Lets see your engineers!
My favourite nerd trying to look sexy at the Asuran capital:
- Like this?
- Perfect! Just stand still for a moment…
(edited by Spiuk.8421)
My Charr Engineer of the Iron Legion! Tjmeowzly!!!!!
I finally finished Flameseeker a few days ago and finished my look too. I’m pretty happy how he turned out.
I finally finished Flameseeker a few days ago and finished my look too. I’m pretty happy how he turned out.
Is it just me or do you have multiple orders’ gear (Whispers pistol and Vigil pants)? I didn’t think that was possible.
I finally finished Flameseeker a few days ago and finished my look too. I’m pretty happy how he turned out.
Is it just me or do you have multiple orders’ gear (Whispers pistol and Vigil pants)? I didn’t think that was possible.
Through the secret “art” of Transmutation, you can gain any order gear as long as you have a character in that specific Order.
(edited by Wuffles.5319)
My Grenade and Bomb build engineer
What armor do we see here?
(edited by barghest.3298)
Here’s Mine!
The Pink Paper Plane
JQ Server
does anyone know what the chest armor is in this post?
@hammer: that is the armor skin you can buy from the gem store
… why is she naked?
… why is she naked?
Because video games.
… why is she naked?
She isnt naked dont you see the coat she has on it may be small but its there.
I actually made her that way because after years of only playing guy toons(my thief was my first female) i wanted something nice to look at while playing.
YES YES YES! After 6 LOOOOONG Month I now have my look in PVE!!! THANK YOU ANET!
The best, most awesome HAT is now mine!!!!
WvW Roaming movies!
After 6 LOOOOONG Month I now have my look in PVE!!! THANK YOU ANET!
The best, most awesome HAT is now mine!!!!
wanted that one as well but was sad to hear it couldn’t be found outside of pvp.
Where or haw can you get it now? Missed it in the patch notes I think.
@Kimbald you can buy it in WvW now, for 20 Badges of honor and then it’s a skin you can apply! You will find it at the armor seller, the last tap (just above selling) and then scroll down! So freakign amazing hehe
WvW Roaming movies!
@Kimbald you can buy it in WvW now, for 20 Badges of honor and then it’s a skin you can apply! You will find it at the armor seller, the last tap (just above selling) and then scroll down! So freakign amazing hehe
I already liked your video’s, now I almost want to have an in-game marriage with you!
On a more boring note: thanks.
Just need the matching pistol..thatll cost 180g >.>
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns, IoJ
Forever together, or not at all.
Just need the matching pistol..thatll cost 180g >.>
that’s close to a disturbing image
Which makes it an awesome look of course…
So this is my engineer, Minty Winter. I went for a pretty scary look, so when people see me running at them in Spvp they all shout: Winter is coming!
I’m just kidding, I decided to buy the krytan set, but didn’t like the shoulders and helmet so I went for these instead.
Wuffles Puffs ; Fungineer Extraordinaire.
This is not the finished product of my Asura Engi at all, this is me fooling around in cursed shore by trying out Rocket Boots along with my farming today. She’s in her Magic Find set as well haha.
Explosion effect from Rocket Kick, Stars and Streamers from my Quip by having it sheathed and unsheathing by using Rocket Kick.
(edited by Wuffles.5319)
My Charr Engineer of the Iron Legion! Tjmeowzly!!!!!
What’s that armor you’re wearing?
After 6 LOOOOONG Month I now have my look in PVE!!! THANK YOU ANET!
The best, most awesome HAT is now mine!!!!
ohh a picture black in black on black background. Nice Hat Mister!
Fort Aspenwood
very very cool.
Here is my Engineer, Fleeting Flash, in her current outfit.
Also attached is her in some dungeon gear, complete with matching pistol and shield.
I am Fleeting Flash, in-game dungeon cosplayer of Reddit Refugees [RR] .
My healing Engi: Ririukai
Head (not showing): Medium Whispering Mask of the Water
Shoulders: Medium Aurora Shoulderpads of the Water
Body: Nightshade Coat of the Water (cultural tier 2)
Arms: Medium Aurora Gloves of the Water
Legs: Cleric’s Emblazoned Pants of the Water
Feet: Evergreen Boots of the Water (cultural tier 1)
Shoulders: Black, Black, White Gold
Body: Black, Black, Blue Ice
Arms: Black, Pale, White Gold
Legs: Blue Ice
Feet: Black, Black, Black
(edited by Watts.5801)
Here’s my Engi, PVP on the left and PVE on the right. I’m particularly proud of the terrible sneakers look on the PVE set.
Borlis Pass
Known across Kryta, feared across the room, the Burninator, the Master of Disaster, the Diminutive Devil, the Aggravating Asura, the Levitican, Spreader of the Holy Fires of Purification…
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.
(edited by nakoda.4213)
Bodge Cogswell, turret bunker posing with his two best friends.
In Photoshop CS6:
Go to image → adjustments → vibrance
Put vibrance up to 100
Go to filter → oil paint
Put shine on 0
what armor set is this person using? i know they have the citadel gloves and shoulders. what top,bottom and boots set is that?
what armor set is this person using? i know they have the citadel gloves and shoulders. what top,bottom and boots set is that?
the bottom is vigil and i think the boots are also vigil. the top is kryta armor from black lion store
Piken Square
Pistol/Pistol burst
My both sets
server jumper
(edited by Witaminka.4650)
Piken Square
Pistol/Pistol burst
My both sets
Very cool first picture, both the gear as the picture itself
Piken Square
Pistol/Pistol burst
My both setsVery cool first picture, both the gear as the picture itself
thanks, rly like 1st one too with sentence “I’ve defeated you, but you don’t know it yet.”
server jumper