No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Svarty.8019


Not only is this difficult in PvP, this is very troublesome in PvE. Melee is punished a great deal more than ranged in a number of ways.

Rolling another class doesnt fix this problem.


Bug report:
Guardian != WvWvW

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Ynna.8769


I actually think having a spirit bow is a bit of a stretch already.. it’s flirting with the line of what fits with the profession in my mind. A physical bow would be out of the question.

And if anyone is wondering, Rifles should also be off limits to Guardians.

First of all: in your mind. Second of all: Why?

“Come on, hit me!”

(edited by Ynna.8769)

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: shedim.8504


Rather than giving him a bow, I’d give him a longer range pistol and a shield. He could dps with the #1 ability, maybe by applying vulnerability similar to the underwater spear at mid range, his #2 could blast enemies with low-mediocre damage in a smaller AoE area at long range and apply a fire combo field, #3 could be a skillshot-close range smoke cloud-field that blinds in the field and outside, if combo’d, #4 could be a shield ability that blocks incoming damage and applies a regen combo field around the guardian and #5 could reflect projectiles and/or apply aegis in a small cone in front of the guardian.

Apart from #1 the main focus on this weapon is still support, but offers the guardian at least some viable ranged capabilities.

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Razor.9132


Pistols and rifles? How do these two suit monks or paragons more than a bow, which can be a “magic” weapon while the other two can’t?
(Also imagine something along the lines of a Frost Bow elementalists get to conjure as one of our weapons, I, personally, would kill rabbits in Guild Wars 2 for that!)
Or simply look at our spirit weapons – we can already equip 3 of those as weapons and bow we can’t, seems a perfect candidate to me

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Ynna.8769


The idea that guns can’t be magic is just fantasy traditionalism.
The reasons I suggest Rifle:
1) I like the idea of it.
2) Balancing a two-handed weapon is easier than a one-handed weapon.
3) A Rifle is easier to accept with “weird” skills, compared to a bow.

“Come on, hit me!”

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Vaeyrune.6804


The idea that guns can’t be magic is just fantasy traditionalism.

That’s a good point and I agree. I’m sure my perspective is influenced by fantasy traditionalism.

This is largely why I have a hard time reconciling Guardians with bows and guns.

I’m so good, I astound myself!

(edited by Vaeyrune.6804)

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Greennight.4973


i think they should add some ranged weapon becouse scepter is great weapon as it is but its mid range not long range weapon so we should really get one long range weapon i dont care if it is bow pistol or gatling gun (actually this would be awesome ) but one long range weapon would be great

Guardian – Necro Raiders
Aurora Glade

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Vaeyrune.6804


scepter is great weapon as it is but its mid range not long range weapon

The scepter’s 1 and 2 skill are both 1200 range. The snare is 900.

I’m so good, I astound myself!

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: ShadowbaneX.6273


If Anet implimented a Crossbow I could see the Guardian perhaps using that, but that’s about the extend of what I could see for the class beyond Sceptre & Staff.

That said, the Guardian doesn’t need any more range than they already have. Guardians being around make the other classes better and I’m fine with that.

Heroes of the Horn [HotH] – Yak’s Bend

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Evidicus.5134


The scepter does have an upside in that is isn’t considered a projectile, and thus cannot be reflected. But that’s a small consolation to what is otherwise a lackluster weapon.

If it functioned like the Mesmer’s greatsword and was a beam that did more damage the father you were from the target, it would be great. As it stands, our sad little bubble wand is a necessary evil. I use when I have to because it’s all I have.

I’d personally love to see the longbow implemented for a Guardian weapon since it’s already a spirit weapon we can call upon like the hammer, sword and shield.

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: climhazzard.5897


I think they should have a longbow option, it’d be cool for my Valkyrie themed character.

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: shedim.8504


The idea that guns can’t be magic is just fantasy traditionalism.

That’s a good point and I agree. I’m sure my perspective is influenced by fantasy traditionalism.

This is largely why I have a hard time reconciling Guardians with bows and guns.

Why? Samurai for instance were masters of blade, spear and bow, but most people picture them with swords only.

The traditional fantasy is full of bland and boring cliches and I’m really glad GW2 didn’t stick that much with fantasy traditionalism. I like the idea of a fantasy world that’s only limited by imagination, not traditional fantasy concepts way more than the generic dull orcs and elves Tolkien fantasy worlds. So why no pistol and shield? It’s already in the game and the only class that can use it is the engineer. Odd, isn’t it?

In a game where cowcats coexist with plant people, semi-giants and hairless gremlin-before they turn green and evil-things, stargates exist while civilisations just mastered gun powder usage, the is absolutely no reason why a defensive knight should not be allowed to use a pistol&shield combo.

You could still stick with a wand and staff, but you should be allowed to pick another weapon that suits you more. Wand and staff are just way too similar and look stupid on heavy armor classes. Honestly, I have a more difficult time picturing a knight shooting magical tennis balls than the very same knight charging into battle on a moon boots and a pimp coat wearing mechanical t-rex , that is spitting rainbows while throwing unicorns and gnomes at the same time and is piloted by David Hasselhoff, a singing cheeseburger and a couple of drunk playmates.

(edited by shedim.8504)

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Vaeyrune.6804


I like the idea of a fantasy world that’s only limited by imagination

Realistically there needs be additional limitations beyond imagination or else we would have:

knight charging into battle on a moon boots and a pimp coat wearing mechanical t-rex , that is spitting rainbows while throwing unicorns and gnomes at the same time and is piloted by David Hasselhoff, a singing cheeseburger and a couple of drunk playmates.

I’m so good, I astound myself!

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: QuantumDelta.3609


As an almost exclusively scepter/torch using guardian (I do have a 2h sword but it’s more of a back up weapon than anything), I personally think they’re fine in PvE.
In WvWvW the only thing I would really change is projectile speed.
The class is fine(ish, Mes’ seem to ruin my day), you just have to work a little harder than most because you need to skirt the frontlines of the zergs and often, will get picked off if you’re not careful about positioning.
That should be okay though, for two reasons;
A) You should have a decent amount of survivability as a Guardie.
B) You will often find yourself being able to bait enemies into your team.

I’ve not done much sPvP yet I must admit, so I can’t comment there, but right now it feels okay, abilities wise, just the projectile speed makes you feel a bit like abilities are the only things you can do anything with. Even the travel time on the torches double-tap fire attack (Zealot’s Flame) is a bit crappy, but yea, it’s literally my only gripe.

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Zedmus.8740


All i hear is a bunch of crying. Please don’t ruin this game with nonsense. Guardians have a range weapon no your not going to be ranger. I bet ranger would love to have all of the healing, buff, support traits we get. Please cut the cry baby stuff and go back to WoW or whatever wambulence game you came from. From this guardian to you Arenanet please leave us be and forgive the cry babies for being what they are in every MMO.

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Chivo.2974



Add in spirit weapons and the targetted AOE spells and a guardian can play as a ranged class fairly well.

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Vorpal.4683


They don’t need to give us rifles or lasers or anything like that.

Fixes are simple: increase the staff range to something not hilariously laughable (600 isn’t even enough to use the staff as a ranged weapon in some dungeon boss fights)

and make the scepters orbs travel more quickly.

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Ynna.8769


All i hear is a bunch of crying. Please don’t ruin this game with nonsense. Guardians have a range weapon no your not going to be ranger. I bet ranger would love to have all of the healing, buff, support traits we get. Please cut the cry baby stuff and go back to WoW or whatever wambulence game you came from. From this guardian to you Arenanet please leave us be and forgive the cry babies for being what they are in every MMO.

I take it you didn’t read my post addressing this.

“Come on, hit me!”

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Caesteris.7529


L80 Guardian main here.

I find it annoying that there isn’t a true “ranged” weapon for Guardians in one sole instance. Zerg v Zerg in WvW. Outside of that, I haven’t encountered a single instance where I found my lack of “true” ranged hampering. Maybe it’s because I use a Torch in my off hand. /shrug

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: shedim.8504


I like the idea of a fantasy world that’s only limited by imagination

Realistically there needs be additional limitations beyond imagination or else we would have:

knight charging into battle on a moon boots and a pimp coat wearing mechanical t-rex , that is spitting rainbows while throwing unicorns and gnomes at the same time and is piloted by David Hasselhoff, a singing cheeseburger and a couple of drunk playmates.

Or knights shooting absurd tennis balls out of a wooden stick.

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Razor.9132


Wand and staff are just way too similar and look stupid on heavy armor classes.

Wand and staff look stupid on a guardian, while you can perfectly imagine a “monk+paragon” themed profession using a technologically advanced weapon that can’t exist without some sort of “pew pew” sound no matter how magically imbued or themed it is? I know I can’t.

Please do explain(expand on).

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: the uprising.6317

the uprising.6317

You guys… fantasy, and creativity in general, needs boundaries or it becomes chaos. The guardian is a MAGIC WEILDING KNIGHT. This is the design goal with the guardian and has been since their reveal. See all the virtues, spirit weapons, aoe fields, etc. that’s all magic. There is nothing in the guardian that goes against their original design goal. As someone who wields a spear, I see no problem with the guardian wielding a bow especially since its one of the spirit weapons.

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: shedim.8504


I have no issue with magic, it just doesn’t have to require you to wield a staff or a wand. The guardian can still cast/use his magic while wielding a greatsword, hammer, shield etc. There is absolutely no reason for him to be limited to traditional caster weapons only because he’s occasionally using magic.

Nobody is asking for op dps or odd weapons. Nobody wants the guardian to become a ranger or something. People just want the guardian to have a decent ranged build just like every other class in this game and have an option for a “real” ranged weapon such as a bow. A bow that’s not shooting ridiculous tennis balls.

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Deya.3796


I feel the crap range worst in WvW. While we are totally awesome out in the open feild where we can force a fight, much of WvW centers around the keep fights. We do have a role in those, but it is the completely thankless job of support. We don’t get kill credit, XP or loot for buffing our buddies or keeping Wall of Reflection up so the assault can advance, we don’t get rewarded for protecting the rangers and eles on the wall so they can rain death down…

Honestly, whenever a keep gets involved, I tell my team to SAVE THEMSELVES and run for a seige weapon so I can actually feel like I’m doing something worthwhile. There’s a problem there.

I so Agree with this our support is so thankless and we get no reward for helping our team rake up kills

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Zizi.7860


Warriors are in a similar situation. Rifles are not really a damage dealing weapon. Rifles are good for kiting. Longbows in warrior’s hands are first of all AoE weapons and not all around DPS weapon.

Erm. My wife runs a GS/Rifle Warrior and her rifle is a single-target NIGHTMARE. So I’m finding it hard to credit this bit of your argument.

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: akamon.2769


hmm personally again, i don’t mind the sceptar so much. though again, the animation, sounds, is … just too squishy. it’s like shooting someone with a fluffy ball of tickle. faster cast time, or more noticeable damage could help?

if really want something ranged.. i’m thinking a crossbow fitted on the guardians forearm would be kind of cool. and they’d fire magic infused arrows. and with that they can run with a shield, focus, etc…

but i’m not TOO too fussed about not having a ranged weapon like bows, etc.. afterall, it may be tough in certain situations, i did choose to play guardian so i could be at the forefront, melee, and protecting those around me. not from afar, but in front of them.

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Jahaudant.9267


Guardian could become useful in large scale battles with changes to Retaliation without the need to add a ranged weapon.

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Razor.9132


Wouldn’t fix our “ranged problem”. It isn’t that we aren’t useful in large scale battle. It’s that we lack a decent ranged weapon, that’s all.

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Iron Savior.4752

Iron Savior.4752

Arguing that it is balanced for Guardians to lack a real ranged weapon option because Engineers don’t have a real melee weapon option is like saying it’s ok if you can only bring a knife to a gun fight because the other guy only has guns.

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: shedim.8504


Guardian could become useful in large scale battles with changes to Retaliation without the need to add a ranged weapon.

The current issue is the boring, passive gameplay that is unrewarding in terms of satisfaction and WvWvW contribution, since supporting is not rewarded Guardians who focus on support do not get rewarded as much as classes that deal damage and kill stuff. Spamming retaliation every time your cooldown is ready still leaves you standing there useless while waiting for your cooldowns to refresh. This promotes boring gameplay and doesn’t solve the real issue: Being the only class that lacks ranged capabilitues. And no, the scepter’s autoattack is terrible and not fun to use because it both looks stupid (like playing tennis) and shoots magical tennis balls that travel in slow motion. The slow motion is the biggest issue.

Have a look at the spear autoattack under water: Decent damage and applies vulnerability. Why can’t the Guardian have that skill on land as well?

(edited by shedim.8504)

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Evangeline.8197


My best ranged weapon on a Guardian is someone else playing Mesmer or Necro. It has not failed me yet.

You mean cooperating? Actually playing with another person in a multiplayer game? You’re crazy man.

Your sarcasm is quite like the range capability of a Guardian good sir.

A guardian could cooperate by protecting their allies, on the flip side if things should be working as intended, any class can be protecting the guardian while they range as well. Yes Guardian in WvW do actually in wreck people if they get up close. They got reasonable amount of ability to close the gap get that job done.

But when you stare up at a keep and that pot of oil is sitting there what the heck do you do. During a large scale fight on the large open field where does all the range goes? Straight in the guardian’s face. Not only do we tank for the sake of other classes we tank because we unwillingly have to. When guardian close into in on a giant zerg ball everything is just directed into their face. If they had a range weapon that would actually function even just as supportive damage that would be reasonable. Everyone has their own play-style, and if Anet intended to live up to that no holy trinity theme a Guardian should have a viable range weapon.

I personally play to use melee weapons in both slots but thats just my style. Some people enjoy playing unorthadox play so at very least make the range option possible.
They need a range weapon that actually functions for the purpose of range. If this game was designed on the principles of no class being designated as a specific class of the holy trinity, guardian being limited to only melee combat is well defeating this entire purpose. I have no quirms about what weapons would be actual range weapon decided by ANET but at the very least have it’s usage make sense. The orbs don’t even fly up on the staff and default attack lacks range which is the intentive purpose. I’d almost rather it be used as an actual melee staff and just beat on people because it gives something else to melee with. The scepter shoots extremely slow, which I mean by the rules of all things magical and fancy, magic should be slower than a bullet or an arrow but what use is it if all it does is throw little cotton balls at the enemy.

Weapon swap was designed to give you additional options and have no range merely defeats the purpose. Every range can pull out a melee weapon right? If guardian is suppose to be terrible at range thats perfectly acceptable because they have such great melee capability. What is pitiful is the fact that their range capability is so bad that no playing ability can make it viable for this option.

(edited by Evangeline.8197)

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: PessimiStick.7520


Arguing that it is balanced for Guardians to lack a real ranged weapon option because Engineers don’t have a real melee weapon option is like saying it’s ok if you can only bring a knife to a gun fight because the other guy only has guns.

This. 100x this.

Not having range = huge liability in any zerg situation.

Not having melee = absolutely no liability in any situation.

In fact, it’s impossible to not have melee in GW2, since there are no deadzones. You can use ranged weapons at 0 range, which means that everyone, by default, has melee.

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Revenant.4906


I’m a little sad that I can’t run with a melee/range setup. I use a Greatsword/Staff combination, if I can’t melee (or if my framerate’s too low to melee) I’ll just pull my staff out and plop that Symbol on people whenever it comes off recharge.

About 500 damage a tick… yay.

The only thing it’s really good for is interrupting people who are bandaging.

Powered By Hugs

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Raukcaran.2590


I feel the crap range worst in WvW. While we are totally awesome out in the open feild where we can force a fight, much of WvW centers around the keep fights. We do have a role in those, but it is the completely thankless job of support. We don’t get kill credit, XP or loot for buffing our buddies or keeping Wall of Reflection up so the assault can advance, we don’t get rewarded for protecting the rangers and eles on the wall so they can rain death down…

Honestly, whenever a keep gets involved, I tell my team to SAVE THEMSELVES and run for a seige weapon so I can actually feel like I’m doing something worthwhile. There’s a problem there.

I so Agree with this our support is so thankless and we get no reward for helping our team rake up kills

It’s not entirely thankless. The people we help do appreciate it, because while our heals may not be of a true ‘healer’ status, we can still pull off some pretty clutch heals and utility things.

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Revenant.4906


It’s not entirely thankless. The people we help do appreciate it, because while our heals may not be of a true ‘healer’ status, we can still pull off some pretty clutch heals and utility things.

Not always. What I find is that when a group does poorly, the healers/support are usually the first blamed. When a group does well, the damage dealers are usually the first to be praised.

What’s worse is that healers/support don’t get any loot from combat.

Powered By Hugs

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Raukcaran.2590


It’s not entirely thankless. The people we help do appreciate it, because while our heals may not be of a true ‘healer’ status, we can still pull off some pretty clutch heals and utility things.

Not always. What I find is that when a group does poorly, the healers/support are usually the first blamed. When a group does well, the damage dealers are usually the first to be praised.

What’s worse is that healers/support don’t get any loot from combat.

I do entirely agree with the no loot/credit thing, and have found it very hard to do WvWvW. I can’t just waltz in there with my greatsword – I might get a group of people to half health, then they all turn on me and I DIE and have to walk back for 15 minutes. Scepter + torch works okay for me as a ranged weapon. It’s not as great as an engineer might have, but it’s okay. Staff, as has been previously stated, is for support only, which I love doing, but I just don’t get any credit for it in WvWvW. In sPvP, I can support, so long as I stand in the right place. So, I just don’t do WvWvW on my guardian anymore, which I wish I could do. (I have other complaints about WvWvW, but those aren’t very important in this matter).

But I have never been blamed for not healing enough or something, in any WvWvW, sPvP, or dungeon. Whenever bad things happen, most people tend to agree that either we’re all (or most of us) at fault, or there’s one or two people at fault, but not because they weren’t healing enough. Maybe they walked into an attack they shouldn’t have, or something.

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Stagger.9160


.. I just fought a medium ranged guardian who was shooting blue wavy sword things at my face 1v1 in spvp. You guys got plenty of range, trust me. You imba to the core.

It’s hard to take somone seriously when they call a skill/class imbalanced but they don’t know what it was. The Guardian wasn’t “shooting” anything at you. That was skill 5 on the Grreatsword which is an AoE “pull” with a medium range. One click to cast, one to pull to the Guardian. It does minimal damage and has a 30 sec cooldown. Also, there are numerous ways to break the skill between the cast and pull phases.

Don’t let that stop your blanket declarations though…

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Eveningstar.6940


.. I just fought a medium ranged guardian who was shooting blue wavy sword things at my face 1v1 in spvp. You guys got plenty of range, trust me. You imba to the core.

It’s hard to take somone seriously when they call a skill/class imbalanced but they don’t know what it was. The Guardian wasn’t “shooting” anything at you. That was skill 5 on the Grreatsword which is an AoE “pull” with a medium range. One click to cast, one to pull to the Guardian. It does minimal damage and has a 30 sec cooldown. Also, there are numerous ways to break the skill between the cast and pull phases.

Don’t let that stop your blanket declarations though…

He might’ve meant Zealot’s Defense. It’s a 600 range attack during which a Guardian can’t move. A lovely counter to a long-range (which, really, is more like midrange) Zealot’s Defense is to just evade backward.

Yeah. Imba to the core.


Valerie Cross: Roleplayer, Writer, Tarnished Coast

A Beginner’s Guide to Guardians

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Revenant.4906


I do entirely agree with the no loot/credit thing, and have found it very hard to do WvWvW. I can’t just waltz in there with my greatsword – I might get a group of people to half health, then they all turn on me and I DIE and have to walk back for 15 minutes. Scepter + torch works okay for me as a ranged weapon. It’s not as great as an engineer might have, but it’s okay. Staff, as has been previously stated, is for support only, which I love doing, but I just don’t get any credit for it in WvWvW. In sPvP, I can support, so long as I stand in the right place. So, I just don’t do WvWvW on my guardian anymore, which I wish I could do. (I have other complaints about WvWvW, but those aren’t very important in this matter).

But I have never been blamed for not healing enough or something, in any WvWvW, sPvP, or dungeon. Whenever bad things happen, most people tend to agree that either we’re all (or most of us) at fault, or there’s one or two people at fault, but not because they weren’t healing enough. Maybe they walked into an attack they shouldn’t have, or something.

I like to run into a pack with my greatsword, Leap of Faith in, then do the whirling attack, and run away before I die. Not sure if it’s very effective but it’s fun watching people scatter.

I was speaking in a more general term, not just for GW2. Back when I played GW1, whenever there was a group wipe it was really common to see the healer being blamed for “not healing enough” or being “bad” or whatever. Support players don’t really shine as much, they’re just … there. In the background. Doing their thing. And the result is that some people take them for granted.

What’s nice about GW2 is that no one’s forced to play that thankless role, unless they’re a guardian in a long-range fight. Which is kind of unfair. I’m pretty sure if warriors were as weak at range as Guardians were, they’d be unhappy too.

Now if providing enough healing or buffs to allies qualified you to get loot drops, I wouldn’t mind as much… >.>

Powered By Hugs

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: DrakeWurrum.6049


Frankly, what they need to do, is swap the functionality of the Scepter auto-attack with the Focus #4. You ever notice the way that skill works? It’s a ray of light that quickly bounces among multiple enemies/allies, blinding, regenning, and cleansing conditions.

I’d like to see an enemy-only version of that for the Scepter auto-attack. Hell, maybe the Focus skill wouldn’t even need to change.

I hope you haven’t forgotten my role in this little story. I’m the leading man.
You know what they say about the leading man? He never dies.

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Raukcaran.2590


Yeah, switching those or something would be great :P

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Stamen.9240


Guardians do not have a viable ranged option unless they go pure healer spec, so no to any of you above who are saying otherwise.

In a dungeon, most boss fights require either kiting or some amazing timing on your evades. I find my level 80 guardian so restricted in dungeons that I am starting a new character.

I did NOT roll a guardian to sit back and plink at a boss with a scepter. It is almost useles for dealing decent damage – and I can’t stand to listen to a bunch of people say otherwise. The ranger, the necro, the mesmer, the engineer, the ele — all these guys are basically pounding away at the dungeon boss putting it down with great dps. My guardian isn’t doing jack with that scepter or a staff — unless I am spec’d to heal.

That’s the bottom line.

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Cameirus.8407


I dont see why a bow is out of the question as we already have a spirit bow…

Make it fairly low dmg (viable dmg, but just not as its main focus) and include support abilites so the profession retains its flavour!, but for gods sake give guardians a 1200range viable weapon. (preferably with a aoe sufficient to tag mobs in DEs too)>

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Sythus.2396


I dont see why a bow is out of the question as we already have a spirit bow…

Make it fairly low dmg (viable dmg, but just not as its main focus) and include support abilites so the profession retains its flavour!, but for gods sake give guardians a 1200range viable weapon. (preferably with a aoe sufficient to tag mobs in DEs too)>

I have no idea why some people think a bow is out of the question as well. I’m sure ANET can make it work fairly good. We can only wait and hope for a bow for now haha..

I for one feel the scepter and staff are really boring but that is just my opinion others might like it.

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Ebonson.6814


I don’t really have a problem with having a staff and scepter as our range weapons (in fact I think that a plate wearer holding a staff looks kinda cool) it’s just that the projectiles from these are too slow for PvP/WvW. I think the scepter 1 skill should be at least as fast as a elementalist’s #1 from staff. The Guardians’ #2 staff attack could use a speed up and I think it should also do aoe damage with burning when you explode it like the trident attack. Other than that we really don’t need to be strong at range just effective.

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Bottleblonde.9324


Please anet give us a red post! I love my guardian but I’m having a hard time committing to her as a main because all I ever see or hear is how useless we are at range and I want to focus on w vs w.

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Lyon.5397


Really, the omission of spear as a land-based weapon surprised me. It seems astonishing that we can whip it out underwater, but have no concept of how to use it when we’re dry.

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Dyranos.2406


I would change the sceptres three abilities, change the slow tennis ball into a fast beam ability, change smite into an ability that repeatedly strikes a single target every few seconds for 10 seconds with a bolt of smiting goodness or whatever, chains of light is fine.

I would then change the focus to make it long ranged because its next to useless anyway, perhaps changing the first focus ability into a fairly long cooldown but powerfull instant cast long ranged attack, and making the second one either a long ranged AoE or defensive ability

Staff is fine

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Marlafox.8715


Hello. I am Guardian. In PvP I use a Greatsword and Scepter Torch combo. Why? Because, Theives, Rangers, Elementalists, and Engineers all run away. They really don’t want to bang, because they not designed to do so. Out of all our weapons we have two that immobolize the target and one that doesnt require to be in melee range. Along with a true range weapon i would like to be able to cripple my target with it. I would really like it if we got a ranged weapon outside of the scepter i would like to see it have one ability that crippled the target for 5 or 6 seconds on a 10 second cool down and maybe another skill like skill number five could knock them down or pin them with an arrow? So i could catch them and finish them with my Greatsword. For i belive if guardians did get a long ranged weapon it should be based more on controlling our target and forcing them to fight us up close and personal, just the way we like it.

No "real" ranged weapon for Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: shedim.8504


Please anet give us a red post! I love my guardian but I’m having a hard time committing to her as a main because all I ever see or hear is how useless we are at range and I want to focus on w vs w.

Pretty much the same here. I’d love some statement from the devs, too.

Personally, I think it would be sufficient to buff the scepter’s projectile speed to the same speed as a bow and give it a 1,2,3 attack with the 3rd attack dealing additional damage and counting as a projectile finisher. It definitely needs something that makes it more interesting to use.

I’d still prefer a bow, or better: Pistol and shield. #1: Deals moderate damage. Every 3rd attack deals additional damage and is a projectile finisher. #2 Creates a symbol at target location that damages enemies inside and counts as a light combo field for your allies. #3. Volley. Each hit applies 1 stack of vulnerability. Standard shield abilities as #4 and 5

(edited by shedim.8504)