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in Necromancer

Posted by: Aireroth.7596


What I’m rolling with lately. I’m not that into conditions so I’ve been playing around with alternative builds. Dual-daggers and staff were my choice of weapon from the time necromancer got announced and I’ve been modifying the build through time to go with it.
The survivability is insane, gameplay wise it suits me. And there’s still room for modifying the major traits on the go (depending on situation).

Only thing that bugs me a bit, are the minor traits in Death Magic tree, which feel a bit wasted, since I don’t use minions. But I got used to this sacrifice and am happy with the build at the moment.

Edge Of Sanity [MAD] – Gandara

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in Necromancer

Posted by: Fiesbert.9816


Necro autoattack/minion DPS
DS battle tank

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in Necromancer

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


3k defense, well of blood heals for 11,809 if you stay in for the duration, permanent regen for 256/tick, good condition control, nearly 80% protection uptime, good weakness uptime, a few blinds, good LF generation, and enough damage to take down glass guys in a reasonable timeframe.

It’s probably just that I’m terrible at guardian, but I have a lot more success with this. Either save dodges for CC effects or use them offensively, ignore small bleed stacks, and don’t spam your wells. I’ve seen and tried a lot of similar builds, but I think this is the best.

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

(edited by Mammoth.1975)

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in Necromancer

Posted by: Amaterasu.9107


Full power SPVP necro build :
48% crit, 68% crit damage, 3200 power.

Death shroud 1 hits for 4k on crit and applies vulnerability and might to you. Life transfer hits for 4k in aoe.

Only 2k armor but can go to 2.4k when you channel, and you will channel a lot. Siphon life hits for 2k~3k and make you gain 200 per hit. Axe #2 also deals solid damage but it’s nothing compared to your wells!

Well can crit, and they will crit for ~1.5k on pulse, while adding vulnerability and converting their boon to condition. You root them for 4 sec and then you use your wells!

A kitten ton of CC: daze (2 sec), chill (5sec), root (4sec), cripple (2sec), fear (2sec), vulnerability (can go to 15 stack easily), and golem knockdown.

2 spectral armor : used for the overall lack of defense and to fill that deathshroud bar

Warning: This build is not for beginners, you need to be skilled with your deathshroud.

(edited by Amaterasu.9107)

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in Necromancer

Posted by: Kildari.2480


I built a necro build for my wife since she doesn’t like all of the well/condition builds floating around and she HATES melee. It was pretty tough to build on her criteria but I did end up doing it. After this build was created she said she’s never felt more powerful.

So here’s the build that I created. I did not see any others like it so I thought i’d mention it. I called it the Marked for Death build.

The way the build works is that obviously you use a staff as your primary attack. Every Mark you put down is very large and every time a monster touches this mark you get 3% lifeforce. It doesnt seem like much but when you have 5 monsters on the mark you get 15 life force PER MARK. In events I’ve actually seen her lifeforce go from zero to full in no time at all.

The primary purpose of this build is to do all of your massive damage in Death shroud and when she’s in deathshroud she really does a LOT of dmg.

When Deathshroud drops and if she has aggro she switches to her offset if the CC marks are down which is Axe/warhorn for escape. Axe 3 is an AE snare and Warhorn obviously gives a speed increase and snare. Not to mention axe 2 gives a pretty good boost to lifeforce on single target mobs and it keeps her out of melee and mobile.

Her utilities are there for survivability. She takes Consume Conditions, Signet of Undeath, Spectral Armor or Blood is Power but she really hates adding conditions to herself, Signet of the Locust (more healing) For elite she takes Plague for the blind if her other defensives are down.

She probably spends half her time in Shroud Form and I’ve seen her solo stuff like a champ. She’s much more surivable now in dungeons and even she said that the only time she dies if when she does something stupid.

I have no idea how to rate this for PVP as neither of us spend much time there. Maybe I’ll update whenever we get around to pvp more.

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in Necromancer

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


I like it, mark of evasion/greater marks/soul marks combo is great, but adding siphoned power is awesome.

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

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in Necromancer

Posted by: Kildari.2480


Adding Siphoned power I would do if I had more points to spend. Right now the only thing I would be willing to drop from the build would be close to death and I’m not sure losing 20% dmg half the time would be worth it.

Most people would drop Mark of Evasion but I’m not sure if those people quite understand how it works. A. you get a mark of blood on dodge. B. Mark of Blood is a Mark from staff. C. You can Dodge in death shroud. D. you get 3% life force per mob activation while in deathshroud.

In events I’ve seen her “heal” herself in Deathshroud using this. sure you dont get the regen component but you certainly do get the lifeforce from spiteful marks.

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in Necromancer

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


You’ve got siphoned power, that’s why I like the build so much. I use the marks combo myself so I know how fun that is. I go 0-100 in less than 10 seconds now and then, but of course a lot of that is due to last gasp.

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

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in Necromancer

Posted by: Aziff.3248



Slot Skills:
Consume Conditions
Plague Signet
Blood Is Power

Spite 10 (IV)
Curses 30 (II + VII + XI)
Death Magic 20 (II + VIII)
Blood Magic 10 (III)

Khilbron’s Set
Chrysacola’s amulet and rings
Coral Earrings

Runes & Sigils:
6 x Rune of the Undead
1 x Sigil of Earth (scepter)
1 x Sigil of Corruption (dagger)
1 x Sigil of Geomancy (staff)

Pull as many mobs as you can, push few random buttons, then Epidemic and watch them bleed. High survivability, nice damage (about 1900 CD with food atm) and a lot of fun in pve/wvw/pvp.

+1600 hours played as Asura Necromancer | Miniature Collector
Pain Killer [pK] | Blacktide EU | PVE: Corruptionmancer | PVP: Support Wellmancer

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in Necromancer

Posted by: Khairos.3890


Kildari, I just tried out your build and I absolutely loved it. It reawakened my love for the Necro, which was slowing withering away (It’s a level 71 Necro, I am steadily climbing to 80!).

I have a question. What stats, what kind of gear should I get at 80? Vitality, toughness, power, healing, what?

Helia – Stormbluff Isle – [MORD]

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in Necromancer

Posted by: Kildari.2480


Hey thanks for the compliment! I told her to focus on power and precision and either toughness or vitality for survival. Rune of the pack 6 slot for much needed precision. I think it has the best all around stats for this build.

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in Necromancer

Posted by: Khairos.3890


Thanks for responding! Why Precision though?

Helia – Stormbluff Isle – [MORD]

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in Necromancer

Posted by: Kildari.2480


Its either precision or toughness and vitality combined. No other stats will help. Condition dmg is meh since half the dmg u will be doing is direct and healing power only helps half the time. Plus.precision gives you the one thing you will lack with this build and thats critical hits. Watching death shroud 4 ae for massive crit dmg is beautiful.

I would say power toughness and vitality would be an ok direction to go for more staying power but I think precision is worth dropping one of those stats for. Just personal choice.

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in Necromancer

Posted by: Ebs.6280




Staff is obvious in any build I think, it is such a powerfull AOE tool that I feel naked without. About dagger mainhand I was sceptical for a very long time, but with this build I feel it is even better then scepter in certain areas.

To kill a tank you obivously use Corrupt Boon when the oppertunity arrives. Now it’s time to kill them, it goes something like this (but it is not a set rotation):

  • Dark Pact
  • Autoattack chain
  • Life Drain
  • Wail of Doom, first interupt
  • Mark of Blood (poison from weapon switch)
  • Chillbains (more poison)
  • Reaper’s Mark, second interupt
  • Life Transfer
  • Doom, third interupt
  • Profit

I know what you’re thinking: easier said then done. You are absolutely right, most tanks are very good at removing conditions and will not go down without a fight. This is not a 100% win build against tanks, good one’s might still survive. Some things to remember:

  • Save Blood is Power for when you need it, it give 10 stacks of might now and with the insane autoattack speed of dagger this becomes very strong. I’m getting up to 3000 damage per autoattack chain with 1 of the 3 critting (not unreasonable with 30% crit change). The last hit in the chain does 1900 damage on crit.
  • Rune of Lyssa has a very powerfull 6/6 ability: when you activate it you lose all conditions and gain all boons for 5 seconds. This proc goes off on the summon and and the charge ability, make sure you don’t have your Flesh Golem out from the start but summon it mid fight when you are in trouble or want to burst.
  • I tend to save my Flesh Golem charge for when I really need it, you can put it into your bunkerbusting rotation and against a good tank you will need it. Don’t forget this little golem will bowl over anyone it hits, not just your target!

As an added bonus, this build kills most thieves. As long as you have 20% life left from their initial attack you will win. Condition them up and go through your interupt rotation!

Have fun busting bunkers!

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in Necromancer

Posted by: hackks.3687


Full spectral warrior build for tPVP but can be used for sPvP and WvW

2 seconds fears with damage high chill and protection uptime.

long description

Recently came back to Necro after waiting for them to fix some stuff. Tried this build out last night after looking for an alternative to Conditionmancer build. Have to say it was exactly what I was looking for once I got my head wrapped around it.

Couple comments on the build and strategy:

- The push/pull through the field happens naturally if you place it right. I was overly concerned at first about forcing that to happen. Spectral Grasp is just gravy once you get the placement right. 10x Vulnerability is super nice.

- Holy kitten! +5sec immobilize!!! Borderline imba if they ever balance Thief/Mesmer/Guardian. That’s mostly down to Immobilize being possibly the best single target CC in the game atm. Within the current meta though it’s par for the course and uber fun to use with all that power behind it.

- While the Fear dmg was an interesting touch, it didn’t seem crucial to the build and actually tempted me to use it for the dmg rather than the control (which is bascially our only form CC) and saving it for the right moment. I opted to swap it for the Chill on Blind which fits nicely into the build.

- I also felt like the staff was a little neglected so I dropped 10pts from the first tree since I wasn’t really lacking for dmg and grabbed the larger/unblockable marks trait as well as adding 10% dmg from marks in first tree. Both weapons felt equally strong to me with this making the build a real dual threat. Don’t stand back and don’t dare to move in on me – not that they have a choice with SG slotted.

- I also opted for the Knights Jewel instead of Zerker since there’s so many instagib builds running around atm. The extra HP helps soak up some burst and condi dmg which the build kinda lacks control on – though that’s easily fixed with a well or plauge signet once they fix it.

All in all this build is really what I was hoping for from the Necro play-style when I first rolled him. There’s all kinds of room for adjusting utils based on demand as well.

Thanks for posting it!

I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long

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in Necromancer

Posted by: Dhaldous.4962


So I’ve changed my build 3 times now, but this is what I’ve settled on. My primary weapon set is dagger/warhorn and secondary is a staff. I wanted the option for high damage output, with a good ranged support/control weapon as secondary.

My PvE build is quite different from my PvP build, as I prefer not to use minions in PvP. Traits for PvE are as follows:

20 points in Curses – once i got to level 80, i switched out power for crit. Part of the reason I switched to this trait line from Spite is because of the Banshee’s Wail major trait, which reduces recharges on warhorn and makes their effects last longer…useful if you use the Locust Swarm for speed boost, but also really useful for melee as locust swarm can hit multiple targets at once if I’m tanking/soloing.
30 points in Death Magic – I don’t rely on minions as heavily as many others do, with only 3 minion skills instead of 5, but that’s because I also like to utilize death shroud in more intense fights…I use death shroud as a sort of emergency button for when my heal’s recharging. Because I use the staff so much, my first major traits are for the staff (increases area of marks and marks become unblockable – thank God they finally fixed staff 3 for this – and staff skills recharge 20% faster), and the last one is Flesh of the Master.
20 points in Soul Reaping – as stated above, I like to utilize death shroud, and I figured the increased crit damage was a good idea. Both major traits here are to strengthen death shroud (life force drains slower and death shroud skills recharge faster).

For my heal skill, I go with Blood Fiend. Utility skills are Signet of Undeath, Shadow Fiend, and Spectral Walk. Elite is Flesh Golem.

In PvP, I use an Axe/Focus instead of the staff. Dagger/warhorn stays the same, though. I use the Axe/Focus to stack vulnerability, along with Well of Suffering (I think that’s the right one) for some vulnerability AoE if I’m overwhelmed. My traits in PvP are as follows:

30 points in Curses – crit makes more sense to me than power does in PvP. Might just be a personal preference.

30 points in Blood Magic – since I don’t rely on minions, Death Magic seems pointless, and because of my 6-0 skills, Blood Magic seemed to work better.

10 points in Soul Reaping – Just for a little extra crit damage, really.

Heal skill is Consume Conditions. First utility is Plague Signet, second utility is Signet of Undeath (I plan to change this one…don’t know what to change it to quite yet), and lastly Well of Suffering. Elite is Lich Form.

The PvP build is designed more as a group support build, pulling conditions off of allies and then consuming them, thus why I’ve stacked vitality and healing power over toughness.

Post Your Build Thread

in Necromancer

Posted by: iwatchyouburn.8904



I created this build

Haven’t tested it yet but I wonder you guy thinks of it?

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in Necromancer

Posted by: Ssedi.1905


Figure I’ll share my build. I doubt it’s unique, but I haven’t really seen it.

I wanted a non-condition damage build that wasn’t a glass cannon. I was also tired of well builds. I wanted a pure power build that I could see the big pretty numbers with. Most of the other power builds I’ve tried I would simply die way to quick if any kind of burst damage spec came after me.

This is the first I’ve found that gives me a good mix of power attacks and survivability. I’m still learning how to use it best, but it also has been very good at breaking bunker builds if I time my corrupt boon right with my many CC’s.

I typically open from range with staff saving my fear before switching to axe. I found most people didn’t heal until they were under 50% so right around that moment I would use horn 4, corrupt boon, use flesh golums charge, switch back to staff and use it’s fear, switch to death shroud and fear from there and nuke with lifeblast.

I like spectral walk cause it can get you out of a lot of jams quickly and spectral armor is amazing for building up another full bar of death shroud.

You can also live for awhile against several hostiles by switching in and our of deathshroud and using your CC’s.

(edited by Ssedi.1905)

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in Necromancer

Posted by: Trafalgar.7120


Trafalgar’s Stackomancer

The Stackomancer is based off of the Necromancer’s ability to gain 10 might stacks from your BiP (Blood is Power). Capitalizing on that, you can easily get 10-25 stacks depending on your play style. As you should know, might doesn’t only give power, but it also gives you Condition damage. I have done up to 120-130 per tick in mediocre blue gear.

There are 3 ways you will capitalize on might stacks:

Weapon Swapping with Sigil of Battle
Life Blast in DS mode
Here is the basic sequence of battle. I typically start off with Specter 2, then Dagger 5 (If there is enough time, if there’s not..) then use BiP (The earlier you get it in the more damage you get to do over time.) Immediately use Dagger 4 to transfer your bleed onto opponent (Dagger 4 has a blind and a condition transfer effect.). As this places blind too, and possibly another stack of bleed, cast epidemic right away if you want to do some AoE,append this with a final Scepter 3 with the 7-12 bleed stacks from that combo.

Swap over to staff after that. This should give you 2 stacks of might +BiP. Spam your marks and get ready for another epidemic, if you didn’t hit multiple marks, go into DS mode right away and spam life blast and fear, the more you use life blast, the more might stacks you get. If you’re doing a boss battle, I can manage to stay in DS mode for awhile, giving me 25 full stacks of might.

Rinse, Repeat.

With the 20% corruption recharge reduction, and 2 of hoelbrak, fire and strength runes for armor, you’ll be doing a +80% might duration considering your traits. BiP will have a very short cooldown, meaning you’ll have your might stacks almost longer than it is down.

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in Necromancer

Posted by: Amityel.5324



(copy and paste link if it doesnt work)

I wanted to share my pvp build. No matter what will others say I enjoy it and it can be quite viable in tpvp also. Its glass cannon spec although you are not so “glass” like other classes. Sometimes I switch golem for lich form to have some fun on middle fights This build is not for newcomers you should uderstand your class well first.

Sorry for my English.

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in Necromancer

Posted by: Herdt.4968


(copy and paste link if it doesnt work)

Cond. Damage.

Use F1 Death Shroud , to remove condition.
Spectral Wall can change to Corrupt boon or Signet of Spite.

Post Your Build Thread

in Necromancer

Posted by: mal.7304


Any feedback on this build would be appreciated

It’s a PVE build focusing mainly on Damage over Time (DoT)

I start off with a bone fiend and flesh golem summoned to serve as distractions. I then use my staff to put down alot of marks between me and the enemy. I then enter deathshroud and use Life blast to gain might. I then use grasping dead to cripple foes followed by enfeebling blood and then blood is power then blood curse and rending curse all for some intense bleeding. Then I use epidemic to spread the bleeding around to all my foes. After that I use deathly swarm to transfer the conditions epidemic and Blood is power gave me, and any other conditions I might have to the enemy followed by well of corruption to transfer any boons the enemy has to conditions. After all that I use Feast of corruption coz I can.

Ive been having second thoughts about well of corruption ankittenhinking of switching it to Signet of Spite though I haven’t decided yet.

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in Necromancer

Posted by: Whargoul.9613


This is my favourite conditions build for PvE, sPvP and WvWvW ( I’d switch a utility out for Spectral walk and swap some traits in like reaper’s protection for 20% faster marks depending on what you’re doing)


Brief tips:
This build gives good lifeforce generation with staff using marks. The staff should be your primary weapon most of the time. Use self control and save #4 on either sets for after you use BiP to transfer the self bleed’s. Make sure you are utilizing DS and don’t let it sit at full bar all the time. Use plague-form defensively most of the time. Try to let conditions stack on you before you transfer them or consume them – this comes with experience. Save your fear for when you really need to use it. Make sure you use corrupt boon smartly and don’t blow it on someone with just one boon.

You can also try using shamans amulet for more staying power and swap the sceptre sigil for agony one. Flesh golem elite works okay too for the knock-down but it dies pretty fast to aoe.

(edited by Whargoul.9613)

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in Necromancer

Posted by: barbazul.8395


The way I play my necro is based on condition damage and critical strikes with weapons.
First i put 30 points in Spite, 30 in Curses and 10 in Blood Magic. Then in Spite I choose IV, VIII and XII. In Curses I choose IV, V and XI, and finaly in Blood Magic I choose V.
I fight with a Scepter/Warhorn as first bundle and Dagger/Focus for survival.
My healing skill is Consume Conditions and my utilities are Blood is Power, Signet of Spite, Epidemic and Plague.
With this build i start by laying Blood is Power and Signet of Spite. Then I use the scepter and warhorn skills, ending with 3 strikes of the basic attack for Poison. Your target will end up with lots of conditions and this is where i use Feast of Corruption. For multiple enemies I also apply Epidemic and possibly Plague (if the mob is too strong for me to handle, causing blindness each tick).
When my health runs low i switch to Dagger/Focus, imediatly ground my target with Dark Pact, followed by Spinal Shivers for Chill, then i heal with Life Siphon and Reaper’s Touch, most of the times ending up my target with some quick and powerful dagger strikes!
This is a build I guess is not unique, although I came up with it myself after years of playing GW1’s Necromancer and also years of playing WoW Warlock Affliction, so it fits my playstyle perfectly!

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in Necromancer

Posted by: princemonty.3268


So I’ve been using this power/life blast build that I formed for PvE, and I’m loving the damage as well as mild support. It works really well so I’d be surprised if someone hasn’t posted something similar or even identical.

First of all, axe. With the extra power and Axe Training, axe damage is ridiculous. Also, between Unyielding Blast, Axe 1, and Focus 4, you’re stacking vulnerability like crazy. This results in a heavy amount of single-target damage, while Axe 3, Focus 4, and Death Shroud 4 do a surprising amount of aoe.

With Reaper’s Precision, your Axe auto-attack piles up even more Life Force, and you’ll find yourself in Death Shroud VERY much, spamming Life Blast for the high damage/vulnerability, especially thanks to Vital Persistence.

For healing, I use Consume Conditions, mostly because I don’t have any condition removal weapon skills at all. For bosses it might not be a bad idea to switch out the warhorn for a dagger. If you’re trying for more support, Well of Blood would be viable here.

For slots, I use Spectral Armor. Great damage mitigation, as well as even more Life Force. Both of these are great considering this evil berserker-type build doesn’t have much defensive capabilities. (I wouldn’t recommend switching out either of those two Soul Reaping traits for Spectral Mastery. If you wanted to switch out 10 points from Curses and add them to Soul Reaping, that’s possible. But I would argue that the Curses trait you’d be losing, Spectral Attunement, is just as effective or more so.) Spectral wall is nice for simple PvE when your enemy isn’t moving around much. Those extra stacks of vulnerability are nice, as well as the combo field it supplies. Ankittenep Signet of Undeath around for that extra Life Force. as well as it’s emergency active effect to revive up to 3 close allies. That’s always a lifesaver.

For elite, I’m not a huge fan of Lich Form because I don’t enjoy entering a different form and leaving my attack routine. If Death Shroud couldn’t be traited for the vulnerability, I wouldn’t switch into it nearly as much for PvE. I know Lich Form is great damage, I just don’t know how it compares precisely, so I prefer Flesh Golem. It adds great sustained dps and it’s knockdown is wonderful, offensive or defensive.

I’m pretty much stacking power and precision, with the occasional toughness when I can. I haven’t really decided on any runes, etc.

I don’t have as much experience as I’d like (really do any of us? game’s only been out a few months), so please you legendary necros out there give me some feedback.

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in Necromancer

Posted by: Meszarlock.4783


i Was Condition Before , so i have 2 armors sets now im thinking of getting Berzerker if i get my answer regarding minions


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in Necromancer

Posted by: Stormy O.7025

Stormy O.7025

I’ve only played sPvp and have no experience with tpvp.

For the Necro, I generally prefer relatively Glass Cannon builds, because I seem to do much better with them than defensive builds that use a lot of toughness. However, since toughness does not scale linearly, I do get at least 200 additional toughness via traits.

Condition/Power Hybrid Build – staff, dagger/warhorn|0|1201|1196|1198|1199|4693|30|1215|1211|2242|10|2325|0|0|20|1569|2332|0|10|2321|0|0|0|0|0|0|3|15|5|28043|28017|49960|49960|49960|49960|49960|25903|48790|0|0|0|0|

Use Sigil of Agony for Staff.

General Description
- I try to play defensively most of the time (especially when initiating a fight); however, there are several necro skills (e.g., interrupts) that allows me to reverse the situation so that I become the aggressor. In general, this is actually quite an aggressive build
- With dagger, understand how to weave around opponents so that they miss, especially when they use range weapons. (Note: turn off melee assist in the options, which blocks your movement in melee range if you don’t turn it off)
- staff = conditions, dagger = physical damage
- can do a sort of spike by switching to daggers after laying conditions on the enemy

Power Build – staff, dagger/focus|0|1201|1196|9243|1199|4693|20|1592|1211|0|0|0|0|0|10|1569|0|0|20|1580|2321|0|20|2338|2401|0|3|17|3|28032|28016|49982|49982|49982|49982|49982|25790|48789|0|0|0|0|

Use Sigil of Superior Accuracy for Staff.

- For a bit more Deadly Build, remove 10 points from the Blood line and add it to the Spite line

General Description
- Use Staff (and Deathshroud) for handling certain kiting builds (e.g., mesmers)
- Against certain Warrior (e.g., hammer warrior) and Thief builds, staff should also be used quite a bit (albeit not exclusively)

- If you expect the opponent to heal soon, then stay in deathshroud to interrupt the opponent’s heal
- after downing an opponent, consider attacking him with the dagger (and Focus skill #4) to gain Life Force

(edited by Stormy O.7025)

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in Necromancer

Posted by: Sugram.3106


this is my idea

i so a video, were guy had S/D & staff, he switched between S/D / staff in WvW, it was 2 teams of players who fight each other & take over locations, he had Curses 30 to, rest of the traits i don’t remember but rest i did as i think is good + i asked opinion form some1 in guild & then decided that build, this guy in the video was bad kitten with S/D+Staff in WvW, but i think it is also good in PVE

(edited by Sugram.3106)

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in Necromancer

Posted by: Sparda.9750


condicionmancer for spvp;ToAgyU+YgRAj1HnPSYWeM8YGA

i hope u enjoy!!
in 1vs1 i’ve never lost a fight.. sometimes 2vs1, but u have to hope where are no mesmer or thiev, cause a mesmer is a really problem.. also if he’s alone with u.. wasting bleed on his phantoms is a great problem, anyway.. in spvp i rox so much.. the funniest enemies to have a battle are the guardians.. no comment about it

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in Necromancer

Posted by: Lorelei.3918


Who says Necromacers suck?

AOEmancer condition/power build;TsAgyCqo+y8l4L7XuvkftKYEwWEA

(Copy and Paste in new window to view)

Curses: 30
Death Magic: 30
Blood Magic: 10

REDONE Mark of Blood on dodge is just too powerful to pass up. This build doesn’t rely on DS as much as my previous iteration. The overall attack style remains the same though.

Attack Plan:

The staff lets you quickly turn someone into a ‘aoe bomb’. Drop BiP and CPC on him, then staff 4 then epidemic. With any luck staff 4 sucked every condition in the area onto him and you epidemic’d it around before he had a chance to react. Use the rest of your marks, dodge roll around the enemy twice for more bleeds, then if your LF is full, go into DS and run in jumping around consuming life force and using dark claw on stragglers. Or Plague form..

Plague Form: If you don’t know how to use it, here is a quick explanation. It’s a escape and or delay button. In Escape mode you use its cripple button(#3) and in tank mode you use Blind button(#2). #1 is suboptimal so don’t use it, you really do more damage with marks. Anyway, its situational; I like to use tank mode to stop a control point from flipping until help arrives. Also after I do my mark alpha I sometimes use it in group fights to kitten the enemy teams dps. Kittens…

Gear Choices:

Staff is obvious in this build.

The offhand set is for utility, it will give you 3 stacks of might + a swiftness buff and some extra aoe effect. Dagger can be used to take down structures and the immobilize + swiftness is good for catching runners. Remember you have power with this build, the dagger can be used to attack in a pinch.

Carrior plus Rampage jewel gives a nice balance of condition, power, crit and vitality. Vitality works well with DS and Plague Form. (Given how much anet wants us to take vitality…it’d sure be great if life siphoning scaled with HP HINT HINT.)

Nightmare runes synergize with Reapers Protection. Even though you are using a very offensive set of stats, you have surprising survivability if you play your cards right. Your enemy will fear you, literally.

(edited by Lorelei.3918)

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in Necromancer

Posted by: Taeli.8674


I’ve been trying for a while to find something that I really enjoy, for mainly a solo PvE player. I think I’ve finally settled on a set of weapons/utility skills that I find enjoyable. This build does a few different things. I run axe/dagger with quickness/bleed duration sigil + staff. Traits are based around buffing staff skills, bleed, and empowering DS. Utility skills provide great control for large groups or hitting hard on a single target. BiS/Epidemic + CC for the heal skill provides some nice healing, especially when popped after getting spectral armor at 50%. Run the signet + epi for even more condition fun. Keep Dagger 4 for when CC is down and I need to burn conditions off of me, or for adding extra bleeds or vulnerabilities while swapping to staff 2 for regen periods.

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in Necromancer

Posted by: Brandr.3026


I would like some honest and constructive opinions on this build and suggestions are welcome. It is a PvP build but some things in the skill slots can be changed out to make it more PvE friendly such as Well of Suffering & Corruption as well as Flesh Golemn as the Elite Skill.

I took both dagger and axe as main and alternate main hand weapons to take advantage of their #2 key channeling abilities to make use of the Dark Armor trait in the Death Magic line.

Please critique.;TwAg0CvoWyskYJ7SulkLtwYQxujZIA

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Posted by: EarthlySaint.4523


Hi Kildari… I’m trying out your build and really like it so far….thanks for posting! Couple questions for you.

I just hit level 80 and am having some trouble deciding on sigils for the weapons. What is your wife using?

Do you have any experience with this build in Dungeons or WvW?

I could not find armor w/power, precision and vitality…again, what armor is your wife using in her build?


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Posted by: Phantasy.1087


does anyone have a build for sceptre/focus??

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Posted by: Mammoth.1975


Here’s a scepter/focus build that a couple of people have asked about in game:

Mark of blood, dodge in, weapon swap, grasping dead for about 10k aoe bleed damage every 10s. Make life hard for guards with spinal shivers, well of corruption, and corrupt boon.

I know golem sucks but it has its upsides. Golem charge people who are backed against obstacles for huge damage and blowouts, or golem charge people who are getting knocked already to send them flying. Charge also does big damage to trebuchet if needed. Once you get a fair condition stack going, charge is another cc to chain on them to prevent them using removals for a few seconds. Plus mark of revival, reaper’s mark, and golem charge gives you a few ccs against body bashers and stompers. If their stability is down you can solo revive some classes against 3-4 guys. On top of all that, he hits pretty hard and spams cripple (when he feels like attacking at all of course).

Easy 1v1s especially against thieves and warriors, good teamfighting, durable enough to hold a side if you have to.

The main problems I have-
Rangers will kitten you up.
Standard glass necros with all the condition defense stuff like consume and dagger offhand will kitten you up unless they have to fight on point.
Clocktower sucks when you’re not a ranged guy (and you’re not).
No signet of undeath.

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

(edited by Mammoth.1975)

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in Necromancer

Posted by: Kildari.2480


Hello Earthly,

The stats she focused on was power, precision and toughness not vitality as thats more readily available. Toughness over vitality as I feel it helps a lot more in shroud form.

As far as in dungeons. She almost never dies I can pretty much attest this from experience. She’s definitely the last one down if there’s a full party wipe on any encounters.

In WVW I’ve seen her kite and entire group of guys, that just can not take her down, into our ambush force many times. I can not stress enough how absolutely powerful it is.

As far as sigils go….I just looked and she’s pretty much using I’m guessing whatever sigils she got on dropped weapons. I really need to work on that with her lol. Given she’s doing very well on the rather random assortment of sigils she has now I would say use whatever you feel you like. I dont think there’s too many wrong ways you could go.

hope that information helps!

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in Necromancer

Posted by: EarthlySaint.4523


Thanks, Kildari…I appreciate the time! One more for you… What’s accessories (earrings, rings, etc)? I’m playing with a mix right now but was thinking to add some focus there on condition to take advantage of the condition from the marks.

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in Necromancer

Posted by: Martacus.4085


Minion Master:
Stack vulnerability and let minions hit stuff. You can blow them up too. Also, staff.

Run Fast Dagger Guy:
Run fast. Dagger guys. CC people too.

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in Necromancer

Posted by: lettucemode.3789


ROFL, Run Fast Dagger Guy. “Run fast. Dagger guys.”

Thanks for the laugh! I’m bookmarking that build to check out later, based solely on the name and description

Sanctum of Rall
Builds: Facemelter Watch The Health Bar

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Posted by: Brokin.6834


WvW Power Deathshroud Build

General Concept:
— Stay at Range with Staff/DS when possible
— Axe for burst when caught in melee and marks/DS on cooldown
— Warhorn for interupt and escaping.
— High Direct Damage with weapons and deathshroud
— Fast LF generation for high DS uptime
— Increase survivability/mobility through toughness, traits, and spectral utility skills.

Armor: Berserker with Runes of the Eagle

Staff: Berserker with Superior Accuracy
Axe: Berserker with Superior Accuracy
Warhorn: Berserker with Superior Force

Jewelry: Knights x5
Backpack: Guild Defender with Knight Jewel

Final Stats :
Attack: 3095
Crit Chance: 52%
Crit Damage: 69%
Armor: 2376
Health: 18512

I’ve respecced many times, tried condition builds (so much condition removal), hybrid builds, different utilities, but for WvW this is what I’ve found works best (for me anyway).

You get decent direct damage, 2 spectral armors per minute, perma swiftness, a 1200 range runner/wall grab with a chill, and very fast LF generation. If I had to guess, I’d say I spend 50% of my time in DS during combat and if they ever fix the Gluttony bug so that it works, LF generation would be double fast. I can get off anywhere from 6-11 lifeblasts depending on if I get damaged before switching out of DS (which I do at around 50%). Plus your Lifeblasts give you might, pierce, and cause stacking vunerability for EACH blast. I rarely die unless I do something stupid like overextend and get zergrolled.

If you want to go silly with survivability and fustrate the piss out of melee, switch the golem with Plague and spam #2 when in trouble and head back to zergmates.

Works good in dungeons too.

(edited by Brokin.6834)

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in Necromancer

Posted by: quickthorn.4918


Thanks, Kildari…I appreciate the time! One more for you… What’s accessories (earrings, rings, etc)? I’m playing with a mix right now but was thinking to add some focus there on condition to take advantage of the condition from the marks.

I would also like to know this, Kildari. I’ve just maxed out my jeweller at the moment so it’s time to update my necro’s fairly random assortment, and I’m using (and liking) your wife’s build.

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in Necromancer

Posted by: Saschare.2049


I name this build “Strong because of your weaknesses”

Our primary weapon is not staff, nor axe but DS!
I wear full berserker, everywhere. Ruby orbs in armor, ruby trinket and so on. Stacking precision (or power, as you prefer) on staff, and AoE flame blast on axe, sigil on warhorn can be used as you like (but I use the chill on swap because of the wvw and swapping to warhorn to run away, so the chill is helping much with 3 from Axe).

Power: 3,200 – 3,500
Condition damage: 300 (from traits)
Crit chance: 55% – 65%
Crit damage: up to 95% and can be more
Health pool: about 18k (basic)
Toughness and armor: basic

The style of playing:
Many of you can ask me “Why not spending points in Spite? It’s 200 power! Why useless precision?”
Well, due to Withering Precision you make all foes that don’t deal high crit or conditions to make 50% of their damage (on PvE it’s crucial, because mobs are making glancing attacks all the time), and it’s another condition that can be cleansed first before high stack of bleeding or burning from other players on WvW (I mean here Superior Rune of Soldier, many times used by soldiers with shout builds).
Focused Rituals used for Corruption and Suffering, it depends on battle on WvW when used. Well of Corruption is beautiful on this build as far as you are far (:D) from foes. What’s more it pulses, it crits, it can weakness and it’s AoE.
Greater Marks are for unblockable thing and the philosophy of bigger marks on WvW (imagine your foe “Omg, what is it? Maybe fear mark? Or Putrid mark? Dunno!” and must run twice a big amount of foots to get over the mark). You don’t have to use it, but I fell more comfortable with this trait.
Last Gasp is a must for this build. On PvE and WvW. If the situation is hard it helps you to take a break, get less damage. Then you can put well of power or healing skill – Consume Conditions. Then Weakening shroud comes in handy, when you see it’s too hard you tap DS and make weakness to all those without crits, what makes you survive their all CC and big damage skills. Use 4 to survive “the bomb” and end your foes with Reaper’s Might and Unyielding Blast, what makes you just hit for 4k in a tank build warrior or 7k to a thief or even more with each blast. Also get out of fight somehow, to get your range as big as you can up to 900 and try to attack as many foes as you can, targeting last in your range. It will make blast get thru all foes on it way.
Vital Persistence makes you live in 50%+ LF for another 2 or 3 Life Blasts. It’s like let’s say 10k damage, and let’s hope we crit in 5 people (when they stack together it is). So this trait gives you even more might, more vulnerability, and possibility to make even 50k damage more with luck.

Well, if our Life force regaining will be changed and can get 50% LF in 5 s, I would change Greater marks to “Near to Death” making you live in DS all the time and the only glass cannon that cannot be killed, dealing all the time high damage

Have fun!

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in Necromancer

Posted by: Beet.5768


I’m going for a build which is the best I can make while sticking to a general concept. The play style in mind is to have the ability to stand in the middle of a fight through raw critical damage, self healing and combining Well of Darkness with Chilling Darkness (Well causing blind with every tick and applying blind also applies chill) for surprising enemy debuff, I don’t know how it’s going to play out yet so if anyone’s tried this I’d love to get some feedback.

Currently level 20 and it’s working pretty well, he eats a group’s health like it was nothing and can stand toe to toe with most Veterens and Champions I’ve faced so far, though of course it is the low levels so who knows how crazy it’ll be once Orr rolls around.

(edited by Beet.5768)

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in Necromancer

Posted by: Hugo the Great.1426

Hugo the Great.1426

I have a condition build called Epidemic Bleed. Posted it here on the forums and Gw2guru.



Check it out if you like. Its a Dungeon/PvE build, built around condition damage and even using gasp Minions.

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in Necromancer

Posted by: Ish.9621


After playing warrior, ele, and ranger, necro has become my favorite profession. It’s by far the easiest of the four. Just go up and smash their face in, healing up all the while.

It’s awesome for most dungeons, FotM and world completion.



I call it Vampiric Minion Master. Most would say that the siphon abilities are too weak. I say they just haven’t found the synergistic harmony of the traits. Wearing full Soldier’s set with crests for pve and Melandru Runes in spvp, this Dagger, focus, Staff build relies on straight damage and decent tanking ability to outlast its opponents.

Every trait supports the build. There is no “This trait hardly helps but I guess I’ll take it” thing going on.

Great thing about this build, you can put minions away, change utilities to signets and change the last trait of each tree to buff staff and signets for specific boss fights.

Honestly, I never liked the feel of axe and scepter. Using your whole body to swing at air to make something happening in the far distance is just weird. I guess I’m still a warrior at heart.

(edited by Ish.9621)

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in Necromancer

Posted by: Negis.5176


Here’s my Condition build which has been serving me very well in sPVP and free tourneys.;0_-34FKlHkC0p3gJ-K0g3VIFC0A4BK;5TJ-J;116A14;217-K-F4aNH4dZH9fgm92VY

Mostly it’s the common things in many similar Staff / Scepter & Dagger builds, because they simply work, so I’ll focus on the more uncommon things I enjoy to round it up as a solid solo and team fighter with good defence and couple tricks up the sleeve.

Curses and Death Magic traits are the bread and butter for the chosen weapon set; maximise your Bleeds, Corruption utilities and Marks. I’d consider 30 in Curses and 10 in Death Magic, for Greater Marks, a must leaving you with 30 points to customize.
Sigil, Rune and Accessory choises are the usual optimised set for survivability, longer lasting bleeds and getting the most out of Sigil of Earth and Barbed Precision trait. Rabid Amulet is simply the best, it has everything you need, don’t leave home without it.
The utility skill selection is also very common: Consume Conditions is very powerful, Epidemic is the cornerstone of the condition build making you extremely dangerous in group situations and Corrupt Boon is for melting boon stacking builds (often otherwise hard to kill bunkers).

Spectral Walk and the Flesh Golem are the more uncommon choises. The Walk gives you mobility on call as well as a great trick for losing opponents (while your conditions eat on them). Flesh Golem is a good all-rounder, nice cc and damage for solo fights and can also tackle a whole team in group fights if aligned correctly.
Plague could be better group utility for a coordinated team but I find it lacking in Hot joins and random Free trounaments as you don’t do that much damage yourself and rather just disrupt the opponents, leaving the dirty job to your teammates who might or might not be up to the task.

The rest of my traits I spent in picking up Staff Mastery from Death Magic for simple utility and Last Gasp & Decaying Swarm from Soul Reaping to give you good defensive tools when you need them as well as a solid source of Life Force. The Decaying Swarm might seem weak on paper but in reality it’s a snare and switfness exactly when you need them.

As for the common traits I didn’t pick:

The rest of the Mark related traits are rather weak, Spiteful Marks does pitiful damage as it’s only 10% on top of the already small initial trigger damage of the marks. Soul Marks on the other hand, while potentially decent in aoe situations but weak in single target, is just not needed due to the Spectral Armor and Spectral Walk giving Life Force.

Mark of Evasion is nice but only causes 2 bleeds and is not really needed on top of your weapon skills, besides you should rather hang back at range and not be dodging around in the melee.

Reaper’s Might is good but it’s for shooting away Power dependent Life Blasts, which is not worthwile as the damage in this build is lacking.

The Death Shroud entry traits are powerful but in my opinion only worth it in a power build that keeps popping in and out of Shroud all the time. With Condition Necro I find myself using the Shroud mostly for stunbreak, burst damage dump and quick fear, no benefit for hanging around in it.

And the common utilities I didn’t pick:

Power for Blood is just not needed, it’s additional damage but your weaponskills already are quite powerful enough as they are. Also while the Epidemic and Corrupt Boon are more or less mandatory I rather spend the last slot for an escape option.

Plague Signet is another which is simply not needed, off hand dagger #4 and Staff #4 handle the job quite well as they are.

Signet of Spite is all in all rather lacking, a bit of damage and a snare on a rather lengthy cooldown, not worth it.

Wells are powerful but not required in this build as you already have a lot of aoe effects already.

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in Necromancer

Posted by: Zarraki.8706


My PvE d/d and staff build. lots of survivability and of course enjoyment playing

Rai Lightbringer
General [SOA]

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Posted by: Malleus Maleficarum.2603

Malleus Maleficarum.2603;0_-7c;1IkI0G4FJ-K0;9;599TJ;12;01;015B12-a-k3V;1MRl4MZH91Fm

First: the weapons
staff, with its expanded mark range, can apply spammable bleeding and regen, chilled and poison, and has a handy little skill that transfers your conditions and is also a blast finisher. If you blast at the start of the battle right after casting 3 you get a nice long weakness, which i think is an underated condition. It means half the time, they do half damage(unless they crit).

I realize nobody likes Axe, but i’ve played around with every weapon set and it fits this build very nicely as long as you don’t stay on it. #2 isn’t too bad, and more importantly gives you lots of life force(espcially with the 10% boost from the minor trait in soul reaping). the #3 skill is actually very good. gives you 3 seconds of retaliation for every enemy you hit, and cripples them all. use it RIGHT after switching from staff. I also put on a sup. sigil of geomancy which applies 3 stacks of bleeding on switch, and a little bit of dmg.

The focus is my oh-no-you-dont offhand. #4 i sometimes use for the regen and high vulnerability, but really it’s all about skill 5 which removes 3 of their boons and chills for 5 seconds. Along with staff #4 which can transfer a condtion from you to an entire group of enemies, it keeps them boons free while you are condition free. Well of Power and well of suffering are very good choices when the areas you’re fighting in use lots of what they counter.

How my traits supplement the build

Chilling Darkness: this pretty much decided that i was going to be a wellmancer. every time you blind a foe, theyre chilled. Now what to you expect will happen when you throw down a well of darkness? group chill for the whole duration, to go with the chill that’s a part of staff 3, and focus 5, and Death shroud 2. can also get one more my blasting the well of suffering to get blind+chill combo if well of darkness is recharging. As we all know chill slows down movement and Recharge speeds of skills(basically capping DPS) by 66%

The blood magic traits aren’t essential, but they’re all pretty nice, especially the grandmaster. it keeps you topped off very well, especially if you have heal on crit and bloodthirsty on. Its fun to watch all the healing you can get when the wells are up and they heal on trait, on hit, on crit, while you get healed by spammed regen, regular attacks, crits you are doing on your own.

Soul reaping line:
Death shroud is almost a constant part of my rotation. after you burn through the staff skills and wells, and then the axe/focus skills(usually just #2 and #3 in a group fight), hop in death shroud and do the 4 skill, or pop in for the fear. #2 also is nice for the bleed and chill on multiple people.


Runes: more bleeding, weakness, and poison. bleeding to kill, weakness helps you survive, and poison kills and screws with their healing.

of corruption. stacks of condition damage. a pretty obvious choice.

of air. specifically because axe 2 hits 8 times and therefor has 8 chances to crit. the 3 skill also hits 5 people.

of geomancy. Get dem bleed stacks on, son

Forgot about plague sig and flesh golem. who doesn’t like 25% movement speed? plus, a fair bit of healing in touchy situations while your better savior skills like DS are on cooldown. Flesh golem is basically just a distraction that can knock down a whole group, and if you activate his skill against walls or turrets it sort of bugs out and does uber damage.

This build melts large groups fast, while keeping them screwed and you healthy.

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in Necromancer

Posted by: OnyX.9027


WvW AoE Conditions

The traits I chose are unbugged, a lot of necro traits are still bugged and don’t work as they are supposed to (like the closer to death trait, longer spectral skills etc…) every trait chosen here works solidly and a quick tip you can also drop your traits to 20/20 and put the 10 into blood magic if you are running dagger/dagger for Blood Magic 1 so immobilize (dark pact) comes around quicker

I run this with a full carrion set as hybrid of Condition Dmg + power + Vit is optimal in WvWvW (you carry enough toughness from trait line for dmg mitigation) you can (and I have) ran through 30-40 of the enemy to help defend a keep and still been alive without using Death Shroud (but it is still there to save your kitten if needed )

Reservoir Shugo – Necro
Soul of Onyx – Guardian

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Posted by: Forsaker.9213
