Mesmer Damage Nerf

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Flying Knee.6487

Flying Knee.6487

Flying Knee, you realize balance is never going to be perfect, so unless you enjoy rerolling the current FOTM overpowered you need to at some point sit down and accept you will be playing the underdog for a bit?

I do. However my biggest grip is about how things that need to be buffed aren’t and things that don’t need to get nerfed are. I realize that perfect balance is hard to achieve but i haven’t been impressed with Anet way of handling things so far. Not at all. I don’t completely give up on GW2 but the way things are currently changing now , often for the worse , are making me take a break and wait until things stabilize a bit because i really don’t feel like re-rolling or completely re-equiping one of my character every patch because the build i used is now completely FUBAR or broken due to some questionnable implemented changes. I’ll come back once i know that the build on my character won’t be radically altered because of nerfs or whatever. It’s just too annoying for me to deal with.

Exemple : The shortbow nerf was really not needed on an already low damage class and yet they nerfed it apparently to fix an animation bug that no one ever noticed and because Anet thought that “It wasn’t fun to always use autoattack” . Im sorry but that’s bollocks and exactly the type of things i despise.

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xyvius.1679


I must say, the Mesmers damage nerf is very dissapointing. We are arguably the class with least AoE and are already not the very strong in PvE. Seeing us get nerfs, while Guardians keep getting buffs/staying the same is driving me insane.

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Samiell.1259


I ran W3 last night with nerfs in place. The only change I saw, that was noticeable, is the los on zerker. I’m mantra healing/support atm though. All I use clones and phantasms for are procing regen and keeping damage from the ranks through retribution. How bad is the damage reduction cause I didn’t read about a posted reduction in the notes.

Black Ops supply line disruptions.

(edited by Samiell.1259)

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sunreva.8714


Sunreva, do you mean:
when he has his first whirl he misses the first attack and do low damage for the remaining whirl damage, and when he has his second whirl (if he lives that long) he does his full damage?

Yes, that is correct. I’ve tested this in duels and vs monsters, feel free to do the same as well. The initial whirl attack when iZerk is summoned, WILL NOT hit as many times as the second whirl (if the phantasm survives that long).

My first whirl always does 1000-2000 now on crits, whereas the second whirl will do 2000-4000 on crits.

This bug also lowers the amount of bleeds the sharper images trait does with iZerker on crits, now its only 1-2 stacks instead of 3-4.

The first whirl with iZerker is now utterly broken because the initial attack misses several times.

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zamiel.2130


On some uneven ground it will continue to miss, hitting only two to three times, areas such as the training golems in HoM. Cast it, sit back for a few and watch.

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vortex.3604


Mhmm got a decked out mesmer, guess I’m not gonna be coming back to the game anytime soon. Way to nerf us into the ground as if the los thign wasnt bad enough. Now i got nothign to do at all in wvw while engi’s etc can still hit on top of walls… kitten off anet wasted my time with this game

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: pyronix.4081


i just hit 80 on my mes. i’ve been killing some stuff in frostgorge sound. while i can confirm that I feel that the zerker damages a bit less, it does seem to do its attacks more often. I just don’t know if I’m remembering correctly since i’ve not been playing this class for the past few weeks (and based on the feedback on the forums, i guess i won’t be returning to this class any time soon). I’m not using phantasmal haste btw and I’m equipped in full berserker gear. can anyone confirm this?

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Crossaber.8934


i just hit 80 on my mes. i’ve been killing some stuff in frostgorge sound. while i can confirm that I feel that the zerker damages a bit less, it does seem to do its attacks more often. I just don’t know if I’m remembering correctly since i’ve not been playing this class for the past few weeks (and based on the feedback on the forums, i guess i won’t be returning to this class any time soon). I’m not using phantasmal haste btw and I’m equipped in full berserker gear. can anyone confirm this?

I felt the same too, especially the first hit after generate, it usually miss the first hit of the roll because the phantasm is already start rolling before the hit count. Which in result a damage loss. But as long as the fight last long enough, the iZerker become more active and having slight increase in rate of fire, therefore i don’t feel any weaker in long battle but a bit kitten in short battle.

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zamiel.2130


That’s a moot point as if the enemy has an ounce of intelligence, your berserker won’t get a second round (PvP). I haven’t noticed any increased attack rate. These are the issues I see with berserker at this point in time:

1. Huge damage reduction due to missing, which is probably due to the LOS, which quite frankly is crap. I can be standing in front of someone/thing and still have LOS issues.
2. On the second and subsequent rounds your berserker may still miss due to uneven ground.
3. If the enemy is in LOS, chances are it’s your LOS and not the game engine’s version of LOS which is completely different. I.e I can still clearly see people on castle walls, but the game says “no you can’t”.
4. If it’s not in “LOS” it still casts and gives you a cooldown and no berserker. Quite an issue seeming we don’t actually know what constitutes as LOS. Standing infront of someone at times does not constitute as LOS.
5. If the target evades, rolls then it’s the same as point #4. This differs from other abilities like a theif’s unload where only some hits will miss due to the evade.
6. Fighting on stairs often ends up at point #4.

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: True Seeker.3682

True Seeker.3682

i just hit 80 on my mes. i’ve been killing some stuff in frostgorge sound. while i can confirm that I feel that the zerker damages a bit less, it does seem to do its attacks more often. I just don’t know if I’m remembering correctly since i’ve not been playing this class for the past few weeks (and based on the feedback on the forums, i guess i won’t be returning to this class any time soon). I’m not using phantasmal haste btw and I’m equipped in full berserker gear. can anyone confirm this?

Never base ANYTHING on forum feedback, as a rule. If you don’t feel particularly hindered by the changes, what does it matter what other people are saying? Most of the “this profession is ruined, I’m never playing Mesmer again/quitting” talk is generally people blustering anyway out of frustration.

My guess is that most of the people who say they are “quitting” will take, at most, a week off before being back and that at least 50% of the people saying they aren’t going to revisit the profession will be playing it before the end of the day.

Personally, I noticed a bit of a drop in my damage potential with the Mesmer but it wasn’t anything particularly note-worthy. The iBerserker dealing less damage on initial hit is a little disconcerting but overall didn’t feel particularly underpowered…

As for people complaining about the LOS fix, it was a FIX for a BUG that just happened to make things easier for us. People generally knew it was going to get fixed sooner or later, from what I had read in previous forum posts. It is kind of saddening we don’t get to deal TUNZ OF DMG during keep sieges now, but that doesn’t mean we can’t do ANYTHING to help. Off the top of my head:

- Portal for supplies, shenanigans
- Into the Void
- Chaos Storm
- Null Field
- Can still summon on top of CONSTRUCTED siege that is on the edge (cannons and pots of oil generally) as far as I can tell
- Summon Phantasms onto door (I think this still works?) which will still AOE through wall
- The same things anyone else can do (siege, attacking people as they try to enter the keep, supply runs, attack door…) but more awesomely with purple butterflies.

Would it be nice to have more AoE variety, and is its lacking noticable? Of course. Should they fix the issue with the first strike of Phantasm missing more than usual? Yes. Is the profession crippled in some horrible way? No.


Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: pyronix.4081


i just hit 80 on my mes. i’ve been killing some stuff in frostgorge sound. while i can confirm that I feel that the zerker damages a bit less, it does seem to do its attacks more often. I just don’t know if I’m remembering correctly since i’ve not been playing this class for the past few weeks (and based on the feedback on the forums, i guess i won’t be returning to this class any time soon). I’m not using phantasmal haste btw and I’m equipped in full berserker gear. can anyone confirm this?

Never base ANYTHING on forum feedback, as a rule. If you don’t feel particularly hindered by the changes, what does it matter what other people are saying? Most of the “this profession is ruined, I’m never playing Mesmer again/quitting” talk is generally people blustering anyway out of frustration.

My guess is that most of the people who say they are “quitting” will take, at most, a week off before being back and that at least 50% of the people saying they aren’t going to revisit the profession will be playing it before the end of the day.

Personally, I noticed a bit of a drop in my damage potential with the Mesmer but it wasn’t anything particularly note-worthy. The iBerserker dealing less damage on initial hit is a little disconcerting but overall didn’t feel particularly underpowered…

As for people complaining about the LOS fix, it was a FIX for a BUG that just happened to make things easier for us. People generally knew it was going to get fixed sooner or later, from what I had read in previous forum posts. It is kind of saddening we don’t get to deal TUNZ OF DMG during keep sieges now, but that doesn’t mean we can’t do ANYTHING to help. Off the top of my head:

- Portal for supplies, shenanigans
- Into the Void
- Chaos Storm
- Null Field
- Can still summon on top of CONSTRUCTED siege that is on the edge (cannons and pots of oil generally) as far as I can tell
- Summon Phantasms onto door (I think this still works?) which will still AOE through wall
- The same things anyone else can do (siege, attacking people as they try to enter the keep, supply runs, attack door…) but more awesomely with purple butterflies.

Would it be nice to have more AoE variety, and is its lacking noticable? Of course. Should they fix the issue with the first strike of Phantasm missing more than usual? Yes. Is the profession crippled in some horrible way? No.

actually, just to clarify, i already ditched the Mesmer like 2 weeks ago with a tenth of a bar to 80. I don’t do PvP AT ALL so whatever “advantages” the mesmer had in WvWvW or whatever is irrelevant to me. It was painful leveling it from 1-40. After 40, it was much easier until I hit 80 today.

However, to be honest, I really don’t feel that ANet knows what the frog they’re doing with this class – especially in PvE. While the more frequent Zerker attacks (if ever they’re confirmed) would seem like a buff, I also noticed that the Zerker now moves closer to the mob AFTER it does one attack. For some reason, I am also noticing that the Zerker is now much more frail than how it was two weeks ago.

But again, this might just be all in my head and I might just be imagining things. Based on the information ANet is officially releasing though, it seems like they want to drive this class to the ground, so I’m off this boat.

See yas.

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: JediJoe.3960


Can anyone pass along some good MMO’s for people that enjoy classes like the Mesmer? I loved the Mesmer before Anet F’d it all up. Now its a steaming pile of BS.

Any other fun MMOs that treat magic classes better than Anet?

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: aphoxi.4378


I know we want this to be a bug, but I’d consider it a stealth nerf until someone says that it’s not working as intended.

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Beachead.4127


Would love to get a response from Anet on this

Ullrok – Warrior
Ullrom – Mesmer

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mystiq Angelic.8193

Mystiq Angelic.8193

This is indeed an unintentional bug. We need to get the facts straight first. It’s NOT a stealth nerf.

#1. The damage output by Phantasmal Berserker’s attacks are inconsistent. Most notably in its first attack that always deal significantly less damage than its subsequent attacks. The total output damage reduction as many have noted is to be roughly ~60% or more. At such high amount of total damage reduction and its innate inconsistency, it does NOT translate to a legitimate nerf by any means.

#2. With such a drastic change to this skill, it has to be noted in the patch notes. Otherwise, it only means that this is an unintentional bug. The current state of this skill is half broken as is, and it’s in dire need for fixing.

*Edit: This is a most recent note added to Phantasmal Berserker on Guild Wars 2 Wiki on Nov 16th- "As of the latest patch, the ability seems to miss at random, and land far fewer hits on average, occasionally going as far as zero. Believed to be a bug.

There is already an existing thread regarding Phantasmal Berserker bug on the Bugs Forum –

“If you sacrifice nothing, you gain nothing”
[HERO] – Star Leader – Black Gate

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Karl McLain

Karl McLain

Game Designer

Illusionary Berserker has not received a direct damage decrease. Instead, is seems that the damage reduction you (and I) are seeing is most likely associated this fix:
“Fixed a bug that caused many piercing, boomerang, and bouncing projectiles (those that hit more than 1 target) to continually increase in damage the more targets they hit.”
We are aware that this particular phantasm is now experiencing a significant drop in damage and are looking at getting it back to a more effective state.
Thanks for keeping the post civil and constructive!

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sarelm.8317


hahah its such a joke when your ONLY option to be half useful for pve/dungeons is to run a shatter build. in wvw you throw your mes to garbage because its by far the worst class in the game now, gg anet! across the years i’ve learned they’re one of the worst when it comes to nerfing/fixing (going by gw1).

Mez also have a tank/cc build which is extremely helpful in dgns.

So why not think before you speak.

the mez tank/cc build that any necro regardless of build can out-do with a staff and their utility bar (6-0)?

You mean necromancers that apply absolutely no boons to their allies unless they already have conditions, have no dazes, or the unparallelled Time Warp? Yep. Totally out-do mesmers.

Yeah, I’m sorry guys. I run a condition/beefy build in all parts of the game and have never even used the iBeserker. Does the nerf sound like a bit much? Yes, I’d hate to see a viable build go down the drain like this. A 50% tank in damage is just ridiculous for a class most assume can’t dps as it is. But stop making it sound like the end of the game.

You laugh because you think I’m joking. I laugh because I’m not.

(edited by Sarelm.8317)

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: zexion.5842


Illusionary Berserker has not received a direct damage decrease. Instead, is seems that the damage reduction you (and I) are seeing is most likely associated this fix:
“Fixed a bug that caused many piercing, boomerang, and bouncing projectiles (those that hit more than 1 target) to continually increase in damage the more targets they hit.”
We are aware that this particular phantasm is now experiencing a significant drop in damage and are looking at getting it back to a more effective state.
Thanks for keeping the post civil and constructive!

I hope you are looking into Iswordsman and Image as well. They both count as “bouncing” for some reason and their damage was lowered.

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Altenna.5687


Illusionary Berserker has not received a direct damage decrease. Instead, is seems that the damage reduction you (and I) are seeing is most likely associated this fix:
“Fixed a bug that caused many piercing, boomerang, and bouncing projectiles (those that hit more than 1 target) to continually increase in damage the more targets they hit.”
We are aware that this particular phantasm is now experiencing a significant drop in damage and are looking at getting it back to a more effective state.
Thanks for keeping the post civil and constructive!

Looks like there’s still hope for iZerker.

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Delofasht.4231


Definitely more concerned with iSwordsman and the already sad iMage (this guy really wants to show off how good he is in small group fights, he really does). I really wanted iMage to be good, and in fact have been trying to figure out a build that will use it in PvP with Retaliation and lots of health and regeneration and protection, just haven’t figured out that build yet. (when I do though, oh man when I do)

“I’m sorry, my responses are limited. You must ask the right questions.”
- Dr. Alfred Lanning, fictional character of great intellect.

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Stratigo.1976


Illusionary Berserker has not received a direct damage decrease. Instead, is seems that the damage reduction you (and I) are seeing is most likely associated this fix:
“Fixed a bug that caused many piercing, boomerang, and bouncing projectiles (those that hit more than 1 target) to continually increase in damage the more targets they hit.”
We are aware that this particular phantasm is now experiencing a significant drop in damage and are looking at getting it back to a more effective state.
Thanks for keeping the post civil and constructive!

Movement tracking for the duelist also seems bugged

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xyvius.1679


Glad to have the official response on the nerf. Thanks, Karl.

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Navi.7142


Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: TheRamosOnline.2670


I run a condition bunker build Mesmer and it tops any Necro using the same build.
You can be an effective condition bunker guardian or thief!

Why do people seem to associate builds with classes?

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: plasmacutter.2709


Karl, Any comment on why we get special discrimination with our group buffs and area-based utilities that are shackled to phantasms that now will not spawn when we’re blinded, evaded, or blocked?

For every other class the attack still comes out.

If an Elementalist casts meteor storm and the opponent dodges, at least there’s still a fire field on the ground to use.

If a Thief uses steal and the opponent rolls, the Thief still ends up behind the opponent (In fact the Thief can steal regardless of any status effect on him).

If a Mesmer uses Warden and the opponent has Aegis, I hope you weren’t planning on it reflecting projectiles because now the attack won’t even appear.

In fact I can’t think of anything else that is like this. Does an Engineer’s turrets not spawn if he’s out of range? Does a Ranger not evade attacks with his third Greatsword attack if he’s blinded? Does a Mesmer not get his whirl combo finisher if he doesn’t have line of sight? Oh wait, he doesn’t because the attack doesn’t happen at all if the phantasm doesn’t come out.

No other class can have their attack “not happen” unless they are interrupted. Essentially rolling, blinding, aegis, evasion, ect… now all “interrupt” the Mesmer preventing them from even attacking with 20% of their attacks.

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zamiel.2130


Illusionary Berserker has not received a direct damage decrease. Instead, is seems that the damage reduction you (and I) are seeing is most likely associated this fix:
“Fixed a bug that caused many piercing, boomerang, and bouncing projectiles (those that hit more than 1 target) to continually increase in damage the more targets they hit.”
We are aware that this particular phantasm is now experiencing a significant drop in damage and are looking at getting it back to a more effective state.
Thanks for keeping the post civil and constructive!

Obviously a timeframe would be out of the question, however, what are the chances of rolling back the changes to the mesmer until you find a fix?

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: tqhx.2190


Illusionary Berserker has not received a direct damage decrease. Instead, is seems that the damage reduction you (and I) are seeing is most likely associated this fix:
“Fixed a bug that caused many piercing, boomerang, and bouncing projectiles (those that hit more than 1 target) to continually increase in damage the more targets they hit.”
We are aware that this particular phantasm is now experiencing a significant drop in damage and are looking at getting it back to a more effective state.
Thanks for keeping the post civil and constructive!

Well if izerker is working correctly, it would probably be easier to buff spatial surge, and maybe buff izerkers initial impact a touch as well. Id take the first before the latter if i had a choice. Not sure how other GS users feel, input? I think a spatial surge buff would be more pve oriented than pvp, which would maybe settle a lot of whiners =)

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: rootnode.9546


Illusionary Berserker has not received a direct damage decrease. Instead, is seems that the damage reduction you (and I) are seeing is most likely associated this fix:
“Fixed a bug that caused many piercing, boomerang, and bouncing projectiles (those that hit more than 1 target) to continually increase in damage the more targets they hit.”
We are aware that this particular phantasm is now experiencing a significant drop in damage and are looking at getting it back to a more effective state.
Thanks for keeping the post civil and constructive!

Thank you! A huge, huuuuge thank you. Finally a response that you guys are working on it. Could you elaborate if you guys are working on the other bugs regarding the Mesmer? Like LoS problems and other stuff? Because I loooove my Memser, and it really hurts me to see this class in its current state. It’s the only class that kept me playing (until yesterday’s patch).

Foran Lonewind – Mesmer
Gwens Avengers

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: jayderyu.3751


Illusionary Berserker has not received a direct damage decrease. Instead, is seems that the damage reduction you (and I) are seeing is most likely associated this fix:
“Fixed a bug that caused many piercing, boomerang, and bouncing projectiles (those that hit more than 1 target) to continually increase in damage the more targets they hit.”
We are aware that this particular phantasm is now experiencing a significant drop in damage and are looking at getting it back to a more effective state.
Thanks for keeping the post civil and constructive!

That’s great to hear some some word about the subject. The feeling of being ignored is very frustrating. However I have some follow up questions as do many others. Which I’m sure are not the same as mine.

1. There is mention that the bouncing damage increments with each bounce. This was a bug in how the ability works. However abilities like hundred slash are built around this damage per hit increase. So why was it a bug and not just the basic functionality of the attack.

2. and more importantly. Is there any examination of the LOS and condition requirement of bringing out any illusion. With the odds of failed illusions coming out comes to a similarity of Warriors producing 1/2 the adrenaline or Thieves having only half imitative.

Personally I think players can cope with a straight forward damage nerf, but a mechanic that utterly reduces the capability pool would be similar to mana system being removed while still requiring mana.

I don’t need no stinking signature.

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Jinks.2057


I believe the damage im seeing now on the phantasms is where it should have been all along.

No further adjustment is necessary


Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xolo.3580


Illusionary Berserker has not received a direct damage decrease.

That’s good to hear, thank you for clearing this up.

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Conditioned.2467


Illusionary Berserker has not received a direct damage decrease. Instead, is seems that the damage reduction you (and I) are seeing is most likely associated this fix:
“Fixed a bug that caused many piercing, boomerang, and bouncing projectiles (those that hit more than 1 target) to continually increase in damage the more targets they hit.”
We are aware that this particular phantasm is now experiencing a significant drop in damage and are looking at getting it back to a more effective state.
Thanks for keeping the post civil and constructive!

Sorry for being blunt Karl, but Ill be civil when you guys start testing out your changes before you deploy them. Shoddy work doesnt go well with being constructive, I consider it being destructive.

For us who spend a lot of time in the game every little thing thats wrong gets enhanced by a lot.

With that said I dont really care about this since you guys have pretty much ensured that GS isnt really viable for mesmers any more. What concerns me more is your blatant bug/nerf of the core mechanic of the class, shatters. Is the creation of illusions when you are blinded/out of los/dodged a bug or an intended change?

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: rootnode.9546


“These skills now behave as normal attacks that the mesmer must connect in order to summon the phantasm, and they will fail if the mesmer is blind or the ability is cast on an invulnerable target.”

According to the patch notes it’s intended.

Foran Lonewind – Mesmer
Gwens Avengers

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Navi.7142


Oh, for me he sounds only a little bit sarcastic.. :-p

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: papryk.6273


Illusionary Berserker has not received a direct damage decrease. Instead, is seems that the damage reduction you (and I) are seeing is most likely associated this fix:
“Fixed a bug that caused many piercing, boomerang, and bouncing projectiles (those that hit more than 1 target) to continually increase in damage the more targets they hit.”
We are aware that this particular phantasm is now experiencing a significant drop in damage and are looking at getting it back to a more effective state.
Thanks for keeping the post civil and constructive!

Could you please explain why those changes were also made in pve? I undertsand why they have been made in pvp but why in pve? I feel that mesmer is just useless now. My chances to hit mobs and do damage with illusions (which is the primary source of my damage) are so low now…especially when you do DE in cursed shores when there is a lot off people and it’s not so easy and now just 1 blind or block is enough to screw my illusions…

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: plasmacutter.2709


Illusionary Berserker has not received a direct damage decrease. Instead, is seems that the damage reduction you (and I) are seeing is most likely associated this fix:
“Fixed a bug that caused many piercing, boomerang, and bouncing projectiles (those that hit more than 1 target) to continually increase in damage the more targets they hit.”
We are aware that this particular phantasm is now experiencing a significant drop in damage and are looking at getting it back to a more effective state.
Thanks for keeping the post civil and constructive!

Could you please explain why those changes were also made in pve? I undertsand why they have been made in pvp but why in pve? I feel that mesmer is just useless now. My chances to hit mobs and do damage with illusions (which is the primary source of my damage) are so low now…especially when you do DE in cursed shores when there is a lot off people and it’s not so easy and now just 1 blind or block is enough to screw my illusions…

I’m more concerned about inspiration builds.

Why should my group regen, projectile reflects, etc be compromised?

I thought this was the reason they were SANE before and had blocks, dodges, and blinds prevent the first strike of the phantasm, not prevent it from coming into being.

Heck, even DEFENDER, which does not even perform an attack, is subject to this. So hurray, blind now prevents you from popping mitigation cooldowns, and our “anti-zerg tool” no longer works when getting zerged.

The whole inspiration tree may as well disappear now for all it’s worth.

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: iowen.4217


easy fix for the not spawning illusion would be:

run the same test the game uses for teleport(mesmer,ele skill),use the so gegerated pos to spawn the illusion.
no more illus in places they should not be but the mesmer gets still his illusion every time he uses the skill.

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: TheRamosOnline.2670


Not a single GS Mesmer in my guild (fastest growing WvW guild on the server) has complained about GS being nerfed.
Most of them haven’t even noticed, and only one of them disliked the changes brought in with the patch, and that was the increased portal cooldown.

So it looks like some Mesmers just can’t play the class right or relied too heavily on bugs to win.

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Rain.2108


1. There is mention that the bouncing damage increments with each bounce. This was a bug in how the ability works. However abilities like hundred slash are built around this damage per hit increase. So why was it a bug and not just the basic functionality of the attack.

Hundred blades is not a boomarang, bouncing projectile, or piercing skill. Its channeled with each hit giving a similar amount of damage (except for the last hit) to total a large amount of damage. If one person gets hit with it and a second runs into it halfway through the second person doesn’t take more damage than the first (if using identical builds/gear). Now, warrior kill-shot when shot through a crowd would gain damage with each consecutive hit. Thus, you get the videos of 21k damage from a warrior. Rifle warriors didn’t need a nerf, they needed a bug fixed.

This also means that iberserker was suffering from this bug as well. It didn’t get nerfed it got fixed. Just to clarify it could use a buff now that its has been fixed.

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Hudry.3489


Not a single GS Mesmer in my guild (fastest growing WvW guild on the server) has complained about GS being nerfed.
Most of them haven’t even noticed, and only one of them disliked the changes brought in with the patch, and that was the increased portal cooldown.

So it looks like some Mesmers just can’t play the class right or relied too heavily on bugs to win.

Cool story, but if your mesmers don’t even notice that 60% of their main damage ability is gone, they probably don’t play the class any better than people on this forum.

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zera.8907


Not a single GS Mesmer in my guild (fastest growing WvW guild on the server) has complained about GS being nerfed.
Most of them haven’t even noticed, and only one of them disliked the changes brought in with the patch, and that was the increased portal cooldown.

So it looks like some Mesmers just can’t play the class right or relied too heavily on bugs to win.

Dude, go find a corner. The DEVS have stated there’s an issue with the GS Phantasm. I hope it gets fixed ASAP.

Blackgate: Zera Mithrandir- Reaper| Zera Targaryen-Mes|Zera Naharis – Ranger|

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vendris.4201


Not a single GS Mesmer in my guild (fastest growing WvW guild on the server) has complained about GS being nerfed.
Most of them haven’t even noticed, and only one of them disliked the changes brought in with the patch, and that was the increased portal cooldown.

So it looks like some Mesmers just can’t play the class right or relied too heavily on bugs to win.

No one in your guild who plays a mesmer noticed an easily testable giant drop in the initial hit damage of their berserkers? Would you mind telling me what guild and server this is, so that I can make sure to not join it?

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Odaman.8359


Cool story, but if your mesmers don’t even notice that 60% of their main damage ability is gone, they probably don’t play the class any better than people on this forum.

lol qft, I wouldn’t bring that up again, it only makes you look foolish to come and brag about mesmers who can’t pay attention to their damage. That said gs can still be used in shatter build just fine….. then again so can torch.

Odaman 80 Mesmer

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Samiell.1259


Not a single GS Mesmer in my guild (fastest growing WvW guild on the server) has complained about GS being nerfed.
Most of them haven’t even noticed, and only one of them disliked the changes brought in with the patch, and that was the increased portal cooldown.

So it looks like some Mesmers just can’t play the class right or relied too heavily on bugs to win.

After reading the patch notes and going into W3 the last night, I knew something was wrong by my 3rd izerker. I’d take a step back from forums like this and consider your posts before laying down your " fastest growing W3 guild " then saying the mesmers in said guild never noticed. Makes all your guild mesmers out to be dim witted, I’m sure it’s not the case though…..
If all of your mesmers are not at least annoyed, I’d consider cleaning house. We had a basic fundamental aspect of game play changed in whether or not we can produce illusions on command. I shelved mine and I’m doing other things until this oversight is fixed. If it never does get fixed I may just shelve the game.

Black Ops supply line disruptions.

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zamiel.2130


Just ignore Ramos. I do now. He just can’t grasp the concept that builds rely heavily on gear and that some of us simply don’t want to grind the gold or mats to create a condition based build simply because ANET introduced a bug. It might have been different if it had been intentional, but it was obviously not and ANET confirmed this.

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: rootnode.9546


Not a single GS Mesmer in my guild (fastest growing WvW guild on the server) has complained about GS being nerfed.
Most of them haven’t even noticed, and only one of them disliked the changes brought in with the patch, and that was the increased portal cooldown.

So it looks like some Mesmers just can’t play the class right or relied too heavily on bugs to win.

“Fastest growing guild” doesn’t mean anything. If you started with 1 player, and recruited 3 others, then you have a growth rate of 300%. Hooray.

Oh, so the Mesmers in your guild didn’t complain about phantasms not even appearing when you are blinded or the enemy is invulnerable? Ruining the core mechanics of the Mesmer?

Foran Lonewind – Mesmer
Gwens Avengers

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Winds.3087


Isn’t that big issue to grind that carrion or rabid full set, but I’ll won’t do this. Shatter builds left mostly untouched, they just lost two mostly reliable shatter-fodders, and thats it.
And conditions will never outdps shatters(unless they nerf them to hell), they have nearly equal survivability too.
WvWvW though… well, I just avoid it. Loosing at least 1/3 of content there, pardon, sucks.

(edited by Winds.3087)

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: Samiell.1259


Anet admitted that the damage reduction on iBerzerker was not intentional. That sucks. The change to how illusions are summoned now is more of what I’m confused about. Seems they took an action ( summon phantasm ) with a secondary action ( phantasm attack ) and lumped both into one action they now coded for an attack. Any attack can be countered by block, ageis, dodge, retaliation, etc…
This effects our ability to even have illusions on the field. For every spec there is now. What about the way illusions were summoned needed to be changed. The target could still counter the attack and take no damage. Any other class does the bulk of their damage themselves. Missing an attack isn’t a huge deal, they just line up another. If a Mesmer now summons a phantasm and its blocked we have crap damage, no utility, no traited damage reduction, no traited speed, no invulnerability from F4 and no clone for confusing the target.
To wrap up what I could go on and on about. In one fell swoop we’ve been destroyed as a class. Let me put it this way, would anyone want a Mesmer in their group only to have to drag their build along with them? Case in point, If we can’t dependably summon illusions then what can we do at all for support, healing, bunker builds or dps?
I absolutely love this class and the complexities that come with it. Please Anet, will you help us out here. Mesmer was the only reason I played the game.

Black Ops supply line disruptions.

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: jayderyu.3751


1. There is mention that the bouncing damage increments with each bounce. This was a bug in how the ability works. However abilities like hundred slash are built around this damage per hit increase. So why was it a bug and not just the basic functionality of the attack.

Hundred blades is not a boomarang, bouncing projectile, or piercing skill. Its channeled with each hit giving a similar amount of damage (except for the last hit) to total a large amount of damage. If one person gets hit with it and a second runs into it halfway through the second person doesn’t take more damage than the first (if using identical builds/gear). Now, warrior kill-shot when shot through a crowd would gain damage with each consecutive hit. Thus, you get the videos of 21k damage from a warrior. Rifle warriors didn’t need a nerf, they needed a bug fixed.

This also means that iberserker was suffering from this bug as well. It didn’t get nerfed it got fixed. Just to clarify it could use a buff now that its has been fixed.

That I will concede the point on. Throwing the bouncing blade only takes about 2 seconds for the entire damage. Where as Hundred Blade/rifle fire does require channelling. However in related to the rifle allows the player to move where as hundred blade requires standing still.

Personally playing a Warrior and Mesmer the damage really is on both sides of the spectrum. Mesmer damage is signifigantly lower. I find this requires that combat takes longer. Interestingly though I find my survivability better on my Mesmer in PvE.

Swinging a two hander with a warrior is a serious thing of beauty for damage that easily does a lot more out put than most Mesmer abilities . Ok so the bouncing shouldn’t be scaling, however maybe it would be best for a build up a little more Mesmer damage with some AOE and a little bit of damage buff. While fixing up some of the other abilities.

I don’t need no stinking signature.

Mesmer Damage Nerf

in Mesmer

Posted by: wads.5730


1. There is mention that the bouncing damage increments with each bounce. This was a bug in how the ability works. However abilities like hundred slash are built around this damage per hit increase. So why was it a bug and not just the basic functionality of the attack.

Hundred blades is not a boomarang, bouncing projectile, or piercing skill. Its channeled with each hit giving a similar amount of damage (except for the last hit) to total a large amount of damage. If one person gets hit with it and a second runs into it halfway through the second person doesn’t take more damage than the first (if using identical builds/gear). Now, warrior kill-shot when shot through a crowd would gain damage with each consecutive hit. Thus, you get the videos of 21k damage from a warrior. Rifle warriors didn’t need a nerf, they needed a bug fixed.

This also means that iberserker was suffering from this bug as well. It didn’t get nerfed it got fixed. Just to clarify it could use a buff now that its has been fixed.

the zerker may or may not have had the bug, but the reason why its doing no damage now certainly isnt because it’s fixed. its because it simply doesnt hit the first attack more than once.