Space Marine Z [GLTY]
Ranged.... Rangers are Godly (better?)
Space Marine Z [GLTY]
The big problem with rangers has always (and most likely will always be) our pets. Pets can be good, but end up being very, very unreliable; standing in AOEs seemingly on purpose (even after you call them back they always seem to sit just inside the AOEs unless you run halfway across Tyria and back…), wolf f2s cancel randomly all the time (unless you stand still for like 20 seconds…), etc. etc.
Everything else is really just minor balancing tweaks that all classes need anyways.
As far as what players can actually precisely control the use of; ranger skills and weapons are decent.
One of the things that people need to learn with rangers is that they really have to be switching out traits and weapons to match the situation at hand. Using a long bow can be good when following a zerg in WvW, but you’ll want to swap it out for something else when not attacking from the rear lines. Swapping in control skills that cripple or muddy terrain and binding roots for possible thieves, etc. Rangers just have to focus on something and then make sure they are set up for it; we can’t just rely on one setup and hope to pretty much “dps” our way out of a situation like certain other classes.
I wouldn’t agree with the title of this thread though, but rangers aren’t as bad as many players make them out to be (just our pets lol).
(edited by Sollith.3502)
I’ve seen a LOT of rangers dominate sPvP, most people here complain because they don’t do as much burst damage as others. But that’s understandable since rangers get pets that can deal damage, absorb damage and heal you while you’re downed. Not to the range on LB’s rangers get.
Here’s my thoughts. For the past couple of weeks I’ve been farming Arah (since there’s no PvE content ingame; oh snap, I said it) just to change my gear (for the 4th time) and for the fun of it.
Build used: 30/30/10
Armor: Power/Prec/Crit with Superior Runes of the Ranger
Trinkets: Ascended zerker
Weapon: SB/S+W (with sigil of accuracy on SB) – S+W for the speed buff if needed
Pets in Arah: Dual Bears (for the tankiness)
Build: healing spring, signet of stone, signet of the wild (for the small constant healing and possible pet rezz during battle), protect me and rampage as one.
Up to Lupicus, I’m usually the last man standing, given the Signet of Beastmaster trait which turns into 12 seconds of invulnerability when followed by protect me.
I usually keep my pets on avoid combat to have protect me when needed.
The only change I’m doing is when reaching lupicus, when I switch protect me with Search and Rescue because now it works all the time. At this point it is quite mandatory to keep your pet alive as well since it’s so useful to have one extra party player that can revive players without causing any other risks to existing players. Suffice to say that everyone in my guild has dubbed him Combat Healer (though his real name is Claw of Jormag).
Why go for bears? It’s easy, they are the tankiest of them all and can take quite a beating when resurrecting dead players. What most people don’t keep in mind during Lupicus is that you can run on the other side of the arena and get out of combat, therefore getting your health back up and eventually reviving your pet if needed.
Using a shortbow from my point of view is great, giving the attack speed (0.5s/arrow) and the fact that with my setup I crit for ~1k (to Lupi), at a 60-80% crit chance. Another bonus to using a SB is having an extra dodge skill when needed, a cripple (when pulling mobs, this can be used quite nice to keep some of the mobs a bit behind) and a stun.
The only con I have with my setup is the low health/toughness which I’m using as a challenge for me, since I have to fight harder to survive (makes the game more fun), which I can manage almost perfectly now.
In the end, what I want to point out is that dungeons are based on parties and each player must perform all the tasks (dps, healing, support, reviving players, surviving, etc.). This is how the game was designed; no one can say that DPS is way since it wasn’t like this by design.
I find it awesome playing as a ranger and I’ll probably start streaming/record some dungeon runs if there are players interested.
(edited by NGraveD.9418)
NGraveD^ I think you mean Signet of Stone and not twice protect me :p
For the rest.. I have followed this forum most of the time and see people bashing each other and Q_Q about a lot of stuff and some guys testing dmg on dummies and making some work with math, but in the end… It still comes down to → Who is controlling the mouse and keyboard..
So people can keep on argue to find the best build. What I did myself was make my own build and take it from there, polish it and use it in both WvW and PvE→ Find you own “Golden Egg” and cherish it!
Some are suited to play ranger, others are not..
Like most of the people has begin to say; Rangers are not that bad!
NGraveD^ I think you mean Signet of Stone and not twice protect me :p
For the rest.. I have followed this forum most of the time and see people bashing each other and Q_Q about a lot of stuff and some guys testing dmg on dummies and making some work with math, but in the end… It still comes down to -> Who is controlling the mouse and keyboard..
So people can keep on argue to find the best build. What I did myself was make my own build and take it from there, polish it and use it in both WvW and PvE-> Find you own “Golden Egg” and cherish it!
Some are suited to play ranger, others are not..Like most of the people has begin to say; Rangers are not that bad!
Yes, thank you for pointing out; forgot to re-check it. Edited now
My only problem is that people are mostly crying about DPS this and DPS that as if DPS is the only idea of this game. It’s a “casual game” and not an elitist-type game, where everything is counted in numbers.
The Rangers damage is comparable to the Guardians damage. A normal attack is around the 700-800 (1st trait line maxed) crits for about 1300-1400 (berserker earrings and amulet and knights rings)
This is comparable to the Guardian with full berserkers accessories. And as we all know, Guardians may not hit as had as warriors, but they have no trouble killing any other classes.
Guardians (In mostly Zerker gear) hit for much more than that. Sword (One hander) auto attack crits for 2k on the normal swings and 3x 1k on the finisher.
~6-7k on the short channel attack.
The rest of your post is nonsense, but yeah, if you want to cheerleader a broken class go for it.
Your comparing a glass cannon 1h sword Guardian to a non glass cannon Ranger. well done.
LB2 hits for 6-7k non glass cannon build at a range of 1500 (traited) and can hit up to 5 people at the same time.
See the difference?
I will continue to experiment with the Class to see how “broken” it really is. Just to throw it out there though I have worked in QA in one of the largest games developer/publishers for over 4 years and do have some merit in knowing what is as designed and what is broken.
There is a reason different pets do different damage scales. As designed.
And I can hit for 6-8k with whirling wrath on up to 5 targets as well with my non-glass cannon Guardian. I don’t think he was comparing a glass cannon guardian b/c I can certainly hit those numbers while keeping a decent amount of armor (2.6k+ armor).
Well thats great isnt it. Rangers and guardians are on par for burst damage from their channelled skill.
Now add in pet damage for the Ranger. It doesnt have to be a jaguar or bird for higher numbers. Even adding a bear or devourer damage will increase ranger damage considerably.
Though tbh getting those figures on a guardian you would need to be loaded with crit dmg %. 2600 armour on a guardian is on the low end of the spectrum.
FYI, Whirling Wrath has a shorter channel time than Rapid Fire, so actually Whirling Wrath damage is higher (also WW is AoE by default without having to trait anything special).
Also to get the figures that you are describing would mean that you’re running a low amount of armor as well. 2600 armor is sufficient considering guardians have numerous ways to drop conditions and heal themselves (along with other defensive cooldowns which offensive rangers simply don’t have). Also a guardian’s GS auto-attack will do more dps on it’s own than your longbow auto-attack, plus the GS attacks cleave.
Rangers completely rely on their pets to pull them up to the same damage potential. That is all that I am saying. Yet there are people in here trying to say that Rangers do good sustained damage even without their pets. A ranger’s full dps potential is tied to their pet regardless of your build.
(edited by kidbs.8920)
Ok, lets put it this way. For simple number crunching on a target that stands still, a guardian will do slighty more damage with WW.
However, what number crunchers dont seem to understand is that numbers mean nothing if it doesnt hit. Months ago the Guardian community realised this and stopped trying to compare Guardians to warriors. Why? Because Guardians werent meant to do high burst damage. Combat effectivenes of a Guardian in WvW is also higher without that burst damage.
Now, there is an argument in the Guardian WvW community on which weapon is better for WvW. GS or Hammer. Hammer wins. Why? Not because it does a higher number damage to WW. Simply because its % to land it means it will actually do damage. Anyoneand their mother can avoid 90% of the damage of WW with a simple dodge.
The comparison between WW and RF is just stupid. On the field, you will always land more hits with RF. This means the actual damage of the weapon is greater. You cant avoid RF with 1 dodge roll.
Now comparing the damage range of a LB Ranger and GS Guardian. It is comparable. The numbers may not be exactly the same but it is not far off. However, the Ranger has the potential to increase this damage where the Guardian does not. Sure its not as high as a warrior but it is enough. Add to this fact that the Rangers damage is at range, the actual effectiveness increases much more.
Why are warriors not considered kings of WvW? Because their effective damage is pretty low.
Effective damage wise, the Ranger is quite up there. Learn the difference between potential damage and effective damage.
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]
less talk and more unedited game session videos. perhaps you could start a stream for us to watch your applied godly ranger dps in action when you wvw, tpvp and spvp as well.
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
I sent you a PM with the chance to prove what it is you’re saying.
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer
Sure i will fight you in WvW. No bets though i dont fight for money. I never said i was a pro Ranger so trying to earn money from me is just gold digging. Can go do your gold digging somewhere else.
For some strange reason you sound like this guy who tried to challenge my Guardian.
If you fancy the fight. You can server transfer to Vabbi. I will gladly fight you on all your toons.
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]
Sure i will fight you in WvW. No bets though
i dont fight for money. I never said i was a pro Ranger so trying to earn money from me is just gold digging. Can go do your gold digging somewhere else.
For some strange reason you sound like this guy who tried to challenge my Guardian.
If you fancy the fight. You can server transfer to Vabbi. I will gladly fight you on all your toons.
How can you say the things you do, when you’re not sure of yourself? I will not transfer unless you make it worth my while. Put up gold per duel, or we don’t duel, and I can write you off as another person on these forums who does not know which he talks about.
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer
SPvP, duel there it’s allot harder and more balanced…..
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Call me whatever you like. You want to find out, you pay for it. From where i stand i dont need to prove that actual combat damage is different to hitting a dummy.
You sound like someone rich challenging 100g per fight. I dont even have 10g but i will gladly fight you. Im sure you can afford the server transfer.
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]
Think someone is trying to hussle me nice try.
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]
You seemed so sure of yourself too. Guess it was all hot air, with no experience.
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer
SPvP, duel there it’s allot harder and more balanced…..
sPvP is the illusion of balance, and classes are so much different from their WvW builds. sPvP is nothing more than a nerfed down version of WvW. That’s why builds, and classes that work in sPvP, do not work in WvW.
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer
From where i stand i dont need to prove that actual combat damage is different to hitting a dummy.
actually you do. you started a thread and made a bunch of claims so now it’s time to back it up.
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
From where i stand i dont need to prove that actual combat damage is different to hitting a dummy.
actually you do. you started a thread and made a bunch of claims so now it’s time to back it up.
Exactly. You can’t make claims like this, and say; I don’t need to prove it.
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer
I never claimed to be really good at the class. And being experienced with it or not has any relevence to what is being discussed.
If you want to find out how good i am. You can transfer to my tier. I can offer 10000000g per fight if you like. Its not like i can pay you if i lose more then i win.
If you want to find out. You know what you have to do. Dont throw around gold and use it as leverage it doesnt work. Im not afraid to duel you. I am also not under the illusion that i am that good with a Ranger.
Nice try though.
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]
Do you want to prove this point? Go and hit a dummy for 1 minute. Record damage. Now go into WvW and join a battle for 1 minute. Record damage.
Does all your damage equal that of hitting the dummy?
Come and duel me anytime. Im not going to pay for it though.
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]
I never claimed to be really good at the class. And being experienced with it or not has any relevence to what is being discussed.
If you want to find out how good i am. You can transfer to my tier. I can offer 10000000g per fight if you like. Its not like i can pay you if i lose more then i win.
If you want to find out. You know what you have to do. Dont throw around gold and use it as leverage
it doesnt work. Im not afraid to duel you. I am also not under the illusion that i am that good with a Ranger.
Nice try though.
First and foremost if I’m going to pay for the transfer, you need to put up something worth me leaving my friends for a week, and the money I have to pay for the transfer, unless you transfer to duel me in WvW.
Second, if you’re not good enough to make it work, how in the hell can you possibly know it will work? Theorycrafting always looks good on paper, but in practice, not so much.
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer
Greatsword can haul kitten away from a zerg if they see the zerg coming…that is true.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies
So dueling you would prove what exactly?
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]
Now here is the thing that has been bugging me. People who test damage on dummies and calculate the DPS output of the class and compare it against another class. This is not actually accurate and the result will not actually show you the DPS of te class in a “Live” situation
One thing you have to consider is that warriors or thieves are melee classes. This means that they will spend quite a bit of their time dodging and rolling and moving weaving their way in and out of AoE’s. This reduces the amount of actual DPS. The tests people do are mainly against unmoving targets that do not hit back. It is possible to get extremely high numbers if you stand and attack something for 30 seconds however, it is a very rare occassion where you will be able to do such thing in the actual game itself.
The Ranger is equipped with very good ranged weapons. This allows them to maintain max and still keep the damage flowing. Using a LB with extended range, the ranger is completely clear from the combat area. The damage that is done from rangers is a constant that does not stop. Both bows allow for good consistent damage at any range.
I’ve been running dungeons constantly with the Ranger and have found this class to be amazingly versatile and by simply switching utilities for the right encounter (am I going to be a turret or do I need to kite) The speed does not decrease.
Even in WvW I don’t know why people QQ about the Ranger. Even against thieves we have utilities that allow us to have the advantage (protect me and SoS means thier bursts do no damage to you) The only down side I see is people speccing as a glass cannon then moan when they die so easily.
For those who do not believe, I will do a video soon. I am relatively new to the Ranger class and Im not that great a player either, but if someone like me can do it…. anyoe can. It’s not all about damage.
either delete your OP or start putting up.
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
So dueling you would prove what exactly?
That you can make it work. The issue with DPS, is you have to be able to do it, to make it worth while. If you’re dead, you’re not DPSing.
I want you to see first hand what I mean by that.
If you went 30 points to get the extra range on Longbow, I’m going to kill you so fast on any of my toons, you’ll be like whaaat? How is he still full health, and I’m dead? O.O
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer
What will happen in WvW if you pop SoS is i’ll stealth and wait for it to run out….If you pop protect me, i’ll just kill your pet before I kill you (though I can easily stealth again at that point)
SoS/ProtectMe work against other classes, it doesn’t work against a Thief.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies
And how does me dueling him change the fact there is a difference between potential damage and effective damage?
I will make a video however im not paying for some hussler to come duel me. If you want to come duel me, this extends to anyone. By all means come and duel me.
Oh and btw everything i wrote in that post relates how to a duel situation? Nice try
Either be patient and wait for the evidence or you can pay for your own transfer. I will not duel for money. End of story.
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]
What will happen in WvW if you pop SoS is i’ll stealth and wait for it to run out….If you pop protect me, i’ll just kill your pet before I kill you (though I can easily stealth again at that point)
SoS/ProtectMe work against other classes, it doesn’t work against a Thief.
It doesn’t even work against other classes.
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer
What will happen in WvW if you pop SoS is i’ll stealth and wait for it to run out….If you pop protect me, i’ll just kill your pet before I kill you (though I can easily stealth again at that point)
SoS/ProtectMe work against other classes, it doesn’t work against a Thief.
It doesn’t even work against other classes.
the few times i’ve ran both, I’ve not been super impressed to be honest.
I think we get more out of Signet of the Wild and Signet of the Hunt with Maul now..
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies
What will happen in WvW if you pop SoS is i’ll stealth and wait for it to run out….If you pop protect me, i’ll just kill your pet before I kill you (though I can easily stealth again at that point)
SoS/ProtectMe work against other classes, it doesn’t work against a Thief.
Well if wait for it to run out you’ve already given the advantage to the ranger. Rangers given 6 seconds to regen their health back.
Does not work against thief? Tell it to the theifs on blacktide and vabbi.
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]
So dueling you would prove what exactly?
That you can make it work. The issue with DPS, is you have to be able to do it, to make it worth while. If you’re dead, you’re not DPSing.
I want you to see first hand what I mean by that.
If you went 30 points to get the extra range on Longbow, I’m going to kill you so fast on any of my toons, you’ll be like whaaat? How is he still full health, and I’m dead? O.O
So staying at max range ikittenerg, on a wall, in a dungeon is reflected in what way in a duel situation?
Anywsy. Come and transfer. I’ll be waiting. We can even record it to shame me if you like
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]
Ok, lets put it this way. For simple number crunching on a target that stands still, a guardian will do slighty more damage with WW.
However, what number crunchers dont seem to understand is that numbers mean nothing if it doesnt hit. Months ago the Guardian community realised this and stopped trying to compare Guardians to warriors. Why? Because Guardians werent meant to do high burst damage. Combat effectivenes of a Guardian in WvW is also higher without that burst damage.
Now, there is an argument in the Guardian WvW community on which weapon is better for WvW. GS or Hammer. Hammer wins. Why? Not because it does a higher number damage to WW. Simply because its % to land it means it will actually do damage. Anyoneand their mother can avoid 90% of the damage of WW with a simple dodge.
The comparison between WW and RF is just stupid. On the field, you will always land more hits with RF. This means the actual damage of the weapon is greater. You cant avoid RF with 1 dodge roll.
Now comparing the damage range of a LB Ranger and GS Guardian. It is comparable. The numbers may not be exactly the same but it is not far off. However, the Ranger has the potential to increase this damage where the Guardian does not. Sure its not as high as a warrior but it is enough. Add to this fact that the Rangers damage is at range, the actual effectiveness increases much more.
Why are warriors not considered kings of WvW? Because their effective damage is pretty low.
Effective damage wise, the Ranger is quite up there. Learn the difference between potential damage and effective damage.
RF is ridiculously easy to dodge as well, plus I have ways to make sure that you will take at least as much damage from WW as you could possibly do with RF. I am we’ll aware of the difference between potential and effective damage. Thats why I keep saying your effective damage will be lower because it will always be tied to your pet.
How about this for a kicker… a guardian using a scepter will do more damage than you could hope to match with either your longbow or short bow. So a dps spec guardian can use his great sword for superior single target and AoE dps and then easily switch to his scepter for a little more range and still do more dps.
I honestly don’t know what you are trying to prove. I love my ranger b/c of his mobility, but I also realize that I could always do more damage with my guardian and my power/crit spec necro.
Ok, lets put it this way. For simple number crunching on a target that stands still, a guardian will do slighty more damage with WW.
However, what number crunchers dont seem to understand is that numbers mean nothing if it doesnt hit. Months ago the Guardian community realised this and stopped trying to compare Guardians to warriors. Why? Because Guardians werent meant to do high burst damage. Combat effectivenes of a Guardian in WvW is also higher without that burst damage.
Now, there is an argument in the Guardian WvW community on which weapon is better for WvW. GS or Hammer. Hammer wins. Why? Not because it does a higher number damage to WW. Simply because its % to land it means it will actually do damage. Anyoneand their mother can avoid 90% of the damage of WW with a simple dodge.
The comparison between WW and RF is just stupid. On the field, you will always land more hits with RF. This means the actual damage of the weapon is greater. You cant avoid RF with 1 dodge roll.
Now comparing the damage range of a LB Ranger and GS Guardian. It is comparable. The numbers may not be exactly the same but it is not far off. However, the Ranger has the potential to increase this damage where the Guardian does not. Sure its not as high as a warrior but it is enough. Add to this fact that the Rangers damage is at range, the actual effectiveness increases much more.
Why are warriors not considered kings of WvW? Because their effective damage is pretty low.
Effective damage wise, the Ranger is quite up there. Learn the difference between potential damage and effective damage.
RF is ridiculously easy to dodge as well, plus I have ways to make sure that you will take at least as much damage from WW as you could possibly do with RF. I am we’ll aware of the difference between potential and effective damage. Thats why I keep saying your effective damage will be lower because it will always be tied to your pet.
How about this for a kicker… a guardian using a scepter will do more damage than you could hope to match with either your longbow or short bow. So a dps spec guardian can use his great sword for superior single target and AoE dps and then easily switch to his scepter for a little more range and still do more dps.
I honestly don’t know what you are trying to prove. I love my ranger b/c of his mobility, but I also realize that I could always do more damage with my guardian and my power/crit spec necro.
Ok now you mention swapping weapons to increase damage. Do you think ranger cannot?
Guess it boils down to evidence it will come soon.
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]
What will happen in WvW if you pop SoS is i’ll stealth and wait for it to run out….If you pop protect me, i’ll just kill your pet before I kill you (though I can easily stealth again at that point)
SoS/ProtectMe work against other classes, it doesn’t work against a Thief.
Well if wait for it to run out you’ve already given the advantage to the ranger. Rangers given 6 seconds to regen their health back.
Does not work against thief? Tell it to the theifs on blacktide and vabbi.
You realize how much I heal for while stealthed?
Its more then you heal for on a ranger.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies
Ok, lets put it this way. For simple number crunching on a target that stands still, a guardian will do slighty more damage with WW.
However, what number crunchers dont seem to understand is that numbers mean nothing if it doesnt hit. Months ago the Guardian community realised this and stopped trying to compare Guardians to warriors. Why? Because Guardians werent meant to do high burst damage. Combat effectivenes of a Guardian in WvW is also higher without that burst damage.
Now, there is an argument in the Guardian WvW community on which weapon is better for WvW. GS or Hammer. Hammer wins. Why? Not because it does a higher number damage to WW. Simply because its % to land it means it will actually do damage. Anyoneand their mother can avoid 90% of the damage of WW with a simple dodge.
The comparison between WW and RF is just stupid. On the field, you will always land more hits with RF. This means the actual damage of the weapon is greater. You cant avoid RF with 1 dodge roll.
Now comparing the damage range of a LB Ranger and GS Guardian. It is comparable. The numbers may not be exactly the same but it is not far off. However, the Ranger has the potential to increase this damage where the Guardian does not. Sure its not as high as a warrior but it is enough. Add to this fact that the Rangers damage is at range, the actual effectiveness increases much more.
Why are warriors not considered kings of WvW? Because their effective damage is pretty low.
Effective damage wise, the Ranger is quite up there. Learn the difference between potential damage and effective damage.
RF is ridiculously easy to dodge as well, plus I have ways to make sure that you will take at least as much damage from WW as you could possibly do with RF. I am we’ll aware of the difference between potential and effective damage. Thats why I keep saying your effective damage will be lower because it will always be tied to your pet.
How about this for a kicker… a guardian using a scepter will do more damage than you could hope to match with either your longbow or short bow. So a dps spec guardian can use his great sword for superior single target and AoE dps and then easily switch to his scepter for a little more range and still do more dps.
I honestly don’t know what you are trying to prove. I love my ranger b/c of his mobility, but I also realize that I could always do more damage with my guardian and my power/crit spec necro.
Ok now you mention swapping weapons to increase damage. Do you think ranger cannot?
Guess it boils down to evidence
it will come soon.
I can’t wait to see it…. I won’t hold my breath though.
Also dude you don’t stand a chance of beating a competent thief unless you are running one of the trap or BM bunker specs.
(edited by kidbs.8920)
What will happen in WvW if you pop SoS is i’ll stealth and wait for it to run out….If you pop protect me, i’ll just kill your pet before I kill you (though I can easily stealth again at that point)
SoS/ProtectMe work against other classes, it doesn’t work against a Thief.
Well if wait for it to run out you’ve already given the advantage to the ranger. Rangers given 6 seconds to regen their health back.
Does not work against thief? Tell it to the theifs on blacktide and vabbi.
You realize how much I heal for while stealthed?
Its more then you heal for on a ranger.
And i would be standing still to regen instead of swinging with a GS to try and do extra damage as well as use AoE?
Either that or gain distance for when stealth is gone to have a gap.
There are many scenarios that can be played.
Just wait for the videos.
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]
What will happen in WvW if you pop SoS is i’ll stealth and wait for it to run out….If you pop protect me, i’ll just kill your pet before I kill you (though I can easily stealth again at that point)
SoS/ProtectMe work against other classes, it doesn’t work against a Thief.
Well if wait for it to run out you’ve already given the advantage to the ranger. Rangers given 6 seconds to regen their health back.
Does not work against thief? Tell it to the theifs on blacktide and vabbi.
You realize how much I heal for while stealthed?
Its more then you heal for on a ranger.
Either that or gain distance for when stealth is gone to have a gap.
lol……………… You say that like it makes a difference.
Steal = 900 range – Requires Target
Infiltrators Arrow = 900 range – Does not require Target, and applies Blind in a Blast radius, large enough to hit the Ranger you’re chasing who just used Swoop gaining a 1,100 range from you.
Infiltrators Signet = 900 range – Requires Target
Infiltrators Strike = 600 range – Requires Target, but will put a circle down without a target to teleport back to. The Teleport back to ability has no range, as long as you utilize it while it is still available.
Shadowstep = 1200 range – And allows for a return when you want to use it.
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer
NGraveD^ I think you mean Signet of Stone and not twice protect me :p
For the rest.. I have followed this forum most of the time and see people bashing each other and Q_Q about a lot of stuff and some guys testing dmg on dummies and making some work with math, but in the end… It still comes down to -> Who is controlling the mouse and keyboard..
So people can keep on argue to find the best build. What I did myself was make my own build and take it from there, polish it and use it in both WvW and PvE-> Find you own “Golden Egg” and cherish it!
Some are suited to play ranger, others are not..Like most of the people has begin to say; Rangers are not that bad!
Yes, thank you for pointing out; forgot to re-check it. Edited now
My only problem is that people are mostly crying about DPS this and DPS that as if DPS is the only idea of this game. It’s a “casual game” and not an elitist-type game, where everything is counted in numbers.
Oh yes btw, where I wrote “For the rest” It was meant for rest of the people in here and not you :p Since you and I are almost got the same ideas about this is not all about DPS
What will happen in WvW if you pop SoS is i’ll stealth and wait for it to run out….If you pop protect me, i’ll just kill your pet before I kill you (though I can easily stealth again at that point)
SoS/ProtectMe work against other classes, it doesn’t work against a Thief.
Well if wait for it to run out you’ve already given the advantage to the ranger. Rangers given 6 seconds to regen their health back.
Does not work against thief? Tell it to the theifs on blacktide and vabbi.
You realize how much I heal for while stealthed?
Its more then you heal for on a ranger.
Either that or gain distance for when stealth is gone to have a gap.
lol……………… You say that like it makes a difference.
Steal = 900 range – Requires Target
Infiltrators Arrow = 900 range – Does not require Target, and applies Blind in a Blast radius, large enough to hit the Ranger you’re chasing who just used Swoop gaining a 1,100 range from you.
Infiltrators Signet = 900 range – Requires Target
Infiltrators Strike = 600 range – Requires Target, but will put a circle down without a target to teleport back to. The Teleport back to ability has no range, as long as you utilize it while it is still available.
Shadowstep = 1200 range – And allows for a return when you want to use it.
So how many skills would you waste to get back to melee range. How many are already on cooldown or spent initiative as combat had been engaged.
I’m sure you as a omfg pro duelist would know you, the first 10 seconds of a fight is make or break. Or are you seriously suggesting you would use none of those skills to jump me in the first place.
Hmmm makes me wonder
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]
What will happen in WvW if you pop SoS is i’ll stealth and wait for it to run out….If you pop protect me, i’ll just kill your pet before I kill you (though I can easily stealth again at that point)
SoS/ProtectMe work against other classes, it doesn’t work against a Thief.
Well if wait for it to run out you’ve already given the advantage to the ranger. Rangers given 6 seconds to regen their health back.
Does not work against thief? Tell it to the theifs on blacktide and vabbi.
You realize how much I heal for while stealthed?
Its more then you heal for on a ranger.
Either that or gain distance for when stealth is gone to have a gap.
lol……………… You say that like it makes a difference.
Steal = 900 range – Requires Target
Infiltrators Arrow = 900 range – Does not require Target, and applies Blind in a Blast radius, large enough to hit the Ranger you’re chasing who just used Swoop gaining a 1,100 range from you.
Infiltrators Signet = 900 range – Requires Target
Infiltrators Strike = 600 range – Requires Target, but will put a circle down without a target to teleport back to. The Teleport back to ability has no range, as long as you utilize it while it is still available.
Shadowstep = 1200 range – And allows for a return when you want to use it.So how many skills would you waste to get back to melee range. How many are already on cooldown or spent initiative as combat had been engaged.
I’m sure you as a omfg pro duelist would know you, the first 10 seconds of a fight is make or break. Or are you seriously suggesting you would use none of those skills to jump me in the first place.
Hmmm makes me wonder
You really are clueless about this game. First and foremost I can keep up with you permanently with Shortbow, while putting a blind on you, so really wouldn’t “need” the others, and generally only use Infiltrators Strike as a “stunbreaker” or to confuse the people I’m fighting. I tend to save Shadowstep for those pesky Elementalists.
I can cast Infiltrators Arrow more often then you can use your gap abilities, not to mention if you “move” while I’m in stealth to open the gap, I get 50% movement speed in stealth, therefore you are not getting away.
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer
Riiight... you must be amazingly pro. How about you put up some videos of yourself in action in WvW. Unedited of course
Starting to wish I can afford to pay for your transfer
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]
Out of all the post’s so far all I’ve got is KensaiZen has a cool name, agreed right!…
Twitch – Aussie Streamer
Out of all the post’s so far all I’ve got is KensaiZen has a cool name, agreed right!…
That is about all he has going for him.
80 Thief – 80 Warrior – 80 Guardian – 80 Ranger
80 Mesmer – 80 Necromancer
I run a condition ranger build and I love it
IMO it’s hard for rangers to run away from huge zergs as we really have no escaping skills
No one can run away from huge zergs except for thieves. Rangers have great escaping skills in lightening reflexes, Sword #2 and GS #3. Swoop has saved my life many times by using it to escape small melee’s I am losing.
Lightning reflexes don’t always work too well for me sometimes
Instead of going full length with it, there are times when I only move probably 2 or 3 steps when getting attacked
IGN: Recommend -lvl 80 Ranger
Guild: Professors [PROF]
I run a condition ranger build and I love it
IMO it’s hard for rangers to run away from huge zergs as we really have no escaping skills
No one can run away from huge zergs except for thieves. Rangers have great escaping skills in lightening reflexes, Sword #2 and GS #3. Swoop has saved my life many times by using it to escape small melee’s I am losing.
Lightning reflexes don’t always work too well for me sometimes
Instead of going full length with it, there are times when I only move probably 2 or 3 steps when getting attacked
This usually happens when you are chilled or crippled I have found.
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
I’m getting sick and tired of posts by KensaiZen.3740, Chopps.5047, and Durzlla.6295.
You three keep making unfounded, often completely incorrect (Chopps especially) posts in the Ranger forums and make no efforts to prove any of your claims (and to many of us it’s obvious why).
I am getting tired of the misinformation garbage going on.
If you want to claim something on the Ranger is good, do like Sol does and make videos of yourself using it with great success against non-baddies.
If you don’t have the skills to do this, I’m not sure why you’re trying to expound upon how any build is good as a baddie isn’t going to get much of a different result from different builds (Thieves excluded … but that class is a dumb anomaly)
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.
I’m getting sick and tired of posts by KensaiZen.3740, Chopps.5047, and Durzlla.6295.
You three keep making unfounded, often completely incorrect (Chopps especially) posts in the Ranger forums and make no efforts to prove any of your claims (and to many of us it’s obvious why).
I am getting tired of the misinformation garbage going on.
If you want to claim something on the Ranger is good, do like Sol does and make videos of yourself using it with great success against non-baddies.
If you don’t have the skills to do this, I’m not sure why you’re trying to expound upon how any build is good as a baddie isn’t going to get much of a different result from different builds (Thieves excluded … but that class is a dumb anomaly)
Read the whole thread and was like: I don’t even…
KensaiZen is the most clueless poster on this forum.
I’ve mained ranger from headstart, and consider myself pretty good, but there is no denying that classes like thiefs etc can destroy zerker builds if theyre atleast half competent.
I’m really looking forward to your videos KensaiZen, lol.
Take a look at the Mesmer forum.
It is known over there that if you are going to post a build and claim how good it is that you better have video to back it up. This is why Osicat, Pyroatheist, SevenMirror, Fay, etc. are well-known and respected. They have advocated various (quite different) builds and each has posted several videos of themselves using their respective builds with great success. If you are testing out a new build (my recent posts there are a decent example), you simply say as such and invite others to test it as well and provide you with their thoughts/feedback.
Now let’s take a look at the Ranger forum. Lately all we’re seeing is people making claims about builds that many of us are skeptical about (for good reason). There are no videos and many of the points made about the builds are soon after found to be false/lies. If anyone questions these people, they get defensive but still don’t provide any proof. It’s a silly charade.
The ranger forum used to have Sol and nevra posting videos supporting the Trap build and Tanky beastmaster build, but those builds are old news at this point and I get the feeling that they are both in the same boat I am right now with the Ranger … we love the class but are so annoyed with what ArenaNet has done with it that our other 80s are much more inviting at the moment.
If Rangers are going to get better, aside from ArenaNet providing much needed fixes, the community needs to stop being so false. Stop kittening. Actually discuss ideas honestly and openly without egos.
Otherwise ranger will remain the class where “95% of the time I see a Ranger it’s a free lunch”.
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.
I’m getting sick and tired of posts by KensaiZen.3740, Chopps.5047, and Durzlla.6295.
You three keep making unfounded, often completely incorrect (Chopps especially) posts in the Ranger forums and make no efforts to prove any of your claims (and to many of us it’s obvious why).
I am getting tired of the misinformation garbage going on.
If you want to claim something on the Ranger is good, do like Sol does and make videos of yourself using it with great success against non-baddies.
Agreed 100%