Spec Revamp Discussion and Impressions
I didn’t think about if that 1s boon every 3s was fury. You are correct, that would be very nice with Remorseless as that would give a 100% crit chance every 3s that also added vulnerability and gave +25% dmg.
It is also in the Nature Magic specialization that comes with Fortifying Bond which shares boons with your pet but not at the duration you got them … so it could greatly benefit the Ranger pet.
Assuming they don’t change Fortifying Bond’s boon durations to be any less than they are now, this would give 100% up-time for Fury, Might, Regeneration, Swiftness, Vigor, and Retaliation. Vigor isn’t helping the pet with anything, but the others are of varying usefulness.
I do have to agree that Light on Your Feet does seem quite lackluster at the moment. I wouldn’t be bothered by it if it was a constant 5% but making it only after evading and only last for 4s but be such a low bonus doesn’t make too much sense to me … more work for same or less reward than other GMs.
Sure Protective Ward had its up-time reduced by having an ICD, but I think we can all agree that it was a bit overpowered with the previous wording. Now it is a bit more balanced and if it needs and further balancing (which, let’s be honest, is quite likely to happen after all these big changes) it is just tweaking of numbers to make it more balanced.
The thing I’m surprised that I don’t see people talking more about is conditions.
People have complained about Ranger direct damage coefficients for the longest time since they are lower than most other classes. We all assume this is because Ranger’s class mechanic is a pet … probably a correct assumption :-p
Rangers have the exact same damage coefficients as other classes when it comes to conditions though … so now you do the same condition damage AND have a pet providing more damage. Well, now Rangers have a trait for increasing bleed damage and a trait for increasing poison damage … gaining higher coefficients on these conditions. I think this is something that should be explored quite a bit. Condition Rangers should be happy.
Additionally, Ranger CC is gaining improvements in that you can combine 20% reduced cooldown on Longbow/Greatsword/Pet_Skills AND take Moment of Clarity AND Quick Draw. That’s even more CC coming from two weapons (go go!) Power Rangers are using. They should be happy with this as well … heck, if you don’t need the extra CC … Quick Draw can be used for Rapid Fire, Hunter’s Shot, Barrage, Maul, Swoop, or even Counterattack.
Sure, there are some traits that look like lemons … Ranger isn’t the only class still suffering from those. However, Ranger certainly has many things to be looking forward to.
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Condi is looking massively good tbh. Pets too. I’ll want to take BM all the time now, too many good choices there
We have some awesome traits coming and some great synergy, its just the lacklustre ones are very lacklustre and many others do not stand up to scrutiny in build context. Or others that have been nerfed when they would have seen little use anyway, ie LoYF/Striders.
With Marks and BM, every 16s you can get:
- 15s Fury (Marksmanship: Clarion Bond)
- 15s 1x Might (Marksmanship: Clarion Bond)
- 15s Swiftness (Marksmanship: Clarion Bond)
- 15s 3x Might (Beastmastery: Zephyr’s Speed)
- 3s Quickness (Bastmastery: Zephyr’s Speed)
And that’s before any +% boon duration.
If you throw in Nature Magic as your 3rd Specialization you can get either
- 10s Regeneration (Nature Magic: Windborne Notes … assume synergizes w/ Clarion Bond)
- 6s Vigor (Nature Magic: Vigorous Training)
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.
With Marks and BM, every 16s you can get:
- 15s Fury (Marksmanship: Clarion Bond)
- 15s 1x Might (Marksmanship: Clarion Bond)
- 15s Swiftness (Marksmanship: Clarion Bond)
- 15s 3x Might (Beastmastery: Zephyr’s Speed)
- 3s Quickness (Bastmastery: Zephyr’s Speed)
And that’s before any +% boon duration.
If you throw in Nature Magic as your 3rd Specialization you can get either
- 10s Regeneration (Nature Magic: Windborne Notes … assume synergizes w/ Clarion Bond)
- 6s Vigor (Nature Magic: Vigorous Training)
That’s fine and all, except you don’t want that. You want a jaguar with fortifying bond sitting on 25 might stacks and fury instead of swapping the pet out and losing all its might stacks.
You’re saying as if this is really that good, when any meta group has a PS warrior and ele providing your group with easy 25 stacks of might and 100% fury all the time.
With Marks and BM, every 16s you can get:
- 15s Fury (Marksmanship: Clarion Bond)
- 15s 1x Might (Marksmanship: Clarion Bond)
- 15s Swiftness (Marksmanship: Clarion Bond)
- 15s 3x Might (Beastmastery: Zephyr’s Speed)
- 3s Quickness (Bastmastery: Zephyr’s Speed)
And that’s before any +% boon duration.
If you throw in Nature Magic as your 3rd Specialization you can get either
- 10s Regeneration (Nature Magic: Windborne Notes … assume synergizes w/ Clarion Bond)
- 6s Vigor (Nature Magic: Vigorous Training)
That’s fine and all, except you don’t want that. You want a jaguar with fortifying bond sitting on 25 might stacks and fury instead of swapping the pet out and losing all its might stacks.
You’re saying as if this is really that good, when any meta group has a PS warrior and ele providing your group with easy 25 stacks of might and 100% fury all the time.
From a WvW point of view, all these buff on one character and still outputting useful dps is quite OP.
If you take those traits with FB, the pet gets double applications of all of them. Two as in double, not twice the duration, unfortunately. Still, that is 8×12s might on your pet every time you swap!
As Sebrent pointed out, if one of those Spirits grants Fury with Nature’s Vengeance, it would define a very clear path for PvE core Rangers.
Marksmanship: Clarion Bond, Steady Focus, Remorseless
Skirmishing: Sharpened Edges, Spotter, Quick Draw
Nature Magic: Bountiful Hunter, Windborne Notes, Nature’s Vengeance
If Frost Spirit was the one to grant Fury with NV, it would be icing on the cake, and fights would start off immediately by swapping pets once in combat just to proc Clarion Bond to pump up Bountiful Hunter and keep that pet out for as long as possible.
If another Spirit provided Fury other than Frost… well… I’d be disappointed, to say the least.
Will update once Path of Fire releases.
in order to even use my current build i have to spec into beast mastery. i have no interest in beefing up my pet. I am a wvw player, i need condi cleanses. Survival of the fittest is gone i believe so there goes any sort of reliable on the fly cleansing. Might actually end up shelving my ranger.
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.
Sounds like time to play around with alternatives then.
People can’t ask for changes to the game and then complain when those changes might require them to change their builds. It’s silly.
“Change the game, but in a way that I don’t have to change anything” … because balance isn’t hard enough.
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.
in order to even use my current build i have to spec into beast mastery. i have no interest in beefing up my pet. I am a wvw player, i need condi cleanses. Survival of the fittest is gone i believe so there goes any sort of reliable on the fly cleansing. Might actually end up shelving my ranger.
Its still there and better than before, just not into nature magic.
Anyone know if beast-mastery will be worth taking over nature magic in PvE, because with fortifying bond being in NM doesn’t seem like it?
BM seems more solo oriented or useful when you don’t have a PS war, but that will be very rare in the upcoming patch.
I don’t know much about PVE, but I think im gonna go with a 0/6/0/6/6 trapper/condi/BM build. it’s really easy to stack and maintain bleeds, burns and poison now, in addition to pets hitting like trucks. you can go a/d + a/t or SB/a/d with 3 traps.
I don’t know much about PVE, but I think im gonna go with a 0/6/0/6/6 trapper/condi/BM build. it’s really easy to stack and maintain bleeds, burns and poison now, in addition to pets hitting like trucks. you can go a/d + a/t or SB/a/d with 3 traps.
More concerned about a PvE power build
Well… Overall.. I’m not pleased with how hard they brought the nerf hammer. I was excited for the ranger changes in PVE, but now I’m not. With all my damage modifiers gone I have no want to use my Ranger after June 23rd. I mean if I still use it, I’ll have to take Mark and Skirm… but the last one… I don’t want to play a Beastmaster so I guess I’ll be going into WS for kitten traits that don’t improve damage or NM for ONE trait that improves DD.. Spirits are still pieces of garbage along with shouts. Not bringing them into dungeons/fractals unless they make frost spirit immortal without having to trait for it.
So so sad that things didn’t turn out better.
And no, condi’s still won’t out DPS direct damage… so, since they won’t be I won’t be running condi builds. Annnnnnnnnnnnd to make pets somehow worth a kitten you’ll have to spec into WS for Bark Skin to take advantage of Beastmaster line (meaning to keep them alive long enough to do damage and not to get insta-gibbed by AOE)… meaning you’re losing either Mark or Skirm giving up personal DPS… So, no. That’d be kittened.
(edited by TheFantasticGman.9451)
Well… Overall.. I’m not pleased with how hard they brought the nerf hammer. I was excited for the ranger changes in PVE, but now I’m not. With all my damage modifiers gone I have no want to use my Ranger after June 23rd. I mean if I still use it, I’ll have to take Mark and Skirm… but the last one… I don’t want to play a Beastmaster so I guess I’ll be going into WS for kitten traits that don’t improve damage or NM for ONE trait that improves DD.. Spirits are still pieces of garbage along with shouts. Not bringing them into dungeons/fractals unless they make frost spirit immortal without having to trait for it.
So so sad that things didn’t turn out better.
And no, condi’s still won’t out DPS direct damage… so, since they won’t be I won’t be running condi builds. Annnnnnnnnnnnd to make pets somehow worth a kitten you’ll have to spec into WS for Bark Skin to take advantage of Beastmaster line (meaning to keep them alive long enough to do damage and not to get insta-gibbed by AOE)… meaning you’re losing either Mark or Skirm giving up personal DPS… So, no. That’d be kittened.
yes you give up like 20% vun time if you choose BM though the pets will make up for that with Zypher speed Pets have super speed+quickness kitten it..with shared boons thrown on top ,that on a bird and you’ll have your kitten dps back..
bark skin on low hp pets will not work its best so you don’t have to use bark skin.
though bark skin for bears/drakes/pigs/hounds maybe spiders depending on the hp will be worth it.
(edited by Zenos Osgorma.2936)
yes you give up like 20% vun time if you choose BM though the pets will make up for that with Zypher speed Pets have super speed+quickness kitten it..with shared boons thrown on top ,that on a bird and you’ll have your kitten dps back..
bark skin on low hp pets will not work its best so you don’t have to use bark skin.
though bark skin for bears/drakes/pigs/hounds maybe spiders depending on the hp will be worth it.
I highly doubt dropping either Marksman or Skirmish for BM will be wise. From what I see it will be an overall dps loss from a power perspective. In terms of pets, unreliable dps (due to death) is bad.
(edited by Lyger.5429)
yes you give up like 20% vun time if you choose BM though the pets will make up for that with Zypher speed Pets have super speed+quickness kitten it..with shared boons thrown on top ,that on a bird and you’ll have your kitten dps back..
bark skin on low hp pets will not work its best so you don’t have to use bark skin.
though bark skin for bears/drakes/pigs/hounds maybe spiders depending on the hp will be worth it.
#1: It would be most stupid to give up vul stacks for BM because that whole thing about vul increasing DPS for the entire team and now that we can apply 1500 stacks of it I can see team comps built around maximizing it.
Uh, nope. I’m not assuming pets will making up for the DPS lose like you are. Unless they’ve made some INSANELY good AI breakthrough then I expect the pet to act the same as it does now. 3 might stacks ain’t much and ain’t going to make a difference. The parties I run in always has a PS Warrior for might anyway. Sure, maybe if you don’t have a PS Warrior that MIGHT make a difference, but 3 might stacks for 3 seconds? LULUOLOL. That won’t matter, that’s a waste of a trait slot. You give the pets WAY too much credit.
(edited by TheFantasticGman.9451)
I don’t get why Fortifying Bond isn’t a beastmaster trait…it seems like it should belong there.
Agreed. I don’t want to take Nature Magic now that they made spirit passives proc increase a baseline but I will really miss Fortifying Bond, which I consider to be one of the most core traits to a ranger – pets rarely get boons due to the AoE cap, this trait alleviated that issue (which could mean 25 might stacks, fury and enough defensive boons to stay alive).
Now that Fortifying Bond competes with Beast Mastery, players that want to maximise their pet in group settings might actually be better off taking Nature Magic. Fortifying Bond should be Beast Mastery, it’s one of the strongest pet traits in the game.
They should really make fortifying bond baseline because of this stupid boons target limit thing. It is quite stupid that pet is always left out of all the boons for no reason.
yes you give up like 20% vun time if you choose BM though the pets will make up for that with Zypher speed Pets have super speed+quickness kitten it..with shared boons thrown on top ,that on a bird and you’ll have your kitten dps back..
bark skin on low hp pets will not work its best so you don’t have to use bark skin.
though bark skin for bears/drakes/pigs/hounds maybe spiders depending on the hp will be worth it.#1: It would be most stupid to give up vul stacks for BM because that whole thing about vul increasing DPS for the entire team and now that we can apply 1500 stacks of it I can see team comps built around maximizing it.
Uh, nope. I’m not assuming pets will making up for the DPS lose like you are. Unless they’ve made some INSANELY good AI breakthrough then I expect the pet to act the same as it does now. 3 might stacks ain’t much and ain’t going to make a difference. The parties I run in always has a PS Warrior for might anyway. Sure, maybe if you don’t have a PS Warrior that MIGHT make a difference, but 3 might stacks for 3 seconds? LULUOLOL. That won’t matter, that’s a waste of a trait slot. You give the pets WAY too much credit.
snip to you too, the only way you’ll be Giving Vun to the team is by running Remorseless and that goes in had with GS perfectly so you’ll ether have to give up Skirmishing or Wilderness and i doubt you’ll be giving up wilderness if you did you’ll have to use Evasive purity.
ether way your not giving pets enough credit for what they can do after HoT and of course there will be Scarifices , thats why Anet went with this system to make things fresh new and get you to make choices by your play style if you like Big numbers go for it you’ll loose out on all those lovely Regen swiftness buffs and a juggernaut of a pet which will apply just as much Vun if you use Opening strikesBM just means you;ll have burst the target down rather than Maintaining Vun through Remoreless , ether way Gs maul + bird Maintains enough Vun .
“make your choice " and by that you just did by saying basicly
" im not going to give up Team Vun ect" thats your choice the only difference will be you won’t need a Bird to maintain the Vun stacks.
also 3 stacks of might is one trait.
combine that with MDG and Rampage as one Nothing is ever Used alone. you can’t base any judgements off one little amount of might without considering the whole thing.
well done for making your own choices , there was no need to snip at me.
(edited by Zenos Osgorma.2936)
yes you give up like 20% vun time if you choose BM though the pets will make up for that with Zypher speed Pets have super speed+quickness kitten it..with shared boons thrown on top ,that on a bird and you’ll have your kitten dps back..
bark skin on low hp pets will not work its best so you don’t have to use bark skin.
though bark skin for bears/drakes/pigs/hounds maybe spiders depending on the hp will be worth it.#1: It would be most stupid to give up vul stacks for BM because that whole thing about vul increasing DPS for the entire team and now that we can apply 1500 stacks of it I can see team comps built around maximizing it.
Uh, nope. I’m not assuming pets will making up for the DPS lose like you are. Unless they’ve made some INSANELY good AI breakthrough then I expect the pet to act the same as it does now. 3 might stacks ain’t much and ain’t going to make a difference. The parties I run in always has a PS Warrior for might anyway. Sure, maybe if you don’t have a PS Warrior that MIGHT make a difference, but 3 might stacks for 3 seconds? LULUOLOL. That won’t matter, that’s a waste of a trait slot. You give the pets WAY too much credit.
False, they said that 1500 stack of vulnerability would be a bit too much so they will keep it at 25 stack for 25%.
For PvE, my guess is either:
- Marksmanship / Skirmishing / Nature Magic
- Marksmanship / Skirmishing / Beastmastery
Klonko is correct. Vulnerability is still capped at 25 stacks. Please read the notes on the changes before commenting on them.
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.
For PvE, my guess is either:
- Marksmanship / Skirmishing / Nature Magic
- Marksmanship / Skirmishing / Beastmastery
Klonko is correct. Vulnerability is still capped at 25 stacks. Please read the notes on the changes before commenting on them.
Serbent do not forget our only sources of cleanse are in Wilderness trait line.
Unless spirits remove conditions or they move empathic bond to BM we are locked in that trait line.
Our only sources of cleanse are in Wilderness Survival, eh? What about…
- Healing Spring
- Signet of Renewal
- Brown Bear
- Evasive Purity
There are also runes and sigils if you’re truly concerned about it … several options.
So this is the crap I’m talking about with regards to your posts saying things that simply are not true. Wilderness Survival is obviously not our only source of cleanses.
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.
(edited by Sebrent.3625)
Why would you run condi removal in PvE? If you’re in a super heavy condi area in open world, SoR will get you through it. For dungeons or normal open world, it’s not needed at all. I usually take SoR just to get out of combat sooner, but it’s not needed.
I don’t know much about PVE, but I think im gonna go with a 0/6/0/6/6 trapper/condi/BM build. it’s really easy to stack and maintain bleeds, burns and poison now, in addition to pets hitting like trucks. you can go a/d + a/t or SB/a/d with 3 traps.
I’ll be running something like this but with LB/Axe/Torch… May have to ditch torch though but I’m already running 3 traps in WvW with trapper runes. Lots of utility regardless of what class you run into or their numbers and always have escape options.
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)
Our only sources of cleanse are in Wilderness Survival, eh? What about…
- Healing Spring
- Signet of Renewal
- Brown Bear
- Evasive Purity
There are also runes and sigils if you’re truly concerned about it … several options.
So this is the crap I’m talking about with regards to your posts saying things that simply are not true. Wilderness Survival is obviously not our only source of cleanses.
Bears have a bad rap…
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)
Our only sources of cleanse are in Wilderness Survival, eh? What about…
- Healing Spring
- Signet of Renewal
- Brown Bear
- Evasive Purity
You keep misleading ppl. Seriously i’ll ask you to please stop the theorycarfting. Play with a ranger for real, don’t just say you do.
I wrote about this before in an answer to another post of yours and you keep repeating yourself. I’ve proven several times you are wrong.
- Healing spring is now a trap. HS is very mild healing and you loose your only realiable healing skill.
- SoR entirely depends on your pet to be alive. Not good when your pet like to swim in AoE.
- Brown Bear cast the skill at the target you have now. Not at the spot like the cabagge dog do with the healing. So if you are not in melee Brown Bear is trash.
- Evasive Purity right now only serves for blind and possion with 10 secs CD. with the balance it will cleanse cripple as well so is better. Not good enough when burning, confusion, slow, chilled… Misleading i call that.
Runes or sigils are a no go. Why should i sacrifice dmg output to clean conditions when any other professions have cleanses even in weapons skills?
So please stop spreading this kind of misinformation and please try to be objetive. If you actually play with ranger you know what i say it’s true.
Ranger is already a broken profession and after the balance of the 23th it will become the pariah of gw2.
For PvE, my guess is either:
- Marksmanship / Skirmishing / Nature Magic
- Marksmanship / Skirmishing / Beastmastery
Klonko is correct. Vulnerability is still capped at 25 stacks. Please read the notes on the changes before commenting on them.
It’s still going to be 6/6/0/0/6 even with the nerfs.
All the pet buffs in BM along with Two Handed overshadow the pet boon sharing trait in NM.
I just realized evasive purity got buffed through the roof. Oh you have 1.2k stacks of poison on you (you’re soloing a zerg)? Dodge!
First, I’m not theorycrafting … I actually play … it’s why I knew things like Natural Regeneration healing the Ranger … as opposed to you who thought it only healed the pet like its tooltip says.
- Are they not also sources of cleansing? they are
- Is Healing Spring great for leaping through for extra healing? yes, it is
- Is Healing Spring great if you don’t have other sources of regeneration? yes, it is
- Do some builds get close enough to their target to benefit from brown bear? yes, some do
- Is your pet always dead and gone when you need SoR? no, it isn’t … especially if you manage it well
Now, if you or others are too inept to understand these things, that’s on you, not on the Ranger class.
Lastly, if you look at several current meta builds, some don’t take any condition removal … or very little. Why? Because the metas are also about teamwork and some builds rely on the other builds in their team’s comp to remove conditions from them. The 4/4/0/0/6 Mesmer Shatter Spec is an excellent example of this.
Again, if you don’t understand this, it’s on you … it’s not on the class.
Ranger can’t take a room temp IQ and raise it.
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.
Our only sources of cleanse are in Wilderness Survival, eh? What about…
- Healing Spring
- Signet of Renewal
- Brown Bear
- Evasive Purity
You keep misleading ppl. Seriously i’ll ask you to please stop the theorycarfting. Play with a ranger for real, don’t just say you do.
I wrote about this before in an answer to another post of yours and you keep repeating yourself. I’ve proven several times you are wrong.
- Healing spring is now a trap. HS is very mild healing and you loose your only realiable healing skill.
- SoR entirely depends on your pet to be alive. Not good when your pet like to swim in AoE.
- Brown Bear cast the skill at the target you have now. Not at the spot like the cabagge dog do with the healing. So if you are not in melee Brown Bear is trash.
- Evasive Purity right now only serves for blind and possion with 10 secs CD. with the balance it will cleanse cripple as well so is better. Not good enough when burning, confusion, slow, chilled… Misleading i call that.
Runes or sigils are a no go. Why should i sacrifice dmg output to clean conditions when any other professions have cleanses even in weapons skills?
So please stop spreading this kind of misinformation and please try to be objetive. If you actually play with ranger you know what i say it’s true.
Ranger is already a broken profession and after the balance of the 23th it will become the pariah of gw2.
Personally glass bow ranger doesnt need them as they can pew pew from 1500 and anyone closing the gap should be close to dead once they reach them. If not, you deserve to die. So condi cleanse is only good with mid-close range build and those always pick wilderness survival or used to.
And glass bow can make use of brown bear. As they are good protect me fodder and signet of stone + protect me is 12 sec of invulnerability, enough to kill everything or make them run.
And to remedy to the AI pet mental illness, you can play them in passive mode if you have only supportive pet. Ranger is hard to master because of the tracking of the pet.
And for healing spring, we dont know yet how it will work but atm it can cleanse 6 condition if you stand in it. But pratically it is more like 2-4 condis.
So for pew pew ranger it is enough condi cleanse for a sniper. If you fighting close combat with pew pew ranger, you doing it wrong.
So for pew pew ranger it is enough condi cleanse for a sniper. If you fighting close combat with pew pew ranger, you doing it wrong.
Yeah i see. Because we have the same mobility as the thief anc can shadow step 1200 units away. Please, you are playing power ranger (the only way now) you know you’ll have to play melee a lot of times, because in close range LB is trash and because SW/X or GS is better damage. Also the main difficulty from the ranger is not only micromanage the pet, but obviously for you must be.
There is something wrong in this forum, too many ppl playing ranger as casual while main other profession come here to talk as experts and keep pointing how much OP the ranger is. The internet era i see.
@sebrent. Please stop, in that last post just embarrassed yourself. You have very good points but i don’t share them from my experience and most of them seem deeply wrong. I’ll advise you to actually play main ranger and try it in WvW, PvP and PvE for some months and then we may talk again. I know turretengie in an easy mode but at this moment you should be looking for something more fulfilling.
Here you go again … how in the world is power ranger “the only way”? Rangers have been and still do play condition builds with great success. I see nothing that is going to change this and you have provided no reasoning for it.
Stop what? Request that you provide logical reasoning if you’re going to continue spewing garbage on the forums? Provide actual logical reasoning that shows your opinions are unsupported garbage?
You obviously don’t have a clue … look in the Ranger forum history … I’ve been a Ranger around here for years … I’ve even linked some of my old posts to you before from 2013. Yet you still think that people that disagree with you don’t have much experience with Ranger despite having no evidence to support you (as usual) and evidence that counters that thought (that you ignore like everything else).
Feel free to explain how I embarrassed myself while you’re at it. It seems others are, as usual, agreeing with logic I provided.
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.
Here you go again … how in the world is power ranger “the only way”? Rangers have been and still do play condition builds with great success. I see nothing that is going to change this and you have provided no reasoning for it.Stop what? Request that you provide logical reasoning if you’re going to continue spewing garbage on the forums? Provide actual logical reasoning that shows your opinions are unsupported garbage?
You obviously don’t have a clue … look in the Ranger forum history … I’ve been a Ranger around here for years … I’ve even linked some of my old posts to you before from 2013. Yet you still think that people that disagree with you don’t have much experience with Ranger despite having no evidence to support you (as usual) and evidence that counters that thought (that you ignore like everything else).
Feel free to explain how I embarrassed myself while you’re at it. It seems others are, as usual, agreeing with logic I provided.
Condition damage builds have never been viable in PvE due to the current condition mechanics. This may change with the update, but regardless of whether or not it does, Ranger power builds were still hurt by this update.
all i can read from your message, is:
bleh sw/x or gs is better damage vs lb again compairing a Ranged weapon vs a Melee weapon :p
and criticising people for no real reason , he only pointed out if your using a Glass ranger you will likely spend 70% of your time at Range so why have so much condi removal SoR + or healing spring or SoR+bear and spider or drake hound will be enough condi clear with sigil of generosity on a melee set is enough to finish someone off that has been under heavy direct fire from a glass cannon shouldn’t last much longer when done correctly .
you are now just being rude, if you don’t like it anymore or Believe other classes are
" better" go do that just do somthing else for a while and stop trying to reason with yourself because that is what your doing right now , you’ve repeated yourself in different words ending in the same Descriptive way.
back to topic :
overall i like the changes they are Better than what we have currently its made BM’s viable with marksman and or nature+ wilderness condi builds , doesn’t mix too well when using Marksman, skirmishing and nature ect , its overall pretty good.
though predators instinct is lacking again .. it really shouldnt have a IDC and should always trigger on 75% or less hp i’d gladly let them drop the 10secs cripple to 6secs or even 5secs if they removed the IDC.
it would make things outside of barrage much more effective and give PoS more footing because you can cripple more targets.
That is true … but we weren’t just talking about PvE were we?
In fact, if you look at their posts, they were talking about PvP. I was as well.
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.
Whoever thinks that you need to take WS traitline in PvE dungeons has probably not played ranger enough, there are many viable condi cleanses out side of WS as Sebrent pointed out. Just look the the current LB & Sw/A build.
Forceful Greatsword is clearly far superior, yet they are all Master traits.[/quote]
I still can’t see that forcefull greatsword.
Are you sure you are talking about ranger and not warrior? [/quote]
Forceful Greatsword is a master line trait for WARRIOR
Compare the RANGER weapon skills and they fall WAY short when you look at them side by side.
That is his point. Ranger is so UNDER POWERED when you compare it to other traits of OTHER professions.
Warrior already takes less damage from attack due to high armor now they allow him to have these HUGE damage boosts while Rangers have their damage cut?
Maybe I missed it but where are the Longbow damage increases? Where is my might whenever I crit? Why does my crit ability have a 10 second internal cool down while warriors has no internal cool down? Same for Guardian that has no Internal cool down on his master trait line. The list goes on and on and on where ranger is getting the shaft.
Edit: This was a reply to anduriell.6280 since my quote seemed to be malformed
Runes or sigils are a no go. Why should i sacrifice dmg output to clean conditions when any other professions have cleanses even in weapons skills?
Just wondering, why are runes, sigils, and food are off the table or a no-go? Every other class has similar choices to make. That is why they are there and why some even make you be a crafter to use.
To me it seems like a viable option…
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)
(edited by Crapgame.6519)
So for pew pew ranger it is enough condi cleanse for a sniper. If you fighting close combat with pew pew ranger, you doing it wrong.
Yeah i see. Because we have the same mobility as the thief anc can shadow step 1200 units away. Please, you are playing power ranger (the only way now) you know you’ll have to play melee a lot of times, because in close range LB is trash and because SW/X or GS is better damage. Also the main difficulty from the ranger is not only micromanage the pet, but obviously for you must be.
There is something wrong in this forum, too many ppl playing ranger as casual while main other profession come here to talk as experts and keep pointing how much OP the ranger is. The internet era i see.@sebrent. Please stop, in that last post just embarrassed yourself. You have very good points but i don’t share them from my experience and most of them seem deeply wrong. I’ll advise you to actually play main ranger and try it in WvW, PvP and PvE for some months and then we may talk again. I know turretengie in an easy mode but at this moment you should be looking for something more fulfilling.
I have to say I honestly feel this way as well. If I’m playing a sniper build I have NO way of increasing distance between me and said enemy. This almost always locks me into combat and FORCES me to swap to some other form of damage as longbow seems to have almost zero accuracy at close range and skills trigger cool downs and actually do nothing where as a mele will still tend to hit if someone is slightly on your flank and moves behind while the longbow cool down procs but no arrow was even fired or for that matter no effort was taken by the enemy to avoid it. This has to be a programming issue because when in mele range players can easily circle around a ranger and never take damage unless they are forced to swap to mele where the “cleave” easily hits enemies that do said tactics. Maybe the longbow should get a skill that allows a player to move away in a quick fashion or have the invisablity activate on skill use and not hit. Maybe they should have a skill that allows the Ranger to shadow step away or leap 600 units away. Once the gap is closed a sniper is done.
Our only sources of cleanse are in Wilderness Survival, eh? What about…
- Healing Spring
- Signet of Renewal
- Brown Bear
- Evasive Purity
You keep misleading ppl. Seriously i’ll ask you to please stop the theorycarfting. Play with a ranger for real, don’t just say you do.
I wrote about this before in an answer to another post of yours and you keep repeating yourself. I’ve proven several times you are wrong.
- Healing spring is now a trap. HS is very mild healing and you loose your only realiable healing skill.
- SoR entirely depends on your pet to be alive. Not good when your pet like to swim in AoE.
- Brown Bear cast the skill at the target you have now. Not at the spot like the cabagge dog do with the healing. So if you are not in melee Brown Bear is trash.
- Evasive Purity right now only serves for blind and possion with 10 secs CD. with the balance it will cleanse cripple as well so is better. Not good enough when burning, confusion, slow, chilled… Misleading i call that.
Runes or sigils are a no go. Why should i sacrifice dmg output to clean conditions when any other professions have cleanses even in weapons skills?
So please stop spreading this kind of misinformation and please try to be objetive. If you actually play with ranger you know what i say it’s true.
Ranger is already a broken profession and after the balance of the 23th it will become the pariah of gw2.
Brown Bear’s AI always annoys me to hell. That’s why after spending some time with him, I totally give up on him and just grab some cleanse myself.
SoR is always quite difficult to use because of how short the range is. Seriously this signet need some QoL change like unlimited range of cleanse for the ranger himself. Warrior already have a signet that does exactly that.
It is very sad that I actually give up on both of these and just grab lightning reflex, + empathetic bonds due to how unreliable the other cleanses are. At least LR can help me remove that deadly immobilize when I actually need it cleared the most.
Our only sources of cleanse are in Wilderness Survival, eh? What about…
- Healing Spring
- Signet of Renewal
- Brown Bear
- Evasive Purity
You keep misleading ppl. Seriously i’ll ask you to please stop the theorycarfting. Play with a ranger for real, don’t just say you do.
I wrote about this before in an answer to another post of yours and you keep repeating yourself. I’ve proven several times you are wrong.
- Healing spring is now a trap. HS is very mild healing and you loose your only realiable healing skill.
- SoR entirely depends on your pet to be alive. Not good when your pet like to swim in AoE.
- Brown Bear cast the skill at the target you have now. Not at the spot like the cabagge dog do with the healing. So if you are not in melee Brown Bear is trash.
- Evasive Purity right now only serves for blind and possion with 10 secs CD. with the balance it will cleanse cripple as well so is better. Not good enough when burning, confusion, slow, chilled… Misleading i call that.
Runes or sigils are a no go. Why should i sacrifice dmg output to clean conditions when any other professions have cleanses even in weapons skills?
So please stop spreading this kind of misinformation and please try to be objetive. If you actually play with ranger you know what i say it’s true.
Ranger is already a broken profession and after the balance of the 23th it will become the pariah of gw2.
Personally glass bow ranger doesnt need them as they can pew pew from 1500 and anyone closing the gap should be close to dead once they reach them. If not, you deserve to die. So condi cleanse is only good with mid-close range build and those always pick wilderness survival or used to.
And glass bow can make use of brown bear. As they are good protect me fodder and signet of stone + protect me is 12 sec of invulnerability, enough to kill everything or make them run.
And to remedy to the AI pet mental illness, you can play them in passive mode if you have only supportive pet. Ranger is hard to master because of the tracking of the pet.
And for healing spring, we dont know yet how it will work but atm it can cleanse 6 condition if you stand in it. But pratically it is more like 2-4 condis.
So for pew pew ranger it is enough condi cleanse for a sniper. If you fighting close combat with pew pew ranger, you doing it wrong.
I must ask what low teir servers do you play on where a singled out ranger standing WAY behind the line at 1500 range is not solo’d out and insta gibbed? Positioning is key you say? Takes 3 times longer to sweep back behind the mele train when you are that far behind your frontline and when 50 plus people look at you you melt as a sniper. Popping sig of stone does nothing when you have 12 plus seconds of immob and EVERY other condi. Either you have no clue how broken ranger is or you build a bunker only and havok. Zerg fighting is either run away or pick off one and hope like hell you can hide before they look at you. What other backline has as few mobility skills as a ranger?
Our only sources of cleanse are in Wilderness Survival, eh? What about…
- Healing Spring
- Signet of Renewal
- Brown Bear
- Evasive Purity
You keep misleading ppl. Seriously i’ll ask you to please stop the theorycarfting. Play with a ranger for real, don’t just say you do.
I wrote about this before in an answer to another post of yours and you keep repeating yourself. I’ve proven several times you are wrong.
- Healing spring is now a trap. HS is very mild healing and you loose your only realiable healing skill.
- SoR entirely depends on your pet to be alive. Not good when your pet like to swim in AoE.
- Brown Bear cast the skill at the target you have now. Not at the spot like the cabagge dog do with the healing. So if you are not in melee Brown Bear is trash.
- Evasive Purity right now only serves for blind and possion with 10 secs CD. with the balance it will cleanse cripple as well so is better. Not good enough when burning, confusion, slow, chilled… Misleading i call that.
Runes or sigils are a no go. Why should i sacrifice dmg output to clean conditions when any other professions have cleanses even in weapons skills?
So please stop spreading this kind of misinformation and please try to be objetive. If you actually play with ranger you know what i say it’s true.
Ranger is already a broken profession and after the balance of the 23th it will become the pariah of gw2.
Personally glass bow ranger doesnt need them as they can pew pew from 1500 and anyone closing the gap should be close to dead once they reach them. If not, you deserve to die. So condi cleanse is only good with mid-close range build and those always pick wilderness survival or used to.
And glass bow can make use of brown bear. As they are good protect me fodder and signet of stone + protect me is 12 sec of invulnerability, enough to kill everything or make them run.
And to remedy to the AI pet mental illness, you can play them in passive mode if you have only supportive pet. Ranger is hard to master because of the tracking of the pet.
And for healing spring, we dont know yet how it will work but atm it can cleanse 6 condition if you stand in it. But pratically it is more like 2-4 condis.
So for pew pew ranger it is enough condi cleanse for a sniper. If you fighting close combat with pew pew ranger, you doing it wrong.
I must ask what low teir servers do you play on where a singled out ranger standing WAY behind the line at 1500 range is not solo’d out and insta gibbed? Positioning is key you say? Takes 3 times longer to sweep back behind the mele train when you are that far behind your frontline and when 50 plus people look at you you melt as a sniper. Popping sig of stone does nothing when you have 12 plus seconds of immob and EVERY other condi. Either you have no clue how broken ranger is or you build a bunker only and havok. Zerg fighting is either run away or pick off one and hope like hell you can hide before they look at you. What other backline has as few mobility skills as a ranger?
This isn’t directed at me but I really dislike how people automatically assume low tier servers have zero skill… /sigh. Just because you landed or transferred to a higher server does not mean you have more skill. A under populated server in relationship to time can’t make up the difference a higher populated wall clock server ticks.
Regardless and to your comment not everyone runs in a zerg and at the end of the day it does come down to situational awareness. Leaving a ranger alone at range people are going to die. Said ranger not knowing when to disengage or cut and run will also face a similar fate.
That is my experience – and I play on a middle of the pack server that goes by the name of Ehmry Bay (since beta).
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)
Our only sources of cleanse are in Wilderness Survival, eh? What about…
- Healing Spring
- Signet of Renewal
- Brown Bear
- Evasive Purity
You keep misleading ppl. Seriously i’ll ask you to please stop the theorycarfting. Play with a ranger for real, don’t just say you do.
I wrote about this before in an answer to another post of yours and you keep repeating yourself. I’ve proven several times you are wrong.
- Healing spring is now a trap. HS is very mild healing and you loose your only realiable healing skill.
- SoR entirely depends on your pet to be alive. Not good when your pet like to swim in AoE.
- Brown Bear cast the skill at the target you have now. Not at the spot like the cabagge dog do with the healing. So if you are not in melee Brown Bear is trash.
- Evasive Purity right now only serves for blind and possion with 10 secs CD. with the balance it will cleanse cripple as well so is better. Not good enough when burning, confusion, slow, chilled… Misleading i call that.
Runes or sigils are a no go. Why should i sacrifice dmg output to clean conditions when any other professions have cleanses even in weapons skills?
So please stop spreading this kind of misinformation and please try to be objetive. If you actually play with ranger you know what i say it’s true.
Ranger is already a broken profession and after the balance of the 23th it will become the pariah of gw2.
Personally glass bow ranger doesnt need them as they can pew pew from 1500 and anyone closing the gap should be close to dead once they reach them. If not, you deserve to die. So condi cleanse is only good with mid-close range build and those always pick wilderness survival or used to.
And glass bow can make use of brown bear. As they are good protect me fodder and signet of stone + protect me is 12 sec of invulnerability, enough to kill everything or make them run.
And to remedy to the AI pet mental illness, you can play them in passive mode if you have only supportive pet. Ranger is hard to master because of the tracking of the pet.
And for healing spring, we dont know yet how it will work but atm it can cleanse 6 condition if you stand in it. But pratically it is more like 2-4 condis.
So for pew pew ranger it is enough condi cleanse for a sniper. If you fighting close combat with pew pew ranger, you doing it wrong.
I must ask what low teir servers do you play on where a singled out ranger standing WAY behind the line at 1500 range is not solo’d out and insta gibbed? Positioning is key you say? Takes 3 times longer to sweep back behind the mele train when you are that far behind your frontline and when 50 plus people look at you you melt as a sniper. Popping sig of stone does nothing when you have 12 plus seconds of immob and EVERY other condi. Either you have no clue how broken ranger is or you build a bunker only and havok. Zerg fighting is either run away or pick off one and hope like hell you can hide before they look at you. What other backline has as few mobility skills as a ranger?
This isn’t directed at me but I really dislike how people automatically assume low tier servers have zero skill… /sigh. Just because you landed or transferred to a higher server does not mean you have more skill. A under populated server in relationship to time can’t make up the difference a higher populated wall clock server ticks.
Regardless and to your comment not everyone runs in a zerg and at the end of the day it does come down to situational awareness. Leaving a ranger alone at range people are going to die. Said ranger not knowing when to disengage or cut and run will also face a similar fate.
That is my experience – and I play on a middle of the pack server that goes by the name of Ehmry Bay (since beta).
This is not an issue of skill. This is an issue of mass amount of CC and just plain out death for a non mobile class. Warriors can easily sword 2 or GS5,3 thieves can stealth shortbow 5 shadowstep eles can ride the lightning mist and the list goes on and on and on off weapon skills and traits. Ranger is left sitting there like a duck with no hope of moving because even with the signet your movement speed is completely negated as soon as your first arrow hits and swiftness does nothing at this point that other classes cannot out run or gap close.
Rangers will have the ability, with Quickdraw, to use 2 consecutive Swoops or Sword 2 leap chains, combined at any point with Lightning Reflexes for another leap and a CC counter as well.
Now, I’m not arguing that it’s top tier escape mobility, but if all of that isn’t enough, then the person is in an unwinnable situation or completely out of position to begin with and is very justly getting punished for not playing better.
www.twitch.tv/itsJROH For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc
This is not an issue of skill. This is an issue of mass amount of CC and just plain out death for a non mobile class. Warriors can easily sword 2 or GS5,3 thieves can stealth shortbow 5 shadowstep eles can ride the lightning mist and the list goes on and on and on off weapon skills and traits. Ranger is left sitting there like a duck with no hope of moving because even with the signet your movement speed is completely negated as soon as your first arrow hits and swiftness does nothing at this point that other classes cannot out run or gap close.
It is a issue when your opening statement is “I must ask what low tier servers play on”.
But hey, I don’t want to mince word or argue over spilled milk. There are ways to disengage to some degree such as GS and those skilled with sword. I guess it goes back to my point whereas I said situational awareness wins.
Anyway – back to the argument and apologies for nit picking or focusing on the one sentence…
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)
Rangers will have the ability, with Quickdraw, to use 2 consecutive Swoops or Sword 2 leap chains, combined at any point with Lightning Reflexes for another leap and a CC counter as well.
Now, I’m not arguing that it’s top tier escape mobility, but if all of that isn’t enough, then the person is in an unwinnable situation or completely out of position to begin with and is very justly getting punished for not playing better.
Maybe I’m mistaken but that is def not the way I read quickdraw. I read it as the next skill after swapping weapons recharges 66% faster… not instanly. Again while doing DPS all it takes is one basilik thief to steal from 1200 apply the basilik venom and it’s GG when 50 plus run right into you. You can call that whatever you like and I’ll openly say if that makes me untalented then so be it. My pet may take the first disable that’s all well and good but basilik will have 2 charges default now. SoR triggers every 10 seconds or once activated and chances are if you try to stealth with longbow your arrow will miss at close range like it ALWAYS does. Stability nullifies the knockback so you are still left there getting swarmed where under no circumstances do you have ANY chance where as with my warrior/thief/ele/engi/guard I could usually find a way out or at the very least inflict a decent amount of damage.
Rangers will have the ability, with Quickdraw, to use 2 consecutive Swoops or Sword 2 leap chains, combined at any point with Lightning Reflexes for another leap and a CC counter as well.
Now, I’m not arguing that it’s top tier escape mobility, but if all of that isn’t enough, then the person is in an unwinnable situation or completely out of position to begin with and is very justly getting punished for not playing better.Maybe I’m mistaken but that is def not the way I read quickdraw. I read it as the next skill after swapping weapons recharges 66% faster… not instanly. Again while doing DPS all it takes is one basilik thief to steal from 1200 apply the basilik venom and it’s GG when 50 plus run right into you. You can call that whatever you like and I’ll openly say if that makes me untalented then so be it. My pet may take the first disable that’s all well and good but basilik will have 2 charges default now. SoR triggers every 10 seconds or once activated and chances are if you try to stealth with longbow your arrow will miss at close range like it ALWAYS does. Stability nullifies the knockback so you are still left there getting swarmed where under no circumstances do you have ANY chance where as with my warrior/thief/ele/engi/guard I could usually find a way out or at the very least inflict a decent amount of damage.
It’s a 4 second cooldown on swoop. Swap, use swoop, use lightning reflexes, use swoop again. If you use mainhand sword with quickdraw, it’ll be about a 2 second recharge. Either option gives you more initial mobility options than warrior GS or any of the options you mentioned.
After that initial escape though, you’ll definitely be slower in the long run. Still, that initial escape should be more than enough to get out of any potentially bad situation when you react at the right time.
It is extremely unreasonable to expect any class to get away from a 50 man blob though unless you have perma-stealth or the most incredible headstart imaginable.
www.twitch.tv/itsJROH For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc
Rangers will have the ability, with Quickdraw, to use 2 consecutive Swoops or Sword 2 leap chains, combined at any point with Lightning Reflexes for another leap and a CC counter as well.
Now, I’m not arguing that it’s top tier escape mobility, but if all of that isn’t enough, then the person is in an unwinnable situation or completely out of position to begin with and is very justly getting punished for not playing better.
The CD on Lightning reflexes is what? So I do this and just go hide in a keep until it is back up? Does swoop remove immob or can I trait it to do so in some way? Maybe I’m lucky and avoid the first thief but what about number 2 or 3? Again not bashing skill level but sheer numbers on low teir servers do not have the number of enemies that higher tier servers do. There is a reason Rangers are not part of the comp EVER when concidering top teir server builds. They just do not compete. Not saying rangers are bad but it takes a very talented individual to take a ranger of any spec into a zerg and emerge. Maybe this is why your opinion and the other guys opinion do not match up. I am on SoS server and a lot of the time we are outmanned and the other servers have map ques on OUR BL. When we take 35-40 and hit a group of 60 a ranger is an easy target and there is no tucking tail and running. You literally cannot strafe around a blob that fat. You have to double dodge it then you are left there trying to absorb and heal in the blast and with the low armor and low endurance regen you simply cannot get into the water field and reset there is no time to do so so you have to stay out alone in most cases. Eles are dropping fire storm while moving and rangers casting barrage are stuck in one spot. so either you do nothing but run or you get LUCKY and rain arrows. So many skills need reworks and need to be brought back into independant tiers of weapon skills. Why is barrage the ONLY skill where you MUST remain stationary while eles get a similar skill they can cast while moving?