The Robert Gee Appreciation Thread
Been simply ecstatic over the changes to Mesmer and other classes as well. Even the condi thing which I was worried about seems to be coming along great forces people to have to think of the consequences of not speccing some type of condi removal. TBH I have a lil different take on it then many posts I have seen. Not many things really feel extremely overpowered and infact I think we are getting closer to balance by the moment. Some solid things that all classes “including rager, which as far as I can see has gotten the short end of the stick so far” are….
1. A good punishing burst be in condi or regular damage. Although I think many of the classes bursts need to be toned down a bit not just Mesmer. A burst should but you on your toes not in the dirt instantly.
2. Movment skills that can be used offensively or defensively depending on the playstyle of the person using it. (Mesmer now has just as thief, ele, warrior, and engi. rangers seem to be lacking in this department a bit imo.)
3.Our oh crap I kitten ed button.
Mainly that’s most of it the rest should feel nice and smooth and set you apart a bit from the other classes. I really feel we are getting close with some lil tweaks here and there. I for one am enjoying it very much and can’t wait to see where we go from here.
A note on balance: I won’t comment on inter-class balance here, but the balance between different traitlines lookss great so far. There is so much synergy between traits of all traitlines, that it really looks like the traits were well designed for the class, and to be used with other traits and skills.
Where much of the time, builds in similar games (and this game as well) generally have mechanical or flavour themes to their specific build trees, however they might not necessarily fit together smoothly. Mesmer traits and skills right now fit together very smoothly. They fit so smoothy together, it feels so polished that I’m almost afraid of nerfs specifically to make the traits feel more clunky and awkward to use.
+1, Caused hours of game play, sleep deprivation and insomnia. A must play profession. 10/10
thx robert geeeeeeeee O G
I’m a warrior main and even for me it’s fun to see the mesmers get some appreciation. +1
great for mesmers, good job.
Can necros get some of the same attention.
Seriously, we want to be viable as well.
Wow, everyone I’m really touched to see a thread like this and I’m really glad to see everyone having so much fun with mesmer since the patch. We’ve all been working on these changes for many months and it’s a really weight off my chest to finally be able to play these changes on live.
I want to clarify though that a lot of the changes you see aren’t my work alone. While I was driving most of the mesmer changes and pushed some of the more… shall we say “extreme” examples coughmimiccough, many other significant changes (like Illusionary Persona becoming baseline) wouldn’t have happened without feedback and suggestions from other folks on the skills team like Roy and Karl as well as our dedicated team of testers.
Praise Lyssa and have fun with the new traits!
Unicorns 4 Life
Thanks ! I definitely remember those GW1 days, my poor Mesmer would never be invited into a group.
Now about those Unicorns… are we getting shortbow soon because I would love to use the Dreamer on my Mesmer
I’m usually typing on my phone
Thank you Robert.
I hope you get the chance to read this post. The Mesmer truly is Guild Wars 2 trademark class. You cannot find any other class like it out there in the vast sea of MMORPGs. From a game play perspective to even more so, the LORE of the class.
The Lore of the Mesmer is what truly drew me in more than the gameplay. You see as a player who likes to connect with their character and class it was important for me to play a class that spoke to who Iam as a person. Mesmer did just that.
From Mesmer lore (Human mostly) on their deep interest in fashion, their flamboyant ways (Male and Female), to their interest in beauty, and their charm that could have a whole room eating out of the palm of their hands (Cough~Countess Anise~Cough), to even their Graceful approach to combat, have truly made the Mesmer a class that for all time will hold a special place in my heart.
Robert I have always wondered what inspired you and those who helped create such a unique profession. From its flamboyancy, beauty and grace from a lore point of view to a combat point of view, and how they tie together so effortlessly. What inspired you all to manifest this beautiful class with those amazing qualities?
Once again, I want to personally and humbly thank you for creating such an awe inspiring class that has even inspired me in real life. I have a deeper interest for fashion, and have even decided to pursue fashion design. For every time I hear the mention of the word fashion, I get reminded of the Mesmer.
Thank you Robert Gee!
“May Lyssa bless you with unparralled eloquence.”
Lv.80 Scrapper (Alchemist Persenia)
Lv.80 Druid (Mender Zalintyre)
This threads needs to be a sticky^^
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!
I….AM… loving every moment of my mesmer. gotta thq again..&again..
Must place <3
So, over a week into it and I am loving 90% of the changes.
I’ll make a brief list of things I am not content with:
- ileap clone summon delay – more of a hindrance
- confusing combatants removal – makes using non-native condition weapons (ie mainhand sword) much weaker in pure condition builds
- mtd nerf – still stings and my burst is weaker than pre-patch.
Everything else is beautiful.
Thought I’d just add to this.
Thank you for engaging with both the mesmer and necromancer forums on updates, changes and ways to improve our elite specialisations.
I (and I dare say others) really do appreciate the time, effort and work you and the team are putting in to engaging with us, the players, to make sure it’s the best it can be on launch.
Thank you.
Oh yay! I was hoping to thank him somehow! Thanks for starting this thread!
Thanks to YOU Mr. Robert Gee I have finally found my main! I’ve been a game jumper for so long. Looking for a good company to stick with. Looking for a class I wanted to play. It’s wonderful to feel like I’m part of a community that is heard. And the creativity and understanding you’ve put into Mesmer is astounding. I’ve finally found my game-home! ^.^ Thank you, Sir! <3 The experience has been great!
I really appreciate your thoughtful approach and willingness to communicate.
I played Mesmer for about 1.5 years and loved it. Eventually, I moved on to trapper ranger and found it much more powerful for WvW roaming. With the changes from June and what I can see of Chronomancer, I’m now playing Mesmer again full time.
The information you’ve shared has made it fun to theorycraft and test build concepts even well before Chronomancer arrives.
Keep up the great work and have fun!
Unicorns 4 Life
Mesmer shortbow confirmed next elite spec!
thank you robert u did a great job patch after patch, well done about ruining this class, and make it buggy like we all like, (meder purity + mantras). Really, how much is your salary? I hop you get at least 10k€/ month for this great job.
thank you robert u did a great job patch after patch, well done about ruining this class, and make it buggy like we all like, (meder purity + mantras). Really, how much is your salary? I hop you get at least 10k€/ month for this great job.
While I fully understand how disrespectful and absurd this post is, just thought I’d mention something. Anet is well known in the games industry for underpaying their employees. Given than the median salary for a video game designer is 57k per year, I’d be surprised if he’s making any more than 60k tops.
Which is really sad, because a lot of people with similar job titles in software make twice as much or more and never even have to interact with customers at all, never mind put up with the kind of ridiculous disrespect that game devs do.
Tanya Larina – Human Thief
Finchy Whyte – Sylvari Ranger
Which is really sad, because a lot of people with similar job titles in software make twice as much or more and never even have to interact with customers at all, never mind put up with the kind of ridiculous disrespect that game devs do.
Yeah, for such a notoriously unforgiving and competitive field, the average salaries even disregarding Anet’s policies are insanely low. A lot of people question whether Anet even has a QA department. The answer to that question is easily seen in the mantra of low-wage workers everywhere: If you pretend to pay us, we’ll pretend to work.
Unicorns 4 Life
—RobertMesmer shortbow confirmed next elite spec!
Dreamer clones!!! That would be awesome.
Heh. Funny how they say the man’s ruined the class … but meanwhile, he’s shown himself at least willing to work with players on things. Gravity Well, for instance. Now, I’m wondering if the man can convince his bosses to let us get Confusing Combatants back (and maybe a MH Pistol for baseline Mesmers?)
Other 80s: Any but Warrior
To be fair, I think it’s like one person saying that Robert ruined anything. The rest of us think he’s doing a great job.
Tanya Larina – Human Thief
Finchy Whyte – Sylvari Ranger
Unicorns 4 Life
—RobertMesmer shortbow confirmed next elite spec!
Dreamer clones!!! That would be awesome.
Revenants could keep their Glint, we are getting Unicorn phantasms to charge into battles
I just love mesmer, It was the only class that really caught my eye, thank you so much for everything.
thank you robert u did a great job patch after patch, well done about ruining this class, and make it buggy like we all like, (meder purity + mantras). Really, how much is your salary? I hop you get at least 10k€/ month for this great job.
While I fully understand how disrespectful and absurd this post is, just thought I’d mention something. Anet is well known in the games industry for underpaying their employees. Given than the median salary for a video game designer is 57k per year, I’d be surprised if he’s making any more than 60k tops.
Why are u in denial? their patch after patch show their failure in every way, and now the mantra is till bugged, work like trainees, wow, and im respectful by saying that.
Are you his frien or somethig?
plus you ve mistakene beetwen irony and disrespecful. Don’t act like a blind fan cause it s patetic
face the facts, really open ur eyes, better keep ur monet and don’t their HoT.
(edited by Nina.4317)
thank you robert u did a great job patch after patch, well done about ruining this class, and make it buggy like we all like, (meder purity + mantras). Really, how much is your salary? I hop you get at least 10k€/ month for this great job.
While I fully understand how disrespectful and absurd this post is, just thought I’d mention something. Anet is well known in the games industry for underpaying their employees. Given than the median salary for a video game designer is 57k per year, I’d be surprised if he’s making any more than 60k tops.
Why are u in denial? their patch after patch show their failure in every way, and now the mantra is till bugged, work like trainees, wow, and im respectful by saying that.
Are you his frien or somethig?
plus you ve mistakene beetwen irony and disrespecful. Don’t act like a blind fan cause it s patetic
face the facts, really open ur eyes, better keep ur monet and don’t their HoT.
Words fail me.
I think the best part is that the post was edited at some point, possibly to remove all those pesky letters.
thank you robert u did a great job patch after patch, well done about ruining this class, and make it buggy like we all like, (meder purity + mantras). Really, how much is your salary? I hop you get at least 10k€/ month for this great job.
While I fully understand how disrespectful and absurd this post is, just thought I’d mention something. Anet is well known in the games industry for underpaying their employees. Given than the median salary for a video game designer is 57k per year, I’d be surprised if he’s making any more than 60k tops.
Why are u in denial? their patch after patch show their failure in every way, and now the mantra is till bugged, work like trainees, wow, and im respectful by saying that.
Are you his frien or somethig?
plus you ve mistakene beetwen irony and disrespecful. Don’t act like a blind fan cause it s patetic
face the facts, really open ur eyes, better keep ur monet and don’t their HoT.Words fail me.
I think the best part is that the post was edited at some point, possibly to remove all those pesky letters.
haha, it’s exactly the answer that every dude who wants to be rite and has NO argument to say have to write it down to make youself better. PATHETIC. PS: im not english, but u understant thay my whole point
(edited by Nina.4317)
Nina, you’ve said what you think, now move on. This is a thread that Chaos made in order to say thank you for the many improvements to the class and there were many.
Sure there are bugs and some things got broken however looking at the state of the class if everything is fixed we’re in a much better place than pre patch.
I then decided to repost in here about how I appreciate the communication between Robert Gee and this professions player base. No other profession other than necro (Robert Gee again) has a dev interacting with them to make their elite as good as it can be.
If you feel something needs tuning up, make a thread, be polite with a logical and reasoned argument.
I hate that mesmers are turning into a phantom lancer wannabe nowadays (phantasm lancer as I call it), although in Guild Wars 1, I like the energy surge build, which I call the antimage build, so I guess I shouldn’t complain if I see any similarities to DotA heroes. ^^;; I have bad lag, so I couldn’t interrupt properly in GW1, so one day I tried a build that focuses on destroying the energy of the enemy, similar to antimage of DotA which was my favorite champion, and I found the build to be… funny. Monks be mad they have no E.
Then idiot assassin team mate starts attacking monk through bonetti’s defense kitten you. >:O My favorite class in GW1 is dervish, but mesmers are so fun to use. Actually all classes are fun to use, and it’s a good thing they made leveling up easier and accessible (ie. minimal grinding), so you could try and enjoy other classes quicker (both in GW1 and GW2). My one wish for the class is they retain their class identity, which was to counter and interrupt. Yeah I know, that’s not all there’s to mesmers (eg. illusionary weapon), but I feel that’s the direction mesmers are becoming.
So are we going with #Geelieve, Young Geezy, or straight up R. Geesus now?
Learn 2 Play Mesmer Here! || Lookit! Gots me a youtube!
Mesmer Personality Quiz! Exclamation Points!
So are we going with #Geelieve, Young Geezy, or straight up R. Geesus now?
Hehe, RNGeesus has a nice ring to it and fits the Mesmer theme. xD
Providing of course it goes down well with the boss.