What do you do when...

What do you do when...

in Thief

Posted by: Kageseigi.2150


If the other team has a TANKY Dragonhunter sitting on Far, and the rest of its players are on Mid, and one of your teammates goes Far, while the other 3 of your teammates are at Mid…. where do you go?

It’s a 3v4 against your team at Mid.
It’s a 1v1 at Far.

I try to help out the guy at Far, but the problem is that we CANNOT down that DH at all.

I feel very helpless in those situations. I run DA/CS/T, so I think I would have the damage output. I’ve tried Shortbow to kite. I’ve tried every single skill on D/P, but it will… not… die! Not even with a teammate.

I’ve had this problem with some Elementalists in the past. And to a certain extent with Engineers. But I keep reading on the forums that Thieves have such huge bursts. I feel rather lacking :-(

Suggestions to overhaul the Thief…

* * * Thief Trait Shakeup * * *

What do you do when...

in Thief

Posted by: emkelly.2371


if your the theif, and one of your team went far and the rest mid? then your teamate screwed up. Far is your job. Help at mid as best you can. then the rest of your team can push far if need be. but the problem is if you can’;t down that tanky DH on far, then you are leaving home unprotected if the mid fight goes poorly. so help mid and be ready to save home when needed. (also take objectives.) never waste your time on a tanky character you can’t kill it’s pointless. even if you get the decap it will take to long.

Uuum, also i should note, i’m new to thief, so i could be giving you very bad advice.

What do you do when...

in Thief

Posted by: Menmaro.4607


if your the theif, and one of your team went far and the rest mid? then your teamate screwed up. Far is your job. Help at mid as best you can. then the rest of your team can push far if need be. but the problem is if you can’;t down that tanky DH on far, then you are leaving home unprotected if the mid fight goes poorly. so help mid and be ready to save home when needed. (also take objectives.) never waste your time on a tanky character you can’t kill it’s pointless. even if you get the decap it will take to long.

Uuum, also i should note, i’m new to thief, so i could be giving you very bad advice.

Yeah no far is not your job if there is a DH sitting there, you will get nuked before you can say sup.

Sure you should be trying to decap whenever possible but it is tough. I’ve been able to 1v1 a couple of DH’s by kiting and waiting for the opportune moment. If you couldn’t kill a DH with another teammate then it sounds like you were just mashing buttons and need to learn when to use what skills.

Never trust a thief, they’ll backstab you and steal your shit..

What do you do when...

in Thief

Posted by: Kageseigi.2150


I use Shadow Shot for blinds. I use Headshot for interrupts. I use Heartseeker when it’s under 50%. I use Steal for interrupts as well as the stolen item. I use Backstab when I end up in Stealth. I auto-attack like crazy between everything else.

In a 1v1, most of my time is dealing with traps and CC. But on the 2v1, I’m as aggressive as I can be. It’s not so much that the DH hurts me unless I get trapped, but I can’t hurt it either… at least, not enough. I remember a few Elementalists that caused me the same problem once upon a time.

A lot of builds may feel tanky to me, but every so often, one of these “immortal” players cross my path. Makes me scratch my head. I’m not a pure glass cannon, but I’m not too far from it.

Suggestions to overhaul the Thief…

* * * Thief Trait Shakeup * * *

What do you do when...

in Thief

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


Yeah, it’s a tough choice, If your team at mid cannot survive long enough for you and a teammate to decap a point it’s kind of a lost match, in a situation like that I would allow your teammate that is running far engage first, while you help mid but do not be fully committed, once you see a lull in the fight or if your teammate may need help disengage mid and help far, your superior mobility can ensure you get there in time.

What do you do when...

in Thief

Posted by: Shylock.4653


I try to help out the guy at Far, but the problem is that we CANNOT down that DH at all.

It should be easy to down a DH with the help of a teammate.

Here are a few tips:

  • Use a good build (http://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Daredevil_-_Dagger/Pistol).
  • Let your teammate do the opening. So the traps are gone and the DH has lost some health. Traits like Executioner give a good DPS increase if the enemy is below the health threshold.
  • Spare steal or some initiative to interrupt his healing.

What do you do when...

in Thief

Posted by: Ensign.2189


You need your teammate to fight the DH on far for a good 15-20s to burn cooldowns. Once the cooldowns are burnt you should have a window to burst down the DH. If your teammate is unable to burn cooldowns on the DH far, then your teammate is losing badly and you’d essentially be 1v1ing a DH far with someone spectating.

In fairness, if the other team has a DH sitting on a fully capped far and someone decides to go engage the DH there, that teammate is in all likelihood terrible and you need to cut your losses.

Your best play there is to hope they have something mid that is reasonably vulnerable. You want to be able to sit on a Necro, or throw interrupts at a Druid, or try to interrupt and burst a Revenant. Realistically, you need to identify which player on the other team is the worst, and burst them over and over again. If someone wanders off mid, chase and harass them off point – you’re better off harassing in a 1v1, keeping mid a 3v3, then letting it be a full 4v4. The uglier and more spread out the fight is the better it will be for you.

What do you do when...

in Thief

Posted by: emkelly.2371


i must have read this incorrectly. I read it as at the start one of his team went far right off the bat. in that case is ally screwed up because he weakened the mid fight. at start thief should go home then far and play decaps while team holds mid and home. thats basic thief play. There are situations where tactics need to change, but thats the general start that you use. so if a DH on your team chugs his slow kitten all the way far at the start….he screwed up. not you.

What do you do when...

in Thief

Posted by: bluri.2653


Do a initial spike in mid to ease the pressure on your teammates in mid so the guy 1v1 the DH makes the DH use CDS, then you +1 if you cant kill the DH then you are obviously doing something wrong.

Sindrener – Rank55 Dragons/Orange Logo/Team Aggression

What do you do when...

in Thief

Posted by: Ario.8964


This situation is not about build or 1v1 skill. When a tank DH camps their home node then take the 4v5 on the map and make a call to leave far until the dh leaves and if he doesn’t then win the 4v5. Especially as a thief unless the dh is somewhat glassy and you have team mates with you it’s not worth the time it takes to kill the dh even if you can consistently do it 1v1. It takes too much time that could be spent elsewhere shifting a fight that will allow you to snowball to the point the dh is at.

Now for this situation, once you realize the dh is bunker, call off your attack on far and move everyone to mid to sweep the team fight. Then while the enemy is on respawn you can send a few to kill the dh while the rest of the team watches for back caps and inc players off respawn.

[Teef] Dragonbrand Thief and Engi main www.twitch.tv/ariodoesgaming and Ario Does Gaming on Youtube!

What do you do when...

in Thief

Posted by: Wargameur.6950


Some answers to pressure DH from their perspective :


In my opinion, let the teamate against the DH and go help mid. apply small pressure with shortbow and once you identify the end of a rotation on any of the enemy jump in and burst him down.

main ~ Esper Jace (Thief )/ Ellundril Jiluan
(mesmer ) – EU [Teef]