Guardian changes 7/23/13
And some guildies and I tested it and it’s still HORRIBLE.
I had 1 guy w/ 50% health, at 600 range, and another guy at 90% health, at 300 range, and it consistently went to the closer of the two.
It could be a LOS issue, it could be a 1st check issue… who knows…
Make it TARGET-ABLE already.
Guild Wars 2 should not have targetable heals.
Then make it a GTAOE
Plenty of “targetable” heals.
still no reason to use Mercitful Intervention i see. :/// but dangit! i forgot yesterday was tuesday and i didnt’ read all this until i’m at work… NOOOO! lol wasn’t expecting notes for Guardians but they are more than welcome.
my symbol bombing MF Guardian will be very happy.D
and wait, so mace 2 has still only been hitting up to 3 targets this whole time???
the change to MF is nice, but you’d still need considerable amounts of healing.
- 1k healing = 200 HP healed difference
- 1.5k healing = 300 HP
- if you’re running a standard MF build without invested healing power, it’ll be about 60 HP increase from before
not complaining though : )))
on a side note: anyone have a, or going for a Steampunk Guardian? looking at SDCC pics this year, a LOT of people did stempunk renditions of other characters that.. normally wouldn’t be found in steampunk gear. the hammer is pretty riduclous looking lol
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
(edited by akamon.2769)
lol more guardian buffs. Not that I’m complaining
on a side note: anyone have a, or going for a Steampunk Guardian? looking at SDCC pics this year, a LOT of people did stempunk renditions of other characters that.. normally wouldn’t be found in steampunk gear. the hammer is pretty riduclous looking lol
I almost fell off my chair when I saw that fizzy drink tins hammer!
The melee weapons are horrendous, anet seems to hit new lows with every new weapons skins release.
So, no steampunk guardian here, doesn’t really fit my female norn …
I almost fell off my chair when I saw that fizzy drink tins hammer!
The melee weapons are horrendous, anet seems to hit new lows with every new weapons skins release.So, no steampunk guardian here, doesn’t really fit my female norn …
hey, bri! been a while. lol @ fizzy drink tins. the animation is quite interesting though! definitely a fan of the pistol and rifle. but that’s a story for another day.
btw, big fan of your Norn Guard! great, simplistic look.
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
In case it wasn’t clear, Monk’s Focus does NOT stack with Merciful Intervention’s heal. MF only works with Smite Condition, Judge’s Intervention, and Contemplation of Purity.
I thought I’d test this in the mists with 0 Healing Power, and I’m seeing some very bizarre behaviour.
Without Monk’s Focus you’ll consistently get a 1960 heal from MI with or without an ally in range to teleport to.
But with Monk’s Focus you’ll get 2×1960 heal without an ally available and 3×1960 if you successfully teleport. That’s almost 6k of healing!
The question being, is this confined to just sPvP or does this behaviour carry elsewhere?
In previous versions Monk’s Focus used to completely fail if there was no target to teleport to.
(edited by Tarsius.3170)
Here’s a couple of screen grabs showing a before and after.
My health rising from 6754 to 12634 ( 3*1960 = 5880)
(edited by Tarsius.3170)
it heals two times when MF is traited and 3 times with an ally to heal. Just tested it once in orr but that is what i saw.
I dont get the heal numbers on screen but if i check my healthpool with 4 resp 6 k less health its filled up when i use it.
So basically 6k heals in the guardian. Feels adequate due to its dodgy behavior :-)
(edited by Brutaly.6257)
it heals two times when MF is traited and 3 times with an ally to heal. Just tested it once in orr but that is what i saw.
I dont get the heal numbers on screen but if i check my healthpool with 4 resp 6 k less health its filled up when i use it.
So basically 6k heals in the guardian. Feels adequate due to its dodgy behavior :-)
Thanks for the confirmation Brutaly. So it’s the same in PvE then.
So screw the fact it’s meant to heal your team mates, it’s actually a fairly powerful secondary heal skill with random mobility effects
Further testing in the mists with 300 HP reveals:
- without Ally, with MF = 1xheal from MI and 1xheal from MF = 4220 Healing
- with Ally, with MF = 2xheal from MI and 1xheal from MF = 6360 Healing
- without Ally, without MF = 1xheal from MI = 2140 Healing
- with Ally, without MF = 1xheal from MI = 2140 Healing
Given that it’s MI proc’ing twice, I wonder if the Ally receives double the heal too
(edited by Tarsius.3170)
lol more guardian buffs. Not that I’m complaining
Guardians really deserve this buffs, the number of counter guardian skills existent in this game are alot wich one of them can put the guardian insta downed if you run under ~17k health in one hit…
P.S i still want a buff on shield of the avenger :P
it heals two times when MF is traited and 3 times with an ally to heal. Just tested it once in orr but that is what i saw.
I dont get the heal numbers on screen but if i check my healthpool with 4 resp 6 k less health its filled up when i use it.
So basically 6k heals in the guardian. Feels adequate due to its dodgy behavior :-)
Thanks for the confirmation Brutaly. So it’s the same in PvE then.
So screw the fact it’s meant to heal your team mates, it’s actually a fairly powerful secondary heal skill with random mobility effectsFurther testing in the mists with 300 HP reveals:
- without Ally, with MF = 1xheal from MI and 1xheal from MF = 4220 Healing
- with Ally, with MF = 2xheal from MI and 1xheal from MF = 6360 Healing
- without Ally, without MF = 1xheal from MI = 2140 Healing
- with Ally, without MF = 1xheal from MI = 2140 Healing
Given that it’s MI proc’ing twice, I wonder if the Ally receives double the heal too
well that explains allot, i was wondering why suddenly my health was going up that much:D means with my 1300 HP i get 2740 + 2740 + 2500 = 8k heal xD
Merciful Intervention can you imagine if anet added burning
to this skill tht would be wicked!
Wait wait wait…So the base radius for our symbols is now what it used to be traited with Writ of Exaltation??? Does this mean I can finally run something else instead of ensuring my symbols actually hit something outside of the range of my toes? Sweet.
Most of the symbol changes were just correcting the effects to match the actual area of the symbol. A lot of the symbol’s effects were 120/180 when the actual area was 180/240.
That being said, we did increase Symbol of Swiftness and Symbol of Faith from 120/180 to 180/240 to be consistent with the other symbols. =)
Nice, I like this update!
On a note though, can you guys please fix Symbol of Swiftness. The swiftness it provides has not been stacking with any other swiftness boon for ages. It only works when you have no Swiftness and then receive Swiftness from the symbol and after receive additional swiftness boons.
However if you already have a Swiftness boon active and receive another from SoS, it doesn’t add anything, there’s no stacking…
It should add an additional second if they already have swiftness. I’m not sure if this is a bug, but working as intended. There could be a better way to implement it but I do not think Anet intends for us to be able to stack 8 seconds of swiftness per pulse.
And if we wanted it to refresh to 8 seconds then it could potentially over ride other sources of swiftness.
I’m sure there is a way around it, maybe Anet is keeping on the back burner as its not as big as an issue.
Group Stability is a hell of a Drug – Rick James
Wait wait wait…So the base radius for our symbols is now what it used to be traited with Writ of Exaltation??? Does this mean I can finally run something else instead of ensuring my symbols actually hit something outside of the range of my toes? Sweet.
Most of the symbol changes were just correcting the effects to match the actual area of the symbol. A lot of the symbol’s effects were 120/180 when the actual area was 180/240.
That being said, we did increase Symbol of Swiftness and Symbol of Faith from 120/180 to 180/240 to be consistent with the other symbols. =)
Nice, I like this update!
On a note though, can you guys please fix Symbol of Swiftness. The swiftness it provides has not been stacking with any other swiftness boon for ages. It only works when you have no Swiftness and then receive Swiftness from the symbol and after receive additional swiftness boons.
However if you already have a Swiftness boon active and receive another from SoS, it doesn’t add anything, there’s no stacking…
It adds 1 second every time the Symbol ticks. If you cross the Symbol between ticks, you get nothing. It’s always worked this way.
I think the only solution that could work is if the client can differentiate between swiftness applied from a symbol and from other sources. Symbol sourced stacks would always have highest priority.
Then running into a symbol would cancel any remaining symbol swiftness effects and re-apply them with the full duration.
eg. You have 13 seconds of swiftness ( 10 from a shout, 3 from a previous symbol ).
You run into a new symbol, it clears the 3 second stack and applies a fresh 8 seconds ( giving you 18 seconds of swiftness ).
This cancel and re-apply would happen for each pulse, so you’d maintain 18 seconds while standing inside the ring.
The current system is a poor man’s version of the above, with the 1 second addition per-tick, but it’s far more appropriate than allowing symbols to stack swiftness ad infinitum as some have suggested.
There is a simple solution!
Just make all symbols apply the entire boon duration in the first tick.
Problem solved. Sure its a slight nerf to AH but its a big boost to uur overall supportcapability
There is a simple solution!
Just make all symbols apply the entire boon duration in the first tick.
Problem solved. Sure its a slight nerf to AH but its a big boost to uur overall supportcapability
First tick of the symbol or first tick on the moment a user enters a symbol?
If the first option then you’d have to land the symbol on-top of people for them to get the full effect ( so running through a symbol won’t help you ), if the second option then 2 staff guardians could supply perma-swiftness to an entire zerg with just symbols alone
In case it wasn’t clear, Monk’s Focus does NOT stack with Merciful Intervention’s heal. MF only works with Smite Condition, Judge’s Intervention, and Contemplation of Purity.
I thought I’d test this in the mists with 0 Healing Power, and I’m seeing some very bizarre behaviour.
Without Monk’s Focus you’ll consistently get a 1960 heal from MI with or without an ally in range to teleport to.
But with Monk’s Focus you’ll get 2×1960 heal without an ally available and 3×1960 if you successfully teleport. That’s almost 6k of healing!
The question being, is this confined to just sPvP or does this behaviour carry elsewhere?
In previous versions Monk’s Focus used to completely fail if there was no target to teleport to.
That has to be a bug – before this patch it did nothing. Well, enjoy it while it lasts.
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.
First tick so it has to placed. Personally I would prefer that all our symbols worked like that. And with the recent changes to our symbols it woyldnt be an issue being forced to place them..
having ticks if boons is imo counterproductive in wvw/PvP and makes you an easy target.
MI doesn’t work as intended. There have been many times where the nearest ally to me has full health, and there are other allies with lower health (in range) and I would just port to the nearest ally.
I think it REALLY need to be targetable. It wouldn’t be useful because of the targetable heal, but that you could do stuff like port to an ally and use shield skill 5, or get in range to other allies. With the random porting mechanism you don’t really know where you are going, which really isn’t great.
If the mechanic is broken, get rid of it.
It’s that simple. No one here is going to miss the already broken mechanic.
Re-work the entire utility if you’re not going to make it target-able or cannot get it to function with some resemblance of consistency and dependability.
This has been going on since beta.
(edited by Amins.3710)
It should just teleport backward a set amount and do the heal bubble. That would be mechanically similar to Elementalist and Thief skills.
Footage showing MI and MF working together.
Footage showing MI going for a higher health person over a lower health person.
IMO, MI is worth taking in a meditation build if you are running solo (it’s effectively a second heal utility on a 40 second cooldown) but not worth taking if are running in a group due to it’s unreliable behavior.
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
I just realised I have already deleted all of my test videos from the Mists. I had one which demonstrated the “bugged” extra heal you get from a successful teleport ( the screen grabs I attached above though )
IMO, MI is worth taking in a meditation build if you are running solo (it’s effectively a second heal utility on a 40 second cooldown) but not worth taking if are running in a group due to it’s unreliable behavior.
Yeah I’ve found it quite strong so far if used selfishly – not sure I’ll drop signet of wrath for it though ;-)
I just realised I have already deleted all of my test videos from the Mists. I had one which demonstrated the “bugged” extra heal you get from a successful teleport ( the screen grabs I attached above though )
I’ve seen this behavior as well when the person I was porting too was right next to me. I don’t think it is a bug. If you read the text for MI it says it creates a “healing area” around the person you port to. It is probably a low radius AoE heal that you get (or notice more easily) if you are already right next to your end target but don’t if you are porting in from far away.
Should be easy enough to test fully if you get a few friends together.
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
I do still have a couple of vids from when I was testing without Monk’s Focus – without an ally, ranged teleport to an ally and right next to an ally – none of them showed the extra heal – so it certainly looks like a buggy effect from the trait rather than an AoE effect from MI
I also tested with and without focussed mind, but saw no differences
(edited by Tarsius.3170)
Maybe the bug is the other way around. I mean it does say “Teleport to the nearest ally with the lowest health and create a healing area around them.”
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
I do still have a couple of vids from when I was testing without Monk’s Focus – without an ally, ranged teleport to an ally and right next to an ally – none of them showed the extra heal – so it certainly looks like a buggy effect from the trait rather than an AoE effect from MI
I also tested with and without focussed mind, but saw no differences
Should be able to check to combat log on this, right?
The new symbol sizes are incredible. I don’t think it’s even necessary to take Writ of exaltation.
Might be time to do something about Beserker now. And test our Monk’s Focus
Guardian Paladin 2.5 Build,So We Are 80 Series “Weekly”
Guardian Berserker 3.0 Build
So now that MI works with MF are people going to start running that instead of SYS? 40 second cd, but it has a nice heal gives a great burst of healing with no healing power.
Merciful Intervention can you imagine if anet added burning
to this skill tht would be wicked!
If MI could be ground targetted, now THAT would be wicked! Imagine the mobility offered by using JI and MI to hop aroun the field both damaging enemies and healing allies. kitten that’d be sweet.
MI isnt worth a spot for me, shouts are just too good to replace in a group sense, Hold the Line for me with 80% duration and stacked healing hits for just under 3k over 10 3/4(10.8) seconds, not only that but it drops on everyone in my group, has a fast cooldown(especially so when traited – 28seconds) and as an added bonus provides 7(7.2) seconds of protection.
No contest really. But for solo play it could see some use as people have mentioned as a secondary heal.
[lion]~ riperonis
lol more guardian buffs. Not that I’m complaining
Guardians really deserve this buffs, the number of counter guardian skills existent in this game are alot wich one of them can put the guardian insta downed if you run under ~17k health in one hit…
P.S i still want a buff on shield of the avenger :P
what’s wrong with SoA? other than the artificial stupidity of pets in this game
Wait wait wait…So the base radius for our symbols is now what it used to be traited with Writ of Exaltation??? Does this mean I can finally run something else instead of ensuring my symbols actually hit something outside of the range of my toes? Sweet.
Most of the symbol changes were just correcting the effects to match the actual area of the symbol. A lot of the symbol’s effects were 120/180 when the actual area was 180/240.
That being said, we did increase Symbol of Swiftness and Symbol of Faith from 120/180 to 180/240 to be consistent with the other symbols. =)
Nice, I like this update!
On a note though, can you guys please fix Symbol of Swiftness. The swiftness it provides has not been stacking with any other swiftness boon for ages. It only works when you have no Swiftness and then receive Swiftness from the symbol and after receive additional swiftness boons.
However if you already have a Swiftness boon active and receive another from SoS, it doesn’t add anything, there’s no stacking…It adds 1 second every time the Symbol ticks. If you cross the Symbol between ticks, you get nothing. It’s always worked this way.
I can understand that if you would stay in the symbol it doesn’t add 8 seconds of swiftness every time it ticks. However, is it normal that when you pop Reatreat and get like 20 seconds of Swiftness and then right after pop SoS and walk through the symbol it only adds 1 second as well? Yet when you pop SoS first and then do Retreat, you get 8 + 20 seconds of swiftness.
Long story short, shouldn’t the first tick you receive from a new symbol provide you with the full swiftness boost? Rather then just adding 1 second if you already had swiftness, from whatever source?
EDIT: Wrote Aegis while I meant Retreat
(edited by Furesy.6935)
I believe you’re thinking of Retreat, which adds Aegis as well as Swiftness. Aegis itself is the boon which blocks the next attack you receive.
This is op skill right now for solo q tpvp. 6K heal with one ally around on a 40 second timer is too good to pass up. I have been paring it with stand your ground and contemplation of purity for condition cleanse. With shelter that is like 13k heals every 48 seconds. You will rarely use it with at least one ally around. To me if you don’t have a dedicated team to back you up all that extra healing is super valuable.
i imagine all Guardian playing with GS+meditations now…
I believe you’re thinking of Retreat, which adds Aegis as well as Swiftness. Aegis itself is the boon which blocks the next attack you receive.
Ah, yes, I meant retreat
i imagine all Guardian playing with GS+meditations now…
No because the meditation builds are more focused. The guardians that have been owning people with those builds, will simply continue to do so. For the others it would require too much of a shift to switching out for one thing.
In the end this has almost no effect at all. That’s why I posted that above.
yea, at this moment, i feel the MF buff is nice, but nowhere near game changing. i’d be interested to try out MI, but i feel i won’t enjoy it. a 6k heal sounds nice, but what happens if you’re stuck in a fight with no one else around? i guess i can’t see myself giving up the utilities i’m used to for MI. but, nevertheless, i’ll have to give it a shot first.D
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
yea, at this moment, i feel the MF buff is nice, but nowhere near game changing. i’d be interested to try out MI, but i feel i won’t enjoy it. a 6k heal sounds nice, but what happens if you’re stuck in a fight with no one else around? i guess i can’t see myself giving up the utilities i’m used to for MI. but, nevertheless, i’ll have to give it a shot first.
You can still press it and get the healing (I think..)
Yes, if no one else is around you get the MI heal and the MF heal.
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
In case it wasn’t clear, Monk’s Focus does NOT stack with Merciful Intervention’s heal. MF only works with Smite Condition, Judge’s Intervention, and Contemplation of Purity.
I thought I’d test this in the mists with 0 Healing Power, and I’m seeing some very bizarre behaviour.
Without Monk’s Focus you’ll consistently get a 1960 heal from MI with or without an ally in range to teleport to.
But with Monk’s Focus you’ll get 2×1960 heal without an ally available and 3×1960 if you successfully teleport. That’s almost 6k of healing!
The question being, is this confined to just sPvP or does this behaviour carry elsewhere?
In previous versions Monk’s Focus used to completely fail if there was no target to teleport to.
That has to be a bug – before this patch it did nothing. Well, enjoy it while it lasts.
Can’t be a bug, the way it functions makes sense. What people seem to miss is Merciful Intervention is a AOE heal. Meaning it heals everyone around the ally you teleport to, including yourself. So from what I see, this is what is happening:
1. Guardian is getting the base heal from Merciful Intervention.
2. Guardian is getting the heal from monk’s focus when using MI.
3. Guardian is benefiting from the aoe heal from MI.
Those seem to be the three heals.
Windows 10
Except that’s not how it works. It’s one AOE heal. That’s how it was before the patch. Before the patch, if you didn’t successfully teleport to anyone, no one got healed.
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.
Except that’s not how it works. It’s one AOE heal. That’s how it was before the patch. Before the patch, if you didn’t successfully teleport to anyone, no one got healed.
Maybe they changed it?
Windows 10
There was no patch note to indicate it, nor does anything about the tooltip description suggest that is how it is supposed to function.
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.
The new symbols are pretty big compared to before, and it’s a lot bigger with the trait.
Almost a little bit OP.