Hello, I created this personal post, clean and organized, to discuss my suggestions and ideas for the future balance patch for mesmer. In the spirit of sharing and shuffle some suggestions with you. ¡The goddess Lyssa caution us and bring us to glory in the fighting!
Since they are commenting on the balance patch for mesmer future, and most of the people here are asking for mesmer.
I do not like to see the typical Nerf, which then becomes useless skills and traits, few competent with other skills, and with a high Cd time.
For example, here are asking nerf for the elite skill to Moa. What would be next? For typical: Increased time Cd, and reduces the effect to 5s, or even worse, destroying an elite completely, and so on with other skills and traits.
I will suggest some balances and improvements as well. (Most people skills here said). What I ask you please to ArenaNet, is that if they are going to nerf some traits or skill, please, change it into something more practical or reduce a low effect, but not destroy skills / traits, with increase a high recharge time or reducing completely effects, as it did in its day with the skill Well of Precognition
We prefer skills with little recharge time or maximum 60s, to make it more practical. We do not want skills with recharge of 90 seconds, and that can only be used once in a great while…
I suggest (The words highlighted in bold, are the my ideas of new balances and changes. And words on Italic text is my commentary that made that change):
Skill (Profession mechanic and Weapon skills)
Continuum Split (I’m not wanting and asking for it, but if a future nerf possibility arises, i suggest this, that to what could much worse.)
It is clear that most OP, is in this mechanic specialization, the power to use twice the same elite. Sooner or later, it will be nerfed, and I do not want to nerf, but to get worse situations, I prefer to go ahead and suggest other ideas about nerf, before the nerf is much worse.
Destroy all your illusions and create a rift in the time space continuum. It expires when you use a Elite Skill or time off, you will revert back to this point with your previous health, endurance and skill recharges. Duration increases per illusion shattered.
This is a possibility, we can not use double elite skill. What else would occur better to you?
It is also possible that the mechanic can not nerf specialization, and only the Signet nerf Moa.
Staff (This is a suggestion on the phantasm of staff, in case a change for the better.)
Phantasmal Warlock
Mechanical skill changed
It Removed “Extra damage per condition: 10%”. Now inflict Torment and increase the durations of conditions per each conditions on enemy.
Reduce direct damage done (50% less)
Fix to range attack 1200 (now not 900 or less)
It has increased somewhat the velocity projectile of phantasm.
Now bounce the projectile attack
Damage: 302
Torment x3 (5s)
Increase of Duration per condition: 2%
Number of Bounces: 4
Umbral: 10%
Range: 1,200
The Staff is a weapon designed for condition damage, not for direct damage, hybrid weapons are not good, so it is better more conditions. The projectile is very slow and imprecise, a increase few of speed for projectile is good.
It has increased a little the speed of projectile attacks scepter. (A 0,3s more fast)
Now, when you get to block an attack, grant Mirror.
When you block a attack, grant Mirror and counter by applying Torment, creating a clone that casts Ether Bolt.
Damage: 367
Torment x5 (5s)
Mirror: 1s
Block Duration: 2s
Range: 900
With this addition of mirror, we have a little more help against attacks distances, competing with a new version different of main-hand sword, especially Blurred Frenzy .
Sword Off-Hand
Now, when you get to block an attack, you grant Swiftness.
Channeling for block the next attack. When you block a attack, you grants Swiftness and counter, create an illusion when attacked.
Damage: 734
Swiftness (1s)
Block Duration: 2
Range: 900
This addition helps a little, to react in combat, if we flee or approach the enemy.
It has increased the inflict burn, and a few of duration
x3 Burn (4s)
Really now, with 30s of recharge time for to inflict only x1Burn … is really poor, with this change compensates and becomes more just.
Reduce direct damage done (25% less)
Fix to range attack 1200 (now not 900 or less)
Increase the inflict burn, and reduce of duration
It has increased somewhat the velocity projectile of phantasm.
Increase a few number of Bounces
Create an illusion that burns foes and grants fury to allies.
Damage: 252
Fury (3s)
Burn x2 (3s)
Number of Bounces: 4
Range: 1,200
With this change, Phantasmal Mage is very usable and becomes a feasible weapon damage condition
Now is unblockable.
Portal Entre and Portal Exeunt (I’m not wanting and asking for it, but if a future nerf possibility arises, i suggest this, that to what could much worse.)
Now has a life bar and can be destroyed when they are active, similar a Continuum Split
With this add, It is more difficult to keep active the portal, and can it is counter. It would be partly an Nerf right, without having to punish or destroy the concept of this skill.
That’s what suggest to me, it could be much worse nerf, so I prefer to suggest it, that will increase to 120 seconds, or worse, as change range 5000 to 3000, etc.
Mechanical skill completely changed
Create a field of energy that grants stealth on all allies and reveals the enemies in the area.
Stealth: 1s
Revealed: 1s
Duration: 3s
Pulses: 3
Radius: 240
Combo Field: Light
Range: 1,200
With this change, get a fully usable skill and practice, and to all areas, pve, pvp and WVW.
Reduce the recharge time of 45 to 30 seconds.
The necro have Corrupt Boon
with the difference that the mesmer steals the blessings of enemies, it would be fair that the recharge time is reduced, for to be more practical.
Mechanical skill completely changed
Time recharge reduce of 120 to 90 seconds.
Reduce the effect of 15 to 3 seconds.
Infuse your allies with ether energy. Allies who would take lethal damage while is infuse, ignore the deathblow and active a effect of Illusion of Life. This allies can not dead while Illusion of Life is active. Illusion of Life expire if Endurance bar runs out or time off. If the effect expires naturally, grant a Chaos Armor.
Infuse of Illusion of Life (5s) (Effect no active, only put on)
Illusion of Life (3s): Take no damage from attacks and grant Resistance each seconds.
Resistance 1s
Chaos Armor 5s
Number of Targets: 3
Radius: 240
Prevents Capture-Point Contribution
Range: 1,200
A big change as well, as if it were a new skill, would use more, not that ability that is rarely used because of its high cost of recharging time becomes. It will also be competent skills against other professions, and becomes very practical, more than one would think of strategies.
Increase the duration of stealth of 5 to 8 seconds.
The objective of this elite is to be in stealth to ambushes, engineer with normal skills can put up 7s stealth …
Signet of Humility (I’m not wanting and asking for it, but if a future nerf possibility arises, i suggest this, that to what could much worse.)
Reduce the recharge time of 180 to 90 seconds.
Reduce te effect Moa of duration of 10 to 5 seconds.
With such a change, the Moa effect becomes less effective, but not punish or destroy the elite itself with reducing recharge time, so it will be more practical and not become a little usable skill by a nerf.
Also it occurs to me:
On a version of Signet of Domination but more powerfull
Reduce the recharge time of 180 to 45 seconds.
Reduce the effect Moa of duration of 10 to 3 seconds.
Now is unblockable
In this case, if not nerf the mechanical specialization, the skill elite moa has been reduced, but now can apply its effect more repeatedly, I prefer something like it, that would increase the recharge time to 240 seconds, or worse.
Reduce recharge time of 180 to 120 seconds.
That’s all for today, later I will put my suggestions for traits. Comment your ideas or suggestions. What seem them?
This post is to provide ideas, shuffling traits and skill, for healthy competition against pvp, pve and WVW.
At no time did I seek superiority over other professions, if you do not agree with any my suggestion, etc. Simply you comments that are disagree and discuss their reasons, but please do not turn this post into a hotbed of pros and cons.
Respect and greetings.
(edited by Angel de Lyssa.4716)