[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23
@Lordryux; Don’t take this the wrong way, this is a friendly post and Osi has done an amazing job. But please, if you decide to ask a question, read the whole post because many questions have been answered many times. I know it is a long topic and you prefer not to read but if you are really curious, just take a half minute and research it in the post yourself. Tons of useful info.
BTW it was mentioned a few pages ago, and it is really helpful for any and all that use sigal of force (+5 dam): get an AC weapon and throw the sigil of night on it for nighttime fighting. Also works in most dungeons, esp AC.
@Lordryux; Don’t take this the wrong way, this is a friendly post and Osi has done an amazing job. But please, if you decide to ask a question, read the whole post because many questions have been answered many times. I know it is a long topic and you prefer not to read but if you are really curious, just take a half minute and research it in the post yourself. Tons of useful info.
BTW it was mentioned a few pages ago, and it is really helpful for any and all that use sigal of force (+5 dam): get an AC weapon and throw the sigil of night on it for nighttime fighting. Also works in most dungeons, esp AC.
Thier are different types. of AC weapons. i know its a long post going through it will take a long time i know he doesnt mind to answer it really. im just looking for an exact answer because im almost 80 i have 220 gold to spend on this thing and i wanna get it right the first time. because on my ele i spent a crap load of gold trying to find a good set plus runes and sigils and accessorys are getting even more expensive as we speak day by day.
wat type of armor and weapons and accessorys u need for this build?
See page 5.
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |
Or page 1. The first post is the actual guide. If you are to read anything read that. He gives you numbers, not gear so you can get it with crafting or badges. You will not need to spend all of your 220 gold on the gear. I would suggest making the rune of air if you have a tailor. Or ask guildies. In the build, we use sigil of force on our swords, so getting an AC sword and throwing a sigil of night on it is a 5% increase in damage. Not a ton, but its something.
@Lordryux, I added current gear on page 1 now, its in post 5 and need to scorll donw a bit. I repetedly asked admins for more space to the guide but had no asnwer. I now PM,ed the 3 first players and asled them kindly to delete the first posts. This will bump my 4 th post to the guide and I can then make a longer guide and explain gear better. Atm im out of space a bit.
@Xavi, Cheers
@All I ty Ordibble for the night sigil tip in the guide aswell even if I think I got 1 of each gear sets as I constantly experement with different great and bulds. This as when ppl ask me questions I want to have experience and tested so I know what I talk about.
PS Im a bit after in uppdating the text guide after lasets patch. This as I wanted to have good experience of what the inpact on the traits was and If i wnated to change anything. Will now sort that in the comming day.
Also I trying every week find new combos and strategys, both solo but also group vice, the ressult of this endless of hours then is compressed into 6-7 min vids and explaied is easiest way I can manage.
- All New video up, Advance tactics http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xXw97Wz7R8
(edited by Osicat.4139)
@All,Testing to use Precition on kill sigil instead of energy. This as vigour is so buffed i dont lack energy anymore. It stacking to 25, so far it seem good. 7,8k crit with blade flurry on a shatter mesmer.
Uppdated teh guide and ty to alanis who deleted a post to make more room for the guide. Gear beeing added more and changed / uppdated traits.
All New video up, Advance tactics http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xXw97Wz7R8
Love the vids, so much to learn every time, also, that last one with the warrior, LOL xD. what did he do… try to escape when impossible…, love when enemy does that, also I learnt to deal with thief’s now. So easy, they cloak and they still stay to close when the shatter is executed, then a few seconds later, hello Mr downed thief.
thanks for this guide, many thanks
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@UnknowvFreak, yes also im sure the recent buff to condition dmg thru might also destroy the thiefs. Its a whole new day in the wvwvw I feel, thiefs who jump you die so fast they look almost chocked in their downstate.
@Im kinda sure I will keep play with the recent change in gear I done. Will remake my gear post. The precistion stacking sigil often land me on 60+ % crit chance without fury, this and the fact vigour got so extremly buffed last patch make our energy situation extremly stable and less “jumpy”. I also changed my valkyre neclese to a zerker one, i do thu use a valkyre jewel. This again buffed my precition. I now often see 4 x crit on mw. I feel my toughtness on 1180 and 17200 hp with server buff is more than enought defense as I anyway mostly use my abilitys to avoid dmg.
ps New video up, Advance tactics http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xXw97Wz7R8
Yeah, I got chocked today, vs a glass thief, was insta downing me, cause of his powerful glass, but he failed when trying to finish me, and I ended up crushing his skull xD.
The best part is that you can modify the build, cause you can make it more condition if you want, or more tanky, but still do the damage you want
PS: I run a bit more condition damage, but still do around 12-14k burst damage
Edit: Was playing in a party 4 people total, vs another 4 people, was fun, cause I was dancing and waving at them (before fight), and then slaughter them, guardians and warriors are easy, bet I got around 4 kills on each guy xD, was bowing, but they kept respawning
Someone say game crash must be related to OOM
when you read the log it’s not related to that whatsoever…
(edited by UnknownFreak.2805)
I love my mesmer more now .. thx : -) I am learning to play with portal as well. I have a tanky build lol I let the thief start his combo then spam decoy and mirror images and f2 haha he just kills him self most of the time. Now I feel I am more usefull to my guild when we run together . Awww I just read in one if he threads that one of the dev said the build is too strong and they are watching it… Here comes the nerf bat …
(edited by Incendom.6825)
Ok Osi, we have asked you many things like keybindings and gear. The next logical question would be; what are your preferred targeting settings? Targeting in this game kills me (literally) and I can nvr figure out a setting I like. Between both left and right mouse btns picking a target, and crappy auto-targeting i can’t stand it, do you have any suggestions? I notice u often stay in a group even when u are solo so u can mark target which makes sense because u can’t mark when alone.
I personally tend to turn off shadows when in wvw as well for btr frames and I find I can see ppl a bit btr. Thx for input!
@Incendom; Of coarse the nerf bat is coming, there is no way the devs want us stronger then thr beloved warriors or thr strong thieves. What rlly sux is half this build is the way it is just to combat the 30 thieves you run into in wvw because every Tom D*** and Harry rolled one.
(edited by influx.5372)
I love my mesmer more now .. thx : -) I am learning to play with portal as well. I have a tanky build lol I let the thief start his combo then spam decoy and mirror images and f2 haha he just kills him self most of the time. Now I feel I am more usefull to my guild when we run together . Awww I just read in one if he threads that one of the dev said the build is too strong and they are watching it… Here comes the nerf bat …
For reference:
Ya this build is WICKED strong.
It’s on our list of things to watch very closely.
Source: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/Mesmer-Shatter-Exploit/first#post1050896
I might be switching professions soon. Seems like every time I get settled into a build on my mesmer, here comes the nerf bat.
Unfortunately, this seems to be pretty accurate:
thief crits for 12k – l2 dodge u noobs
warrior HB crits for 12k – lol warriorz need buffz if ne thing gaiz
mesmer crits for 12k – omg broken, expolit, fix naow!!!!!!
I read the thread you linked and it’s making me sad. So many ppl are clueless about mesmer and QQ for op. It would be funny if it wasn’t the cause of the nerf we had and we’re gonna get.
While I agree that the shatter spec is really powerful, it’s also more work to pull off the damage they’re talking about than say thief burst for example and the comments just show how misinformed they are but still QQ because they got outplayed.
Lol… Hmm they buff us. Then say we are wicked strong and keeping a close eye on us. Bring your nerfs. They don’t bother me.
Anyways I’m having the most trouble with ranged. If for a second I let an uppity ranger or G/S mesmer get away from me or get the jump on me I’m usually doomed to be kited to death. On a plus note, all melee, and most ele that don’t run I have no problem with. I am still practicing my 2 vs 1. Thieves seem to be running in groups now days. I can down one no problem but am having a hard time with two thieves.
Anyways I’m having the most trouble with ranged. If for a second I let an uppity ranger or G/S mesmer get away from me or get the jump on me I’m usually doomed to be kited to death. On a plus note, all melee, and most ele that don’t run I have no problem with. I am still practicing my 2 vs 1. Thieves seem to be running in groups now days. I can down one no problem but am having a hard time with two thieves.
what are they doing after you blink to them?
I try to save my blink to get out of roots, and I save my mirror images for my confusion burst. But for the most part they keep max distance and keep me slowed. Not sure what the ranger does but the izerkers cripple does hurt. Now dont get me wrong, if I strike first they are done for in a split second if they are your average player. But for the more skilled ranged classes I guess I’m just not on their level yet.
Blink is amazing to get out of crazy burst (Warrior HB, Thief HS etc etc). Wouldn’t let any mesmers in guild leave home without it!
Papaganoosh (SPvP Officer, The Unnamed EU)
http://www.the-unnamed.com/spvpapp – recruiting skilled players for TPvP
@Influx, I cant say I have big problem with targeting, mostly cause al our dmg is aoe, I use mouse click and tabbing, not optimal I know but It work for me.
@mginn, I fully expect the changes from last patch be nerfed, especialy in pvp. Biggest problem in the spvp is Especialy the 20-20-0-0-30 build. This cause ppl stack 25 might and 25 vouln. I suspect eather a rollback on voulnebiliyy as it make the class to strong vs tanks, or a pvp nerf for mv. In wvwvw 20-20-0-0-30 is not as common as we need therange from pistol and vouln is a single target ability (unless illusionary persona dropped for aoe dazze but who want that).
We was strong before the vould vigour and might buff, now sertan builds make to big impact in the structured pvp and tpvp. We just have to hope they dont penatlice us pve and wvwvw mesmer for what ppl do n spvp (: I mean mesmer who mv for ~4 k without pve gear in spvp, thats 1 shoot many classes.
Also, ppl send 3 clones cs enemy, shatter them then make 3 new before first exploded, its a neet tactic and let you hit with 7 shatters at once.
@synergy, to take down ranged you need controll, force the enemy to do what you want, remeber you can make 3 clones mow and send em on a dazze mission, they run to target, interupt him and stack might, while he working with them get close. Also portal is a fantastic tool vs kiters, so is blink. Se the movment vid again, the staff jump can be don using rangers pet and mesmers clones. See the fight vs 2 gs mesmers, they try kite me and go in different directions. Another thing, rune of air hit at range aswell, track the proc, when it hit jump the target it just hit as they now low hp. I regulary still have 5-6 k hits with rune of air.
movment vid:
ps New video up, Advance tactics http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xXw97Wz7R8
(edited by Osicat.4139)
Great vid. Was feeling a little down about the coming nerf but what the heck bring it on..
Was against a guardian and warrior last day, and waited for an ally to come so we could beat them, if I was going to attack them both myself, who to start attacking, I guess guardian but I am not sure, thanks for any tips.
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when you read the log it’s not related to that whatsoever…
@Unknown, attack both, juke forth and back, do constant dmg and dont get caught, when any of em at 60% go for a kill, if hes mate try res him its your oppurtunity to get him down, if not shatter 4 kill him. If warrior go down 1st, let him pop vegance, have blink and portal ready to kite him to death. Best tip I can give without a vid of a fight. Its how i fight guardians in general.
@Osicat, thanks for the tip
Someone say game crash must be related to OOM
when you read the log it’s not related to that whatsoever…
Cool ill lead off with a daze shatter.
Cool ill lead off with a daze shatter.
Sounds nice, but the problem is that you have a long CD on daze, and from what I have noticed it seems bugged sometimes, where it won’t apply daze. so I recommend a shatter or condition damage instead of daze shatter
Someone say game crash must be related to OOM
when you read the log it’s not related to that whatsoever…
First and foremost Thank you Osicat, for a great guide and your helpful nature.
I have a lvl80 mesmer..that’s a Charr..all the way I ended up using staff and extra bounce, plus 20% reduction in staff skills. This was great in PvE as I leveled, but I felt I was lacking in skill and became quite lazy. Mesmer I came to late in GW1 but very quickly became my favourite and I so wished in GW2 that it would be again. I have joined a really friendly good guild that introduced me to WvW, I quickly realized I needed to specialize, as I have 5 lvl80’s nearly 6. I had some choices to make. My heart wanted to get Mesmer good, I read this thread and I wanted to try.
So instead of using my existing Charr, I created another, an asuran (very cute looking by the way) even from lvl1 I played better as an asuran mesmer, sure I have experience, but something feels more right for me being trickier and darting in and out. She is currently lvl45 now, and traited 0/20/0/0/15 ..I’m started to now see the value of this build and learning as I play, pretending I’m playing against players and making each scenario more and more difficult for myself.
I had some one comment today they rescued me…I answered by saying I’m a swan upside down..at the moment that is, I was taking on more than I thought possible, even though I was at times touch and go, I win the day and I’m having a lot of fun doing so. Looking forward to lvl60 so I can take trait lines above 20.
The Short version of above : Thank you for inspiring me.
Question for you ( a bit left field): Do you find race effects how you play Profession like I do?
(I guess I have Role-played so much over the years)
(edited by Tatto.8526)
hi there osi, i`m leveling a mesmer, and watching your guide noticed that even with the nerf they recived some time ago, your rune of air thunderstrike keeps doind over 5k damage.
this is something that impresed me because im using sigil of air on my roaming thief, and even though hes 100% berserker, the most i do with the thunderstrike is 1700-2k . how do you manage to get such a high number on your thunderstrike? or is the damage on sigil of air capped so only the rune does over 5k?
@Tatto, game is dubble the fun with some rollplaying I wanted my mesmer be as annoying and trolling as possible and osicat fits that role perfect with max length on ears and qute smile. The fact she dont look as a big threat and is easy to hide in wvwvw helps aswell.
@Tora, rune of air hits alot harder than sgil of air idd.
As I said I run a more condition damage duild, but I feel it a bit too weak, I feel I die easily, but may be cause to I do things wrong, also killing in a group seems my thing, more fun you can kill and not expose yourself to damage, cause there’s always someone to tank the damage so I can make 100% direct damage to one or more targets. but I will have to train, and hopefully one mate will get GW2 so I can play pvp with him, as I easily take 1v1 in pvp training almost instakill them, but I haven’t got a response from him yet, so we will se, but I love this build, and it’s very amazing.
And the thing why die sometimes is that it’s not my day or I had a bad day or similar, if you don’t feel happy you will play crappy. also if you are upset etc. dunno why but I feel somethings wrong, but I hope things get better, I have learnt so much with this build thanks a lot and I hope I will learn by my mistakes etc. but the best player have also failed alor before getting good, and they will still die sometimes, but else I had a good day in overall, finishing school for this term etc. havin fun with friends etc. talking about this build, and how fun you are having. Christmas coming and all. talking away from the subject :P, but the thing is to play good, you have to feel good, atleast that is required for me.
Happy Wintersday
Someone say game crash must be related to OOM
when you read the log it’s not related to that whatsoever…
Random thought…. why is this not stickied yet?
can you explain your guear a bit more, i understand the coat being knights… but why is boost valkyrie?
I know on warriors for example for a more balance build they go knights armour at chest, legs and helm and some mix on jewels… is it the same on mesmers?
@Baio, Tbh I was chasing stats and what gearpart who was what dint realy matter, I mixed and maxed untill I after to many hours of wvwvw found a setup I felt had for me the perfect balance in health, toughtness and dmg. Overall unless a shattercat mesmer avoid dmg most classes and spec destroy us. If you stand there taking you dead, so 90 % of our defense is in your playstyle, those recomended defensive stats is for the last 10% of aoe, messups and camp capping. It also wery easy to sort your defensive stats by buy a invader ring and add what ever jewel you need in it. In the end the defensive gear dont matter so moch, Il explain.
I can say for sure that most of the times I die I could avoided it if I just pressed some of you buttons the last 5 sec in a different order, mabye I just prolonged the suffering but the set death would been avoided. Plan and controll the fight, think chess and be 3 steps ahead, force your enemy to do what you want, even a big pack is kinda forced/lured to folow your will if you taunt em to chase you off a cliff, if only way to escape is to portal up behind em so be it, you still live and won that chess.
Recomended defensive min stats is in first page, my gear also is listed but the gear get changed and experemented with al the time. When I tested something for enought of time and feel I can say something without guessing I change the gear in the setup.
@Akrasia, not sure what needed to get a post stickied mate. I keep answer questions and do my best to help and keep this guide uppdated. Its soon 30 k wievs and in line with most stickied threads in the forum so I not sure they will sticky it. See it as the shatter cat,s unoficcial sticky
/Love Osicat
(edited by Osicat.4139)
Had a major epic fights today, enemy capturing one of our towers, we was able to have one mesmer inside, portaling us up, and then more made portal etc. We took tower without taking down any gates or walls. That was nice, also we took SM after around 3-4h of siege. But as we always lack people we lost it :/, but the main thing is we had fun.
And trying to hide in a enemy keep was working but now they search it and find me, kill one of them, but then ended up dead cause the whole enemy zerg knew my location.
About your good play how can you like always take them, and why do you never vs a zerg. or do you just know how to keep distance away from them?
Someone say game crash must be related to OOM
when you read the log it’s not related to that whatsoever…
(edited by UnknownFreak.2805)
how did you rally in 3:30?
Osicat, what do you use to record your gaming experience. I would love to find out.
Illusionary Ally [TFD]
Devona’s Rest
An awesome guide and an amazing set up. It’ll take me a while to get used to Mesmer as its totally different from what i’m used to but its fun none the less. First SPvP match as a Mesmer and who do i bump into? Osicat lol. Never had fun being annihilated before, but it was educational :P
It was nice to see the magic in motion.
how did you rally in 3:30?
the enemy warrior has vengeance and it runs out of time, makes Osicat take the kill, therefor rally, if I’m not wrong, and or they kill some NPC also makes anyone that has attacked it to rally
Someone say game crash must be related to OOM
when you read the log it’s not related to that whatsoever…
@Knight&UnknownFreak, Idd in this case it was Vengance, I was hoping for it and why i tryed win ground and gte behind trees and los when I felt death comming as it win time. Also you might note I pull practicly the whole maps fauna of npc,s when I fight, as the dmg I do is aoe and I kiting al time its not as something negative. Opposite tbh, i intentionaly try dmg as many as possible if I fight bad odds, this make me rally extremly easy, when im about to go down I pick the one with lowest hp and pop up again. Its cheesy but in 1 vs 3 or more you can be allowed to be cheesy.
@GamerToukotsu, Its Fraps and Playclaw. If I have alot of hd free I use fraps alot but its files are sick, I usualy remake them after some filming if I going to save em for later with a converter as you cant save 10g files al the time in arcives. For editing I use Adobe Elements and windown moviemaker. Spotify is my source of music and I pay for al music I use in my videos.
@AkridVenom, Haha cheers I had alot of fun. Me and Cheku one of the 2 wvwvw guardians in my team said last night “shall we try a little spvp?” We picked a almost emty server and then he got into a duel for 10!!! minutes with your guild ranger Leothona, he had so fun and so did I watching. Then you joined and well evening was great Red Wine and dueling spvp was a nice channge form the tactical planning wvwvw roaming. Cheers.
Got a stupid question for so experienced that I am, but shatter#3, daze, does it only give one second for 3+self shatter, cause then it’s pretty useless, if you have 3 clones up.
cause my confusion last longer than daze if I use shatter #3. And confusion last 3 sec
Someone say game crash must be related to OOM
when you read the log it’s not related to that whatsoever…
@Unknown, well I would not say usless, 9 might is a good bonus but aside form that. It depends on how you like your clones up. If u and al clones hit instantly same time its 1 sec of daze. What you do instead vs a guardian for example you line clones up, when they on different distances you hit daze, now they hit in wave bam, 0,5 sec bam, o,5 sec bam etc. Each reset daze. If he block them cheer u get might and he used a block and al about fight guardians is force em to use al cd,s and defenses. If they dont block you know hes dazed so go burst.
@Osicat, know that 9 might is good, but when you shatter#3, for 3 sec I thought so, but I still have no problem with that, killed one guardian in practice (several times) with me losing a total of 0 hp, when I successfully time everything right, also running around like crazy, confusing it looks like, and bet it is. yes, but I am wrong with saying it’s useless cause so many allies I have saved with it.
EDIT: I want to change so I gain some more toughness in my build any Idea what to change:
- Head -Valkyre – Beryl Orb (+20pwr, +2%critdmg, +14Vit
- Shoulder – Shaman – Superior of mercy (+25tough
- Chest – Zerker – Major of strength (+15pwr
- Hand – Zerker – Superior of Centaur (+25pwr
- Legging – Zerker – major of the afflicted (+17 cond
- Boots – Carrion-Major of Centaur (+15pwr
- Amulet -Zerker – Ruby (+25pwr, +3%critdmg, +15prec
- Backpack -Zerker (master only) -Ruby (+25pwr, +3%critdmg, +15prec
- Ring1 – Carrior – Chrysocola Jewel (+25Cond, +15pwr, +15Vit
- Ring2 – Zerker – Ruby Jewel (+25pwr, +3%critdmg, +15prec
- Trinket1 – Valkyre – Beryl Jewel (+25pwr, +3%crit, +15Vit
- Trinket2 – Valkyre – Beryl (+25pwr, +3%crit, +15Vit
- Sword (rare) -Zerker – Major of hydro
- Pistol (rare) – Zerker -none
- Staff (exotic lvl78) – Zerker -Superior of debility
Total Stats
- Power -1995
- Prec -1692
- Tough -941
- Vit -1693
- Attack 2893 (con damge 467) -3085 (con damagge 467)
- Crit 41% (82%crit damage) – 39% (82%crit damage)
- Armor 1861
- Health 17852
And yes, I have a random set of runes, but I like it
Or shall I leave it?
Someone say game crash must be related to OOM
when you read the log it’s not related to that whatsoever…
(edited by UnknownFreak.2805)
Got a stupid question for so experienced that I am, but shatter#3, daze, does it only give one second for 3+self shatter, cause then it’s pretty useless, if you have 3 clones up.
cause my confusion last longer than daze if I use shatter #3. And confusion last 3 sec
and do not forget that you can get domination minor 15, dazzling making f3 a very very powerful shatter. played a little with 20 in domination (dazzling+shattered concentration) and it was the most powerful burst I have ever achieved. now with might stacking and buffed dazzling it is a little bit insane :\
20+ might and 20+ vulnerability = 5k+ shatters / clone
and might stacks and vulnerability stacks empower all attacks, blurred frenzy and gs autoattack for example do absurd amounts of damage with those buffs….
and got a thief in your roaming gang? thief + target with 20-25 vuln stacks = profit
I’m sooo sad vulnerability does not improve condition damage taken T_T
(edited by grimmson.9154)
I just want to show you my appreciation on this post / build / discussion. It has been a really long reading with all the chats going on but it sure makes me want to play my mesmer again. (After abandoning it for almost 2 months and tanking with my warrior)
Also, I would like to thanks everyone in this post to keeping it friendly and constructive. I enjoyed reading it a lot more than those post in the warrior corner where everyone is going berserk.
@UnknownFreaky, If you want to trade out something in your gear and in toughtness I suggest you trade out a condition dmg vitality gearpart for a toughtness precition (knight). This as you get Alot of conditiondmg from might anyway (35/stack of might) and is rather high on vitality. For a crit dmg class 500 hp there or not wont make him burst you slower or faster, vitality protect vs conditions and random aoe.
@Grimmson, yes what make the 20-20-0-0-30 build so dominating in sPvP that devs start worry and talk about nerf it. I expect dazzling be moved to higher tear or nerfed tbh. Still In wvwvw its to solo target for my taste and the pistolrange is just to good in the wvwvw distances. In spvp everything is close and the 1200 on pistol dont matter.
@SeraphimXV, cheers mate, yeah the thread is ment to give room for everyone, both new players and more experienced oes to ask questions without feel stupid for ask.
And as we live in the future and like al civiliced ppl celebrate christmas on the 24,th in sweden I wish you all a merry christmas.
And as we live in the future and like al civiliced ppl celebrate christmas on the 24,th in sweden I wish you all a merry christmas.
Thank’s for the answer, but I was thinking I want my condition damage, and see what I can do, I will probably change the Valkyre trinkets to knights or similar, so I get my armor up, and I have my condition damage to kill glass thief’s easily when they cloak etc. and you drop chaosfield. and shatter#2 with 3+self in the nearby, making them down themself.
Merry christmas to you all
Also live in Sweden
EDIT: Just need to get some gold, have a little, planing a major , switch with weapons to exotic, and may get some other runes to experiment with.
Someone say game crash must be related to OOM
when you read the log it’s not related to that whatsoever…
(edited by UnknownFreak.2805)
Love the build and the guides. Just a bit of nitpicking, if I may:
I here use Sigil of force, 5% dmg. This cause it apply to al my attacks al time. It buffs both rune, sigil and condition dmg.
Sigil of Force does not affect Condition Damage.
@Aleph Naught, interesting, i based that asumtion on some testing in some article I read before and the pure fact its say “% dmg” and not “% direct dmg”. Can you somehow verify this? Also if so how do it affect dmg % vs for, example "+10% dmg vs Ghost "
Cheerst for this
Yeah, just go to the mists and attack a golem with and without the sigil. Condition damage is the same.
About your ‘direct damage’ assumption, actually, it the other way around: most (probably all) of the time something just says ‘Damage’ they mean direct damage. When something affects condition damage as well, it is specified explicitly (e.g. Might)
Vulnerability, for example, does not affect condition damage either (which I think it should btw).
(edited by Aleph Naught.9034)