Help With A Build
I ran something similar for a long time. It was a variation of Arrow’s Celestial build for dueling:;5F-v-f2JEV-0;9-9a;29T9J;10;047A2;056-4NF4;2QitaQita20kKsH56;2VMVRWWXa2g3m_0DWDF310;5W61VY-sP
It is pretty pet centric, and has lots of healing for you. Also, you can get the cheep Dwayna Karma armor to get started, and then sub in something else as you go. You can use cats for PvE. or Drakes for taking camps in WvW. The birds he uses are good for dueling and roaming because of all the extra vigor.
I have since moved away from such pet centric builds though. Especially in wvw, pets just aren’t that effective because your target is always moving. I really don’t rely on them at all. It took a month, but I got myself a full set of Celestial armor and trinkets and put together a regen/crit build. I’m very satisfied with it. It has lots of sustain from regen, lots of power from crits and condition damage.;5F-v-f2JEV-0;9F5E;2TT9;214856A2;34NF710;0QitaQita20kKsHmYI0;0Vq5rar5sas5ta0DWDF310;5W61VY-sq
(edited by Demus.4218)