[Guide] Book of Shadows: The Thief Handbook

[Guide] Book of Shadows: The Thief Handbook

in Thief

Posted by: Selver.1307


Informative if not long winded, yet I applaud your tenacity.

I would like to point out plenty of classes can burst someone down as quickly as we can, if not faster. Without stars aligning or favorable odds (vuln, might, up level, +1’ing) it’s generally not going to be 1 second – especially against anyone worth their salt. I’ll add more as I go back over It perhaps.

Great job. Bump for great justice.

Proc stands for process. It processes the effects on said item.

Burst and Spike early in the guide are mislabeled.

“DPS Damage Per Second” colon consistency.

“Active/Passive” colon consistency.

In your steal section, I recommend you add in the importance of optimizing steal a la not using it during their dodge animation. You get no item and full cool down. You do move right into range of them with none of the on hit effects traited into steal primed to be wrecked, however.

In the revealed section perhaps mention non damaging condition application (choking gas pre nerf, on heal runes, etc) – even if the condition itself deals damage – will not reveal you.

I love your Skelk venom entry. Has anyone found anything amusing with a share build or anything? Lol… Anyway. Perhaps a pros cons of heals?
HiS: easily interrupted by people who are paying attention (unless cast already in stealth), I guess you mentioned some pros.
Withdraw: nearly uninterruptible. The conditions that directly melt you remain though.
SoM: even with signet mastery activation is a rough stunt to pull.

Maybe mention General rule of thumb for cluster bomb: if you need to blast let it go, damage? Detonate! GO GO GO!

Heartseeker – mention chill/swiftness interactions with leap finishers. (Chilled=travel less than listed range, swiftness=distance gained)

Scorpion wire uses: yanking tower defenders from walls, yanking people off points, short range low CD interrupt that can be extremely powerful when used correctly. I say short range because unless you are on top of them, it’ll interrupt and knockdown at the least (provided it’s projectile doesn’t bug out as you’ve mentioned). I vouch for and use it often. Most aren’t expecting it.

- looks as if I’m long winded as well.

I’m not trying to nit pick your guide in the slightest and hope I don’t come across that way. You’ve done a wonderful job! I’ll quit fine tooth combing it now. It’s just so much! a great resource if we could get it stickied!

Good luck!

(edited by Selver.1307)

[Guide] Book of Shadows: The Thief Handbook

in Thief

Posted by: akaCryptic.2389


Very very good work. Id like to help in how to counter sectuon when i have time. This needs to be pinned or something. Bravo!

[Guide] Book of Shadows: The Thief Handbook

in Thief

Posted by: Chaos Archangel.5071

Chaos Archangel.5071

Bumping for sticky request!

[Guide] Book of Shadows: The Thief Handbook

in Thief

Posted by: mompen.7952


^ bump bump bump.

Sticky sticky sticky

Kenny Shayde/Ken Shadowpaw-Theef|Spiteful Sithis-Necro|Kennyneer-Engi|Mr Hex Appeal-Mesmer

[Guide] Book of Shadows: The Thief Handbook

in Thief

Posted by: Sir Vincent III.1286

Sir Vincent III.1286

Your main job in Conquest is to roam the map, de-capping the enemy teams home node if it is left undefended (or if it is a quick win), help your team turn team-fights in your favor or execute other thieves.

This is more like one of your main job”. IMO it highly depends on your team’s strategy. With S/D, you can stay with a Guardian defending a point while you let a Warrior or Elementalist cap/de-cap points.

Nevertheless, this is a good L2P resource.

http://sirvincentiii.com ~ In the beginning…there was Tarnished Coast…
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.

[Guide] Book of Shadows: The Thief Handbook

in Thief

Posted by: mompen.7952


I’m giving this a bump because of reasons

Kenny Shayde/Ken Shadowpaw-Theef|Spiteful Sithis-Necro|Kennyneer-Engi|Mr Hex Appeal-Mesmer

[Guide] Book of Shadows: The Thief Handbook

in Thief

Posted by: foeyear.8537


Great help!! Bumping..

[Guide] Book of Shadows: The Thief Handbook

in Thief

Posted by: Geiir.7603


Hi all! Thanks for the bumps, kind words and feedback!

I have been away from the game for a few months for personal reasons, but I am now back and will start working on this guide again. I also want to say that I am expecting a baby girl in early June, so my playing time (and updating this guide time) will be limited. I will do my best to keep the guide up to date at all times.

Just wanted to let you guys know what I’ve been doing and why it is such a long time since I have updated it.

Melder – Thief

[Guide] Book of Shadows: The Thief Handbook

in Thief

Posted by: Comus.7365


Hi all! Thanks for the bumps, kind words and feedback!

I have been away from the game for a few months for personal reasons, but I am now back and will start working on this guide again. I also want to say that I am expecting a baby girl in early June, so my playing time (and updating this guide time) will be limited. I will do my best to keep the guide up to date at all times.

Just wanted to let you guys know what I’ve been doing and why it is such a long time since I have updated it.

welcome back and congrats/good luck with the little one
and thanks for the guide it’s been quite helpful for this confused newb

[Guide] Book of Shadows: The Thief Handbook

in Thief

Posted by: Sir Vincent III.1286

Sir Vincent III.1286

Hi all! Thanks for the bumps, kind words and feedback!

I have been away from the game for a few months for personal reasons, but I am now back and will start working on this guide again. I also want to say that I am expecting a baby girl in early June, so my playing time (and updating this guide time) will be limited. I will do my best to keep the guide up to date at all times.

Just wanted to let you guys know what I’ve been doing and why it is such a long time since I have updated it.

Welcome back, but sadly, you might have to edit the whole thing after the expansion.

Congrats on the little one.

http://sirvincentiii.com ~ In the beginning…there was Tarnished Coast…
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.

[Guide] Book of Shadows: The Thief Handbook

in Thief

Posted by: Geiir.7603


Hi all! Thanks for the bumps, kind words and feedback!

I have been away from the game for a few months for personal reasons, but I am now back and will start working on this guide again. I also want to say that I am expecting a baby girl in early June, so my playing time (and updating this guide time) will be limited. I will do my best to keep the guide up to date at all times.

Just wanted to let you guys know what I’ve been doing and why it is such a long time since I have updated it.

Welcome back, but sadly, you might have to edit the whole thing after the expansion.

Congrats on the little one.

Yeah, which is also one of the reasons why I haven’t been super active trying to write new stuff for this guide. After Heart of Thorns are released I’ll play a lot and update the guide accordingly.

Thanks bro! Finally got my baby girl, so I have been almost 100% occupied the last weeks :p

Melder – Thief

[Guide] Book of Shadows: The Thief Handbook

in Thief

Posted by: Kageseigi.2150


Finally got my baby girl, so I have been almost 100% occupied the last weeks :p

Congratulations! :-D

Suggestions to overhaul the Thief…

* * * Thief Trait Shakeup * * *

[Guide] Book of Shadows: The Thief Handbook

in Thief

Posted by: Coronit.9432


Hi all! Thanks for the bumps, kind words and feedback!

I have been away from the game for a few months for personal reasons, but I am now back and will start working on this guide again. I also want to say that I am expecting a baby girl in early June, so my playing time (and updating this guide time) will be limited. I will do my best to keep the guide up to date at all times.

Just wanted to let you guys know what I’ve been doing and why it is such a long time since I have updated it.

Welcome back, but sadly, you might have to edit the whole thing after the expansion.

Congrats on the little one.

Yeah, which is also one of the reasons why I haven’t been super active trying to write new stuff for this guide. After Heart of Thorns are released I’ll play a lot and update the guide accordingly.

Thanks bro! Finally got my baby girl, so I have been almost 100% occupied the last weeks :p

Well, congratulation from my side, too. I would say thats one of the most beautiful gifts a man can receive. June… Nice month for birthday-partys. Barbecue! \o/
Mine is late Dezember. A lot of people always in holidays. At least I can spend my time with family most of the time :P
And nice to hear that you want to upgrade that hole thing

Thief for Live – Noc
Pls more Noc-Noc-Jokes…
How to counter Unrelenting Assault… Not anymore :<

[Guide] Book of Shadows: The Thief Handbook

in Thief

Posted by: Geiir.7603


Hi all! Thanks for the bumps, kind words and feedback!

I have been away from the game for a few months for personal reasons, but I am now back and will start working on this guide again. I also want to say that I am expecting a baby girl in early June, so my playing time (and updating this guide time) will be limited. I will do my best to keep the guide up to date at all times.

Just wanted to let you guys know what I’ve been doing and why it is such a long time since I have updated it.

Welcome back, but sadly, you might have to edit the whole thing after the expansion.

Congrats on the little one.

Yeah, which is also one of the reasons why I haven’t been super active trying to write new stuff for this guide. After Heart of Thorns are released I’ll play a lot and update the guide accordingly.

Thanks bro! Finally got my baby girl, so I have been almost 100% occupied the last weeks :p

Well, congratulation from my side, too. I would say thats one of the most beautiful gifts a man can receive. June… Nice month for birthday-partys. Barbecue! \o/
Mine is late Dezember. A lot of people always in holidays. At least I can spend my time with family most of the time :P
And nice to hear that you want to upgrade that hole thing

Thanks man! Yeah, June is Perfect! Definitely going to have some out door birthday parties for my little girl

Melder – Thief

[Guide] Book of Shadows: The Thief Handbook

in Thief

Posted by: Geiir.7603


Thank you all who have encouraged me to keep working on this guide!

Now that there have been some massive changes to all the professions I have to revamp this guide (which will take quite some time). I’ll post when the guide have been updated to the new patch again.

Melder – Thief

[Guide] Book of Shadows: The Thief Handbook

in Thief

Posted by: Reinn.7436


I am monitoring this thread for months now. I think the forum mods should take a look into this and make it sticky for two reasons:

1) Neophyte thieves are not aware that this forbidden book of knowledge exists.

2) Members of the thief community, albeit small (because others are rerolling to other profs) should try to contribute any creative ideas as much as possible so that every thief can play their full potential.

“Even thieves have principles to follow.”

-Chinese Proverb.

[Guide] Book of Shadows: The Thief Handbook

in Thief

Posted by: Vornollo.5182


Woo, was looking for this one to link it to a thief asking for help…
Long search! Well, some info is probably outdated but it’s all still gold.

Bumping this thread makes me feel like a necromancer…

[PUSH] Constant Pressure

[Guide] Book of Shadows: The Thief Handbook

in Thief

Posted by: ixon.2496


“Learning curve. Thief is a very hard profession to truly master. It’s easy to get the basics down and go to WvW and kill scrubs and bad players, but once you meet a player that know how to counter Thief you’ll be dead. Good thieves however are almost impossible to beat 1v1, and if you manage to get the better of that Thief it’ll probably run away and never be seen again. It is a steep learning curve, but very fun if you’re up for a challenge!”

Shame this is no longer true, We are the +1 champions now >.>

Desolation [KISS]

[Guide] Book of Shadows: The Thief Handbook

in Thief

Posted by: Selver.1307


Hi all! Thanks for the bumps, kind words and feedback!

I have been away from the game for a few months for personal reasons, but I am now back and will start working on this guide again. I also want to say that I am expecting a baby girl in early June, so my playing time (and updating this guide time) will be limited. I will do my best to keep the guide up to date at all times.

Just wanted to let you guys know what I’ve been doing and why it is such a long time since I have updated it.

Congrats! Sticky moar!