Fact: The only viable pvp build is D/P thief. (Daredevil won’t change that D/P is best)
Now, it isn’t overpowered, on the contrary it’s about balanced compared to other classes. However, if you look at the other weaponsets with their respective traits they are underperforming.
How the other weapon sets should be fixed:
— Pistol (assuming power builds)
- Sneak Attack: Low damage overall and unlike in the case of Backstab you get revealed even if your attack is evaded since most of the time your first or last shot reveals you while they evade all the other bullets possibly. (up the dmg! maybe gradually each hit could hit more)
- Autoattack: still very low physical damage. This needs further dmg increase.(sb1 deals more dmg and also bounces)
- Body Shot: due to its short duration it has no use on p/p and little use on p/d. What pistol builds lack is survivability so I would change Body Shot to a skill (Reload) that evades backwards functioning as a leap finisher (in case of black powder change) and maybe cause poison on next hit since pistol is supposed to be a condi weapon more or less. (P/P and P/D aren’t like D/P, you actually need initiative to deal dmg so you lose a lot more by comboing stealth)
- Unload: damage got overbuffed while remaining a boring spammable skill. – so I’d lower back its damage to previous patch’s but add a stealth granting effect if all the shots hit succesfully.
- Black Powder: change duration to 2s, tick blind every sec. Too long of a duration and the blind effects are not consistent enough if they are only every 2s.
Hearseeker could still be cast in it twice and the field could still pulse out 3 blinds(0,1 and 2 s) + the projectile combo. Keep in mind, currently it also pulses out 3 blinds(at 0,2,4 s)
Or leave it as it is but reduce leap combo stealth duration form 3s to 2s.
- Tactical Strike(stealth): damage is lower than any of the autoattack chain. In short: I’d suggest autochain3 dmg.
In detail: I know it’s built around the idea of soft cc but still. A stealth attack is supposed to hit at least slightly more than autoattack. Mostly it is not even worth coming out of stealth with the stealth attack but you are better off landing an infiltrator’s strike for immobilize or flanking strike(especially against enemies hitting the air/other ppl)+larcenous strike if you have basi venom. Soon, even the upcoming dodge mechanic, Bound, is gonna be a better attack to break stealth…
Normalize daze duration between pve and wvw (1.5s vs 2s). - Autoattack: the cripple from AA3 should be caused earier like on AA1 or AA2, reason being that you can barely land AA3 or Larcenous Strike because they get outran or your foes circle around you and you fail to hit with their super-narrow hit-cone. AA3 needs a broader hit-cone. AA1’s aftercast is too long, you have to wait about a second to use flanking strike after AA1; a dagger AA hits 3 times before you land the second hit on sword, so please, shorten the aftercast.
- Infiltrator’s Strike: could become a leap finisher(but not Infiltrator’s return).(in case of black powder change).
- Flanking Strike: its main function is the evade but it queues up with skills you currently cast. Please make it cancel whatever you are casting and evade straight away like Disabling Shot.
- Larcenous Strike: should be reversed to steal 2 boons as landing it is very difficult especially since Flanking strike doesn’t swap unless you successfully hit with it in the first place. Larcenous needs broader hit-cone.
- Pistol Whip: such a vulnerable skill on a melee thief weapon is not viable. I’d suggest splitting it into 2 skills -similarly to Flanking strike- so the first press would cast the stun phase for 2 initiative and then flip into the second part -which you don’t have to activate immediately but you have like 7secs to do that- this should flip even if you don’t hit a target with it. The second phase would cost 4 initiative and would be the heavy hitting, immobile, evading strikes part. Without this change you are too slow against other zerkers.
- Death Blossom: evade duration must go up to 1/2s, and has to deal more physical dmg. To prevent spamming it and add more play, it would mark your foe and switch -if any of the attacks hit- into a second skill(Marked for Death) that lets you shadowstep to the foe first hit by the Death Blossom for additional initiative (3?) like Shadow Trap. This would have the range limitation of 900 or 1200 and if the teleport is not used in the following 6 seconds or so, the skill would reset back to Death Blossom.
A possible example:
Marked for Death: activating it stealths you, teleports behind/to your foe also inflicting vulnerability. (counterplay: vulnerability lets them know that you are coming)
Alternatively it could just teleport to your foe and hit them similarly to Shadow Shot’s damage part. - Cloak and Dagger: this skill is very difficult to hit opposed to the smoke field+heartseeker combo. Using it puts you at risk as a thief so it should either reward a succesful hit with a bit longer stealth duration or blind application.
- Debilitating Arc(the evade) should be ground targeted like Whirlwind attack for warriors (gs3) so you don’t have to turn your back to your enemies if you decide to evade through them.
- Dust Strike could get the same treatment I proposed for Death Blossom (hitting an enemy marks them for shadowstep because staff lacks thief elements like shadowstep and stealth)
- Vault would be glad to receive a range increase to 900.
- Disabling shot: remove the walking part from the end of the skill. Using it while facing towards your foe makes you character move back towards them a bit which looks like you character was stuck. I suppose this bug was created when they optimized it for running away: When you turn your back to you foe, start running and then disabling shot them, you continue running away from them seamlessly even at the end of the shot.(first I thought this shot doesn’t have enough range because they hit me with melee attacks by the end of it but I realized this is just the outcome of the bug)
- Choking gas: needs poison duration increase on last tick(up to 6 s from 2 s)which would be 9s duration in total. Since poison stacks in intensity this skill only stacks 5s of poison, before that it was 8s(assuming they stand in it) which was already low compared to engineers poison grenades for example(used to go up to 20s+ poison)
- Infiltrator’s arrow: needs to calculate shadowstep eligibility from the location it has been started casting at rather than your location when the arrow lands, this would prevent many “invalid path”s. You can’t afford in combat to stand in place while the arrow flies.
—From a condi perspective
Sadly thief doesn’t have a dedicated condition set, the closest one is P/D. The easiest solution to add more condition based builds would be adding condis via traits. For example a possible trait: Knee Pain: inflict torment upon causing cripple.(synergy with dagger 4 / caltrops etc.) [acrobatics has place for condi traits]
—Future trait possibilites
- I’ve seen suggestions regarding traits rewarding shadowstepping; a trait could give might or fury per shadowstep for example, this would go hand-in-hand with the suggestions I’ve made to Dust Strike and Death Blossom.
- The murdered Acrobatics traitline could serve as a place for adding condition traits(remove Guarded Initiation)
—as well as merging some on-evade traits that are not effective enough as themselves(like merging steal recharge with initiative gain on evade)
—Assassin’s reward can also be removed or reworked (rework ideas: heal per shadowstep or heal for ~150 per successful evade with a 1s ICD per 6 evades which would mean u can heal 150*6=900 every sec but only if you evade 6 attacks.)
P.S. thx for MadVisions and a few forum threads for some of the ideas.
6k+ PvP games
(edited by Kicker.8203)