Scrapper Mechanic Needs Reworked
I think it’s way too late in the development cycle to add any of these, although I like option 2. I would like to see them just be orbs on the ground like you get from staff Rev. Make them look like floating gears (think Watchwork Mossheart ground attack from TA Aether path). I don’t want yet another thing I have to use my activation key for. Healing Turret pickup, banners, ele conjures, not to mention fractal/dungeon specific items like boulders/crystals/etc.
Jade Quarry
They made an elite mechanic. Minor trait one is Function Gyro which allows Scrapper to stomp and rez from 750 range once every 30 seconds. It is not game changing like other classes and it seems to me as if they failed to finish whatever they orignially planned. Note, and this is important, that the first elite specialization minor of every elite spec is supposed to say “makes you name of elite specialization gives you access to this mechanic and this weapon.”
All this confusion comes in part from the fact that stomp rez gyro was never shown during the reveal, only a quick prompt which the designer never used. Scrapper stinks of being an afterthought. It’s as if forge was “scrapped,” because of deadlines.
They made an elite mechanic. Minor trait one is Function Gyro which allows Scrapper to stomp and rez from 750 range once every 30 seconds. It is not game changing like other classes and it seems to me as if they failed to finish whatever they orignially planned. Note, and this is important, that the first elite specialization minor of every elite spec is supposed to say “makes you *name of elite specialization gives you access to this mechanic and this weapon."*
All this confusion comes in part from the fact that stomp rez gyro was never shown during the reveal, only a quick prompt which the designer never used. Scrapper stinks of being an afterthought. It’s as if forge was “scrapped,” because of deadlines.
That is not just us. Many of of the other specs have the same omission.
I would just like a way to spawn weaker versions of the blast gyro by staying in combat either every 10 sec or allowing us to gain charges through melee combat and once the charges are built you spawn the gyro for some extra dps and sustained buffs through traits. Thats just my wish.
Ok so new idea call it upgrade after some time or skill use or kills opens a block that upgrades the funtion gyro and deploy it onto the field this upgraded version may have rifle turret shot mortar shots lasers grenades or some othe funtion. It last for a time and is on differant cool down then funtion gyro
Ok Just wanted to put more thought into the upgrade idea. My thoughts would be that the upgrade slot get placed on top of the tool belt. There would be an arrow like the skill boxes that could be hit to select an upgrade kit to work towards. Once ready it would highlight letting the player know that the upgrade kit was ready and could be attached to the function gyro. Once activated the Upgraded gyro comes into play for a set time or till destroyed. You should be able to switch upgrade kits out of combat but this would cause the upgrade kit you was working on to loose progress and you start all over. It would take time to charge up or collect scrap for the upgrade. This could just require time or a certain amount of kills And balanced by a decent cool down timer depending on how it is charged.
What type of upgrade kits could be selected?
My idea would be
Defense Kits which give buffs/healing helps to give defensive functions. Say dropping med packs or stimulants. Spraying elixirs so forth.
Attack Kits which attacks drops bombs, shoot missiles, blast mortars, shoot lasers, uses flame thrower type attacks so forth.
Utilities A gyro merchant, bank access, temporary way point
Of course that is just ideas I have come up with. And would not take much of a rework to work it into being….I would not think anyways. And more could be added later as well.
Edit This type of selection could also be done with making weapon blueprints for special weapon kit on the fly like I suggested in my second suggestion in first post. So the scrapper selects a blueprint and when they collect enough parts can then equip the weapon kit. So many charges of a special type of weapon with some decent ability or maybe just makes a weapon rack with that weapon that others can pick up.
(edited by RunicAura.9860)
Any other ideas out there any one like those that hsve been posted or do you rather like how the new mechanic sounds as is?
An actual fuel-system, as it has already be mentioned several times.
Like here:
I’d like mechanic that isn’t time gated nor is dependent to the AI.
Here is a mechanic involving a gyro:
- You allways have an invulnerable gyro floating next to you (this is a spell effect and not a gameobject)
- This gyro have it’s own skill queue
- The gyro casts all the toolbelt abilities for you from it’s body.
- CCing the engineer also interputs the gyros skill queue.
It would almost bte like making all toolbelt skills instant casts since you can now activate them while using weapon skills/utility skills, but it will not happen instantly since the gyro have to finish cast times and such. Also activating multiple toolbelt skills with cast time won’t happen at the same time since the gyro have a skull queue.
It’s not much of an upgrade, but it will be usefull in all game modes and you can play with it all the time. It also lets you do some interesting things, like casting grenade barrage while in the middle of a hammer leap. Or heal with the medkit heal while dodging.
Here is a mechanic involving a gyro:
- You allways have an invulnerable gyro floating next to you (this is a spell effect and not a gameobject)
- This gyro have it’s own skill queue
- The gyro casts all the toolbelt abilities for you from it’s body.
- CCing the engineer also interputs the gyros skill queue.
It would almost bte like making all toolbelt skills instant casts since you can now activate them while using weapon skills/utility skills, but it will not happen instantly since the gyro have to finish cast times and such. Also activating multiple toolbelt skills with cast time won’t happen at the same time since the gyro have a skull queue.
It’s not much of an upgrade, but it will be usefull in all game modes and you can play with it all the time. It also lets you do some interesting things, like casting grenade barrage while in the middle of a hammer leap. Or heal with the medkit heal while dodging.
If the engie can pre-program the tool skill queue out of combat, and the gyro have a play/stop button, this could be a really interesting mechanic.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
A companion ability for mortar kit while wielding a hammer that changes orbital strike to drop Doner Kebabs.
Eating the Doner Kebab allows you to shout down your enemies with garlic breath and become the Doner King.
Whilst under the effects of ‘Doner King,’ every dodge deploys a six hundred unit wide cloud of poison flatus gas with a fortyfive second duration. The cloud is ignitable. Those caught in the cloud have it stick to them and remain under the effects even if they leave it for another twenty seconds with a twenty five percent chance of projetile vomiting or succumbing to explosive diarrhea.
That’s balanced, right?
bumps after seeing druid I know there that the scrapper has the worst
My new suggestions:
Adept Minor: Stays the Same. I like function gyro. Could definitely use a recharge decrease though. Either make it 20 seconds or have Final Salvo decrease ALL gyro recharges by 20 – 33%.
Master Minor: New Trait -Increased(super?) coordination – Super speed also grants 10% attack speed. Decisive renown should be merged with one of the Adept traits.
Minor GrandMaster: Keep the same plus Dazing or Stunning a foe summons a random Gyro. 25 seconds recharge.
My new suggestions:
Adept Minor: Stays the Same. I like function gyro. Could definitely use a recharge decrease though. Either make it 20 seconds or have Final Salvo decrease ALL gyro recharges by 20 – 33%.
Master Minor: New Trait -Increased(super?) coordination – Super speed also grants 10% attack speed. Decisive renown should be merged with one of the Adept traits.
Minor GrandMaster: Keep the same plus Dazing or Stunning a foe summons a random Gyro. 25 seconds recharge.
Like them. And want to leave an own suggestion here:
Adept: Function Gyro – still the same but merged with Decisive Renown
Master: Protective Gyros – after using x toolbelt skills (with ICD) you will summon 2 of 3 protective gyros randomly. One of them would absorb x damage, one absorbs 1 condition and the last would absorb 1 cc. They can’t be attacked by themselves, they are attached to the scrapper. If they have absorbed what they are supposed to do, they explode and deal x damage in an area around the scrapper. The summon will have a seperated CD.
Grandmaster same as before.
My new suggestions:
Adept Minor: Stays the Same. I like function gyro. Could definitely use a recharge decrease though. Either make it 20 seconds or have Final Salvo decrease ALL gyro recharges by 20 – 33%.
Master Minor: New Trait -Increased(super?) coordination – Super speed also grants 10% attack speed. Decisive renown should be merged with one of the Adept traits.
Minor GrandMaster: Keep the same plus Dazing or Stunning a foe summons a random Gyro. 25 seconds recharge.
I really like the Master. The more I think about it the more I come to the conclusion that Superspeed needs to give something to all game modes. The benefits are obvious for WvW and PvP, but this whole elite spec already sort of caters to those game modes I think at least a PvE player should be able to trait into the Superspeed options and get some tangible benefit.
Jade Quarry
Well what i really want eng to get one day if not from the gyro pets is a “bot” type pet who has its own ai system that you changes as needed. With attachment that chase what skills it can use and buff. So i want a puppet master in GW2 like from ff11.
Its was one of the most unique class i have ever seen in an rpg / mmorpg mind you it was one of the most useless lol.
I think scraper kind of is like this but much less ai uniqueness for the gyros.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
Well what i really want eng to get one day if not from the gyro pets is a “bot” type pet who has its own ai system that you changes as needed. With attachment that chase what skills it can use and buff. So i want a puppet master in GW2 like from ff11.
Its was one of the most unique class i have ever seen in an rpg / mmorpg mind you it was one of the most useless lol.
I think scraper kind of is like this but much less ai uniqueness for the gyros.
I have a very real fear this is why they give the Engi more AI.
“That one guy said it was cool in another game!”
Jade Quarry
Well what i really want eng to get one day if not from the gyro pets is a “bot” type pet who has its own ai system that you changes as needed. With attachment that chase what skills it can use and buff. So i want a puppet master in GW2 like from ff11.
Its was one of the most unique class i have ever seen in an rpg / mmorpg mind you it was one of the most useless lol.
I think scraper kind of is like this but much less ai uniqueness for the gyros.I have a very real fear this is why they give the Engi more AI.
“That one guy said it was cool in another game!”
Wait i am “That guy or the guy over there?!” I think its where eng should go in that way becuse they are working with more then just turret who are pure mindless machines its the next logical step if they where going the pet path. Sadly only one gyro has real ai.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
Ok I wanted to expand on my ideas a little more.
So My basic idea was to have a new box that you can select a blueprint to build an item. I have since thought this through what if all the items possible was divided into three sections. Consumables, Vehicle, Kits. Lets talk about that for a moment
A crafted Consumable would be an item that would take less parts to build and perhaps can be built up into a stack So each time you build one you get a counter on the screen and can stack up to 10 times. These would be things like a healing bomb, ice nova bomb, Fire shell, something that is like an instant use thing.
You would choose a ground target location for the item to be dropped. Or set off the function gyro would go to location and set the device up to go off or for pick up. The use of such items may be time gated so you can not use many all at once.
Vehicles There are many type of armor/vehicles in the game. Golems, scorpion in silverwaste, and others through out the game. These would not stack so would need used when the parts have been collected. Once again a place is selected for the vehicles drop zone and the gyro would set it down. These would last till destroyed or the driver is out of it for 15-30 seconds.
And Kits. I’ve already said there was a lot of kits in the game that once passed the story point is tossed to the side. New tech in the world that is no longer seen or used. These could be kits that could be fashioned out of scraps and used by the scrapper. Or some special new kits like electro whips that mimic air dagger dagger from the elementalist. This could also be where the portal from the mesemer could be mimicked. The kit could disappear after a certain time, be allowed to stay till it has been dropped, or have a 15-30 second to vanish after being dropped.
But you get the idea of each. Ofcourse each device should have it’s own cost of parts. And perhaps new blue prints could be added down the line.
How do you get parts. Well
Lets say the function gyro follows you around collecting the “parts” for your blueprints. Let us also say that using your gyro’s or turret also generates parts. Fighting also would generate parts that the Function Gyro would collect for you.
And of course since you could select a blue print if you change blue prints while building you should loose an amount of parts if not all of them. Maybe that can be a trait also to get parts back if you swap.
Just an idea. After all as I’ve said elsewhere we are engineers/scrappers lets build something.
I always wanted to get a 4th utility slot (both chose another utility or restraint to chose 1 gyro), so we could get more combo and have kits not restraining our utility choice that much.
Chaith proposed this idea on other thread.
Function Gyro needs to be pillar for the identity of the Scrapper, what really sets apart a Scrapper from an Engineer. This is the class mechanic we get from the first minor trait, a parallel to Reaper’s Shroud, Celestial Avatar, Overload Attunement, Continuum Split, Dragonhunter Virtues, Legendary Dragon Stance, Primal Bursts.
Other than the Engineer, only the Thief’s third dodge bar doesn’t really alter the playstyle significantly.
Currently, the Scrapper defining minor trait reads this: “You gain access to the Function Gyro, which can finish a foe or revive an ally at range.”
What I would suggest is:
Function Gyro: Gain access to up to 3 non-combative Function Gyros which encircle you. Periodically construct a function Gyro every 60 seconds. Command a Function Gyro to join the fray to finish foes or revive allies. (20s CD).
Reworking Impact Savant, the last Minor, as well:
Impact Savant: Deal 4% more damage, and reduce the duration of incoming stuns by 10% for each encircling Function Gyro.
What this accomplishes is creates a system of Gyro management that Scrappers in all game modes would be able to manipulate to their benefit. PvE Scrappers would enjoy great uptime of a 4-12% damage modifier. Non PvE Scrappers would get help from a Function Gyro every 20 seconds if they managed production well, and didn’t deplete resources.
Best of all, it’d be a constantly present theme that adds a bit more substance to the Scrapper’s core class mechanic, keeping it closer to the same feel players had when watching the Scrapper in the HoT trailer.
This is by far the more clever and creative idea I have read so far.
It makes the F-Gyros useful in all the game modes, it adds a real new mechanic to play with, it gives the Scrapper a truly distinctive element to be recognized as different from the Engie, and no doubt, sounds really cool.
And I think is a feasible solution Irenio CAN really use.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
Complicated question, since a class-mechanic usually is something very unique.
Also, A-net seems to like the way of adding transformations in case a class-mechanic is too rigid to mess around with, like warri adrenaline or ranger pets.
Then again, ranger has to use F5 for transforming & warri just F2. We already have a standart F5 skill & would be the first one to receive yet another button to press. You know, user-friendliness is a big consideration when designing UI stuff.
In case of the thief A-net decided to mess with a basic function. They now have a 3rd dodge. This is a function that does not require any additional user input to be used, since it just increases the ranger of options you already have with your current keymap.
Now the theme of the scraper is to be a tanky bruiser, able to take blows that would knock others off their feet, while also dishing out huge loads of CC. Additionally they come with with a general electric theme & buff superspeed for the group.
So I guess these are the 2 aspects we should look into. Survivability & CC. And the style of implementation should have something to do with electricity.
My idea would be this: Give us Charge
Charge basically is a blue energy-bar, placed above our endurance bar, similar to the [celestial avatar]-bar of ranger. It contains a numeric value of 100, so ranges from 0 – 100. You can build 1 point of Charge by hitting a target or getting hit. So hitting 3 targets gives you 3 at once. & standing in the middle of a enemy zerg will build it up very fast as well.
The Charge bar has 4 thresholds, which trigger effects that build up on each other.
At 25 Charge a internal shield generator gets activated, so incoming direct & condi-dmg gets reduced by 5%. Also we get 1 stack of stability for 10sec
At 50 Charge the shield generator receives more energy, reducing direct & condi dmg by s total of 10%. Also we get 2 stacks of stability for 10sec & swiftness for 20sec
At 75 Charge the dmg-reduction goes up to 15%. Also we get 3 stacks of stability for 10sec & swiftness for 20sec. Additionally we start to pulse 3s superspeed & 3s protection for the group every 3sec.
At 100 Charge the dmg reduction goes up to 20%, we again get 4 stacks of stability for 10sec & swiftness for 20sec. We still pulse 3s superspeed & 3s protection for the group every 3sec.
Finally, once we reach 100% we get a buff that lasts for 3 seconds. While we have it, a bright energy-animation is displayed around us. After the buff runs out we release a huge EMP that deals medium dmg & dazes the nearest 5 targets in a 1.2k range for 2 seconds. The animation looks like a huge sphere of lightning bolts expanding from us. After that our Charge goes back to 0 and is we can build it again.
I guess this class-mechanic would be great support for a frontliner, fit well with the scrappers theme & is implemented in a way that does not mess with any of our key-functions.
I. Want. A. Mechsuit!
Mecha sounds cool vehicles for scrapper biker gang or mecha gang. Gives me another idea
A new idea I got for an added class mechanic.
Since Anet seems to want to improve the ability to combo for engineers, maybe something like that:
As long as you don’t use your function gyro, it will encircle you. Whenever you are standing inside of a combo field, it will collect its essence and grant a unique effect
water field: pulsing healing for allies nearby (just allies so we don’t improve the sustain any more for scrapper)
lightning field: pulsing small aoe damage
aether field: pulsing random boons
smoke field: pulsing stealth for 1s each second
poison field: pulsing random conditions
dark field: whenever you get hit in melee range, you steal life from the foe
that’s all I had so far, maybe some suggestions for missing fields?
Just like combo finishers, it should just provide 1 effect at the same time. So we will not be able to stack multiple combo fields on us to get “super strong buffs”.
Would also have some needed synergy with some of the new utility skills, cause half of them have a toolbelt skill which will provide a combo field. And each destroyed gyro will be a combo field too.
(edited by Kodama.6453)
A new idea I got for an added class mechanic.
Since Anet seems to want to improve the ability to combo for engineers, maybe something like that:
As long as you don’t use your function gyro, it will encircle you. Whenever you are standing inside of a combo field, it will collect its essence and grant a unique effectwater field: pulsing healing for allies nearby (just allies so we don’t improve the sustain any more for scrapper)
lightning field: pulsing small aoe damage
aether field: pulsing random boons
smoke field: pulsing stealth for 1s each second
poison field: pulsing random conditions
dark field: whenever you get hit in melee range, you steal life from the foe
that’s all I had so far, maybe some suggestions for missing fields?Just like combo finishers, it should just provide 1 effect at the same time. So we will not be able to stack multiple combo fields on us to get “super strong buffs”.
Would also have some needed synergy with some of the new utility skills, cause half of them have a toolbelt skill which will provide a combo field. And each destroyed gyro will be a combo field too.
Ok I find this idea very interesting. Though I would like to see something abit more active. So as a passive effect giving a buff based on field that you are in sounds good. As an active part the ability to absorb or copy a field into the gyro for later use sounds interesting to me. And a unique skill that isn’t offered in other professions.
You could have a button that when pressed copy a friendly field or absorbs an enemy’s field thus cleansing the area.
You would maintain the passive buff for being in an allied field. But also get something from the stored field.
Once the field was stored maybe it offers it’s own buff. Or perhaps allows the gyro to attack the engineer’s target with small bolts of that field type.
To exchange fields you would have to drop the field which would have an effect and release the field into the area the gyro is. A short cool down would be needed before you can copy or absorb a new field.
(edited by RunicAura.9860)
A new idea I got for an added class mechanic.
Since Anet seems to want to improve the ability to combo for engineers, maybe something like that:
As long as you don’t use your function gyro, it will encircle you. Whenever you are standing inside of a combo field, it will collect its essence and grant a unique effectwater field: pulsing healing for allies nearby (just allies so we don’t improve the sustain any more for scrapper)
lightning field: pulsing small aoe damage
aether field: pulsing random boons
smoke field: pulsing stealth for 1s each second
poison field: pulsing random conditions
dark field: whenever you get hit in melee range, you steal life from the foe
that’s all I had so far, maybe some suggestions for missing fields?Just like combo finishers, it should just provide 1 effect at the same time. So we will not be able to stack multiple combo fields on us to get “super strong buffs”.
Would also have some needed synergy with some of the new utility skills, cause half of them have a toolbelt skill which will provide a combo field. And each destroyed gyro will be a combo field too.
I like this idea a lot! Simple, versatile, constantly impactful, influences your moment to moment gameplay decisions in an interesting way.
~Stuff that have been quoted to many times already~
Very interesting, basically your Gyro does a pulsing-weak-blast-combo-finisher.
I think the following effects would be decent if you only have one untargetable gyro floating around you:
- Fire: 1 Might for 5 sec.
- Lightning: 1 Vulnerability to enemies for 10 sec.
- Light: 1 Retaliation for 2 sec.
- Smoke: 1 Blind to enemies for 3 sec.
- Poison: 1 poison to enemies for 5 sec.
- Water: 1 Regeneration for 3 sec.
- Ice: 1 Chill to enemies for 2 sec.
- Ethereal: 1 Confusion to enemies for 3 sec.
- Dark: Vampyric Aura for 2 unstackable sec.
Or we could have the Gyro infuse you with passive stats/effect based on the field it is in:
- Fire: Increase boon duration.
- Lightning: Super speed.
- Light: Reduced incomming condi duration.
- Smoke: Stealth.
- Poison: Increase condition duration
- Water: Increase outgoing healing.
- Ice: Reduce movement movement impairing effects.
- Etheral: immunity to Retaliation and Confusion damage
- Dark: Lifesteal
Force field support that adds life points to allies life bar, see disciple priest in WOW
first of all i hate the idea of an elite that turns the team invisible but give away tour position by BEING VISIBLE so what if instead it still followed you but generated a force field buff that added to you and allies life bar.
I also like the one about not using gyros, since engineers don’t have signets and signet like effects could help with a physical hammer engie.
still hopping that we find a wow factor for the scrapper’s mechanic that anet will work on adding to them. So bumping this to keep it on page one maybe will get the dev’s attention.
Would be nice if we could get feedback about the class mechanic problem. Are the devs even thinking about adding something? Or do they think the functional gyro is enough?
I would really like to see something added. The suggestion I made would have some cool synergies. The trait which will drop a smoke bomb when disabled (when it is fixed) would give you stealth as another defensive mechanic. The new toolbelt skill Reconstruction Field would fit the name, it would give all allies protection and the allies around you would get healed for a small amount without the requirement of additional combo finishers. We already have a poison field and get another toolbelt skill for that, but this is synergy because we will cast it around us so we already stay inside to give extra condi pressure except the poison itself.
I must say I still like Chaith idea a bit more than yours, Kodama, but I think is only a personal thing because of my playstyle. The idea of using the fields is really, really good, and effectively make you work to sustain the advantageous effects.
We still need more applications for the remote F key, IMO. Stomp or Rez are still too narrow.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
Like you said Ardid, it is about personal opinions. I would be happy to get Chaiths suggested changes too, because this means we would actually get something. But for me, I would be happier to get something which isn’t “just” a flat damage modifier. I see many good suggestions in this forum and hope the devs will choose one of them to make it real. ^^
I agree with Kodama, Chaiths idea is great from a visual standpoint, but it does not have that much play around it (and it is not easy to add play to something without input keys).
Kodamas suggestion at least adds a gameplay where we want to move into different combo fields for different effects, it also add a secondary function to existing combo fields, letting us think differently about core engineer abilities or allies combo fields.
Another idea I’ve posted somewhere around here is that the visual gyro that floats around us while F-gyro is on cooldown casts our toolbelt skills for us. Not like an AI that decides when to cast them, but instead having it’s own skill queue and when we activate a toolbelt skill it goes into the gyros skill queue instead of our own. Effectivly letting us cast toolbelt skills while we dodge/leap/smash/channel/res/stomp etc. Also, if the engineer is hit by CC, the gyro is interupted, meaning that enemies can interupt two abilities at the same time.
- Visual non-targetable gyro is what everyone wants.
- New interesting rotations available.
- Complex mechanic in style of Engineers
- It is directly related to our toolbelt.
- Very difficult to program a seperate skill queue.
- Many toolbelt abilities would need special treatment (like Rocket kick) to fit the gyro.
simple fix… make the function gyros act on the targeted thing.
Downed allies: Rez
Allies: Superspeed and protection before exploding
Downed enemies: Stomp
Enemies: Blast gyro like attack without knockback but with daze and a lightning field.
Make em recharge overtime and give us 3 of these things that show up one by one once their “production ICD” is over. Give the “F” activation a low ICD of 10 secs and done. Dont make the dormant function gyros attackable and only give em health bars if you activate one. Thats my take on the thing….sorta like a multi purpose, self recharging minion mantra…if that makes sence. That way they got some us in all game modes and dont loose their intendet purpose…
Also merge the 1st and 2nd minor trait and add a new trait that gives you benefits on how many dormant function gyros the scrapper got swarming arround him\her. This way you got sort of a thing going on where you need to sacrifice your own benefits for the services of the gyros…maybe like:
1 gyro: pulsing speed
2 gyro: pulsing speed and slight damage reduction
3 gyro: pulsing speed, slight damage reduction and slight damage buff
but what do i know..
also for visual eye candy and some indicator that the ICD is over 3 orbs over the stamina bar that show how many dormant gyros are available.
Greyed out orb: Gyro isnt available atm, cause it still gets produced
Coloured orb: Shows that a gyro is available, the more coloured orbs the more gyros
Shiny Coloured orb: Gyro is available for duty and can be deployed with “F”
So yea.. thats my idea how to salvage this certain trainwreck of a mechanic..
(edited by Basaltface.2786)
i suppose vehicles would be a thing, not exactly the pinnacle of “interesting” from a basic point of view… but if they literally required 2 ppl to function properly theyd get alot more interesting plus those kitten wrenches in the toolkit would finally become useful.
and a great mole machine that lets a dozen people into it and can stealth with only a small ground ripple effect that can be forced off by aoeing
and thats not even the best part! a flower power machine to lay down natures wrath in the most natural artificial way possible!
I don’t know about having a multi player vehicle outside of portals. But I could see one of those mechanical devourer from silverwaste or one of the various golem you can get in the personal story lines. I could also see if they added vehicles that the gyro’s attach to the vehicle flipping their skill to add utility skills for the vehicle while scrapper is inside of it.
Edit: But of course that is if the developers are reading this thread and taking these suggestions into consideration. There have been several god ones. I do hope that we will see a post about the lack of a class mechanic for the scrapper soon… from a developer that is.
Any more ideas comments thoughts?
Yesterday I hit my head against a door, and suddenly I got this really fun and extremely stupid idea. I don’t consider this to be a real addition to the discussion, but I need to post it somewhere.
Ride on Metal
- Whenever a gyro is active on the game, the Scrapper can jump over it, and stand on it as long as the gyro is alive.
- The gyro will move and execute its actions normally, carrying the Scrapper with it. The Scrapper can’t control the movements of the gyro.
- While standing on the gyro, the Scrapper can’t do or receive melee damage. The gyro will take all the damage directed to the Scrapper instead.
- While on top of the gyro, the Scrapper will be effectivelly at a higher ground, so it could be used to jump farther or to reach even higher ground.
- If there are multiple gyros in the area, the scrapper can jump one time on each.
- When the Scrapper jumps back to the ground, automatically apply Explosive Descent, on a 40 s CD, reduced to 20 if the normal Explosive Descent is also traited. Each gyro he stepped on before jumping down gives him an additional Explosive Descent effect on landing.
That is.
I hope you enjoy imagining your Scrapper using the gyros to jump across wide gaps in the path, appearing from stealth with multiple gyros to then step on them and fall with a big 3ple hammer jump spiced with a dozen grenades, or simply advancing randomly across the land over a tiny floating machine.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
After testing scrapper this thread needs to stay in view.
Bump up scrapper needs help
Bump up scrapper needs help
Gyros work in pve, so they are fine.
What if, we add some Funcionality to Function Gyro. Function Gyro uses different ability when you press F on different Target:
- When used on downed ally : Defibrillator – function gyro revives downed ally using built-in defibrilator
- When used on downed enemy: Lethal Injection – function gyro injects toxic elixir into downed enemy, finishing his agony
- When used on living ally(can’t use on self): Energy Shield – function gyro covers target ally with High Voltage energy shield which destroys incomming projectiles, and grants stabilty/protection
- When used on living enemy: X-Ray – function gyro scans target enemy, inflicting Expose. Expose – target takes 7% more damage from any source, inflicted dazes and stun duration increased by 33%
With this kind of change Function Gyro is realy functional and as player we need to decide are we going to save it’s cooldown for stomping/reviving or we gonna use it early to expose enemy or support ally.
Anyway, my biggest fear is that tons of feedback players are leaving on engineer forum to make Scapper “elite” specialization won’t be answeared an we will get only changes in numbers like dmg, cooldown etc.
What if, we add some Funcionality to Function Gyro. Function Gyro uses different ability when you press F on different Target:
- When used on downed ally : Defibrillator – function gyro revives downed ally using built-in defibrilator
- When used on downed enemy: Lethal Injection – function gyro injects toxic elixir into downed enemy, finishing his agony
- When used on living ally(can’t use on self): Energy Shield – function gyro covers target ally with High Voltage energy shield which destroys incomming projectiles, and grants stabilty/protection
- When used on living enemy: X-Ray – function gyro scans target enemy, inflicting Expose. Expose – target takes 7% more damage from any source, inflicted dazes and stun duration increased by 33%
With this kind of change Function Gyro is realy functional and as player we need to decide are we going to save it’s cooldown for stomping/reviving or we gonna use it early to expose enemy or support ally.
Anyway, my biggest fear is that tons of feedback players are leaving on engineer forum to make Scapper “elite” specialization won’t be answeared an we will get only changes in numbers like dmg, cooldown etc.
When it comes to the function Gyro, I generally like this idea (and other similar to it).
To augment this: Each possible effect has its own cooldown(30 -60 secs depending on effect) and appears as a buff on your character when available as to allow counter-play.
For flavor, the buffs can manifest as ‘non-combative gyros’ like Chaith’s proposal suggests, but I really do not care about that at this point in time.
What if, we add some Funcionality to Function Gyro. Function Gyro uses different ability when you press F on different Target:
- When used on downed ally…
- When used on downed enemy…
- When used on living ally…
- When used on living enemy…
This would be problematic, having a function when targeting other players would get in the way quite often. Just trying to interact with an NPC but ending up with a shield on them, or attempting to pick up a turret but you shielded the enemy you had targeted. It is already difficult to target allies for ressing without hitting enemies/NPCs who are standing on top of them.
There is a reason why ANet have not added any abilities that targets allies.
Bump scrapper mechanic is not fine its next to useless
I have another, totally different idea for the F-Gyro.
I hope you people and Irenio’s team can read it an at least add it to the pool of possibly useful ideas.
“Angular Resonance”
When not doing a rez, stomp or other f-task, a lone F-Gyro closely orbites around the scrapper, circling its owner with a constant timing.
For the Scrapper, this orbiting F-Gyro is a valid target, but instead of damaging it, every time the Scrapper hits it, the F-Gyro emites a “Resonance Spark” that boost that single Scrapper’s attack:
If it is a direct melee attack, the Spark boosts the damage done or maybe gives a boon to the Scrapper.
If it is a projectile attack, the Spark boost the projectile speed or range, or maybe gives it a condi, like fire or vuln.
The point here is, if the Scrapper hits the gyro while attacking he/she can improve the results, but to do it, the timing and positioning need to be very strict, because the gyro will not be in the attack trajectory most of the time, but simply orbiting around, in his/her side or back.
Although the benefit is not passive, it IS always at hand, but requires the player to work to obtain it, making the F-Gyro a ever present, skilled, impactful, and always useful mechanic for the spec.
There can be traits that improve the benefits, or makes the F-Gyro orbit around the scrapper faster, to make things a little easier for the player.
If the F-Gyro is always targetable or is not when is orbiting the Scrapper can be adjusted depending on its life, utility and spawn cooldown. But that is balance, this is just a seed idea. I hope it helps you see new mechanic alternatives for the Gyro.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
(edited by Ardid.7203)
I agree that it’s too late for rework, but let’s discuss anyway.
How about a fuel bar that charges in combat. It would deplete partially on utility use and that utility would get a lower cooldown based on how much fuel you had. It would be divided in 3 parts: 1 part would mean 10% cd reduction, 2 – 20% and 3 – 35%. Using one utility would cost 50% of the whole bar and give that utility a lower cd based on how many fuel bars you had while activating it. - a GW2 webcomic about a Charr and a Skritt