As expected… half the people who discredited me every chance they got don’t dare say a single word (they are the ones who realized just what happened), the other half still try to sugar coat it (the ones who are truly delusional).
Spoj… people saw how you said “Nemesis DS build is a gimmicky build, nothing more” amongst like 40-50 other remarks of the kind for over 2 years, all based on math that is false.
You claimed 13.4K DPS… higher then me… yet you were doing 6K…
You lied about me, you faked advertised… and you discredited my work nonstop for the last 2 years. Then you went and taught every necromancer to use dagger 1 in every situation, then they got crushed… felt like they do no damage, and so eventually an unknown number of people stopped playing the class entirely.
Now… you appear here again as if nothing happened.
Bawb said “no one was kicking necromancers”.
Some other people said “well no one believed they were actually doing that DPS”… when you can clearly see Nike… teaching his followers how condition engineer does 20K DPS and it’s much higher then a warrior after 20 sec.
It’s mind-blowing and hilarious at the same time, how you got caught up in your own lies, there is video proof of that like 2 links away… and you guys still try to sugar coat it and act as if nothing happened.
It takes a special kind of < >, to be able to act that way… after everything… i’ll give you guys that much.
“Some other people said “well no one believed they were actually doing that DPS”… when you can clearly see Nike… teaching his followers how condition engineer does 20K DPS and it’s much higher then a warrior after 20 sec. "
Nike said in the video linked below within the first minute of the video the following: Assuming perfect or near perfect rotations this is the highest sustained DPS build in the game in PvE.
He even says only with perfect or near perfect rotations! And you act like he says in all situations this build will be the highest DPS build in the game. This is a outright LIE.
“Spoj… people saw how you said “Nemesis DS build is a gimmicky build, nothing more” amongst like 40-50 other remarks of the kind for over 2 years, all based on math that is false.
You claimed 13.4K DPS… higher then me… yet you were doing 6K… "
I’ve said this over and over again. “Math in a void” is used to show DPS comparisons between builds, no one was saying in a real fight you would be doing this all the time.
“You lied about me, you faked advertised… and you discredited my work nonstop for the last 2 years. Then you went and taught every necromancer to use dagger 1 in every situation, then they got crushed… felt like they do no damage, and so eventually an unknown number of people stopped playing the class entirely. "
Where did he say that dagger 1 in every situation was better? Give me a link to where he says that, until then, your again, lying.
“Bawb said “no one was kicking necromancers”. "
Of course some idiots are kicking necros. That doesn’t mean that Nike and Spoj and everyone who runs the meta is doing that. You see a few idiots doing it and then act as if everyone running the meta is like that. Kinda similar to something called racism, eh?
“It’s mind-blowing and hilarious at the same time, how you got caught up in your own lies, there is video proof of that like 2 links away… and you guys still try to sugar coat it and act as if nothing happened. "
Mind giving the proof that’s two links away then?
EDIT: forgot the link, here it is:
“Did you just call all the people i showed in my “fractal LFG” which said “zerker ele or kick, NO NECRO” morons ?
You just called half the community morons… for believing what you guys were teaching them.
mind = blown"
A: Glad you somehow have statistics saying half the community do that, mind linking me to where you got those statistics?
B: Necro is less efficient, but overall it’s not going to slow down a casual tour that much. That’s pretty much what we have been saying, and you somehow take that as never ever take a necro in a tour?
“The advertised world records were done using multiple Icebows, which do up to 80K DPS for 3.7 sec, boosting the DPS of a player from about 8-10K into 28K… as you have clearly seen in the videos provided.”
Linecasting is banned for world records.
“You’ve seen Brazil’s DPS match that of world record holders, and unless his entire party was dragging him down… which they weren’t since i calculated their average / per player… as you’ve seen in the videos provided… a NON-ICEBOW record is about 30-35 sec.
I have already done a 30-35 sec Bloomhunger kill with a pug group… as you have seen in the videos provided.”
Average DPS per player. Lol. I hope you realize not every player accounts for 20% of the damage done right? At this point your making at best educated guesses at the times of a bloomhunger world record without Icebows.
EDIT 4 ( lol ):
“It is not “average of 20K DPS” as advertised, that was a straight up lie… unless you take out all the ramp-up time and just say for example… “sinister engineer does 20K DPS… in the 34, 35, and 36 second of the fight…” which is straight up pure insanity, and serves no real purpose other then to fool the community for personal gain.
Btw… are you saying Nike said “what could be… the highest DPSer in the game” based on “peak DPS” ? You guys keep blowing my mind with how much you really understand about the game.”
The 20K DPS is over a 30 second fight with perfect rotations. I don’t know how much damage it does “on average”, but who was saying it would do 20K DPS on average? Again, a link is needed or no one said that.
“Btw… are you saying Nike said “what could be… the highest DPSer in the game” based on “peak DPS” ?”
It’s not bases on peak DPS. Its a 30 second rotation. That’s hardly its peak DPS lol.
Besides the fact that this person tries to make it seem like no one was insta-kicking necromancers for two years now, as if there aren’t 130.000 google search results to “the necromancer is bad”… as if video proof is not 2 links away…
You guys can also notice he says “engineer DPS is 20K over 30 seconds with perfect rotation…”
My friend… the people you are now defending, by twisting my words… just called you an idiot. I believe flow or bawb said “only idiots believe engineer actually does 20K DPS”.
So… mmmm… you’re defending the ones who created the meta, which now go back on their statements saying “only idiots actually believe that”.
I don’t know what else to say to you, you’re like… owning yourself… i don’t understand this…
PS: Most of the things you said are 100% wrong btw, like the videos literally… showed proof Icebow was still OP even without linecasting on bosses with a large hitbox, and on bosses with a small hitbox it was useless without linecasting… that’s why the zerker meta worked only on bloomhunger, and in the rest of the fractals people were actually pewpewing while thinking they do 15-20K DPS as they were thought…
The videos literally show how many people said “your builds have been proved to be inferior…”, even though they were always superior… Spoj got paid for my work, the work he discredited… bahhh it’s in the videos which you probably don’t even understand.
Long story short: everything you said is 100% wrong, the videos show incontestable proof of that, not going to bother repeating what you can clearly see with your own eyes in the videos.
I don’t understand why do you even bother writing so much trying to convince ME… of something that is false, in the same thread which has MY videos which shows that i know all the real numbers…
I’m… going to go back enjoying some HoT now… this level of… i don’t even have a word for it, is… disturbing…
It’s like you’re trying to convince me a rock is actually water, while i hold the rock in my hand.
’Besides the fact that this person tries to make it seem like no one was insta-kicking necromancers for two years now, as if there aren’t 130.000 google search results to “the necromancer is bad”… as if video proof is not 2 links away…"
So some idiots kick necros out of dungeons. That doesn’t mean everyone or even the majority of people who run the meta do that. I want a answer to a simple yes or no question. Do you think all people that run the meta insta kick necros? Just a yes or no will suffice.
“You guys can also notice he says “engineer DPS is 20K over 30 seconds with perfect rotation…””
So, what’s wrong with that statement? It’s true.
“My friend… the people you are now defending, by twisting my words… just called you an idiot. I believe flow or bawb said “only idiots believe engineer actually does 20K DPS”.”
I’v never heard of Flow or bawb before. I’m not trying to defend them at all actually…lol?
“So… mmmm… you’re defending the ones who created the meta, which now go back on their statements saying “only idiots actually believe that”.”
Who said this guy created the meta? No one single person “created the meta”. For all I know this bawb or flow guy or whatever his name is could not even be running the meta. That’s hardly the whole meta community now going back on there statements…
“PS: Most of the things you said are 100% wrong btw, like the videos literally… showed proof Icebow was still OP even without linecasting on bosses with a large hitbox, and on bosses with a small hitbox it was useless without linecasting… that’s why the zerker meta worked only on bloomhunger, and in the rest of the fractals people were actually pewpewing while thinking they do 15-20K DPS as they were thought…”
And how many bosses are there out there with a large HB? Also I think you got something wrong. Meta does not equal zerker meta. In some cases condition damage builds can be good. It’s just for dungeons bosses normerly die before condition damage builds ramp up to there maximum amount to be worthwhile. And the only people who thought they were reliably doing 15-20k DPS were idiots. Just because some idiots both run the meta and are idiots does not mean everyone who runs the meta is a idiot. Literally, you just see a bunch of pugs on the LFG that only half understand the meta and then make it out as if everyone who runs the meta must be exactly like them. Just because one person is stupid and runs meta gear does not mean all other people running the meta are like that nor is the rest of the meta community responsible for the idiots actions.
“The videos literally show how many people said “your builds have been proved to be inferior…”, even though they were always superior… Spoj got paid for my work, the work he discredited… bahhh it’s in the videos which you probably don’t even understand.”
The math says Spojs build out DPS your builds last I remember. Inb4 all this math in a void crap its fake etc stuff, it is used to compare different builds. So in comparison a dagger build would out DPS a life blast build last I remember. Some of your builds definitely do have some uses, but some like the necro heal build aren’t really useful.
“Long story short: everything you said is 100% wrong, the videos show incontestable proof of that, not going to bother repeating what you can clearly see with your own eyes in the videos.
I don’t understand why do you even bother writing so much trying to convince ME… of something that is false, in the same thread which has MY videos which shows that i know all the real numbers…"
This is a TL;DR of your two latest videos: math in a void isn’t the actual damage done in a real fight just like the meta people were saying so clearly the math is useless. And what do you say to this? All your latest reply has said is pretty much this: Some idiots who run the meta insta kick necros and think they do 15-20K DPS. The wrest is just this guy changed what he thought so clearly the whole meta community is doing the same, my video showed proof ( where? All your two latest videos were talking about was this math in the void pretty much ), your wrong etc stuff.
And the problem with how you do your math is because A: they aren’t perfect rotations and B: the buffs/debuffs will ALWAYS vary between fights. So what do you have to say to this?
Also you still fail to mention ANYTHING about how warrior is taken for its offensive buffs. Or how you bash the “elitists” and then go trash talk a necro for his build.
So let me get this strait. You think the meta is a lie because of the following:
A: Some idiots insta kick necros so that makes the meta a lie and all people who run the meta jerks
B: Some idiots think they do higher DPS than they actually do so the meta is a lie and all people who run the meta must be delusional
C: Theoretical DPS doesn’t = actual DPS in a fight which a lot of meta people were saying so that makes the theoretical DPS absolutely useless ( its not like you can use it to compare DPS right? xD )
D: Necromancer does more DPS than warrior ( proven wrong with theoretical DPS, to learn more about theoretical DPS go see C ), so that makes necro somehow a lot better, even so warrior is taken not for its DPS but for its offensive support
E: Necromancer has support other classes already cover or aren’t needed in a optimal comp
Z: Spoj said dagger mainhand was the strongest weapon for necro in PvE because in most circumstances it is as shown by math in the void ( to see discussion about math in the void, see C )
F: Meta people stack up mobs using loS which is clearly a exploit because you can read the devs minds on what is and isn’t a exploit
G: You could linecast with IB to achievement some high DPS, even so this wasn’t used in casual daily tours and was banned in world records
H: Some meta people broke out of the map to complete a dungeon faster, which both some meta and non meta people do, which means the meta is clearly a lie and all people who run the meta break out of the map in there dungeon runs
L: Some idiots fail to understand when certain builds are no longer optimal even when clearly expressed in a guide so that’s clearly the makers fault not the idiots for not listening to the video and still failing to comprehend when the build is and is not useful
If there is anything I misted plz let me know or if you still want to try to argue with one of these reasons given about how its actually valid plz let me know in your next comment. Failure to do so while you continue to act as if your points are valid will heighten the chances your just a troll.
Necro>warrior confirmed ty nemesis for single handedly saving the gw2 community!!