Guardian December Patch Preview
Link to dev post:
Overall, some nice boosts to offensive guard… I’m getting excited
Free of Fate
Sanctum of Rall
Symbol of Swiftness change – time to run Retreat.
Kindred Zeal will be a thing as along as Anet wants to give people options for gameplay instead of THE build for a particular situation. I’m happy to see focus on it. It’s a good indication of the divergence between the direction Anet want the game to go and the ideas that some people have of ‘how the game should be played correctly’. The wider that gets, the more silly the concept of ‘playing the correct way’ becomes.
While buffs are nice, these seem insignificant. Single digit relative increases won’t even affect my build decisions. It’s still unsettling that core deficiencies that I think exist with the class aren’t addressed. Of course, my priorities aren’t theirs so I will have to continue to cross my fingers.
What is ESPECIALLY nice is that they give us all an indication of what they think the concept for Guardians is and where it should be in terms of damage, etc… in their opening statement. Something like that should be sticked and referred to every time I someone wants to make a comparison to Warriors.
As for specifics:
Shattered Aegis: This is competing against a 10% modifier that’s almost always applicable. The damage it will hit for better be REALLY good.
Kindred Zeal: I can understand the motivation to keep the burning damage on par with regular hits but a 3% increase is insulting
Retributive Armor: Does a 2% increase even HAVE an impact on a precision to crit rate conversion of 21? I don’t think it will. WEAK!
Supreme Justice: While this will be a high significance on a select group of builds, still a very limited application.
The rest are OK.
(edited by Obtena.7952)
I am glad to see they are looking at improving our hybrid builds.
Zeal needs a trait that converts power to vitality.
Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)
The problem is Kindred Zeal is awful, and will stay awful until they bump it up to something like 30-50%. It doesn’t mean jack diddly to have condition damage when your only damaging condition is burning. Perplexity be kitten ed.
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.
The symbol pulse change is rather odd. From the way I read it each pulse applies 4 seconds, so if you stand in there you could potentially stack up to 16 seconds of swiftness (with the 4 pulses). But if you need the swiftness, you probably don’t need to be standing around waiting for it. :S Should be good for zergs in WvW though with multiple guards…
Free of Fate
Sanctum of Rall
The problem is Kindred Zeal is awful, and will stay awful until they bump it up to something like 30-50%. It doesn’t mean jack diddly to have condition damage when your only damaging condition is burning. Perplexity be kitten ed.
…Perplexity Guardian? Gogogogo!
And we still can’t stick to people.
(edited by ZoroDaOtter.3859)
Symbol of swiftness. Would just love it to give 10 sec of swiftness and stack 2-3xwith other guardians.
Kindled Zeal – totally useless – how about symbols apply a 2sec chill, 10 sec cd
Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)
Honestly, the only trait I would take with these changes would be Powerful Blades. I just cannot see myself taking anything else since there are better options. (SPVP perspective)
Useless changes.
Nobody is going to pick Zeal V – Shattered Aegis over the 10% damage and 5% greatsword damage trait. And there’s no way anyone will put 10 more points into zeal just for it.
Zeal XII – Kindled Zeal is also still a waste of space. Along with our other grandmaster zeal trait (+50% spirit weapon dmg) until spirit weapons are better. Nobody will spec for condi damage while we only have 1 reliable condition available to us. And the +13% conversion doesn’t change the burn tick enough to matter.
Radiance V is the only interesting one. GS guards may pick it on their way to the 10% dmg trait now and start providing buff removal in dungeons.
Radiance X – Powerful blades. Totally unnecessary but okay thanks.
Honor VI – Pure of Heart. Increased scaling with Healing power from 25% to 40%.
Nobody will use this anyway. Not with the amount of cool stuff the honor line has if you’re a support guard.
As a smallscale WvW Staff using Guardian this is the first time i’ve been upset at any class changes since beta, we’re the easiest class to catch by out of combat speeders/blinkerswith zergs behind them(besides necros without spectral walk/good use of death shroud tele).
Swiftness isn’t even great mobility in the first place, we need something like a good version of merciful intervention(lower cd, better effect, choose where to teleport) more than ever.
Some of the changes seems to be going in the right way, but it’s not enough in my opinion.
I still hope they will look into Spirit Weapons though, I really like the concept.
Haha, nice. 5% more damage to sword is fine, making the already strong offensive guard even stronger.
There is no loyalty without betrayal. -Ann Smiley
Symbol of Swiftness change – time to run Retreat.
This is a strange change to me because Guardians are already not very mobile. Most definitely not a fan of only adding 1sec to swiftness if you already have it. Making this skill about as useful as the mesmer’s swiftness buff that stacks with nothing.
Symbol of Swiftness change – time to run Retreat.
This is a strange change to me because Guardians are already not very mobile. Most definitely not a fan of only adding 1sec to swiftness if you already have it. Making this skill about as useful as the mesmer’s swiftness buff that stacks with nothing.
You’re reading it wrong – the “8 seconds if you have no swiftness and 1 second if you have swiftness” is what it currently does. What they are suggesting is that it will add 4 seconds per tick regardless.
In practise it might mean a small group has to linger in the symbol to stack swiftness, but a zerg might be able to generate a lot of swiftness with multiple guardians laying down a train of symbols.
I do wonder if the 5 ally limit will apply with the change though… I suspect it might
(edited by Tarsius.3170)
well as i read it it will now stack 4 seconds when you have swiftness running. This means at least 2*4 sec on top of retreat, with no boon duration. If you start with SoS (4s) and than retreat and stack SoP twice it means 32 sec in total.
With the old one you had 8+20+1+1=30, ofc in soloplay, in group play with two guardians or any other profession with swiftness it becomes significant.
But i might misunderstand the whole thing.
Even better would be one single pulse with the entire duration, which is how i think all symbols should work.
(edited by Brutaly.6257)
Symbol of swiftness. Would just love it to give 10 sec of swiftness and stack 2-3xwith other guardians.
Kindled Zeal – totally useless – how about symbols apply a 2sec chill, 10 sec cd
Good one. Even if they change Kindled Zeal to 50% it will be useless. I really hope they chage to something useful.
Symbol of Swiftness change – time to run Retreat.
This is a strange change to me because Guardians are already not very mobile. Most definitely not a fan of only adding 1sec to swiftness if you already have it. Making this skill about as useful as the mesmer’s swiftness buff that stacks with nothing.
You’re reading it wrong – the “8 seconds if you have no swiftness and 1 second if you have swiftness” is what it currently does. What they are suggesting is that it will add 4 seconds per tick regardless.
In practise it might mean a small group has to linger in the symbol to stack swiftness, but a zerg might be able to generate a lot of swiftness with multiple guardians laying down a train of symbols.
I do wonder if the 5 ally limit will apply with the change though… I suspect it might
I did not like this change at all. I prefer 8 sec, becouse it can be useful while running (The only way that I use it). Now will be only 4 sec instead of 8.
Put my feedback on the thread, but i’m glad they’ve acknowledged “damage focused guardians” are a thing in the dev’s eyes.
^they don’t seem to know we’re probably one of the highest dps classes around if we want to be though the buff wasn’t really needed.
^they don’t seem to know we’re probably one of the highest dps classes around if we want to be though
the buff wasn’t really needed.
The problem isn’t the DPS, but the traits related to DPS: they are useless.
^they don’t seem to know we’re probably one of the highest dps classes around if we want to be though
the buff wasn’t really needed.
Against stuff that’s standing still, yes.
I really like some of these changes, others are kinda moot.
•Zeal V – Shattered Aegis. Damage instead of Burning.
Overall not a really big deal. People still probably won’t run this trait, unless it’s a substantial amount of damage.
•Zeal VII – Zealous Blade. This trait now scales with Healing power (2%.)
Nice that they finally buffed this. However you buff the sword up 5% more damage. I don’t see why you don’t do it with the Greatsword and also Mace of Justice. If you want Guardians to spec heavily into Zeal you need to give us reasons.
•Zeal XII – Kindled Zeal. Increased conversion from 10% to 13%.
Still useless. This whole trait just needs to be redesigned.
•Radiance V – Searing Flames. Reduced cooldown from 20s to 10s.
This is the one I’m most excited for. With Sigil of Nullification you’ll be removing two boons every ten seconds. This one can be really power.
•Radiance X – Powerful blades. Increased damage from 5% to 10%.
Nice change.
•Valor V – Retributive Armor. Increased conversion rate from 5% to 7%.
Didn’t really need a buff, but whatever not going to complain.
•Honor VI – Pure of Heart. Increased scaling with Healing power from 25% to 40%.
Pure of Heart isn’t bad problem is there are just better traits in Honor to choose from.
•Virtues VIII – Supreme Justice. Number of attacks going from 4 to 3.
I find this to be pretty interesting too. Going to have to wait until the patch for testing.
•Symbol of Swiftness: This skill now applies 4 seconds of swiftness per pulse, rather than 8 seconds if you have no swiftness and 1 second if you have swiftness.
Heavens Rage
(edited by Harbinger.8637)
-Shattered Aegis: Do we have an amount on how much damage this will do? I ask because this is competing with Fiery Wrath which is a very nice buff to Guardian damage overall and not just burst.
-Zealous Blade: I honestly think that the changes just aren’t what some of us are looking for. I would like this to be a flat bonus to health gained because it’s something that only affects GS and you must hit your opponent for it to work. Instead of it being per hit, why not per skill activation upon hit and significantly increase the health gained? It would still require you to hit your target and could be countered by kiting.
-Kindled Zeal: Maybe change this from condition to more physical damage or crit chance? As it stands it’s very difficult for a Guardian to spec into Condition damage and feels a lot less desirable compared to power.
-Searing Flames: This is a decent change but unless the changes to Sigil of Nullification are made, I think other options are more viable.
-Powerful Blades: Nice change, This is brought more inline with other professions traits
-Retributive Armor: Maybe instead of making this a flat increase to precision, give it a chance to proc fury at a certain % of health or when a certain conditional effect is applied with a a cooldown. Maybe when health is reached at 75% or when CCed?
Pure of Heart: I think this should be changed from a burst heal to regeneration because in most situations when you lose your first Aegis, you’re already at full health thus you won’t gain any bonus from it at all.
Supreme Justice: This is a nice change to apply more burning but there are more appealing options to the Guardian in its place(indomitable courage, Absolute resolution.) Maybe give it something else besides burning upon a specific amount of hits? The Active of this Virtue is almost always activated thus losing any potential.
Symbol of Swiftness: I think this should be changed back to 8 or 6 initially and then 4 afterwards? I often don’t see myself nor my teammates stand in symbols for more than a second.
Guys, what you think about my suggestions? I suggested some things that I feel underpowered and give suggestions to make them good (not overpowered):
Hi, I have some Guardian suggestions!
- 15 – Symbolic Exposure: Change the vulnerability duration to 5 sec up from 3. Why: You can get only 2 stacks at same time (during 2 sec) with symbols and it is a very weak trait in my opinion.
- VIII – Focused Mastery: Add a secondary effect, like Shield (+ Thoughness) and Torch (Burn duration) does. Why: This is an underused trait becouse is does not synergy very well with ‘Symbolic Exposure (15)’ becouse only 1 1handed weapons have symbol (mace). Adding a secondary effect can become more interesting to use too.
- IX – Scepter Power: Smite should be a symbol, but changed to “adapt” to its symbol status (to not become too powerful). Why: Like ‘Focused Mastery’ does not synergy at all with Symbolic Exposure becouse it does not have symbols.
- XII – Kindled Zeal: Even increasing the %, it will still be useless, this trait need to be chaged to something else. Why: We only have one condition (burning) that does not scales in group.
- 15 – Courageous Return: Make it to work when someone revives you (maybe only when downed?) Why: It should trigger if you rally, so, why not when someone revives you?
- VIII – Glacial Heart: Useless. Reduces its cooldown to 10~15 sec. Why: Its cooldown is still insanely high for its chill duration. Also you need to crit to trigger.
- IX – Honorable Shield: Move to Adept tier. Why: The shield is only viable with this trait becouse the shield have too much CD to its effects. Also if you are heavy support (mace+shield) you cannot equip ‘Mace of Justice’ and this trait togheter.
- X – Focused Mind: Change its duration to 5 up from 4 sec. Why: This 1 sec makes all difference between useful and useless. I tested this new trait and in this way the meditations builds with this trait would be more viable, without becoming too powerful.
- V – Improved Spirit-Weapon Duration: Remove this trait and apply this effect permanently. Why: The Spirt weapons have too much traits and their uptime (duration / cooldown) is too low (1/3).
Spirit Weapons:
Overal their problem are:
- A lot of traits related to them (5 in total). Solution: Merge some of they or remove some and apply their effect permanently;
- They still melt to bosses (this is a problem of all summons). Solution: Make all summons evades when their owner dodges (or add traits to this);
- Their uptime. They have 2 to 3 times their cooldown compared to their duration, also they still die easy. Solution: Reduce their Cooldown (some argue to make they invul, but I prefer lower CD).
- Bow: Both Command and its “atks” should scales with healing power (if “A Fire Inside” scales with cond dmg, why it cant scales with healing power?). Also its “atks” should be faster or AoE.
Hallowed Ground: Its CD is still too long, even with the new effect. The major problem of this skill is that it is stationary, so to have 10 sec of stability, you need to stand still (the same problem of Purging Flames). Its CD should be 60 sec to be useful. Wall of Reflection and Sanctuary don’t have this problem becouse you only need to stay behind and not in a specific location.
Purging Flames: Like Hallowed Ground, its CD should be lowered to 25~30s, down from 35s.
Signet of Mercy: Still useless. Its cast time should be 2 sec and its cooldown should be 90~120 sec. It shouldn’t able to revive supervisor / keeps lord. (In my opinion the current use of the skill is just gimmick).
- Reduce the cast time from the last hit from #1 to 3/4s, down from 1s;
- Reduce the cast time from #2 to 1s, down from 1 1/4s;
- Makes #3 (if struck) a blast finisher or whirl finisher.
- Reduce the cast time from last hit from #1 to 1s, down from 1 1/4s.
- Make #2 a Leap finisher. If the Staff #2 and sword #2 (Swap) from mesmers are leap, why the guardian’s teleport from sword #2 cant be?
I did not like this change at all. I prefer 8 sec, becouse it can be useful while running (The only way that I use it). Now will be only 4 sec instead of 8.
You’re reading it wrong, the symbol pulses 4(5?) times for 4 seconds, giving 16 seconds of swiftness with this new change. The old system gave you 8 if you had no swiftness, or only 1 if you did. It’s a massive buff.
Tycho Snowpaw – Guardian
Gandara – [WvW]
I did not like this change at all. I prefer 8 sec, becouse it can be useful while running (The only way that I use it). Now will be only 4 sec instead of 8.
You’re reading it wrong, the symbol pulses 4(5?) times for 4 seconds, giving 16 seconds of swiftness with this new change. The old system gave you 8 if you had no swiftness, or only 1 if you did. It’s a massive buff.
Only if you stand still. Moving around maps it will be a nerf. Becouse instead of getting 8 sec you’ll get only 4 sec. Only if you stand still 5 sec you’ll get 16 sec:
The only improvement is if you already HAVE swiftness. If you are using SoS to run away, its a nerf. If you are using it for travel, still most of the time its a nerf. Its ONLY a 3 second buff for you and others who cross over it when you already have swiftness and in that case it is rarely important. I suppose you could stand in it to stack it a bit but, well, then you are STANDING STILL to travel FASTER? Terrible trade off, I don’t like it.
I did not like this change at all. I prefer 8 sec, becouse it can be useful while running (The only way that I use it). Now will be only 4 sec instead of 8.
You’re reading it wrong, the symbol pulses 4(5?) times for 4 seconds, giving 16 seconds of swiftness with this new change. The old system gave you 8 if you had no swiftness, or only 1 if you did. It’s a massive buff.
So…You stand still for 4sec, making up no ground, and lose 4 secs of swiftness because you are standing still (and each stack is still going to count down), so you end up with only an effective 8 seconds of swiftness…and will still be behind people who just kept on going, sounds like a great idea, and this is also only in situations where you can stand still, in combat or when trying to get away, you are going to stand still for that long to get the same amount of swiftness as before? You will be dead by then.
This is only a buff to zergs where guards are dropping SoS when most people already have swiftness from static field blasting or shouts/horns etc, it will help with stacking even more speed for the zerg, but that is about it.
Why they just did not fix it to where it gives 8 sec with swiftness or not I have no idea, but that would have been the better move.
I feel we are missing an opportunity with powerful blades change. 10% is nice, don’t get me wrong, but other traits that give 5% also add some interesting utility. Perhaps bleed or cripple (with a cool down) on crit? That would help fix 1 of 2 major issues we actually have, either condition damage variety or sticking to targets. Sword is already our highest dps weapon.
Also, please add 5% hammer damage to glacial heart and just call it hammer mastery. You might see some use of it then…
Symbol of swiftness. Would just love it to give 10 sec of swiftness and stack 2-3xwith other guardians.
Kindled Zeal – totally useless – how about symbols apply a 2sec chill, 10 sec cd
Just think about it…
" OMG a zerg is comming" —- change to staff — cast Symbol of swiftness — " please let me stack duration guys, thx" --— run.
Useless change, right now I have 85% boon increse and it still is difficult to move as fast as the other classes. (not using retreat of course)
will it be possible to cast the symbol of swiftness such that you take 1 second to run through the symbol and proc it twice to get back the 8seconds? bigger symbols? it seems to take 1/2 second to run from the edge of the normal size symbol to the other edge, and we still have to time the symbol periodic proc….
i think i would prefer back the old one but just let it stack properly with other swiftness sources. that will be a real massive buff.
Symbol of swiftness. Would just love it to give 10 sec of swiftness and stack 2-3xwith other guardians.
Kindled Zeal – totally useless – how about symbols apply a 2sec chill, 10 sec cd
————-Just think about it…
" OMG a zerg is comming" —- change to staff — cast Symbol of swiftness — " please let me stack duration guys, thx" --— run.
Useless change, right now I have 85% boon increse and it still is difficult to move as fast as the other classes. (not using retreat of course)
gahahhaa…. PARLAY@@
ok i just tested it out, you can proc two ticks of the symbol just by running through it but you got to position that symbol well. so you can get back the original 8 seconds. but i would rather have the old version back as this double tick will probably not work for others who run through the symbol as it is not timed for them.
vid for the people interested, bigger symbols is much easier to proc.
(edited by Zackie.8923)
Kindred Zeal will be a thing as along as Anet wants to give people options for gameplay instead of THE build for a particular situation. I’m happy to see focus on it. It’s a good indication of the divergence between the direction Anet want the game to go and the ideas that some people have of ‘how the game should be played correctly’. The wider that gets, the more silly the concept of ‘playing the correct way’ becomes.
While buffs are nice, these seem insignificant. Single digit relative increases won’t even affect my build decisions. It’s still unsettling that core deficiencies that I think exist with the class aren’t addressed. Of course, my priorities aren’t theirs so I will have to continue to cross my fingers.
What is ESPECIALLY nice is that they give us all an indication of what they think the concept for Guardians is and where it should be in terms of damage, etc… in their opening statement. Something like that should be sticked and referred to every time I someone wants to make a comparison to Warriors.
As for specifics:
Shattered Aegis: This is competing against a 10% modifier that’s almost always applicable. The damage it will hit for better be REALLY good.
Kindred Zeal: I can understand the motivation to keep the burning damage on par with regular hits but a 3% increase is insulting
Retributive Armor: Does a 2% increase even HAVE an impact on a precision to crit rate conversion of 21? I don’t think it will. WEAK!
Supreme Justice: While this will be a high significance on a select group of builds, still a very limited application.The rest are OK.
I can’t imagine shattered aegis hitting for very hard since its a adept trait. My guess is that it will be maybe 500 base damage or so. If its too high it will be overpowered and nerfed.
I can’t disagree with anything you are saying here really. I do think its cool how they laid down their ideal for guardian. Its very clear that they are definitely not suppose to be for dps.
Windows 10
Reference to my recommendations/feedback.
I’d be curious to see what others feel about my ideas, the dev thread is fairly slow in regards to fellow Guardians giving constructive feedback (far too much focus on the swiftness symbol change!)
I’m not really complaining about getting buffs it’s just I don’t think a lot of these were warranted.
The link to my base suggestions/questions
For the TLDR: WTF for kindled zeal, why do guardians have 1 condition, and can we get some improvements in this area in radiance (Aka our condition line that has no business being a condition line currently). Why 60 trait points for a horribly broken utility (spirit weapons) and is there ever going to be an actually decent form of glacial heart that people might use. Oh, and also if zeal is ever going to get the overhaul it deserves?
Other topics, if I get any type of answer, will include the reliance on valor for 90% of builds. The possible buffing of virtues for damage builds, since it is almost purely offensive outside of semi useless burn talents, and a slight damage boost based on buffs.
5pt – Symbolic X: Create a symbol of Wrath when your Health Drops below 25%. Symbols apply Vulnerability to foes.
15pt – Selfish Preservation: Dodging removes Immobilization and Cripple
25pt – Sybolic Power: Increases damage (10%) of symbols and applies Terror (2 stack per pulse)
Spiritual Unity: Spirit Weapons heal allies (Base 25 + .2 coefficient / 150 radius).
Zealous Blade: Attacks with your Greatsword AND Sword deal an extra 5% and heal you and your allies.
Spiritual Mastery: Spirit Weapons are not Destroyed and Recharge 20% Faster.
Wrathful Spirits: Increases spirit weapon damage by 50% and Bleed Targets (1 stack)
Shimmering Defense: At 25% health you explode in a Nova Blast (150dmg), pushing foes back and burning them for 7 seconds.
Inner Fire: When you are set on fire, you gain Fury (8s) and haste for 4 seconds (30s cooldown).
Powerful Blades: Zealot’s Defense pierces and can be used while moving.
Perfect Inscriptions: All Signet passive effects are increased. Signets heal (32per/s + .02 coefficient)
Glacial Heart: Critical Hits w/ Hammer AND Mace have a 100% chace to chill target for 5s. Effect Can occur once every 24s.
Focused Mind: Meditations grant you and your allies Fury (4s) and Swiftness (5s).
Battle Presence: Nearby Allies gain all Virtues Passive effects.
Unscathed Contender: You Deal 20% more damage while under the effect of Aegis. Aegis you apply, applies protection for 2s after it is removed.
Is it too much to ask to log in and see a REAL improvement to something on Guardian?
It would simply make me feel good to log in and see a single improvement that wasn’t coupled with some sort of sideways nerf.
Like hey here is your new GM trait for Zeal
That maybe applies chill
Gives you health
Gives you lifesteal
Something cool and useful
Or maybe
Reduce a CD on a weapon or consecration
Or reduce the cast time of our signets
Or here is your speed signet
Or new rune set specifically for guardian
Or maybe virtues line also reduces all cd 5/10/15% for the points put in it
I dunno. I would just like to see a boost to something that isn’t coupled with a nerf. Is that to much to ask?
Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)
5pt – Symbolic X: Create a symbol of Wrath when your Health Drops below 25%. Symbols apply Vulnerability to foes.
15pt – Selfish Preservation: Dodging removes Immobilization and Cripple
fan of this one, would be a great trait, but probably needs an ICD with guardian perma vigor?
25pt – Sybolic Power: Increases damage (10%) of symbols and applies Terror (2 stack per pulse)
you mean torment, right? They would never do that though, since it doesn’t apply to the guardian “thematically” in Anet’s opinion.
Spiritual Unity: Spirit Weapons heal allies (Base 25 + .2 coefficient / 150 radius).Master:
Zealous Blade: Attacks with your Greatsword AND Sword deal an extra 5% and heal you and your allies.Spiritual Mastery: Spirit Weapons are not Destroyed and Recharge 20% Faster.
Wrathful Spirits: Increases spirit weapon damage by 50% and Bleed Targets (1 stack)
Same issue with the torment, bleeds probably dont match Anet’s thematic view of guardian, we’d be more likely to get a new condition.Radiance:
Shimmering Defense: At 25% health you explode in a Nova Blast (150dmg), pushing foes back and burning them for 7 seconds.
A big fan of this, actually.Inner Fire: When you are set on fire, you gain Fury (8s) and haste for 4 seconds (30s cooldown).
Powerful Blades: Zealot’s Defense pierces and can be used while moving.
It could be argued that ZD should be like that without traiting, since its a skill that doesn’t hit as hard as the autos, and rarely hits targets if they aren’t setup with hard cc in advance. But with Anet being Anet, this is probably the best we could hope to getPerfect Inscriptions: All Signet passive effects are increased. Signets heal (32per/s + .02 coefficient)
In line with Anet’s other coefficient balancing this would most likely be set at .01Valor:
Glacial Heart: Critical Hits w/ Hammer AND Mace have a 100% chace to chill target for 5s. Effect Can occur once every 24s.
One can dream
Focused Mind: Meditations grant you and your allies Fury (4s) and Swiftness (5s).
They are much to scared of giving us mobility, though I agree since meditation builds are already slow.Honor:
Battle Presence: Nearby Allies gain all Virtues Passive effects.Virtues:
Unscathed Contender: You Deal 20% more damage while under the effect of Aegis. Aegis you apply, applies protection for 2s after it is removed.
just my two cents.
ERP guild looking for members.
(edited by Entioch.6594)
I love my hammer build on guardian 15,15,0,20,20 but I think 10,30,0,5,25 s/f might be too good not use. If you think about the damage bonus’s from radiance, it will be:
(from 20 radiance up)
10% more dmg 10% more dmg 15% crit chance for 1h weapons
that’s pretty dam solid for 10 more trait points
add that with 5% more from virtues, 10% more from fiery wrath and 10% more from scholar runes
That’s a whopping 45% damage boost and 15% crit chance
(edited by Painbow.6059)
^they don’t seem to know we’re probably one of the highest dps classes around if we want to be though
the buff wasn’t really needed.
Against stuff that’s standing still, yes.
Nope, against any stuff, as long as you have a decent group and all the relevant buffs are up.
There is no loyalty without betrayal. -Ann Smiley
Kindled Zeal is such a joke.
They literally have no clue about how the Guardian actually plays and why it’s a bad trait. Woo 3% conversion increase!
This trait is pathetic, I wouldn’t even take it if it was an Adept trait and gave a 20% conversion of Power to condition damage.
Nope, against any stuff, as long as you have a decent group and all the relevant buffs are up.
I’m pretty sure you just covered every class and every situation in the entire game, well played!
When will they fix the Spiriteapons so we can actualy use them. I would loveto build my guardian with them…
One idea for Kindled Zeal is that burning scales with power instead of condi dmg when traited. I wonder if it possible to do a change like that or would it just not work with the current system. It would make burning a strong source of damage for a guardian, 2000 power giving a burn of about 800 a tick, Kindled Zeal in it’s current form and even if they bumped the scaling to 50% would be about 3/4 that amount. It makes sense that guardians should get something special to boost burning when it is their only condition.
looks good, and i can return to a sword build again.
Actually Spirit weapons are viable for full burst, for example in the pav fighting the ooze to kill him before killing the little oozes for the achieves, since you can’t ‘aoe’