Whether the topic is PvP or not – you decided to antagonize those who have little experience in PvP, and this is absurd to do so whether you agree with it or not… You literally call them out on their scores and imply that “they have no knowledge of how things work” – and frankly, there has been little reason for most to even have many tournaments played on the board… Or are you going to say that people like Leeto do not have enough experience in TeamQ as well, so can never formulate a decent opinion? I can assure you that though he has played more Solo than TeamQ on GW2score, that he has a better understanding of this game, the class and whatnot then you – granted, he did not partake within this discussion, but I would warn you where you decide to belittle people…
The class is uniformly bad designed – this includes PvP as well… The people you belittle are as entitled to give their opinions or feedback as you are, and if you are not willing to listen to them “because they did not play in the higher end of PvP” you are in the wrong here, and not them…
This is a discussion forum, not a “My rooster is bigger than yours”… If you have had succes with Necromancer in high end PvP – good for you… I know plenty who do, and plenty who had in the past, but discuss with those what is wrong with Necromancer and suddenly they can all wind it up to the same…Coherrent issues with how the class is designed and how it is played out in PvP gives Necromancers are role within the said gamemode that does not fit the class, does not fit the player and thus aggitates those who play it – sure you can do well, but if you look from it with a broader perspective you will notice why these people are actually complaining
This thread started as a ventilation for Moa, though a respectable Necromancer, he was wrong here – Necromancers are somewhat fine within the gamemode… Are Necromancers fine? , no they are not… far from it…
Besides, these are the forums, not a jolly wacky crew of high-end players to please each other – here you will find a collection of people who are opinionated, like to let their voices be heard and are open about it… It will always stay this way, whether you like it or not…
Complaints are everywhere, and not reserved for Necromancer (I could make millions about Warrior and it’s design), and if you cannot handle those who give their opinion, this is not the place for you…
the thing is.. when you go to the other forums there are more happy posts or posts talking about builds or what they like or posts asking for help against particular classes.
you come to the necro forums its omfg not again….. why did you do this? we are not viable, here are suggestions on how to fix the class. there is way more of this here for a reason instead of “wow this build owns check it out” , or here is a vid of me roaming/pvping here are tips and tricks etc