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Feel free to contact me with new questions you think should be added ( and their answers if you are able to provide them )
Q1 Certain rune sets have effects that activate after a healing skill is used. What is the definition of a healing skill in this case?
Whenever tooltips and item descriptions mention the use of a “Healing Skill” they are always referring to the 6th skill in your utility bar. Skills or Virtues with effects that heal are not considered to be “Healing Skills”
Q2 Why don’t nearby Allies or I see any toughness added to my hero panel when I trait Strength In Numbers
The effect is only active when you are in combat. You should see the stats update once you engage an enemy.
Q3 Why doesn’t Strength In Numbers increase my critical chance when combined with Retributive Armor?
Unfortunately, since Strength in Numbers is an active effect which is only available in combat, the Toughness bonus is applied after the passive Precision bonus from Retributive Armor is calculated.
Q4 Does Strength In Numbers stack if multiple guardians have it traited?
No, bonuses from multiple applications of the same trait do not stack. However they will stack with similar traits from other professions.
Q5 Right-Hand Strength doesn’t seem to be working. I see no bonus Critical Chance in my hero panel.
This is a display bug. The 15% bonus does get applied when you equip a one-handed weapon, but the change won’t be visible in your stats.
Q6 Merciful Intervention is meant to teleport me to the ally with the lowest health, but it frequently does not.
This has never worked as the skill description describes. It will always teleport you to the closest ally with the following priority: Party Member, Party Member Pet, Other Allies, Other Allies’ Pets and NPCs
Q7 When I cast an AoE shout or symbol not everyone within range gets the effect.
Generally AoE skills have a maximum target limit of 5
Q8 If I use a combo, such as a Blast Finisher in a Fire Field, do the resulting Boons take into account the field caster’s boon duration or my boon duration bonuses?
Combos will always apply the stats bonuses of the player that activates the finisher skill and not the field skill.
Q9 Sometimes when I cast a Ward skill like Ring of Warding, an enemy will just seem to walk through.
Players with the Stability boon will be able to walk through wards. Also it can be possible to use well timed jumps or dodges to move through them without being knocked back.
Q10 Sometimes I still receive damage, or get knocked down when I have Aegis or a block skill active.
Some attacks are unblockable, and will hit through Aegis.
Q11 What is AHEM?
This refers to a specific combination of traits – namely Altruistic Healing (AH) and Empowering Might (EM). In a very general sense, this is an effective method of sustained healing by doing damage and buffing allies.
Q12 My stomps in PvP keep getting interrupted.
As a guardian, there are a number of options available to you that can help you complete a stomp – depending on the profession you are facing:
- Applying stability with Stand Your Ground, or Hallowed Ground can prevent your stomp from being cancelled by knockdowns or interrupts
- Using Virtue of Justice to apply blind just before you stop completes will help prevent an interrupt. Traited properly, VoJ will renew each time you complete a kill.
- Using Aegis (Retreat, Virtue of Courage) or a block skill like Focus#5 will give you a better chance of completion.
- If the opponent teleports/mist forms away ( Thief, Elementalist or Mesmer ), you can use Judge’s Intervention to relocate to their new position mid-stomp to finish them off.
- Applying immobalization at the start ( eg. Sceptre #3, Hammer #3 ) will prevent Elementalist from running away with Mist Form.
(edited by Tarsius.3170)