thief dmg.. realy..

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: eldain stenlund.4306

eldain stenlund.4306

not splitting hairs but that chair is around 4mm or more thick. :P pretty sturdy.

@ ELDAIN STENLUND …… tell u what…if u wanna have only 1 weapon set then ill say ur right. but until then u have just as much skills as us to use if not more. we only have one weapon set ….or rather one set of skills to use bc both sets use the same cooldown aka intitiative system. so when we “spam” a skill 2 or 3 or even 4 x in a row….sometimes 5 if we have init regen or gain up, then we are out of initiative and out of skills. so we spam something 5 x then it takes 15-16 secs to repeat that same exact spam set. for a warrior…. u can use skill 1 2 3 4 5 then swap then 1 2 3 kitten in the same time you have 10 skills spammed vs our 5 before you ahve to wait to use mroe….but the best thing about warrior is soon as the next 8 secs are up you can do it all over again! so where we wait 15 or 16 secs for a refill u just swap after 8 and all ur attacks are up again. not to mention your 20% cooldowns and -1 sec weaponswap option plus another -1 on sigil if u choose. so yeah thieves come up way short when it comes to spamming skills ya?

Iam not sure… but i think i have to be alive to have a chanse to use my skills ??
And when i played more tanky.. i got 3 hitted… 2 – 3 seconds fight.. max…

its realy true.. and made me seriosuly kitten ed off. (why iam here).
I dropped my dps abit to get more tanky.. 24 k hp.. using axe + mace /+ hammer.
i also had like 2.8 k armor…
I got 3 hitted still… yep… realy balanced game.

they could just rename the warrior class to: “Armored Critter”.

i read on some tread.. a thief had like 3.1 k armor…
seriously… wtf is wrong with A-net and the designers.

Leather armor are harder than plate ??? since when ??

iam starting to wonder they the hell there are other classes in this game than thief and mesmer..

Its so clear these 2 classes are the favourite of A-net.

there are these classes in the game also… but they are busy using op classes to gank.

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: eldain stenlund.4306

eldain stenlund.4306

Okay click the links, look at the base damages, which one is higher? Now think about it a moment, which one is a spammable autoattack? and which one requires stealth (either another attack like cnd, or multiple attacks bps+hs) or a long cd utillity, AND requires position behind an enemy.

Have you see the other tread you have in your own forum…
About the dmg a thief can do ??
There are vids and pictures.. clearly showing how stupidly op the dmg is.
people bragging how they have done 18 k.. 19 k.. a rumor of even 35 k.
tho i belive the 35 k is under maximum debuffs and buffs effect.

Thats from 1 attack… from stealth… wich you can not see.
thieves clearly doesnt need a nerf…

The second best part: its a thief that have made it…

THE best part. A-net is ignoring it… and probably instead have more buffs incoming as usual…

A-net is close to become like Age of Conan.
Imbalanced as hell, and forcing people leave.

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


i really hate to say L2p as it is not very constructive but i think you should try mess around with builds. signet of rage build is quite nice and owns plenty of thieves. immob is a thieves worst enemy. so is Knockdowns. so once that thief uses his 1 or maybe 2 stunbreaks that is the time you ahve your window of capitalization where he is very vulnerable. anet does not favor thieves….we have only ahve 1 change to thief class that benefitted us since day 1 :P thats Larcenous strike. the rest have been nerfs and unparaleled at that. any thief with 3100 armor is still getting hit like hes a zerker. thief defense is almost irrelevant. really we get hit VERY hard no matter what. and if a Thief CAN do 8k hits…it means you can use 1 whirlwind and kill him with it still finishing. also learning to dodge/ block or go invulnerable and when to use whirl skills is a part.

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


how come i havent seen these 2 2 2 2 2 dead videos? its like an urban GW2 myth lol! plz show me a vid or dont bring up such nonsense

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: Fade.7658


not splitting hairs but that chair is around 4mm or more thick. :P pretty sturdy.

@ ELDAIN STENLUND …… tell u what…if u wanna have only 1 weapon set then ill say ur right. but until then u have just as much skills as us to use if not more. we only have one weapon set ….or rather one set of skills to use bc both sets use the same cooldown aka intitiative system. so when we “spam” a skill 2 or 3 or even 4 x in a row….sometimes 5 if we have init regen or gain up, then we are out of initiative and out of skills. so we spam something 5 x then it takes 15-16 secs to repeat that same exact spam set. for a warrior…. u can use skill 1 2 3 4 5 then swap then 1 2 3 kitten in the same time you have 10 skills spammed vs our 5 before you ahve to wait to use mroe….but the best thing about warrior is soon as the next 8 secs are up you can do it all over again! so where we wait 15 or 16 secs for a refill u just swap after 8 and all ur attacks are up again. not to mention your 20% cooldowns and -1 sec weaponswap option plus another -1 on sigil if u choose. so yeah thieves come up way short when it comes to spamming skills ya?

Iam not sure… but i think i have to be alive to have a chanse to use my skills ??
And when i played more tanky.. i got 3 hitted… 2 – 3 seconds fight.. max…

its realy true.. and made me seriosuly kitten ed off. (why iam here).
I dropped my dps abit to get more tanky.. 24 k hp.. using axe + mace /+ hammer.
i also had like 2.8 k armor…
I got 3 hitted still… yep… realy balanced game.

they could just rename the warrior class to: “Armored Critter”.

i read on some tread.. a thief had like 3.1 k armor…
seriously… wtf is wrong with A-net and the designers.

Leather armor are harder than plate ??? since when ??

iam starting to wonder they the hell there are other classes in this game than thief and mesmer..

Its so clear these 2 classes are the favourite of A-net.

there are these classes in the game also… but they are busy using op classes to gank.

If there’s a thief with 3.1K armor, he gave up a lot of damage to attain that. I’ve run it before, and it only really works with a condition build. You won’t get blown up like you seem to think.

You obviously don’t know anything about other professions. Elementalists get a ton of OP threads complaining about how mobile and defensive they can be while putting out ok damage, and bunker rangers are a pain in the kitten to beat.

There are plenty of threads in the various profession forums about how to beat said class. There are more than normal in the thief forums as to how to counter them. Yeah, it sounds like this is a L2P post, but seriously, if you don’t know what to expect, you will be at a disadvantage.

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


+1 Fade . well said without being disrespectful

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: Shemsu.8721


Okay click the links, look at the base damages, which one is higher? Now think about it a moment, which one is a spammable autoattack? and which one requires stealth (either another attack like cnd, or multiple attacks bps+hs) or a long cd utillity, AND requires position behind an enemy.

Have you see the other tread you have in your own forum…
About the dmg a thief can do ??
There are vids and pictures.. clearly showing how stupidly op the dmg is.
people bragging how they have done 18 k.. 19 k.. a rumor of even 35 k.
tho i belive the 35 k is under maximum debuffs and buffs effect.

Thats from 1 attack… from stealth… wich you can not see.
thieves clearly doesnt need a nerf…

The second best part: its a thief that have made it…

THE best part. A-net is ignoring it… and probably instead have more buffs incoming as usual…

A-net is close to become like Age of Conan.
Imbalanced as hell, and forcing people leave.

I’ve seen 29k killshots that hit downed 5 people at 1500 range. at least backstab requires melee range, requires stealth, and requires position behind enemy. What do you need for killshot, one of multiple skills that instantly gives you full adrenaline, and sit safe on top of keep walls downing 5 people with a single button.

Everything has its ups and downs, looking at that I could say killshot is even more OP than thief backstab. The truth is that neither is. Killshot has its balances and drawbacks, and isnt even a warriors strongest attack, as noted axe auto does more than killshot and backstab.

So again, you can look at that backstab thread all you want, I’m sure you could take a warrior and do 500k damage to a bunny, does that make warrior OP? no? Neither does a thread full of setup pics on undergear/underleveled wvw players

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


oh boy. this is why they dumbed down gw2. players like this. gw2 is so much easier to play than gw1. u dont need to think. lets dumb it down some more. 3 skills per character all chars have same HP same attack same defense shallw e?

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: Kolly.9872


eldain please you don’t have any credibility without proofs.
You’re saying 1 thief is able to down 1 people inside a Group of 4\5 people? well this is seriously a l2p issue mate and probably this person had a GC build and was uplevelled too.
Are you saying that “permastealth” thieves are favored in every possible way and this is the true?
Realy? This is your “true”, don’t act like your true is the one and only true.

I realy feel bored of repeating the same exact things that thieves are repeating from the very beginning of this game: JUST CC the thief, Daze him when you see the black powder red circle and the thief is almost done. He has just wasted 6 initiative and the possibility to stealth!!!

OMG You were 4\5 people against 1 thief !!! it’s not that hard if 2 or 3 of you keep alternating CC while the other 2 keep the pressure on the thief with damaging skills till he is dead. Daze it Daze it Daze it!!!! Stun it Stun it Stun it!!! Stop coming here and admitting that you lost 5vs1 against a thief. You are insulting yourself with those statements.

ok and now let’s go to the next “Thief is OP” thread

Thief might not be as strong as last year
but they’re a lot stronger
than they will be next year!

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: Fade.7658


You playing a thief can get in there, kill/down one in 2 seconds spamming one skill

Plz stop posting, you are embarrassing yourself…

I have seen this many times in wvw.

A thief find a target… some have been right next to me and 2 – 3 other people.
we see a poff of smoke. and one of us is down. and the thief ran, because we were quickly to drop aoe and swing around.

the point is still solid. the thief took a target in a small group. 4 – 5 people.
and still managed to down a player in 2 seconds and get away.
he didnt kill the player, that time. but the thief did pick us off.. 1 by 1 over time.

ONE thief…

So yes, its very much possible for a “brave” thief to pick off people even in middle of groups. granted he was a good one.

but should 1 good player be able to kill 4 -5 others… and get away with it…
and we cant do anything about it ????

The thieves is favored in every possible way, and i dont care what you belive or not.
but this is the truth.
Thieves is a stealth class… with insanely op burst dmg. 18 k crits on plate ??
And there is no way or skills on any proffession to counter their stealths…

not one skill can counter it..
It doesnt even matter if you put on dots on thieves… they dont care.. just stealth and run, the dots wont reveal you anyways… you dont even leave a blood trail…

thieves are op… and need to be fixed.

And I’ve seen D/D Elementalists do the exact same thing. I’ve also seen some Mesmers do it, but not as often. Say Anet listened to you, and nerfed thieves. What class is next on your list that you can’t beat, and you want nerfs?

Every single profession and build has a counter. I roll a direct damage build, and certain class/builds aren’t bad to kill, but I get eaten alive by others. Same goes for a condition build. Anything with easy access to a conditioner remover hard counters it. There are very few profession/build combos that don’t have a hard counter.

I think you want that mystical build that can kill anything, and not have to work to win. A good thief may be impossible to beat, but the same can be said of any profession in the hands of a good player.

If you won’t take the time to improve your own skills, and maybe learn a few basics of each profession, you won’t win more than lose.

Edit: I remember facing a warrior (I don’t recall his build, but I want to say he was a hammer/? build) with 3.1K armor. I got him to half helath or so, and was taking hits in return. He knocked me down, did some damage, and I got back up, and he either swapped weapons, or had another knockdown on tap and knocked me back down. I didn’t recover in time and he ended up downing me.

Whatever he did was a clever use of his mechanics, and I couldn’t stay standing long enough to recover. (I didn’t and don’t know enough about warriors to know what to look for to counter. In this case, I’ve been too lazy to learn what happened and learn how to counter it)

(edited by Fade.7658)

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: Dual.8953


you have 1200 toughness

less then 2500 armor..

that is why you’re getting hit hard.

Don’t get me wrong, berserker thieves are going to hit you hard…But you’re getting crushed because you’re glass cannon just the same.

You need to get off the notion that just because you’re in heavy armor..It means you’re impossible to kill

If you get tanky, you still die. just takes 4 seconds instead of 2.
But you cant do crap against thief either in tank… so your just becoming a free kill.

Heavy armor should have naturaly High physical resist.
Have you ever tried to use a knife against a plate armor ?? i have, just for the fun of it.
And trust me.. i didnt even dent the kitten crap when i stabbed it or slized at it.

Heavy armor… is the totaly Anti knife armor. hell its even anti sword to some degree.

If you want a similar test.. just take a 2 mm thick metal sheet… then take a knife.. and stabb away all you like.. you never gonna hurt the metal.

1200 Toughness is disgustingly low. You really shouldn’t take your CoF gear into WvW. Sets like Soldier’s is the meta there.

And for the whole armour thing, Sure you have plate mail, but it still has joints. In medieval combat, would carry small knives on the side so they could shove them through the enemy’s armour joints.

Registered Altaholic
Part-time Kittenposter

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: Piogre.2164


This thief argument has been going on forever. Either the devs think this is fair or they are scared to nerf the damage.

They’ve tried screwing with the damage, and it never worked right. The real problem is the nature of stealth, which needs to be completely overhauled for the profession to be balanced.

[VIG], SoR
Main: Asuran Engineer — Alt 80’s Ra-T-M-G-El-N-W-En-En-Re-Ra
Doctorate in Applied Jumping

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


wish is right. u have higher dmg (by a lil) higher hp and higher defense. and your utilities dont all have to be defensive (thieves are).

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: Thrutian.7931


L2P Noob, next time remember to use your trap card and you would have won. Oh sorry, wrong game.

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: Sir Vincent III.1286

Sir Vincent III.1286

Iam not sure… but i think i have to be alive to have a chanse to use my skills ??
And when i played more tanky.. i got 3 hitted… 2 – 3 seconds fight.. max…

Carry a shield and you’ll last 5s.

The bottom line is, even if we are similarly geared and I am using my Warrior, I can still down you easy based on what you have posted so far.

What does that tells you? ~ In the beginning…there was Tarnished Coast…
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: swinsk.6410


Lol. Glass cannon hit thief hit you for 12k. Typical damage for wvw. We can’t do that in spvp.

Just another noob thief…

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: bobross.5034


I was just running around with my tanky thief (high shadow arts, toughness + healing gear), trying to decide which heal to take, when this warrior pops out of nowhere and in like 2 hits has me down to 200 health. Nerf warriors! Seriously though, warriors can hit for just as hard as thieves, and do it on a consistent basis (i.e. it’s not “burst” when coming from a warrior…it’s just an attack). The thief has a burst combo on a long recharge, paper armor, stealth and nothing else. The guy got you while you were stomping, so I imagine a slow reaction from youm you also have a berserker build, and I’m sure you could have taken the thief with something more tanky. Hammer warriors give me a hard time as thief.

The problem as I see it is people think that they should be able to min-max their stats and still win all battles. Thieves are a natural counter to glass cannons, but glass cannons can also easily kill thieves. So if you want to play a glass build in wvw, just know that you are living on the edge. If you like that, great! But have some class, and don’t immediately qq just because WvW doesnt play like CoF.

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: Kaizer.7135


Glass cannon gets killed by glass cannon okay.

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: CaakEE.7109


So you are a glass cannon too, 2400 armor? My thief have more than that.

you said a thief took 12k of your life in 1 sec, I bet your kill shot do something like that on a glass cannon too.

But "yo Im the only who can 1 shot ppl, why im getting killed fast too?


thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: Gwalchgwn.1659


oh boy. this is why they dumbed down gw2. players like this. gw2 is so much easier to play than gw1. u dont need to think. lets dumb it down some more. 3 skills per character all chars have same HP same attack same defense shallw e?

Let’s call it runescape!
Wait, is that name already taken?

Sorry, random thought I got from your post

Ring of Fire
GL – “The Afternoon’s Watch” [OATH]

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


we got into a fight with a mesmer.

Got mesmer down. was about to use the stomp.

I had 12 k hp left of my 20 total..

I saw a poff of smoke.. and then i was dead. looking at the target that killed me.
a Thief…

My first reaction was… wtf realy ?? 12 k hp.. insta killed. on heavy armor… seriously.

WTF is wrong with the Designers that should balance this game.

On top of the supreem mobility on a thief. it has invisibility. that not even Dots uncloak… they dont even leave a bleeding trail or anything… just… gone.
And Also thieves have this stupidly insane op burst dmg, wich you cant realy protect yourself against… your dead before you react.

Because the fight is like this most of the times:
I target a thief.. i start to shoot at him..he notice he gets dmg and vanish…
switch weapons to prepare melee…
2 seconds later. you see a poff of smoke around you.. THIEF…
You start to swing.. “my hp is fine, i get this”… “WTF.. iam down already ? its 2 seconds into fight”…

My warrior in 20 k hp.. have actually been 3 hitted by a thief..
It was the most stupid thing i have ever seen.
Sure, that thief had full zerker gear and low hp…
but who needs hp if you can 3 hit 20 k hp…

Feck, i dont want to know the dmg they can do against Light armor.
But i heard ppl in my guild getting 1 hitted………..

Maybe they should increase our base armor ? (like alot)…
Or nerf the thief insane dmg abit ?

I usualy find my thiev very boring to lvl… but iam REALY starting to think about joining the stupidly op side and lvl my thief to 80 also.

one in my guild occupied 6 ppl for 15 minutes…then they got lucky and could chain lock him.
So thieves are also super trollers… REALY good balance by A-net…

Don’t play WvW. Go to tPvP where Thieves are side gimmicks and things that I laugh at on a regular basis.

Honestly, I will agree that Thieves are blatantly overpowered in WvW, but if they were to nerf them, they have to separate WvW/PvP/PvE so as to avoid breaking the class.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: Dual.8953


we got into a fight with a mesmer.

Got mesmer down. was about to use the stomp.

I had 12 k hp left of my 20 total..

I saw a poff of smoke.. and then i was dead. looking at the target that killed me.
a Thief…

My first reaction was… wtf realy ?? 12 k hp.. insta killed. on heavy armor… seriously.

WTF is wrong with the Designers that should balance this game.

On top of the supreem mobility on a thief. it has invisibility. that not even Dots uncloak… they dont even leave a bleeding trail or anything… just… gone.
And Also thieves have this stupidly insane op burst dmg, wich you cant realy protect yourself against… your dead before you react.

Because the fight is like this most of the times:
I target a thief.. i start to shoot at him..he notice he gets dmg and vanish…
switch weapons to prepare melee…
2 seconds later. you see a poff of smoke around you.. THIEF…
You start to swing.. “my hp is fine, i get this”… “WTF.. iam down already ? its 2 seconds into fight”…

My warrior in 20 k hp.. have actually been 3 hitted by a thief..
It was the most stupid thing i have ever seen.
Sure, that thief had full zerker gear and low hp…
but who needs hp if you can 3 hit 20 k hp…

Feck, i dont want to know the dmg they can do against Light armor.
But i heard ppl in my guild getting 1 hitted………..

Maybe they should increase our base armor ? (like alot)…
Or nerf the thief insane dmg abit ?

I usualy find my thiev very boring to lvl… but iam REALY starting to think about joining the stupidly op side and lvl my thief to 80 also.

one in my guild occupied 6 ppl for 15 minutes…then they got lucky and could chain lock him.
So thieves are also super trollers… REALY good balance by A-net…

Don’t play WvW. Go to tPvP where Thieves are side gimmicks and things that I laugh at on a regular basis.

Honestly, I will agree that Thieves are blatantly overpowered in WvW, but if they were to nerf them, they have to separate WvW/PvP/PvE so as to avoid breaking the class.

Why bother? They’re already one step about Ranger’s in dungeons and one step of Warrior’s in TPvP. If you want them useless in the roaming in WvW, why not go all in?

Registered Altaholic
Part-time Kittenposter

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


Thieves and Rangers are actually quite useful in dungeons/fractals if they’re good enough. I agree that Thieves are bad in PvP and could use a serious buff to their other weapon sets. Thieves are simply far too good in WvW. I’ve seen coordinated Thief teams actually melt a zerg.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: Excalibur.9748


Thieves and Rangers are actually quite useful in dungeons/fractals if they’re good enough. I agree that Thieves are bad in PvP and could use a serious buff to their other weapon sets. Thieves are simply far too good in WvW. I’ve seen coordinated Thief teams actually melt a zerg.

Look at the class ranking for WvW again. Thief is dead last in most people’s lists.

All is vain.

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: TheMightyAltroll.3485


Most people are ignorant on these forums, and you cannot argue that. Anyone that places Engineer in a bottom tier in WvW knows not what they do. Honestly practically every class is on the same tier save Necro (which is low tier only in WvW), Mesmer (High tier), and Thief (High tier)

Based on their capabilities and problems. Thief is virtually invincible, and can provide alot more than most people think.

Contact me ingame for Necro, Ranger, Mesmer, and Thief advice.

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: Excalibur.9748


Most people are ignorant on these forums, and you cannot argue that. Anyone that places Engineer in a bottom tier in WvW knows not what they do. Honestly practically every class is on the same tier save Necro (which is low tier only in WvW), Mesmer (High tier), and Thief (High tier)

Based on their capabilities and problems. Thief is virtually invincible, and can provide alot more than most people think.

I think I agree with you. In terms of survivability, mobility, and damage I think the thief is quite good at all those. But for some reason on any ranking list we end up dead last. I think it’s because we don’t have useful combo fields so we’re always dead last in those rankings.

All is vain.

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: Fenrir.5493


If you want a similar test.. just take a 2 mm thick metal sheet… then take a knife.. and stabb away all you like.. you never gonna hurt the metal.

You were saying?

That chair is made with the most poorly fabricated steel, you cant compare an armor quality to a cheap chair.

“We also realize that we can make mistakes but we dont care because I HAVE THE POWAAA!!”

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: Quarantine.3702


Alright Eldain, if you really feel that Thieves are that op then you should start a thief, level it to 80 and try it out yourself. Rather than complain here on the forums, why not learn how to play a thief and the play styles that we use? You’d be better off as a player and you’d be a lot more productive than whining to us on the forums. Actually learning how to counter us would solve the problem and you’d improve immensely.

It’s already been explained that the Thief that killed you was probably geared towards a glass cannon build. That means that they have lower Vit and Toughness. Thus they are easier to kill than someone who is geared for more survivability. Don’t start about stealth. It’s not necessarily a get out of jail free card and we aren’t invincible while in it. If you spec properly, you should be able to deal with the average thief.

But please, stop the rage. You’re getting nowhere by doing this here. Time to open your mind and learn about the Thief rather than adding to the ignorance and rage. I’d like to direct you to the opinions of someone who did what I’m recommending you to do now. I’m sure some people on the Thief forums will remember this:

Please, learn from this guy^. He was smart enough to learn the ins and outs of Thieves and now he’s better off for it.

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: rogerwilko.6895


IMO Armor & HP do not Help against a good Thief. (I run with 2.9k tough and 30k hp, and not a warrior)

Luck + Skill do. If you are lucky/skilled and block/counter the first burst, then you will be able to die 1-2 minutes later when he comes back fully healed with the lessons learned and the CDs ready.

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: Piogre.2164


Alright Eldain, if you really feel that Thieves are that op then you should start a thief, level it to 80 and try it out yourself. Rather than complain here on the forums, why not learn how to play a thief and the play styles that we use? You’d be better off as a player and you’d be a lot more productive than whining to us on the forums. Actually learning how to counter us would solve the problem and you’d improve immensely.

It’s already been explained that the Thief that killed you was probably geared towards a glass cannon build. That means that they have lower Vit and Toughness. Thus they are easier to kill than someone who is geared for more survivability. Don’t start about stealth. It’s not necessarily a get out of jail free card and we aren’t invincible while in it. If you spec properly, you should be able to deal with the average thief.

But please, stop the rage. You’re getting nowhere by doing this here. Time to open your mind and learn about the Thief rather than adding to the ignorance and rage. I’d like to direct you to the opinions of someone who did what I’m recommending you to do now. I’m sure some people on the Thief forums will remember this:

Please, learn from this guy^. He was smart enough to learn the ins and outs of Thieves and now he’s better off for it.

I did exactly this. after my engie and ranger, leveled a thief to 80 and took a stroll in wvw. I was laughing my kitten off the entire time. no, thief is not useless in zerg, shortbow does an excellent job of punishing stacks and once the zerg is spread, having powerful single-target attacks to jump from target to target are a good thing anyway.

Solo roaming is even more ridiculous- stomped the first two opposing roamers I found (having never come close on my other classes) then leading a group halfway across the map before they could down me (this with a build that was low-stealth use, not even SR, just from infil shot and shadowsteps)

I should note that PvE is no cakewalk with thief, given how easily mobs reset, and will follow you in stealth. But when it comes to WvW, a player like me (very, very unskilled) should not be able to pull off the things I was able to do when I first waltzed in to EB.

Thief needs work.

[VIG], SoR
Main: Asuran Engineer — Alt 80’s Ra-T-M-G-El-N-W-En-En-Re-Ra
Doctorate in Applied Jumping

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: Yocairo.4257


I’m sorry but I couldn’t hold my laughter. It is very obvious this guy is a former wow player, trying to apply those mechanics in gw2. I imagine him as a backpedaling, greatsword swinging zerker himself. He most likely played a roflstorm warrior. He’s clearly kitten because a “Rouge” as he’d call it, trolled him and he’s yet to improve as a warrior to /laugh and kill that Thief the moment he unstealths.

“Yuo guise pl0x stop hitting me in teh back cuz I no turn so fast with me keyboard”

I’ve played wow for 5 years at least and rogues were always OP, yes I mained one for a long time as well. They had a low skill entry and high skill cap. Hell be glad thieves aren’t the evasion, CloS ing, vanishing, prepping, immortal things rogues were.

The thief community did it’s thing once more, pick out the bad apple. If people have such a problem vs BS thieves, why not test and improve instead of yelling every thief is OP. I am a thief, and I can avoid backstabs 50% of the time.

What also cracks me up is that he is asking for extra armor “because real life”. I’d be fine with that if you moved at 25% speed of other classes!

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: Incurafy.6329


Here is the gear iam using.. and the gear i have been 3 hitted in.
I whould think that 2.5 k armor + 20 k hp, whould be enough…
(edit: it only look like 18.9k on stats. but its actually 19.8 on life bottle/screen).

But it seems that Armor classes in this game are just cosmetics.
I have like 600 – 800 more armor than my elemental, wich is using light…
Now thats just plain weird.

Maybe i live in a different reality…
But i honestly think that heavy metal armors should protect a hell of a lot more than cloth.

in GW2:
my Heavy, metal armor.
is helping to protect me the same as if i whould use recycled toilettpaper…
it doesnt seem to help for schit…

Who does the whole tought processing at A-net ??
Who ever it is, he/she must live in a very very very strange reality.

Just on a side note:
My 1 hand weapons, do the same dmg as my BIG kitten sword and super sledge hammer…???
In my reality, people made BIG 2 handed weapons to inflict a TON more dmg per swing…
My test against lvl 80 wolves. found in wvw. iam traited for rifle. nothing else.
my 1 hand axe. auto crits = 1.800-2.400.
my 2 hand great sword. auto crits = 1.400 – 2.000 umm… wtf… its less… ?? !! ???
my 2 hand hammer. auto crits = 2.400 – 3.100. now we are atleast on the right way…

Lmfao @ your level of Toughness, my balanced Thief build has more than that!

You’re a glass cannon Warrior who got burst down by a glass cannon Thief. Only thing I can say is L2P.

all is vain

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: Doomdesire.9365


Heavies won’t die in one backstab combo if they spec in toughness and have full hp, unless the thief is using the signet might stacking build (activation of heal, all 3 utilities, and elite to get 20 stacks of might), which I have never seen a thief use, because they die afterwards…they can’t even get away at that point.

Anybody claiming that they can down a heavy with one backstab combo is free to test it on my guardian.

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: eldain stenlund.4306

eldain stenlund.4306

I’m sorry but I couldn’t hold my laughter. It is very obvious this guy is a former wow player, trying to apply those mechanics in gw2. I imagine him as a backpedaling, greatsword swinging zerker himself. He most likely played a roflstorm warrior. He’s clearly kitten because a “Rouge” as he’d call it, trolled him and he’s yet to improve as a warrior to /laugh and kill that Thief the moment he unstealths.

“Yuo guise pl0x stop hitting me in teh back cuz I no turn so fast with me keyboard”

I’ve played wow for 5 years at least and rogues were always OP, yes I mained one for a long time as well. They had a low skill entry and high skill cap. Hell be glad thieves aren’t the evasion, CloS ing, vanishing, prepping, immortal things rogues were.

The thief community did it’s thing once more, pick out the bad apple. If people have such a problem vs BS thieves, why not test and improve instead of yelling every thief is OP. I am a thief, and I can avoid backstabs 50% of the time.

What also cracks me up is that he is asking for extra armor “because real life”. I’d be fine with that if you moved at 25% speed of other classes!

Actually.. my main in wow was Rogue. raids and pvp.
after that it was mage + warrior + dk + pally + hunter. depending if the guild needed something special for special encounters in raids.
but my main was rogue, wich i played 80-90 % of the time.

I had pretty good gear on my rogue. 1 step from legendary upgraded daggers in cata.
just to give you a hint.

I could kill every class in wow in pvp.
and i did have burst dmg. as i played backstabb build. (sub).
BUT, the most important thing. i could never every. 1 hit anyone.
not even the cloth users. (unless they were low lvl and very low gear, pointless).

But plate users. paladin, deathknight, warriors.
Those armors was realy hard to penetrate.
And you realy had to use ALL of your skill and trinkets to kill them if they had good gear and was skilled. 1 – 2 misstakes from my side.. and i died.
But the important thing.. it took time to kill them.

And i could never reset the fight as many times as thieves does in GW2.
wich is just stupidly op.

here.. in GW2.. thieves do like 18 k stabs on warriors and guardians.. or even higher.
80 – 90 % hp in 1 stab ??
Combined with limitless stealth ability, and dont have to worry about anyone or anything to reveal them… dots not working… dmg not working…AoE not working…

so yes, thieves are massively overpowered in GW2.

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: eldain stenlund.4306

eldain stenlund.4306

Lmfao @ your level of Toughness, my balanced Thief build has more than that!

You’re a glass cannon Warrior who got burst down by a glass cannon Thief. Only thing I can say is L2P.

I have ppl saying they die in 2 – 3 hits from thieves.
using a tank build. 25 k hp and 3k minimum armor. (some even higher).
(I had close to those stats, and i hgot 3 hitted)…

There is no point in going tank on warrior.
If you do, you have no dmg. and you still die in seconds.

But i guess your main character is a thief. so you will never understand.

Its funny how ppl can call a class with heaviest armor in game, glass cannon.

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: Evilek.5690


I’m sorry but I couldn’t hold my laughter. It is very obvious this guy is a former wow player, trying to apply those mechanics in gw2. I imagine him as a backpedaling, greatsword swinging zerker himself. He most likely played a roflstorm warrior. He’s clearly kitten because a “Rouge” as he’d call it, trolled him and he’s yet to improve as a warrior to /laugh and kill that Thief the moment he unstealths.

“Yuo guise pl0x stop hitting me in teh back cuz I no turn so fast with me keyboard”

I’ve played wow for 5 years at least and rogues were always OP, yes I mained one for a long time as well. They had a low skill entry and high skill cap. Hell be glad thieves aren’t the evasion, CloS ing, vanishing, prepping, immortal things rogues were.

The thief community did it’s thing once more, pick out the bad apple. If people have such a problem vs BS thieves, why not test and improve instead of yelling every thief is OP. I am a thief, and I can avoid backstabs 50% of the time.

What also cracks me up is that he is asking for extra armor “because real life”. I’d be fine with that if you moved at 25% speed of other classes!

Actually.. my main in wow was Rogue. raids and pvp.
after that it was mage + warrior + dk + pally + hunter. depending if the guild needed something special for special encounters in raids.
but my main was rogue, wich i played 80-90 % of the time.

I had pretty good gear on my rogue. 1 step from legendary upgraded daggers in cata.
just to give you a hint.

I could kill every class in wow in pvp.
and i did have burst dmg. as i played backstabb build. (sub).
BUT, the most important thing. i could never every. 1 hit anyone.
not even the cloth users. (unless they were low lvl and very low gear, pointless).

But plate users. paladin, deathknight, warriors.
Those armors was realy hard to penetrate.
And you realy had to use ALL of your skill and trinkets to kill them if they had good gear and was skilled. 1 – 2 misstakes from my side.. and i died.
But the important thing.. it took time to kill them.

And i could never reset the fight as many times as thieves does in GW2.
wich is just stupidly op.

here.. in GW2.. thieves do like 18 k stabs on warriors and guardians.. or even higher.
80 – 90 % hp in 1 stab ??
Combined with limitless stealth ability, and dont have to worry about anyone or anything to reveal them… dots not working… dmg not working…AoE not working…

so yes, thieves are massively overpowered in GW2.

Rogue in WoW has spell imune shadow cloak,vanish=insta stealth and breake all ground control(frost nova roots etc.) cheap shot 4 sec stun,kidney shot 6 sec stun, gouge incapaticating 4 sec,blind 10 sec. And the same hp as other class

Evilek lvl 80 Charr Thief Why no ?
Fredy Brimstone lvl 80 Mighty Warrior
Oupí lvl 80 Immortal Guardian

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: eldain stenlund.4306

eldain stenlund.4306

What also cracks me up is that he is asking for extra armor “because real life”. I’d be fine with that if you moved at 25% speed of other classes!

I was gonna comment and show how it was IRL…
But, your a thief.. so i wont bother… you wont listen anyways.

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: eldain stenlund.4306

eldain stenlund.4306

Rogue in WoW has spell imune shadow cloak,vanish=insta stealth and breake all ground control(frost nova roots etc.) cheap shot 4 sec stun,kidney shot 6 sec stun, gouge incapaticating 4 sec,blind 10 sec. And the same hp as other class

Exactly… we had all those skills.. and we needed to use them all.
not just one.. but ALL.

And still we were balanced in pvp.

If you say we had all those skills and didnt need them,
then you cant have played against very good enemies.. or perhaps you just sneaked around in stealth.. waiting for a last hit shadowstep kill and do a kill steal…

Warriors had shouts that revealed us, bleedings, stomps… heavy armor…
Mages had AoE, and blinks + frostnovas and pets.
Paladins had AoE, stuns, DoTs.
and on and on it goes…

MANY MANY skills that was made. each class had a few of their own to reveal the rogue.
in GW2.. thieves invisiblity is supreeme. there is no way to reveal them…
(combined with their stupidly op dmg).

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: Evilek.5690


Rogue in WoW has spell imune shadow cloak,vanish=insta stealth and breake all ground control(frost nova roots etc.) cheap shot 4 sec stun,kidney shot 6 sec stun, gouge incapaticating 4 sec,blind 10 sec. And the same hp as other class

Exactly… we had all those skills.. and we needed to use them all.
not just one.. but ALL.

And still we were balanced in pvp.

If you say we had all those skills and didnt need them,
then you cant have played against very good enemies.. or perhaps you just sneaked around in stealth.. waiting for a last hit shadowstep kill and do a kill steal…

Warriors had shouts that revealed us, bleedings, stomps… heavy armor…
Mages had AoE, and blinks + frostnovas and pets.
Paladins had AoE, stuns, DoTs.
and on and on it goes…

MANY MANY skills that was made. each class had a few of their own to reveal the rogue.
in GW2.. thieves invisiblity is supreeme. there is no way to reveal them…
(combined with their stupidly op dmg).

The difference is that they had a stealth for 3-4 sec with trait and in wow infinity.

Evilek lvl 80 Charr Thief Why no ?
Fredy Brimstone lvl 80 Mighty Warrior
Oupí lvl 80 Immortal Guardian

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: eldain stenlund.4306

eldain stenlund.4306

The difference is that they had a stealth for 3-4 sec with trait and in wow infinity.

I whouldnt mind thieves having infinite stealth.
If they nerf their insane burst, and give classes ways to reveal it, and reduced their movement speed in stealth.

But if thieves have infinite stealth.. they should only have 1 skill to vanish, with CD…

Right now. stealth is supreeme king in pvp.. wvw. untouchable.

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: Evilek.5690


The difference is that they had a stealth for 3-4 sec with trait and in wow infinity.

I whouldnt mind thieves having infinite stealth.
If they nerf their insane burst, and give classes ways to reveal it, and reduced their movement speed in stealth.

But if thieves have infinite stealth.. they should only have 1 skill to vanish, with CD…

Right now. stealth is supreeme king in pvp.. wvw. untouchable.

All Thief weapon stealth abilities have a counter.

Evilek lvl 80 Charr Thief Why no ?
Fredy Brimstone lvl 80 Mighty Warrior
Oupí lvl 80 Immortal Guardian

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: Ensign.2189


Berserker Thieves – culling the chaff since August 2012.

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: DanH.5879


why thieve has more damage than my worrior ?!?

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: Grounder.7381


why thieve has more damage than my worrior ?!?

thief has more burst damage.. warrior has more pressure damage if most hit hits its target in a period of time (real good for chunking those ballooned health barred pve-mobs)..
warrior burst though.. are kinda clunky.. they have to depend on utility that have a huge timer to be wont hit if the enemy is paying attention..
while thief has the mobility, stealth and homing leap skills that is spamable that ensure it hits properly, delivering its killing blow.

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


How does a warrior get 20k vitality. You seriously need some Pvt gear if you want to compete in WvW. My Thief has 23k health, 3k armour and 2.2k power when I’m running Pvt. You’re obviously not running any vitality gear and not enough toughness for WvW. You deserve to get nuked by a glass cannon.

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: Jakare.6807


burst in general needs to be toned down in WvW. every class has the ability to 1 – 3 hit when they go full glass. it doesn’t matter how much toughness you have, if its not being stacked with Protection you are still going to be hit hard.

Lol Sanny, I was about to reply to this post with a link to one of your vids

Agree with what you said. In your most recent vid I think you did 14k-15k damage in 2 hits to a level 80 thief, that’s the equivalent of a glass thief cloak and dagger backstab combo. Almost every class has some equivalent if they spec fully for damage.

Thieves aren’t overpowered in this game, spike damage in general is.

[TI] Team Ignition (Gandara)

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: eldain stenlund.4306

eldain stenlund.4306

How does a warrior get 20k vitality. You seriously need some Pvt gear if you want to compete in WvW. My Thief has 23k health, 3k armour and 2.2k power when I’m running Pvt. You’re obviously not running any vitality gear and not enough toughness for WvW. You deserve to get nuked by a glass cannon.

once again… we have a zombie…

I used to run 24 k hp and about 2.8 k armor. (i wanted to have atleast some dmg left).
what happend ?? i got 3 hitted by a thief…

vitality + thoughness doesnt help for schit…
but since your a zombie… you dont understand that…

and once again you have proven to us with your stats that having heavy armor doesnt count for schit either…

You have more armor than me… with your thief… than my warrior in heavy armor…
is it me.. or is something very very wrong here…

Heavy armor should always have more defense than light…
no matter how much thoughness or vitality you get on light.
you know.. metal vs leather/cloth……. metal always win.

OR have you seen spaceships made of whool or leather ???

But, we will never see any change to armor or thieves.
unless A-net starts to play other classes than thieves and mesmers…
wich they wont.

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: Wonderer.1790


This is such a L2P issue it hurts.

80 Thief, 80 Warrior, working on Mesmer.

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: Kolly.9872


Man quit the game please because obviously this is not the game for you or just you can go out there with a thief and try to kill a lvl 80 warrior that actually uses some brain… then come here and ask for a warrior nerf!!!
This is not the game where warriors can tank better than any other class and at the same time outdps every other class while standing right in the same place for the Whole fight, having a dedicated healer covering their butts.

Thief might not be as strong as last year
but they’re a lot stronger
than they will be next year!

thief dmg.. realy..

in Thief

Posted by: Yocairo.4257


I…don’t even. Eldain, you didn’t disprove my point, you proved it. I too mained a rogue, they have been OP since vanilla. It is very easy to identify a bad rogue, just like it is with thieves. The bad rogues would pop all their cd’s and prep in the start and fall like a brick right after.

You claim rogues were balanced, well my friend rogues have been one shotting players since the beginning of wow, and yes this is literal. Ambush was the fotm in vanilla to gank. In tbc they remained top tier. In wotlk they got dumbed down with mutilate. In Cata it was a giant joke with vial critting for 80k and killing people in the first 2 seconds of cheap shot. Warrior’s were the fotm end season because they scale well with gear. DK’s have been the most skilless class around, S5 dk’s that got glad were often worse than 1200 rated other classes.

Alright back to GW2. I fully agree the combo backstab>stealth>repeat is OP. It’s annoying as hell, even for me. It would be simple to shift away from this by nerfing zerker gear altogether, it’s just OP. People shouldn’t be penalized for running with some vit and toughness.
But that being said, a large part is still skill based, namely avoiding the backstabs in the first place and knowing how thieves think!

Also, the backstab thief is a one pony trick, and that is roaming. They will never ever be able to kill you in groups! they can down you at most. You don’t hear me whining 4 warrior+1 mesmer is the current meta in pve. Because yes, in pve warrior is S-tier!