Post Your Build Thread

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Husty.2841


A video of my build, I think it’s a little easier than explaining Let me know what you think

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Hellscream.4261


Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Auesis.7301


Dungeon Build:|3|2642|134|8743|3999|4989|0|0|0|0|30|1731|1193|1728|25|2199|750|0|15|1165|0|0|0|0|0|0|19|0|0|28020|28034|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|

Wearing all PTV armor with Emerald Orbs and all Berserker accessories. Using Sharpening Stones and Orrian Meat Stew.

Heavy damage-dealer (2 stacks of Might per dodge and per stealth, and you’ll be doing both a LOT) with good survivability and control elements in the form of blinds and dazes, as well as getting around quickly when needed with SS and the mandatory SR. Agility Signet for the quick condi removal and emergency endurance regen for me and teammates. Occasionally switch out SA traits for regen + condi cleanse against Subject Alpha and other static bosses that insist on applying a lot of conditions periodically. If blind isn’t working eg. Dredge, switch that out for the condi cleanse or the reduction of Deception utilities depending.

Gnome Child [Gc]
Resident Thief

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Authority.6145


Bunker/Damage final version.

Runes: Scholar, Strength or anything with Dolyak
Amulet: Berserker or Soldier.
Sigils: Chill + Quickness on dagger and pistol, fire on SB.

Copy Paste It.;TkAA1U5YyRkjNHXOycGXMLA

D/P Support final version.

Runes: Dolyak
Amulet: Berserker or Soldier.
Sigils: Chill + Quickness on dagger and pistol, fire on SB.

Copy Paste it.;TcAg0U2YsRYj1GnNSbA

D/P Countering Condition build.

Runes: Monk
Amultet: Berserker or Cleric or Soldier.
Sigils: Chill + Quickness on dagger and pistol, fire on SB.

Copy Paste it.;TcAgzUeZ8S4l1LnXSvA

(edited by Authority.6145)

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: TimoFTW.8017


Could someone give me a thief guide that is up to date?

I literally suck at making a own build haha.
Im looking for an PvP & WvWvW & Pve build.

Mostly to deal alot of damage

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Arganthium.5638


Could someone give me a thief guide that is up to date?

I literally suck at making a own build haha.
Im looking for an PvP & WvWvW & Pve build.

Mostly to deal alot of damage


Currently, I’m developing a “Guide to Thief Guides” (which is a bit more like a “guide to thief builds”, although it does include an actual guide here or there), which you can find here:

I would usually suggest for people to look at other builds and draw inspiration from them to create their own builds, but don’t let that stop you from just copying a build from there, if that’s what you want.

Now, if you’re looking for a high-damage build… Well, I would mostly suggest one of the Burst builds to you, which are almost exclusively D/D builds that rely on backstab to do tons of damage. Some of them might be slightly outdated, but, to the extent of my knowledge, they are all perfectly viable builds to be used. Luckily for you, bursting happens to be one of the thief’s specialities, and almost all builds that you see nowadays from thieves seem to be bursting builds, so, as a result, the “burst build” section has become the largest section in the entire compendium. I think that, if you’re looking for something that focuses on all three parts of GW2 play, that the best bursting builds for you might be:

- JakobGW’s S/D Bursting thief
-Selver’s 10/30/0/0/30 Burst Build
-Sharpclaw’s S/P Zerker Thief

However, IMHO, bursting builds that rely on backstab are somewhat unreliable for PvE. So, I might add Authority’s GC D/P build (the only GC build currently listed on the Guide). The advantages would be that you wouldn’t have to rely on backstabbing so much for your damage, which is a major boon for you. That being said… Like any GC build, you might run into some issues if you don’t know how to abuse your highly aggressive play style, so I might not suggest this to you.

(Note: before I continue, let me just say that all of those builds are completely viable as PvP and WvW builds; their main issue, instead, might be with PvE)

Now, if you’re looking for something that’s good for PvE, you might want to start looking into slightly more defense-based builds. For example, I run a 0/0/20/30/20 D/P build (listed in my signature at the bottom) that focuses on stealth, shadowsteps, blinds, and evades. However, don’t let the description fool you; I run pretty much full zerker gear, which balances out with my trait points to give me a very balanced build. However, the key word here is “balanced”; you won’t get the huge damage that you might get from, say, Ninja’s “Juke and Nuke” build, but you’ll probably survive more hits than he would, as well as have more initiative and access to conditions like blind, cripple, and bleed.

Another example might be my old 0/20/20/15/15 Sword/Pistol build, which is a bit of a “jack-of-all-trades” kind of deal. It gives you a blend of dodging, shadowsteps, and burst that you might not get with other builds, but, unlike other builds, you might not be dodging and shadowstepping quite as often, or bursting for as much.

tl;dr: if you want high damage, you have a lot of really good PvP and WvW builds. However, for something that also works in PvE, you might have to go a bit more defensive. :c


Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Arganthium.5638


Added this to favourites, will have a good look through when i get home from work.

Ive been searching for good thief build which is applicable to PVE & WVW.
Any advice where i should start looking?

It depends, what’s your playstyle like? Aggressive? Extremely aggressive? Passive aggressive? Damage over time? Ally support? What?


Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Auesis.7301


My current dungeon build (no specific weapon):|8.1g.h17.8.1g.h8|5.1g.h17|1c.a7.1c.a7.1c.a7.1c.a7.1c.a7.1c.a7|1g.67.2s.0.3s.0.2s.0.1g.67.2s.0|0.u63b.a1.k49.a5|39.7|59.5c.5b.5d.5v|e

I use D/D, D/P, S/D, S/P, P/P, SB, you name it, I probably use it somewhere (except P/D). I am ALWAYS switching out according to the situation. The SA slot is always being swapped around for condi removal, blinds, deception cooldowns, whichever fits best (Deceptions are my most used utilities so I will always benefit from having them reduced in a team environment eg. Smokescreen + Refuge, fantastic team benefits). 10 Trickery is for the emergency initiative gain if necessary, but also for the Fury/Might/Swiftness buffs for the team. If a dungeon I’m running doesn’t call for any Shadow Arts traits, I will go up to 20 Trickery instead for the Vigor and boon steals (especially against Dredge – Fury, Might, Swiftness, Vigor and potentially Regeneration and Protection with one button press).

I aimed for a balance between high damage, high mobility and team support, relying less on stealth to survive and instead on evasion and active play, buffing the team passively with F1 and assisting with Deception when needed. Going between 0/30/10/20/10 and 0/30/0/20/20, I think I’ve found my perfect combination. My main armor is Power/Toughness/Vitality because I have a huge stock of Ruby and Emerald Orbs that I continuously re-slot in dungeons with more mobs/danger eg. Dredge, where the little boost in defensive stats helps some, and I don’t find my damage lacking when my main armor is not Berserker. Soldier main with Ruby Orbs is perfectly adequate and a little more flexible.

My playstyle has been honed over time to be extremely aggressive with a wide degree of awareness and juggling of enemy aggro around the radius of my person. Melee is pretty much 100% guaranteed in any part of the whole game if I’m playing Thief – I refuse to cower away with a ranged weapon unless the situation is so dire that I need to stay back to help teammates out, or I feel lazy. I play GW2 like a hack-em-up action game, and this setup suits me PERFECTLY for that purpose, as I don’t feel entirely selfish doing so when I’m built to help when necessary. The Legendary Archdiviner in FotM and Ginva the Butcher are particularly fun to melee against.

Gnome Child [Gc]
Resident Thief

(edited by Auesis.7301)

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Boottspurr.9184


New build I thought up… Not for anything in particular, and I haven’t tested it yet. I like the idea of it, though.
I noticed Superior Rune of Lyssa synergizes very well with a Thief’s Signet of Malice (heal skill) and Basilisk Venom (Elite); the former able to be traited down to 12 seconds, and the latter having a similar cooldown to Runes of Lyssa’s internal cd.

-Using your Signet of Malice gives you 5 stacks of might, vigor, 2 initiative points, and a random boon in addition to the healing.

-Venoms heal for 470+ dmg per hit, and Basilisk removes all conditions and gives all boons. They also add an additional ~330 dmg to each of your attacks.

-Venoms are shared with allies (which includes healing, conditions, and dmg).

-Additional healing of ~100hp per initiative use.

Weapons are relatively interchangeable. What I entered for the build is basically a placeholder.|8.1g.h1.a.1g.h19|c.1k.h1m.8.1k.h1j|1k.7i.1k.7i.1k.7i.1k.7i.1k.7i.1k.7i|1g.67.1g.67.1g.67.1k.68.1k.68.1g.67|0.k28.u49c.k3a.0|0.0|58.5t.5s.5r.5u|e

Boottspurr from World of Enders [WoE]

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Tikitaka.1340


Build 10 30 30 0 0 of thief. Very damage and supervivence

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Lionhart.3275


Lion Nightstalker | Level 80 | Thief
Lion Shadowhealer | Main s/tPvP Char. | Thief
“The absence of sanity is required to master the unknown”

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Kruzis.7419


I use sword/dagger + shortbow,

It is a very high critical strikes thief build, and I use stealth to heal up, and stack might.

Your mistake is my kill.

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Angus.7460


Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Authority.6145


(edited by Authority.6145)

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Ruggan.4102


I find this a funny topic for thieves… How can someone post a build when the Devs keep nerfing one or more aspects of the thief every month lol

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Meridian.8730


The build that I have most consistently used is…

10 III
30 I, X, XI or XII
10 II

Combined with stealth skills and shadowstep or roll for initiative.

Unfortunately thief damage is so nerfed now that I am basically not playing it anymore. It’s the most fun profession for me mechanics-wise, but every other profession is superior now.

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Auesis.7301


Running this in guild group tPvP as a roamer. An absolute NIGHTMARE to fight against. Tried slotting Mug in today and it’s a great compliment to how the build plays.

Gnome Child [Gc]
Resident Thief

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Arganthium.5638


I find this a funny topic for thieves… How can someone post a build when the Devs keep nerfing one or more aspects of the thief every month lol

Because not all of us run the meta, or what 99% of the other thieves are running.


Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Authority.6145


I find this a funny topic for thieves… How can someone post a build when the Devs keep nerfing one or more aspects of the thief every month lol

Because I was born with a bullet in my head.

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Tikitaka.1340


My Name is Tikiitaka of the order of shades (OdS), I am of Baruch’s Bay and leave this video them. In the video it is you fight of 10 vs 1 1 vs 4 1 vs 1 etc, I hope that they like, wait to see them in WwW. This one build has much attacks and many survival though nowadays I have improved the build. The features are 10 30 30 0 0 A greeting Tikiitaka.

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Tikitaka.1340


My Name is Tikiitaka of the order of shades (OdS), I am of Baruch’s Bay and leave this video them. In the video it is you fight of 10 vs 1 1 vs 4 1 vs 1 etc, I hope that they like, wait to see them in WwW. This one build has much attacks and many survival though nowadays I have improved the build. The features are 10 30 30 0 0 A greeting Tikiitaka

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Fade.7658


My WvW P/D build. It nearly doubles the duration of any condition you apply, has good health/toughness and enough crit chance to utilize sigil of earth for faster condition application (this would just about counter any Dogged March warriors or Melandru/Lemongrass soup users you come across, duration-wise).

(add 250 condition for sigil of corruption, as the template won’t save additions on the last tab)|a.1m.h1.8.1m.h16|8.1m.h1.8.1m.h16|1b.7v.1b.7v.1h.7v.1b.7v.1b.7i.1b.7i|2x.e12.2x.e12.3x.e17.2x.e12.3x.e17.2w.e12|0.a6.u34b.f2.f3|30.d||e

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Tikitaka.1340


I have recorded a couple of duels in WwW, the truth is that they were not very good adversaries in comparison with other duels that exist I begin because with the PC that I play habitually I cannot record since I am united, for this motive I could not have recorded the really handsome and spectacular duels.
A greeting, Tikiitaka Of the order of shades of bay of baruch.

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Authority.6145


Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: UmbraVictor.9842


This is my updated thief’s build. So far been working out good. With healing within control are Assassins Reward. This only tested thoroughly in dungeons/PVE. Good sustained damage with decent armor.

Fyi, haven’t done a through testing of WvW with enough encouters yet. Basically I swap to dual berserker pistol in WvW.

Planning to replace the 4 bleed duration stacking runes to Divinity and Ascended Knights/mix of Cavalier.

Change utility skills based on situation.;4Rwk0-J5JOFd0;9;5TJJ;247A03-19;25FW04NV0JH8Rk09cJOGWF7-2kNa7dd-l0p1sYzZ3a5P03k-BV8;017V;1ZG

  • Copy and paste the entire text in quotes to paste in new window".

For WvW,

(edited by UmbraVictor.9842)

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


PvE build. If you can handle it it’s the best build for dungeons. It’s not that good in wvw just like the best wvw build isn’t that good in dungeons.

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Vermintide.5023


Anyone care to offer me any pointers?

Been playing this a long while but only just getting to 80 on my thief, here is what I’ve settled on through much experimentation. No idea what gear etc to go for, but this here is basically how I’m set up. I intended to go for a kinda all-rounder as I don’t generally have the time to tailor different alts and builds for WvW, PvP, PvE, PvD, DnD, CoD, OmG, WtF etc…

It’s pretty satisfying to play, less reliant on stealth than what I tend to see of the thief and more to do with slipping through your enemy’s fingers and being pretty much uncatchable, whilst keeping up constant damage on them (by necessity of healing so as to not die). Great for taking on big groups in PVE with the SB and coming out near enough unharmed, soloing a big mob is great with D/D and P/P, and I’ve even had a go in WvW and not had my kitten totally handed to me (wow!) generally just harassing people and being a pain in people’s rear as they try to kill me and I dodge around them all day.

But yeah I have totally no idea at all what kinda gear to use; there’s so much choice! Any pointers of a good place to start experimenting with this kinda build?

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Demeter Aurion.7381

Demeter Aurion.7381

Anyone care to offer me any pointers?

Been playing this a long while but only just getting to 80 on my thief, here is what I’ve settled on through much experimentation. No idea what gear etc to go for, but this here is basically how I’m set up. I intended to go for a kinda all-rounder as I don’t generally have the time to tailor different alts and builds for WvW, PvP, PvE, PvD, DnD, CoD, OmG, WtF etc…

It’s pretty satisfying to play, less reliant on stealth than what I tend to see of the thief and more to do with slipping through your enemy’s fingers and being pretty much uncatchable, whilst keeping up constant damage on them (by necessity of healing so as to not die). Great for taking on big groups in PVE with the SB and coming out near enough unharmed, soloing a big mob is great with D/D and P/P, and I’ve even had a go in WvW and not had my kitten totally handed to me (wow!) generally just harassing people and being a pain in people’s rear as they try to kill me and I dodge around them all day.

But yeah I have totally no idea at all what kinda gear to use; there’s so much choice! Any pointers of a good place to start experimenting with this kinda build?

I was running pretty much the same build, I just came back to the game so I have tried to pick up something new. Right now I’m running S/P and I feel like Im just sitting there all the time. Before I was always dodging around :/ I might go back.

I’m no expert, but I think Carrion armor is what you would want.

Demeter (Thief)
[RMNT] Maguuma

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Rickter.4207


im in full zerker gear, runes of the eagle, full zerker trinkets and jewels

D/D + P/P (i keep a SB in my bag but honestly, i just never use it. if i need aoe i use death blossom or dagger storm)


- 15 in acro for the extra dodge

- 25 in shadow arts for the toughness

- 30 in Critical Strikes because thats essential for DPS builds.

Ive run all dungeons, im on lvl 26 Fractals and this build works great. Utilities are swapped out per encounter but generally signet of agility and signet of shadows stay on my bar.

i might get some flak for that but honestly im not taking up my utils for situational skills.
- Shadow Refuge is great for skipping mobs and stealth revives
- Smoke Screen is pretty invaluable, its on my bar for the third slot usually 90% of the time
- Blinding Powder – i like this skill a lot but i dont find it as useful as Smoke Screen
- Roll for Initiative – good skill, lousy CD. since im AA mainly with some steals and heartseekers and cloak and daggers i never have a problem with initiative so the +6 ini points arent as appealing to me
- Shadow Step – i have never used this skill, and after over 300 hours on my thief, i’ve never had to but i understand it can be very useful.
- dont use traps
- dont use venoms

i’m not the best thief out there, i could proly use more vitality, but as a strictly pve player that LOVES dungeons (i level in dungeons, and i run dungeons with guildies 80% of my log in time) and can honestly consider myself somewhat of an authority on the subject.

hopes this helps someone.

Dasryn Dungeon Master [MYTH]
lvl 80 – Human – Thief
US Tarnished Coast

(edited by Rickter.4207)

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Stardrift.7360


Hmm interesting…i`d like more info on rotation/play style.

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Tikitaka.1340


Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Noko.8610


Im sitting here fiddeling abit with a builder tool and came up with this

Someone tell me why this is a bad build.

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


Im sitting here fiddeling abit with a builder tool and came up with this

Someone tell me why this is a bad build.

your weapon swap from s/d is s/d. That’s junk. If you find yourself in a situation where it’s not working for you you will be sol.
30 points into acrobatics is completely useless. 15-20 points is all you’ll ever need. The heal on initiative is pretty low as well. The 25 points passive is pretty good but your vigor recharges so fast that a lot of the time it will be full when you would be wanting that burst damage. That said, the build doesn’t have burst. It’s more of a whittle down with bug bites kind of build.
Improv is junk. There is a pretty good chance that the skill type you’re recharging doesn’t even apply to any of your skills. If you’re running tricks and signets, there’s a 60% chance you won’t have a single cd restored. The 10% bonus damage doesn’t even apply if you’re holding onto a stolen item. It only applies if you pick something up like a piece of driftwood or an ele conjure weapon.
Why 30 points into deadly arts if, from the looks of it, you’re trying to build a tank? If you’re wanting tanky-dps, this isn’t the class to work with. You can be dodge-dps, invis-dps, or sorta tanky with dodges… no dps.
You made a dodge build that even utilizes feline grace. Where is signet of agility for the 3 extra dodges when you refil your endurance?
Also the gain health every second food is only 85 per second. That’s junk. To put it into perspective, if you ran a decent crit build with omnom ghost, that would give you 300+ every second.

It was a decent first attempt but you can do better.

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

(edited by randomfightfan.4091)

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: trpica.9057


This is my sPvP build, i have been using and perfecting it for some time now and i’d like to hear what you guys think of it.

I am mostly using S/D for battles and shortbow just stands here for mobility, escape if needed and finishing off those who try to run.

I am relaying on constant big damage and a lot of healing and stealth from shadow arts trait line. Since i have SB, shadowstep, mug and 30 points in shadow arts for survivability i concentrated my gear only on doing damage.

I would appreciate some senciere critics to make my build even more eficient

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Youkay.5294


Alternative High damage D/P build

This is a D/P build, very easy for PvE, since mobs are too dumb to step out of black powder, and quite effective on PvP:|8.1g.h14.a.1g.h1g|8.1g.h14.a.1g.h1g|1p.7e.1p.7e.1p.7e.1p.7e.1p.7e.1p.7e||0.u36b.0.p69.f3|0.0|57.5f.5c.5b.0|e

The idea is to max damage while retaining useful traits. As such, I invested 0/30/0/25/15.

With First Strikes (10% above 6 ini), Fluid Strikes (10% when endurance is not full), Scholar runes (10% when full health) and Executioner (20% when enemy below 50%), added up effects can reach +50% damage! This is kittening huge!

Preparedness is very beneficial for this build:

  • it allows to keep ini above 6 and benefit from First Strikes
  • it allows to spam Heart Seeker 4-5 times, when enemy hits 20-40% health and to finish off really everything.


  • When encountering enemy, time your dodge so you can avoid the initial attack of the enemy and negate their combo. Gt +10% damage from Fluid Strikes and release caltrops
  • Use Black Powder on top of enemy and hit with dagger for full rotation
  • Use Heart seeker to go invisible and dodge immediately behind the enemy. This will confuse the enemy, cripple them and make it easier for you to attack from behind.
  • At this point I swap weapons, so my next attack is 100% critical due to sigil of intelligence
  • Backstab as soon as possible, since there are no benefits in this build to stay in stealth


  • When facing a condition heavy build, make good use of Shadow step to rinse and Black Powder to avoid hits
  • when stunned, first trigger steal for extra initiative and gap closure, then Shadow step and if everything is used up Infiltrator’s Signet
  • when enemy is really really tanky (Ranger, Guardian) or very tricky (Mesmer), try to overwhelm them with Thieves Guild. If it doesn’t look any better, don’t be too proud to run away.

With this, I am able to be very successful in sPvP without dying during a match.

Have fun!

(edited by Youkay.5294)

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: danbuter.2314


How about starting and stickying a new Post-Patch Build thread? Many of these builds no longer work as intended.

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Sithaco.4673


How about starting and stickying a new Post-Patch Build thread? Many of these builds no longer work as intended.

And what, do that every time they have a patch? No, some builds still work/need small amount of change and how hard is it to just simply see when the build was posted and know that it was before/after the patch?

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Youkay.5294


Steal and Dodge heavy P/D condition build

This build is quite a lot of fun to play and trolls the kitten out of enemies

It heavily relies on Steal and dodge, and you can do it plentifully!

The idea is to max condition damage and usefulness of steal. When you steal, you apply poison, weakness, damage, self heal, gain 3 initiative, stunbreak and depending on your trait selection, you might rip boons or get fury, might and swiftness. And it is only on a 20 sec CD!

  • Due to points in Trickery, the condition damage is huge
  • With Rune of the Adventurer and Sigil of superior Energy, you can dodge a lot and gain Might, which boost both your survivablity and condition damage
  • The Spider Venom and Scale Venom add a lot of condition damage and hamper enemy mobility and enemy heal.


  • Open with venoms, Cloak and Dagger and Steal, dodge for Caltrops and Unload
    Note: I have tested only this combo, and on a friendly PvP target, that doesn’t move or do anything, when this ticks down completely, it almost kills the target
  • stack vulnerability with Body shot to increase the effect of conditions
  • Dodge around your foe and use Cloak and Dagger whenever possible
  • Troll with condition damage and dodges


  • classes that redirect conditions at you (necromancer) or rapidly cleanse or convert conditions (guardian) can be a problem. The way to deal with them is to apply venoms, attack once, wait until they cleanse and then use the other charges of the venoms to reapply all the conditions.

Edit: Alternatively for less dodging, less survivability but more damage, you can take 10 points from Acrobatics and put them into Deadly Arts and select Residual Venom. In that case, Basilisk venom would be a good elite.

Edit: Actually, basilisk venom does great in this build. I have tried it and it is a lot of fun.

(edited by Youkay.5294)

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Clockwork Bard.3105

Clockwork Bard.3105

Steal and Dodge heavy P/D condition build

That’s very close to what I’m running right now. The only major difference is that I’m not a fan of venoms, so I run Improvisation at DA20. It’s a bit more unpredictable, but with my 60 second utilities getting a shot at coming back every 20 seconds, it’s not horrible.

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Merle Schwarz.1078

Merle Schwarz.1078

How about starting and stickying a new Post-Patch Build thread? Many of these builds no longer work as intended.

And what, do that every time they have a patch? No, some builds still work/need small amount of change and how hard is it to just simply see when the build was posted and know that it was before/after the patch?

danbuter is right.
The most posts in this thread are really old and the builds in there mostly trash. Thinking myself of a way or another seems more helpful than some of the posted builds. A clean up would be nice. Also a sticky post with up-to-date-builds would be greatly appreciated.

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Amadeus.7980


I can finally crit over 10k!!

Hi guys!

I made a video of my build here where I walk through everything about the build!

But I will also write it down:

The purpose with this build is to sustain high damage while you still contribute with boons to your party! You also got a lot of different slots to swap out, just to fit your playstyle better, and I will go through a couple of them!

Berserker gear
Valkyrie sword and short bow
Berserker pistols and daggers
Soldiers accessories
Berserker amulet and rings

Sword: sigil of force
Short bow: sigil of bloodlust
Pistol: 1x sigil of bloodlust, 1x sigil of force
Dagger: 1x sigil of bloodlust, 1x sigil of force

Mainly using Sword/Pistol and Short bow!

2219 power
3219 attack
1912 precision
51% crit chance
81% critical damage (get increased if you choose sigil of perception instead of bloodlust)

Utility skills/Elite skill
Hide in shadows
Shadow refudge (or switch to “haste”)
Assassin’s signet
Signet of agility
Thieves guild

Traits: 10/30/0/0/30

Deadly arts:
III (mug, do dmg when stealing)
Critical strikes:
I (furious retaliation, gain fury when the target is on 50% health),
III, (side strike, gives you 7% more chance to crit if you are behind the target)
XII, (execusioner, deal 20% more dmg when target is under 50%)
V (thrill of the crime, gain fury, might and swiftness when stealing),
IV(flanking strike, do 5% dmg when hitting from the side or behind),
VII (bountiful theft, give vigor to allies when stealing)

The main ability for this build is “Stealth” because you got 3 trait slots with stealth-required attributes! In deadly art you get “mug” which damage the target that you use steal on. In Trickery you got “Thrill of the crime” and “Bountyful theft”. “Thrill of the crime” gives you and all nearby allies fury, might and swiftness for 10 seconds and “Bountyful theft” gives you 10 seconds of vigor. The CD on stealth is 27 seconds, so after the boons disappear you only got 17 seconds left until you can use it again and regain all the boons!

Alternativ trait slots:

Instead of “Mug”[I] and 10 points in deadly art for 10 points in shadow arts and pick “Slowed pulse”[II] which will give you regeneration if you get 2 or more stacks of bleed.

Instead of “Side strike”[III] you can take “Practiced tolerance”[VI], 5% of the precision is converted to vitality.

Instead of “Execusioner”[XI] you can take “Hidden killer”[XII], which will give you a 100% chance to crit while in stealth (a tip is to use dagger then, so you can get “ambush”)

Instead of “flanking strikes”[IV] you can take “Merciful ambush” [I], which stealth you and an ally when ressing another ally. Or “Initial strike” [IX] which gives you a 7% chance to regain 1 initiativ per attack you do (you can only use skills 1-3).

Alternatively (if you think that you die too fast) you could also swap 10 points in Deadly art and 10 points in trickery (remove “flanking strikes”) and put 20 points in Shadow arts and take “Slowed pulse”[II] and “Shadow embrace”[IV], which remove 1 condition every 3 seconds while in stealth. You could also switch to “Leeching venoms”[IX], but only if you play with daggers or use the short bow, because you need to deal poison to get healed!!


Always start with stealth, this will give you much more advantage!

As soon as you used it you press “Pistol whip” 3(sword) and if there’s a normal mob, you don’t need to do much more… Because it’s dead..

If you encounter bosses or veteran mobs you start with the same tactic, but you could also put up your thieves guild before you use stealth.

After you’ve used Pistol whip you dodge back and use “Infiltrator’s strike”2 (sword) just to have a plan B if you get low on health.

After that you encounter the mob again and start off with “Blackpowder” 5(pistol off-hand) then you go with Pistol whip again (blinds them)!

Dodge and then Pistol whip again.

Then just repeat! Stealth should be ready by this time! If not, use Pistol whip once again!

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Marc of Shadow.1083

Marc of Shadow.1083

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Kichwas.7152


My thief build and guide:
- A non-stealth ‘shoot them in the eyes and stab them in the guts’ bandito / bruiser build for the thief. – GW2 Blog Presenting the Opposing View
JAH Bless – Equal Rights and Justice for all.
Justice And Honor – Tarnished Coast.

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Jacion.6302


A walkthrough of the wvwvw build Alderai is running…

Focus is Precision for Critical chance….

This Tutorial on this build is focused on the Trait selection…..

Some skill explanation and Armor selection is covered.

Weapon choice for build is Dagger/Dagger and Shortbow

This is a half glass cannon backstab build….

Once you get the hang of how the build runs, I have used it in dynamic events and personal story with great success. It isn’t as safe as a sword/dagger build or sword/pistol ,pistol whip build but with practice and mob management will allow you to take down veterans +2 additional

Shortbow is highly under rated but is quite wonderful in a nice crit build and can be used in this build nearly exclusively in wvw zergs

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: DoRnbush.7984


My Thief character profile sheet:

Traits: 0/30/25/15/0
Weapon Set 1: Short Bow
Weapon Set 2: Pistol and Pistol


Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: wish.1027


Jade Quarry Warrior Strike Force [SF]
w/ an alt Thief and Guardian.
Math is your friend.

(edited by wish.1027)

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Jacion.6302


I re-recorded my build guide for d/d w/sb for wvw

better audio

better action

less mistakes

Please check it out and rate…

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: XSlickyX.4093


I am new to the thief and I have created a build and would like input and cunstructive criticism. All feedback is appreciated. Thank you

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Colly.4073


This is post your build thread, NOT post your You tube video’s thread :/.

Post Your Build Thread

in Thief

Posted by: Elwood.8347


So…I was theorycrafting a thief build with focus on Poison damage…may or may not be used or posted. I just know that the basis is to have Torment and Poison on your foes from as many sources as possible.

The other idea behind it is to manage as much Bleed, Poison, and Torment when facing mobs, and while normal damage output is quite low, it is good for kiting, particularly to lead enemies into the needle trap while Torment is active, then laying on the bleeds. As this uses a 30 in both Shadow arts and Deadly arts, survivability comes in the form of actually having some toughness and healing power.

With a constant access to poison on either D/D or SB, this venom build will be able to maintain constant poison plus bleed or torment. Great when in a party, and for Shadow Arts, in solo play, you can replace Venomous Aura with Shadow Rejuvenation, thereby giving the thief more survivability with at least 2 sources of stealth; Cloak and Dagger, and Hide in Shadow.

Edit: This is a PvE build, without food active, and managing only having Master Crystal.

[Eredon Terrace] – Phantom of [Lord]
Rei Izumo – Mesmer, Tailor, Artificer, Gemcrafter, Chef, Noble, Magister