[GUIDE] Lyssa's Grimoire: The Mesmer Handbook
Hey, look what I found you :D
The Mesmer Handbook
Seeing red messages like this scare me every time. In a good way, ofcourse.
Also, I think this guide is getting less comments/views now that it’s stickied :o. I actually have to do a 7 day ‘bump’ now.
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.
Ty Alissah! I been slacking on my writing. =[ As for views, the view count still goes up pretty rapidly every day so I think people are more reading than writing. I got a lotta stuff I needa catchup on now that the holiday mayhem has ended.
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Hello mesmers,
I have checked a few of the guides linked on the first page and some are pretty old (4-6 months since the last post / update).
I am looking for builds that would not use shatter or conditions. That would be the Phantasms builds right?
Any up to date analysis of this kind of builds?
Thank you.
Can you add link to Supcutie’s Shatter Guide into the PvP section, Chaos Archangel?
Will do, I needa do a pass on updating all my guides/builds. x_x Lawd. (Edit: Updating tonight or tomorrow!)
@Rogerwilko: The analysis on Phantasm builds in the guide is still accurate, even if it’s a bit old.
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(edited by Chaos Archangel.5071)
Hey, so I discovered something interesting in the Dredge fractal recently that might be useful for your reflect section.
On the turret path, the iWarden can reflect the attacks of the turrets (if they attack onto the floor area where you fight all the dredge) and they will effectively one-shot themselves. It’s hard to do because of feedback positioning and getting iWarden’s out while dredge are around, but I was pleasantly surprised to see this happen nonetheless.
A guardian wall of reflection might be much easier to pull off…though I have yet to check.
#readingLFGisOP #savethewarden
For very long time I did not like the play of a Mesmer. I have one of every other class and multiples of some, but I just couldn’t get into Mesmer after a few halting attempts. I can say, honestly, that is no longer the case, and primarily thanks to this guide walking me through to relevant traits, weapons and skills for each type of Mesmer.
I’m now running a Sword/Sword – Sword/Focus Mesmer focused on Illusions. and she’s a bunch of fun.
If this ever gets updated, the new Healing Signet is definitely fun for Illusionists. Probably the one Signet you use for the passive and active power.
Ty! Made some slight updates (Healing skills, added links to Pyros and Supcuties guides) and will be working on more today
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thanks for this – a good read for an old GW1 Mesmer trying to relocate into GW2
Thank you for this painstaking effort. I’m new to the game, and picked the mesmer as my first class to try out. This guide makes it so much clearer!
Ty guys! =D It really means a lot, and makes all that work worth it. Gonna drop this here too..
Hey guys, with the upcoming april feature patch I was planning on updating the Mesmer guide. was wondering if there’s any threads or bits of info that anyone feels should definitely be added to the guide. So far I have:
- Skill Damage Coefficients
- Azo’s GvG Videos thread
- Interesting Facts about the Pistol
- BlackDevil’s Hybrid Mesmer explanation
Anything I’m missing?
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Suggestion: Include information on how much health is added when taking signet of illusions (illusions), persisting images (phantasms), or both together. I’ve looked for it but can’t find it. Pyro posted this information awhile back; hoping he drops by and posts it.
hey man i can add some of my opinions,
For skill co efficients..
o Yes it would be great to add it to guide,
- cuz its basic game mechanic system which most ppl also dont know much of it, as we see players can say ``i hit 5k damage`` :P (sarcasm: i hit rabbit 14124312123) that ppl can understand how to describe their damage output by giving objective say as hitting 3.2 skill co efficient (that ppl can understand if i ve this power crit etc and if foe has armor as etc etc)
example outline: Detailed can be
- Sword #1
1) Mind Slash: `skillcoefficient`
2) Mind Gash: `skillcoefficient`
3) Mind Spike: `skillcoefficient` with foe boon
: `skillcoefficient`without foe boon
Chain: `skillcoefficient`with-without 3rd attack effect
Chain effect: `skillcoefficient x Vul effect`with/without 3rd attack effect
AA DPS: `skillcoefficient/time`with/without 3rd attack effect
maybe extras: - cleave
- 130 range
- bugs or others etc effects..
- bla bla (wiki has them as well maybe better to write just missing parts, as well i dont trust wiki/anet where we have pleanty of proofs that their mistakes/unseenbuffs-nerfs or irresponsibilities)
or staff #1
- Winds of Chaos:
Raw Damage: `skill co efficient`
Condi damages: `Fire, Bleed`
exp if notes correct in http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Winds_of_Chaos
Avarage DPS + Effects interval: `0.3coefficient + 208.66[Condi damage avarage (fire+bleed)/3] x 1/3 vulnerability = 0.30099coefficient + 208.66condi(if it wont bounce) to ……… (if bounce 1 another foe) 0.60198coefficient + 417.32 condi damage total or 0.30099coefficient + 208.66condi + 1/2 (mightfury)
or dps can be describe with max as suppose burning hit.
For GvG video thread.. i am not active anymore.. already quitted from gw2.. maybe u can be OP for that and would better to see videos for mesmer PoV with index maybe can make best of videos etc ?
(and bulsh1t tweeter youtube is banned in turkey lol.. such a.. and vpn make slower connection for hd videos
Mode: WvW GvG
Link: ……….
Build: ………
Short Video Describe:
Role: exp, Periphery hunter, front pressure etc..
or exp,
Mode: Duel OS
Build: 20 20 30 0 0
Describe: build experiment, competitition etc..
Mode: WvW PuG zerging or Guild Raids
would like to see some categorised modes as ..
Group: solo, small scale or zerg
and if it is organized or being pug
/edited,unedited etc..
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”
Epic epic epic…. Thank you for this guide!
A newbie mesmer from today know a something more on the class
UPDATES. THIS. WEEKEND!! I need some sort of shock collar to remind me. x_x
Edit: Sometimes I find me a nice quiet corner to weep at my own incompetence…
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(edited by Chaos Archangel.5071)
Shock collar inc… Just a reminder, needs an update after the 4/15/2014 balance patch rearranged the whole talent system. 20/20/30/0/0 -> 4/4/6/0/0, etc.
Shock received!
I managed to squeeze some time out of my job to spend an hour making adjustments. I didn’t have time to incorporate everything I mentioned earlier, (I’m on my anet dev swag apparently) I did add the new traits and trait system.
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Any advice on building melee/tank/support s+s mesmer?
This is my current build:
Am trying to be as tankiest as possible and have chaos armor on me constantly.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Hey, so I checked the build out and I was gonna ask which game mode is it for (pvp, pve, wvw) but I quickly realized it won’t matter much..
You can’t do any meaningful damage.
The build you posted succeeds at being durable, but little else. If you were aiming to be a tank then you’re a bit off; tanks have to be able to generate threat to pull aggro. This build isn’t any kind of threat so you’ll often be ignored by enemies. Constant Chaos Armor is cool, but why do you feel you need it? In PvE Protection, Vigor, and the ability to dodge are more important, Chaos Armor is meant to soak up a barrage of small attacks.
Right now your build needs a reliable damage output or else you’ll fall short to other classes builds that can do what you do (you don’t need to dedicate traits to glamours for the armor) and provide support but also dish out their share of damage, otherwise you’re dragging your team behind by only being half-useful.
If you’d like to make some changes, I’d be happy to help.
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Will be updating the guide this weekend…ish.
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Will be updating the guide this weekend…ish.
Awesome! Was kinda hoping you would:D Thanks Chaos Archangel!
Looking forward to the update!
I’m currently playing sword/pistol as main with scepter/focus on the side. Mainly because focus has the movespeed buff and I wanted something 1h ranged to go with it so that I can have the option to sit back a bit while I recover a bit or whatever.
One thing though does have me slightly confused is you seem to hate on torch but it seems to be typically taken in builds (osiscat and blackwater).
Trying to figure out how to refine my build currently since I feel it clearly lacking as I don’t bother to swap most of the time.
Could you add this to the guide?
It’s a PvP guide with all usefull Phase Retreat Spots + Guide on how to Forward Phase Reteat!
(on demand of some forum people) :p
UPDATED 11/3/14
- Added Terrorsquad’s Phase Retreat Guide (under staff & PvP sections)
- Updated notes on iLeap and Mimic
- Updated Mantras & iElasticity
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(edited by Chaos Archangel.5071)
I have stopped and started a Mesmer for months now because I just couldn’t get into the play style. Staff was too slow, shatters were sporadic, greatsword was boring, etc. Plus, I am not a fan of purple.
So I have scoured the interwebs looking for SOMETHING to get me interested in playing the profession, and like mana from heaven, here comes this guide. I love the fact you list all the weapons and their strengths and weaknesses with thorough explanations of what they do and when best to employ them. I have enjoyed (albeit I am only a level 15) running a sword/torch combo for the last few levels, as disappearing, dropping two illusions while stealthed and popping up in a haze of fire, shattering both clones and using sword 2 to drop centaurs has been a blast.
Thanks to your guide, I can now really start theorycrafting my little lady Asura. So, if nothing else, you have finally gotten me excited about the Mesmer. Thank you for a ton of hard work, research, patience. As a noob, I can honestly say you’ve made me a better player.
Seriously, thank you so much!
You just considerably brightened up this dreary work Friday.
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Just to give a heads up.. major update coming soon!
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What a well written guide, thanks so much for your work.
Excellent guide, but a few things seem to be outdated. Particularly regarding the scepter and condition Mesmers in general, both which have gotten some major buffs in the past few months. I’d be happy to help you update it.
coming back to the game after stopping in 2013, this guide was immensely helpful for me to read and find out what i was doing wrong when i played last
My apologies for the update delay. My computer is currently out of commission, and the update is too big for me to do at work. I’ll make subtle tweaks here and there to make sure everything already in the guide is current, but no new additions likely until the HoT Update.
This also means I wont be in-game for a while. =[ Still, feel free to shoot me any PMs if ya have any questions that the guide doesn’t cover.
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I just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to write such a detailed mesmer guide. It’s really helpfull. Thnx.
Thanks for the continued work again, Chaos~
Want to just recommend[or remind] to update Condition Mesmer, or create a Condition Shatter category, with MtD Shatter details along with MtD’s updated state with 2 stacks of Torment.
Ugh.. I’m kinda throwing up in my mouth at all the work Ima have to do on this guide this weekend. Will try to update before the patch drops, then will edit for bugs and such.
.. Lord, the bugs.
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Chaos, if you need help writing up any of this stuff, I’m sure I and some others would be happy to help. You can probably make outlines of what you’d like written.
Um… Has this been updated for the recent changes? It seems pretty essential to do.
Workin on it as we speak
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Workin on it as we speak
Awesome, you are doing a great job bro!Keep it up!
Chaos, thank you so much for all the hard work maintaining this. As a returning WvW player who wants to pickup the Mesmer toolbox for his server, this is an invaluable resource.
Thank you again.
Ty! As an update, this should be completed by tonight!
Edit: and by tonight.. I really mean tomorrow night.. Three days later z.x
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(edited by Chaos Archangel.5071)
Ty! As an update, this should be completed by tonight!
Edit: and by tonight.. I really mean tomorrow night.. Three days later z.x
Any update on when this is going to be completed Chaos? Looking forward to it!
And this is why Anet says “When it’s ready” x_x
I’m literally updating now, these past few weeks have been.. tumultuous. Trying to accomodate for Chronomancer too!
Edit: So… Close!
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(edited by Chaos Archangel.5071)
Any clue on when this or any guide to mesmers post-HoT will be done? I know they are about to change a bunch of stuff, so I know that will push a date back.
Well now. They didn’t remove the sticky… So I suppose it’s only right that I update it!
I’ll be on to run some tests and get beat up by my OMFG frands this weekend. Till then, ia there anything super pressing be added to the guide immediately?
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Mesmer Personality Quiz! Exclamation Points!
Well now. They didn’t remove the sticky… So I suppose it’s only right that I update it!
I’ll be on to run some tests and get beat up by my OMFG frands this weekend. Till then, ia there anything super pressing be added to the guide immediately?
I know I’m late to the party, but firstly: Thank you so much for this extremely thorough guide, it convinced me to try a Mesmer, and so far I’m loving it.
Could you please update the guide to cover the Chronomancer abilities and tactics? The base Mesmer information is extremely useful and well written, but I’d like to read more about the HOT updates and skills. Thanks again!