Ranger Class Rework
Troll unguent: Now heals passive, 300 Hp a second, and can be activated to heal for 5500 hp.
Healing Spring: Cool down reduced to 15 seconds.
Shouts: All shouts have 30 second CD.
Survival: All Survival abilities have 20 Second CD
Signet: All Signets have 25 Second CD.
Traps: All Traps have 15 Second Cd.
Sharpening Stones: Improved Bleed damage to 300.
Strength of the pack Cool down reduced to 50 seconds.
Entangle: Now also inflicts Poison (1400 damage)
Spirit of Nature: Now (Directly) Heals allies in 1000 yards, for 4500 HP. Detonate to apply regeneration, remove 2 conditions from each ally, and resurrect the dead.
Nature Magic
Logic: Self, Pet Boons. Support.
Tier 1:
Bountiful Hunter: 1% Damage per a Boon, and 5% Damage for your pet.
Instinctive Reaction: When you drop below 50% Hp, You Gain Quickness, and Regeneration. [5 second CD]
Tier 2:
Vigorous Training: Your Pet grants near by allies 15% Endurance Regeneration.
Tier 3:
Nature’s Vengeance: Spirits now last longer, and grant a boon to allies around them.
Water: Direct Heal every 3 seconds.
Stone: Vigor Every 3 Seconds.
Air: Quickness Every 3 Seconds.
Frost: Chill Application Every 3 Seconds.
Sun: Blinds Enemies. 3 Stack Application.
Protective Ward: Swapped Places Into Beast Mastery, With Zephyrs Speed.
Beast Mastery
Logic: Pet Buffs,Melee Buffs
Loud Whistle: While your health is below 50%, your pet gains 20% more damage, and 50% Reduction in abilities.
Pets Prowess: Pets move faster, and gain a unique attribute depending on type:
Bear: HP
Cat: Ferocity
Birds: Precision
Wolves:Boon Duration
Other: Power
Tier 1
Go For The Eyes: Blinds The target and causes bleeding.
Companions Might: Grants an additional 5% Damage to you and your pet.
Tier 2
Wilting Strike: Inflicts Weakness on F2 Command, And Grants Stability.
Natural Healing: Pet Gains 20% More Hp, And heals 150 HP per a second.
Tier 3
Beastly Warden: Taunts the target, and grants Protection. Pet Gains 500 armor.
Zephyrs Speed: 50% Chance on attack to gain Quickness and Swiftness.
Honed Axes: Now Grants 500 Ferocity, and 250 Precision.
Logic: Direct Damage, Conditions
Hunters Tactics: Grants 10% Critical Strike, and an additional 10% if Duel Welding Weapons.
Tier 1
Sharpened Edges: Now Grants 20% Chance to cause 100 Bleeding on Hit if using a range weapon, or 50% if melee.
Primal Reflexes: Every 5th Attack grants Vigor.
Tier 2
Spotter: Grants 250 Precision
Striders Defense. 20% reduction to sword abilities, and 20% Chance when hit to grant reflection.
Tier 3
Quick Draw: Weapon swapping is reduced by 20%.
Light on your feat: Short bow abilities recharge 20% faster, and have 300 additional range and pierce.
Logic: Conditions
Bark skin: You and your pet take reduced damage when below the thresh hold of 50% Hp. Player Reduction: 20%, and 50% for pet.
Tier 1
Soften The fall: 50% Reduction to fall damage. 200 hp a second when incapacitated.
Oak heart salve: When you are stunned, dazed, etc. Gain regeneration.
Tier 2
Refined Toxins: Every 3 attacks applies poison.
Tier 3
Emphatic Bond: 2 conditions every 2 seconds.
Poison Master: Critical Strikes apply poison. Poison Healing Reduction Improved to 50%, and duration is improved by 20%.
Logic: Long Bow, Pets
Tier 1
Tier 2
Moment of Clarity: 30% Change to gain clarity on critical Strike
Tier 3
Note: Long Bow Ability 3 (invisibility) Now takes you out of combat if you successfully cloak.
Logic: Healing, Celestial Form.
Tier 1
Druidic Clarity: Reduced conditions removed to 3.
Tier 2
Tier 3
Ability 1 now applies bleed effects.
Ability 5 now hovers around the player, and no longer needs to be channeled. 10 second cool down, and 5 second duration.
Great Sword:
Ability 3 cool down reduced to 8 seconds.
Ability 4 improved channel time to 10 seconds.
Ability 5 cool down reduced to 20 seconds.
War horn
Ability 4 reduced cool down to 15 seconds.
Ability 5 reduced cool down to 20 seconds
Ability 2 Reduced cool down to 5 seconds.
Ability 3 Reduced cool down to 5 seconds.