely that we’ll switch out without using at least some skills like earthquake or churning earth. The same goes for regeneration.

4-5 eles doing the same thing? It may be a powerful roaming group but in now way would it stop a zerg. But if victory hinged on killing noobs and caravans then I suppose it’d be op.

With Shocking Aura they were getting stunned every time they hit the Ele, and saying they were wearing whites is pretty much an excuse, everyone who is 80 assume are in fully exotic gear, and everyone under that is in green gear, there were only 2 underconned players, the other 4 were level 80, they did not use there CCs correctly, but you cannot tell me that that isn’t insane if there were 2-3 more eles with him doing the same thing, they could ring around the rosey and destroy people in groups.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Kuthos.9623


The problem with the weaponset Bunker Build is its very hard to destroy and offers amazing group utility as well as survivability while retaining good (AOE) damage.

In WVWVW they are almost invincible, 4-5 ele (which i’ve been seeing more and more) or teams of them can destroy entire groups of enemy players without much effort because they are so hard to kill, provide really good team buffs, and do amazing AOE Damage.

A group of them just constantly heal eachother/constantly lay down the AOEs/Destroy everyone else, there is nothing that even comes close to beating them except a good “well” necromancer, which are rare since its a rarely played class.

You’re wrong!
All you face are burst players with the same old build seen million of times, once you face the exception, you’ll understand the limitation of the bunker build.
There duellist rangers, pro mesmers and more

Eles don’t heal each other constantly that’s a huge lie, a bunker ele run with 13k and 1.3k healing power so each healing skill seems to fill up the HP bar everytime and that’s wrong, simply the bunker build got a lower HP cap to fill compared to a soldier amulet user.
Then many eles may use ether renewal, but given the amount of interrupts on short CD ( mush shorter than 15s) there is really little exuse to let an ele use it constantly, if you’re unable to interrupt a 3s channeling skill…well that’s hardly a balance problem.

There are professions in game which can stack multiple conditions with ease and far too often, engineers and necros can fill you up with bleeding in no time, on top of cripple/fear/knockback/weakness/poison/burning/chill….everything.

The elementalist got already the lowest HP and lowest armour, once you remove the healing and condition removal can you tell me how an ele supposed to survive?
We’ve got no in-build defensive mechanism by default : no reliable pets, no stealth and no clones( this always by the way), no high HP, no heavy armour, no multi CC skills on low CD, no uber dmg .

Basically because of the heavy set of nerfs this profession has gone through, the ele playerbase has been pushed in a corner, try to outlast your enemy or GTFO
At equal level of skill the survival department is all that’s left for eles if we want even be taken in consideration for serious PvP, this profession is so badly designed in respect to the scope of the game

- far too many manual aiming skill
- overly slow spells activation
- overly low auto-attack dmg
- extremely complex combo system
- excessive CD of many vital skill

Especially the last one, it’s the main reason why people stear clear from staff and scepter, given the amount of gap closers in this game to keep range from mele attackers is literally impossible, the staff got CC skill ranging from 30 up to 40s CD while other profession got gap closer with a 15s CD or lower and in meantime the staff skills are so slow and lacklustre that they require heavy snare to hit any target with half-brain active.

Make me a video that prooves me wrong, this is a video that backs up my case.
Imagine 4-5 Eles doing the same thing, it would destroy raids of people in WvW, because honestly, if you play correctly, nothing can stop that train.

Once I saw the huge amounts of toughness stacked with 30+ seconds of protection and regeneration, with the CC Removal and Immunities I laughed. :>

Low Autoattack Damage? – Eles Dagger’s 1. – Thieves Dagger’s 1.
Yours does 47 more base damage with more then twice the range.

Well duh if they were all equally skilled as Excala of course they would do well.

So would 5 coordinated thieves.

So would 5 coordinated guardians.

Every seen more than 2 good warriors spin to win in a group of people? It’s not pretty.

Coordinated and skilled people defeat zerg. News at 11. With 5 decent people I’ve been able to take on up to groups of 15. And 3 of my group were “average” with one guy being about as skilled as I am. That has nothing to do with d/d ele.

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: TwoBit.5903


With Shocking Aura they were getting stunned every time they hit the Ele, and saying they were wearing whites is pretty much an excuse, everyone who is 80 assume are in fully exotic gear, and everyone under that is in green gear, there were only 2 underconned players, the other 4 were level 80, they did not use there CCs correctly, but you cannot tell me that that isn’t insane if there were 2-3 more eles with him doing the same thing, they could ring around the rosey and destroy people in groups.

They could of course if those groups pf players are very bad. I do the same thing on my Engineer and Mesmer actually when I see a group of bads. What server is this anyway? On my server I have trouble handling 2 players at a time on any of my character after we moved up to mid tier, because players in this tier are actually competent and know how to use their abilities. Maybe I’ll transfer to kaineng or something and play exclusively on my engineer to start the stereotype of Engineers being OP.

Shocking Aura only works in melee range. You’d think that a pretty obvious animation and annoying buzzing sound would be a good indicator, but these players are very bad after all.

(edited by TwoBit.5903)

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


The problem with the weaponset Bunker Build is its very hard to destroy and offers amazing group utility as well as survivability while retaining good (AOE) damage.

In WVWVW they are almost invincible, 4-5 ele (which i’ve been seeing more and more) or teams of them can destroy entire groups of enemy players without much effort because they are so hard to kill, provide really good team buffs, and do amazing AOE Damage.

A group of them just constantly heal eachother/constantly lay down the AOEs/Destroy everyone else, there is nothing that even comes close to beating them except a good “well” necromancer, which are rare since its a rarely played class.

You’re wrong!
All you face are burst players with the same old build seen million of times, once you face the exception, you’ll understand the limitation of the bunker build.
There duellist rangers, pro mesmers and more

Eles don’t heal each other constantly that’s a huge lie, a bunker ele run with 13k and 1.3k healing power so each healing skill seems to fill up the HP bar everytime and that’s wrong, simply the bunker build got a lower HP cap to fill compared to a soldier amulet user.
Then many eles may use ether renewal, but given the amount of interrupts on short CD ( mush shorter than 15s) there is really little exuse to let an ele use it constantly, if you’re unable to interrupt a 3s channeling skill…well that’s hardly a balance problem.

There are professions in game which can stack multiple conditions with ease and far too often, engineers and necros can fill you up with bleeding in no time, on top of cripple/fear/knockback/weakness/poison/burning/chill….everything.

The elementalist got already the lowest HP and lowest armour, once you remove the healing and condition removal can you tell me how an ele supposed to survive?
We’ve got no in-build defensive mechanism by default : no reliable pets, no stealth and no clones( this always by the way), no high HP, no heavy armour, no multi CC skills on low CD, no uber dmg .

Basically because of the heavy set of nerfs this profession has gone through, the ele playerbase has been pushed in a corner, try to outlast your enemy or GTFO
At equal level of skill the survival department is all that’s left for eles if we want even be taken in consideration for serious PvP, this profession is so badly designed in respect to the scope of the game

- far too many manual aiming skill
- overly slow spells activation
- overly low auto-attack dmg
- extremely complex combo system
- excessive CD of many vital skill

Especially the last one, it’s the main reason why people stear clear from staff and scepter, given the amount of gap closers in this game to keep range from mele attackers is literally impossible, the staff got CC skill ranging from 30 up to 40s CD while other profession got gap closer with a 15s CD or lower and in meantime the staff skills are so slow and lacklustre that they require heavy snare to hit any target with half-brain active.

Make me a video that prooves me wrong, this is a video that backs up my case.
Imagine 4-5 Eles doing the same thing, it would destroy raids of people in WvW, because honestly, if you play correctly, nothing can stop that train.

Once I saw the huge amounts of toughness stacked with 30+ seconds of protection and regeneration, with the CC Removal and Immunities I laughed. :>

Low Autoattack Damage? – Eles Dagger’s 1. – Thieves Dagger’s 1.
Yours does 47 more base damage with more then twice the range.

There is a reason why Anet does not take WvWvW in consideration regarding balance, a game mode dictated by gear differences, people who never set foot in PvP before and generally people afraid of real PvP

Hey but if you want it that way, here have fun ^^:

WvWvW Thief: (don’t miss what the thief does at 3:20 – 3: 60 lol)

Ele VS Thief

-NOTE: This is not to flame thieves or anything, only want to shows that those complaining about eles are not necessarily some noobs who fail at using this “OP” build which apparently ele got

Do you want to see the real “God of GW2”? here my friend:

Hmm that’s quite a lot of “unkillable” professions, guess it does always come down to skill am I right? After all you have stated that:“if you play correctly, nothing can stop that train”

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


Many of those people were bad. They were wearing whites and rarely used cc, condition removals etc. They were also classes countered by d/d eles. Pit us up against one competent Mesmer, Guardian or Engineer and it’s a completely different story; we’d have problems simply avoiding ccs and would often be forced to run away.

Eles cannot get 30 seconds of protection, that’s not to say we don’t have high protection uptime. It depends on how long we stay in earth attunement. With max boon duration we’re looking at maybe 7 seconds of protection every time we switch to earth, and it’s not likely that we’ll switch out without using at least some skills like earthquake or churning earth. The same goes for regeneration.

4-5 eles doing the same thing? It may be a powerful roaming group but in now way would it stop a zerg. But if victory hinged on killing noobs and caravans then I suppose it’d be op.

With Shocking Aura they were getting stunned every time they hit the Ele, and saying they were wearing whites is pretty much an excuse, everyone who is 80 assume are in fully exotic gear, and everyone under that is in green gear, there were only 2 underconned players, the other 4 were level 80, they did not use there CCs correctly, but you cannot tell me that that isn’t insane if there were 2-3 more eles with him doing the same thing, they could ring around the rosey and destroy people in groups.

So people get stunned WHEN attacking the ele who is using a defensive skill whose purpose is to discourage other players from hitting the ele for few secs, what exactly is OP about that? is there something which force people to spamm skills regardless of the situation?

So by following your logic, a group of people killed by dagger storm because they kept shooting at the thief, should be listened in their efforts to get dagger storm nerfed, because it has stopped them from shooting at thief

To me this kind of logic can be summarized like this:
" I want to press 1-2-3 when I see a red name on the screen and the guy must die, if he doesn’t die is because is OP"

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Valento.9852


So, how did staff eles use to be? I really like ranged caster class, I’ve always accepted long cooldown as long as the spells would hit like hell, but it seems that it’s too hard to have Meteor Shower hit decently, or what am I missing?
The Healing Rain heals for nothing if not spec’d correctly (Water Magic), and it only lasts a few seconds? The effect is pretty and all, but it doesn’t seem like “healing”, or is the intent to stack regen 3 times and remove conditions? Is that enough if I roll a healing support build?

I’m just curious about what I can do as a staff elementalist.

Attempts at ele specs:

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: McClearyUnderMistRaildexGun.2086


Nobody cares about the elementalists.

I wonder what’s going to be the next build to use after D/D auramancer cantrips goes down the drain.

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Dark.6250


Yeah the OP is right how anet nerfed the kitten out of scepter/focus which was my favourite weapon set. Now i run dd auramancer, staff is quite good too but it got nerfed batted as well as the OP stated.

I play mainly as a roamer so at least i have dd to see me through i use scepter focus swap in wvw for treb def which is all i use the sceper/focus setup for now so sad

I do use scepter/dagger bunker build is spvp occasionally just so i can laugh at everyone trying to kill me

(edited by Dark.6250)

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Lets link a video from 3-4 months ago before the barrage of 1000 nerfs to the thief class! And another video where 80 exotic thieves stomp a bunch of upleveled opponents in WvW with 2 orbs.

I’m sorry, but this is the now, not the past.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Teabaker.9524


Sustain D/D is kinda overpowered atm, at least after playing it and playing against it. Nobody says that you wont get any compensation if you get nerfed.

Power/healing/toughness-eles with 0/10/0/30/30 are just insane atm: Tons of condition removals, 100% uptime on regeneration for a long time, extremely strong heals, very strong CC (strongest CC ingame?), good AE damage), 12 seconds of stability and protection (without + boon duration), free protection and regeneration if you switch into water and earth, 27 seconds of vigor.

Though that’s D/D, no idea why the hell he is talking about S/D. Why pick scepter over dagger? The range? The spells are utter kitten on scepter and for most offhand-dagger spells you need to be in melee range anyway. So why?

EDIT: Just play some tournaments and you will see that after winning ~2 rounds you will go most of the time against 2 bunker-eles, which will dominate your whole team. You need two send two people to kill one ele and even then they can easily escape.

EDIT2: I like my ele, so I would be very disappointed if Anet nerfs sustain-eles into oblivion. They just need some tweaks on regeneration-uptime. Perma regeneration with 700 healingpower is just too much :/ Bunker D/D is already the only specc we can run (Or S/D but I think scepter is horrible. Maybe it’s just me?).

(edited by Teabaker.9524)

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Sustain D/D is kinda overpowered atm, at least after playing it and playing against it. Nobody says that you wont get any compensation if you get nerfed.

Power/healing/toughness-eles with 0/10/0/30/30 are just insane atm: Tons of condition removals, 100% uptime on regeneration for a long time, extremely strong heals, very strong CC (strongest CC ingame?), good AE damage), 12 seconds of stability and protection (without + boon duration), free protection and regeneration if you switch into water and earth, 27 seconds of vigor.

Though that’s D/D, no idea why the hell he is talking about S/D. Why pick scepter over dagger? The range? The spells are utter kitten on scepter and for most offhand-dagger spells you need to be in melee range anyway. So why?

EDIT: Just play some tournaments and you will see that after winning ~2 rounds you will go most of the time against 2 bunker-eles, which will dominate your whole team. You need two send two people to kill one ele and even then they can easily escape.

EDIT2: I like my ele, so I would be very disappointed if Anet nerfs sustain-eles into oblivion. They just need some tweaks on regeneration-uptime. Perma regeneration with 700 healingpower is just too much :/ Bunker D/D is already the only specc we can run (Or S/D but I think scepter is horrible. Maybe it’s just me?).

2 Runes of the Monk. (15% Boon Duration.)
2 Runes of the Water. (15% Boon Duration.)
2 Major Rune of Sanctuary. (10% Boon Duration.)
30 Points in Arcana (everyone gets this.) (30% Boon Duration.)

70% Boon Duration, Infinite Regeneration, Infinite Vigor, Infinite Swiftness, Ni-Infinite Protection. (Depends on how you spec, but its up 80% of the time, and all the time if you pay attention.)

There is really no way you can’t keep permament regeneration, way to many things add it.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

(edited by Daecollo.9578)

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Death Reincarnated.3570

Death Reincarnated.3570

This discussion is really derailing in circles…

Those who think eles are underpowered go switch class, otherwise, learn to play this class.

Yes there are some (minor) things that need adjusting but discussions such as this blow this out of proprotion.

Proud member of Legion of Honour XIII

Do not click this link!

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: LordByron.8369


so who thinks is OP just change game?
really constructive post…..
There are really a couple of buildd working the rest aren t even viable in pve….

I just remember you what i already said….in PVP setion nobody cares for ele…
Few thiefs and warriors opened 2 threads because they “i win” button doesn t work against a build….. and now people think sky is falling…

Ignore them as they are baseless and they will disappear…

Look in other forum:
Guardian a post of i suspect a thief cmplaining about guardians NO mention of eles
Thief: ele are OP, guardians are OP, mesmers are OP, necro are OP thief is UP
Ranger: no mention
Warriors: no mention
WWW a single post….about downed lol…..

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

(edited by LordByron.8369)

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


This discussion is really derailing in circles…

Those who think eles are underpowered go switch class, otherwise, learn to play this class.

Yes there are some (minor) things that need adjusting but discussions such as this blow this out of proprotion.

I believe that with me having 10 QP, rank 42, champion magus and over 500 tournaments won as ele , there is really no need to use these kind of comments.
Who really need to learn to play are those asking for nerfs as so far we only see videos and comments coming from WvWvW player….

-not a single video of these “amazing” teams running apparently with 2 s/d bunkers or d/d for what matter, just fabrication over fabrication
-not a single sPvP or tPvP video of “immortal” d/d ele not dieing to anything or anywhere
-not a single logical explanation why somebody fully specced for survival should not be able to survive
-not a single logical explanation why me as glass cannon with 13k HP, 2300 armour need to rely on a 45s CD skill for my burst, still unable to burst down a target in 2-3s compared to mesmer-thief-warrior while these 3 still pack more survivability even as glass cannon
-not a single logical explanation why an ele player should go the glass cannon way and be slaughtered in real PvP when he can at least specc for survival and find a spot in a tournament match

I play a 13k HP ele even in tPvP if I learned how to deal with professions that deal 3k dmg with the auto-attack only then people can learn how to deal with bunkers rather than crying on forums.

Do you want professions with long boon duration? What about these ones?:

Bunker Engineer

Bunker Necromancer

Bunker Warrior

Bunker Guardian

And finally the “OP” Bunker Ele
It appears as you don’t die in this game..if people don’t hit you, amazing!

Anyway long boons duration seems to be quite common among all professions, in the end all I see is butt hurt players who don’t know how ele works and got their butt handed on a silver plate

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


so who thinks is OP just change game?
really constructive post…..
There are really a couple of buildd working the rest aren t even viable in pve….

I just remember you what i already said….in PVP setion nobody cares for ele…
Few thiefs and warriors opened 2 threads because they “i win” button doesn t work against a build….. and now people think sky is falling…

Ignore them as they are baseless and they will disappear…

Look in other forum:
Guardian a post of i suspect a thief cmplaining about guardians NO mention of eles
Thief: ele are OP, guardians are OP, mesmers are OP, necro are OP thief is UP
Ranger: no mention
Warriors: no mention
WWW a single post….about downed lol…..

Exactly ty, it always thieves the ones who cry the louder when they face a build with many anti-mele defensive skills…after all that Metor guy from esport is a BS wonder he complained about eles while talking to Jonhatan Sharp

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


Lets link a video from 3-4 months ago before the barrage of 1000 nerfs to the thief class! And another video where 80 exotic thieves stomp a bunch of upleveled opponents in WvW with 2 orbs.

I’m sorry, but this is the now, not the past.

The thief in the video was using a d/d and shortbow..pls do find me the update that nerfed this 2 sets behind any possible use, here the most recent changes seen as the video is a month old


Pls just stop trying to offend mine and other people’s intelligence, you know better than me that thief did not receive any nerfs ele style ever( did you ever have a skill reduced in dmg by 60% and increase CD by 50%?..ele did)

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


Sustain D/D is kinda overpowered atm, at least after playing it and playing against it. Nobody says that you wont get any compensation if you get nerfed.

Power/healing/toughness-eles with 0/10/0/30/30 are just insane atm: Tons of condition removals, 100% uptime on regeneration for a long time, extremely strong heals, very strong CC (strongest CC ingame?), good AE damage), 12 seconds of stability and protection (without + boon duration), free protection and regeneration if you switch into water and earth, 27 seconds of vigor.

Though that’s D/D, no idea why the hell he is talking about S/D. Why pick scepter over dagger? The range? The spells are utter kitten on scepter and for most offhand-dagger spells you need to be in melee range anyway. So why?

EDIT: Just play some tournaments and you will see that after winning ~2 rounds you will go most of the time against 2 bunker-eles, which will dominate your whole team. You need two send two people to kill one ele and even then they can easily escape.

EDIT2: I like my ele, so I would be very disappointed if Anet nerfs sustain-eles into oblivion. They just need some tweaks on regeneration-uptime. Perma regeneration with 700 healingpower is just too much :/ Bunker D/D is already the only specc we can run (Or S/D but I think scepter is horrible. Maybe it’s just me?).

Stop have never touched an ele in your entire GW2 life, I just need to read your post:

- 12s protection without any boon duration increase, how?
Using armour of earth? That’s 6s protection and stability for 90s CD and no 0/10/0/30/30 eles do not use cantrip mastery trait, you haven’t even got armour of earth trait…so where does it come from the remaining 6s stability?
Protection without any boon duration ( meaning no points in arcana) is NON EXISTENT on attunement change, you NEED 10 pts in arcana(10% boon duration) to get the trait which grants you the protection boon(5s) by switching to earth
Same goes for all other boons on attunement switch, you need to trait it! there is no free boons on attunements to start with

-Power/healing/toughness and strong dmg, how?
If they want “strong heal” a 0/10/0/30/30 ele will use a cleric amulet with 798 Healing Power and dwayna runes with 165 Healing Power while having little more than 13k HP, the power level is around 1600
- healing calculation:
E.G cleansing wave = base healing + 0.25*Healing Power
= 1500 + 0.25*1263= 1800+ total healing
For somebody with 13k HP that’s quite a lot I’d assume, but the “good” aoe dmg where is it?….ha at that level of power a ring of fire would hit for around 1k giving you 5s burning if you keep passing through it and the duration is 6s, “good” CC? …ha you keep spamming 2-2-2-2 on an ele with frost aura on, a very visible ball of swirling blue lines which gives 2s chill on hit, same goes for shocking aura

If the 0-10-0-30-30 ele use a soldier amulet and power runes, the healing power calculation will be :

E.G cleansing wave = 1500 + 0.25*300 = 1575

Good healing for a toon with over 18k HP, but the skill is 40s CD, even using EA in water that 3k healing would happen once every 40s, in this case you can still heal yourself for 1575 pts every 10.5s, but again I’m using a master trait so I must be rewarded for using it, if not what’s the point of having a master trait?

-27s Vigor?
Unless you use all your cantrips you don’t get any vigor boon on ele, again let me remind you that there is no cantrip master trait, so I’d assume that an ele would use normal CD cantrips = mist form (75s CD), armour of earth( 90s Cd) and cleansing fire( 50s CD).
And now what will it be? Increase boon duration?
Using all cantrips you’d get 40s vigor duration ( 8s duration of boon *3 *70%)
In all this the stability boon has gone up to 10.5 s duration, still looking for your 12s stability boon where it come from.

Or “amazing healing power”?
Again using all cantrips you’d get 31s of vigor duration, and then you’ve wasted all your cantrips good job for the spectacular playstyle

In the end your obvious lies clearly show how little you know about ele and how much credibility should be given to people complaing about ele survivability

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


-27s Vigor?
Unless you use all your cantrips you don’t get any vigor boon on ele, again let me remind you that there is no cantrip master trait, so I’d assume that an ele would use normal CD cantrips = mist form (75s CD), armour of earth( 90s Cd) and cleansing fire( 50s CD).
And now what will it be? Increase boon duration?
Using all cantrips you’d get 40s vigor duration ( 8s duration of boon *3 *70%)
In all this the stability boon has gone up to 10.5 s duration, still looking for your 12s stability boon where it come from.

Or “amazing healing power”?
Again using all cantrips you’d get 31s of vigor duration, and then you’ve wasted all your cantrips good job for the spectacular playstyle

In the end your obvious lies clearly show how little you know about ele and how much credibility should be given to people complaing about ele survivability

There’s an Arcana trait that has a 33% chance to grant Vigor on critical hits. It’s quite effective too thanks to the boost from Fury. Even if it may not be 100% uptime, it’ll feel like it is.

If you can read this then it is proof that ArenaNet’s moderators just, kind and fair.

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: KOK.2650


It appears as you don’t die in this game..if people don’t hit you, amazing!

For anyone who post some “OP” 1vsX elementalist video. Please read this quote and look at your video.
Every single video has few things in common
1)All your enemies showhow lost their range weapon.
2)They try to “walk”,limp to the elementalist to hit him/her.
3)They are all very brave, they step on fire and AOE left by the elementalist to reach him.
4)Their gear sucks which allow elementalist to spike big numbers. (To be fair, almost all wvw video has this in common) while taking laughable damage.

Kok -lvl 80 warrior Tsukoyu-lvl 80 elementalist
Ayumu-lvl 80 Necromancer
Tsu-lvl 80 thief

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: LordByron.8369


also to that guy describing as OP a bugged traits since months…
Great show of credibility……

Autoshield traits doesn t work since september……i posted proofs months ago in the bug list .-.

really don t feed the trolls…..

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Creslin.1758


It appears as you don’t die in this game..if people don’t hit you, amazing!

For anyone who post some “OP” 1vsX elementalist video. Please read this quote and look at your video.
Every single video has few things in common
1)All your enemies showhow lost their range weapon.
2)They try to “walk”,limp to the elementalist to hit him/her.
3)They are all very brave, they step on fire and AOE left by the elementalist to reach him.
4)Their gear sucks which allow elementalist to spike big numbers. (To be fair, almost all wvw video has this in common) while taking laughable damage.

Thing is though…if you are an Ele, and both you and your opponents are well geared and skilled players, then you should not be able to 1v5 or whatever. And, as it is now, you really can’t. There really isn’t anything wrong with this…it’s as should be expected, so of course 1v5 or whatever videos are one good/geared player against several bad/under-geared players.

I can 1v1 just about anyone in the game, and it comes down to skill/build at that point. That is why I think that 30 water 20 arcane D/D Ele isn’t in a bad place. I don’t expect to be able to 1v5 skilled players and win just because of my class.

Magaera Enflanza (F Human D/D Ele)
[Envy], [Moon]

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Teabaker.9524


Sustain D/D is kinda overpowered atm, at least after playing it and playing against it. Nobody says that you wont get any compensation if you get nerfed.

Power/healing/toughness-eles with 0/10/0/30/30 are just insane atm: Tons of condition removals, 100% uptime on regeneration for a long time, extremely strong heals, very strong CC (strongest CC ingame?), good AE damage), 12 seconds of stability and protection (without + boon duration), free protection and regeneration if you switch into water and earth, 27 seconds of vigor.

Though that’s D/D, no idea why the hell he is talking about S/D. Why pick scepter over dagger? The range? The spells are utter kitten on scepter and for most offhand-dagger spells you need to be in melee range anyway. So why?

EDIT: Just play some tournaments and you will see that after winning ~2 rounds you will go most of the time against 2 bunker-eles, which will dominate your whole team. You need two send two people to kill one ele and even then they can easily escape.

EDIT2: I like my ele, so I would be very disappointed if Anet nerfs sustain-eles into oblivion. They just need some tweaks on regeneration-uptime. Perma regeneration with 700 healingpower is just too much :/ Bunker D/D is already the only specc we can run (Or S/D but I think scepter is horrible. Maybe it’s just me?).

2 Runes of the Monk. (15% Boon Duration.)
2 Runes of the Water. (15% Boon Duration.)
2 Major Rune of Sanctuary. (10% Boon Duration.)
30 Points in Arcana (everyone gets this.) (30% Boon Duration.)

70% Boon Duration, Infinite Regeneration, Infinite Vigor, Infinite Swiftness, Ni-Infinite Protection. (Depends on how you spec, but its up 80% of the time, and all the time if you pay attention.)

There is really no way you can’t keep permament regeneration, way to many things add it.

Oh wow, I didn’t even thought of the runes. Cheers for that! Even more sustain incoming.

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Teabaker.9524


@Arheundel.6451: Have you ever played one with the speccc I mentioned?

Try it.

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Lets link a video from 3-4 months ago before the barrage of 1000 nerfs to the thief class! And another video where 80 exotic thieves stomp a bunch of upleveled opponents in WvW with 2 orbs.

I’m sorry, but this is the now, not the past.

The thief in the video was using a d/d and shortbow..pls do find me the update that nerfed this 2 sets behind any possible use, here the most recent changes seen as the video is a month old


Pls just stop trying to offend mine and other people’s intelligence, you know better than me that thief did not receive any nerfs ele style ever( did you ever have a skill reduced in dmg by 60% and increase CD by 50%?..ele did)


Dancing Dagger: This skill’s damage has been reduced by 50%.
Cloak and Dagger: This skill’s damage has been reduced by 33% in PvP only.

Cluster Shot: This skill’s damage is reduced by 15% in PvP.

Sorry, and with your WvWvW video, they even still have orbs in them, they removed orbs a long time ago, anyone with several orbs could kill anyone, then post videos about 3 orbed level 80s instantly killing upleveled opponents.

The recent elementalist videos are fresh, meaning this is happening now, not the past.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

(edited by Daecollo.9578)

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: MarzAttakz.9608


@Teabaker: Isn’t that the old EA bunker build minus Zephyr’s Boon from the newer Auramentalist build post EA nerf? Regen must be insane with that much healing power though.


Once proud member of Extraordinary Gentlemen [EXG]{DESO4LIFE}

To all Eles! Let's stop the uncalled nerfs

in Elementalist

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


@Teabaker: Isn’t that the old EA bunker build minus Zephyr’s Boon from the newer Auramentalist build post EA nerf? Regen must be insane with that much healing power though.

Doing the Math, its 230 every second with 800 healing power. (about the same regen as the warriors F6 Heal w/o healing power.)

Normally its 130 HPS, but that almost doubles it.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver