Mesmer Balance in September Feature Patch
From the Feature Pack site:
The mesmer has seen adjustments in a few areas. For this update, we’re looking at improving multiple traits, utility skills, weapon skills, and illusions. We’ve taken a look at some of the new grandmaster traits and improved upon their original implementation. We’ve altered the scepter a bit, pushing it more toward the condition role we would like it to have. In addition, you’ll see some awesome improvements to offensive mantras and a rework of the Mimic skill, which will now copy all boons on your target to yourself.
Here’s to hoping for our long discussed mantra of pain AoE. I can almost taste it.
Mimic … ALL boons. My My. Complete re-work.
Hmmm hope this weeks ready up features the mesmer but they will probs save it till last lol.
And now a personal take-
Still vague, but I’m hopeful!
Improving grandmaster traits- awesome. Right now, PU and Illusionary Persona seem like the only two in major use.
Scepter changes- always welcome. I’d LOVE to run a scepter/staff condition build in WvW… like the good ole days. I really hope that becomes a new viable meta.
Fingers crossed for AoE damage on all offensive mantras.
mimic sounds nice against bunker guards, imagine u use pyros immortal mesmer, then some enemy guard is bunker, copy his boons, tadaaaa
mimic sounds nice against bunker guards, imagine u use pyros immortal mesmer, then some enemy guard is bunker, copy his boons, tadaaaa
That would be awesome! I wonder how it’ll compare with Arcane Thievery, which slightly overlaps. Hopefully higher boon limit and lower cooldown, but won’t do anything to conditions. I’d love a more reliable way to snag some of those huge might and stability stacks I see enemy classes walking around with.
For this update, we’re looking at improving multiple traits, utility skills, weapon skills, and illusions.
Oh hell, this feature patch is coming out in 2016.
Learn 2 Play Mesmer Here! || Lookit! Gots me a youtube!
Mesmer Personality Quiz! Exclamation Points!
Please Karl, I want to believe.
For this update, we’re looking at improving multiple traits, utility skills, weapon skills, and illusions.
Oh hell, this feature patch is coming out in 2016.
Da salt has finally caught up with you.
(Ideally) Estimated Illusion Tweaks: iWarden, iWarlock, iLeap, iMage
Estimated Trait Tweaks: On-down/rezz because no one cares. Restorative Illusions, Power Block(!?!), Torment Shatter
Scepter Auto will see some love, likely with …Weakness or some other control CC
Improvements to MoPain/Daze? o_O Oh god what did they do to my daze mantra!?
For this update, we’re looking at improving multiple traits, utility skills, weapon skills, and illusions.
Oh hell, this feature patch is coming out in 2016.
Da salt has finally caught up with you.
Haha who knew salt was contagious? To be honest, if I’m not mistaken, this is probably the yearly awesome December balance patch.
Learn 2 Play Mesmer Here! || Lookit! Gots me a youtube!
Mesmer Personality Quiz! Exclamation Points!
(edited by Chaos Archangel.5071)
So… how exactly we will be screwed this time?
My bet is on bugs in everything they “improved”, new bugs in old skills, some nerfs called “improvements”, and if some “cool stuff” slips past them they will call it a bug and fix it to total uselessness the very next day.
Call me whatever you want.
I think scepter auto will be like staff auto and add random condition on hits 1 and 2 and summon clone still on hit 3
Don’t worry, guiz. Copy all dem boons with a 4s cast time. It’s like a Mantra, without the charges!
Inb4 they give it a root as well.
Oh snap! Remember the discussion about reworking Mind Stab(GS 3)?
Some great ideas here guys! This skill is something we’ve been looking at, as it’s a little underwhelming at times.
Here’s a bunch of potential things we could do (we would do one or maybe two of these, not all:
- Look at making it usable on the move. Currently, the animation is ONLY able to be used while standing still.
- Increase the number of boons removed.
- Increase the radius.
- Make this a channeled skill that pulses AOE damage and boon removal while you hold the sword in the ground.
- Multi-stab! You choose multiple ground targets and stab all of them simultaneously (or one-after the other). We don’t have tech for this yet… but it’s a possibility!
- ???
- Profit!
Tagging this thread for later.
Most of us voted for 4!
Learn 2 Play Mesmer Here! || Lookit! Gots me a youtube!
Mesmer Personality Quiz! Exclamation Points!
Come on lucky number 4
Oh snap! Remember the discussion about reworking Mind Stab(GS 3)?
Some great ideas here guys! This skill is something we’ve been looking at, as it’s a little underwhelming at times.
Here’s a bunch of potential things we could do (we would do one or maybe two of these, not all:
- Look at making it usable on the move. Currently, the animation is ONLY able to be used while standing still.
- Increase the number of boons removed.
- Increase the radius.
- Make this a channeled skill that pulses AOE damage and boon removal while you hold the sword in the ground.
- Multi-stab! You choose multiple ground targets and stab all of them simultaneously (or one-after the other). We don’t have tech for this yet… but it’s a possibility!
- ???
- Profit!
Tagging this thread for later.
Most of us voted for 4!
“The mesmer has seen adjustments in a few areas. For this update, we’re looking at improving multiple traits, utility skills, weapon skills, and illusions. We’ve taken a look at some of the new grandmaster traits and improved upon their original implementation. We’ve altered the scepter a bit, pushing it more toward the condition role we would like it to have. In addition, you’ll see some awesome improvements to offensive mantras and a rework of the Mimic skill, which will now copy all boons on your target to yourself.”
Let’s analyse this:
What we can hope for:
- “We’ve taken a look at some of the new grandmaster traits and improved upon their original implementation.” New Grandmaster reworked/buffed
- “improving multiple traits, utility skills, weapon skills, and illusions” buffs I think
- “We’ve altered the scepter a bit, pushing it more toward the condition role we would like it to have.” Scepter gets more conditions (on AA?)
- “rework of the Mimic skill, which will now copy all boons on your target to yourself.” Mimic will copy boons of the target foe.
- “you’ll see some awesome improvements to offensive mantras” buff. awesome is the word i wanted to hear.
Equinox [EqnX]
Oh snap! Remember the discussion about reworking Mind Stab(GS 3)?
Some great ideas here guys! This skill is something we’ve been looking at, as it’s a little underwhelming at times.
Here’s a bunch of potential things we could do (we would do one or maybe two of these, not all:
- Look at making it usable on the move. Currently, the animation is ONLY able to be used while standing still.
- Increase the number of boons removed.
- Increase the radius.
- Make this a channeled skill that pulses AOE damage and boon removal while you hold the sword in the ground.
- Multi-stab! You choose multiple ground targets and stab all of them simultaneously (or one-after the other). We don’t have tech for this yet… but it’s a possibility!
- ???
- Profit!
Tagging this thread for later.
Most of us voted for 4!
Karl later said they would simply look at its radius and damage input for the time.
So they changed Mimic to be kinda like Arcane Thievery?
Dunno if like or not, since we already have AT. Yeah I know it’s ALL boons (and it’s not ripping them), but most of the time the three boon limit is enough (and it’s RIPPING THEM :P ). The cooldown must be really low to consider it over Arcane Thievery, imo.
Well, let’s see what else they got. At least it sounds promising on paper.
(edited by tetrodoxin.2134)
New Poll:
“Will Bountiful Disillusionment and Disruptor’s Sustainment now warrant the time it takes to actually read the tooltip?”
Mimic+ Signet of Inspiration.
Why thank you, Mr. Guardian/Ele. My entire team would love those boons. How thoughtful of you.
Can’t say any of these changes actually sound all that great as they’re described here. We’ll really just have to wait and see what the changes actually are.
Don’t know why they would rework mimic to copy boons instead of just slightly tweaking Arcane Thievery so that it’s more useable…
I feel they should have made it more akin to warrior’s Defiant Stance, except instead of healing damage done, you turn it into a projectile that can be fired (with a balance appropriate cap on the damage it can do).
I’m curious about the Mantra changes. But I really got to say: Mantras better not be the only thing which receive a recognizable change/re-work. I’m having a really bad deja-vu here.
The Mimic change sounds interesting but leaves me a bit confused. What about Arcane Thievery? As long as there is no change there those skills will be way too similar. I’m probably most excited about the Scepter changes, though. Everything else is too vague to judge or discuss. For example, changes to Phantasms could just turn out to be bug fixes and breaking something else.
No MH sword, staff, focus love….
..being a cynical forecaster.
..being a doom-monger….and being a hopeless jinxer.
No MH sword, staff, focus love….
Do you know?
“we’re looking at improving multiple traits, utility skills, weapon skills, and illusions”
I have hope.
Equinox [EqnX]
I understand buffing Scepter, but pushing it even more into the Condition Line? It’s not like it was that bad for Condition Builds before (one easily abuseable block on a short cooldown with pretty strong application of torment, and a channeled Spell for Confusion) – i really hoped they would do something to give it some Power-Up, to make it viable for Powerbuilds as well, but i guess we will see even More PU Condis with Scepter now (<sarcasm> thanks for buffing mesmer condis further, a-net ! </sarcasm>)
Can’t imagine anything regarding their “improvements” of traits/utilites/weapons/illusions though. Probably “improvements” to make them less much of a threat towards non-mesmers :P I just hope they actually improved some of the traits/utilities/weapons for active builds, instead of further buffing things which encourage passive play.
The awesome changes to offensive Mantras sound Awesome, as long as it doesn’t lead to a new wave of Tripple-Mantra-Ultra-Heal-Phantasm-Builds in WvW. WvW is already being swarmed by PU Condi- and Phantasmmesmers, i don’t really want the few remaining Shatters or Lockdown players to switch
To Mimic: It was pretty much a niche spell, but i liked that it was “one of it’s kind”. Sure, the fact that projectiles actually hit you the first time really sucks (good luck catching a killshot! Wanna have Bolas? cope with 5s inmob then! Want to catch that stunning projectile? Well bad luck, because the stun interrupts the routine!), and the inability to stop the cast for 4 seconds (except through wasting a dodge|weaponswitch) made it subpar when fighting Conditionbunkers. Still, it had one of the most amazing SFXes in the Game (chaos shield bubble thingy and awesome pose, kitten yes!); i hope they somehow recycled it for the new version of mimic. The Effect seems nice and fit’s the name, although it’s also a bit simplistic. A bad feeling tells me there will be fixed times for the boons copyied, but that is probably just the evil realist in me coming through (-_-)*
I have an interesting mix of worrying that some change will break my current build which I really enjoy and starting to think about maybe experimenting with a different build.
Biggest worries:
- Scepter condition changes mean reducing it’s power damage. I’m one of probably very few people who use it as ranged power weapon (with some nice hybrid condition effects that are aided with might-stacking)
- That blink or decoy got changed (“improved”) in a way I don’t want
Hopefully we get to see more detail on Friday
Maybe maimed the disillusioned will be buffed, and move condition builds away from PU and more towards shatter.
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..
I want to believe… Fingers crossed my fellow Shatterers~
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”
i hope they make mimic usable against ur own allys, so u can go mimic+ signet of inspiration in dungeons
The question is: Will they fix the existing bugs? O.o
Do it. Do it. Do it.
The anticipation is killing me already.
The question is: Will they fix the existing bugs?
Of course not. They will, however, break iwarden further.
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”
Pre-launch, Colin listed things that make MMOs bad. They are all now in GW2.
The question is: Will they fix the existing bugs?
Of course not. They will, however, break iwarden further.
wait – is that even physically possible!?
The question is: Will they fix the existing bugs?
Of course not. They will, however, break iwarden further.
wait – is that even physically possible!?
Absolutely! Right now it still attacks sometimes.
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”
Pre-launch, Colin listed things that make MMOs bad. They are all now in GW2.
The question is: Will they fix the existing bugs?
Of course not. They will, however, break iwarden further.
wait – is that even physically possible!?
Absolutely! Right now it still attacks sometimes.
Next patch : Warden runs away from foes but grabs their aggro and thus breaks any possible coordination in yor party.
Maybe maimed the disillusioned will be buffed, and move condition builds away from PU and more towards shatter.
I like that idea! Shatter builds still struggle in large-scale fights, but maybe that’ll receive some changes as well.
I would love to run a staff+scepter/torch condition oriented build in wvw… I like to imagine that my dream will one day come true!
“weapon skills, and illusions”
Hopefully some PVE love as well!
The question is: Will they fix the existing bugs?
Of course not. They will, however, break iwarden further.
Noooooooooooo. I love iWarden.
But everything began with a broken iZerk… but after a looooooooong period of time they “fixed” him, after they broke him even more with the first and second fix…
Maybe iWarden has to share the same path before he can shine in new splendour.
I understand buffing Scepter, but pushing it even more into the Condition Line? It’s not like it was that bad for Condition Builds before (one easily abuseable block on a short cooldown with pretty strong application of torment, and a channeled Spell for Confusion) – i really hoped they would do something to give it some Power-Up, to make it viable for Powerbuilds as well, but i guess we will see even More PU Condis with Scepter now
(<sarcasm> thanks for buffing mesmer condis further, a-net ! </sarcasm>)
I agree, I like scepter in hybrid or power builds and am a little bummed to see the direct dmg part nerfed.
Overall of course I’m nervous given their track record, but it sounds like a lot of attempted buffs, which at least mean they are trying to head in the right direction. I really hope shatter gets a buff out of all this. I mean condi mesmer doesn’t really need help.
The mesmer has seen adjustments in a few areas. For this update, we’re looking at improving multiple traits, utility skills, weapon skills, and illusions. We’ve taken a look at some of the new grandmaster traits and improved upon their original implementation. We’ve altered the scepter a bit, pushing it more toward the condition role we would like it to have. In addition, you’ll see some awesome improvements to offensive mantras and a rework of the Mimic skill, which will now copy all boons on your target to yourself.
Is it just me or is this actually a big nerf coming on…?
Improving traits = reworking = nerf.
Improving utility skills = Mimic = Mimicking Arcane Thievery.
Improving weapon skills = GS3 bigger AoE and damage, more “Sword3”-like fixes, Scepter “improvement” = Nerfs and (still) unusable GS3.
Improving illusions = “GUIZ, WE FIXED WARDEN THIS TIME, WE PROMISE!” = Lies and slander.
Buffing new Grandmaster = Make unused, new GM more appealing, but still unusable. Nerf PU, hidden behind a rework. Move around and nerf Mantra traits. = Wooo…
Scepter: Will now apply conditions on 2 and 3 = Wait a minute…
Mantras: Our offensive Mantras are Mantra of Distraction and Mantra of Pain. One is working fine, the other isn’t. Probably going to get AoE damage here, which is nice but still doesn’t make it that shiny.
Mimic: inb4 maintains 4s cast or roots user or suffers from same downfalls as AT.
Still think this is going to happen:
I literally just said a prayer. To Dwayna. I’m not even religious…
I’m REALLY hopefully about the new changes. This could be a really big turning point for Mesmers in PvP. Here are the things I’m really hoping for:
-AoE in offensive Mantras
-AoE in GS#3 (we all know it could be a thing ) this will give us a huge leverage against thieves and SR.
-Bug fixes. We may finally have a fix to iLeap or iWarden
-MH Pistol……A guy can dream, right? XD
I literally just said a prayer. To Dwayna. I’m not even religious…
I’m REALLY hopefully about the new changes. This could be a really big turning point for Mesmers in PvP. Here are the things I’m really hoping for:
-AoE in offensive Mantras
-AoE in GS#3 (we all know it could be a thing) this will give us a huge leverage against thieves and SR.
-Bug fixes. We may finally have a fix to iLeap or iWarden
-MH Pistol……A guy can dream, right? XD
so its caue of u! we mesmers r supposed to pray to lyssa, but u, just coz of u, the gods r cursing mesmers.
I literally just said a prayer. To Dwayna. I’m not even religious…
I’m REALLY hopefully about the new changes. This could be a really big turning point for Mesmers in PvP. Here are the things I’m really hoping for:
-AoE in offensive Mantras
-AoE in GS#3 (we all know it could be a thing) this will give us a huge leverage against thieves and SR.
-Bug fixes. We may finally have a fix to iLeap or iWarden
-MH Pistol……A guy can dream, right? XD
I don’t think Mimic will “root” us. Just look at how they changed LB for rangers and thief’s Unload.
But I hope it’s going to be more interesting than just stealing all the boons…
I literally just said a prayer. To Dwayna. I’m not even religious…
I’m REALLY hopefully about the new changes. This could be a really big turning point for Mesmers in PvP. Here are the things I’m really hoping for:
-AoE in offensive Mantras
-AoE in GS#3 (we all know it could be a thing) this will give us a huge leverage against thieves and SR.
-Bug fixes. We may finally have a fix to iLeap or iWarden
-MH Pistol……A guy can dream, right? XDso its caue of u! we mesmers r supposed to pray to lyssa, but u, just coz of u, the gods r cursing mesmers.
…oops. In my defense, I’m human so I figured I could pray to all of them xD
I’m really curious as to what changes to the illusions ANET will make.
" For this update, we’re looking at improving "
Anet is taking a look.
this does not mean
“We have changed and it is implemented and working correctly already”
Looking means planning, no promises, to try some things.
some of those things may fall flat on their face or be broken or may not even make it at all.
Multiple – meaning any number greater than 1.
some of the new grandmaster traits and improved upon their original implementation
Some does not mean All. i’ll hedge my bets that Some means Disruptors Sustainment and the dueling waste of space trait. the others are not being touched.
I’ll also hedge my bets that there will only be 2 or 3 “changes” made that are not already listed above.
Anet doesn’t understand Mesmers and can’t fix them short of pulling the plug and recoding and redoing the entire class.
The above would require a lot of effort and money
its easier to let mesmers rot, a few players will leave but most will reroll and keep spending money/playing.
“Gw2, It’s still on the Table!” – Anet
I realize it’s not set in stone but WOW they actually are taking a look at the things we have been pointing out about the class.
I know they’ve disappointed in the past, but I’m kitten excited!
I realize it’s not set in stone but WOW they actually are taking a look at the things we have been pointing out about the class.
I know they’ve disappointed in the past, but I’m kitten excited!
Prepare to be disappointed and dis… excited?
" For this update, we’re looking at improving "
Anet is taking a look.
this does not mean
“We have changed and it is implemented and working correctly already”Looking means planning, no promises, to try some things.
some of those things may fall flat on their face or be broken or may not even make it at all.
Multiple – meaning any number greater than 1.
some of the new grandmaster traits and improved upon their original implementation
Some does not mean All. i’ll hedge my bets that Some means Disruptors Sustainment and the dueling waste of space trait. the others are not being touched.
I’ll also hedge my bets that there will only be 2 or 3 “changes” made that are not already listed above.
Anet doesn’t understand Mesmers and can’t fix them short of pulling the plug and recoding and redoing the entire class.
The above would require a lot of effort and money
its easier to let mesmers rot, a few players will leave but most will reroll and keep spending money/playing.
Orrrrrr we could stop being so negative? Seriously, Mesmers are only as bad as the community makes it. Its like the people who complain just can’t be happy O.o
Yes, Mesmers have bugs. Yes, Thieves generally faceroll us. Yes, we’re not the strongest call ever. However, Mesmers can be pretty good and be even better with just a little help. Look at Lord Helseth; he was a crucial member of this past tournament match against China. He took down what I assume to be China’s most skilled thief twice (although said thief did knock him down as well). I’ve seen many YouTube videos where Mesmers take out entire squadrons in WvW, carry teams in s/tPvP, and even solo dungeons. Mesmers can be good. Trust me.
I agree that ANet may not understand Mesmers, but most of us understand them and we are able to do pretty well using them. I don’t think constantly complaining about the class and being negative will make the class any better. The class doesn’t need to be redone. People just need to play it and be happy.
As for your comments about the changes, I highly doubt ANet would purposely skew their words. If they say they are going to fix ‘multiple’ things, then they are most likely going to fix multiple things, as in more than just 2. They are ‘planning’ on making the changes. I don’t know how much you would know about programming, but a big update like this would have to be in its final stages by now if not done. This means that the changes to Mesmers are most likely done.
Tl:DR—Stop complaining. You’re giving Mesmers a bad name. Be positive as changes are coming!
" For this update, we’re looking at improving "
Anet is taking a look.
this does not mean
“We have changed and it is implemented and working correctly already”Looking means planning, no promises, to try some things.
some of those things may fall flat on their face or be broken or may not even make it at all.
Multiple – meaning any number greater than 1.
some of the new grandmaster traits and improved upon their original implementation
Some does not mean All. i’ll hedge my bets that Some means Disruptors Sustainment and the dueling waste of space trait. the others are not being touched.
I’ll also hedge my bets that there will only be 2 or 3 “changes” made that are not already listed above.
Anet doesn’t understand Mesmers and can’t fix them short of pulling the plug and recoding and redoing the entire class.
The above would require a lot of effort and money
its easier to let mesmers rot, a few players will leave but most will reroll and keep spending money/playing.
While your third to last paragraph is correct, cold beans taste great when you’re starving; I think even if they just managed to do a few minor but not totally useless (i.e. actual) buffs without any new nerfs/bugs many mesmers would be really happy.
Prepare to be disappointed and dis… excited?
New GM trait – Bountiful Disappointment.