[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chaos Archangel.5071

Chaos Archangel.5071

UPDATE: This weekend (11/8 – 11/10) we’re planning to fight it out. Either tourney, custom arena training, or hotjoin heroics. Come join us!

So, we’ve got a guild, we’ve got PvPers… why not?

With Mesmer being versatile enough to play many different roles, and with our unique abilities like Portal, what are the odds of an all-Mesmer tournament team working? Unfortunately, the first thing that comes to mind is likely “this is a bad idea and would never work.” yet I’m an advocate of testing ideas out extensively before dismissing them in my mind.
And besides.. what about the opposite? The potential confusion of a team of 5 looking like a team of 15, the ability to quickly portal from point to point, the variety of builds we have ranging from heal/support to shatter burst to OP 1v1 Phantasms to, perhaps, even viable bunkers? There are definitely unique strategies an all-Mes team could push out that just may work out in the end. Besides… It’ll be fun.

So with that being said.. I’m willing to give it a try. I think we could create a team where each Mesmer plays a different, but important role to the composition. I’d be willing to run a Condi Removal (Null Field, Shattered Conditions)/Heal support build, or either Mind Crush or Sensotix’s Interrupt Build.

.. Anyone else interested? For science!

Edit: If you’re down for the experiment, please post what role/build you’d be interested in playing.

CURRENT ROSTER (With potential roles)
Skcamow- Bunker – (Evenings)
Chaos Archangel- DPS-Lockdown Roamer / Support – (Weekends.)
Pyroathiest- Bunker
Natsu Dragneel- Condition DPS – (3pm – 3am Server time)
Themenaceofseventhdimension- ?
Warlord of Chaos- Bunker
packagedcrisps- Shatter or Condition
sxcsxcsxc- Condition DPS
Kaikalii – lockdown roaming/shatter.
TheKidHenry – shutdown/dps build
WitchKing – Hybrid
Kyro – mantra (gs, sw/t) general damage / support

Alissah- DPS
Pyroathiest- Bunker
Blimm – Burst, Lockdown, Burst/Support Hybrid, Support, Condi DPS, Bunker.
Hiphopotam – bunker/Support/condi cleaner

Xaylin – Roamer

(edited by Chaos Archangel.5071)

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: skcamow.3527


Hey man, I mailed you on this one, heck ya I’d be in. I’m currently testing a bunker (yeah, bunker). Going to be posting a build link soon and asking for help to continue refinement if it keeps performing as well as it has.

Kortham Raysplitter (Yak’s Bend)

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xovian.8572


I’m always game

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Helios.3598


I don’t think I could commit to a formal team, but I’m always up for some tpvp.

mesmer of Blackgate

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: kaikalii.4198


This sounds amazing. I could just imagine the enemy facing 6-15 enemies at once. I know I wouldn’t know what to do. Count me in!

I’m proficient in stealth condi, shattercat, op phantasm, clone factory, and mantra builds (which are actually pretty awesome). I’ve never really tried support mesmer, but I think I could give it a go if needed.

Kaliiii (Thief) – SoS

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


Ill be in for this of course. I specialize in bunker builds, as most of you are aware.

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xaylin.1860


I would love to have an all Mesmer team

But who is US/EU?

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Natsu Dragneel.1625

Natsu Dragneel.1625

This sounds like fun, I wouldn’t mind joining you guys,

I mostly run a condition heavy spec, great for killing people/putting pressure but bad for holding/capping points(that stealth man), does work if there is someone else there to keep on the point though.

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Arewn.2368


If this happens, make sure to come back here and post a video of it

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: skcamow.3527


Ill be in for this of course. I specialize in bunker builds, as most of you are aware.

Hm, do you have one you’re currently using (thought the Immortal build wasn’t working well)?

Kortham Raysplitter (Yak’s Bend)

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: themenaceofseventhdimension.2075


Do you think I can join too guys? I love tPvP. Only if you guys give the permission.
BTW: I don’t have teamspeak. I understand that I might now be able to join because I don’t have teamspeak.

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


@skcamow: The bunker build I’m using is 0/10/30/30/0 sword/focus and staff with defender, disenchanter, and signet of illusions. I rely on leap/swap for stunbreaks, and I generally just get my phantasms up and bunker down. It takes 3 people to push me off a point, with very few exceptions.

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Warlord of Chaos.7845

Warlord of Chaos.7845

I would love to do this. My speciality is a roamer or a home point bunker ( don’t worry pyro you can bunker mid ) . If we have the people I would love to have an all mesmer team. Be lots of fun

-Rylock [vE]

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: kyro.3487


I’d be down!

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Warlord of Chaos.7845

Warlord of Chaos.7845

We should have 5v5 mesmer vs. Mesmer battle on a pvp server if it is possible with everyone in the mesmer guild that wants to join. Mesmer clones everywhere

-Rylock [vE]

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Advent.6193


I haven’t seriously done PvP in months. I wonder if I could pull something similar to my current Rabid/Celestial bit.

Malegryne (Sylvari Mesmer), Lannka (Asura Thief) – Ferguson’s Crossing: [PRD/BRB/OMFG]
Other 80s: Any but Warrior

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Alissah.9281


Id love to join ^__^.

Ive really only played shatter in tournaments, but i have enough pvp experience with other builds too, if the situation calls for it.

Im also EU!

edit: imagine if wed all take moa :o. We could just use it on the bunker every time they cone back ;D

New Rainbow Guild – An open-minded guild exclusively for Transgender people!
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.

(edited by Alissah.9281)

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: hiphopotam.1782


My build: Support/Bunker /Condi cleaner
Serwer:Blacktide (EU)


(edited by hiphopotam.1782)

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Spanny.9256


oooo can you sign me up?
i main a mesmer in pvp but lately i’ve been duelling with other classes because frankly very few people can beat me as mesmer in duelling or pvp :p
I’ve gotten relatively good with “juking” as osicat puts it, which is where i’ve gotten most of my experience haha.
i currently main the condi-mes confusion build a lot of people are using.

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chaos Archangel.5071

Chaos Archangel.5071

Hey guys, I updated the original thread with a roster and potential roles. If you’re in the unknown, section, please reply with whether you’re US or EU and what build you’d be interested in running.

Also, since we have such a large amount of potential people, putting a team together shouldn’t be much issue. We just needa see everyone’s schedule.

@Skcamow: Yahh dude I thought you were gonna make the thread earlier. It almost slipped my mind. As for the custom arena, I really want to purchase one but it’s .. what, 1600 gems? I feel like I’m getting farmed by Anet. -_-

@Menace: Of course you can join. We’ll figure out what to do with the teamspeak thing.

@ Ry: An all-Mes VS Tourney sounds like an awesome idea too. We should prolly make another thread brainstorming contest details after this gets sorted.

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: skcamow.3527


@Chaos, yeah 1,600 gems is quite a bit but it translates to about 80 gold, which isn’t too bad. I would be willing to invest in this and coordinate the purchase. If we get 16 people from the guild to donate 5g we’ll have it. The arena can be used for tPvP strats and also any training the OMFG coordinates.

Would we need an arena for both EU and NA?
Also I’m free on most evenings (especially if I know ahead of time).

Kortham Raysplitter (Yak’s Bend)

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Natsu Dragneel.1625

Natsu Dragneel.1625

Hmm, I’m sure people would be willing to donate, I am if you guys need it.

Anyway, I should be available most days of the week from 3pm server time to like 3am server time, just send me mail in game, or a pm here, I can also give you my email and you can just send me something, that way would be the easiest for me but anything works.

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dunderchief.6710


I’m only a casual gamer, but I love the idea. If you can use more bodies for more casual teams, practice, or fun, I’m up for it any time I’m logged in. I’ll play any role, but enjoy the survival/utility/support styles more than just big numbers.

And I’m down to donate for the custom arena so there’s a place to participate in training and other events.

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: sxcsxcsxc.5941


Would love to participate in a “20” man team. NA server and would like to go condition dps and clone spam. staff and scepter/torch

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: packagedcrisps.6902


From NA server here am I’m keen on this idea! I can go shatter build (gs, sword/pistol) or clone spam/condition (staff, sword/torch)

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Marsares.2053


Am from the EU and would be delighted to take part in this. Am spending more and more of my time in PvP rather than WvW anyways.

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Blimm.5028


I´m in! [EU]
I can be:

Burst, Lockdown, Burst/Support Hybrid, Support, Condi DPS, Bunker.

Also, I applied for joining OMFG, but noticed I had “loose guilds flying around (old teams which abandoned this game long ago c.c)” If you could invite me? <3

Think With Portals [TWP]: 4th of 16 at Guildnews.de cup
Liane Frostfire – Elementalist [TWP] Ilona Frostfire – Mesmer [TWP]
Enya Frostfire – Mesmer [OMFG]

(edited by Blimm.5028)

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xaylin.1860


Thanks for updating.

For my role: When running my build I’m usually roamer (DPS, interrupt and glamour support). When changing the runes I can as well defend points. Im not so experienced at that, though.

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: kaikalii.4198


Ah update. I’m in US, and I would like to do lockdown roaming/shatter.

Kaliiii (Thief) – SoS

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: TheKidHenry.5732


This is a fantastic idea! I think we may be the only class in the game that this may work REALLY well with. I main a mesmer in tPvP and usually run a shutdown/dps build, but used to run bunkers and support builds quite often. I’m NA and am on Sorrow’s Furnace, and would be happy to contribute to buying a server also! Thanks, let me know if I can squeeze in

Sai Sayre – Mesmer, avid PvPer

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: WitchKing.5317


I would love to join a mesmer tpvp team. Gonna be away for a while but I’m usually running my hybrid spec in tourney’s. Also happy to donate 5g to the server if we don’t already have it. I’m in Ehmry Bay (North America) .

Fanged Wisdom- [BBQ]/[OMFG]
The Corrupt Mesmer Builds

(edited by WitchKing.5317)

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xaylin.1860


My bad… I’m EU… ^^

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: kyro.3487


I’m NA and the main build I run is mantra (gs, sw/t) general damage / support, but have a bunker one too I could pull out.

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: hiphopotam.1782


I"m EU.
Build:bunker/Support/condi cleaner


[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chaos Archangel.5071

Chaos Archangel.5071

Raising the cash here will get us infracted, so we’ll have to talk about it more in-game. What’s everyones times and can anyone coordinate the EU side? I’d like to start practices this week and building team composition. How does

2 DPS/Roamers
2 Support (1 off-bunker)
1 Bunker

Sound? I’m thinking atleast 2 of us should run Portals.

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: skcamow.3527


Pyro can you make the announcement about raising funds for the custom arena in the MoTD? Seems that’s probably the best place for that information at this point.

On paper that comp looks pretty good but yeah we should talk about it. Just another FYI for all that I’ve set up a teamspeak server (see MoTD for details) and we can use that for this. It’s available 24/7 if anyone wishes to hop on to discuss anything.

I’m good generally evenings 7pm-ish – 10pm server time.

Kortham Raysplitter (Yak’s Bend)

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


Raising the cash here will get us infracted, so we’ll have to talk about it more in-game. What’s everyones times and can anyone coordinate the EU side? I’d like to start practices this week and building team composition. How does

2 DPS/Roamers
2 Support (1 off-bunker)
1 Bunker

Sound? I’m thinking atleast 2 of us should run Portals.

I’m thinking we’re gonna want 1 boon stripping shatter, 1 phantasm damage build, and one offensive interrupt build.

On top of that will be 1 tanky boon support, potentially running PU with shattered conditions, and then lastly one full tank build.

The phantasm and the shatter builds should probably be taking portals for mobility.

The strategy would probably be a 2 point focus to maximize the effectiveness of the portals. The main bunker would start mid with the shatter, interrupt, and boon support mesmers, while the phantasm would cap back point. After that, you’d probably want the phantasm to drop a portal and come mid for full defense. If they pushed home, you’d have the main bunker and phantasm portal back to defend it, followed by a cycling of the shatter to home point in order to place a new portal.

Another potential team comp is replacing either the interrupt build or the phantasm build with a clone-death condition spreading build, but the overall strategy would be the same.

(edited by Pyroatheist.9031)

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Willson.8170


i’m on NA i’d be interested in joining I play shatter mez and am only active on the weekends mostly, I go by Ender or Entropic E in game.

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: skcamow.3527


Raising the cash here will get us infracted, so we’ll have to talk about it more in-game. What’s everyones times and can anyone coordinate the EU side? I’d like to start practices this week and building team composition. How does

2 DPS/Roamers
2 Support (1 off-bunker)
1 Bunker

Sound? I’m thinking atleast 2 of us should run Portals.

I’m thinking we’re gonna want 1 boon stripping shatter, 1 phantasm damage build, and one offensive interrupt build.

On top of that will be 1 tanky boon support, potentially running PU with shattered conditions, and then lastly one full tank build.

The phantasm and the shatter builds should probably be taking portals for mobility.

The strategy would probably be a 2 point focus to maximize the effectiveness of the portals. The main bunker would start mid with the shatter, interrupt, and boon support mesmers, while the phantasm would cap back point. After that, you’d probably want the phantasm to drop a portal and come mid for full defense. If they pushed home, you’d have the main bunker and phantasm portal back to defend it, followed by a cycling of the shatter to home point in order to place a new portal.

Another potential team comp is replacing either the interrupt build or the phantasm build with a clone-death condition spreading build, but the overall strategy would be the same.

This is where the fun begins … putting this all together. So you think 3 damage builds and 2 tanky builds – sounds pretty good. Honestly with our AoE condition cleansing capabilities, managing them would be almost laughable when taking points if we build our comp properly. I think the biggest concern I had with an all mesmer comp is the holistic damage output while balancing the other roles. I think we’re fine there but honestly I can’t think of anything else that would be a major concern.

Another question I had, how many would take illusion of life? At least the 2 tanks and maybe one of the damage builds? All (can you imagine that) – I’m chuckling at this.

EDIT: Oh and even with the major portal usage I’m thinking at least one good runner would be good to have – maybe that’s the boon support or tank.

Kortham Raysplitter (Yak’s Bend)

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: mikelevins.4639


Please post updates on your progress with this project. I’m keenly interested.

I haven’t played sPVP or tPVP since Beta, so I’m not going to volunteer for the team, but I’m very interested in how well it performs, and in the builds and tactics that you find to be effective. I’d like to learn from your experience, to the extent you want to share.

My guild’s current main project is perhaps sort of relevant: we’re running an all-Mesmer team in WvW on Sea of Sorrows. If you’re on SoS or one of its opponents, we’re the group of 5 to 7 white female Charr Mesmers dressed all in purple, and with names that start with “E” and end with “dy”. We’ve been concentrating mainly on supply and tower control.

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


@skcamow: I’m thinking probably only 2 illusions of life at most. As far as mobility goes, the 2 point strategy should allow us to avoid the need for a runner, as long as we cycle the portals effectively.

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Alissah.9281


There also should be someone who can boonstrip at mid at all times. It would be very effective to revive in a chaos storm while stripping stability :o. Still RNG, but effective :P.

Can bunkers strip boons?

Also, I will record the full match and post it here for people that want to see ^__^.

New Rainbow Guild – An open-minded guild exclusively for Transgender people!
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: skcamow.3527


There also should be someone who can boonstrip at mid at all times. It would be very effective to revive in a chaos storm while stripping stability :o. Still RNG, but effective :P.

Can bunkers strip boons?

Also, I will record the full match and post it here for people that want to see ^__^.

Yeah I think the team will need to build in some boon stripping capabilities on every player. Between the disenchanter, null field, shattered concentration and to some degree sword clones and mind stab, we have decent AoE options.

Speaking of stability, a pretty glaring weakness is our inability to provide/maintain stability. This could absolutely kill us while trying to cap or defend points (hey you can’t interrupt/prevent everything right), which is why the balance change coming to mantra of concentration is going to be so huge for mesmers. That build Chaos posted maintaining > 9s AoE stability is sounding pretty tasty (I believe that was WvW numbers, would be prob half that in PvP which is still solid).

Kortham Raysplitter (Yak’s Bend)

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Advent.6193


Have a couple folk running MoConc. and some nasty boon duration buffing? Could cover the Stability issue, come 10/15. Also, been ages since I did PvP, is TW still golden for a team comp?

Malegryne (Sylvari Mesmer), Lannka (Asura Thief) – Ferguson’s Crossing: [PRD/BRB/OMFG]
Other 80s: Any but Warrior

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Alissah.9281


Have a couple folk running MoConc. and some nasty boon duration buffing? Could cover the Stability issue, come 10/15. Also, been ages since I did PvP, is TW still golden for a team comp?

Time warp isnt used much more… Then again, mesmers arent used at all in tourneys >____________<.

Lately ive just been hotjoining/duellig cuz of that reason…

That said, I like moa for bunker busting. Theyre surprisingly squishy without heals/blocks/protection.
Moa is also usefull for stopping revives etc.

New Rainbow Guild – An open-minded guild exclusively for Transgender people!
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dubsee.4715


I can do it all with mesmer…PST Below Breckenridge

(edited by Dubsee.4715)

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chaos Archangel.5071

Chaos Archangel.5071

Now that the guide is out the way.. I’m ready to start setting this up. How’s this weekend look for everyone for our first meeting/practice? If we have more than 5, we’ll divide up to teams

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: skcamow.3527


I could probably play sometime this weekend. What time are you thinking? Evening generally works better, likely Sat night.

Also, I think I’m going to go ahead and just buy the custom arena for the guild. Those who wish to help with that can send donations to me directly. If I end up getting the full amount back minus 5 gold for my take, I’ll post here noting that and return any donations over that.

Now, any specific guidance or requests on how to set up this arena? I’ve never done this before and I know there are a lot of options to choose. I will do some reading but if anyone has anything to offer I’m all ears.

Kortham Raysplitter (Yak’s Bend)

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lahel.6381


Should probably make it no-progression for starters and I guess making it password protected/hidden is obvious.

[OMFG] Mesmer PvP Team

in Mesmer

Posted by: skcamow.3527


Ok folks, we now have our very own custom arena to do whatever we want with (training, sparring, practicing, scrimmaging, dancing, partying, ok ok).

The name of our arena is “[OMFG] Official PvP Arena”. Our OMFG guild has been added as a member. The arena is password protected. As such, PvP progression cannot be gained. The password can be found in our guild MoTD – it is the same password used to access our Teamspeak channel.

By default we have 30 days of time to use. Time can be added by purchasing a custom arena time token from the gem store (current going rate is 7g each). Each single token will extend the time by one day. You can extend time with tokens anytime you wish by clicking “Add Time” at the bottom of our arena page. This becomes very much a group effort to sustain our arena ongoing. If we do not extend after 30 days, there is a small grace period after which if time is not extended, the arena is automatically deleted.

Current team size is set to 8 and can be increased to 10 which I can see a possibility depending on what we’re doing. Everything else is default.

Thanks for those who have already donated, I appreciate it!

Kortham Raysplitter (Yak’s Bend)