[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: UnknownFreak.2805


For once I had a epic zerg v zerg fight, around 50 kills when checking with WvW total kills, before and after, and died 4 times, them deaths where due to some failing moves
roughly I use staff only in a zerg v zerg

How to crashreport…
Someone say game crash must be related to OOM
when you read the log it’s not related to that whatsoever…

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Incendom.6825


Hei cat hope ur around this week. Sea has unimaginable numbers.. there are zergs 24/7…. Can’t shatter a lot this rotation FG needs utility mesmer since we are low on thieves atm. For desolation!


[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


@Incendom, cheers sure on, Judge sharpen up our team alot latley and we running stronger than ever with our smal raid team Like yesterday Zergs beware, you will be Judged


  • @ * UPPDATE * UPPDATE * @ *

Latest movie. This time a guide for the phantasm spec. It been shown stong in 1 vs 1 and 2 vs 1 situations when fights is chosen. I also personaly got the spec as a favorite spec for group roaming. Latest guide thu show its strength as survival and 1 vs x spec.

Enjoy 1 vs x Hybrid mesmer gameplay guide:


[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Incendom.6825


Nice great fights with lots of ups and downs : )


[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: UnknownFreak.2805


will watch your vid tomorrow, or later, but any tips vs necro?

How to crashreport…
Someone say game crash must be related to OOM
when you read the log it’s not related to that whatsoever…

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kinetic.4250


Hey Osicat, I love all of your vids and guides. How should we make the decision between going phantasm hybrid and shatter cat?

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


@all, big day, new vid up and breached 400 video subscribers and 50 k guide wievs on same day Ty al for support and help develop new styles for mesmers to play. Got alot side projects I work with atm, plus we reorganicing our guild to a more effective killing team. Still the mesmer experements is ongoing, got two working condi builds I test in large scale fighting aswell but for now I mostly run hybrid in guild raids.

@Kinetic, I run both tbh, I do favour hybrid spec for group fights thu as it have superb group synergies, I sometime change phant dmg for vuln stack in big fights as it help group more.

For solo runs its a bit easier to run normal shatter cat as you mobility and controll is abit better. The hybrid is stronger in dmg and less gear depending for defense.

You might notice my hp gone down a bit in latest vids. this as I use the fractal toughtness, crit dmg and power ring. Its superb.

ps, latest vid;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxafKuAgWww


[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Incendom.6825


Congrats plus grats to everyone on deso we are on tier 1! Keep up the good work


[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Juriasti.8297


Osicat! Thanks for the videos and everything you share with the community. Congrats on the subs and views!

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


  • * @ Uppdate @ * **

First thank you al who help develop this guide. When I stated work on it in 2012 I could never suspect it would grow like it did. I now find it as a place for discuss mesmer shatter builds and find a sulution to problems and nerfs rather tahn qq about them. This is many cause you you ppl who eather folow the guide, send suggestions thru PM,s or play with me ingame.

So to the future. I have alot I would like to work on with the guide, it feel a bit to straitforward and singelminded, I have today 4 different shatter builds I play regulary with both in group and solo/smal team. I would want to reorganice the guide a bit. I also want to make it easier for ppl to chose what spec/build work best for them. So I woll reorganice the guide ALOT the comming week.

Dont panic if you find alot of stuff deleted. Its to make room for new matereal. I will also remake the video section, instead of tubnails I will use links for older movies. This will make it impossible to se vids thru forum, to leav this option open I will leav the newest 2 vids as tubnails.

Incomming uppdates.

  • 4 Base line builds instead of 1 major and a option.
  • Gear discussion setup
  • Scoring system for the different builds (defense, dmg, mobility, support,)
  • New intro part part
  • Credit section, to ty ppl who add things to the guide or inspire me

So now you know whats incomming. It will not be done over a night but step by step. I keep you informed. Hopfully by add more options to playstyle and shape the guide up we can get this added as sticky aswell.

/Love Osicat

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kazhiel.8194


That’s awesome Osi, love how you’re always working on improving what you have and coming up with new ideas.

Jalliel [AI] – Yak’s Bend

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


@*** Uppdate * @

Intruduction part is done BIG thanks to Partis Amayasu and GM of Judge who helped me sort the spelling. Will also thank him again for be my Sword guru for the Phantasm build.

PS alot incommíng, And go se latest vid, its good


[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: UnknownFreak.2805


So glad you update this build every time, experiment with different things etc.
The best part is you make a guide so every one else can use it, love it

Saw your latest, some nice tips when defending camps, thanks for them, I need to learn, but I have no problem defending camp vs 3 people, but I can burst one down, and then there is just enough chaos, and the two other can run away in fear lol, but your tip is that you save burst til right moment, I go directly, depends on classes you are against, like glass thief, you may want to burst him down before he can make any hueg damage to you.

How to crashreport…
Someone say game crash must be related to OOM
when you read the log it’s not related to that whatsoever…

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: kurtosis.9526


Thanks for all the work on this Osicat, much appreciated by everyone!

Just want to add a vote to see your condition build/s as well, I’m having trouble making one work atm (glamour/blind/confusion oriented) – not stacking enough conditions.

Also, it might be easier to write your guide on the wiki and link updates to it in this thread. Here’s a good example of a thief guide on the wiki, to show what can be done.

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


  • * Uppdate * **

Added the new wersion of Shatter cat original guide. Hope you like it. Will add hybrid and tank cat tomorow.

At work atm in middle of a 24 work shift so depending on how much happens I mabye will sleep most of the day thu so the new part come later on the day.

Ty to Rivhan form Judge who helped me with language on shatter cat section.

@Kurtosis, looks nice, have no time atm thu but will keep in mind. Ty.


[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mechrophilia.6987


Shatter cat gear: 4/6 BZ, 1/6 K, 1/6 V, Trinkets : Nec V, r1 BZ, r2 K, T1 BZ, T2 BZ, Wep staff: BZ MH: BZ, OH K

Build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fgAQNAsaWlwzaqHTTrGa9ICqHYH49dkK0alewbXYuB;TkAqYMxIixGjLGZMrIGWMLA

Your build link is broken. It says “bad link”
Just thought I should let you know.

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: morrolan.9608


Shatter cat gear: 4/6 BZ, 1/6 K, 1/6 V, Trinkets : Nec V, r1 BZ, r2 K, T1 BZ, T2 BZ, Wep staff: BZ MH: BZ, OH K

Build: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fgAQNAsaWlwzaqHTTrGa9ICqHYH49dkK0alewbXYuB;TkAqYMxIixGjLGZMrIGWMLA

Your build link is broken. It says “bad link”
Just thought I should let you know.

You need to copy and paste the link, the forum has a problem with some urls.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


  • * Uppdate * **

Added the hybrid text guide 3. Hope you like it.

PS idd copy pastle the link. Its not bad its the forums who cant handle some links.


[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ajax the Lesser.6243

Ajax the Lesser.6243

Hi Osi! Extremely interesting build and guides! I’m in love with your hybrid build and I am definately going to try it! One question though:

Have you considered changing the sigil of force with the sigil of restoration? Whenever you kill a foe, it heals you for quite an impressive amount of health. With this sigil you may extend even more your survivability!


“There is only one omen, to fight for one’s country”

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


@Ajax the Lesser, Idd. Still I find the force to gain so many benefits for the other abilitys and attacks in the spec. Its survival is after al around avoid take dmg and you can fight for long time with extremly low health (like some of my videos and guides show).

I wery glad for your suggestion thu and I keep it in mind for test in different setups. This trade of ideas is what develop the builds and guides

Let me explain how I chose whats in the guide and not.

Every gear, sigil rune ability etc I use in my guides/builds is there cause they folow the build plan. When I try create a style of play and build I try find synergies. I say, this will be a shatter spec with avoidance focus and punish enemys who attack me. It will use burst dmg but I want it to have sustained preassure one enemys. Also work in group play etc etc.

Then I start set the abilitys together and get sigils, weps runes and utilitys to work together. For example block, it avoid dmg, that folow the acctive defense plan. It also cause a clone who synergis with shatter spec and with utillity mirror immage its a fast way for 3 clone wrack. The 3 clone wrack and block dmg al synergys with sigil of force on the sword I block with. Rune of air also have big chance of proc by the attacker and that dmg also work with force, together you get a huge burst with al your abilitys working together.

I hope I dont sound to theoretical but this is how I deccide what I use and dont. I also tests everything, spend tons of gold on different gear etc for testing. Keep the ideas come. This is more a community guide nowdays than a personal guide. We create it together.


Edited cause i spelled like a kitten, worked 24 h work shift into today.

(edited by Osicat.4139)

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ajax the Lesser.6243

Ajax the Lesser.6243

Thanks Osi for your reply! Really appreciated!

Editing this post instead of writing a new one:

One more thought:
By removing 5 points from Domination and adding them to Dueling you can boost the confusion you are delivering with each shatter. Taking into account that you are shattering quite frequently and in combination with the Illusionary Retribution minor trait, you can pile up the confusion to 2-digit numbers! Though, I am not sure if this is an AOE confusion trait. What do you think?

Thanks again,

“There is only one omen, to fight for one’s country”

(edited by Ajax the Lesser.6243)

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


@ Ajax, It dont work on shatter, only on clone death. If not it been superb.

@All: * @ Uppdate @ *

Added 3.3 Shatter Cat Heavy build. in the guide.

Is a section of a build I have yet no movies of but play from time to time. Its fun and different. Most interesting is the amount of ppl focus you just cause you play a mesmer but get shocked when you keep do dmg and dont go down.

Pls have alook, try it out if you like and give soem oppinions what you think.


[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Froderick.1409



Love the guide, love your explanation and videos supporting everything. New tank build looks interesting. I know you list briefly the gear changes, but what is your new toughness value? Gonna guess around 1300? Is that plus the reduced dmg from clones trait a huge bonus in survivability, beyond useage of dodge and skills to stay alive? I was always impressed with your ability in original spec to avoid dmg in essentially a full glass cannon build. I’ve been working on it, but haven’t mastered the art.

Also looking forward to condition setup. Just for something new to try. Keep up the good work!

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


@Froderick, The gear changes quite alot as you suspect. The Hybrid spec have lovest, ~1100+ but still survive extremly well, original spec have nowdays around 1200+~toughness. But then they both use the fractal Crit dmg, power and toughness ring, its the best shatter spec optimiced ring in game atm.

Heavy spec land you around 1480-1500 toughtness, its also still use dodges (you have clone on dodge and vigour 100% uptime in battle), sword, Illusionary persona 4 sec immunity and 50% hp reset shatters so its a kitten hard spec to bring down especialy if played in a smal roaming team.

Highest toughness you get by the condition spec thu, in my current condition gear I have around 1800 toughtness and then I have yet gear to get exotic in that spec.

If you play any of this two geared “glascannon” you should play the hybrid, the original is not optimal without usage of knight and valkyre. Il qoute my own guide:

From * 3.1 Shatter Cat Original build.

“This specc has no target dropping and no real condition removals. Because of this it is bit harder vs condition-heavy builds and long range enemies like GS mesmers. Glass cannon enemies like thieves can also be dangerous. To counter this problem specc needs bit more passive defence comming from gear, mixing knight, valkyrie”


[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: tisme.1732


Hi osi! BaD link for thé shatter cat original.. ;-(

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Froderick.1409


Wow, those toughness numbers are a bit higher than I expected. I forgot about the 200 tough from chaos on the heavy build, so the 1300 I was assuming is pretty close, based on your gear list. You do mean your 1480-1500 is including traits?

I do admit I like the hybrid spec most of all, I like the sword in both hands, but miss the stun from pistol now and again. I’m running it with 1140 toughness currently, and just about 17k hps. 45% to crit, and 80% crit dmg. That’s not glass cannon by definition, but it’s as glass as I’m willing to go. I agree with you 100% about mixing in a couple knight and valk, but even with that minimal defense I’m amazed at your survivability, esp against multiple opponents.

Thanks again for the response, loving the thread, and especially the fact there’s so much positive and thoughtful discussion around the class, instead of the constant complaining that goes on in so many of the forums.

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Crusader.3165


Love your guides and your videos.

I’m currently running your hybrid build. I stack perception with spare swords (twice as fast) before switching to force/generosity and I’m experimenting with sigil of earth on staff and extra bounce trait to give staff more punch. I also run with focus depending on situation and have hydromancy on it.

When I feel like really spiking I replace decoy with mantra of pain and add it to my burst rotation. Two charges crit for 2k each and recharge is fast enough.

I messed around with a 0/20/20/0/30 build but really felt the loss in burst and overall damage. Felt like I needed a complete gear change to make it work. I’ll revisit it again one of these days.

I learn something new every time I watch your videos.

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


@Tisme, copy pastle the link, dont clikc. Its the forums who have issues not its users.

@Froderik, its with traits. Thye hybrid is extrely strong I agree, and its work so well for group play, why I love it. My gear is close to opimal for it now, with food I have almost 100% crit dmg with the hybrid build, 65% ~crit chance with stacks and food. Saw a 9k sword 2 hit today again and iswordsman hit for 6k+ o fully geared players

@Crusader, I think to fully enjoy a 0-20-20-0-30 heavy build you need to play in a smal team, say a thief a ele and a Heavy shatter cat mesmer, scary combo.


Ps I try add the confusion build 2 morow, to tierd to write more on the guide today, want to gaem some aswell.

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Confessor.8957



First, thanks for your excellent contribution and dedication to the class. Because of your work and others in this thread, I think many of us have increased our skills tremendously. But for those of us who wish to go further, could you perhaps share or give some hints on your physical setup like keyboard/mice? Practice is, of course, the ultimate but I sometimes feel I could be doing combos much better with a more optimized key binding.

Right now I have a slightly modified binding: default layout with q,e,r,c as utility 1,2,3,elite and heal,swap,dodge on mouse. this is doing okay but travel time to shatters is a little long. I have been considering shaking things up with a naga hex to remove travel time.

Do you or anyone in here have any advice on physical bindings and setups to minimize combo and rotation times?


[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


@Confessor, hope this help. Its my keybindings. Im sure they dont fit al bur work for me.

My weaponswap is bound to button left of 1 ( § ), its in good reach for my little finger

My other key binding is:

WASD with A for strafe left D strafe right, I turn with mouse and use left and right mouse button while turning and strafring. This way you can keep hit with sword 2 on enemys why try avoid ( se latest vid 2nd battle when mesmer take 7k hit trying to run behind me, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxafKuAgWww).

V turn camera 180 degrees for time portals and mark frogs,owls and other non 80 npc,s + enemy players to use as “jump platforms” for staff 2 ( see cat leap video for movment info ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=-IqzGCcbHko)

attack 12345 is
5:shift+mouse4 (mouse 4 is on side of my mouse)
Utility heal 1 2 3 elite is:
heal:shift + space
Shatters is on 1 , 2, 3 and 4

This help me do most movment and camera with mouse, al actions is shortkeys.


[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


@ Uppdate @

Added shatter cat condition spec to the guide. Enjoy.

I now start have a look on some extra parts and tactics, also a gear section. Just a slight note, if any moderator read this, is it possible to create 1 more post at the start? I missing some room for last part of the Guide, I have a post a bit down after the guide but its 2 posts between them and I tryed contact with the posters. They dont seem to be acctive and cant delete their posts.

Also how do you deccide if a thread will be sticky or not? Several of the class forums ahve guides stickyed for new players, so far we have no in mesmer forums for new players etc.


[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chega.8965


Hi just a slight note, Rabid weps and armor can be obtained from TA and HoTW (and arah) so they are not so expensive after all for the trinkets … they are little expensive, mainly the accesorries, (necklace – collosus fang, back item – tome of rubicon, ring – ouroboros loop and khilbrons phylactery) but the accesorries can be a little pricey. Anyway, great guide

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


@Chega, y it will take some time thu for ppl feel they “want to roll condition” thu its not alot of options, I accualy went TP and bought the stuff exept karma gear. If you have the economy but not time its betetr go fractals and get that gear 1st.

@All, posting in guyde aswell:

The following persons have al been a great inspiration and help making this guide. It would not been what it is if not for them:

Furelise – for be wonderful and criticize/watch al my movies before posting. Also for listening to me talk constant about Mesmer in rl and save my kitten in dungeons ingame

Amayasu/Parthis, GM of Judge and my personal sword guru, aslo helped with spelling

Rivan Judge – helped with spelling

Judge guild – for still dare to use my portals and for be a fantastic guild in RL and ingame

Nero – Inspiration and help with spec, helping with tPvP Mesmer questions

Flimp – Condition play style inspiration

Ordibble – Tip about sigil of night

Winterfell – Inspiration

Many many posters and folowers in the guide ? Al who ask questions and force me to use my mind.


[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Exavion.2564


Thanks for keeping all this up-to-date Osi. I enjoy the fact that you prioritize player skill over anything else when walking through tactics/videos/strategy. I did have a question regarding gear on the hybrid spec gear, though:

Shatter Cat Hybrid gear: 4/6 BZ, 1/6 K, 1/6 V, Trinkets : Nec BZ, r1 BZ, r2 Fractal tought/crit, T1 BZ, T2 BZ, Wep staff: BZ MH: BZ, OH BZ

Which piece of armor did you use for Knights and Valkyrie? Some armor gives higher stats than others, which is why I ask what your thoughts on that were – I haven’t had the chance to crunch the numbers and figure it all out. Since Precision gives % in multiples of 21, sometimes it’s important to fine-tune it so none of the Prec is wasted.

Also, what do you recommend for the Backpiece? I plan on getting another capacitor most likely.

When you roam with a build like this (solo or with small group) what food / tuning items have worked well?

I’m trying to decide carefully on how to play a Mesmer that has good trait-trees for also running Fractals – I think this is a good build but I would have to be careful due to the squishiness of the BZ gear. High skill bar indeed.

Revel [REV] of Blackgate – http://www.revelguild.com/
Alina Martell – Human Guardian – PvE / sPvP
Thoros Ahai – Asura Mesmer – WvW

(edited by Exavion.2564)

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Gaiawolf.8261


@Exavion: Here is a good resource to maximize stat/+% bonuses: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Item_nomenclature

In short: It’s best to get +crit damage items on jewels when possible. For armor, the boots, gloves, shoulders are best.

Edit: Another thing to consider is weapon roles. I run a mostly condition spec and primarily use my sword/torch set for defense/mini burst and my staff for damage. So I have a rabid staff but I use knights on my sword and torch for the extra tough and power. Sword attacks all use power (and so do sword clones), so I have little need for extra CD when in that set, but staff uses mostly CD so I have rabid for that.

Lone Wolf Mesmer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief
Dissentient [DIS] ~Tarnished Coast

(edited by Gaiawolf.8261)

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


@Exavion, Gaia,s link is great. Tbh personaly I use my knight on chest as its biggest stats indd. Pantys are valkyrie atm. Trinket 2 is the event one, its stats are superb. Also I cant stress enought how good this ring is :


For back idd capacitor is win.

Interesting you pick the smal group roaming up, we doing some reorganication of the roles in the guild and last weeks I gone al out on the hybrid spec for group roaming. It offers a supricingly good survival in groups. It also offers better group synnergies than the normal shatter cat.

The on demand burst combined with vuln is a killer when you get hit or try take down d/d eles or other tanks. We also stacking hammer warriors atm so the cance to land a full 4 clone MV on a group is alot bigger.

Also latley we been using 3 mesmers in our 12 man team with mass invis. The effect is fantastic when fighting a bigger force. Constant target dropps and in stealth portaling between positions cause a frustration on a whole new llv in the other team. We fought a 2 times bigger foce yesterday untill they won, after lost 5 players. Next time they saw us they turned and ran


[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: NerdyMike.2695


Thanks for such a great guide, and keeping it up-to-date as well. =)

I’ve finally hit Lv. 60 on my Mes, so I’m slowly saving up to be able to do the spec’s that seem to fit my playstyle.

@Osicat – I’m curious as to know what server you currently play on. I’d love to see you first-hand in WvWvW (I wouldn’t take my Mesmer in there ATM, as I like to do WvWvW with my main character.)

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


@NerdyMike, cheers glad you like my guide,s. I playing on Desolation in a smal but wery organiced roaming guild called Judge.


[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: NerdyMike.2695


@Osicat – Ah, I’m on Blackgate ATM, as that’s were all of my RL friends are on as well. Well even if its against you, I’d still love to see you doing that voodoo that you do so well in person. XD

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: UnknownFreak.2805


Finally I’m learning everything, your weakness etc, when to pull out, to still have done maximum damage but you still live, low health, get out of combat for 2 sec ~1/4 hp healed, and heal another 5-6k with eather feast, and you continue fighting, finishing the rest of them

also, them updates in different builds seems nice, cheers, guide that is better than this does not exist, so much details and the vids, you learn so much from them, so you can get a feeling of on how you shall do in combat, instead of:

“I run this build… etc..” now you know my build and can make exact the same… ehm no, cause they don’t describe like your vid’s how to deal with enemies, when to engage etc. what to do if outnumbered, etc. so many point of views people miss when they make a guide, but so far you have missed none

also working on getting ascended rings, I will also experiment with other sigils, thinking of swapping the sigil of force to a sigil of air, or to sigil of doom, I think it’s called (lifesteal sigil)

and for last, question:
Basilisk venom… does it prevent ppl from using “stun breakers”? like staff#2

How to crashreport…
Someone say game crash must be related to OOM
when you read the log it’s not related to that whatsoever…

(edited by UnknownFreak.2805)

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: vinceftw.5086


Hey, Osi, great guide. You inspire me to pick up leveling my mesmer again when exams are done here.

Quick question, what do you mean with event ring? Is it Karka? I missed the event, is there any way to get it now?

Elxyria – Engineer / Deluzio – Mesmer
Quickblade Vince – Thief
The Asurnator – Elementalist

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: SiAjEj.4185


Are there any info on what traits u recommend for each build(especially hybrid 3.2), or is it just me being blind?

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


@Vinceftw, it was a event when the new island came, gavea trinket who give big stat boost to al stats and nice crit dmg. Cant be obtained now and try find a knight/valk trinket instead with a berzerker jewel in.

@SiAjEj, its a link to the build with traits in end of each build. Compy pastle adress as forum give bad link message if not. Tell me if you still have porblems.


[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: shadowelf.6047


Osi is the 3.4 spec any good ? Can u plz be more precise on its merits? Is it good for pvp, pve, dungeons ? I’m asking because i don’t want to spend 70g for khilbron’s and then realise that the spec is lacking. Also all the rabid stuff i’m finding on the TP are cheap yellows. Besides Khilbron’s all the other stuff are cheap. Am i missing something? Thanks

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


@Shadowelf, Its a wery strong spec for smal group roaming, 2-3 players. Same gear and slight change to spec make it a zerg killer and we ALWAYS have 1 mesmer in a glamour condition spec simmilar to this but other traits in our raids.

Its alos working well for instacnes as you live for ever and do good boss dmg. In a fast crit dmg group trash die to fast for you to feel usefull thu as your staff clones dissapear al time.

Its the spec I use for support spec normaly when our main support mesmer cant come. My min spec is Hybrid for raiding.

The rabid exotics rings on acutionhouse have other names but rabid stats, rings cost 20~g each so best farmed in fractal, for staff there is only one rabid stat staff, cost ~10g normaly.

The spec is used in this movie :


(edited by Osicat.4139)

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Osicat.4139


@** * Uppdate * ** @

New movie, its a slightly less serious one, no guide. Its a group roaming vid of my guild, me playing Hybrid spec with some changes to fit each encounter.


PS, Judge recruting 1 mesmer for smal (8-15) man wvwvw, need big experience of mesmer gameplay in pvp, prefered 500+ hours of wvwvw on mesmer. Need to be english speaking, teamspeak is a demand. You will be playing Shatter spec withc crit dmg focus, weps dont amtter as long you deal good dmg and can survive. Also you will be offensive portal player.

Humor and social part is kinda needed, judge is a community guild as much as a GW2 guild so ppl need to fit in the team.

Apply at www.judge-guild.net

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ash.3641


Enjoyed the guide Osi! But why you teach people to kill us (fellow judge) in W3?

no more heals 4 u

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Westibone.3985


Has anyone tried out a true Hybrid power/condition build? Something along the lines of


I was thinking Staff/GS. I was messing around with that spreadsheet and was able to get the following stats (while holding zerker GS and Rabid Staff respectively):

With Berserker GS

Power: 1912
Crit Chance: 43%
Crit Dmg: 50
Cond Dmg: 818
Armor: 2036
HP: 17902

With Rabid Staff

Power: 1733
Crit Chance: 43%
Crit Dmg: 41
Cond Dmg: 991
Armor: 2164
HP: 17902

My thinking was that you could use GS to nuke/shatter, or get into staff, generate some clones, and hang back and wear them down. Not sure yet if this would be effective or just spreading yourself too thin. You could use Sigil of corruption or Bloodlust depending on whether you want to favor power or condition dmg, and your food choice could also be used in he same way.

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kazhiel.8194


Osi is the 3.4 spec any good ? Can u plz be more precise on its merits? Is it good for pvp, pve, dungeons ? I’m asking because i don’t want to spend 70g for khilbron’s and then realise that the spec is lacking. Also all the rabid stuff i’m finding on the TP are cheap yellows. Besides Khilbron’s all the other stuff are cheap. Am i missing something? Thanks

You can get most of the exotic rabid armor from karma merchants in the Orr temples. I think the helm is at Temple of Balthazar on Malchor’s and the rest is all in the Cursed Shore temples. The only parts you can’t get are chest and boot. I was lucky when I bought my staff, only paid like 3g for Bramblethorn.

Jalliel [AI] – Yak’s Bend

[Guide] WvWvW/Pve Shatter Cat 2014-04-23

in Mesmer

Posted by: Advent.6193


Has anyone tried out a true Hybrid power/condition build? Something along the lines of


I was thinking Staff/GS. I was messing around with that spreadsheet and was able to get the following stats (while holding zerker GS and Rabid Staff respectively):

With Berserker GS

Power: 1912
Crit Chance: 43%
Crit Dmg: 50
Cond Dmg: 818
Armor: 2036
HP: 17902

With Rabid Staff

Power: 1733
Crit Chance: 43%
Crit Dmg: 41
Cond Dmg: 991
Armor: 2164
HP: 17902

My thinking was that you could use GS to nuke/shatter, or get into staff, generate some clones, and hang back and wear them down. Not sure yet if this would be effective or just spreading yourself too thin. You could use Sigil of corruption or Bloodlust depending on whether you want to favor power or condition dmg, and your food choice could also be used in he same way.

I’m more of a pure condition setup: Rabid armour/trinkets, Carrion weaponry (mostly)
I’ve been running GS/Staff for a few days. What I see in your link looks to be a 10/20/20/0/20 spread. Mine varies between: 0/20/20/0/30, 10/20/10/0/30, 20/0/0/20/30, 0/20/30/0/20, or 0/0/30/10/30. (Unfortunately, I’ve ended up dropping Runes of the Undead -and a decent chunk of my cond. dmg.- for a Centaur set, just to move worth a kitten )

My current spec is more like: (0/20/20/0/30)
Dhuumseal (with Superior Sig of Air.)
Crit Chance: 30
Crit Damage: 20
Cond. Dmg.:1192
Health: 18432

Carrion Staff of Fire (Exotic)
Crit Chance: 30
Crit Damage: 20
Cond Dmg.: 1192
Armor: 2420
Health: 18432

You idea for swapping the two weapons depending on range is sound. I’ve had good results in doing so, especially with Illusionary Elasticity. I tend to use staff for condition dropping, AoE hits, and self-buffing. For me, GS is a sniper’s tool, considering its auto-attack does not bounce. #3 for boon-strip (when it decides to work, mind.), #5 for emergency knockbacks. Utilities are currently: Decoy/Arcane Thievery/Blink (traited for range/cooldown improvements). Elite’s Mass Invis.

Malegryne (Sylvari Mesmer), Lannka (Asura Thief) – Ferguson’s Crossing: [PRD/BRB/OMFG]
Other 80s: Any but Warrior