If you happen to have some spare points in the Chaos line, PLEASE give Bountiful Interruption a shot.
Of all the interrupt-traits, Bountiful is the most beneficial to any build as long as you have the proper weapon: Focus or Greatsword. In group fights, this trait all-too-easily can net you 15 stacks of might (and 3 random boons) in one swoop, which benefits both power AND condition builds, as well as support builds if you tend to go that route.
After playing a lockdown build for a bit.. you’ll come to find Bountiful as valuable as traits like Mender’s Purity, weapon cooldown traits, and I’d dare go so far as to say nearly on Deceptive Evasion’s level of value.[
Shatter Mesmer, Phantasm Mesmer, Condition Mesmer… These are the current main types of Mesmer.
Sure there’s different vatiants: Phantasmal Boons and the Chaos Maestro are support builds, but they still fight with a Phantasm playstyle. Once you grab Deceptive Evasion, you’re all set for a shatter build.. These playstyles, while varied, all follow similar rules the same as any other fighting style would. Shatter Mesmers often take sword to set up their shatters. Phantasm Mesmers often grab greatsword and pistol for high-damage phantasms.. If you play a phantasm build, you pretty much know the ropes of any other phantasm build you play, and the same goes for shattering.
But Lockdown builds tow the line between shatter and phantasm. They tend to use both for damage, but also can make excellent use of Halting Strike for a third additional damage source. Either way, the focus isn’t on shattering or on maintaining phantasms: its on keeping the opponent(s) unable to fight back while you shatter, while phantasms abuse, and while your opponents capitalize. In this capacity, Lockdown Mesmer make good “leader-type” builds in small groups: You call a target, and keep them shut down while everyone wails on them.
But this IS a different playstyle, and thus it requires building new rotations and new reflexes to be effective. You have to have an understanding of your opponent’s abilities and be able to time interrupts to be effective. It hurts at first, its different and unfamiliar and hard, but it becomes so worthwhile.
Oh the sweet glorious rage… It’s delectable.
Offhand sword(and/or Pistol) and Mantra of Distraction come together in a sinister marriage that make classes like Necromancers wet themselves with frustration. Most people expect CC to come from Warriors, or even Thieves, but Mesmer lockdown is subtle and unexpected. The preconceived notion of Mesmers being only “PU, Shatter, or Phantasm” works in a lockdown Mesmer’s favor as the enemy often doesn’t know what exactly is going on when their heals are instantly interrupted without any animations or warning.
Even before the Confounding Suggestions bug, CS could produce some awesome results. Dropping Chaos Storm on a point usually meant opponents were going to have a hard time either attacking or defending themselves, and staggering a 3-clone diversion Shatter is both rewarding and effective. People often tend to think that they got CC’d by an entire team when a lockdown Mesmer turns their sights on them.
All is vain? If you’re my opponent, hell yeah!
The best, and most important thing about lockdown builds.
Of all the current Mesmer builds, lockdown has the highest skill cap and is the most difficult to play effectively. The rewards can be substantial: AoE boonstripping, keeping opponents out the fight, moderate-to-high burst damage.. but only if played properly. A poorly played lockdown Mesmer can’t rely on an easy build, stealth, or phantasms to save the day; it requires aggression, positioning, and strategic timing… but it pays off.
Play a lockdown Mesmer for a month. If it’s difficult and hard, don’t give up. Stick with it and even if you don’t enjoy the style no matter what build you go back to you’ll go back as a stronger, more technical, and overall better player.
- StunWay ( posted by: theCOREYCOLAK One of the first Mesmer lockdown build sposted on these forums & still one of the best)
- Chillruption (posted by: skcamow Chill-focused AoE-oriented lockdown taking advantage of Imbued Diversion and Chaotic Interruption)
- Shatterlock (posted by: Chaos Archangel Winner of the December “Build of the Month” Contest)
Learn 2 Play Mesmer Here! || Lookit! Gots me a youtube!
Mesmer Personality Quiz! Exclamation Points!
(edited by Chaos Archangel.5071)