Mesmer changes Oct 7th

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Levetty.1279


Does anyone else see a nerf to mimic on the horizon? I ignored it for a long time. Now I realize most abilities seem to fall into the “ranged” category. Add to that that after “absorbing” (aka being hit really hard and still taking the damage) the first ability it acts as a full shield with retaliation. I am not 100% sure, but I believe in my last WvWvW match it worked against 100 blades and just slaughtered the warrior.

It will be shatters next, then clone generation, then Moa elite, then Mimic/feedback, then Phantasmal Warden again, then time warp and then blurred frenzy. Once all thats done the PvP whiners will focus their full attention to thief while PvE Mesmers will be unable to get past the first mob they meet when they next log in.

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: lollie.5816


1 – Both the duelist and swordsman are used in PvP..

Oh no, apparently they’re not. It has been stated by the game pros that live in this forum that they’re hardly used in pvp, therefore we shouldn’t cry about this nerf. Can’t have it both ways you know.

i mean if a change to the cooldown of the two least used illusions in pvp

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ryuujin.8236


Well poking about on the structured PvP forum, duellist IS used extensively but most the nerfs don’t really make much of an impact on their game; the cooldowns are still short enough that killing a phanty is at best an inconvenience

In fact, many of the sPvP hardcore assumed that the nerfs were directed at PvE because it hasn’t affected them at all.

…so… yeah. The jury is out on what exactly the devs were trying to do. My theory is that it was aimed at PvP – so that killing phantasms had a meaningful impact instead of the mezzie just replacing it. But they couldn’t make the CD as long as they really wanted because it’d rendered PvE mesmers unplayable.

The Ashwalker – Ranger
Garnished Toast

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: minshaaa.7940


What they wanted was to give mesmers the options to use other skills except for just getting 3 phants out.

With 3 phants out you try to avoid your clone creation skills because they eat a phantasm.

This patch makes it so we have options. If all of our phantasms are dead, use a clone creating skill or two and build up a fast shatter. Most of the +clone skills and shatter skills AoE debuff and buff the party too. If you become less attached to your phantasms and become more of an active player, it’s almost a buff.

Also, stop comparing us to warriors. It’s a stupid argument. We do all of our damage from range, they do all theirs from up close. It’s apples to oranges because each class has different strengths and weaknesses.

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Altas.9064


Now I see they “balanced” class by feedback from QQ players from sPVP. Cause they didn’t touch one or more mesmers powerfull builds (which is/are also “overpowered”) people aren’t using or rarely using in sPVP. So, when you enter next time in sPVP with ******** weapon, expect QQ and nerf next day.
GG Anet.

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Effusion.4831


Also, stop comparing us to warriors. It’s a stupid argument. We do all of our damage from range, they do all theirs from up close.

No they don’t…

edit: also, no we don’t…

(edited by Effusion.4831)

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: lollie.5816


What they wanted was to give mesmers the options to use other skills except for just getting 3 phants out.

With 3 phants out you try to avoid your clone creation skills because they eat a phantasm.

This is just lol.

Phantasms only take one or two hits to kill….we already were breaking out our clones and any skill off cooldown, because the stupid phantasms die so easily. All this nerf has done is make it so the cooldowns are even longer…like they weren’t long enough already.

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sinnyil.3648


This really looks like they’re evening out ability cooldowns on our weapons as a possible precursor to bringing them all in line with each other. At least I hope, otherwise it just seems sort of random.

Sinnyil – Beastgate Flaming Charr Mesmer of Doom

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Rhyno.7084


Nah Moa is on the chopping block next for sure.

We hit the phase where Mesmers know how to play but people still haven’t learned to play against mesmers, so for some reason ANet decided it was time for big nerfs that are dramatically affecting PvE as well.

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Levelord.5746


Check out the thief:

Thieves can down people in 2 seconds flat… and there’s nothing you can do about it.

But mesmers are clearly overpowered you know… Because we actually take time to cast phantasms.

Chaos storm is clearly overpowered too! (that has a 28 second CD, lasts only 6 seconds and cant kill anyone with half a brain to dodge out of)

Yes, let’s nerf mesmers because that’s clearly a class that urgently needs ‘rebalancing’!

You people arguing that mesmers are overpowered are morons. When you see videos like this then you’ll understand what the hell mesmers are up against in PvP and that mesmers are nowhere near as brokenly OP as the other classes.

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lctl.6198


I …wha…what just happened?

A class needing more aoe options just got it’s most reliable aoe option nerfed?

Phantasms nerfed?

…No one likes nerfs, but this is just a nail in the coffin.

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Carighan.6758


Yes LctL, this is the nail in the coffin. Best quit now.

Check out the thief:

Thieves can down people in 2 seconds flat… and there’s nothing you can do about it.

That seems highly useful. He’s going to fare extremely well in any fight which isn’t a 1v1, or if he has to fight more often than his pieced-together video shows you!
What does he do if a stray AE disables him? It’s not like there aren’t dozens of those flying around. That’s the fun with all those glass cannons, most of them never reach their target. Yet for some reason they enjoy losing 75% of the time (without standing a chance) and winning 25% of the time without the enemy having a chance more than anything more balanced in setup.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

(edited by Carighan.6758)

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Echo.7634


Havent noticed the changes much in PVE or PVP.

Signet of illusions increases the health of phantasms as well.

Chaos storm CD was increased by 5 seconds. Its a pretty OP skill. It applies some pretty hard conditions on enemies and some really good boons on allies. It also have a pretty big area AND its also a combo field.

Dont forget you have other weapons besides the staff and greatsword that are VERY effective to use as well.

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lianna.6980


As for the e-sport thing, most of the best players want balance, else the game is poor and will fail like WoW (as an e-sport).

As long-time e-sport WoT player (feel free to PM if you want more hall of fame/ladder details) I’d like to add that every company seeks profit first, balance second.
Nerfs are used to enforce people to grind/try/play other things instead of old trusty combos. Games are “evolving” non-stop and in 1-2 months you cannot recognize what it was you’ve played 1-2 months ago. Some people accept it as a challenge, some people feel it’s just obvious money/time sink.
Some people think it’s normal for MMORPGs. Some do not.

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Carighan.6758


Hrm, I would argue that a game like GW2 has no motivating to intentionally unbalance things to keep you rerolling, Lianna.
In fact, given the lack of monthly income they would need to act exactly opposite for maximum profit:

  1. Balance stuff quickitteno an “acceptable” state.
  2. Never touch balance again.
  3. Game turns stale as a result of lack of flux and hence lack of rerolling.
  4. People quit.
  5. Less server hardware cost (no monthly payment, so the less people online, the cheaper).
The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Effusion.4831


Except they want people to buy gems and expansions.

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Carighan.6758


Still can’t see that being a monetary gain. Expansions you can still sell even if the playerbase no longer truly plays actively (see WoW :P ), and the lower player numbers mean you save on hardware.

Ofc, I don’t know their gem shop income. You’re right, it could be the server cost is lower than the income per player, averaged out.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Rogacz.9865


Way to go ANet – lets kill one of the staple builds of mesmers, and since among all the other non-existent and silly non-optimal builds we get, only shatters remains, considering mantra recharge time, and irreliable condition application and confusion being so silly against champion+. Even less aoe options, even though we are already weak in that department, especially when tagging is considered.

I haven’t been playing the past few days, and i see i ’ve not lost much, apart from reason to log in again. Why dont you fix the multitude of broken mechanics we have first, before breaking the only ones that work?

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Levetty.1279


Don’t worry shatter builds will be hit next because that is what tPvP Mesmers use.

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Carighan.6758


Small CD increase = kill.

And you wonder why the devs never listen to you. :P

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: prodigy.1023


Okay, it’s pretty obvious mesmer is completely obliterated (major nerfs to all weapons). GS guardian got nerfed as well. Thief was never good (PvE-wise).

So what should I reroll now? For PvE, I mean. Ranger? Warrior?

My mesmer’s story ended on 07-Oct-2012.

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Levetty.1279


Ranger just had their only decent weapon nerfed and Anet lied about why they did it, so no I wouldn’t go to them.

Engineer or Warrior for easy PvE/farming and great dungeon and WvWvW too.

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: prodigy.1023


Engineer or Warrior for easy PvE/farming and great dungeon and WvWvW too.

Gonna try war then. Thanks for the tip!

My mesmer’s story ended on 07-Oct-2012.

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: True Seeker.3682

True Seeker.3682

You guys are absolutely ridiculous with your “HOLY kitten EVERYTHING IS kittenED FOREVER” attitude. Good lord.


Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: EasymodeX.4062


Engineer’s pretty weak at WvW. Mobile builds aren’t threatening. Immobile builds are irrelevant. Only difficult Engi fight I’ve ever encountered was one roamer who turrent planted, but ended up running away due to a kittenon of boons + swiftness.

Warrior’s ok if you: dive/100hb, pure glass Kill Shot, or shout support. Other than that, they are pretty average. Seem pretty poor in 1v1 if you go those builds though, requires a group. Conversely, Warr 1v1 builds (Hammer/Mace combos) seem pretty lackluster in groups.

Okay, it’s pretty obvious mesmer is completely obliterated (major nerfs to all weapons). GS guardian got nerfed as well. Thief was never good (PvE-wise).

So what should I reroll now? For PvE, I mean. Ranger? Warrior?

Are you joking?

Mesmers barely got scratched in power, with only a moderate dent to bunker army builds.

If you can’t read English, please do not reply to my post.

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Loosifah.4738


We do all of our damage from range, they do all theirs from up close.

You’re trolling, right? One of the strongest weapon sets for mesmers is dual swords.

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: alanis.6094


We do all of our damage from range, they do all theirs from up close.

You’re trolling, right? One of the strongest weapon sets for mesmers is dual swords.

Our offhand sword is ranged (as are all offhands, save the torch burning skill). And while the MH sword is melee, we are invulnerable while using the ‘main’ ability that the weapon is chosen for.

Drusilla Ina Alanis
<The Undead Lords>
Since 1994 –

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Loosifah.4738


Illusory Reposte is a counter skill, not a ranged skill. And though the #2 skill causes blur, it’s got 10 second cooldown. Therefore for 10 seconds your squishy kitten is getting beat down in PvE.

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: nidwin.6731


Is this thread about Mesmer adjustments or I suck at playing a Mesmer?
I’m starting to wonder actually.

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: juno.1840


Chaos storm duration increase was likely due to the ease at which combo finisher ethereals could be accomplished. I don’t know about the rest of you, but short of testing weapons and skill combos I rarely use, I almost never had to push my Chaos Armor button to have Chaos Armor. Add to that the combo of Chaos Storm and The Prestige and you are protecting a group of people on a regular basis. They reduced the cooldown of Chaos Armor. This screams to me that not having to cast this for the effect consistently was definitely on their mind with this adjustment.

I don’t think this was the case — you can make chaos armor from any ethereal field which includes the null-field, time-warp, and feedback. Nerfing the c/d on our only AoE to reduce the amount of chaos armor really doesn’t make sense.

I play a staff mesmer and I found this nerf to be the most disappointing. It’s not a high-damage AoE, nor does it last very long.

Honestly it was better for its boons than its conditions. Maybe that was the reason for the nerf — the mesmer was better at applying aegis to a group than a guardian (because we can do it every time chaos storm is off of c/d).

Part of me thinks that someone in ANet was thinking “hey, wanna see something funny? Watch this…”

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: EasymodeX.4062


The Daze and Aegis are insane. Other parts are just bonus.

The chaos armor thing is not really the main point — but I feel it probably weighed into the decision. It’s not so much the Mesmer using phase retreat, as it is the rest of the group/team using blast finishers. Consider that Feedback and Null field already sport pretty solid cooldowns (and use a Util slot). Chaos Storm is like that, but better. Now, it’s more on par. The finisher aspect on TOP of the Aegis/Daze spam — Chaos Storm is really, really powerful.

If you can’t read English, please do not reply to my post.

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: JediJoe.3960


re-rolled warrrior and shelved my lvl 54 mesmer.

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sylosi.6503


1 – Both the duelist and swordsman are used in PvP..

Oh no, apparently they’re not. It has been stated by the game pros that live in this forum that they’re hardly used in pvp, therefore we shouldn’t cry about this nerf. Can’t have it both ways you know.

i mean if a change to the cooldown of the two least used illusions in pvp

Then I suggest you go and watch some mesmers on twitch and see for yourself, people use them even in shatter builds.

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Yorkie.8950


Yet another Patch to balance the mesmer…. Oh wait it only seems to balance in sPvP…. well never would have guessed ….

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Vortex.3604


Yeah as a 80 mesmer who luvs his pvp I don’t really see whats everyone of whining about. I mean even before these changes we sucked bad in PVE as far as dps goes. But the utility we bring still by far the best.

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Loosifah.4738


The majority of the game is PvE; that’s the point. By increasing our CD’s on all of our useful skills in PvE, they make us suck even worse.

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: prodigy.1023


Are you joking?

Mesmers barely got scratched in power, with only a moderate dent to bunker army builds.

Are YOU joking? Phantsms got their c/ds doubled. On paper it looks less harsh but for all practical purposes the c/ds are DOUBLED. And CS c/d is now 35 sec.

Like others have said, the last nail in the coffin.

My mesmer’s story ended on 07-Oct-2012.

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: EasymodeX.4062


Pretty sure 15 -> 20 is not “double”. Traited, 9 -> 12s.

Oh no, a 3 sec delay on the second phantasm summon! Class is broken!

Edit: And zero impact on GS or Focus. Zzz.

Sidenote: Can I haz ur stuff?

If you can’t read English, please do not reply to my post.

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Levetty.1279


Pretty sure 15 -> 20 is not “double”. Traited, 9 -> 12s.

Oh no, a 3 sec delay on the second phantasm summon! Class is broken!

Edit: And zero impact on GS or Focus. Zzz.

Sidenote: Can I haz ur stuff?

Can’t wait to see what you come up with next week when clone generation and shatters are nerfed to appease the PvP babies.

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: EasymodeX.4062


I wouldn’t be surprised if DE were nerfed at some point and Mind Wrack damage shaved down just slightly, to be honest.

I’m actually impressed that ANet went with the slight cooldown adjustment rather than tweak the actual potency of the phantasms. Good stuff.

If you can’t read English, please do not reply to my post.

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: EasymodeX.4062


Don’t hold your breath. I still kill trash mobs in <4 seconds post-patch.

If you can’t read English, please do not reply to my post.

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Levetty.1279


Don’t hold your breath. I still kill trash mobs in <4 seconds post-patch.

Ok but we were talking about when they PvP whiners get the good Mesmer builds nerfed so what is your point.

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: EasymodeX.4062


Most readers would infer the following point: you will have to wait for a very long time before a Mesmer will have problems killing a mob when they log on.

If you can’t read English, please do not reply to my post.

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Auflauf.1679


I am not a big fan of EasyModeX, but this time I think he is right.
Those nerfs are only mild nerfs, could have been worse.

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: Levetty.1279


Most readers would infer the following point: you will have to wait for a very long time before a Mesmer will have problems killing a mob when they log on.

Apart from his patch shows (and not just what they did to Mesmers) that PvE balancing isn’t even the slightest concern for them and that they will balance PvP based on forum crying.

Now that people know that their crying is listened too what do you think they will start doing when all those Phantasm Mesmers swap to the much more effective shatter builds?

And what has Mesmer got left in PvE when the shatter builds are gone?

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: EasymodeX.4062


I doubt the average player can play a shatter build to any effect worth nerfing in general.

Part of the reason phantasm builds were/are so popular is because of how easy they are to execute.

Note that shatter builds are tangentially affected by the phantasm cooldown nerf.

If you can’t read English, please do not reply to my post.

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: brogarn.8723


I’m terrible at shattering. 59 levels and I’m still bad at keeping track of my illusions and remembering to use the F1-4 skills. I’m a jerk in WvW though with the glamours.

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: prodigy.1023


Oh, I see EasymodeX is just trolling here. Most probably he’s never even played mes. No way someone can be that blatantly ignorant about the class he’s playing.

P.S. Too bad ignore feature doesn’t actually work on these forums.

My mesmer’s story ended on 07-Oct-2012.

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: alanis.6094



He’s not the only one here that thinks all the kids here are overreacting.

Drusilla Ina Alanis
<The Undead Lords>
Since 1994 –

Mesmer changes Oct 7th

in Mesmer

Posted by: prodigy.1023



He’s not the only one here that thinks all the kids here are overreacting.

Leave those kids alone and let’s go back to the topic. Do you deny that in one patch we got pretty much all of our weapon setups nerfed? Do you deny that c/ds of phantasms are for all practical purposes doubled? Do you deny that staff is ruined to the point where it’s just a waste of a gear slot?

Come on. I’ve played several MMOs and I’ve seen my share of nerfs. Serious, painful nerfs. But this… this isn’t even funny. Why don’t they just /delete the class then?

My mesmer’s story ended on 07-Oct-2012.