Tequatl The Sunless - Engineers Role?
Grenades hitting multiple points on his body at once.
Maguuma – [TriM][DERP]
There’s a lot of damage taken in this fight, especially while people learn it. I think a good support Engineer would be a real help protecting those attacking Tequatl. Something with Cleric’s gear probably isn’t bad since you get a good amount of power so you can attack Teq too, and crit doesn’t matter against it.
Power grenade builds for what John Widdin said. Any AOE build for defending turrets.
Jade Quarry
You can also run turrets while using the Hylek turrets. It will allow less people to have to focus defending you, not to mention all your utilities can be in use while operating them.
With a turret set-up, I think engies should be using the Hylek turrets.
Power nades for general DPS, Condi nades for defending turrets, kits/elixir gun for defensive/support healing builds, and turrets for turret use. I think you have it all covered in the responses so far. Imho engineer shines in big fights with lots to do as we can cover many roles.
Ill toss in elixir X and rifle for CC around the turrets.
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele
I imagine the engineer’s role here is the same as everywhere else; under preform at everything and wait for the next nerf.
I’ve tried a couple of different things, and found that I feel the most helpful running interference on the fingers/mobs on the turrets and keeping them fully repaired.
It’s not as glamorous, as hitting a dragon in the face, but it’s an essential role where I felt I was directly contributing in a noticeable way. I know the folks running with me seemed to appreciate the damage, light fields, and supply crates when the fingers popped and the champs zerged the turrets. I grabbed a wrench in the down periods and topped off the turret health.
Everyone wants to be on the frontline in the stack, but without the support in the back that dragon isn’t going anywhere.
Clarishy – Ranger
Tinkershy – Engineer
I’ve been thinking about this as well.
Burst – not really as high as anyone else so not really.
Condition damage – stack caps prevent that from shining.
Support – scaling is the single worst in any game I’ve ever played and you have to do finger acrobatics just to get the Turret to overload and burst or overload the tiny fraction of a second that the regen field spreads in order to explode it into a useful heal.
CC – doesn’t really apply.
So gotta say not sure honestly. Might as well get on a cannon.
Support – scaling is the single worst in any game I’ve ever played and you have to do finger acrobatics just to get the Turret to overload and burst or overload the tiny fraction of a second that the regen field spreads in order to explode it into a useful heal.
Got to repeat the basics here:
Support =/= healing. If you’re trying to heal people beyond as a little bonus to supplemental healing you’re playing wrong. Support is actually buffing and condition removal.
Support – scaling is the single worst in any game I’ve ever played and you have to do finger acrobatics just to get the Turret to overload and burst or overload the tiny fraction of a second that the regen field spreads in order to explode it into a useful heal.
Just by overcharging and blowing up the turret, an Engie can heal allies for more than some of them can heal themselves.
The only good build i’ve found with the Engi is right now in a Tower-Defense Role with a Mix of PVT / PTH-Gear.
Forcefull Explosives, Packed Turrets for the Bounce
Energized Armor / Stabilzed Armor,
Metal Plating / , Elite Supplies
Reinforced Shield / Exlir Bombs / Autotool
Protection Injection
Healing Turrent
Bombkit, Thumper-Turret, Rocket-Turret
Supply Crate
Role / Usage:
You mainly run in Bombkit for the Damage + Utilitys, Switch to P/S only to Tank / Knockback with Shield #4, #5. Place Thumper & Rocket-Turrets @ Tower-Users (a little bit distance)
Don’t detonate them – if they go down, they explode as well causing the Mobs Knockback.
Use Healtower on Cooldown 2x #6, F1 for Burst-Heal and Knockback. Also use Bombkit F2 for the additional Knockback.
Drop Supply Crate only if things get thight. Another few Damagedealers and you can defend one side of Towers even with 3-5 People not needing like 15 People or more.
That build works really well but only for Defense not for the Frontline. Incorperating any pure Power-Build for the Frontline seems a really hard task and I’m struggeling to find a good build. Grenades feel wasted with only Power-Gear even when taking the reduced Cooldown as the Main-Forces are usually ~1000-1200 range and the Travell-Time is to long AND you need to get the stability and other utilitys ready while jumping / evading which makes you miss / stop a few shots.
I’m currently trying an Elixr / Rifle mix for the Frontline. Mortar does some damage as well, but it ’s #1 skill seems to get stuck for me all the time until I stop hitting it causing it to fire twice and then letting me continue firing. My build somehow works but I feel like there should be something better. Using my Rangers Longbow is way more easy / constant damage here (#2 -> 5k DMG per cast)
Click to apply for Daily EU Tequatl Kills here
My Guides: xPvP Mighty Stealth Bomber
(edited by imaginary.6241)
I’m currently on the defense of the turrets with Zerker items and Static Discharge/Rifle/Wrench build.
Engi can also fit in the main DPS stack with full power build and Grenades’ build;
Engi can fit AoE support in the main DPS stack;
Engi can def turrets with pretty much every build;
Engi can operate turrets like any other class.
4 out of 4 roles that engi can fit: def turrets, DPS, help DPS’es not to die or operate the turret. Pretty normal I think.
Ok just got him to 1% on Elonareach right now was in the Frontline 99% of the time. Build:
Acidic Exlirs for Meele Range 1% Burst or Empowdering Adrenaline for 5% overall DMG (using Evade more often)
Rifled Barrages for the Increased Range
Energized Armor for more Power, Stabilized Armor
Protection Injection, Fast-Acting Elexirs, HGH
Healing Turret as Above
Elixr B, Elixr U, Exlir S
Elixr X – Tornado in Healing Field #2 for Healing Bolts AND for Stability @ Waves as well as for Blinding Mobs at Battery Defense (Important!) Rampage for the Stun-Phase for MAX-Damage OR switching to Supply Crate if you dont like the Randomness. Important: Switch out if it ’s to wrong transformation and you dont need the Stability. Ah Yes Rampage is good well for running back from being whiped (only died once this run).
Main-Source of Damage is Rifle #1 (haven’t tested it with 10% more Damage would be worth a try). If you get into the Meele Phase – Pop Elixr U if it isn’t on Cooldown. Burst away with #3, #4 and then #5 and then immediately transform to Rampage and spam away your damaging skills.
Throwing and keeping Exlir B on Cooldown is usefull as well as for your whole Zerg as Retalation on the Posion Fields reflects a good part of damage back to Tequatl.
Exlir U for Damage-Spikes, Exlir-S as a panic button when posion field doesn’t get cleansed right away. And don’t forget to keep Healing Turret Burst (2x #6, F1, F1) on Cooldown.
If Fingers show up near your Zerg/Frontline-Bubble -> Burst away with #3, #4, #5.
Click to apply for Daily EU Tequatl Kills here
My Guides: xPvP Mighty Stealth Bomber
(edited by imaginary.6241)
engis have crazy aoe. protect turrets.
It ’s not about the “crazy” AoE its about the usability of the Damage applied in that situation @ Frontline. It ’s questionable at least for Frontline if you need to manually aim everytime getting hitted by the wave/poison and die off throwing grenades – so at least for me – Rifle is more usefull in that situation for the constant damage output while jumping/evading while diving in at out at different ranges.
Well the Grenades might be usefull for the additional Barrage-Burst @ stunphase but they require to much points invested and their cooldowns are odd so hm. Gonna retry them tomorrow with 30/0/30/10/0 or 30/0/10/30/0.
Click to apply for Daily EU Tequatl Kills here
My Guides: xPvP Mighty Stealth Bomber
(edited by imaginary.6241)
Is Mortar any good in healing the front line?
Is Mortar any good in healing the front line?
Mortar is useless for everything.
I ran support, dropping my Healing Turret and Super Elixir for whichever turret needed it most. I used Elixir U to reflect projectiles from tendrils and focused them down with Acid Bomb and Flame Blast along with those with me. Knockbacks were also incredibly useful, which we have a lot of.
We killed him tonight on SoR, if that means anything.
As CC kings, we’re super useful at the East Battery. Abominations never get close
Message me any time in game.
toss U for projectile absorb/reflect in main dps zerg
healing turret sittin around
elixir gun for fumigate
grenades for super dps
rocket boots for getting around quick
toss R for rezzing
quadturret for sitting on hylek turrets
pick a couple, have some fun being useful!
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
Support – scaling is the single worst in any game I’ve ever played and you have to do finger acrobatics just to get the Turret to overload and burst or overload the tiny fraction of a second that the regen field spreads in order to explode it into a useful heal.
Got to repeat the basics here:
Support =/= healing. If you’re trying to heal people beyond as a little bonus to supplemental healing you’re playing wrong. Support is actually buffing and condition removal.
If you invest into healing power, each of your water blasts can heal for over 1500 HP per blast. Engineers can easily get 3 water blasts in short succession with every healing turret, meaning you can heal a group of people around you for 7500 HP every 20 seconds. It also removes 2 conditions from all those people too. You can actually heal people better than they can heal themselves.
Depending on your utility configuration, you can even get 4 or 5 water blasts in short succession, meaning you can heal over 10k in an area every 20-25 seconds.
Couple that with things like healing bombs, some AoE regen, and super elixir, and you’ve got a group healing machine.
If that’s not support, then I don’t think anyone knows what support is.
Ok just got him to 1% on Elonareach right now was in the Frontline 99% of the time. Build:
Acidic Exlirs for Meele Range 1% Burst or Empowdering Adrenaline for 5% overall DMG (using Evade more often)
Rifled Barrages for the Increased Range
Energized Armor for more Power, Stabilized Armor
Protection Injection, Fast-Acting Elexirs, HGH
Healing Turret as Above
Elixr B, Elixr U, Exlir S
Elixr X – Tornado in Healing Field #2 for Healing Bolts AND for Stability @ Waves as well as for Blinding Mobs at Battery Defense (Important!) Rampage for the Stun-Phase for MAX-Damage OR switching to Supply Crate if you dont like the Randomness. Important: Switch out if it ’s to wrong transformation and you dont need the Stability. Ah Yes Rampage is good well for running back from being whiped (only died once this run).
Main-Source of Damage is Rifle #1 (haven’t tested it with 10% more Damage would be worth a try). If you get into the Meele Phase – Pop Elixr U if it isn’t on Cooldown. Burst away with #3, #4 and then #5 and then immediately transform to Rampage and spam away your damaging skills.
Throwing and keeping Exlir B on Cooldown is usefull as well as for your whole Zerg as Retalation on the Posion Fields reflects a good part of damage back to Tequatl.
Exlir U for Damage-Spikes, Exlir-S as a panic button when posion field doesn’t get cleansed right away. And don’t forget to keep Healing Turret Burst (2x #6, F1, F1) on Cooldown.
If Fingers show up near your Zerg/Frontline-Bubble -> Burst away with #3, #4, #5.
I just tried this. Lots of survivability for sure, those waves were rendered negligible. However, the damage on the rifle is just pathetic. I was running full soldiers and couldn’t hit more than 550-600 on Tequatl with my auto. There’s gotta be something better for the front-lines, grenades maybe?
if you want to damage teq, remember that crit and crit damage are useless stats.
The problem is that everyone advocates that crit and crit damage are useless against Tequatl… but completely discount the fact that there are tons of other mobs that need to be killed all over the fight. So everyone’s running into the fight with PVT and Cleric’s gear, taking forever to kill the other mobs, making the fight overall take longer.
I just tried this. Lots of survivability for sure, those waves were rendered negligible. However, the damage on the rifle is just pathetic. I was running full soldiers and couldn’t hit more than 550-600 on Tequatl with my auto. There’s gotta be something better for the front-lines, grenades maybe?
I’m running with +Might with Runes/Sigil and HGH so I’m doing 700-800 DMG that ‘s piercing per Shot mostly (1.600 if you stand in line for Head + Foot). With Grenades you’re doing more Damage on every Range (around 300-400 per Nade, means 1200 per Hit) but have to invest 30 into Explosives and Loose out quite a bit Protection in addition to adding the possiblity that you miss quite a few Nades as you dive in and out of waves and Posion Fields. But you’ve got Grenade Barrage as well so it ’s worth a try (try 30/0/30/10/0 or 30/0/10/30/0) … also Bombkit for one Utility-Slot for the additional Blastfinisher + Stunphase would be worth a try too (even untraited for).
Right now I feel like I’m providing more by staying alive, rezzing downed Players with Elexir S as well as applying constant DMG over Time and a little bit Burst. My Ranger Longbow does around ~600-800 DMG as well so I guess that ’s normal. I wonder how many Damage Warrior does with Rifle / Longbow with PVT-Gear?
Dead Players = Useless Players.
Btw. finally finished Tequatl today @Elona Reach and never died once.
And we had over 1:40 Minutes left.
Click to apply for Daily EU Tequatl Kills here
My Guides: xPvP Mighty Stealth Bomber
(edited by imaginary.6241)
I just tried this. Lots of survivability for sure, those waves were rendered negligible. However, the damage on the rifle is just pathetic. I was running full soldiers and couldn’t hit more than 550-600 on Tequatl with my auto. There’s gotta be something better for the front-lines, grenades maybe?
If you’re in full Soldier’s you’re hitting Teq pretty much as hard as possible, stacks of might notwithstanding.
Jade Quarry
I just tried this. Lots of survivability for sure, those waves were rendered negligible. However, the damage on the rifle is just pathetic. I was running full soldiers and couldn’t hit more than 550-600 on Tequatl with my auto. There’s gotta be something better for the front-lines, grenades maybe?
Keep in mind that Tequatl has a damage reduction buff dependent on his health pool. During his first phase you will do very little damage. The first ~7 minutes of the fight are just getting him to 75%. As you get him down to 50% you’ll see your damage increase significantly. At 25%, even the Pistol does over 1K damage per shot.
As long as you have like a minute left during the final 25%, you’ll have a good chance of killing him … just to put the damage reduction buff into perspective compared to getting him to 75%.
do what engineers are supposed to do ofc
throw grenades
I imagine the elementalist’s role here is the same as everywhere else; under preform at everything and wait for the next nerf.
I imagine the elementalist’s role here is the same as everywhere else; under preform at everything and wait for the next nerf.
Cute; another one of these. Only this one too lazy even type “fixed it for you.” Tell you what, when you have a skill type that is almost completely unusable due to having 20 known and confirmed bugs AND is confirmed to not target world bosses I’ll edit my actual post to say that.
Yeah, but every class including Engineers will constantly complain that they’re ~useless everywhere and get nerfed every patch. It’s in fact a good measure of balance as a developer, if all classes complain all the time, it’s on average balanced.
Now you could argue that actually, no class should complain, then it’d be balanced.
But the thing is, this is a MMO, such a thing doesn’t happen as long as there’s at least 1 player per class left. In other words the best measure is equality in whining. Both in volume (as in, loudness) and in volume (as in, quantity). If everyone complains they get nerfed every patch: Awesome, patches are balanced.
I think the trait Modified Ammunition that increases dmg of pistol or rifle for every condition on target is also very useful for attacking tequila directly.
Yeah, but every class including Engineers will constantly complain that they’re ~useless everywhere and get nerfed every patch. It’s in fact a good measure of balance as a developer, if all classes complain all the time, it’s on average balanced.
Now you could argue that actually, no class should complain, then it’d be balanced.
But the thing is, this is a MMO, such a thing doesn’t happen as long as there’s at least 1 player per class left. In other words the best measure is equality in whining. Both in volume (as in, loudness) and in volume (as in, quantity). If everyone complains they get nerfed every patch: Awesome, patches are balanced.
Balance means using your brain comparing theoretical and practial facts like damage formulas, statistics as well as practial testings about complains for yourself and share your thoughts and reasons with the community and not comparing random rants against other random rants. A good developer should know that.
Click to apply for Daily EU Tequatl Kills here
My Guides: xPvP Mighty Stealth Bomber
(edited by imaginary.6241)
Engineer sits on Turret …. Press 2.
Engineer sits on Turret …. Press 2.
Sorry but that ’s just utter nonsense both Engineer whise
as well as how you operate the Turrets to success.
For everybody else not into pointless whining I’ve prepared
two more offensive Builds for the Frontline.
(similiar tactics as posted above, just more optimized damage whise).
Rifleholic (Rifle + Elixirs):
WB-Grenadier (Grenades + Elixirs + More heavy Might stacking):
The Rifle one has a higher base Power allowing for 1k Hits with 25 Might Stacks even at the first phase, but builds less Might stacks (10-15) for himself meaning it needs to get Might from other Players. Even if it doesn’t it has more consitent Damage Output and allows for more movement inbetween. Also you’re able to take three Elixirs for the Utilitys which I believe are really usefull here. The Grenadier requires more switching between Grenade-Kit / Rifle but should be able to build up to 25 Might stacks himself and has more Boonduration which helps with the increased diffculty in targeting as you’re getting longer Regen, Protection, Vigor and so on.
Also it ‘s three Grenades from #1 and #2 do theoretically more Damage at all time if there wasn’t the problem with it inconsistently hitting your target even when standing still as I’ve posted here:
What makes matters worse is that you have to move / dodge / jump consistently here which makes targeting even more difficult. But if you’re up to the challenge, you get a better Burst for the Stun Phases as well as Grenade Barrage does up to 488 DMG per Grenade with 8 Grenades hitting you might do 3904 DMG normally and in the stun phase at least around x4 times the damage (around 15k).
Use them as you like and switch out the Heal as well as the Elixirs
and Trait-Skills as preferred to your playstyle. For example you might want to take Medikit or Healing Turret as Heal or use Elixir R for the Rez and Endurance Refill.
Also all of this doesn’t include any Tactics like using the Ice Bow #4 first, or taking the Fiery GS and Time Warp into consideration but just provides a basic build for you to operate to success.
Our (or at least mine, at which I attended helping with the organization at TKS) personal best time beating Tequatl was 5:11. Everyone operated great together and that ’s what made us succeed. This encounter is consistent of teamwork (well and many small sources of damage as well) so be sure to support your Team and not only think of yourself. That ’s the most important piece of information I can give you.
Klakk Bumm, The Sunbringer.
Click to apply for Daily EU Tequatl Kills here
My Guides: xPvP Mighty Stealth Bomber
(edited by imaginary.6241)
Using GTAOE (grenades) on the dragon at max range (1500) for this encounter is pretty difficult for a whole host of reasons.
If you like your ’Nades and your Crit/Crit Dmg gear (like me), stick to defending the turrets.
Because u can’t crit anyway, mortar gets its use here: Damage counts multiple times – its like permanent ice bow. Check it out.
(edited by Forestnator.6298)
The problem is that everyone advocates that crit and crit damage are useless against Tequatl… but completely discount the fact that there are tons of other mobs that need to be killed all over the fight. So everyone’s running into the fight with PVT and Cleric’s gear, taking forever to kill the other mobs, making the fight overall take longer.
I personally wear Celestial gear because it fits better for my build than straight Soldier or straight Cleric, but as a member of a guild that has helped lead SoR/overflows to downing Teq 4 times since Tuesday, including two of which I helped lead the turret defense, I have never experienced this problem.
Besides, what they’re really advocating is that you want to wear as much as you can reasonably survive with. If you can stay alive with Berserker jewelry and weapons then more power to you. Just understand that the biggest DPS loss is when players go down frequently during the fight, causing everybody around them to bend down and revive them.
(edited by Phineas Poe.3018)
Support =/= healing. If you’re trying to heal people beyond as a little bonus to supplemental healing you’re playing wrong. Support is actually buffing and condition removal.
You couldn’t be further from the truth.
Turret defense is very much about keeping turrets repaired along with healing those that man them. And any Engineer up front in the zerg should be making a point to slotting a couple Blast finishers into their builds for Area Heals—either from their Healing Turret’s Water field or a Ranger’s Healing Spring.
These are the things that make the difference between successful runs and failed runs. An ideal run should have no turrets be destroyed or even those that man them be downed. And they cannot do that without assistance. And the fewer people that go down—with the help of Area Heals—the better.
It’s best to have at least 2-3 dedicated “healers” for the turrets with Healing Power in their gear so that the turreteers can focus their poison cleanses on the zerg and not themselves while the rest of defense focuses on destroying tendrils and champions.
The more Healing Power you stack, the less people you need doing this. People often complain about how poorly Healing Power scales in our healing skills, but when I lead turret defense I usually slot myself into a party with the three turreteers I’m defending.
Many times that final tick of Super Elixir is the one thing that keeps them alive. And if I was wearing Soldier gear rather than Celestial + Altruism with all its Healing Power, they’d probably end up being downed. Which might in turn result in a poison field in the zerg not getting cleansed. Meaning more people die.
(edited by Phineas Poe.3018)
I find that I do best up front with the zerg while wearing PVT.
Healing bombs is quite nice in keeping the zerg topped off, but if you’re familiar with the people in the front line, then you could probably shift to something a bit more damage-centric.
During my last Tequatl kill, I just stick with my usual Grenade build that I use almost everywhere. The only difference is that I put on PVT gear on instead of Zerker gear. The primary reason is that you can’t crit Tequatl so Precision and Crit damage is pretty much useless. I was also aware of the waves and dodged through them, but PVT gear does give you a little bit of breathing room in case you forget to dodge or jump over the wave.
What it boils down to is this: you do what you’re comfortable with. If you like getting on Tequatl’s foot like a total BA, then go for it. If you like defending the turret users, then go do that.
With that said, if you’re going to stick with the zerg, I’d recommend Toss Elixir R to help the zerg get back up before they become defeated. It’ll save them run back. Elixir U also helps for warding off the projectiles from the fingers, while it could also be useful as a stun-breaker during Tequatl’s fear attack. The third Utility would be a kit that you like using or another skill of your preference.
I am Fleeting Flash, in-game dungeon cosplayer of Reddit Refugees [RR] .
(edited by Ari Kagura.9182)