In an attempt to add some more useful feedback to the pile, I am going to respond to the OP point by point and note where major points of community feedback were missed:
We’ll be looking at updating these abilities as we are able. There was a common tone in that the staff was too slow and didn’t feel as well as it could in its utility. We’ll be working on this now and in the future, so please continue to give feedback as you play the Daredevil.
For starters, it’s hard to enjoy using the Staff when it consists almost entirely of reused and/or placeholder animations. The Staff is the main selling point of Daredevil and what most casual Thief players seem to be looking forward to. As things stand now, I can state unequivocally that they will be disappointed. There is plenty of feedback both in the DD feedback thread and Staff specific threads at to what you should look for in terms of Staff animations, whether they’re new or reused. Please update us on this issue.
Weakening Charge: Increased the maximum number of targets from 1 to 5. _note: we’re still working on making this animation feel better. In addition to basic clean-up I’m hoping to make it targeted (ala Heartseeker) but still pass through the target. At the point of writing this, though, it’s not in yet.
I wanted to note this, because along with the Dodge animations being improved this seems to be one of the few pieces of widespread feedback that was received and responded to. I look forward to trying the improved version of the skill in BWE3.
Dust Strike: Reduced cast time from 1/2 second to 1/4 second.
Number tweaks will not change much. The skill has a bad animation and questionable usefulness in general. I understand that, for whatever reason(s), you don’t want Staff to have a Smoke Field (although I think you’re overestimating how powerful the Stealth Staff #1 Knockdown will be). Dust Strike still feels underwhelming mechanically. The best suggestion that I have heard echoed several times is having Dust Strike drop a line-shaped Dark Field that pulses Blind. There are very few Dark Fields in the game; this would give Staff something unique to bring to the table in terms of utility.
Vault: Reduced initiative cost from 6 to 5. Reduced cast time from 1 second to 3/4 second. _note: We’ve discussed leaving the initiative high and giving this ability an evade component at the beginning or end. Feel free to let us know what you think.
Why do we have to choose between the skill being cost effective and the skill being functional? Try and understand that 6 initiative is a LOT. 5 initiative is a large enough cost as it is; note that most Dual Skills are 4, with the three that cost 5 being the least frequently used. The only 6 cost skill we have at all is Shortbow #5, and Vault is no Infiltrator’s Arrow… not even close.
Vault’s animation is very slow and telegraphed, and after the first week of HoT PvP people will figure out that they can just knock the Thief out of the air with any form of hard CC. Vault NEEDS the Evade during transit to make it functional. It should not have to be overcosted to function as designed.
Bandit’s Defense: Increased recharge from 10 seconds to 15.
Why, God, WHY? The Berserker version is still 10s CD; why is the Daredevil version 15s? Why does a profession already far more durable than Thief get a BETTER version of a much needed Thief skill? It’s just baffling, honestly.
As noted by others, the automatic triggering of the knockdown is inconvenient and often gets triggered by throwaway minions. Please make it a flip over skill you can manually activate after the conditions have met (with the 1.5s block lasting the whole time regardless).
Impact Strike combo: Removed endurance gain from Uppercut and Finishing Blow when Brawler’s Tenacity was equipped.
Again, WHY? It’s a three part skill that involves considerable windup on 2/3 of the parts, and I doubt a little extra Endurance was lighting the world on fire.
The animation for the third part still doesn’t look right. As with the other animation issues, could we please get a response on the feasibility of changing this? The best suggestion I’ve heard several times is reusing the animation from the Warrior’s Stomp Rage Skill. It would also be nice to know if the elite will ever use our chosen stomp flags…
Distracting Daggers: Reduced equip cast time to 1/2 second. This ability now lasts for 25 seconds. Thrown dagger velocity has been increased by 100%. Fixed an issue that wouldn’t allow this ability to increase interrupt cooldown.
Sorry, but this isn’t going to change anything for reasons other people have noted. Distracting Daggers has too many arbitrary mechanical limitations to make the cut on a Thief’s bar at present. The delay between uses is completely unnecessary and should be removed. If you’re looking to balance this skill, why not let the user take as long as they want to use the daggers—without delay between them—but have the skill not go on cooldown until the last is used? This would stand in contrast to Mantras, which go on CD immediately after being pre-casted.
Fist Flurry: Increased damage per hit by 36%. Each successful hit applies one stack of vulnerability for 5 seconds. Removed hidden initiative cost.
This skill doesn’t really seem to have a niche or purpose. It’s a bit of extra damage with no utility on a profession that already has too many unused skills like that.
It strikes me as ridiculous that a Revenant can stack Vulnerability with greater ease through autoattacking than a Thief can by using multiple weapon and utility skills and blowing all their initiative. Throwing a few stacks of Vulnerability on a 20s cooldown utility will not change that. Unfortunately, this skill is probably going straight into the dustbin.
This iteration was mostly bug fixes. I’ve seen a lot of feedback on how Escapist’s Absolution should be baseline. It is the case that we believe this trait is powerful enough that it should be a choice in the trait line between damage, survivability and utility, rather than just a given. Driven Fortitude’s healing allows for usefulness in all modes where you take damage, where EA’s condition removal is situationally useful in a combat scenario.
I’m gonna level with you here… if Daredevil is as much a band-aid for unaddressed core Thief issues as it appears to be, this kind of rhetoric simply isn’t going to cut it. Thief is the squishiest profession in the entire GAME, and the trait revamp in June only added to that. Thief is lacking core damage mitigation and condition removal that it should ALREADY have. Your line about the “choice” between damage, survivability, and utility only makes sense in an environment where Thief isn’t already lacking core durability.
More important is the single biggest piece of non-Staff feedback that people had, and it remains completely unaddressed: WHY IS DAREDEVIL THE ONLY ELITE SPECIALIZATION IN THE GAME THAT WASTES AN ENTIRE TRAIT TIER ON UNLOCKING ITS ELITE MECHANIC? There is no reason whatsoever that the Dodge choice couldn’t be made a dropdown box that is locked during combat/PvP matches (like Revenant Legends). This would open up a whole additional tier of sorely needed traits for the Thief. Please don’t give us 2/3 the new traits of other professions… we’re starved enough as it is.