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Mesmer Personality Quiz! Exclamation Points!
(edited by Chaos Archangel.5071)
That’s odd.. It works when I try it. What browser are you using?
(edited by Chaos Archangel.5071)
Im curious about a few GvG things..
- What role do you find yourself playing?
- How big do the matches tend to be?
- In your experience, how many Mesmer are usually in a team?
- What do you think are the best weapons/skills and why?
- What advice would you have for a Mesmer new to GvG?
nj Chaos.. i always appriciate your efforts to mesmers community, we had already some chats with you
i would like to add personal comments, for gvg concept, and probably it ll help to evolve guide..
short answer,
i can give some links,
Exiled Unoffical GvG Scene Tread: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/community/events/Unofficial-GvG-Scene-Thread/page/21#post2965218
GvG Showdown: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7BLhqhtszk
One of the Most Experianced guy`s comments: http://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/1m9yeu/sacrx_talks_about_guild_wars_2_arenanet_and_wvw_a/?sort=old
Unoffical GvG Platform: http://www.gw2gvg.com/
and there re mores in offical or unoffical forums..
and can check preivous gvg related posts..
@Chaos, revealing co efficienties doesnt need math, go HoTM take steady weapon and use skills, check solution and use this math Damage done = (Weapon Strength) * Power * (skill-specific coefficient) / (target’s Armor) …. for total Avarage Direct Damage = (above math)((0.50+Crit damage)Crit Chance+1) and use calculator.. example: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/User:Freshberrysmoothie/sandbox/skill_times
- i am not the math guy, i am GvG player.. ( i dont interest role play seceneros, videos, purple of mesmers, how weapon is shining, (use lowest video details ) i look for balance/compare, fairness/compare, and real numbers instead of personal opinions.. dunno how i slacked when i was drunken, and copy paste that my pad :P but u can fisihing in my pad.. they re not updated, :P
@Ansau: Much appreciated man. I checked that thread but it seemed so defeatist that I couldn’t find much useful info there.
is it wrong? why dont we check learn that why mesmer is slot bot in gvg..
(edited by Azo.5860)
Well for me it links to
while the guide starts at
The first link links to where the actual leveling part starts, the beginning of the guide starts in the “Mesmering in Tyria” section
@Azo: Ty man! That stuff will go to great use.
C’monn mods. Whats a guy gotta do to get a sticky ’round here?
Added the reflect guide, added some of Azo’s GvG links, and will be putting in some more work tonight on filling out the under construction stuff. Anything new or updated will be mentioned in the key for about a week.
Yeah … it’s about time for a sticky. Else we’re just going to Blink it up to the top again
Reflection: as i already tested 2 3 days ago
On u Critical Chance: how chance of reflection can do critical hit
on u Cdamage: how much critical hits will be multiplied if u ve %50 cdamage your critical hits will do %100more damage.. cuz critical hits have minimum %50 more damage
reflection damage: enemy, weapon strength * power * skill`s co-efficient / his own armor * (our (Critical damage Modify + 0.50) * Critical chance + 1) = will show us avarage Damage that target`s skill reflected to his own / * (his ours boons, conditions, traits etc etc…)
and foods traits sigils runes boons etc work as regular..
As always, thanks a lot Azo. This’ll be a huge help. Just to be clear…
Reflect damage can crit depending on affected by Mesmer’s crit chance .
Reflection Damage = Mesmer weapon strength (& crit damage modifiers) * Power * Reflected skill’s coefficient divided by(or minus?) Enemy’s armor & boons/conditions such as Might and Protection?
1)Thief use shortbow #1 skill
if it was hit to me it ll give,
if its not critical hit http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Damage
2200 * 952.5 * 0.51 / 2200 = 485,775 (mesmer health point lost)
if it was critcal
485.775 * (2.50) =1214,4375 direct damage to mesmer
or we can say every hit can do avarage, http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Critical_hit
[(0.5+1.0) * 0.5 + 1 ] = 1.75 * 485.775 = 850
however if it would reflected how much thief ll get damage..
2200*952.5*0.51/ 2500 = 427,482 if its not critical
if critical hits, Here mesmer stats ll be use,
427.482 * [(0.50+0.30)+1] = 769 damage ll thief get from critical reflection
avarage (0.5+0.3)*0.10 +1 = 1.08(%8 more damage) our stats increase %8 more damage to reflection avarage direct damage 427.482 * 1.08 = ~461,5
2) another effects will be..
not : how u do math: if u see () first do them then first use * and / and last +, –
on game what usually wrong tool tips u see on skill`s is use.. Damage done = (Weapon Strength) * Power * (skill-specific coefficient) / (2600)
exp i try to maximise the reflect effect
can be 0 20 0 20 30 kittenter style canbe various
it means %100 more reflection damage + %8 mantras %9 illusions %5 force
how ever dps will be low cuz of very low power
i try max crit damage and stabil critchacne to 61 cuz of where can get fury +20, sigil of perception +12 critchance +8 from banner and always ll need survival still it looks squishy and i try to give secondy goal for this to heal downed or stomp
anyway it can be fun build, and good for eb maybe but not for competitive mathces
(edited by Azo.5860)
Much appreciated bro
You are probably the most amazing person ever. Just saying. Ty for this ;D.
really great work man.
Mods pls sticky this
Yeah, come on mods please stickie this so every Mesmer that comes here can benefit. I mean Osicat quit GW2 and his thread is still stickied.
Thanks a lot guys, & I did not know Osicat quit. =/ That’s a shame.
Also.. Bump.
he didn’t quit. i mean come on. he is just enjoying some other game at the moment. let him have his fun.
He didn’t quit. His entire guild just moved on to a game that better suits their preferences. =P I mean come on.
Why the kitten is this not stickied yet? Time they make me a mod…
Nah, that would be a dumb idea, but seriously, sticky please.
The mods here boycott Chaos Archangel. =/
The mods here boycott Chaos Archangel. =/
Im not sure what that means, but I assume its negative. bad mods!
Somewhere else I read “we read each sub forum equally, but cant read every single post”
“To bring attention to a post, use the report function on the forum”
If they read every subforum, youd think they would read the most popular threads sooner or later >_<
Good lord, this isn’t even on the front page anymore.
Thank you for this great guide!
Also would love to get this stickied. Pretty please?
This is such a great guide! I’ve been playing my Mesmer since I started in GW2 and I learned a ton from reading this. Course, I play a quirky hybrid build that isn’t even listed but it works very well for me none the less. That’s why this class is so fun, there is so much versatility.
Ty for the kind words! What kinda build do you run?
Having recently returned from a long absence, I wanted to try something more interesting than my old warrior. This guide inspired me to try a mesmer, and it’s a lot of fun up through level 32.
This guide is fantastic. It doesn’t just cover how to play a mesmer, but also tells you why they’re cool in the first place. Great work, and thanks
- When the pistol is traited (Dueling IX) the iDuelist has a 100% chance to combo when firing from within or through a field.
Just a reminder to remove this note from the Pistol description.
Yay, I am useful!
- When the pistol is traited (Dueling IX) the iDuelist has a 100% chance to combo when firing from within or through a field.
Just a reminder to remove this note from the Pistol description.
Yay, I am useful! :D
-Claps slowly, but fast and loud enough to make you feel like you accomplished something-
Bump.. again.. WTF mods?
Also, updates coming tonight.
Bump.. again.. WTF mods?
Also, updates coming tonight.
Your inbox is full. and I can’t wait to read the updates :D
Fixed.. sorta. X.x Everytime I delete on ny phone it crashes.
Bumped. Andd… not as many updates as I intended but.. Dat real life.
(i) Illusion: This refers to one of two of our class mechanics. Illusions either look exactly like the player (Clones) or like ghostly versions that wield separate weapons (Phantasms) and serve a number of functions, chief among them being our main source of damage either through their own unique attacks or by shattering them. Illusions inherit: Power, Precision, Condition Damage/Duration, Boon Duration, Critical Damage, Armor, and Healing Power. Illusions will benefit from the Mesmer’s Might stacks, as well as any effects that increase the above stats, such as Banner of Discipline or Spotter.
On this item, may want to mention that illusions do not inherit stat bonuses from sigils (e.g., force/accuracy). Also illusions inherit bonuses from nourishments, correct? Whether yes or no that might be something good to call out in this section as well.
Added. I need some time where I can spend a good hour ironing out the rest of the stuff. Btw, if anyone has anything they wanna contribute or any article they wanna write into the guide (like filling out the Downed/Underwater section) you are soooo more than welcome. =P
Alright mods.. seriously. It’s been, what, a month now and no sticky? What the ’eff? Can we atleast get a reason?
… /taps mic …
Is this thing even on!?
Yeah, sticky please!
I would report your guide to ask the mod to sticky it, but I am afraid they may not read the text of the report and just ban you or something.
Yeah, its official. Mods don’t pay attention to us. =[ We’re just that peaceful of a community.
Here, mods … please look at the pretty butterflies.
Mind Trick’d!
Now, about that thread sticky … not a problem, now is it?
I just PM’d our humble plea directly to Grouch. We’ll see what happens …
I just PM’d our humble plea directly to Grouch. We’ll see what happens …
You deserve a medal :P.
Which reminds me of early today… I messaged PewDiePie on youtube today with a very much needed suggestion… Hope he can reply to it :/. I’d imagine he gets like a thousand messages daily (im being super-optimistic here).
It hopefully isnt that bad with Grouch, I dont even know who he is :D
edit: while were waiting, everyone should put the link to the Lyssa’s Grimoire in their signature :D. Last one to link it is a soft egg butterfly c:
(edited by Alissah.9281)
I just PM’d our humble plea directly to Grouch. We’ll see what happens …
You deserve a medal :P.
Which reminds me of early today… I messaged PewDiePie on youtube today with a very much needed suggestion… Hope he can reply to it :/. I’d imagine he gets like a thousand messages daily (im being super-optimistic here).
It hopefully isnt that bad with Grouch, I dont even know who he is
Yeah honestly it’s a long shot with Grouch but hey, hafta try right? Grouch is a fairly well known engineer in PvP circles (good player too I might add) who started working for Anet a couple months ago. His RL name is Josh Davis and he posts quite a bit on the forums.
Hail mesmers,
Thy request for stickiness hath been granted.
/sneaks away
Hail mesmers,
Thy request for stickiness hath been granted.
/sneaks away
Woohoo stickied finally! Congratz, Chaos, this was well-deserved.
Nice work on the sticky :-)
Hail mesmers,
Thy request for stickiness hath been granted.
/sneaks away
Omg thank you so much :D
Thank you Josh (and skcamow) and congratz Chaos!
This topic is so sticky now, it is all over mah body!
Just noticed this was sticky’d, Nice, I think they should force this guide open to every person who enters the Mesmer forums and make them read it =p
UPDATED: 11/11/13
Thanks to “TheKillerAngel” the Dungeon Section is fleshed out and all my links are screwed up! =D I think I got them all though.
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