Abandoning Mesmer Class
For the record:
bunker builds are the last gasp of any class in any game when all other viable builds are destroyed.
You can’t do decent burst, so you just try to outlast (and against any competent player who is NOT playing a fundamentally broken class, you don’t outlast)
So yeah, stack the toughness, vitality, and condition damage, because you’re in for a boring and frustrating ride.
I have to say this has sealed the deal for me as well. I really was quite put off with the quality of the dungeon content, and then the first mesmer nerfs making chaos storm a pain to wait to use…and now this.
The GS Izerker nerf is the last straw, and what is more ANet isn’t done, anytime anyone even hints at something they don’t like about mesmers there will be even more nerfs. The mesmer is not powerful in PVE. In fact I really hope people don’t catch on just how little damage I do sometimes.
The izerker never did too much damage, and it was like one of the only AOE attacks that we had. Other classes can hit for more damage more often and without having to rely on clunky mechanics like mesmers do. I am not sure who is in charge of doing clas balance but they are the ones who are truly unbalanced. This game is being managed by a bunch of amatuers.
true hurts , and you release your rage on forum
now go alt +f4 because you are downedTruth is though, he’s also right.
Bad players suffer infinitely more against mesmers, since they are often unable to even figure out which the real us is (which, well, is pretty kitten trivial even without stars or so).Hence bad players will always lose against Mesmers without even the slightest of chances. They can’t even attack me, I don’t need any burst. I can “play” with them, really.
depends on what you refer when you say bad players
Fps can be an issue as well
don’t get me wrong i dont love vs mesmers i got win button vs them
but the fact that they could destroy siege on walls or behind gates when they coudn’t even see it , was OP
true hurts , and you release your rage on forum
now go alt +f4 because you are downedTruth is though, he’s also right.
Bad players suffer infinitely more against mesmers, since they are often unable to even figure out which the real us is (which, well, is pretty kitten trivial even without stars or so).Hence bad players will always lose against Mesmers without even the slightest of chances. They can’t even attack me, I don’t need any burst. I can “play” with them, really.
depends on what you refer when you say bad players
Fps can be an issue as well
don’t get me wrong i dont love vs mesmers i got win button vs them
but the fact that they could destroy siege on walls or behind gates when they coudn’t even see it , was OP
It wasn’t OP, it was the only helpful thing we COULD do during a siege.
Gwens Avengers
it very sad for GS mesmer indeed , hope they fix it or give us some good aoe other than that stupid staff, i mean come on wvwvw we need atleast good skill to hit the people on the wall.
I know I’m done with it. It almost seems like the real nerf to portals was to nerf mesmers so bad that nobody wants to play them so they don’t really have to change portal.
I imagine my GM is still going to force me on my crap mesmer which is dissapointing, going to make WvW not so fun for me anymore being a portal kitten.
I’m not a fan of the patch but come on guys. You all make it sound like the class is useless. They will get the “unintended” bugs fixed.
For WvWvW;
Since we have no real AoE anymore, do something else to help your team. Set up a ballista, guard your teams flanks. Look at new builds.Mesmers on the walls have the same LoS sight issues you do, they will get on the edge of the wall so yank them down when they do.
We most certainly are not a useless class now.
“Anet hasn’t taken away our ability to interact with environmental weapons, like everyone else can do”
“Buy a new gear set just before the treadmill kicks in”.
“On the bright side, other people playing the same class as you got the same nerfs! You are still on even footing with them!”
Now that is hardly encouraging when you put it that way.
But hmmmm, now whatever shall I do with all these Molten/Destroyer Cores/Lodestones I was collecting for Volcanus…
bunker builds are the last gasp of any class in any game when all other viable builds are destroyed.
You can’t do decent burst, so you just try to outlast (and against any competent player who is NOT playing a fundamentally broken class, you don’t outlast)
This doesn’t make sense to me.
This would be implying that high-damage builds are always inherently superior to other builds.
That’s as broken as Bunker Builds being the only viable one “left” (because it’d imply that if a burst damage build exists, it is the only viable one).
Now ofc, plenty players prefer going for the l33t DPS. We call them: bad.
I’ve been playing almost exclusively mesmer since beta, even though I was expecting nerfs to come. I even always said the berserker LOS was just an obvious bug and it would be fixed sooner or later.
But the rest of this patch isn’t just a nerf, they literally broke the illusion mechanics while making greatsword worthless – taking out one of our only reliable AOE at the same time. This is not an acceptable way of “balancing”.
think how i fell about this game, they nerfed ranger , i rerolled mesmer , now they nerfed it…they can t do nothing right…why to fix bugs like WvW one ( that i don t have bonuses from start of game ) , or to stop bots … let s nerf all classes and give some more dmg to warrior cuz he s poor dps
First character was a ranger. Rerolled mesmer… Man I feel for ya. I havent even logged in yet (DL at 67%) but after hearing all this I may have to make a warrior…
Omg. This is exactly what i did. EXACTLY. I’ve now got a 74 ranger and 72 Mesmer. I am constantly getting demotivated to get level 80 due to the dam nerfs Anet keeps putting on the professions i just happen to play.
Sea Of Sorrows Commander
This is my first post ever. I don’t like writing, but I wanted to give my (probably useless) 2 cents on this.
I love my mesmer. I don’t like PVE, not even events, and I spend my time on WvW. Most mesmers I know use a configuration with scepter/focus (for speed) and greatsword. Now, to have just 1 not_even_decent AOE we have to choose between replacing greatsword (a must in ground battles) for staff, or getting staff and greatsword and losing our only means of speed (the focus), that in my experience is equally important in WvW.
That seems broken to me.
Just my thoughts.
I don’t wanna downplay the nerfs (they really are uncalled for, except LoS) but maybe you could do something else in www other then attacking people in keeps? After all, that’s just one thing you can to there. I think maybe people should acknowledge the fact that not all professions are suited for every possible activity. You wouldn’t complain that a thief should play a support healer or that an engineer should roam and gank people easily .
Mesmer still does very good in open field, and i would go as far and say that it dominates 1v1. And don’t forget portals, some people hate that strategy in WvW, but we mesmers are the only ones who can pull that off, so we are still needed. There are a lot of things you can do in wvw, if that’s your only concern.
The rest of the nerfs and their overall implications are whole other topics
You are simply reinforcing most peoples point. Anet is nerfing things across the board that other professions already did better than Mesmers. I have over 6k kills in WvW and I could care less about them making the iZerker not be able to be cast w/o LOS. Seriously it wouldn’t change a thing for me. I would still pull out my Mesmer to have fun and small group skirmish. There is a reason I spent the time to get full exotics on him. He was the most fun profession to play.
After this last patch the dodge/blind/invulnerable change for zerk attacks (AND OBTW ALL TRAITS THAT HAVE TO HAVE THE PHANTASMS OUT THERE NOW ARE USELESS )combined with the damage nerf across the board with the Phantasms abilities make Mesmer hit like a wet noodle with no utility. Then you have the change to the LOS coding that is so messed up I cant believe it made it to live. I’m just sitting here thinking about the influx of new players to the game this weekend think “really? everyone thinks this buggy game that I can’t target anything in is fun?”.
I’m not saying “ZOMG MY ZERK CANT HIT FOR 5K ON WALL HUGGERS ANYMORE”. I am saying in the open field (1v1 or 1v2) or in large group battles (20+) my geared out warrior and my semi geared thief do more damage, have more utitilty, can cover more ground, have more survivability, have more mobility, have more direct support and are frankly more powerful than my fully geared Mesmer. Period.
Oh and BTW when I press a button…it actually damages the person I am fighting…what a concept.
I could always do more damage on my warrior, and the thief is just so silly I almost feel dirty playing it, but my mes was always competitive. I usually came out on top in 1v1 and roaming was a blast to play it. Not nearly as easy as on my run and gun warrior but hey that’s what I liked about it.
The people that say “oh its not that big of a deal” either always run with the zerg, aren’t geared enough to notice a difference, play some sort of silly spec that already was kittened.
Don’t play in a top Tier for WvW or at a high level of PvP? Don’t worry about it. People will still be confused by decoy and you can stack vit/tough like everyone else that doesn’t know where the dodge button is.
I admire all the folks that are going to stick with it. I’m not going to turn all my gearz into ectos at this point. However it’s not just a bunch of band wagoner, FOTM, 4 hours on the weekend players that are upset here. This last patch has broken the profession. Is it playable? Yep absolutely. Can you still be useful? Sure portals and pulling people off walls and running over green arrows and map completion PvE pros is still possible. Is there anything that you bring to the table that other professions don’t do much better than you at top levels of play? Nope.
The gap was always there to a point but you could make it up by being slippery, gearing appropriately and learning the class. Now with the changes, smart players can counter phantasms almost indefinitely. Heck even not so smart players counter them by accident some times. Combine that with the buggy way they interpret LOS (even more buggy than before if that was even possible), hit detection that is so messed up and an overall damage reduction, lots of top level players are saying “why bother” I will just go play “insert profession here” it does what I want to do better anyways.
I hope Anet figures this out but I have to wonder who exactly is testing Mesmer before this stuff goes live? What environment are they doing it in? What planet do they live on that they think these changes weren’t completely out of wack with game mechanics as it relates to play situations in WvW and PvP?
Oh well back to my supposedly “nerfed” other professions that still make my mesmer look like a lvl 70 in greens.
(edited by MightyJoeMoon.7463)
To answer the poster above me, here is a post from Jon Peters in the Ranger forum.
Hi Anders, I’m totally not here so skip this post and read on…
We made the improvements we had time to test. There are still more ranger improvements but when our time is limited we have to focus on things we know we can fix. Signets and shouts are still on the docket, and I suspect some of each of these will get some love in the next time around. As you can see a lot changed in this build for every profession and we have to test these changes as well.
I do still believe ranger is the profession in most need of improvement after this patch and we will continue to make those improvements. If we could fix everything at one time we would, but the reality is there are a limited # of hours to make changes.
I see a lot of talk about ranger weapons, but I don’t think that is the real problem. I think sword and longbow are both good weapons, which is why the changes take longer. The problems are deeper, in pets ability to hit moving targets, trait lines with not enough viable choices and skills that are often too specialized to really compliment the weapon builds. These aren’t things we can change overnight. The change to Greatsword block was in fact a very difficult change, but we made it because we knew it was the right thing to do.
There are >500 skills in this game, 480 traits, and 2 designers working on this. Even then often we are bottle necked by other issues. I’m not going to say we are not working on these things, nor can I say there are things we could have changed but just ran out of time on, but this was a patch that contained ranger improvements and it will not be the last one that does so. Maybe you want more than honesty but that is what I currently have to offer.
For everyone to see it clearly.
There are >500 skills in this game, 480 traits, and 2 designers working on this.
I think that’s pretty self explaining. Can we expect anything good in the future for our complex class in this context? I don’t think so and it makes me sad to be honest as I really enjoyed playing my mesmer.
I wonder why it’s only 2 designers. O.o
I mean, is the US market just so screwed you can’t find game designers any more?
I can’t believe a company like ArenaNet has issues hiring on money or renown level, so hrm… no clue.
You’d think balance is being done by a team of 4-5 at least. Actually that sounds about right, more and you become too slow, again.
I think the best way to show this isnt acceptable is to stop playing or play another class.
That will make this into hard statistics that they will see. Playing a class in hope it gets better wont do anything, play something you have fun with be it another game or another class.
I’m not going to log in game anymore, your recent changes to the mesmer class happen to be the tip of everything going on with this game. I just feel sorry to the poor ppl like me who lost a fun source of entertainment.
No one will miss me and for sure i won’t miss anyone so, no damage is done. I would just like to make the dev know about mine feelings and where they are taking their game and also let em know that if they overhaul thier patch progression i’ll might be back as customer till then cya and thanks for all the fish!
— *Also, i’m getting this post merged here, since the other discussion got cought: I mean deleted.
I’m so sad to abandon such beauty duo the inability of some ppl to understand that they were getting stomped becuase they were both’s upscaled with little to no effort put on thier toon and also in the wrong place at the wrong time.Dynmha – Far Shiverpeak.. the irony at last! she was blinded all along.
What gear are you wearing?
Illusionary Berserker has not received a direct damage decrease. Instead, is seems that the damage reduction you (and I) are seeing is most likely associated this fix:
“Fixed a bug that caused many piercing, boomerang, and bouncing projectiles (those that hit more than 1 target) to continually increase in damage the more targets they hit.”
We are aware that this particular phantasm is now experiencing a significant drop in damage and are looking at getting it back to a more effective state.
Thanks for keeping the post civil and constructive!
At least some of the problems we now face are going to be repaired. now all we need is for the totally unnecessary change with illusion summonings to be returned to a more useful state.
What gear are you wearing?
In particular, in these shoot i’m wearing both’s exotic lv80 transmuted knight and berserker set. The skin is made by Boyang Zhu as for concept of Hyojin Ahn.
You can find this either on Mad King, or Zhed set. Also, it come as Acolyte TAG for lv 7X something and forgot whatnot the PVP set.
Illusionary Berserker has not received a direct damage decrease. Instead, is seems that the damage reduction you (and I) are seeing is most likely associated this fix:
“Fixed a bug that caused many piercing, boomerang, and bouncing projectiles (those that hit more than 1 target) to continually increase in damage the more targets they hit.”
We are aware that this particular phantasm is now experiencing a significant drop in damage and are looking at getting it back to a more effective state.
Thanks for keeping the post civil and constructive!
-KarlAt least some of the problems we now face are going to be repaired. now all we need is for the totally unnecessary change with illusion summonings to be returned to a more useful state.
Unlikely to happen without a full roll back to previus asset. As in mine experience iBerserk didn’t suffer from the “bladetrial effect” prior this patch.
To make it easy to understand: As for now, iBerserk code got scrapped and overwritten with the warrior “bladetrial" GS skill – it was just a coincidence that they forgot to adjust the damage value. By the way, it doesn’t and it will not work very well; the iBerserk entity mismatch all and for all the warrior skill.
(edited by Tekla.2139)
You are still one step better than guardians when fighting against walls.
TBH iZerker was IMO never a super dooper contribution to keep fighting.
It allowed you to effectively take out siege in places that were difficult or impossible to otherwise reach. This is a very big factor in tower/keep/castle assaults and defenses. Meteor shower can from eles can still help here but saying that it didn’t have a major contribution to keep fighting is a joke.
I would just ask that if they plan on keeping the blind/block stuff that they apply it to all classes. It kills the mesmer’s skill regardless of the number of hits the skill does or if it is aoe… I expect every other class to have this happen to them as well. Ex. A blind ele’s meteor storm should miss every attack, or a single block should make it all miss, etc.
Also their defensive skills should not activate if they are blind or their opponent is blocking (as this is what happens with phantasmal defender)
If not, please fix this issue with the phantom summoning with the mesmer class. It’s unfair to single us out in this regard.
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa
Oh! Well have fun with another class then.
My mesmer with 600 hours (actually played, not just open client) didn’t even notice the nerf.
I also have 3 full sets of Exotics and about 20 different exotic weapons of 3 different stat sets.
I guess I just know how to play a mesmer better.
Oh well, cya!
Oh! Well have fun with another class then.
My mesmer with 600 hours (actually played, not just open client) didn’t even notice the nerf.
I also have 3 full sets of Exotics and about 20 different exotic weapons of 3 different stat sets.
I guess I just know how to play a mesmer better.
Oh well, cya!
You might want to pay attention to your skills more than your gear then… It should be immediately noticeable when there is a 50%+ bug going on with one of your skills and your multi hitting phantoms aren’t being generated due to a single blind/block. But yea, you sound pro…
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa
Oh! Well have fun with another class then.
My mesmer with 600 hours (actually played, not just open client) didn’t even notice the nerf.
I also have 3 full sets of Exotics and about 20 different exotic weapons of 3 different stat sets.
I guess I just know how to play a mesmer better.
Oh well, cya!
Praise our Mesmer Overlord!
Have you even considered people that can’t afford a new gear set that easily and their build is completely useless now?
Gwens Avengers
I’ll give my mes another shot. I don’t pvp at all but these changes really are hurting the class a lot. i expect to remain on my necro main for the forseeable future.
To answer the poster above me, here is a post from Jon Peters in the Ranger forum.
Hi Anders, I’m totally not here so skip this post and read on…
We made the improvements we had time to test. There are still more ranger improvements but when our time is limited we have to focus on things we know we can fix. Signets and shouts are still on the docket, and I suspect some of each of these will get some love in the next time around. As you can see a lot changed in this build for every profession and we have to test these changes as well.
I do still believe ranger is the profession in most need of improvement after this patch and we will continue to make those improvements. If we could fix everything at one time we would, but the reality is there are a limited # of hours to make changes.
I see a lot of talk about ranger weapons, but I don’t think that is the real problem. I think sword and longbow are both good weapons, which is why the changes take longer. The problems are deeper, in pets ability to hit moving targets, trait lines with not enough viable choices and skills that are often too specialized to really compliment the weapon builds. These aren’t things we can change overnight. The change to Greatsword block was in fact a very difficult change, but we made it because we knew it was the right thing to do.
There are >500 skills in this game, 480 traits, and 2 designers working on this. Even then often we are bottle necked by other issues. I’m not going to say we are not working on these things, nor can I say there are things we could have changed but just ran out of time on, but this was a patch that contained ranger improvements and it will not be the last one that does so. Maybe you want more than honesty but that is what I currently have to offer.
For everyone to see it clearly.
There are >500 skills in this game, 480 traits, and 2 designers working on this.
I think that’s pretty self explaining. Can we expect anything good in the future for our complex class in this context? I don’t think so and it makes me sad to be honest as I really enjoyed playing my mesmer.
Agree, and I feel the same way about my Mesmer. Skills and traits modifications and balance changes need to done by a team of designers and not just by two person. I’d really like the designer or designers who founded and created GW2 Mesmer to readdress the current state of Mesmer. From what I know, John Peters plays a Warrior and I heard the second designer plays a thief (this source may be outdated).
Mesmer is indeed a complex profession because our skills are heavily tied to our traits. Moreover, our core mechanics and many of our builds requires a coherent synergy with specific traits to work well. After the recent changes, the patch brought a severe negative impact to Mesmer’s core mechanics which is summoning phantasms and their relative secondary effects. This thread covers the topic about Mesmer’s core mechanics very well: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/mesmer/What-the-new-patch-did-wrong/first#post772971
I really hope the devs are going get it right in the future patches to come. As of now, Mesmer is severely crippled to a point that I’m feeling extremely frustrated to play at times. Also, I’ve noticed a decline in Mesmers population in WvW and PvE in general. I do not spend much time in HotM but I suppose it’s likely the same outcome. I’m playing on Tier 1 N/A server (full) – SBI so I’m aware the general population of each profession. The top 3 profession you see often are #1 Warrior, #2 Guardian #3 Thief followed by Rangers/Elementalists/Necromancers at #4 and closely followed by Mesmers.
[HERO] – Star Leader – Black Gate
(edited by Mystiq Angelic.8193)
bunker builds are the last gasp of any class in any game when all other viable builds are destroyed.
You can’t do decent burst, so you just try to outlast (and against any competent player who is NOT playing a fundamentally broken class, you don’t outlast)
This doesn’t make sense to me.
This would be implying that high-damage builds are always inherently superior to other builds.That’s as broken as Bunker Builds being the only viable one “left” (because it’d imply that if a burst damage build exists, it is the only viable one).
Now ofc, plenty players prefer going for the l33t DPS. We call them: bad.
This guy was saying “this class is still alive due to my bunker build still being viable”, and what I am saying is that in the progression of a class fading to irrelevance (i’ve seen it MULTIPLE TIMES), the bunker build is always the last one to die. Other viable builds go first, starting from high dps builds, meandering indiscriminately through altruistic support builds, and finally dismantling self-only survival-centered “bunker” builds.
I stand by what I said: “Bunker builds are the last gasp of a class in any game when all other viable builds are destroyed”.
Aaaah, sorry. Misunderstood.
And yes makes sense, if a class turns non-viable (I think we’re far far faaaar from that, but we face lots of issues because our broken stuff isn’t fixed because it’d buff up quite a lot), then bunker builds survive the longest hence they’re used the most.
Aaaah, sorry. Misunderstood.
And yes makes sense, if a class turns non-viable (I think we’re far far faaaar from that, but we face lots of issues because our broken stuff isn’t fixed because it’d buff up quite a lot), then bunker builds survive the longest hence they’re used the most.
I think we’re already there.
Our phantasms serve as our wards, our boon sources, our defensive cooldowns, and our equivalent to the signet guardians get to remove conditions.
All of these functions can now be negated by blind, which is spammed my multiple professions.
The injustice of this is palpable and patent, and if this happened to guardians, engineers, or warriors, they would be dustbinned in droves. If they made blind and block stop initiative generation on thieves, there would probably be real-life riots tearing through their corporate headquarters.
Our damage was already sub-par enough that most people with the time rolled an engineer or elementalist SPECIFICALLY to take the mesmer’s place farming DE’s due to the tagging issue.
I’d managed to fanagle enough damage so far with sword 2 and greatsword 4, but now greatsword 4 no longer works, and even if/when fixed will continue to fail if i’m blocked, blinded, dodged, or happen to “stupid-target” (our targeting in this game is NOT “smart”) an invulnerable mob in the pack.
(edited by plasmacutter.2709)
Mesmers still the best class in the game, pity you all can’t see that. Shame if a bug was the only thing that made the class fun for you.
I still feel viable.
Nice video for showing people the basics of skirmishing. It will be a help to folks looking around for some videos on how to play your spec. That being said, running over green arrows isn’t changing my mind. The 1v4 was comedy in a keystone cops kind of way lol. Also your “skilled” thief keeps trying to burst you with huge stacks of confusion and he doesn’t even blind you once. Please show me the way to these guys so I can farm them til they cry. :p Some of the 1v1’s you started – the first thing the person you are facing does is run away? Pro.
This isn’t a critique or aimed at you personally. I really did like the vid and you know how to play the class. Your use of portals is pro, nice job. I also can appreciate your posts on your spec. They are well thought out and I think you are a great member of the community
However, I would like you to consider that edited vids giving basic tips say nothing to the state of where the profession was before and where it is after the patch.
Show me the video where Warriors, Thieves and Ele’s dance around columns, run up and down slopes and jump over short objects while you see lots of “Obstructed” and 0 0 0 0 0 0 flying across your screen while they have no problems stacking 4 digit numbers in red. That’s the reality of a competitive match up.
I managed to scrape together 50+ badges over the weekend when I wasn’t messing around on the event side of things, so its not like I’m not getting kills on him, its just a huge pain in the kitten . In similar play situations when on my warrior or thief it’s not a big deal and the play is so much more predictable that it’s almost laughable. Badges just get racked up on those toons and I am more of an asset to my team when I play them in every aspect of the game.
So unless Anet changes some things to the way the mesmers skills are coded they will still be a sub par profession. Inexperience is going to be magnified when up against a skilled mesmer just like any other profession. It still doesn’t change the fact that mesmers have no place where they do anything very well anymore other than making unintelligent players look even worse than they already are.
Anet has already said they see that there are issues with the patch in reference to mesmers. Lets hope they see that they LOS nerf has nothing to with the parity of mesmers with other professions. The people that want to play at the top levels of competition don’t expect it to be reversed. What we expect is that they tweak the code so its not so biased against mesmers and that they take a hard look at the dodge, blind, immune changes and understand that it kittens core mechanics in the bulk of the traits of the entire profession.
Mesmer is still OP. sorry to burst bubbles, and im sorry for people that were trying to get legendary greatswords and now wont use the greatsword. I really am. with that said, my thief has been screwed over in every single patch to the point that ma main weapon set of sword/dagger is worthless. 50% damage reduction to Dancing Dagger? nerf is one thing, basically removing a skill is another. Keep complaining, Mes is still OP and we can cry our way into 1v4 fights and still win
Just wow. We really need compensation in the siege wall/AE capabilities. Chaos storm is a low dmg joke with a huge cool down. I WvW probably 95% of the time and I’m reduced to temporal curtain and chaos storm during offensive keep sieges.
I faced an elementalist 1v1 in wvw yesterday and i pulled out all the stops, the fight lasted over a minute and his health did not drop at all with my greatsword while i struggled to make it to the next heal cooldown. I’m no uber mesmer or anything but I can hold my own. At least used to. I’m looking at other trait possibilities shaking my head.
Please give us just 1 decent AE option to keep us involved in WvW sieges. And correct iBerserker damage to be very close to what it was. Very frustrating currently.