BWE 3 Feedback for my 4 hours of Testing Reaper
1: Power Build
2: Condi Build
3: different set of runes
Question: Was there any behind the scene changes? Reaper DPS seems 10-15% less than BWE2
Great Sword
Skill 1 Looking good perhaps make Chill +6/8 seconds
Skill 2 G/Digger could do with either a slightly faster animation or make it a double hit (if you look at the animation looks like it should hit 5 targets 2450 × 2)
Skill 3 Love it! could do with a small Life-force increase or perhaps a dot added?
Skill 4 Radius still way to small perhaps we could try something like: Example 1/2
Example 1 Start at 800 Radius and then suck targets in while slowing them then knocking back ?
Example 2 Faster growth up to 480 Radius Change interval to 1 seconds and extend for 8 seconds so it pulses x8
Skill 5 Seems to be working well, the position is critical so very much only thing I could suggest would be a Bigger Frontal Arc
Reaper Shroud
Skill 1 Looking good, would suggest making life-force 2-3% per Skill however
Skill 2 as many people have said Speed up or Knock Mobs down as it charges
Skill 3 n/a
Skill 4 Love it
(With Quickness its to die for Literally)
Skill 5 Radius could do with an update or perhaps adding a Tremor effect from the Centre out words when it lands ?
Other feedback
- If wings or other back-pieces are equipped they need to be part of Reaper Shroud
can we seed about making this possible please? it would really compliment the Reaper form
- Augery of Death doesn’t appear to be working the Recharge part 7% x5 should be a 35% bonus but it isnt applying
- if possible Allow Legendary effects to work within Reaper Form (Twilight for example) cutting through subspace etc etc