The Nerf Bat

The Nerf Bat

in Mesmer

Posted by: colesy.8490


10 matches of two specific players in a 1v1. In a MMO.

We got empirical data! Change all the things!

Sorry, couldn’t help it. Statistically speaking, the warrior might as well have lost all 10 rounds, has no real value either.

Ignoring the poor attempt at humour, what I’m trying to say is that mesmers are perfectly beatable and don’t need nerfing.

On the other hand, since I don’t do that much PvP I could just be bad (…though against the same guy like a month ago I beat him like 10 wins to 1 loss … strange). Then again, I never claimed to be good at PvP.

Sanctum of Rall (NA) – [LOD] – PvE/Dungeon Phantasm Mesmer build
Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj

The Nerf Bat

in Mesmer

Posted by: Carighan.6758


Oh sorry, it probably sounded more harsh than intended. I was joking, yeah. And you’re right, we are perfectly beatable, even 1v1. Even the “dreaded” Phantasm Mesmer; and 1v1 she’s fighting on home turf.

It’s just that people rarely want to hear “You could…”, they want to win. Being killed = not winning, and if it happens a few times they take it to the forums because obviously it has to be something wrong with the game, not them.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

(edited by Carighan.6758)

The Nerf Bat

in Mesmer

Posted by: Cares Less.9631

Cares Less.9631

Oh sorry, it probably sounded more harsh than intended. I was joking, yeah. And you’re right, we are perfectly beatable, even 1v1. Even the “dreaded” Phantasm Mesmer, and 1v1 she’s fighting on home turf.

It’s just that people rarely want to hear “You could…”, they want to win. Being killed = not winning, and if it happens a few times they take it to the forums because obviously it has to be something wrong with the game, not them.

Well said, they are low skill people who don’t want to learn and improve, looking for the easy option all the time.

The Nerf Bat

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


Oh sorry, it probably sounded more harsh than intended. I was joking, yeah. And you’re right, we are perfectly beatable, even 1v1. Even the “dreaded” Phantasm Mesmer, and 1v1 she’s fighting on home turf.

It’s just that people rarely want to hear “You could…”, they want to win. Being killed = not winning, and if it happens a few times they take it to the forums because obviously it has to be something wrong with the game, not them.

Well said, they are low skill people who don’t want to learn and improve, looking for the easy option all the time.

i dont understand how u understand, its vice versa what u say..
i am expericed with the most of the games in competitive way for 15years..
in gw2 i ve some fair experience with mesmer/ in tpvp,wvw,and gvg(~9mathces)
over the 9 months with ~1200 hours (just played pve for make lvl80mesmer).. just joined forums a month ago.. all the builds its already posted on forums, fotm-meta builds i ve already experienced
imo whats the things show thakittens good player, basiclly..
*knowladgeble (game mechanic, most of the classes, excatly his classes,skills, builds, experience)
*timing (knows.. when where how why he does things on time, concentration/perception, reflexs.
and it should not be on
*luck (why-game mechanic..)

so pls, give answer my previous post.. let me know what i missed i ll be apriciate..

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

The Nerf Bat

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dubsee.4715


I get that ALOT both in SPvP and WvW, they seem to ignore that we get nerfed pretty much every 2 weeks, i think the last one where we got 2 minor buffs was the first time in ALONG time where an update didnt come out where we didnt get nerfed.

The last significant change to the Mesmer was on 6/25/2013 where we received torment on block on scepter skill 2 and we lost the 24/7 retaliation on our phantasms and it was changed to a 5 second retaliation (your phantasms shouldn’t be around much longer than 5 seconds anyways) and the +200% HP bonus on phantasms from signet of illusions was reduced to 50%, a more balanced boost.

Those were clearly balance issues and if you’re still playing Mesmer and complaining about being nerfed then you are still playing passively trying to summon phantasms that do all your work for you.

Your phantasms are not pets, they are damage sources meant only to come on the board to do damage and its no different from another classes direct damage skill. You just happen to be able to detonate your damage sources using the shatter.

With that being said, what part of Mesmer was nerfed recently?

The Nerf Bat

in Mesmer

Posted by: ArmageddonAsh.6430


The last significant change to the Mesmer was on 6/25/2013 where we received torment on block on scepter skill 2 and we lost the 24/7 retaliation on our phantasms and it was changed to a 5 second retaliation (your phantasms shouldn’t be around much longer than 5 seconds anyways) and the +200% HP bonus on phantasms from signet of illusions was reduced to 50%, a more balanced boost.

Those were clearly balance issues and if you’re still playing Mesmer and complaining about being nerfed then you are still playing passively trying to summon phantasms that do all your work for you.

Your phantasms are not pets, they are damage sources meant only to come on the board to do damage and its no different from another classes direct damage skill. You just happen to be able to detonate your damage sources using the shatter.

With that being said, what part of Mesmer was nerfed recently?

Cant really count recently due to the PAX tournament. Before that yes we got nerfed quite a bit, the only reason we havent been recently is ude to PAX but seeing as how we have like 1 mesmer in ALL of the teams then it kinda makes it pointless.

I still play the class, i dont think thakittens weak or anything, its the people that constantly go on about how over powered we are all the time they get beaten that annoy me.

The Nerf Bat

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


i think mesmers are still weak.. cuz of the lack of effectiveness compare to another classes.. execept that being some skill bot.. as veil,tw,portal(these are te unique things that can be seperated from other classes)
and the roles of mesmers..
in wvw..
-gateambushers hide in keep and open portal
-move the golems faster

examples.. for phantasms..
at least let them attack at least 1 time.. what the logic.. u use izerker before it hits it die due to mass fields.. so u lack 1 skill compare to another classes without any reason..
and u more change to your build to can be focus on phantasm.. if.. so u lost more than 1 skill.. with primarly 20sec cd and there has no some much slections..

i really dont like chance factor mechanic..

so why can u go with mesmer for zerg fights, or 20vs20 or 25vs25
where u choose mesmer instead of other classes.. ? so its a nerf of being class mesmer in this mechanic.. or so it needs more balancing between environments…

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

The Nerf Bat

in Mesmer

Posted by: Colly.4073


So many people cry about our class that it wouldn’t surprise me if we get nerfed in the next patch, In fact i expect it at every patch.

The Nerf Bat

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

You could make a case that Mesmers have a hard time in a hard condition meta, and I think a lot of people would agree with you. They have counters to conditions, but a lot of players don’t like to run those in standard Mesmer setups.

which is not really the case as i really put everythig into condition cleansing and then was left with barely any dmg.
i prefer playing the mesmer without specing into phantasms as skills like glam, reflections, confusion and cc are way more fun. i dont care for mantras as they are not viable at all in their current state…but also not sure if they actually can be fixed.
so if they decide to head in a new direction either fix mantras, rework them or get rid of them

we have ONE Mantra to cleanse TWO conditions that is pathetic in a condition heavy meta, even before the skill has finished the 2 conditions you removed have been put back on you as well as stacks for everything else as well.

Then everything else we have are poorly executed, high cost traits – Shattered Conditions for example, not worthy of 30point trait and then we get things like thr Torch one that has a crappy Phantasm that will remove conditions if you are in range with a long cool down…

You would have to trait for EVERY condition removal, take Geomancy on both weapon sets, runes for condition removal and you MIGHT survive the initial burst, you wont survive the next as everything you had to remove the initial burst is now on cool down….

Since when have mesmers ever been built with tanking attacks in mind?

Such as it is with power/crit, so it is with condition application. You heal or cleanse through what catches you, otherwise the mesmer should never have been there in the first place to get hit.

The Nerf Bat

in Mesmer

Posted by: Carighan.6758


Cant really count recently due to the PAX tournament. Before that yes we got nerfed quite a bit, the only reason we havent been recently is ude to PAX but seeing as how we have like 1 mesmer in ALL of the teams then it kinda makes it pointless.

Phantasms and sometimes Clones actually having the health to survive AEs now in some situations is a nerf? I mean, the P-part was very noticeable, even the lesser one in PvP.

To be fair though, you’re talking sPvP. I sorta lock up when I read that, because focusing on that throws all notion of MMO-balance overboard in favour of arena balance (which is quite distinct).

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.