In a game where the goal is to keep points and to win team fights on points this class is just utterly ridiculous and overpowered and uncounterable and the design is HORRIBLE
thief can cast teleport and invisibility skills EVEN WHILE CC-ed, they have 5 times more iframes than any other class and are basically " immune " to slows so they can ignore every single CC in the game (Except damaging conditions but they can spec some condi removal instead) – a good thief will NEVER die and that makes all other classes and people obsolete
you DO NOT HAVE TO WIN PVP to win in Gw2 and that’s why thief is op, there isn’t a single class that can catch thief and at the same time thief can’t be killed (even if outplayed) because it can just cast skills at any time and at any point. A good thief is already hard enough to kill 1v1 as it is (because of the amount of iframes they have) but they dont ever need to commit to a losing fight – if you’re losing (say vs a guard or w/e) you can just disengage, go in the other corner of the map, zerg his teammates then zerg him and you win
Nobody can catch or keep up to a thief so the only way to keep your point is to have someone sitting on it all the time and then thief can just +1 zerg your team with its mobility and then they zerg you for standing on point while your teammates are dead. The only counter to thief is to have another thief chasing that thief and also doing more work and doing better than him so you can have the upper hand and that isn’t a counter at all
if i played a warr ? sure i could kill thief but if the thief is good he won’t fight me unless he has an advantage and there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING THAT I CAN DO ABOUT IT. No class can catch thief because no class has 0 sec cd environment teleport. He can just run to close and decap our point while im RUNNING LIKE A PLEB
if i played guard? same story except i have 2 teleports so its slightly better but still bad when they’re on cd (and they do have huge cooldown)
if i played engineer? LMAO whats an engineer gonna do to a thief ? (actually condi engi is ok vs thief but then again he wont die unless he fails or overcommits which he isnt forced to do)
so the fact that the class cant be killed and it also can’t be caught just makes it ridiculously overpowered and uncounterable and when you go play a game if your thief is worse than enemy thief you’re almost sure to lose even if the rest of your teammates are better, simply because a full damage +1 guy with tab target insta cast no animation teleports makes too huge of a difference and the burst a thief can provide in a team fight (and then not even have to die for it) is just too big, and then if that fails he can just decap points forever and the only person capable of keeping up is your thief – which is not you – so you’re irrelevant – nice game design how incredibly unfair and unfun is that?
thieves should be reworked/removed for the good of this game