Post Your Build Thread
I just found the perfect trait things for guardian if you want to protect and heal people and have lots of health focus on the last 3 traits in the traits menu dont remember but each of them has a specific reason one increases boon duration one brings healing you do up and the second dont remember sorry but ya and i would suggest mace and shield because all of your attacks will either heal or protect and auto attack the last hit heals people around you then i would suggest maybe a staff the 4th skill heals people who are near you when it finishes and gives people around you get boosts also make sure your special abilities help heal and protect also i would suggest the elite skill would be the tome that heals and protects and the rest one of them makes a small dome and heals people who are in it and nothing can go in so your safe from projectiles and aoes also a skill that teleports you to the nearest ally that has the least health to get healed then the last maybe the skill that makes fire around you it cures condition on allys in it! to see the build i created in action be in the crystal desert server and play wvw in eternal battlegrounds and choose eternal battle grounds! Come find me in wvw i am KoMes True Guardian! Thank you!
Right now my Guardian is 68, should hit 80 later tonight hopefully, this is what I’m thinking:
Already have traits mostly this way currently, just filling up Honor and I like it a lot. I’ve been doing mostly pve, but I like some support for events and personal story.
I already wrote a long post explaining it here:
This is my Guardian Hybrid DPS build, which is excellent as both a burst and a sustained damage build, capitalizing on an enormous critical chance rate, as well as monstrous burns and bleeds.
This is the build I came up with:
I would love some advice on how to improve to make it a bit more of a support build.
This is the build I came up with:
I would love some advice on how to improve to make it a bit more of a support build.
This looks to be pretty much a standard AH build. If you really wanted to push support aspect, I’d drop 5 Radiance and pick up 5 Virtues for the buff it applies but it’s a minor note. Other than that the traits look well positioned to be a solid support build. The build you posted also runs GS, but I find Mace+Shield / Staff to be more of a support/protection combo of weapon skills. The gear listed is very much DPS minded, which is fine in a group but not strictly support-oriented, so if you wanted to increase your healing or boon duration, there’s gear for that too.
I’ll throw mine in the mix as well. It’s a burst build that takes advantage of the Guardian’s burn, and damage multipliers.
WvW/PvE Stats (with nourishments):
2,487 power
50% critical chance (using sword/torch)
661 condition damage
1,746 toughness (in combat)
16,505 health
sPvP Stats:
2,304 power
42% critical chance (using sword/torch)
530 condition damage
1,735 toughness (in combat)
16,945 health
I also made a topic explaining the build, but judging by replies, it doesn’t seem like a lot of Guardians are interested in burst builds.
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope
Too bad gw2buildcraft isn;t updated often. =P
Full knights armour with emerald orbs (wanted to get myself as close to 50% crit chance as possible to proc empowering might and the weapons sigils)
Soldier trinkets with zerker backpiece
Knights weapons with Water sigil on staff for healing and stength sigil on GS to stacka lil dps with empowering might.
This is the standard strife anchor build with the shouts and mainly soldier trinkets. I like to pop all my shouts to heal with altruistic healing and be tanky in dungeons. And of course I take the consecrations in virtues to keep my WoR up for those projectile heavy dungeons like CM and the Harpy fractal.
15/15/0/30/10. Hammer/GS
This build allows for major carrying with hammer autoattacks while being on par with the 0/30/0/30/10 Sword DPS build, single target DPS is the same, if not higher.
Damage comparison without gear and autoattacking with steady weapons can be found here
Hammer does it in 37
Sword does it in 39
Greatsword does it in 45.
The only time that you’ll want to use your GS in this build is when you need a good dose of burst damage, GS 3 > 4 > 2 is great for that. Hammer still remains king of the sustained DPS, though. And the short cooldown on it’s blast finisher is really nice.
Boon Dispenser. Lv80 Guardian 15/25/0/20/10 Boom Dispenser – Lv80 Engineer 30/30/0/10/0
Chuck Thunderstruck – Lv 80 Ele 30/10/10/10/10
(edited by xsquared.1926)
Old school AH build but with gs and staff. Cleric gear/celestial trinkets and one cavalier backpiece.
Always Loyal
I’ve been using something fairly similar to the hammer/gs setup 3 posts up, except I went for 15/25/0/30/0, dropping the 10 in virtues.
The might stacking from virtue of justice is nice, but rather short-lived and I’ve found that an extra 10% damage against mobs with conditions seems to add more damage overall. The buff to consecrations is nice though.
I went the opposite way with food/sigils, with bloodlust on my GS, truffle steak dinner and master maintenance oil so I guess they’ll even out. I use force instead of sigil of the night on the hammer as I’m often in the daytime dungeons as well.
Damage/Support build specializing in Sword use. Greatsword provides initial burst and is followed by sustained damage and Vulnerability stacking with Sword/Focus. Utility skills are centered around defensive support. Elite skill is there for clutch moments.
Zerging, Staff provides constant (though low) AoE damage and near-constant swiftness when moving between objectives, as well as CC. Hammer provides support potential with further CCs and a blast finisher. Build provides lots of condition removal through skills/traits, as well as sustained boon-stripping.
(edited by Thomas Kaira.7863)
This isn’t exactly my build. However I’d like to ask advice on it.
My primary focus is PvE. I’m still lvl51 so I’m still seeking information. I have no idea about which sigils to use but I tried to collect as many information as possible and of course I tried to hit my aims as well. The few that are empty is because I’m still uncertain which to choose. My major aim though is about armour and traits
Please tell me what you think and what I should focus on. Any criticism is welcome
Valkrylot – Guardian
(edited by Tamuraki.3851)
zerker guardian:
With either, I also have a staff to swap to for pre-fight buffs. and a scepter for situational use (WvW).
In tougher situations I swap out:
-Bane Signet for Signet of Judgement
-zerker jewelry for soldier
Virtues I for II (or VI when using Wall of Reflection)
In the second, the 10 in valor can be anywhere: in honor for shout cooldown; zeal for zealous blade, etc.
sword/focus is your main dps.
Builds is based off various youtube builds, sorry for not giving credit where due.
Credit to this guy (his build is somewhere) —>
Actual attack is 3070, other stats are correct.
got this build, well i’m gone play with this build :
is it any good? i play wvw-zergs
Here is my Guardian’s build.
The specifications:
Full Set of PVT armor trinkets and weapons.
0, 5, 30, 30, 5
6/6 Dolyak Runes on armor
Preferred Weaponry:
Sigil of Life on offhand weapon or staff for accumulating stacks.
Sigil of Restoration on mainhand weapon for health gain.
Mango Pies for the consumable of choice.
How to use the build
Using Virtue of Justice with this build not only gives allies might, but it also blinds all nearby foes (Radiance 5) While in combat, use on recharge.
Using Virtue of Courage gives Aegis and Protection to all nearby allies. While in combat, use on recharge.
Keep Virtue of Resolve unused at all times, the passive effect provides Regeneration for yourself and nearby allies.
I chose Dolyak Runes over Monk runes, and some of you may disagree with that, or trash talk Dolyak 6/6 but…
The Regeneration from Mango Pies, Virtue of Resolve, and the Runes of the Dolyak might be negligible alone…. but when combined, its actually pretty nice. …and healing power gained from monk runes scales up pretty poorly.
Enter a combat situation with staff, and burn through your cooldowns, then swap to mace shield.
(use skills from right to left, to ensure longer cooldowns are used first)
Auto-attacking with mace will heal yourself and nearby allies, and the build is traited for you to take less damage while wielding a shield (Valor IX), so try and swap back to mace shield immediately after burning your cd’s on staff.
Mace and staff have ground targeted skills that will also provide additional healing because of trait (Honor X), so make sure you stand in your circles!
Mace also has a block ability, so using it on recharge may be unwise compared to saving it for a well-timed block when tanking.
Swap between weapon sets occasionally just to burn through cooldowns, but spend most of the time on mace shield.
Keep Signet of Judgement on passive, unless you are confident that you have no problem staying alive, and feel that giving your allies retaliation would be better suited for the situation.
Only use your heal skill once you drop below the threshold for Valorous Defense (Valor 5), so you are removing conditions from yourself periodically and gaining your extra aegis.
Use “Retreat!” and “Hold the Line!” on recharge.
Situational skill swap when needed.
A lot of times you would be better suited with reflects or condition removal… so if you know what you are coming up against, swap out some skills beforehand to give you and your party an advantage.
Signet of Judgement is the first to go.
“Hold the Line!” second
then “Retreat!”
Use your elite skill, Renewed Focus, only after exhausting your Virtues, weapon cooldowns, and could use a few seconds of invulnerability, or find that your party could use a little boost in health. While casting Renewed Focus, use your Virtue of Resolve to heal yourself and nearby allies, since it will be recharged when you are finished casting.
Even if you are at full health, and don’t need to…. dodge roll to heal nearby allies.
As long as everyone in your party is close to you, you will be keeping them alive with healing and buffs like aegis and protection, while occasionally providing other useful buffs like might and retaliation.
What this build is good for:
Keeping you alive.
Providing lots of healing for nearby party members.
Tanking champions, as well as some legendary foes (like the butcher in HotW 1 or Tazza in SE1).
What this build is not good for:
Condition Removal
Might Stacking
Well I have had lots of luck with sPvP build. Not much health but a TON of heals and if played right the health pool wont be too much of an issue:
Let me know what you guys think thank you!
Here’s my build. It felt nice at the beginning, i wanted to be support – healing/boons – but more further in the fractals and i feel weak. I have no good power, not enough toughness/vitality, boons are not effective at all, i realize i can’t be healer in GW2, so it’s only huge build-mistake.
I tried to change it, but I’m out of ideas. Any help? Also notice I’m kinda stuck with Soldier’s ascended stuff, cause i don’t have enough laurels anymore.
Here’s my build. It felt nice at the beginning, i wanted to be support – healing/boons – but more further in the fractals and i feel weak. I have no good power, not enough toughness/vitality, boons are not effective at all, i realize i can’t be healer in GW2, so it’s only huge build-mistake.
I tried to change it, but I’m out of ideas. Any help? Also notice I’m kinda stuck with Soldier’s ascended stuff, cause i don’t have enough laurels anymore.
Here mate.. You might like this..
Added food, stones, and kinda changed it a bit. Also changed that stats since you wanted to be more support oriented..
I maybe wrong on this.. But this is just my take..
Hope you enjoy!
I play only WvW so I’ll speak from that standpoint. I posted a thread a while ago and a lot of people were interested in knowing the build I was using, so here it is:
(Notice the lack of ascended, so it has potential to go even higher)
Pretty much offensive bruiser spec. Full gaurd stacks etc will bring my attack up to around 3.5k, and my vitality to about 20k. The damage output from this build is ridiculous, but it also has really solid tanking potential. With the armour trait, I get about 3.4k armour in battle. This mitigates a lot of damage, and it makes it possible for me to sustain purely from AH heals. Unless you’re getting focused, you can sit inside an enemy blob without much issue. When things do get really heated, you have shelter or renewed focus to drop agro.
Condi’s: With melandru runes, condis are essentially non-existant when you’re zerg fighting. Smaller scale combat can be a different story. To counter this, I’ll usually change the food when I’m roaming to -40% condi duration. together with melandru runes, this gives me -75% duration. Pure of Voice is usually enough to cover the burst condis when you get fully stacked, but if you’re having big problems with that, you can also use Contemplation of Purity as a utility. Really under rated skill, as it works as a stun-breaker too.
TC Commander
we need to pretect are big keep
(edited by Moleless.1462)
Very High GS DPS build. I currently use this build in WvW. High crit chance, high crit damage, overall great. Survivability could be better.
Hey, I’m looking for a build that has decent survivability and DPS. I mostly play PvE and WvW, very rarely dungeons. I came up with this build and was wondering if it’s any good:
Any help with it would be greatly appreciated.
my Guardian Build
Isle of Janthier
Thank you all for builds, but i made my own, i hope it’s good. Meditating Guardian lol. Guardian’s elite skills, no idea which to choose. Any race propositions for racial skills?
So basically, it’s copy of my Warrior build. Great damage, nice defense, but no vitality at all. It works better for Warrior, of course, but it’s nice here too. Meditation utilities supported with traits. New healing skill, kinda weak, but i think it’s got potential.
(edited by Cecylio.1286)
Hi everyone. I have a lvl 80 guardian for dungeons full armored with exotics. I´m now starting to do fractals and I want to make the jump to the ascends equipment. I make this build, and I ask you to give your opinion about it:
The idea is a guardian for dungeons focused on tank and healing power, with maze and shield as primary weapons, and either sceptre and staff as ranged weapons.
Please comment. Thank you.
Edit: After testing the first build is much better. The signet active abilities are extremely useful.
Z 20 – II, VII
R 10 – II
V 0
H 20 – I, IX
V 20 – II, IX
Signet of Resolve
Bane Signet
Signet of Judgement
Signet of Mercy
Renewed Focus
Weapon: Greatsword
Stats: Full Cleric
Okay, if you change the build like this:
Z 20 – II, VII
R 0
V 0
H 30 – I, IX, XII
V 20 – III, IX
Healing Breeze
Wall of Reflection
Hallowed ground
Renewed Focus
Weapon: Greatsword
Stats: Full Cleric
Losing the radiance line and the power signet loses you about 11% damage, but you gain 9% of that back (10% of 90%) from Honour GM Trait (Elusive Power). This build has almost the same effectiveness 1 vs 1, but has SIGNIFICANTLY improved in group support.
Passive healing ticks to allies is over 200/tick. Healing breeze is over 3000. Resolve active is over 4000 including the regeneration.
(edited by Anthony.7219)
Been a while since somebody posted a build on here so I thought I’d add my Guardian Build that I run. I find it works great in PvE and WvW at the same time so it’s nice and flexible.
The build focuses on a decent amount of survivability whilst buffing damage I can deal on my Greatsword through Might (biggest reason for Staff). I mostly use it for roaming solo or in small groups of 2-4 so I don’t reccomend using it whilst zerging.
I’ve already heard about changes to sigil/runes so it could stop me from mixing up mine to get more might duration. When the time comes I’ll switch my runes accordingly
If you have any suggestions on how to improve this build please feel free to tell me
This is my current favorite Guardian Build. I call it the BoonGuard. The build is purely party support, and revolves around using shouts, virtues, and weapon skills to protect and support the party. The Elite skill can be swapped out at any time for Tome of Courage.
Hello everyone!
I’ve been craving for a team guardian build for a while now. I got tired of zerker dps
meta so I made this build. With this build I’ve been able to keep my party alive so
they can fulfill their dps role, while being able to do decent damage.
The build is: 0/0/20/30/20
Zeal: 0
Radiance: 0
Valor: 20 (IV, VII)
Honor: 30 (II, IV, XII)
Virtues: 20 (II, IX)
As you can imagine, it’s a heal build. It uses cleric armor and trinkets with the
exception of the back item which is soldier.
Most important minor traits:
Honor: 15 – Selfless Daring, the end of your dodge roll heals nearby allies.
Virtues: 5 – Inspired Virtue, virtues now also apply the following boons to allies
when activated: Justice – might; Resolve – regeneration; Courage – protection.
10 – Virtue of Retribution, gain retaliation when you activate a virtue.
The bones of this build is [Honor XII – Battle Presence and Virtue IX – Absolute
Resolution] The first trait shares your virtue of resolve passive regeneration to
nearby allies while absolute resolution makes it 25% better. That means better passive
The build uses the staff as a stacking weapon and support/heal
Mace/Shield for damage output and more heals.
The staff grants heals when using skills 2 [Orb of Light] and 4 [Empower].
On the other hand, mace/shield gives heals at the end of your auto attack [Skill 1],
when you do the skill 2 symbol [Symbol of Faith] and when using the skill 5 [Shield of
Absorption] and detonating it.
Part of the play style of this build is the use of Sigil of Energy which grants you 50%
vigor regen. That means your dodge gets recharged by 50% which you use to heal more
with your dodge. While in tough situations when your party is about to die, use your
virtues and recharge with your elite [Renewed Focus]. Virtues grant retaliation on use
so don’t be afraid to use them.
Here’s the link to the build with runes and foods used.
Please, give the heal guardian a chance.
Hope you like it!
Here is my gs/hammer build;4NFF30I3RG-90533Gk30M3VH;49-TT-1;305B289;16-F7;9-o-F_0-m5-VZ3en-u0xX0374Da51V-70HV5PcW5P;9;9;9;7kkkkkk;9;0V8k3m
Need some suggestions to improve it.
Hello fellow guardians,
I’m posting my aim build.
My aim of this build is for PvE mostly. I usually travel solo (not much friends :/) and I find my shout build great as solo and when I encounter an event and people.
So my aim is to have a possible versatile build being solo and in a group (such as events and dungeons).
I don’t know much about trinkets and sigils and stuff like that so I tried my hard to get a good balance between Power, Toughness and Vitality.
I have some uncertainties about some traits which I’m posting below with the complete build for those who can’t access the link (I at least sometimes can’t.):
Weapons: Greatsword & Staff
Utilities: Signet of Resolve | Bane Signet | Contemplation of Purity | Save Yourselves!
Elite: Tome of Wrath or Renewed Focus (Still uncertain :P)
Traits: 0/15/0/25/30
Major Traits:
Radiance – Blind Exposure(VI)
Honor – Wrathful Spirits(I) OR Superior Aria(II) and Two-Handed Mastery(IX) Or Empowering Might (VIII)
Virtues – Retaliatory Subconscious(IV), Absolute Resolution(IX), Supreme Justice(VIII)
Armour: Soldier with Superior Rune of Strength
Accessories: x3 Knight, x2 Dire, x1 Berseker
Jewels: x2 Exquisite Beryl Jewel, x4 Exquisite Chrysocola Jewel
Weapons: Berseker Greatsword(Though might be soldier as I really like that Ghastly set (unless I fuse, hmm)) with Superior Sigil of Force(+5% Damage)
Soldier Staff with Superior Sigil of Leeching (Next attack steals health)
Perhaps I’m asking too much, anyhow I’d like some feedback, thanks.
Valkrylot – Guardian
(edited by Tamuraki.3851)
I vastly prefer PvE content in games, partly because I suck at PvP, but I also like all the exlporatory, character-driven content that comes with PvE. That said, my builds typically are for running around in open-world/LS PvE, but I’m just now getting my feet wet in 5mans (need to farm empys for those darn Vision Crystals…) and learning the group playstyle in GW2.
I’ve been running a 2/6/6/0/0 build for just open world PvE. However, I want to bring more utility to the group setting, so I’ve been playing around with a 3/5/0/4/2 build. Tell me what you think! (be nice and constructive or I’ll just delete your reply)
- Note: I realize that full zerker is the gearing meta for power builds, so don’t get stuck on that. For this build I’m experimenting with the idea that the more prec I have, the more crits I do, the more might I get/give, the more damage I do. Plus I have all this darn Assassin gear laying around….
My PVP build:
Might seem a bit strange at first, but it’s quite straighforward a hybrid build. Major weakness is definitely the low HP, usually have a hard time with engis. The rest is all ver positive
Have fun!
here is a possible Fire Smoldering Tank/Heal build. Any suggestions in possibly making this better? Here ya go people:
I’ve been running this for few days now and I think I like it. Enough survival and decent DPS with decent HP and DMG reduction. I just didn’t like the zerk ultra low HP and defense running around so I played around a little bit, and I think it works ok.
If anyone has any suggestions please let me know. Right now I don’t have all of accessories but it still works OK with what I have. Have it a go …
Since my Guardian is going to hit 80 soon, I decided to try and play with a potential build. This is what I came up with:
No idea how it would actually work in practice, but I think it looks pretty solid for roaming with a small party/solo. Decent amount of Vitality and Armor, and the Healing Power should keep me alive pretty well.
Comments and criticism would be appreciated.
PvP – Great support, survivability and damage in one
A very enjoyable build. If you keep the symbols up, you will do plenty of damage and healing simultaneously. Keeping burning up is the key. Good support build with AoE potential, especially on PvP capture points where you can keep dps up with symbols, retaliation and burning. Weapons are up to you, but preferrably keep the greatsword for the dps. Hammer would allow you to grant your team mates plenty of protection and retaliation as well.
Edit: The build has changed for the better.
(edited by Malcastus.6240)
Well here is a link to a build i’ve been working on, Its under WvW but i also use it PvE
->Its a very mobile build that gives you the opportunity to bounce around the battle field =p
>I use the meditation skills as more of healing skills so i only use them if health drops below 75%
>Shield of Wrath and Renewed Focus are last resort skills i use when health is low and shelter and other med skills are under recharge
->Also i know crit chance is low, hence i use the trait Focused mind to give me a crit chance of 20% which is basically a 1/4 chance to crit =p
->I only use shelter when all other med skills are on cooldown and my health is about 50%
->Oh another thing is I use swordfocus/GS when WvW roaming and use sword+focus/Staff when running zerg.
->Another thing I do is swapping the trait wrathful spirit for superior aria in the honor trait line and hence swapping judge’s intervention or merciful intervention for ‘’Stand your ground’’ or ‘’Retreat"’ when WvW and “’Save yourselves”" when PvE
On the whole i made this build primarily for the cause of Survival with a bit of out put damage, so in other words, high defense with a mediocre offense.
Well I am curious what everyone thinks =)
Guardian pvp build:
Meditation Mastery, Focused Mind, Monk’s Focus
Resolute Healer, Empowering Might
Retaliatory Subconscious, Absolute Resolution
Hammer/ Sword+Focus. Superior Sigil of Energy and Superior Sigil of Battle on both.
Litany of Wrath (!!)
Smite Condition
Judge’s Intervention
Contemplation of Purity
Renewed Focus
Traveler’s Runes
Beserker’s Amulet
Good sustain and decent damage. Good for stalling on cap points (cannot really bunker. leave that to engins). Good for general pvp. Flexible gameplay.
0 stability. Don’t even bother to stomp, you’ll be interrupted. Every. kittening. Time
Traveler’s Runes are decent for stacking might, and makes up for guardian’s lack of mobility. I can usually disengage if I pop my cooldowns and keep swapping weapons to dodge roll. Even if you can’t disengage and survive you can lure them very far off point, which isn’t too bad either.
Why Litany of Wrath??
24s vs 30s means you can heal more often. I definitely get more healing done with Litany of Wrath, because I know I can spam it whenever it’s off cooldown. If someone interrupts your Shelter you’re probably a goner. You can stack might with sword3 or focus5 anyway. The added fury is a bonus.
And no one bothers to avoid you after you use Litany of Wrath, so that point is moot. It’s just not worth it to give up the battlefield for 6s. 6s is all I need to res someone.
(edited by Rothem.8174)
Healer build with as much Aegis as possible.
Shield of the Avenger because it gives Aegis since 9/9/14 patch.
That Signet of Mercy, or Bow of Truth whatever is most appealing to you.
This would be fun for fractals since you have three anti-projectile skills.
this is my build and my guardian
This build is fun to use multi heals with the meditations and with the lack with only 8% crit you gain fury with the meditations to compensate. The reasons that i have 2 melee weapons is that i don’t like the ranged weapons of the guardian, if the guardian had
the possibility to wield a bow, the weapons where greatsword and bow then.
pron +
- good sustain
- easy to stack fury and Retaliation
- good damage
- 17K hp
- condition removes
con -
- lack of range ability’s
- has no cc ability’s
Hey guys, I’m here with a WvW roamer build.
My build is a hybrid DPS/bunk build. It’s supposed to be able to lay the pressure on a single target our small groups of targets while getting support from party members (bunk/support guardian and staff elementalist).
As you can see it’s a meditation build. That means it’s a selfish build that doesn’t really offer a lot of support to the team. That’s okay though, because someone else in my standard roaming party already took that role (a hammer support/bunker guardian). However, in cases when I get separated from my party or when we get outnumbered I want to be able to take some hits and survive. The bunk/support guardian in my team is new to GW2 so I don’t want to solely rely on him for my survivability, hence I threw in some toughness and vitality in there to buff up my guard and made him hybrid.
I also tried solo-ing on this build, with mixed results. I feel that I lack the burst to take down annoying ranged enemies who just keep kiting my guardian. I’m not sure if this is due to my lack of skill in dealing with these opponents or due to my build keeping me back. What do you guys think?
(edited by LucosTheDutch.4819)
I mainly use a Meditation DPS build, but for dungeons, I occasionally run a support build that I created myself back near launch and have been using since.
High Defense, High Vitality, High Healing Power, a near constant stream of boons to my party, and party-wide condition removal w/ shouts from my runes. It lacks damage but it makes up for it in pure support power with potent heals, condi removal and boon support. Might not be meta, but I like it, and it’s pretty kitten powerful. <3
I was wondering how good of build is this and the traits?I ma not sure what the best build is right now as I would prefer to stick with sceptor and sword.
Been running this build for the last couple months with pretty substantial success. It is a WvW build that incorporates all of the “stat minimums” that I wanted.
2000 base attack
3000 toughness
17500 health
25% crit
xxx Healing power (undecided, but ended up getting over 600)(dodge rolls and Medi heal)
xxx Condition Damage (not a huge deal, but some is better than none)
It uses mostly Celestial and Soldier gear with some Cleric’s in the mix. I just crafted my last piece of Celestial Ascended to finish it off.
Traits are for reducing recharge on Medi’s and Medi’s healing, bonus to precision from toughness, reduce recharge on shouts (Stand Your Ground for Stability), and bonus damage to burning foes.
This build also comes with 4 on-demand blinds (VoJ, Leap of Faith, Flashing Blade, Ray of Judgement)
Traveler Runes for bonus movement speed, Food for damage reduction/Condi reduction against pesky control classes.
And it leaves room for you to personalize a little. Renewed Focus can easily be taken for the Tome, I only use the Tome to melt people that are annoying (lots of people don’t realize they’re being nuked by a Guardian) Spam 1 until they get to 30% or so, then do 4/5 quickness/Judgement for the huge 3k+ knockdown, then finish them off with another chain of 1’s.
You can also swap Retributive Armor for Purity if you need more condition removal. Or use it for your second form of removal and take Shelter over the signet for the heal.
Ashen Mistwalker: WvW Tank/Crit Revenant
Oaken Earthlore: WvW Medi/Bunker Guardian
Been toying with a build I saw posted somewhere around here. However I got sidetracked with alts, so haven’t actually got it set up yet to test. It would be primarily for dungeon/fractal pugging.