What a day it is to main a thief
Don’t get your hopes up yet we still have a ways to go.
“Please stop complaining about stuff you don’t even know about.” ~Nocta
I’ve been waiting for some of these changes for years. The sword speed increase OMG…
I think we will definitely be back.
Hehe +1
I feel amazing now even though i hope the rest of the changes would be as good, it’s a pretty good start
And yes, i play [Teef] :)
now if only they’d buff under performing stuff I’m looking at you off hand dagger.
I was expecting disappointment. Then… I remembered “this isn’t all changes, just a small preview”
“Just a small preview”
“a small preview”
… Pistolwhip buff, impairing dagger bug fix, pistolwhip bug fixes (times 2 so far, quickness and sigil of paralyzation), scorpion wire bug fix….. I will now dream.
Glorious day for all the S/D thieves left standing!
I feel like the 300. Just gotta stay away from the game til balance patch to retain sanity and recover from the brutalities of bunker meta. Still hit the forums though.
Quietly waiting for all the mesmer mains to start going thief.
now they all come back from their mesmers and revenants and pretend being loyal thief mains all along.
now they all come back from their mesmers and revenants and pretend being loyal thief mains all along.
This. This WILL happen and all those who flamed me for rolling Thief will be the same people rolling the very class they dispised come patch day.
A perfect anaolgy would be being a fan of a sports team that has sucked for so long and no one was a fan and then when they become good you see everyone jump on the bandwagon are your like “Huh? But I thought…nvm.” It’s truly disgusting.
Sad bit is that Mesmer is still a far better team based player. None of that will change, its just that they go “omg I’m gankable” and refuse to play a teambuild. Kinda sad tbh. Assuming spvp. If wvw, roaming alone on anything that isn’t a duel build is dumb meaning you shoulda been prepared with a gank-prevention build.
When will the patch hit live servers?
Can you guys share a link to this info? Please and Thanks!
Just decided to delete GW2 and wait 1 day for the blade and soul assassin and this happens…
Just decided to delete GW2 and wait 1 day for the blade and soul assassin and this happens…
Welcome back.
Indeed this update might be the thing that gets me to buy HoT and start playing again after about 1.5 years away. I’ve been watching thief forums and seeing bad news get worse each time balance changes hit. This is the first report that differs from that trend. Even so, I can’t imagine any thief buffs will last very long. Any time anet buffed thief they backpedaled over the next few patches and reversed everything to trash-grade again.
Really wanting thief to be worthy in pvp again. PvE lost all appeal in the first year…
(edited by Meridian.8730)
I got my wish. Thief is getting invulnerability, damage increase and even unblockable attacks. What a day it is to main a thief. We’re back!!
After the patch drops you have to yell “witness me” before stealing into combat.
Eh…patch has me pretty worried. I honestly think that if thief didn’t get a single direct buff, we’d be in great shape. Considering that:
- Thieves were solid before the bunker meta hit
- The quickness stomp change now means that Thieves have the only fast stomp in the game.
- Mesmers, the other high mobility glass roamer, is getting hit hard with nerfs.
What worries me the most is that post-patch there will be a bunch of FotM reroll thieves queueing up, so solo-Qing as thief will be a pain since it’ll be tough to end up on a team that has non-thief teammates for a chance at winning team fights.
Yeah soloQing will be tough with all these rerolling new thieves. I’m afraid it’ll start the the whole cycle of crying “TEEF OP!11” in the forums>attention from the devs>nerfs, all over again. I once read an amazingly true and amusing sentence about thieves (i can’t remember who said it :/). It was like: “thieves are extremely effective against new/low skilled players” I guess this is what mesmers are afraid of
jk about mesmers, but i still dunno what they all are crying about. It’s not even patch day, they haven’t even tried playing it yet and they already cry that thief got OP and they’re UP.
Btw one of the things i like in gw2 is that it has micro-communities and in-game politics in it like i’ve never seen in any mmo :P The mesmers-thieves relationship is a perfect example for that It makes the game much more serious and funny at the same time XD
And yes, i play [Teef] :)
Yeah soloQing will be tough with all these rerolling new thieves. I’m afraid it’ll start the the whole cycle of crying “TEEF OP!11” in the forums>attention from the devs>nerfs, all over again. I once read an amazingly true and amusing sentence about thieves (i can’t remember who said it :/). It was like: “thieves are extremely effective against new/low skilled players”
I guess this is what mesmers are afraid of
jk about mesmers, but i still dunno what they all are crying about. It’s not even patch day, they haven’t even tried playing it yet and they already cry that thief got OP and they’re UP.
Btw one of the things i like in gw2 is that it has micro-communities and in-game politics in it like i’ve never seen in any mmo :P The mesmers-thieves relationship is a perfect example for thatIt makes the game much more serious and funny at the same time XD
im just tired of the system putting me in a team with another thief while the other team doesnt have one.
Yeah soloQing will be tough with all these rerolling new thieves. I’m afraid it’ll start the the whole cycle of crying “TEEF OP!11” in the forums>attention from the devs>nerfs, all over again. I once read an amazingly true and amusing sentence about thieves (i can’t remember who said it :/). It was like: “thieves are extremely effective against new/low skilled players”
*I guess this is what mesmers are afraid of
jk about mesmers, but i still dunno what they all are crying about. It’s not even patch day, they haven’t even tried playing it yet and they already cry that thief got OP and they’re UP. *
Btw one of the things i like in gw2 is that it has micro-communities and in-game politics in it like i’ve never seen in any mmo :P The mesmers-thieves relationship is a perfect example for thatIt makes the game much more serious and funny at the same time XD
It’s like an unwritten personality requirement to play a mesmer, they cry about being UP under any circumstances while blaming thief for completely countering mesmer class. Even if there is no thief around.
I fear that all of the try hards that played other easy/op stuff flood back to thief. But it’s only the aa dagger buff and possible sword. It’s not all that amazing tbh but I guess it’s far better then what mesmers wiill get.
gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge
I fear that all of the try hards that played other easy/op stuff flood back to thief.
I doubt it. It’s just like when mesmer mantras were broken: bad mesmers would just get rekt by good mesmers.
The only thing I fear is Acro being viable and every bad thief playing the passive invuln. I don’t know who at Anet thinks that passive invuln are fun, but this has to stop.
I fear that all of the try hards that played other easy/op stuff flood back to thief. But it’s only the aa dagger buff and possible sword. It’s not all that amazing tbh but I guess it’s far better then what mesmers wiill get.
It’s already happened once and it will happen again.
“Please stop complaining about stuff you don’t even know about.” ~Nocta
I fear that all of the try hards that played other easy/op stuff flood back to thief.
I doubt it. It’s just like when mesmer mantras were broken: bad mesmers would just get rekt by good mesmers.
The only thing I fear is Acro being viable and every bad thief playing the passive invuln. I don’t know who at Anet thinks that passive invuln are fun, but this has to stop.
Well the fact almost every class has some form of access to invuln, it’s only fair that Anet gives it to Thief too.
I fear that all of the try hards that played other easy/op stuff flood back to thief.
I doubt it. It’s just like when mesmer mantras were broken: bad mesmers would just get rekt by good mesmers.
The only thing I fear is Acro being viable and every bad thief playing the passive invuln. I don’t know who at Anet thinks that passive invuln are fun, but this has to stop.
Well the fact almost every class has some form of access to invuln, it’s only fair that Anet gives it to Thief too.
Yeah that’s the short term answer but looking at how passives have messed this game up, I would rather all classes lose most of their passives. The ideal situation would be that when a character makes too many mistakes they have to pay for them. Less “get out of jail for free” mechanics equals more skilled play.
This was the obviously easier solution for Anet to implement, and I am happy that we at least got that, but its also a dream of mine to rid the game of most passives and have game play revolve more around skilled combat.
I fear that all of the try hards that played other easy/op stuff flood back to thief.
I doubt it. It’s just like when mesmer mantras were broken: bad mesmers would just get rekt by good mesmers.
The only thing I fear is Acro being viable and every bad thief playing the passive invuln. I don’t know who at Anet thinks that passive invuln are fun, but this has to stop.
Well the fact almost every class has some form of access to invuln, it’s only fair that Anet gives it to Thief too.
Yeah that’s the short term answer but looking at how passives have messed this game up, I would rather all classes lose most of their passives. The ideal situation would be that when a character makes too many mistakes they have to pay for them. Less “get out of jail for free” mechanics equals more skilled play.
This was the obviously easier solution for Anet to implement, and I am happy that we at least got that, but its also a dream of mine to rid the game of most passives and have game play revolve more around skilled combat.
Oh yeah I agree. I would love to see passives eradicated but that’s not going to happen anytime soon. If you can’t beat them, join them.
I’d be content if stun reflect/react traits were gone. Oh oops, I got stunned and didn’t bring a stun break. But its fine, my trait did it for me. :C Rip.
@Serious Thought.5394
Please stop trolling the Mesmer forum.
My first main was Thief. I migrated to Mesmer and love the class. Yep, Thief getting some love is a good thing. The problem is that they hamstrung Mesmer in the process.
The long term result is likely to be that the “nerf x” cry will hit thief next. I wish ANET had better sense and didn’t make such radical moves.
@Serious Thought.5394
Please stop trolling the Mesmer forum.
My first main was Thief. I migrated to Mesmer and love the class. Yep, Thief getting some love is a good thing. The problem is that they hamstrung Mesmer in the process.
The long term result is likely to be that the “nerf x” cry will hit thief next. I wish ANET had better sense and didn’t make such radical moves.
How is thief the reason that mesmer gets nerfed?
@Serious Thought.5394
Please stop trolling the Mesmer forum.
My first main was Thief. I migrated to Mesmer and love the class. Yep, Thief getting some love is a good thing. The problem is that they hamstrung Mesmer in the process.
The long term result is likely to be that the “nerf x” cry will hit thief next. I wish ANET had better sense and didn’t make such radical moves.
How is thief the reason that mesmer gets nerfed?
It’s not that Thieves got Mesmers nerfed, but the Mesmers are crying saying Thieves are the ultimate hard counter to them and are calling for the death off Thieves before the patch even hits.
X/D thieves actually were (all 3 possible builds are dead right now and will probably remain so (condi DB spam thief doesn’t count))- D/P not much more than other classes – the only argument I’ve read as to thieves being a hard counter is that the clones can’t find the thief when he’s stealthed – guess all other classes blocks and pets and whatnots are pretty much equal counters.
@Serious Thought.5394
Please stop trolling the Mesmer forum.
My first main was Thief. I migrated to Mesmer and love the class. Yep, Thief getting some love is a good thing. The problem is that they hamstrung Mesmer in the process.
The long term result is likely to be that the “nerf x” cry will hit thief next. I wish ANET had better sense and didn’t make such radical moves.
How is thief the reason that mesmer gets nerfed?
It’s not that Thieves got Mesmers nerfed, but the Mesmers are crying saying Thieves are the ultimate hard counter to them and are calling for the death off Thieves before the patch even hits.
Yeah, I’ve been lurking in the PvP and mesmer forums and it seems pretty doom and gloom, however they got a lot of stuff in the patch before HoT putting them on par with thieves. Most of the nerfs seem related to chronomancer (except chaos armor) so we’ll see how it shakes out. The preview was pretty short so I think most stuff wasn’t mentioned.
I wasn’t going to step in it there though by saying wait and see.
Their main argument is we have more stealth than them, we have more mobility than them and more burst damage, those are their main reasons saying we are hard counters and we will be even more so once the patch hits. In pve I play my Mesmer for raids and such so I lurk around their forums and it’s appalling I thought thieves were all doom and gloom but our forums are optimistic comparatively.
Their main argument is we have more stealth than them, we have more mobility than them and more burst damage, those are their main reasons saying we are hard counters and we will be even more so once the patch hits. In pve I play my Mesmer for raids and such so I lurk around their forums and it’s appalling I thought thieves were all doom and gloom but our forums are optimistic comparatively.
Well, we have a lot of complaint threads but also a lot of constructive ideas. I mean the sword auto aftercast reduction and the rollover of Bandit’s Defense came from this forum, so I guess someone is reading our input.
Mesmers got them self’s nerfed because they took the kitten and everyone pretty much played the bunker spec, and they over played it too.
I dunno if the high end people are to blame because I understand winning is winning but people who wanted this to stay shouldn’t of milked it to death like the other op stuff.
gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge
I didn’t say that thief got Mesmer nerfed and I’m not sure how you interpreted that. Mesmer got nerfed ( again ) because ANET consistently nerfs Mesmer if it even comes up to average.
What I did say was that with the heavy damage buff to thief and unblockable attacks. My half-sisters and brothers ( thief and Mesmer are alike, in truth ) may find themselves next on the hit list.
I didn’t say that thief got Mesmer nerfed and I’m not sure how you interpreted that. Mesmer got nerfed ( again ) because ANET consistently nerfs Mesmer if it even comes up to average.
What I did say was that with the heavy damage buff to thief and unblockable attacks. My half-sisters and brothers ( thief and Mesmer are alike, in truth ) may find themselves next on the hit list.
Yep, Thief getting some love is a good thing. The problem is that they hamstrung Mesmer in the process.
Sounds like “thief is the reason mesmer gets nerfed” to me. And actually all the crying that “thieves will eat mesmers alive” – every other class can as well.
The rest of your post with half sisters I don’t get, sorry.
ETA: I don’t know if you guys don’t know it, or didn’t realize it, but backstab is one of the weaker skills in this game since June, most other classes (except thief staff) can hit harder – including mesmers.
(edited by Jana.6831)
“Heavy dmg buff” ? Most of our sustained dps came from fire and air sigils anyway. Only sword needed to be looked at anyway.
gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge
I’m not saying that I kill most of the guys in wvw with autoattack lately – see it’s wvw and no one cares about balance there anyway – it’s just 15k remaining players – dismissable.
ETA. So yeah – I don’t think that buffing the autoattack is the way to go – but on the other hand; spamming 1111111111 seems like the best thing to do to match my skill level.
Oh, btw is Sigil of fire still broken?
(edited by Jana.6831)
Well… It’s a start.
There’s miles to go for Thief still.
I’m glad that some of my Thief fellows are pleased with these coming changes. Haven’t seen a single thing yet that will benefit me personally (vanilla P/P), but we’ll see.
Jana: I use Sigil of Fire all the time and haven’t noticed it being broken. What was wrong with it? I know that there was the 50% damage problem with some Ele skills when using it, but haven’t come across anything else.
“Heavy dmg buff” ? Most of our sustained dps came from fire and air sigils anyway. Only sword needed to be looked at anyway.
Well, the damage buff to sword and not the others would leave the other sets behind. I’m going to quote myself from another thread for the rest of the response.
Really we’re just being brought into line with some other classes. For reference, warrior’s axe auto runs at 1.38 mult/sec, ele’s lightning dagger auto at 1.32, and necro dagger at 1.33. If all of our sets get buffed by ~30% we’ll be sitting around 1.5 mult/sec which is 8-13% higher than those without access to their large stacks of might or their survivability.
Inb4 anet nerfs half of other traits and spells as… compromise~
[Teef] guild :>
go back to BnS, traitor.
gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge
Inb4 anet nerfs half of other traits and spells as… compromise~
Of course.
It’s easy to see that by increasing the attack speed on Sword that the AA 3rd strike will have the Cripple effect nerfed. Dagger will have the Endurance gain and Poison application from AA nerfed also. And lastly, the Vulnerability application from Staff AA will also get hit by the nerf bat.
Then their reason will be that they don’t intend to have the condition application to have such a high frequency without a cost. So to balance the frequency of these conditions, their duration will also be nerfed proportionate to the attack speed increase.
I’m really hoping that I’m wrong.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
Jana: I use Sigil of Fire all the time and haven’t noticed it being broken. What was wrong with it? I know that there was the 50% damage problem with some Ele skills when using it, but haven’t come across anything else.
It didn’t proc, I think – I just noticed that it was dirt cheap on the TP and someone told me it was broken – and I haven’t seen it proccing in a long time, I think but I didn’t really think about it = watching my damage log.