How do you initiate a fight, post your opener here

How do you initiate a fight, post your opener here

in Guardian

Posted by: DigitalBAZOOKA.3940


Hay, I’m mainly a WvWvW player and loving the guardian so far, and was working on the best way to initiate a gank 1v1 or 1v2, I run mostly a glass cannon build (for leveling) but plan to change at a later stage, and I mainly use the hammer and greatsword for random ganks and a staff and greatsword in general. I when I spot a lone enemy I change between the the two and start my combo. My current combo is first Save Your Self then starting with the hammer, (3) zealots embrace (2) mighty blow (1) one full hammer combo, now by this time the enemy is trying to figure out whats going on so they usually dodge and reorientate themselves before they start to attack me, I then start (5) Ring of Warding and instantly use Judges Intervention, for a quick teleport and lockdown, when I land this I swap to my greatsword and pop the (4) symbol of wrath then virtue of justice, for the blind and might, then (2) Whirling wrath (5) Binding blade for the ten second DOT, by this time ring of warding has faded so the enemy tries to run, then I use (3) leap of faith and start my (1) greatsword chain when the enemy starts to get out of reach I pull him back with binding blade and restart my (1) greatsword chain wait for hammer cool downs to finish, if I don’t get interrupted I can get close to 3 quarters of there health(before and sometimes after heal). So that’s about all I can say for my opener, looking for any improvements or suggestions, any advice appreciated =D

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How do you initiate a fight, post your opener here

in Guardian

Posted by: Drekor.5217


in WvW?

Walk up to enemy zerg, wall of reflection, /dance

The Shipwrecked Pirates
Tarnished Coast

How do you initiate a fight, post your opener here

in Guardian

Posted by: Relentliss.2170


Hammer 5 + judges intervention almost at same time. Switch to gs and go 4,2.

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How do you initiate a fight, post your opener here

in Guardian

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


Stand Your Ground because the second I leap it’s CC galore. Leap of Faith, Binding Blade, Symbol of Wrath, and Whirling Wrath. If anyone is left I switch to my hammer for Ring of Warding.

That’s how it goes when I jump into a WvW zerg or pretty much any fight.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

How do you initiate a fight, post your opener here

in Guardian

Posted by: DigitalBAZOOKA.3940


Good point maybe I should drop sanctuary and put in Stand Your Ground, and pop both SYG, and SY before I jump in

Be the change you want to see in the world

(edited by DigitalBAZOOKA.3940)

How do you initiate a fight, post your opener here

in Guardian

Posted by: Nurvus.2891


On Greatsword, I usually use Binding Blade -> Symbol -> Pull -> Whirling Wrath.
This makes the enemy unlikely to escape my symbol or my whirlwind.

As for Leap of Faith, I usually use it as an opener, if appropriate, but can fit it anywhere during or after the combo as well.

Ideal is having another Guardian with the same build
1 – Guardian A uses GS, pulls and deals damage while Guardian B creates circle and dishes Hammer combo
2 – Guardian A switches to Hammer, creates circle and dishes Hammer combo while Guardian B switches to GS, pulls and deals damage

A 10 second mayhem of blindness, interruption (pull) and hurtsies.

(edited by Nurvus.2891)

How do you initiate a fight, post your opener here

in Guardian

Posted by: Ynna.8769


I only initiate when I want to cap a point (in sPvP). It generally goes: Flashing Blade —> Zealot’s Defense-→(Switch to Hammer)—>Banish

“Come on, hit me!”

How do you initiate a fight, post your opener here

in Guardian

Posted by: ryan.5106


I tell them that the new star was trilogy was vastly superior to the lord of the rings and then wait for the sparks to fly.

How do you initiate a fight, post your opener here

in Guardian

Posted by: Slick Ling.6451

Slick Ling.6451

It solo: Leap, bind, symbol, pull (bind), auto attack if single enemy, whirl if multiple enemies

If leading a Zerg: Save Yourself, (casters Death Dot around me), symbol, elite: courage, spam heals on ground keeping myself and casters alive.

How do you initiate a fight, post your opener here

in Guardian

Posted by: Rayya.2591


WvWvW :
as an scepter/shield user : vs rangers /elementarists /mesmers / thieves /necro
i start with 1/2 dodge rolls to them to close the range gap, since my projectiles can be easy dodged: if they allow me get intro my favourite range 250 -350 i start with smite behind them and activate SY
warriors / engeniers i start with long range projectiles because i prefer to keep an ranged combat vs them. IF they try to close the range gap , i use smite imobilize and change on Focus/sword
no.1 WvW kills

How do you initiate a fight, post your opener here

in Guardian

Posted by: Trungalung.7850


Scepter/Focus and Greatsword

Chain of Light > Pre-popped Shield of Wrath > Switch Weapon > Judge’s Intervention > Virtue of Justice > Whirling Wrath > Shield of Wrath exploded > dead target

Scepter/Shield and Sword/Focus

Chain of Light > Switch weapon > Flashing Blade > Virtue of Justice > Zealot’s Defense > Pop Shield of Wrath during ZD’s channel > Shield of Wrath exploded

How do you initiate a fight, post your opener here

in Guardian

Posted by: Stiyl.2308


Judge’s Intervention>Zealot’s Embrace>Swap to Greatsword>Binding Blade>Pull>Leap of Faith if you need to flee

Best Guardian Eu! (Desolation)