Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Nitross.6987


Glad your taking our feedback seriously9even if you never once responded to people feeling like a lack of utility customization)

Glad to see I’m not the only one who feels like this.

But considering this:

Since so many are asking for condi cleanse I’m sure it will be considered. Shiro+Glint has none.

Revenant as a whole is designed to not have much condition cleanse. That’s not to say there won’t be any tweaks for removal, but it won’t be any large changes. can’t have everything.

It seems to be by design that the Revenant’s choices are limited to your selection of Legendary stances. It was even more evident when Revenant had no weapon swap.

But, considering how the stances have synergy with specific weapons and trait lines, it feels like the profession has very little choice within the builds you can make.

That’s why I still feel every stance should have 4 utilities. This could let you include a stun breaker and/or condi clear in each stance – doesn’t have to be very good ones – so you at least have the option to equip one.

This would be in line with how other skill types are done for other professions; they have 4 shouts or 4 signets, and so on. And for each type, one of them has some defensive use.

Or maybe I just need to play more with the profession to figure out how it CAN be personalized within it’s current limits? I don’t know for sure. What do you guys think?

- Fort Aspenwood -

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Griffith.7238


Glad your taking our feedback seriously9even if you never once responded to people feeling like a lack of utility customization)

Glad to see I’m not the only one who feels like this.

But considering this:

Since so many are asking for condi cleanse I’m sure it will be considered. Shiro+Glint has none.

Revenant as a whole is designed to not have much condition cleanse. That’s not to say there won’t be any tweaks for removal, but it won’t be any large changes. can’t have everything.

It seems to be by design that the Revenant’s choices are limited to your selection of Legendary stances. It was even more evident when Revenant had no weapon swap.

But, considering how the stances have synergy with specific weapons and trait lines, it feels like the profession has very little choice within the builds you can make.

That’s why I still feel every stance should have 4 utilities. This could let you include a stun breaker and/or condi clear in each stance – doesn’t have to be very good ones – so you at least have the option to equip one.

This would be in line with how other skill types are done for other professions; they have 4 shouts or 4 signets, and so on. And for each type, one of them has some defensive use.

Or maybe I just need to play more with the profession to figure out how it CAN be personalized within it’s current limits? I don’t know for sure. What do you guys think?

There is still a lot of customization to be had within the Revenant’s kit. Weapons are not at all tied to Legends. All of the weapons were announced with a particular Legend ,but it doesn’t mean that that weapon has to be used with that Legend ex. Hammer was announced with Jalis ,but Hammer with Shiro is really strong. Aside from that there are still plenty of combinations between which two weapon sets and which two Legends you can run. Most classes only give the illusion of variety when in reality there are very few Healing, Utility, and Elite skills to choose from that are actually viable or even useful.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Turkadactyl.5308


It was too punishing to be locked into a skill where you had no control over your character.

I know I’m not the first one to mention it, but ranger sword would like to say, “lolwut.”

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Zeroth.7046


The thing about sword AA on ranger is that you are still attacking the same target and you have control over who you are attacking. UA has no control over who you are attacking so there was little to do on how you were taking damage, which I believe was Roy’s point when making that comment.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Falchoin.6152


Will Revenant get a ranged condi option for ground combat? Main hand dagger would be pretty nifty!

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Krackus.5706


Some great changes in weapon skills but I would like to add my brick to the wall of rage about Inspiring Reinforcement nerf, this skill is now unusable in WvW and very situational in PvP (PvE doesnt need stability that much anyway). We already have to wait 1-2 sec for the skill to start pulsing ANY stability (imo this should happen the moment you step on the road, obviously the far end of the field would start pulsing later but the close one should pulse the moment the skill is cast) but now we also have to stand exactly on this skill to keep it with a big “Wells and nukes here plz” sign over our head. I’ll be putting Jalis away on a shelf to gather dust in the next beta unless some changes happen to this skill.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Killyox.3950


Prettyv good changes all around eXCEPT 1.

Inspiring Reinforcements – decide whter you increase CD, Cost or Nerf the Stability. All of it at the same time is too much of a nerf.

Also just a precaution for you guys at ArenaNet but I hope we won’t see more Cooldowns on revenant skills. If you do bring more and more cooldowns then just scrap energy entirely then. What’s the purpose of having energy cost AND cooldowns. This is mostly my reaction to Inspiring Reinforcements change where you gave it 10s CD and 30energy cost on top of it. That’s too much. Either make it 10s CD and 15e or 20e. You triple dipped it with stab change, CD inc and En inc.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Valfaros.6908


Since so many are asking for condi cleanse I’m sure it will be considered. Shiro+Glint has none.

Revenant as a whole is designed to not have much condition cleanse. That’s not to say there won’t be any tweaks for removal, but it won’t be any large changes. can’t have everything.

Hmm well…. “not have much” well I somehow find that okay but you should still have a chance to fight against builds who use them. On rev you were pretty much freeloot if you didn’t play condi with malix. Problem was not enough stunbreaks, condi cleans or to weak dmg spikes.

I think with mesmer you made this concept of not having much condi cleanse work. With mesmer you can kite your enemy, you have a lot of invuln, stealth, stunbreaks, cc and dmg spikes. This way mesmer still can kill certain condibuilds.

With rev you don’t have any of those options mesmer has, most weapons are meele, not many stunbreaks, limited cc, no invuln and weaker dmg spikes then mesmer.
Now we get an evade on all phase skills, some dmg modified + glint who has a stunbreak (Yaay) and some cc.
I’m curious how that works next BWE but I’m sure there need to be done some things in order to make rev really awsome.

You didn’t chance many traits even though there was a lot of feedback about them.

Robert Gee is doing a bit a better Job with his “Chances from BWE” post he even talks about thing who stays the same, or are looked at and tells us why they don’t get chances and what the plans are to certain things.
I would really like to see this here next time too.

(edited by Valfaros.6908)

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: skowcia.8257


Prettyv good changes all around eXCEPT 1.

Inspiring Reinforcements – decide whter you increase CD, Cost or Nerf the Stability. All of it at the same time is too much of a nerf.

Also just a precaution for you guys at ArenaNet but I hope we won’t see more Cooldowns on revenant skills. If you do bring more and more cooldowns then just scrap energy entirely then. What’s the purpose of having energy cost AND cooldowns. This is mostly my reaction to Inspiring Reinforcements change where you gave it 10s CD and 30energy cost on top of it. That’s too much. Either make it 10s CD and 15e or 20e. You triple dipped it with stab change, CD inc and En inc.

I agree. I was disgusted by that added cd as well. Revenant was supposed to be opposite to thief. They can spam wep skills without cd, we can spam utility without cd’s – at least that what we was supposed to do. In last beta forced engagement had added 3sec cooldown as well (while tis not a lot it still can be affected by chill/power lock to end up with 15cd.). I think it wont take too long before they add cd everywhere. At this point that energy system is pointless. Double punishment. I hope road is the last skill they slapped cd on otherwise i will up be for removing energy system completely.

obey me

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Mournilg.4870


I agree. I was disgusted by that added cd as well. Revenant was supposed to be opposite to thief. They can spam wep skills without cd, we can spam utility without cd’s – at least that what we was supposed to do. In last beta forced engagement had added 3sec cooldown as well (while tis not a lot it still can be affected by chill/power lock to end up with 15cd.). I think it wont take too long before they add cd everywhere. At this point that energy system is pointless. Double punishment. I hope road is the last skill they slapped cd on otherwise i will up be for removing energy system completely.

Many people would disagree on your statement of “opposite of thief” but that’s not the problem here.
I think Roy did touch too much balance options at the same time.
nerfing the skill + increased CD + higher energy cost.
I don’t think touching the 3 options at the same time was justified.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Kidel.2057


Revenant was never compared to thief. Energy is there to make 10 utility skills feel like 5.

I agree that the nerf is too much. Jalis has 2 bad skills now.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Ultimaistanza.4793


I agree. I was disgusted by that added cd as well. Revenant was supposed to be opposite to thief. They can spam wep skills without cd, we can spam utility without cd’s – at least that what we was supposed to do. In last beta forced engagement had added 3sec cooldown as well (while tis not a lot it still can be affected by chill/power lock to end up with 15cd.). I think it wont take too long before they add cd everywhere. At this point that energy system is pointless. Double punishment. I hope road is the last skill they slapped cd on otherwise i will up be for removing energy system completely.

Many people would disagree on your statement of “opposite of thief” but that’s not the problem here.
I think Roy did touch too much balance options at the same time.
nerfing the skill + increased CD + higher energy cost.
I don’t think touching the 3 options at the same time was justified.

Exactly, it’s far too much overkill for a skill that didn’t feel like it needed a nerf in the first place.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: TheFantasticGman.9451


Love the changes.

The other Devs need to take note here and actual use the 2+ years of feedback that’s been given like Roy is for the Rev. LOOKING AT YOU DEV THAT’S OVER RANGER AND NECRO.

Speaking from a PVE-only point of view…

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: EvilZombie.6801


Love the changes.

The other Devs need to take note here and actual use the 2+ years of feedback that’s been given like Roy is for the Rev. LOOKING AT YOU DEV THAT’S OVER RANGER AND NECRO.

i wonder who are the ranger and nerco dev too !

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: NeroBoron.7285


BTW I forget to nation that you really have to add a CD on Pain Absorption, you can go for nearly pertma resistance. (Okay you can’t spent energy on something else then, but still perma resistance!)

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: xarallei.4279


Robert Gee is currently in charge of Necro. He’s already spoken on the reaper changes in the necro forums. They are really good changes and I’m excited to try reaper out again next time.

Not sure who the mysterious ranger dev is.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: xarallei.4279


No Nero, we do NOT need more cds on energy skills. It’s really lame. Part of the whole thing about these skills was that you don’t have cds and use energy management. That’s slowly being ruined and we are getting double punishment now.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: TheFantasticGman.9451


Robert Gee is currently in charge of Necro. He’s already spoken on the reaper changes in the necro forums. They are really good changes and I’m excited to try reaper out again next time.

Not sure who the mysterious ranger dev is.

I do believe it’s Kui.

Speaking from a PVE-only point of view…

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Vennyhedgie.5369


Since so many are asking for condi cleanse I’m sure it will be considered. Shiro+Glint has none.

Revenant as a whole is designed to not have much condition cleanse. That’s not to say there won’t be any tweaks for removal, but it won’t be any large changes. can’t have everything.

Something would be great ahah
At least to make powerbuilds viable on pve.

There is Jalis, Ventari, and Staff.

All of which are not optimal for max dps. I don’t think there is a single other class that has to sacrifice damage for a condi cleanse. Unlike other classes, Rev doesn’t have the ability to freely choose its heals and utilities. You are stuck with an entire legend and all of its utilities, whether you want them or not.

+1 this

Because weaknesses what are those right? I dont think you should have it all and I agree with Roy here in having Revenants weak to condis, they can already have a pretty hefty uptime of resistance with just one trait. If you spec going hard for damage why shuould you have condi cleanses. If you want them, sacrifice something for it.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Vennyhedgie.5369


BTW I forget to nation that you really have to add a CD on Pain Absorption, you can go for nearly pertma resistance. (Okay you can’t spent energy on something else then, but still perma resistance!)

Imo this is good, it gives Revs a very strong defined role in wvw, while at the same time not letting them do anything else if they do decide to spam the resistance. Also considering they’re one of the few classes who can give resistance to allies it feels like a fair trade

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: NovaanVerdiano.6174


Unrelenting Assault: Increased the damage by 30%. This skill will now evade while your character is preforming this attack.

What, why?
Admittedly, I didn’t play Revenant so I don’t know what the skill looks like, but a better solution would’ve most likely been to let you cancel the skill if necessary (in case that wasn’t possible before) instead of giving it dodge frames. If you just spam a strong skill with such a drawback, you deserve to take damage, really. Well, I hope it’s strong at least.

Again, I don’t know how the skill actually works, so if there’s something about the skill that actually makes the dodgeframes justified, disregard what I said.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Lonewolf Kai.3682

Lonewolf Kai.3682

Again, I don’t know how the skill actually works …. disregard what I said.

This ^

“Be like water” – Bruce Lee

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: xarallei.4279


Well I think if the glint heal does work with condi damage then Shiro/Glint might be ok even without condi cleanse. I guess we’ll see.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Recursivision.2367


Again, I don’t know how the skill actually works …. disregard what I said.

This ^

He does have a point though. With both the damage increase and the evade, I’ll be abe to one shot people with close to 0 risk.

It’s going to be pretty cheesy.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: skowcia.8257


Again, I don’t know how the skill actually works …. disregard what I said.

This ^

He does have a point though. With both the damage increase and the evade, I’ll be abe to one shot people with close to 0 risk.

It’s going to be pretty cheesy.

I have landed all 9 hits many times with staff 5 during last beta and i been far from oneshooting anything. Damage wise sword 3 will have pretty much the same damage now as staff 5.

It needed a buff as it lock you out of control for too long and damage wise it was weaker than whats the point? One dodge will be enough to reduce it damage drastically like rapid fire.

And tbh even with all the love sword got this not sure if i will be running with one.. Staff is amazing on it own+dat charr animation on surge. I think i wont resist that one..

obey me

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Rygg.6237


Revenant was never compared to thief. Energy is there to make 10 utility skills feel like 5.

I agree that the nerf is too much. Jalis has 2 bad skills now.

It always had 2 bad skills, first it was hammers and rite of the great dwarf, they just went and switchedd rite of the great dwarf with inspired reinforcement and settled with giving a ton of added thoughness to the stance while keeping vengeful hammers not worth using.

Some feelings will be hurt there and sorry for that to the dev team, but damage mitigation options in the active combat system of the game are way better in other forms other than increasing the defensive stats and making defensive capabilities more dynamic and challening is better than just making you diamond though while just standing still like a target dummy IMO.

(edited by Rygg.6237)

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Rygg.6237


Again, I don’t know how the skill actually works …. disregard what I said.

This ^

He does have a point though. With both the damage increase and the evade, I’ll be abe to one shot people with close to 0 risk.

It’s going to be pretty cheesy.

No you won’t, if you time perfectly your burst at most they’ll go 100 to 40-50%, players are not target golems, and if you burst an enemy from 100% HP you’re gonna end up dead with the current energy costs on survival options for Revenant, trust me I tried it 1v1 vs. a lot of professions, 4 out of the 8 professions will just be able to peel and then burst you down while you have no energy, mostly because your burst uses around 70% energy in 3 seconds. Your best bang for buck bursts need to be on targets below 50%, that way you trigger the proc on swift termination and actually using up all that energy is worth it since you’ll get the burst effectively 5-6 out of 10 times.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Recursivision.2367


I’m not too familiar with the damage calculations, etc. But when they say they boost the damage by 30%, does that mean the modifier has been increased 30%?

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: makagoto.1204


Revenant was never compared to thief. Energy is there to make 10 utility skills feel like 5.

I agree that the nerf is too much. Jalis has 2 bad skills now.

It always had 2 bad skills, first it was hammers and rite of the great dwarf, they just went and switchedd rite of the great dwarf with inspired reinforcement and settled with giving a ton of added thoughness to the stance while keeping vengeful hammers not worth using.

Some feelings will be hurt there and sorry for that to the dev team, but damage mitigation options in the active combat system of the game are way better in other forms other than increasing the defensive stats and making defensive capabilities more dynamic and challening is better than just making you diamond though while just standing still like a target dummy IMO.

you can basically beat all content with going all out with max berserk damage, without any kind of defense thoughts. Thats what works and what people in dungeons for example expect. Still if that’s all you want you can still play shiro/glint, mallyx/glint or shiro/mallyx. There is no need for jalis to fit this role as well. Some people don’t care about having the absolute possible damage output and like to play more defensive and jalis is meant as a option for those people. Either way you look at it inspired reinforcement was too strong and got the nerf it needed and veangeful hammers didn’t fit the role jalis should have taken. Even though i liked using them for some burst damage i think they are in a much better place now.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Cecilia.5179


The phase traversal changes look REALLY strong. Revenant will be inescapable in somewhat uncatchable in wvw (like a thief who teleports away to mobs). This skill is now the ultimate gap closer.

Necromancer Rights Advocate
Restart WvW:

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Recursivision.2367


I’m going to attempt to do some calculations on Unrelenting Assault pre-buff damage using a build similar to what I was running roaming in WvW.
I’m not 100% sure if this is right, please correct me if I’m wrong.

With the 15% stat bonus from Embrace the Darkness and fury, we’re looking at:

3180 power
100% crit chance
~ 270% crit damage
damage modifiers: 7%, 7%, 5%, 5%, 3% (per condi)

The pre-buff Unrelenting Assault co-efficient is 3.85.
Sword weapon strength is 1050.

The damage calculation is:
Damage done = (Weapon strength) * Power * (skill-specific coefficient) / (target’s Armor)

So that gives us:
(1050) * 3180 * (3.85) / 2500 (Arbitrary armor value) = 5142

Given that we have 100% crit chance, we can flat out multiply this times our crit damage (Note: I don’t think this even includes the 150 ferocity bonus from Assassin’s Presence):

5142 (2.7) = 13,883

Adding our damage modifiers:

13,833(1.05)(1.05)(1.07)(1.07)(1.03) = 17,984

with 5 condis, or using the 2% per upkeep point from Herald while using Embrace the Darkness:

13,833(1.05)(1.05)(1.07)(1.07)(1.15) = 20,079

+ 3 procs from Shiro heal at about 1000 per


(edited by Recursivision.2367)

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: skowcia.8257


Too bad you calculated it on a situaiton which is unrealistic in pvp, unless you fight fresh players that stand like spvp golems taking everything you throw at them without defending. If you can do the same calculation tho for autoatk, i bet damage wise it will be similiar and that other classes can do it as well.

obey me

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Valfaros.6908


Ahm modifier is 0.55…
Damage done = (Weapon strengh) * Power * 0.55 / (Targets Armor)

And with those stats you are running super berserk so you going to be onehitted by a falling apple

(edited by Valfaros.6908)

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Shrubsy.9720


Ahm modifier is 0.55…

Per attack * 7.

Using PvP stats and the same calculations it come out to something like 18k.

Then again, could be a bit off on something.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Recursivision.2367


WTB Super PvE Hero 2 Check Maths

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Valfaros.6908


I was using this skill a lot it does in pvp like 5-7k so there is something off

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: skowcia.8257


I was using this skill a lot it does in pvp like 5-7k so there is something off

It has basically the same damage as surge of the mist now. In pvp with 88 crit chance i wasnt able to land more than 7k on zerker warrior. All 9 hits mind you and all of them critted. There is no doubt that something is off in this math.

obey me

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Recursivision.2367


I was using this skill a lot it does in pvp like 5-7k so there is something off

It has basically the same damage as surge of the mist now. In pvp with 88 crit chance i wasnt able to land more than 7k on zerker warrior. All 9 hits mind you and all of them critted. There is no doubt that something is off in this math.

Ah, I must be wrong then. Darn, that would have been nice.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Killyox.3950


I’m not too familiar with the damage calculations, etc. But when they say they boost the damage by 30%, does that mean the modifier has been increased 30%?

How do you ‘spam’ a skill that has 15s CD.

It was weak. Really really weak. Single target was mediocre and with 2 targets it was very bad dmg + asking to be killed.

Animation is quite lengthy and you were very vulnerable to dmg and cc.

Also cancel would be a very bad idea because it would not solve the underlying problem at all. You would just NOT use skill because you would end up having to cancel it all the time to not die.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Killyox.3950


I was using this skill a lot it does in pvp like 5-7k so there is something off

It has basically the same damage as surge of the mist now. In pvp with 88 crit chance i wasnt able to land more than 7k on zerker warrior. All 9 hits mind you and all of them critted. There is no doubt that something is off in this math.

Which is low considering zerker vs zerker

Next BWE we should be able to make a decent powerhouse though (if focusing purely on dmg).

Runes of Rage (5% dmg under fury), +5% force sigil, +7% on vuln target, +7% from side, +10% with 5 stacks of lacerations, +x% dmg from vulnerability. +dmg on skills across the board (sword 5%, #3 +30%, 5# +75%) I think Swords will finallly be in good spot. Combined with possible burstier Shiro-heal due to lowering interval to 0,5 from 1s it

I love how #3 can now be an offensive skill as well as defensive. Same goes for hammer Phase Smash.

Weakness to conditions: I don’t mind it. WE got 2 heals instead of 1. Jalis removes 3 condis, mallys has resistance. It’s fine imo

Vengeful Hammers – Love the change! -20% dmg from direct dmg and condis +ability to apply weakness to enemies, +possibility of getting protection from allies is cool. Also heal from hammers and some traits and it’s decent enough.

Rite of the great dwarf – good change! Hope it sticks. -50% dmg for 5s for allies and SB on 1s or so cast is good.

Loving Shiro after changes.

Almost loving Jalis after changes (IR got nerfed to hard, triple dipped; Taunt is too expensive)

Mallys with M/A is pretty awesome too but would change +50% poison duration trait to something more… interestng. Like Crits have X% chance to copy random condition on yourself. ~10s CD

Glint seems OK but I can tell it will need a couple of fixes already (certain buffs + nerfs)

Kinda called +10% crit per pulse on Maniacal Persistence. Now it will be pretty decent talent for all. Rolling Mists is a reat change as well. I like how different professions can get a sort of their “attuned” boon. Also opens a lot more gear options with being able to cut on precision for the sake of thg or vit.

(edited by Killyox.3950)

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: skowcia.8257


Which is low considering zerker vs zerker

I dont think it low at all (warrior evi without might often hits for 5k range) but nothing too game breaking to ask for unnecesary nerfs. Sword 3 will be completely useless vs mes and his clones, it will be also useless vs mm necros, and basically half of it damage vs ranger.. It also gets canceled by going invis (thief, mes, engi) unless it got fixed but nothing is mentioned so i assume its supposed to be a first breakable channeled skill ingame

In case of wvw i do not think that someone should even consider it in balance by any means. It was always unbalanced due to superior stats, gear advantages, food etc.

So imho this skill is fine right now, not to mention that one dodge will nullify at least half of it damage. Screaming for a nerf is jerk reaction. Back in january people screamed about how rev>everything and we all have seen how it turned out.

obey me

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: SunLord.9423


Thank you so much, Roy!

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: NapTooN.6283


Wait a sec. Legendswap 10s cd ooc, isn’t that a bit too much? I was expecting maybe 3. With 10 seconds it’s too punishing. IO ooc wasn’t even a big deal.

What do you need constant Legendswap OOC for anyway? If it is only for IO, well you don’t need that anymore, Glint has Perma AoE Swiftness.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: NapTooN.6283


“Invoking a legend will now have a 10 second recharge while out of combat.”

So, would this prevent us from swapping out a legend while we’re out of combat until the 10 second cooldown is off?

Should be the same like with Utility Skills. As long as they are on cooldown, they can not be swapped out

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: NapTooN.6283


I’m not a fan of the Jalis changes. Why are the legends becoming so much more niche? Like Jalis will in no circumstances ever be used for damage now. Players are going to camp on a their desired stances even more now cause each legend is only capable of doing one thing. Ventari was already in this position and now Jalis is right there with him. This is horrible for the class.

I’m not seeing it.

If damage is really all your concerned about you’re probably going to be alternating Mallyx and Shiro on CD for maximum up-time on their upkeep skills.

Nothing is stopping you from using other legends, but… if your goal is as one-dimensional as “Max DPS” there is generally going to be one single best solution.

That’s exactly the probelm. The build just makes itself. I can never hope to take Jalis or Ventari and expect to put out nearly as much DPS. I am forced into something and that’s the death of this class for me. Hopefully Druid won’t be as brain dead.

erm… That is exactly how other Professions work aswell… I can just rewrite it to: I can never hope to take Consecrations or Spirit Weapons and expect to put out nearly as much DPS

The Legends are for the Revenant what the Skill Types are for the other Professions. Of course you can not take only Tank and Support Utilities and expect to be a Damage Monster. If you want DPS, take DPS Tools, like every other Profession out there.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: NapTooN.6283


Wasted chance for the first aoe resistance in the game
Could be traded with that aoe protection on healing skill that basically kills Glint’s heal.

Pain Absorption is the first AoE Resistance since the Reveal of Mallyx. Just because it is not Perma for everyone, does not make it nonexistant.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Recursivision.2367


Wasted chance for the first aoe resistance in the game
Could be traded with that aoe protection on healing skill that basically kills Glint’s heal.

Mesmers have a trait for AoE resistance on glamours >.>

(edited by Recursivision.2367)

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: NapTooN.6283


Since so many are asking for condi cleanse I’m sure it will be considered. Shiro+Glint has none.

Revenant as a whole is designed to not have much condition cleanse. That’s not to say there won’t be any tweaks for removal, but it won’t be any large changes. can’t have everything.

Besides conditions, what other weaknesses do you expect there to be, Roy?

I’d argue boon removal will be a pretty significant weakness, especially to glint. CC might still sort of be a weakness depending on the build.

Everyone who runs Boon Removal against Glint wastes his skills, unless you talk about Boon Conversion. Hey Mr. Glint Revenant, here eat this Boon Removal! > Boon reapplied every 3 seconds

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: UnknownRH.4592


Thank you Roy for this update on our feed back. However, I see that nothing really changed about the centaur stance. I know at this time you are tweaking numbers and making Revenant viable according to community feedback but the centaur stance is completely broken with the mechanics it is run by now. Honestly, all those hard tweaks on all other stances even if not done does not make those stances unplayable. The tablet mechanic completely destroys anything a Revenant player hopes to achieve by equipping it. It is really slow for the pace of the combat in this game. Even in PvE. On top of it the Micro management is insane to move the tablet along. I genuinely believe centaur stance has very high potential for PvP and WvW formats. An honest opinion of how to make it worthwhile is that let the tablet spawn when you swap to the stance and let it follow the player around. Skill 6 can be then used to move the tablet to a location for 5 secs after which the tablet returns back to the player and follow him around as before. This is seriously going to make it a real option in any format of the game. Other wise it is just gonna be like thief traps which never get used in the meta of any gameplay format.

Centurion in Balkan legion (SFRJ)
Warrior and Elementalist
Far ShiverPeaks

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Loex.5104


Ventari is fine IMO – tablet should just spawn instantly and the move skill should be instant so it doesn’t block your other skills and also can be used while you do other stuff

Ventari will be used at least in fractals like ascalon / uncategorized and also mai Trin – also in WvW it does a good job