Greatsword Change [merged]

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: iowen.4217


Guardian Greatsword kinda lost its point with the change,its the only GS without a Cripple. The new leap cd does not help much.

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: RamzaBehoulve.5640


I don’t mind the changes, but I’ll say it again until ANet clearly understands : your change did absolutely nothing to stop perma Retaliation Guardians, nothing, niet, nada. It’s still easily done.

All you did was kitten off a lot of people and kill GS as symbol Support weapon.

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: revial.2938


The change was dumb. Auto attack isn’t fun. If you want retaliation to be mostly a situational counter, design it as a skill a person learns and then slots, independent of weapon. You’ve greatly reduced our damage by increasing the cooldown, and I’m not sure anyone thought a GS Guardian was a top tier damage machine to begin with.

Give our GS symbol some other effect, and bring its CD back down.

Have you even looked at the length of CDs for most weapon sets and classes? Auto attacking all the time sucks.

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: Auruan.2837


Day eight.

Watched my greatsword gather some more dust on the wall. My friends visited and commented I should sell it, or see if breaking it yields me globs of ectoplasm. But it’s such a gorgeous sword! One from the mystic forge, no less! Bought three days prior to the massive outbreak of the greatsword “Auto-attack” disease. What a loss. What a shame.

Polishing my mace and shield instead, just finished double-checking the torch’s functions. They still work. Oh, and my scepter does too! That good old tennis racket of “far too slow to work in 90% of all cases”. The greatsword does not work well anymore. More dust sits on it now, the spark of electricity permanently off.
Sipping some tea, not heard any word from maintenance regarding the greatsword problem since. Guess those tokens from hard dungeoneering work are going to be spend on tooth pick weapons that hold no grace, that clip into my beloved Draconic robes, but alas! It is how it is!

Ah, the harsh life of an MMO player. Time for more tea… mhm.

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: Zeze.1268


Ha i guess this changed finally did it… made me insanely angry that i deleted my lvl 80 guardian with 100% map completion. took all my gear salvaged them got 4 gold out of it and re-rolled a warrior !!!

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: MajorMelchett.6042


Ohh god, you didn’t!.


It’s annoying me sure (so much that i’ve hardly played in the past few days), but i don’t think i could ever delete my guardian just incase they fix what they broke.

Zilori: Guardian – Desolation.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: FWB.1704


Yeah i’m kitten about this change, I can’t even play my guardian anymore. And all that after I worked him up to get exotic gear and a special CoF skin for my GS. Really got steamrolled by Anet on this one…

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: iowen.4217


guardian plays still well(cleric),but only GS does not.

(but the motivation to play guardian is very low,something like “what will they take nxt ???fear”)
Edit: Btw i see a lot more warrior now(GS Throw Bolas→Frenzy→Endure Pain→Rush→Hundred Blades 60sec warriors)

(edited by iowen.4217)

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: Ganzo.5079


guardian plays still well(cleric),but only GS does not.

(but the motivation to play guardian is very low,something like “what will they take nxt ???fear”)

Yeah i think you center a vital point, most of us, me included, have farm dungeons or karma for their belowed GS.

Because, like Guild Wars before it, GW2 doesn’t fall into the traps of traditional MMORPGs.
It doesn’t suck your life away and force you onto a grinding treadmill"

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: Domnall.6278


I bought my AC Greatsword AFTER the patch.

We took a nerf with the Symbol damage, and I agree Anet didn’t fix the Retal by nerfing our symbol.

However, GS is still very strong (It was in my opinion too strong before the nerf). It’s my go to weapon together with Hammer for dungeons. My playstyle is never boring and never static. I dont feel like I’m autoattacking all the time like some posters claimed. The 5s shorter blind/leap is very nice.

People that are complaining in general, i think, tend not to weapon swap. That’s what I feel. And in any case, do you guys realize just how powerful the GS autoattack is for groups? 1 stack of might for EACH enemy hit on the 3rd combo hit.

Are we weaker compared to before the patch? Yes.

Are we weak compared to other classes? Hell NO.

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: iowen.4217


“Are we weak compared to other classes? Hell NO.”

Warriors GS Throw Bolas?Frenzy?Endure Pain?Rush?Hundred Blades 13-20k dmg in 2sec(4sec witout Frenzy)

Thief Sword+Pistol -> Steal->Haste->Pistol Whip->Pistol Whip 15k-20k dmg in 3sec

Warriors Shout cleric Aoe 4.8k heal on 20sec(Fury: 8 s + 3xMight: 25 s+clense aoe),2.4k heal on 25sec

Are we weak compared to other Mele classes? Hell Yes.

(edited by iowen.4217)

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: Fabsm.5897


@iowen (reply button isn’t working)

These are burst damage anyway. And while they’re fun in WvW, in PvE against bosses and tough minions, those kind of numbers means BIG aggro and trashing of the warrior/thief in glass cannon builds.

I much rather prefer to do my 3-4k per swing and keep staying there, while providing my allies with all kind of healing and boons.

And we do a lot of healing, only not burst. With Battle Presence we can provide 84 hp * second (2.1k in 25s), and we can augment with Hold the Line for another 1.2k over 8s.

All the while providing protection (24/7 for melee if you have hammer) and might (with decent critical).

Don’t underestimate our importance in groups. Yesterday we were running a dungeon, and i always used Empower (staff) to give 15+ stacks of might to all… well, that worked wonders on my allies (ironically, the warrior reached his personal best at 30k with Hundred Blades), while i dished my 12k with my 3-hammer chain.

Yes, we don’t do burst damage, but we can let our parties do much more damage combined than every class can bring, being that we sustain them with boons or protection, or buff them with might.

Don’t be stuck on damage numbers. Intelligent groups know our value.

Guardian of Moonlight Shadow [MLS]

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: Ganzo.5079


We arent weak, we are strong, very strong, we are guardians!
our class only need some optimization (like all the other classes) to really fullfil every role (even if we are a heavy oriented support class)

Because, like Guild Wars before it, GW2 doesn’t fall into the traps of traditional MMORPGs.
It doesn’t suck your life away and force you onto a grinding treadmill"

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: iowen.4217


there is no “BIG aggro” in the game(or else npc would never hit clones(~6dmg per hit)or turrets all the time)(low hp = “BIG aggro”)

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: Leper.7853


I think the issue for me is really about symbols and symbol builds. Perhaps the traits for symbols need to be re-examined in light of this symbol change on greatsword. For that matter, perhaps the whole Zeal tree (with Greatsword and symbol traits, both) needs to go under the microscope.

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: dchsknight.3042


I dont understand how this is a nerf at all…

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: MajorMelchett.6042


I dont understand how this is a nerf at all…

Read the thread, it’s been explained a number of times how.

Or here is a good breakdown.

The stated goal of the Greatsword nerf was essentially to nerf Retaliation builds. So, in order to nerf Retaliation builds the following changes were made to the Greatsword:

GS #2 Whirling Wrath: No change, still a 10sec Cooldown
GS #3 Leap of Faith: Cooldown down to 15secs from 20secs
GS #4 Symbol of Wrath: Doubled Cooldown from 10secs to 20secs

Whilst a lot of Guardians am mildly miffed at the rearrangement of the skill order following these changes (as weapon skills are organized in order of Cooldown on your hotbar), that is NOT the complaint.


The nerf to Symbol of Wrath on the Greatsword did NOT nerf Retaliation builds as intended. The nerf to Symbol of Wrath on the Greatsword did nerf SEVERAL OTHER builds that utilized that symbol.

Breakdown of Negative Effects.

Symbol of Wrath was previously on a 10 second cooldown, exactly the same as Whirling Wrath. This allowed a Greatsword Guardian to branch into several builds and varying combat options.

If you wanted to deal a hefty amount of AoE damage, then the Greatsword was your go-to weapon. Between the Symbol of Wrath and Whirling Wrath the Greatsword let the Guardian be an AoE damage-dealing machine. This simply isn’t possible like it was before, as a Guardian simply cannot get the same damage output in the same time-frame thanks to the increased cooldown.

This isn’t only about the loss of damage though. The Greatsword also provided BUILD DIVERSITY/VERSATILITY by having a symbol in it’s weapon skillset and some synergy in the Zeal trait line. Unfortunately, all symbol-based trait builds that utilized the Greatsword took a huge and UNNECESSARY hit this patch:

1. If you wanted to use the Symbol of Wrath as a large AoE (by traiting for increased radius) in conjuction with other Guardian AoE’s (such as Purging Flames) for great AoE damage, you could do that.

2. If you wanted to use the Symbol of Wrath to heal yourself/allies (by traiting for symbol healing) and thus provide AoE support, you could do that.

3. If you wanted to use the Symbol of Wrath primarily as a damage-dealer and way to
apply Vulnerability, you could do that (by traiting into the Zeal line).

4. If you wanted to use the Symbol of Wrath to chain with other weapon Symbols you could do so readily, as the Greatsword symbol had a cooldown that would typically be ready to go on weapon-swap if you cycled between a Mace or a Staff as your other symbol weapon.

5. Basically, the Greatsword previously had a reliable AoE symbol that would be up every fight, would help with your damage output, could catch many enemies in it (if you traited for increased symbol radius), could heal yourself and allies (if you traited for symbol healing), could apply Vulnerability to foes (if you traited for that via the Zeal line), could do increased damage (again, if you traited high enough into the Zeal line), and could be chained or used in tandem with other symbols very readily.

Yeah, the Greatsword can still do those things…but now it’s every 20 seconds. In the meantime, you’re practically stuck spinning with Whirling Wrath, using Leap of Faith 5 seconds sooner than you previously would, and then auto-attacking the rest of the time while you wait for the now abhorrent cooldowns of the Greatsword’s main damage-dealing skills.


The Greatsword gave build variety and versatility. With this unnecessary nerf the Greatsword has become only a tool for finishers, and the symbol synergy it did have has been so severely hit that it’s simply not worth using the Greatsword in any symbol/AoE builds anymore. Yeah, it CAN still be done…but it’s nowhere near as fun or as effective as it used to be, and there is no reason for it to be the way it is now (especially since the nerf was supposed to be to perma-Retaliation builds!).

If Retaliation builds REALLY were the intended target, then work on Retaliation.

There is NO reason for the Symbol of Wrath cooldown to be THAT high. The nerf to the Greatsword has put a huge dent in the build variety and versatility it had previously, as well as hitting the damage and AoE ability of the weapon by more than any reasonable amount. On top of that, many symbol-boosting traits simply do NOT benefit the Greatsword like they used to, and this is a huge problem considering the Greatsword has a symbol in it’s skillset, and that the main trait line that boosts offensive symbol usage (Zeal) is tied to/provides traits to encourage Greatsword usage!

If the Symbol giving Retaliation is the problem, then simply make it give Fury or Might instead!, I cannot believe that ArenaNet went through with this change without considering any of the ramifications it would have on other builds involving the Greatsword.

Zilori: Guardian – Desolation.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: Rouven.7409


I still don’t like that the skill order was changed.

On the bright side I’m mainly playing my alts right now

“Whose Kitten is this?” – “It’s a Charr baby.”
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: MajorMelchett.6042


Sort of the same Rouven, i find myself going back to my Elemental more often now – mainly just because it’s a lot more fun and active than my GS Guardian.

I still play my Guardian, but since the change i just find it a bit dull and nowhere near as active as it once was (the GS was IMO the best active Guardian weapon).

Zilori: Guardian – Desolation.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: Exemplar.1479


Yeah…this change really did kill a lot of the fun I was having with my GS Guardian as well. I’ve actually wound up shelving GW2 for a bit because of it. I simply don’t enjoy the other weapons as much as I do (or “did” rather) the GS. I’ve experimented with my Thief a bit more since the GS nerf, but I want to play my Guardian and enjoy dropping symbols and spinning with my GS.

It’s disheartening, and I wish ArenaNet would give us some kind of acknowledgement or word back on the issue. /Sigh

Edit: Null change. Was to add a new signature addition but it updated on its own.

There are all kinds of strengths, but if you have strength of soul the others will follow.
Guardian Greatsword/Symbol Nerf – Please Adjust It.

(edited by Exemplar.1479)

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: plasmacutter.2709


In leveling my mesmer since this patch*, every greatsword guardian i’ve seen has been either dead often or struggling. I also see fewer of them, and more rangers these days, as they seem to be able to put out the dps and support GS symbol builds used to be able to match.

Again, have still stuck with my vow, despite holiday discounts. not one dollar to the gem store until they revert the CD on SoW and fix the retaliation issue by making it give a different defensive boon.

*My mesmer, too, has been forced to “secondary” GS since BWE2, shameful that now GS is not viable and well-rounded for TWO professions now.

BTW anet.. it has now been nearly half a month since this change and in case you didn’t notice.. the outrage is NOT going away.

(edited by plasmacutter.2709)

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: funkin.3814


Add one more to the list of customers a little dismayed by both what the change did vs. the stated goal of the change, but also their complete silence about the matter for so long after the effects have become known.

Just out of curiosity, I decided to check their past participation in this forum, and can only say their seeming disinterest in engaging their player base (specifically guardian, but it may extend to other profs as well) is…. disheartening. (A reply to a thread about a month ago re: shield of absorption, currently on page 14, if anyone’s interested)

Not counting locked threads of course. they’re pretty good about staying on top of those.

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: Bastion the Wayward.3651

Bastion the Wayward.3651

This change has negatively impacted the player experience for many of us. The update notes do not provide a palatable rationale for the implementation, giving the impression of being inapt or misleading. It has been met with critical feedback consisting of hundreds of posts across multiple threads. Anet’s unresponsiveness on the matter has compounded the negative sentiment. This seems rather disingenuous in light of the following statement:

“Community is an essential part of every online game. As our Global Brand Manager Chris Lye likes to say, ‘We’re not a video game company, we’re a community building company. We just happen to have one of the coolest ways to build a community, which is through a video game.’ Community is at the heart of all of us here at ArenaNet; it was at the core of the philosophy of Guild Wars from the beginning. And, like ArenaNet is innovating and changing the genre by thinking boldly (and going boldly where no game development studio has gone before), we’re always coming up with new ways to work together with all of our passionate fans out there.”

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: AbsintheMinded.4609


You’re giving context to the patch notes which simply does not exist; implying that they don’t ‘really’ care about community because they have not explained every patch note to the finest detail is absurd.

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: MajorMelchett.6042


That’s not the case at all, the patch notes explained one thing and did another – we don’t want the notes explained to the finest detail like you state, we just want to know why it stated one thing and did another.

When notes state they’re doing something for one thing and instead it does something completly different, it isn’t unreasonable to expect an answer as to why.

Zilori: Guardian – Desolation.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: AbsintheMinded.4609


They stated that they wanted to reduce the ease at which Retaliation is kept up, and they doubled the Retaliation symbol’s cooldown. How did they do something different?

If your complaint is with changing the order, then… I’m sorry. I’m not going to make excuses or reasons for ANet, but I will say the overwhelming amount of QQ is just silly. Just get used to the new one, or, better yet, re-bind your keys to what they previously were. Most people don’t need to look down to see what number the ability they want is anyway, so it shouldn’t make a difference if your #3 is bound to 4 or not.

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: Arkadi.7451


I think this change highlights a much larger issue in that whenever there is a cool-down balancing change (nerf or buff) on any profession the skill order on the weapon set could change as the ordering is linked to the cool-down length. As many people have said on this thread, it’s not the buff/nerf we’re objecting to, but the change in muscle memory that’s incredibly hard to shake. I don’t understand the logic in linking skill order to cool-down length anyway.

And to those suggesting we simply rebind keys, what shall we do when we weapon swap or go underwater? The same issue exists as a result of the rebound keys.

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: Exemplar.1479


They stated that they wanted to reduce the ease at which Retaliation is kept up, and they doubled the Retaliation symbol’s cooldown. How did they do something different?

If your complaint is with changing the order, then… I’m sorry. I’m not going to make excuses or reasons for ANet, but I will say the overwhelming amount of QQ is just silly. Just get used to the new one, or, better yet, re-bind your keys to what they previously were. Most people don’t need to look down to see what number the ability they want is anyway, so it shouldn’t make a difference if your #3 is bound to 4 or not.

They did something different because most Perma-Retaliation builds did not revolve around the Greatsword’s Symbol of Wrath, and nerfing Symbol of Wrath did nothing to shut down the ease with which Perma-Retaliation is kept up. So yeah, their Greatsword nerf was intended to do one thing (make it harder to Retaliate and upkeep Perma-Retaliation), and in the process it failed to achieve its intended goal while also causing huge collateral damage to Greatsword Symbol-based builds by failing to take into any kind of consideration what effects doubling the symbol’s cooldown would do. Anyone could look at the issue for five minutes (even less) and come to the conclusion that doubling the symbol’s cooldown would negatively effect many other builds while having a very minimal impact upon Retaliation-builds. To have gone through with the nerf knowing that is a huge error, bad game/balance design, and just put a bullet in the head of the build versatility options of the Greatsword.

So basically:

Nerf greatsword results =

Pros: Retaliation of Greatsword harder to keep up

Cons: Symbol duration doubled, Greatsword damage output nerfed, Greatsword AoE healing capabilities through symbols nerfed, ability to apply Vulnerability through Greatsword symbol nerfed, AoE damage of the Greatsword nerfed. Support and damage functions of the Greatsword nerfed heavily.

There definitely is an overwhelming amount of QQ. There are also an overwhelming amount of legitimate complaints about the increased cooldown on the Symbol of Wrath negatively effecting Greatsword Symbol-based builds in a huge way. In fact, that is the greater issue at hand here.

Also, rebinding keys does no good, and is a nearly-ignorant suggestion, as it would completely kitten someone’s muscle memory on EVERY other weapon they swap to just for the sake of preserving one. It’s not about the skill location (although having the skill back in the same slot or being able to freely swap skills in the 1-5 slots would be really nice).

I think this change highlights a much larger issue in that whenever there is a cool-down balancing change (nerf or buff) on any profession the skill order on the weapon set could change as the ordering is linked to the cool-down length. As many people have said on this thread, it’s not the buff/nerf we’re objecting to, but the change in muscle memory that’s incredibly hard to shake. I don’t understand the logic in linking skill order to cool-down length anyway.

And to those suggesting we simply rebind keys, what shall we do when we weapon swap or go underwater? The same issue exists as a result of the rebound keys.

Sorry, but it IS the nerf that I am objecting to. Yes, the muscle memory thing is hard to shake. But that doesn’t effect builds any. Changing the location of a skill on a hotbar doesn’t negatively effect a build. The doubled cooldown on the Symbol of Wrath however DOES negatively effect several other builds. Symbol-based builds with the Greatsword were ruined unnecessarily. It has been pointed out clearly how this is the case in many threads and posts now.

To condense it all into a simple complaint about muscle memory doesn’t do any justice to the fact that this nerf kittened Greatsword + Symbol Guardian builds in a huge way, especially when the nerf was supposed to be about taming Retaliation-based builds, not Symbol-based builds.

Edit: Null change. Was to add a new signature addition but it updated on its own.

There are all kinds of strengths, but if you have strength of soul the others will follow.
Guardian Greatsword/Symbol Nerf – Please Adjust It.

(edited by Exemplar.1479)

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: AbsintheMinded.4609


The Retaliation from SoW now is completely different than it was before, it now has 1 second of boon per second of standing in the symbol. That’s not how it was before, I remember with just a little bit of Virtues traits only using the symbol would keep Retaliation up 100% of the time. Does it do that now? No, it doesn’t.

Nearly ignorant? Dude, give me a break. If you don’t like a suggestion, don’t take it.

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: MajorMelchett.6042


It was never possible to keep ret up 100% of the time usung the GS SoW (if it was, it was a bug), you could get 4 seconds of it every 8 seconds using the SoW at best and if you only used the GS skills it was 4 seconds of it every 16 seconds (infact this is still possible now using only GS skills).

The best way to get the most Ret uptime using a weapon was (and still is) using the hammer, because you can get 4 seconds worth every 5 seconds or so.

Zilori: Guardian – Desolation.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.

(edited by MajorMelchett.6042)

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: AbsintheMinded.4609


With 55% additional Retaliation from Virtues alone, there was almost no downtime on Retaliation from Symbol of Wrath before.

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: funkin.3814


Ya see, now we’re getting somewhere. Because of a supposed problem with retaliation, possibly ‘made worse’ by the virtue traitline, they annihilated the zeal line for those using the greatsword (you know, the traitline where every single minor has to do w/ symbols and has the only major traits that deal specifically w/ gs), and seriously hampered the use of honor, for the those gs users who might have traited into symbols.

In other words, to fix retaliation for all guardians, they effectively neutered the use of symbols by those using greatswords. Still plenty of retaliation out there, it’s still pretty easy to keep up.

They could have changed retaliation, or it’s durations. They could have changed the way it is applied via symbols. What they did was beat the ever living kitten out of symbol builds for gs guardians while leaving retaliation only slightly (if any) worse than it was before. They nerfed the weapon, not retaliation, but apparently didn’t feel they could be honest with us about it. I expect more.

(edited by funkin.3814)

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: MajorMelchett.6042


With 55% additional Retaliation from Virtues alone, there was almost no downtime on Retaliation from Symbol of Wrath before.

So with 55% from vitues (that’s a 30 points requirement) it increased the duration from 3 seconds to 4.65 seconds on the SoW using GS leap, as such using GS only it was possible to get 4.65 seconds of retaliation every 16 seconds if traited to get 20% 2hd skill cooldown reduction (another 20 points).

Now if using other weapons it was possible to get it more often using SoW but at best it was 4.65 seconds every 8 seconds (again, with a requirement of 50 points), sorry, i have no idea how yout claiming “almost no downtime” using the SoW for retaliation due to these reasons.
Now look at the Hammer.
Take no points in anything and it’s possible to use hammer and get 3 seconds of retaliation every 5 seconds, with 10 points into Virtues that goes to almost 4 seconds worth every 5 seconds and with 20 points (to get the 2hd cooldown reduction only) you can get 3 seconds worth with every 4 seconds. Add with both together (30 points) it’s possible to get almost 4 seconds worth every 4 seconds (5 points more and it’s 4 seconds worth every 4 seconds = 100’% uptime).
So it was a bad thing to get at best 4.65 seconds worth of single person retaliation at best every 8 seconds that cost 50 points, and as such it was worth wreaking all symbol builds using the GS?. All while it was possible (and still is) to get more retaliation that is an AOE version (spreads to other allies) with no points at all, and if you spend 35 points is infact possible to get a 100% uptime on it.

I just don’t see it as a good change at all when this is taken into account, all they should do is remove all ways of getting retaliation from symbols (swap the buff to someting else) and leave retaliation on active skills/virtues/traits only. Doing that would stop 100% uptime builds and make it so retaliation is an active buff you have to activate instead of something you can get from symbols.

Zilori: Guardian – Desolation.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.

(edited by MajorMelchett.6042)

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: Bastion the Wayward.3651

Bastion the Wayward.3651

Thank you Exemplar and MajorMelchett for explicitly covering the salient points of the topic.

I had a post that recapped each of these key elements, but it was deleted (I presume it was mod activity and not a glitch, most likely due to calling out AbsintheMinded for the specious nature of his/her posts).

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: Corbus.9837



And I was wandering why the hell was I constantly pressing wrong buttons recently on my keyboard when playing my guardian….

RTFPN – read the f….. patch notes!!!!

Now I also know why the combat felt a bit off…

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: Auruan.2837


They nerfed the weapon, not retaliation, but apparently didn’t feel they could be honest with us about it. I expect more.

Bravo! This. So true. So odd.
Been almost two weeks? More? I still am waiting, twiddling thumbs.
Any dev that goes so much as even “Oopsies!” or “Weeeell, we don’t know…” or even “We don’t really care, just carry on! Shhhh!” at this thread now will get a big bear hug from me.

It’s just weird getting no confirmation for our thoughts, or answers to our questions.

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: MajorMelchett.6042


That’s the catch, i’d be quiet (well a bit quieter) if they just said “well, the symbol was way OP, it had nothing to do with retaliation at all. Using our stats it showed symbol builds using the GS where just far to OP to be left that way (and we plan to fix the Zeal trait line with regards to GS traits at a later time)”

Instead we have some players (not Anet) stating it was so OP despite no one every really saying it was (on any class or pvp section), and despite the fact the notes from Anet state something completely different.

Zilori: Guardian – Desolation.
Zarturo: Elemental – Desolation.

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: AbsintheMinded.4609


Thank you Exemplar and MajorMelchett for explicitly covering the salient points of the topic.

I had a post that recapped each of these key elements, but it was deleted (I presume it was mod activity and not a glitch, most likely due to calling out AbsintheMinded for the specious nature of his/her posts).

You’ll have to get over it if someone is trying to always look subjectively at things, it’s not “specious” and it’s not “calling someone out” just by disagreeing with them.

(edited by AbsintheMinded.4609)

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: Exemplar.1479


You’ll have to get over it if someone is trying to always look subjectively at things, it’s not “specious” and it’s not “calling someone out” just by disagreeing with them.

(Emphasis added above)

I think most people are looking at it subjectively…which is why objective facts about which builds were damaged and what negative effects came out of the GS nerf (as well as the nerf not even hitting what it was supposed to be targeting successfully) have been presented for all to peruse without bias -.-

Edit: Fixed a typo

There are all kinds of strengths, but if you have strength of soul the others will follow.
Guardian Greatsword/Symbol Nerf – Please Adjust It.

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: Silentkitty.4597


Change the layout back.

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: TenzKu.1509


Day 15. No feedback from ArenaNet. My guardian is still on the shelf, badly broken — the Zeal trait line, the Greatsword, the swapping of skills, the cool-down forcing auto-attack — the promise that ‘any class can play any role’ and then finding that I can’t really tank anymore… it’s all combined into a single label for me — broken.

On to other things.

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: Auruan.2837


It may not be as fun, or ravaging in terms of damage, but mace/shield or a staff and the Altruistic Healing trait, in addition to some shouts make for nice tanking. At least, in terms of survability. The lack of interesting GS mechanics don’t exactly make me eager to equip it solely for its fifth skill any longer…

Two weeks. Not a word from the devs. It’s strange, mh.

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: GoEz.8259


seriously i dont care so much about the nerf as the layout changes

just make it so that once you unlock the skills you can place them however you want geez

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: plasmacutter.2709


No word from the devs, now they’re trying to distract people by nerfing something else. Cute. I’m not buying it. Unsuck greatsword and zeal tree by removing retal from SoW and putting it BACK on a 10s timer.

No cash for gems until it happens. I’ve stood by it before, I stand by it now, and I urge others to join me.

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: valdamus.6289


times like this is when I wish gw2 was infact 15/mo. sub. then i would stop paying and voice my opinion that way. But since it is f2p we rather like it or gtfo.

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: Ganzo.5079


+10% damage on SOW… W.T.F.!!! are they kidding

i prefer -20% damage but the old cd back with another buff…

Because, like Guild Wars before it, GW2 doesn’t fall into the traps of traditional MMORPGs.
It doesn’t suck your life away and force you onto a grinding treadmill"

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: Relentliss.2170


Was going to buy some chest keys, but Anet can get stuffed with this pathetic change.

We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills, we make all of it optional

Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: bantapoo.1093


bone thrown +10% damage for SOW. rejoice you got your symbold damage nerfed by -100% and now it’s back at -90%.
Maybe in 10 months we’ll see a +10% increase?

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: plasmacutter.2709


don’t care about the damage. They could remove the damage component entirely and make it something else. I just want the quick symbol back on the GS, because the trait line associated with it boosts symbols.

Nothing can describe how f-ed up it is to have the primary weapon for a tree no longer work with the tree.

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: Dark Kain.3870

Dark Kain.3870

I can’t really understand what they were thinking: +10% damage to the SoW? Who ever care?

So: the positive aspect is that they are actually reading the forum, since it is obvious they have recognized the overall nerf to GS Symbol Builds.
The bad point is that they are not going to explain us anything and they are not goint to stay in contact with the Guardian community, i really hope this is going to change.

Well, no gems from me during this Halloween event for sure; one must voice his feedback somehow.