Does ANET have plans..
I think no one playing a diffrent class (like me) coming to this forum is trying to rip warriors from their fun of facerolling (well not many), most of us are just frustrated because in a MMO the balance of one class effects every other class as well. As I said: If this was a single player experience we would be all happy and chatting how difficult to play one class is and such but this is a MMORPG in which Warriors sadly have more or less every single advantage the system can offer which is bullkitten.
The reason you guys need people from diffrent professions to come over and “whine” is because no human being would call for a disadvantage of anything he’s working at (like playing a Warrior). I would never play a Warrior because – imo – he’s downright boring BUT that’s everyone’s own choice. What DOES anger me is how Arenanet apparently has no clue about the balance of their own game – we’re players, of course we play and defend an op class mechanic, we would be stupid not to.
Fact is: In a group full of Warriors going into a dungeon ANY other class would more or less just slow them down – wtf. They don’t need anything from anyone and that’s what I don’t get. I play thief f.e. and I trade in my defense for high dps but if some other class with more defense and way more health can do the same damage I’m just kittened … easy to understand, isn’t it?!
Question is: Why is Anet so blind?! :P
(edited by Swimfan.8014)
And as far as the “just learn how to roll” comment that was made, tell me how rolling helps me at all when almost every warrior in PvP brings longbow so they can just spam combustive shot on point.
Where as classes like Necros can spam mass wells and marks, Engis mass grenades so I don’t get your point with combustive shot.
Read the rest of the thread. I’ll bet you that Necro is still in light armor and that Engineer in medium, and neither are regenerating around 500 hp/s.
Signet of rage paired with Cleansing Ire, Furious, Sharpened Axes, Inspiring Shouts, Versatile Rage, etc. and the basic way adrenaline gain works ensures that you won’t have difficulty building it back up.
Yeah, and Necro has Death Shroud, and with all the water blasting an Engi can do they can heal well over 500 HP/S. We might have heavy armor but it is something like 14% compared to light and 7% compared to medium. And an Engi has decent access to protection which more than makes up for it.
And Signet of Rage is rarely used for the passive so you can’t really count that as adrenaline gain. I would also hope in tourny play they would carry Battle Standard instead.
Nobody carries sharpened axes (let alone uses axe), furious rarely sees a whole lot of play, shouts aren’t really used in PvP.
It is really only one build that is causing people so much grief and that is the hambow build. Most other builds are average at best and can be easily countered.
Death Shroud is nothing with the out of control burst going on. Minor inconvenience at most.
Engineer healing certainly does not calculate to 500 HPS, I would love to see your math on that.
You are saying 14% and 7% like that is nothing.. lol… I’m just going to chalk this up to your signature and assume you are going to defend warrior to the death.
You can do that with a medkit if you use all your skills off cooldown (kinda).
Or with Healing turret if you drop it, overcharge it and then pick it up + Alchemy IX (if you spend most of your time with a kit)
because he doesn’t know it himself
(edited by redslion.9675)
And as far as the “just learn how to roll” comment that was made, tell me how rolling helps me at all when almost every warrior in PvP brings longbow so they can just spam combustive shot on point.
Where as classes like Necros can spam mass wells and marks, Engis mass grenades so I don’t get your point with combustive shot.
Read the rest of the thread. I’ll bet you that Necro is still in light armor and that Engineer in medium, and neither are regenerating around 500 hp/s.
Signet of rage paired with Cleansing Ire, Furious, Sharpened Axes, Inspiring Shouts, Versatile Rage, etc. and the basic way adrenaline gain works ensures that you won’t have difficulty building it back up.
Yeah, and Necro has Death Shroud, and with all the water blasting an Engi can do they can heal well over 500 HP/S. We might have heavy armor but it is something like 14% compared to light and 7% compared to medium. And an Engi has decent access to protection which more than makes up for it.
And Signet of Rage is rarely used for the passive so you can’t really count that as adrenaline gain. I would also hope in tourny play they would carry Battle Standard instead.
Nobody carries sharpened axes (let alone uses axe), furious rarely sees a whole lot of play, shouts aren’t really used in PvP.
It is really only one build that is causing people so much grief and that is the hambow build. Most other builds are average at best and can be easily countered.
Death Shroud is nothing with the out of control burst going on. Minor inconvenience at most.
Engineer healing certainly does not calculate to 500 HPS, I would love to see your math on that.
You are saying 14% and 7% like that is nothing.. lol… I’m just going to chalk this up to your signature and assume you are going to defend warrior to the death.
You can do that with a medkit if you use all your skills off cooldown (kinda).
Or with Healing turret if you drop it, overcharge it and then pick it up + Alchemy IX (if you spend most of your time with a kit)
Drop Bandages from Med Kit:
Drop a pack of bandages that provides a little healing.
Healing: 1,000 (0.5)
So lets assume the 1000 base healing of the 3 drop bandages skills, each with a 12 seconds recharge rate. Assuming you drop one bandage and wait 4 seconds before dropping the next (this will ensure that one of the 3 is always off CD and give equal spacing between them), you are only receiving 250 hp/s. Adding in the regeneration from backpack regenerator, you are still only at 367 hp/s, STILL about ~40 hps less than the base healing from Healing Signet.
However, I suppose you are assuming use of Bandage Self every time it is off CD. So factoring in a base of 4,920 healing every 20 seconds, you can add 246 healing to that. So around 613 hps.
Now… what is wrong with all that?
First off is the obvious fact that it is not healing per second, it is in fact ALL initial healing. So for those claiming that Engineer’s can regenerate this much… you are wrong. On paper, dividing the initial heals out over time results in this much hps, but you would have to be stupid to even compare it to Healing Signet because of two factors.
1) Unless you are a robot, you probably are not going to activate/use these skills at the exact intervals required.
2) They should rename the game Stun Wars (again, the main culprit being warrior) because of how long I find myself not having control of my character. Not sure about anybody else, but I find it pretty hard to heal myself when I’m hugging the dirt. Warrior’s Healing Signet is going.. always.. even during stuns.
Guardian, using food and buffs as the above warrior, gets 2134 healing power:
*Signet of Resolve: 262/s
*Virtue of Resolve: 265/s (affects allies)
*Regeneration: 397/s (affects allies)
*Writ of the Merciful: 134/s (affect allies, I already reduced by half for 50% uptime)Already I’m beating Warriors in healing per second. Add in:
*Selfless Daring: 224/s minimum (1 dodge every 10s, also affects allies)
*Tome of Mercy heals
*Healing utility skill like Sanctuary or Merciful Intervention
*The possibility of rearranging traits to get AH or MFThen guardians have ample access to protection and aegis, as well as blind.
The comparison isn’t even close for pure bunkering. In addition to that, almost all guardian heals affect allies while Warrior just has regen or shouts (not both). Regen may look fancy in a big zerg but you’re totally naive and self-absorbed if you think no one else is bringing regen and regen doesn’t stack intensity.
Also :
Warrior’s bunker is limited to just pure healing. Poison with condi spam and you will get destroyed. I think someone mentioned this, but the only reason warriors seem so OP at the moment is because all of their sustain is in a single skill, healing signet. Give them more access to boons such as protection and whatever then give the signet a nerf. And the ignorance is strong in this thread – Getting a regen of 1000+ literally sacrifices all damage. Banner healing is needed and im pretty sure you cannot hit 1000/sec purely with the signet. Ill say it again so newbies get it this through their thick heads, condi spam or a little dps pressure burst and warriors will fall.
To answer the OP:
- For hard damage in pve with casual wvw, pvp go warrior
- For the high end spvp, gvg, commanding wvw and etc go guardian. Guardians are without a doubt the better bunkerPlease read these and understand before you start crying warrior OP!
The point you are trying to make is adorable, however you forget to mention when faced with the Guardian with all that healing power I also don’t find myself bursted down in 3 seconds, and he also isn’t able to zip across the map when he pleases.
The warrior however, is still going to deal more damage than I will, heal more health than I can take away, and have more mobility than I can keep up with.
Warrior is ridiculous right now, accept it.
Warrior is ridiculous right now, accept it.
The only thing ridiculous about warrior right now is the amount of energy a few people spend complaining about them.
Warrior is ridiculous right now, accept it.
The only thing ridiculous about warrior right now is the amount of energy a few people spend complaining about them.
If it were just a few people complaining, that would be one thing. Maybe you should check your professions forums again and see there is a consensus among the entire community about this. The only thing ridiculous about this is how heavily a few warrior players are defending their class just so they don’t have to be back on a level playing field with the other classes.
Some time soon you might be required to have skill in order to play well! Won’t that suck.
Stop taking MMO PvP seriously.
I’m more interested in knowing what these no-lifers hope to achieve by constantly whining in the GW II subforum. We all know Anet is ignoring you people. And for good reason.
Warrior is ridiculous right now, accept it.
The only thing ridiculous about warrior right now is the amount of energy a few people spend complaining about them.
If it were just a few people complaining, that would be one thing. Maybe you should check your professions forums again and see there is a consensus among the entire community about this. The only thing ridiculous about this is how heavily a few warrior players are defending their class just so they don’t have to be back on a level playing field with the other classes.
Some time soon you might be required to have skill in order to play well! Won’t that suck.
If literally every single person that posted on the Warrior class forum was complaining about Warriors, I would venture that it is still less than 1% of the total GW2 population.
The point you are trying to make is adorable, however you forget to mention when faced with the Guardian with all that healing power I also don’t find myself bursted down in 3 seconds, and he also isn’t able to zip across the map when he pleases.
The warrior however, is still going to deal more damage than I will, heal more health than I can take away, and have more mobility than I can keep up with.
Warrior is ridiculous right now, accept it.
Funny stuff you have here.
You do realize Guardian gives up a portion of effective damage and mobility for the ability to support other allies – there is no class that can help others mitigate damage and heal as well as a guardian.
Please understand that each class has strengths and weaknesses. As a warrior I can almost never support or aid teammates.
Warrior is ridiculous right now, accept it.
The only thing ridiculous about warrior right now is the amount of energy a few people spend complaining about them.
If it were just a few people complaining, that would be one thing. Maybe you should check your professions forums again and see there is a consensus among the entire community about this. The only thing ridiculous about this is how heavily a few warrior players are defending their class just so they don’t have to be back on a level playing field with the other classes.
Some time soon you might be required to have skill in order to play well! Won’t that suck.
It’s always the same people making these sort of threads.
Also – the only thing ridiculous are the claims of " equal playing field" – for 6 months post-release we were the absolute WORST class in the game.
And did any of you " nerf warrior " spammers post anything about it? No. Most of you weren’t even here at release – so please don’t give me balance as a justification.
The moment warrior is nerfed to what you would consider an acceptable level you’ll simply move on to the other class and start spamming " OMG X IS SO OP NERF IT NOW".
This is funny: I’m not a great player, but when I play warrior, I can kill any class (some it’s hard).. of course I die too (a lot lol). But, the most funny is: when I play with my elementalist, engineer or necro, especially the elementalist, I can destroy A LOT of warrios in WvW and sPvP. Like I said: I’m not a great player. This is more a L2P than a “Balance”. I think the hammer damage was exaggerated and ANet fixed this. Ok, everyone is happy now. People have to understand that some traits/skills are nice on paper (the numbers of warriors are great), the theory is cool, but applying it in game is more complex than just theorycrafting. If you look the numbers of my elementalist build you’ll laugh (and I’ll cry), but in game I do well with him.. Some warrior abilities are nice on theory, but just don’t work (this happen with every class). Ok, you can still QQ all day and I’ll still training to give you more reasons to QQ about my class LOL. Ty
This is funny: I’m not a great player, but when I play warrior, I can kill any class (some it’s hard).. of course I die too (a lot lol). But, the most funny is: when I play with my elementalist, engineer or necro, especially the elementalist, I can destroy A LOT of warrios in WvW and sPvP. Like I said: I’m not a great player. This is more a L2P than a “Balance”. I think the hammer damage was exaggerated and ANet fixed this. Ok, everyone is happy now. People have to understand that some traits/skills are nice on paper (the numbers of warriors are great), the theory is cool, but applying it in game is more complex than just theorycrafting. If you look the numbers of my elementalist build you’ll laugh (and I’ll cry), but in game I do well with him.. Some warrior abilities are nice on theory, but just don’t work (this happen with every class). Ok, you can still QQ all day and I’ll still training to give you more reasons to QQ about my class LOL. Ty
That´s a fine point. There´s always a difference between theory and the final result.
I play either a warrior or an engi for most of the time and i can honestly say, that while my warrior gets destroyed quite a lot in PvP and WvW, my engi doesn´t have the problem.
And i don´t see where the warrior should be soooooo OP. MY engi has more mobility, more condi and at least the same amount of CC, as my warrior.
Honestly, I’ve wasted enough breath trying to respond to these clowns with logic ... trying to defend this class to death? Lol that is a good one. I am just trying to defend this class from being overnerfed to pretty much the worst class that they once were by losers whom all they seem to do his whine and complain. I am sure that is what many of my fellow warriors are trying to do as well.
If that is defending the warrior to death then so be it then, although I have said that Healing Signet and Mobility should be toned a little bit. It’s funny that most of these people that complain about the Warrior being OP were probably the ones that never supported or called for any Warrior buffs pre-Cleansing Ire state. I guess they wanted us to remain the punching bag but when things got evened up they cry.
Hi seems I am late to the argument, all of your points are fairly confusing though not once has anyone said if this is a 1v1 problem or a Team PvP problem.
Last time I checked this game is all about teamwork, if you have a bad team your going to have a bad time, a stun warrior that knows what his doing knows his there to keep you standing still whilst his other teammates can get rid of you. Now this is in a team-based situation so in this situation if your being targeted by the warrior and need assistance thad be a good time for your palls to peel for you/immob/stun people chasing you. and well…in a 1v1 situation the job title is called “stun warrior” not “cuddly warrior of doom” so unless you have limitless evades, stability, or stun breaks (or some serious spike damage and blinds) it is a build your not supposed to beat 1v1 because it involves locking at the very least 1 person down. Not saying its unbeatable 1v1 of course because I have lost my fair share of side point battles to thiefs, mesmers, and engineers.