Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
[Suggestion] Revenant Rework Document
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
I play both condi and power core rev atm. Both use traveler runes as i have no speed increase. Its imo a first thing that should be added.
Shiro/Jalis is slacking due to sustain issues and the fact Jalis doesnt provide a stunbreak/reliable stab or enough dmg reduction. Retal also hardcounter hammers way too much.
Meanwhile Shiro/Mallyx is average at best vs power builds with decent cleanse and vs condi builds the resistance i can apply is nothing special at all compared to herald.
I dont think i can agree with nerfing riposting shadow tho. Shiro was supposed to be slippery by design and a huge nerf like that one may put him into complete trash tier if he wont get any compensation.
Nah the compensation is in Jalis (this works for Mallyx too). Also for mobility you already gave deva a mobility trait.
Think about it like this.
Mallyx/Jalis strong sustain and condition damage. Low mobility.
Jalis/Glint excelent defense against power and good healing. Low mobility, weak to soft CC and condition damage.
Shiro/Jalis good damage, good sustain against power, excelent mobility. Weak to condition damage.
Shiro/Glint good damage, decent sustain, excelent mobility, great buffs. Weak to condition damage.
Shiro/Mallyx (herald) good damage, good defense against condi, excelent mobility. Weak to power.
Everything that I cited with Jalis doesn’t work because Jalis is bad at doing what he is supposed to do.
Herald of Ventari
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
Well thats my goal in general. Thing is a buff to Jalis doesnt justice a nerf to Shiro. Its just switching power from one legend to another.
Riposting shadows is the main defense for Shiro. Dodging important attacks is something that actually takes a skill and without endurance his defense will become too weak on top of crap healing ability. If anything i think they made a mistake by reducing the cost to 30 from 35. Going with dev logic however we will end up with 5-10cd on shadows /call it a day.
Imho if you nerf riposting shadows you will have to give Shiro a way to gtfo from the fight. Just like thief. Like make phase traversal ground target teleport rather than to target.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
(edited by Burtnik.5218)
Well thats my goal in general. Thing is a buff to Jalis doesnt justice a nerf to Shiro. Its just switching power from one legend to another.
Riposting shadows is the main defense for Shiro. Dodging important attacks is something that actually takes a skill and without endurance his defense will become too weak on top of crap healing ability. If anything i think they made a mistake by reducing the cost to 30 from 35. Going with dev logic however we will end up with 5-10cd on shadows /call it a day
Shifting power to another legend is intentional after all no one uses a single legend.
Also Shiro is indeed over performing after all he is the only other common point within all meta builds.
Well I think that shiro can keep being effective if Risposting shadows stays at 30 energy and 30 is changed to 30 endurance.
35 would affect the frequency that you remove soft/hard CC and move out of the fights.
Herald of Ventari
Shiro being a pick has it reasons tho. Stunbreak unlike other legends.
And most important which i consider a failure in rev desing – mobility.
No other legend nor weapon provides it (ua is a mobile skill but first you gotta close the gap, witohut Shiro that might be problematic).
Rev is slowest profession without Shiro. But if Shiro start to slack around i can imagie rev going for a more bunker builds instead or end up out of meta.
Imho like i edited up.. if you want to remove endurance then its fine but in this case PT gotta become ground targeted to allow us escape.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Shiro being a pick has it reasons tho. Stunbreak unlike other legends.
And most important which i consider a failure in rev desing – mobility.
No other legend nor weapon provides it (ua is a mobile skill but first you gotta close the gap, witohut Shiro that might be problematic).Rev is slowest profession without Shiro. But if Shiro start to slack around i can imagie rev going for a more bunker builds instead or end up out of meta.
Imho like i edited up.. if you want to remove endurance then its fine but in this case PT gotta become ground targeted to allow us escape.
Not remove it reduce it by 40% you get a 1.25 dodges every 2 Riposts instead of 2.
Herald of Ventari
If it get shaved then prepare for 25 to 15 endurance imo. 30 wont happen cus reasons
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
If it get shaved then prepare for 25 to 15 endurance imo. 30 wont happen cus reasons
Well it will be either that or a 5 sec cooldown. But IMO we can still continue to work on making a well balanced proposal and hope they follow most of if.
Herald of Ventari
Yeah so i rather have endurance removed completely and make PT ground targeted so it can be used as both gap closer/escape or just to dance around someone to avoid certain attacks. With 25 energy cost and 900 range it wont cause many issues. Standing power of rev will drop dramatically tho. In case of Shiro at least.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Okay so i guess my document is ready to go? Nerfed PT to 900, added +33% burn to diabolic.. Thats about it i guess
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Okay so i guess my document is ready to go?
Is this a real question ?
Well I’d like to take a good look at it before but I won’t have time for the next two weeks.
Herald of Ventari
Okay so i guess my document is ready to go?
Is this a real question ?
Yep, it is.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Oh, ok so I went through the doc again and disagree strongly with:
- Vicious Lacerations beeing removed.
- PT range nerf
- Enchanted Daggers damage nerf
- Precision Stike nerf if no revert on AA damage nerf
- Field of the mists as an ice field
- Most changes to Invocation
- Any changes to Glint/Herald
- New weapon “condi rifle”
Oh, ok so I went through the doc again and disagree strongly with:
- Vicious Lacerations beeing removed.
- PT range nerf
- Enchanted Daggers damage nerf
- Precision Stike nerf if no revert on AA damage nerf
- Field of the mists as an ice field
- Most changes to Invocation
- Any changes to Glint/Herald
- New weapon “condi rifle”
Field of the mist is something i forgot about. It will stay as dark. Why you disagree with rest? Dont ya think we have too much mobility? Also i wouldnt consider precision strike as nerf in raids. Staying in hitbox will allow you to deal much higher damage than now.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
- Vicious Lacerations beeing removed.
This is a nice trait but you have to attack to “load” it and keep attacking or you lose it.
So I think it’s a pretty acceptable deal and so a nice trait as it is.
- PT range nerf
I think mobility is just fine. We can’t compete with thieves even with 1200 range and having such mobility has a high energy cost meaning less energy for damages… Besides we have to target something.
- Enchanted Daggers damage nerf
This skill sounds like “attack or you die” so damages are welcome.
- Precision Stike nerf if no revert on AA damage nerf
Ok with this vision for raids.
- Field of the mists as an ice field
Ok if stay dark.
- Most changes to Invocation + Any changes to Glint/Herald
I just find all this stuff is fine at the moment so I wouldn’t touch it.
Just wanna wait & see how other changes to jalis/mallyx/ventari (legends and traitlines) may impact the class before.
- New weapon “condi rifle”
Gunpowerder doesn’t fit with rev lore… Sounds like Jedi using blaster guns… :p
There is still ferocity trait which is almost the same. For mobility you would be able to cover 2400units in 1sec..doesnt sound too balanced to me. Its a tradeoff for being able to use it without cd.
Herald traitline offers too much and everyone knows that. It definitely need a nerf while invo need a buff.
And daggers was changed to a more reliable heal so its obvious it has to come with dmg nerf.
And my condi rifle has a note it that it could be a lb as well. But spiritual rifle sounds more fun.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Yeah but I like the idea of having to make a choice between having to care about my attacks to get a bonus damage or do not care and get a lower bonus.
If you use PT twice for a 2400 unit move you end up with no energy… plus you need to target something. So the deal sounds fair to me.
Sorry I still disagree about Herald beeing too strong. This is “elite” and my view is it has to be better than other specs.
Daggers could be used for damage and not heal so I thing this is a loss to give up one of these 2 options.
I don’t like longbow neither. We have ranged hammer throwing mist bolts, condi ranged GS feels better.
I’m saying this regarding lore and class spirit, I’m not a GS addict and probably won’t use a condi GS as I don’t like playing condi build – this just to say I’m neutral about this.
And yet that have not stopped them for slapping 5cd on PT when it had 20 energy cost.
Daggers being used as dps move is what i consider wrong. Its was supposed to be healing skill, not boost my dps skill.
Elite wasnt supposed to be stronger than core and i have official quote about it. Double stab on dodge is also the most pathetic thing in this game.
Condi gs is something someone throwed a joke about and now some want it.. but it doesnt make sense at all. We dont really have power weapon that cleaves.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
We need a ranged condi weapon for sure. And I think you misunderstood what elite specs are about, they were supposed to offer an alternative playstyle, not something grossly outperforming the other specs as is the case with Glint. And why Glint needs to be nerfed and base rev bought up to par. Base rev leans far too much on Glint to be useful at all.
Base Rev never had much if any lifetime without Glint, as its clear Glint was designed to prop up base Rev. Which is seriously unfortunate.
Because of Thieves crying…
The skill has a high failling rate too and it’s anoying to waste energy+CD for nothing.
About daggers I understand your view but it’s not mine. It’s fine having something different that “just another healing skill”.
Elite MUST be stronger than core to justify the “you can only pick one” and naming.
Else the naming and design are just a big fail whatever official quote you may have.
Double stab on dodge… well probably strong some 1v1 in PVP… that’s it…
I don’t get the point with power weapon cleaves and GS…
Also why does it make no sense to you?
Any other classes play their elite because it’s stronger… Why rev should not ?
If you want core rev to be more viable just buff it. Why also nerfing Glint ?
Any other classes play their elite because it’s stronger… Why rev should not ?
If you want core rev to be more viable just buff it. Why also nerfing Glint ?
Look at current Chronomancer. Not necessarily better for every build. That’s what all elite specs should be.
Or druid, not every ranger wants to be a healbot.
PT failing is a bug issue and not related to balance. Healing skill is supposed.. to be healing skill whenever you like it or not. WHAO says hi.
Double stab on dodge is totally braindead and lowers the skill cap of this class dramatically. If you want stab, get Jalis, simple.
And why elite must be stronger than core? Bc they called it elite? And what if it was called potato? Would you say that potato has to be stronger than core bc its called potato?
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Please, you can’t be serious, there is almost nobody playing core classe except during leveling…
PT failing is a bug issue and not related to balance. Healing skill is supposed.. to be healing skill whenever you like it or not. WHAO says hi.
So fix PT bug and we’ll see if any balance change is really needed.
Ok so if playing with wording : healing is supposed to only heal means elite is better than core.
Double stab on dodge is totally braindead and lowers the skill cap of this class dramatically. If you want stab, get Jalis, simple.
Stab with Jalis only… ok so jalis mandatory now… nice diversity…
And why elite must be stronger than core? Bc they called it elite? And what if it was called potato? Would you say that potato has to be stronger than core bc its called potato?
If you can use only one potato at a time and it grants access to new weapons, new class icon, new class mecanic, etc. yeah abokittenely needs to be stronger than core !
Besides, you’re not listening. I can understand you want core/elite to be balanced but it has to be done by improving/reworking core, not nerfing elite.
(edited by MrHarses.6801)
All elite spec’s needs to be toned down and thats…a fact
PT will definitely need range reduciton with removal of cd, no doubt about it. Answer we lose all energy to do doesnt cut it as we can swap right as we close the gap.
Jalis is the tanky legend so yes, if you want everlasting stability you should choose Jalis just like you have to use Mallyx if you dont want to melt by condi. Herald being amust in every build – thats nice diversity right there..
Buffing up core without nerfing only creates powercreep and actually community want rev to be nerfed into oblivion, in case you havent noticed it. The nerfs are completely justiced for the stuff that got buffed.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Please, you can’t be serious, there is almost nobody playing core classe except during leveling…
And that’s an issue…which is slowly being fixed.
Again, look at Chronomancer (and Druid).
PT failing is a bug issue and not related to balance. Healing skill is supposed.. to be healing skill whenever you like it or not. WHAO says hi.
So fix PT bug and we’ll see if any balance change is really needed.
Ok so if playing with wording : healing is supposed to only heal means elite is better than core.
It’s a bug with any teleport. This happened/happens with Thief Shortbow 5 too, except it’s not as costly to them. It’s not just a simple bug fix apparently.
Your second sentence literally makes 0 sense. There’s no way to correlate those two things.
Double stab on dodge is totally braindead and lowers the skill cap of this class dramatically. If you want stab, get Jalis, simple.
Stab with Jalis only… ok so jalis mandatory now… nice diversity…
Uh, no, it just means you either have to play smarter and manage your resources better (remember, we’re assuming we have better stun break distribution) or run Jalis as opposed to how it is now where you either run Ret + Herald (2 full trait lines) or you’re out of luck because Jalis Road sucks.
Perma Stab is also incredibly unhealthy for both the Revenant and the rest of the game.
CC can be used as a weakness to balance out powerful skills, but it wont matter if you can easily maintain Perma Stab.
And why elite must be stronger than core? Bc they called it elite? And what if it was called potato? Would you say that potato has to be stronger than core bc its called potato?
If you can use only one potato at a time and it grants access to new weapons, new class icon, new class mecanic, etc. yeah abokittenely needs to be stronger than core !Besides, you’re not listening. I can understand you want core/elite to be balanced but it has to be done by improving/reworking core, not nerfing elite.
Actually, the whole point of Elite specs was to have an alternate playstyle. It would be stronger only, and only if you’re playing that specific style.
Once again, look at Chronomancer. It simply doesn’t have as much damage as Core Mesmer now, but it definitely has much more team support (something Mesmer heavily lacked).
Besides, all the elite specs have done is introduce an unhealthy amount of power creep to the game. To fix that, you need to NERF Elite specs; most of them offer too much of everything right now and have become mandatory. That’s not always enough though. Take Revenant and Guardian, for example. They both have Core Trait lines that simply don’t function well and need fixes, so to further solidify the playstyles, you want to fix up the old and the nerf the new.
Again, we want the elite specs to sacrifice something to gain something completely different. In this case, we want Glint/Herald to focus on Boon Support (if you notice, core Revenant has kitten-poor team support), but not be so strong that you absolutely need to run it. Core Revenant could/should be more viable when running solo or wanting more damage or something of that sort while Glint/Herald is taken when your team needs Boon Support.
It’s a bug with any teleport.
It happens more often with PT than any other teleport in game however. Theres lots of places where i can blink on my mes/thief but i cant follow them with PT. A good example is the old vid i made. Basically if theres any kitten on your way.. literally any or wall then tough luck.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Definitely your vision of this game, elite spec and this class is not mine.
I’ll let you keep suggesting what you want, more nerf to kill rev if you want, but don’t conclude that what you propose is “the entire community” vision, it’s not shared by everyone!
Definitely your vision of this game, elite spec and this class is not mine.
I’ll let you keep suggesting what you want, more nerf to kill rev if you want, but don’t conclude that what you propose is “the entire community” vision, it’s not shared by everyone!
It’s literally the same vision Anet sold to us for HoT…
Definitely your vision of this game, elite spec and this class is not mine.
I’ll let you keep suggesting what you want, more nerf to kill rev if you want, but don’t conclude that what you propose is “the entire community” vision, it’s not shared by everyone!
It shared by many and thats enough for me ^^
Who knows..maybe i would be biased too if we had dps elite spec instead. I personally hope for one with access to mobility as well so i can show Shiro middle finger.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
The current situation of elite specialisations being objectively better than any core build, with the exception of a couple of professions (which, probably not coincidentally, happen to be two of the professions that are seen as least competitive right now) is both against ArenaNet’s pre-HoT stated aim of core builds still being viable post-HoT, and bad for the game in general (by limiting build variation).
I think that the elite specialisations do deserve to bring a little more to the proverbial table than others – partly because elite specialisations have a lot rolled into them (new weapon, new utility skills and altered profession mechanic as well as traits) and you wouldn’t want them to be so finely balanced that you need to be making use of everything the elite specialisation brings for it to be viable (that would also limit build variation…). Going into the future, not being able to be mixed with another elite specialisation will also be a balance consideration: there will be a higher opportunity cost to taking Herald over, say, Retribution.
However, I don’t think the rationale behind only being able to have one elite specialisation is because they’re more powerful. I think part of it is because of the effects the elite specialisations have on profession mechanics may not always be compatible. Sure, for revenants, it’s hard to imagine a profession mechanic that is modifying legend swap rather than adding something new and theoretically if you could have three elite specialisations you could have F2-F4 mechanics without much issue. For other professions, though, this might be a bigger issue – some are already up to F5, and some (such as dragonhunter) work by modifying the way the mechanic works rather than creating a new mechanic: if some future elite specialisation tries to modify virtues in a different way, then there’s going to be a clash.
The other part is that by making them mutually exclusive, it avoids the situation that developed in GW1 where power creep occurred not so much because more powerful skills were made (although there was certainly some of that…) but because the greater variety of skills meant that unexpected synergies arose. Mutual exclusivity means that in balancing future elite specialisations, the devs only need to worry about how they work with the core skills and specialisations, not how they interact with every other elite specialisation that’s been made for that profession.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
Imo the way they are designed in most cases you can spare one traitline for elite spec, espesially in case of revenant due to horrible traits. Power warrior doesnt have easy time for example.. he gotta drop discipline, str or def traitline and its hurt war overall as you cant have all in one. Atm its not the case with rev.
The only build that has chance to work with core traitlines is Shiro/Mallyx but the problem is with nerfed trait for resistance its doesnt do too well vs condi builds due to low amount of resistance and no ways to cover it either.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
For heralds using Glint, this is true, since revenant is generally based on the premise that two of your specialisations will be providing traits complimentary to your legends while the third is a support line. I imagine that the Shiro/Mallyx viper herald would love to be able to fit in Devastation, though.
Mesmers are in a similar state to Warriors there: they really want to have Duelling for clone-on-dodge, Domination or Illusions for power or conditions respectively, and in the current meta, Inspiration so you can have useful condition removal. Pre-nerf, you could get away without some of these things, post-nerf… well, chronomancer can still compensate for the slower illusion generation you get if you trade out Duelling or Illusions, but it’s become a bit of a much of a muchness. I think it’s mostly used for shield and for chronoshifting the elite nowadays (the major traits usually go towards making up for the illusion generation capability you gave up).
Other professions… well. There are certainly things you’d like to have if you could, but what you get out of the elite specialisation usually makes up for it.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
Okay adjusted some stuff. Outside of Jalis and stunbrak on Ventari i think everything else seems to be fine. I have tweeted it to Roy. Mission done i guess?
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
I have one question: does might effect retaliation in any way? because if it does not, would it not be better just to increase the effectiveness of retaliation in the trait Empowering Vengeance ( of which you want to merge with another Trait) than it just giving revenants might when they already have different ways to access it already?
The world could use more S/x Thief
Yes. Retaliation damage scales off power (apart from a certain guardian trait that nobody takes), and might increases power, thereby also increasing retaliation.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
I pretty much agree on all fronts ESPECIALLY Mallyx, I still don’t know why the devs felt the need to kill his super cool and unique necromancer corruption playstyle, I heard something about “oh we don’t want revs to get mad if they get their condi’s cleansed” but frankly thats BS to begin with considering tons of other skills and traits exist on other classes that have conditions benefit them and yet FOR SOME REASON the same rule doesn’t apply, and if that really is a concern I’ll say it until I’m blue in the face:
Embrace the Darkness - Added effect: Immune to condition cleansing
Also I do agree with the herald changes, the problem with herald is the fact that some of their skills are ridiculously OP (facet of nature) but others really need a buff or change, Arena-net seriously, just rebalance the rev based on this and I guarantee most of us will be much more happy
Throwing my hat in the ring as far as the “should elite specs be stronger” if you ask me yes I do think they should be “stronger” BUT I don’t think that they should be almost objectively stronger, I think running a non-elite spec should still be a viable thing, ESPECIALLY since we will likely be waiting a good few years to get another elite specialization, I get the “Oh in the future their will be new elite specs to choose from” but 1. That’s still not a valid excuse to have a core specialization build be not viable and 2. It could be years before we see a new expansion, and considering the devs CONFIRMED that elite specs only come with expansions…yeah
(edited by thewaterguy.4796)
Well next balance patch will tell if they ever bothered to take a look.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Well next balance patch will tell if they ever bothered to take a look.
Probable Answer: No.
Hopeful Answer: They skimmed over it.
Burtnik, good work on preparing all these changes. I have been thinking about how it feels to play Revenant and I wanted to comment on a specific subject: resource management.
Specifically I am referring to what resource limits your ability to act. With a Revenant we seem to be intended to be energy-limited. However, we often feel cooldown-limited. I think a major cause for this is the high cooldowns on weapon skills. Short cooldowns exist on some utilities, but they generally do not feel as limiting to me. To address this, I would like to see weapon cooldowns reduced significantly in some cases.
I will comment on specific weapon skills Burtnik addresses in his document, with the goal of reducing weapon cooldowns while maintaining balance:
Sword MH
2. Precision Strike – I prefer the current implementation which uses Precision strike for single target burst damage. Obviously, bugs need to be fixed, like prioritizing players over minions or walls… Cooldown here is fine, IMO. Energy cost could be increased to 10.
3. Unrelenting Assault – Again, I like sword as a single target dueling/burst weapon rather than a AoE weapon. I think Staff should be our AoE weapon. Instead, I would like to see UA have a smaller bounce radius and perhaps a longer activation range (e.g. bounce radius = 150, activation range = 600). It would then act as a gap closer and be less likely to bounce off onto secondary targets (though still possible). I would reduce the cd to 10 seconds and maybe reduce damage a bit too. IMO, UA should be used for avoidance and sustained damage rather than burst damage.
Sword OH
4. Duelist’s Preparation – I would like to see a cooldown reduction here. I would prefer a 8 sec cd and 1 sec block duration. I agree with Burtnik’s Shackling Wave changes, but would also like to increase the range to 600, so that it can be used as a gap closer.
5. I agree with Burtnik’s changes here (ranged pull). Cooldown should also be reduced to 12 seconds.
2. Coalescence of Ruin – I don’t think Burtnik’s changes are needed here – the skill is fine as is, IMO. Cruel Repercussion is the major problem here. I do agree with increasing the energy cost to 10.
3. Phase Smash – I agree with Burtnik’s changes here.
4. Field of the Mists – I agree with Burtnik’s changes here.
5. Drop the Hammer – I agree with Burtnik’s changes here.
1. Auto-attack – I agree with Burtnik’s changes here. Healing orbs are an interesting idea, but very cumbersome in practice.
2. Punishing sweep. I don’t think this needs to be removed, as Burtnik suggests. I would like to see the cast time significantly reduced (e.g. to 1/4 second). Debilitating Slam could also use an increased daze duration (e.g. 2 seconds), since the energy cost is very high and it is a conditional (flip-over) skill. I would like to see staff become a defensive AoE weapon, and this would help immensely.
3. Warding Rift – I agree with Burtnik’s changes here (increased energy cost).
4. Renewing Wave – I agree with some of Burtnik’s changes here. I would reduce the cooldown even more – to 8 or 10 seconds, but leave the cast time as-is. The long cast requires that the Revenant create an opening to use the skill, which promotes tactical use rather than ‘use on cooldown’ behavior.
5. Surge of the Mists – I prefer the current camera targeting and would not change, as Burtnik recommends. I think the cooldown should be reduced to 10-12 seconds and the damage reduced by 25-50%. This should be an AoE CC ability, IMO, and not a burst damage skill.
Mace MH – I do not see any need for changes here.
Shield OH
4. Envoy of Exuberance – I agree with Burtnik’s changes mostly, but would decrease cd to 10 seconds and would not increase projectile speed, but the radius could be increased to 300 or 360.
5. Crystal Hibernation – I would not make this a mobile block or decrease the healing – we already have two weapon options for a standard mobile block. I would increase the energy cost to 25 or 30 but decrease the cooldown to 12 or 15 seconds.
Astaxanthas (Revenant), Hepaticus (Engineer), Eosinophus (Thief)
Regarding hammer 2. The cd feels too long at 4 secs. Id like to see it lowered to 3secs. But i am quite fine with increasing the energy cost as a tradeoff.
Sword MH
2. Precision Strike – I prefer the current implementation which uses Precision strike for single target burst damage. Obviously, bugs need to be fixed, like prioritizing players over minions or walls… Cooldown here is fine, IMO. Energy cost could be increased to 10.
3. Unrelenting Assault – Again, I like sword as a single target dueling/burst weapon rather than a AoE weapon. I think Staff should be our AoE weapon. Instead, I would like to see UA have a smaller bounce radius and perhaps a longer activation range (e.g. bounce radius = 150, activation range = 600). It would then act as a gap closer and be less likely to bounce off onto secondary targets (though still possible). I would reduce the cd to 10 seconds and maybe reduce damage a bit too. IMO, UA should be used for avoidance and sustained damage rather than burst damage.
The thing is the current iteration of Sword functions more as an AoE weapon because of it’s automatic targeting (you can’t control how many targets to hit aside from just not being in range; this gives you very little control and your version doesn’t fix much). It becomes weaker at its job as more targets appear.
It’s also arguable that the current Sword has a bit too much single target Burst damage.
no words for this man XDDDDDDDDDDDD
and all these comments here too…. XDDDDDDDDDDDD
at least pls mention that you want these changes for pve only XDD k?
no words for this man XDDDDDDDDDDDDand all these comments here too…. XDDDDDDDDDDDD
at least pls mention that you want these changes for pve only XDD k?
Good counter-arguments, dude.
Keep it up.
Tell him how it is: we love our broken, buggy mess of a class how it is!
no words for this man XDDDDDDDDDDDDand all these comments here too…. XDDDDDDDDDDDD
at least pls mention that you want these changes for pve only XDD k?
Never seen a better feedback than that 5/7.
Herald of Ventari
I’ve passed on these changes and they’re definetly required.
The class suffers some major issues in intern balance, as some weapons and legends simply outclass the others, same applies for traitlines.
A range condi weapon is also a really good idea as atm you can’t play a non hybrid condi build and you can’t have a kiting condi weapon. This class gained weapon swap but design remains as if it doesn’t have it. Quite a shame.
I more than hope to see AN balance team having a look at this.
Top 25 solo condi rev S7
I realized one thing due to our lifesteal bug.
“Vengeful Hammers: This skill has had a bit of a re-design. Decreased the damage done by 70%. The hammers will now heal you for a small amount when they hit a foe. While Vengeful Hammers is active you will take 20% decreased physical and condition damage. It also is now instant cast and lowered the from 180 to 120.”
Apart from the hammer deactiving due to environment/invul issues i feel the damage reduction was nerfed really unnecesary. A patch that was about “some love to Jalis” ruined him more and made even weaker than he was imho. Imo the damage nerf should be reverted.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Adjusted few changes to last update.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.