[OMFG] Official Mesmer Forum Guild
IGN: Lev Ravenborn
Server: Gandara (EU)
Playstyle: Mainly PvE
Role: Scholar
Playtime: Weekends and late aftenoon, GMT+1
Teknomancer and Temihal, invites have been sent. Welcome to the guild!
IGN: Madame Le Blanc
Server: Kodasch (EU)
Playstyle: Currently PvE only
Role: Scholar, Tester°, Teacher°°
Playtime: Depends. Sometimes I’m online, sometimes I’m working, sometimes I’m busy :s But mainly in the evening and weekends.
- Playing Mesmer since release and got knowledge about detailed facts of skills and mechanics.
- ° If I don’t know somethin, I’m gonna test it for sure. I want to know everything about our class and that’s why I’ve already tested tons of builds for PvE to increase my power (=knowledge). That’s why I’m interested in testing new builds all the time.
- I give every weapon a chance to shine. Changing the weapons multiple times in dungeons – adapting is overwhelming… (Abathur (if you know him) <3 <3 <3)
- I’m also expirienced in open world and some dungeons (mainly CoF (yes also p3), CM (kegs fixed btw
), TA (<3), CoE (Alpha =_=).
- °° And in the end – I’m fashion-conscious and own tons of colors to help with dyes and equip. I also know almost every ingame equip for sexy combinations. If you need some help, also willing to take a look at your equip and colours. Knowledge about the color theories etc.
I wonder why I join so late btw – I honestly tought OMFG means “oh my fk!n’ god” and not “official mesmer forum guild” xD
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”
(edited by Xyonon.3987)
In Game Name: Ziisaa
Server: Sanctum of Rall
Playstyle: WvW, PvP, PvE
Playtime: PST – varies. Evenings during the week.
Role: Scholar
Thank you.
IGN: Laurelin Elyana
Server: Crystal Desert
Time: I am typically on whenever I have free time, but mostly on the weekends.
Please add me as a Scholar; for now I am interested in learning more about different mesmer playstyles. I am mostly into PVE right now, but maybe I will try WvW later on.
Xyonon, thecoffeeguy and starfire- invites sent, welcome
The Corrupt Mesmer Builds
Ingame Name: Whitebell
Server: Far Shiverpeaks (EU)
Playstyle: Mainly PvE
Role: Scholar
Playtime : Evenings on weekdays but always up for late nights on weekends.
Ingame name: Auditors Of Reality
Server: Far Shiverpeaks (EU)
Playstyle: WvW solo/group roam,might zerg if my comp can handle it
Role: Scholar
Playtime: Basically whenever I have free time
IGN: Sparkly Darkness/Sinh Verdandi/Got D Boons
Guild: Anime And Manga Club [AMC]
(edited by insaneseagull.7063)
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.
Ingame name: Bacchus Illudere
Server: Eredon Terrace
Playstyle: WvW mostly, small group, solo roaming
Role: Any/All
Time: GMT +11 whenever I have time
My first post & I can’t believe it took so long
IGN: Hitomi Mira
Server: Far Shiverpeaks (EU)
Playstyle: WvW Guild/Small group, GvGs and roaming
Role: Scholar
Playtime: Weekends and aftenoons, GMT+1
Mongo and Niva, you both have full guilds.
Sorry, It’s all sorted now.
IGN: Lady Ezra
Server: Desolation
Playstyle: WvW / PvP
Role: Scholar
Playtime: Mostly on weekends.
Sign me up please ^^
IGN: Brother Neacol
Server: Piken Square
Playstyle: Mostly PvE, bit of WvW
Role: Scholar
Playtime: Most week nights, some weekends.
IGN: Fantasme Bloodwen
Server: Yak’s Bend
Playstyle: WvW, PvE, Fractals, sPvP
Role: Scholar / Tester
Playtime: 6:30pm – 9:30pm CST Weeknights, Whenever Weekends
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |
(edited by Xavi.6591)
IGN: Dark Minds
Server: Blackgate
Playstyle: WvW, PvE
Role: Scholar
Playtime: Random times during weekdays, 5:00pm est till 11pm est weekday evenings. Various times on weekends. Typically 6 hours daily is my total average between day & night times.
Character: Naymas Mist
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks
Playstyle: WWW
Playtime: Eastern, weekday evenings and weekends
Role: Scholar / Tester
Xavi, you have full guild membership.
Mongo, you still have full guild membership.
Character – Tyr X X I I I
Server – Tarnished
Playstyle – PVE-WVW
Playtime – Eastern, at work when my boss is off, at home when my family is home
Role – Scholar / Tester
Azure, you have full guild membership.
Character: Jana Das Dubel
Server: Riverside
Playstyle: Pvp/WvW
Playtime: GMT+1, mostly every day in the evening and at most weekends
Role: Scholar/Tester if needed Instructor
Name : Quex Fehftir
; Mainly PvE but little bits of WvW/PvP and assssssssssss Scholar.
please add again, removed a guild.
Tyr X X I I I
IGN: Juice Moi
Server: Sorrows Furnace (NA)
Playstyle: PVP / 15 man organized WvW
Playtime: All day every day
Role: Tester
In Game Name: Koltiron
Server: Gates of Madness
Playstyle: All
Role: Scholar
Playtime: Weekends/Most Weekday Afternoons
In Game Name: Lyra Shatterthought
Server: Tarnished Coast
Playstyle: Tricky
Role: Scholar
Playtime: Weekday Afternoons and Weekday Late Nights (PST)
In Game Name: Fercart Jinxx
Server: Gunnar’s Hold (EU)
Playstyle: Mostly WvW, with some PvE
Role: Scholar
Playtime: CET, random during weekdays, always on weekends
In Game Name: Magi Maiden
Server: Tarnished Coast (NA)
Play style: PVE, WvW,
Role: Scholar
Playtime: EST after 4pm on weekdays and always on weekend
(edited by Diabolus Anur Kaya.8379)
Character: Ororu
Server: Borlis Pass
Playstyle: WvW mostly
Playtime: Eastern from 2 pm to whenever daily
Role: Mesmer is my main and I have played since launch, but I know there is always more to learn…so not sure I guess
Side note: I have been reading these forums for a while and don’t really ever comment, but I look forward to becoming a more active member of our mesmer community
Character: Ororu
Server: Borlis Pass
Playstyle: WvW mostly
Playtime: Eastern from 2 pm to whenever daily
Role: Mesmer is my main and I have played since launch, but I know there is always more to learn…so not sure I guessSide note: I have been reading these forums for a while and don’t really ever comment, but I look forward to becoming a more active member of our mesmer community
I’m sure you’ll be a great community member/mesmer :P.
Also, you have the max number of guilds (5).
Warning: link may contain traces of awesome.
Lyssa’s Grimoire – a guide every Mesmer should read.
Question – I’m looking for a WvW guild on Yak’s Bend (NA). Ideally I’d like to join one with one of our OMFG mesmers (hence the post in this thread). Feel free to ping me directly with the info if you know of one. Thanks!
Any way I can participate in some of the stuff without joining the guild? As a leader of my guild I don’t think it would look good to be repping another guild, if that makes sense.
Anyone is welcome to join up on our events. Can you join the guild without repping? That way we can still /w you when events come up.
Learn 2 Play Mesmer Here! || Lookit! Gots me a youtube!
Mesmer Personality Quiz! Exclamation Points!
Yes, I can join the guild and just not rep. Thanks!
IGN: Jade Truebloom
Server: Fort Aspenwood
Time: M-F 1-4 pm Pacific TZ
Playstyle: Probably 60/40 WvW/PvE
Role: Probably Scholar
IGN: Vero Black
Server: Black Gate
Time 9am to 1pm MST
Playstyle: Dungeon Runner
Role Scholar
oops…It should be good now, they really should increase that cap.
Xavi, you have full guild membership.
Mongo, you still have full guild membership.
Hmmm…try now. I only have 3.
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |
IGN: Mental Insecurity
IGN: Lepidopterae
Server: Stormbluff Isle
Time varies too much, but mostly NA primetime for CST/CDT
Playstyle: PvE/WvW and learning sPvP
Role: Scholar and Tester
Plastered Tyrian Sea Devils [PTSD]
Agadar.4931: A bad mesmer still poops clones like no tomorrow.
IGN: Dazzling Daze
Server: EU Underworld
Time: Late evenings, GMT 21:00-mindnights.
Fairly new to game. Currently using Blackwater cond build. Lvl 80 with some exotics.
Like to learn fractals/dungeons, atm mainly surviving but want to bring mesmer magic to team instead of being a burden.
Ranger (80), Mesmer (80), Warr (40), Ele (29)
IGN: Flimpy
Server: Sanctum of Rall
Time: Oceanic night time
Playstyle: WvW/PvP
Role: Scholar (?) (willing to tutor but don’t really want to organise events)
Forum Topic: http://tinyurl.com/flimpforum
IGN: Nyxeris Lunae
Server: Fort Aspenwood
Time: Usually Evenings, Eastern US
Play style: PvE/PvP
Role: Instructor
IGN: I Purple Haze I
Server: Blackgate
Playstyle: PVE Leveling at the moment (L33) then mostly wvw, some pve
Playtime: Oceanic (Melbourne)
Role: Scholar
IGN: Vigo Kalsin
Server: Isle of Janthir
Playstyle: PvX
Playtime: Varies, but usually evening (EST)
Role: Scholar
IGN: Maullee
Server: Tarnished Coast
Playstyle: PVE
Playtime: nights, EST
Role: Scholar
In game name: Obscurumia
Mostly play WvW on Jade Quarry. Also do some FotMs
In game name: Normegil Shadowmoon
All playstyle but mainly PvE
IGN: Frifoxy
Server: SoR
Role: Scholar / PvE Tester
Playtime: Late PST
Playstyle: PvE/WvW
Name: Skyblâze
Server: Gunnars Hold
Playstyle: Everything
Role: Scholar
Playtime: when i feel like it , cant really give exact times
(edited by Rusek.7836)