staff 3 puts you in combat
Yes, because your healing the people you mist run into. Working as intended.
? Healing alone never puts you in combat. And it also puts me in combat when I’m alone?
I’ve noticed this as well. It puts you out of combat even when there are no mobs or anything around.
Yes, because your healing the people you mist run into. Working as intended.
this is incorrect. even when there are no people around u, it will put you into combat. it’s a bug.
Didn’t the tool tip used to say Heal Allies and Damages Foes?
It’s a tool tip error that was changed recently. If it has officially changed to just heal, then yes it’s a bug. if it can also damage foes.. its considered an attack and will put you in combat.
it never damaged foes. the skill was reworked to be an evade so maybe during this process something got messed up.
yep but even if the ability still had some hidden damage component (that doesn’t actually do dmg, but instead acts as if it was doing damage by putting you in combat), it wouldn’t put you in combat when roaming alone, this is what I’m trying to say, you could be the only living thing on a planet made of entirely anorganic material (somehow YOU still managed to survive by using an atom other than carbon as carbon replacement) where the possibility of encountering another organism is null and you are on a perfectly flat linear boring surface and you would STILL be put in combat by this shiny ray of bugginess don’t get me wrong I love this ability but it seems it has always been bugged in one way or the other.
The thing is, this doesn’t happen 100% of the time. I’ve done my share of bored jumping around HotM and I don’t always end up in combat from Staff 3.
I’m wondering if there’s some sort of terrain issue where it thinks you took fall damage and places you in combat? That’s the only way I can explain why I sometimes do and sometimes don’t.
I’m all ears, waiting for clarification from IRENIO.
Sounds like a bug. That shouldn’t be happening.
lol I made 3 threads about this already, they all got buried. welcome everyone.
Well it wont get buried now.
BTW i just tested it, and did not go into combat. when around no enemy.
BTW i just tested it, and did not go into combat. when around no enemy.
I have been been seeing this effect from Staf #3 since HoT launch day. It does put you into combat. Weapon swap has cooldown, as does pet swap immediately after using staff#3.
No enemies or allies in range, ooc before testing. Can be replicated in cities.
video pls.. cause I’m not having that issue. not saying you’re wrong. Just wanna see whats up.
BTW i just tested it, and did not go into combat. when around no enemy.
it definitely does, maybe not every single time. test it out in mists and in a match. it slows down our run speed to combat speed.
video pls.. cause I’m not having that issue. not saying you’re wrong. Just wanna see whats up.
It absolutely puts you in combat. The behavior is inconsistent though. Seems to happen to me 4/5 times. It’s very easy for you to test your self with out someone making a video. Just use Ancestral Grace, then swap weapons. If your weapon swap goes on cooldown, you’re in combat.
Back to the idea of it being inconsistent. This mostly occurs when I am in a pvp match. Doesn’t seem to happen as often just running around the mists. This is truly frustrating.
video pls.. cause I’m not having that issue. not saying you’re wrong. Just wanna see whats up.
It absolutely puts you in combat. The behavior is inconsistent though. Seems to happen to me 4/5 times. It’s very easy for you to test your self with out someone making a video. Just use Ancestral Grace, then swap weapons. If your weapon swap goes on cooldown, you’re in combat.
Back to the idea of it being inconsistent. This mostly occurs when I am in a pvp match. Doesn’t seem to happen as often just running around the mists. This is truly frustrating.
it kills the mobility that we’re supposed to have as roamers.
Agree, its an annoying bug. When we start a spvp match and I use Staff #3 to quickly get to a point and then switch to another weapon, I got slowed down. Weapon swap then also has the 9sec cooldown. Not working as intended.
Can always stow weapon or weapon swap before the “put in combat” part.
Am I good?… I’m good.
ok so it’s not a wvw only issue, good to know
dear devs,
I was hoping this would have been addressed in the previous patch. could we get an ETA on this fix?
Game Designer