Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: milo.6942


Please move this back to spvp forum. The intent is to get their feedback.

I want to collect ideas from the sPvP forum for how to make the warrior not suck.
Everyone is welcome.

I have set up some online spreadsheets so everyone can add their ideas for trait and skill redesigns. They need to be cleaned up a bit first (especially the skill one — feel free to help). I am at work atm, but I wanted to get the ball rolling. Anyone can edit the spreadsheets, please don’t be kitten

Bad trait idea: “weapon x deals x% more damage” (boring, and “must have” for whatever weapon)
Bad trait idea: “You have a 10% chance to gain boon/quickness/whatever whenever something happens” (rng is lazy design and takes skill out of the picture)
Good trait idea: “Whenever you cause bleeding, you lose 2 bleeds. Can only trigger once every 3 seconds.” (helps warrior vs conditions & helps promote warrior condition builds)

Maybe the devs will take some ideas from us, maybe not. But at least we can say we tried.

Add your suggestions for each trait & skill in an empty cell to the right.

Warrior Traits Spreadsheet:

Warrior Skills Spreadsheet:

You can sign your name in your cells if you want credit.

If someone has already added something similar to what you want, just add a post here to show support and suggest small changes.

Update 1: I’m almost done cleaning skill sheet up. Lots of people have contributed ideas for traits, with Short Temper, Distracting Strikes, and Mobile Strikes getting more love than others.

Update 2: Good idea — change “invisible” passives into equivalent “visible” boons wherever feasible.

(edited by milo.6942)

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: zone.1073


Discussion: The fact that slows cut all of the Warrior’s movement ability ranges by HALF (-50% range decrease!) means that cripples and chills are too hyper effective versus Warriors. Because slows are so easily accessible for every class (practically every weapon has a slow built in), and because Warrior’s movement skills have naturally long recharge times, Warriors should be given more options for cleansing slows. Warriors are still susceptible to being killed by condition damage, but they should not be totally impaired by them.

Mobile Strikes: Movement skills cleanse movement impairments (cripples, chills, in addition to immobilizes).

New trait: Spending Adrenaline heals the Warrior for 2.5k HP.

New trait: Spending Adrenaline cleanses 1 condition.

Healing Signet active: Heals the Warrior and cleanses all movement impairments.

New healing skill or elite = Into the Fray: Heals the Warrior and readies them for an epic encounter; heal scales based on the amount of enemies nearby up to a maximum of 5 (the more enemies = more danger = larger heal. Less enemies = less heal).

New Banner Skill = Stow Banner: Carry the banner on the player’s back, enabling the player to use all normal weapon skills while retaining the banner’s passives. Toggle again to gain access to the banner skills.

(edited by zone.1073)

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: Defektive.7283


just scrap the class and start over.

tPvP Warrior
Team Blacklisted [Envy]

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: Khyras.8021


If bunkers must exist, warrior should be best bunker in the game. Guardian for example is better bunker than a warrior because of boons, not because he is healthier or tougher. So, toughness efficiency needs to go up for warriors and toughness should also mitigate portion of condition damage.
Generally speaking, if you have pvp with 2 roles, bunker and dps, then you should be forced to sacrifice one for the other, and atm that is not the case for all classes, mainly because you cannot mitigate condition damage, you can remove condition but for most classes conditions are spammable. Bunkering up then relying on condition dmg for the kill should not be allowed imo.

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: R E F L H E X.8413

R E F L H E X.8413

just scrap the class and start over.

New game.


I must’ve missed the sign that said it was a fire sale.

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: milo.6942


Mobile Strikes: Movement skills cleanse movement impairments (cripples, chills, in addition to immobilizes).

I think this is a bit too OP. Maybe only remove 1 of these conditions with each movement skill. However, I think this still needs work because it basically favors GS the most.

New trait: Spending Adrenaline cleanses 1 condition.

I think this is interesting. Choice: wait for full burst or do smaller burst now to remove a fat stack of condis.

New healing skill or elite = Into the Fray: Heals the Warrior and readies them for an epic encounter; heal scales based on the amount of enemies nearby up to a maximum of 5 (the more enemies = more danger = larger heal. Less enemies = less heal).

This type of Mechanic is needed for teamfights and I think it’s a good basis for many other scaling skills too.

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: Valkyriez.6578


Guardians may be the best bunkers but thier dps role is in a worse spot then warriors have ever been. People rate the. As effective based on being a bunker and that’s it.

Try playing a great sword dps guardian. It’s like playing a warrior but with 15k health and zero toughness.

Warriors are better off with the quick was nerf. Now some other builds will come out and not be 100B reliant. Balanced build with soldiers amulet and control skills. Sure, might not be the best roamer, but will be a great team fighter.

Or we could spend all day pretending to redesign it or whinge about it just for arena net to ignore it.

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Guardians may be the best bunkers but thier dps role is in a worse spot then warriors have ever been. People rate the. As effective based on being a bunker and that’s it.

Try playing a great sword dps guardian. It’s like playing a warrior but with 15k health and zero toughness.

Warriors are better off with the quick was nerf. Now some other builds will come out and not be 100B reliant. Balanced build with soldiers amulet and control skills. Sure, might not be the best roamer, but will be a great team fighter.

Or we could spend all day pretending to redesign it or whinge about it just for arena net to ignore it.

As you playing Guardian and think a dps guard should play with GS (riddicolous joke) means you copy pasted a bunker build and never played something different. DPS guard is used in some top teams from EU, and their burst is about 10-14k. weapons are secepter/torch and sword/focus.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: milo.6942


Lots of good ideas for traits. I’ll add a couple of my own after I finish cleaning up skill sheet.

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: Rieselle.5079


Whilst tweaking the traits and skills would be good too, I’d like to start with a new class mechanic instead, because Warriors are just a bit too simple and boring.

- A warrior can use a skill that’s on cooldown. This consumes one bar of adrenaline.
(if this is too OP, then there are various alternatives for toning it down in the thread.)

I enjoy the thief’s initiative-based gameplay of “use whatever skills I want, whenever I want.” And I’d like to bring a flavour of that to the warrior. And warriors need more interesting mechanics around adrenaline.

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: milo.6942


Rieselle, that’s interesting, but we are more likely to get real change by proposing tweaks to existing mechanics. I would favor updates to traits and skills that revolve around max bursts/small bursts/maintaining adrenaline; there’s still a lot of interesting things that can be done there.

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: violentlycar.5267


Is Warrior actually fundamentally bad? If the metagame didn’t involve massive amounts of sustain and overtuned evasion skills, would he really be so far behind?

Maguuma – plays Asuras with various permutations of the name “Viocar”

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: IDarko.4709


+1 for

Increase damage by 12%/9%/3% as adrenaline fills (promotes adrenaline use) -Ottohi

Added some myself. Hope they are saved,

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]
Gandara – WvW Warrior

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: milo.6942


Hello all, I’m beginning to add my own ideas for traits. One thing I think would be a good idea is to reduce the amount of “invisible” traits. The boon system is a good “visual” replacement for many of the traits available. E.G. instead of “+10% damage while wielding a greatsword”, a more visible equivalent might be “each time you strike a foe with a greatsword you gain might for 10 seconds (5 sec cooldown)” (or whatever the equivalent of 10% damage increase in terms of might would be like.

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: IDarko.4709


How is that good? Boons can be stripped and a lot of warriors alrdy get 25 might stacks in no time. Yeah, i’m talking PvE/WvW groups here but we gotta think about the balance as a whole as well.

Dius Vanguard [DiVa]
Gandara – WvW Warrior

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: Obly.9243


Step 1: Split PvE/WvW from PvP completely!
Step 2: Major and Minor trait revision / redesign.
Step 3: Fix Armor scaling vs Damage output in general (PvP)
Step 4: Weapon skills revision (Both normal and Burst GS F1 LOL)
Step 5: Be surprised if they’d get this far by now.

wtf…skyham….all is vain

(edited by Obly.9243)

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: milo.6942


@IDarko Mostly in consideration of opposing team.

  • because they can be stripped, the enemy has a chance to counter it
  • because they can be seen, they can determine if the player is more of a threat than usual “he has 10 might stacks so I will cc him because he is probably a threat to my team”

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: PowerBottom.5796



1) Throw Bolas: Either reduce CD by 5 Seconds, make the Bola Fly 20% Faster or make it insta-cast.
Reasoning: Atm. Bolas only really hit if you’ve already stunned/immobilized an opponent and even if the War itself lands certain immobilizes/stuns, the Bola is often too slow anyways.
My Fav would be the Instacast, it could open up some strong Chains the War definitely needs to be useful.

2) Kick: Either Reduce CD by 10 seconds, double the range it Lunges towards the Enemy or make it Stun/Knockdown
Reasoning: It’s simply way too useless atm. With only 10 seconds CD, you could maybe interrupt Heals and pressure a bit, more Range would give the War more Moverability on the Battlefield, which is one of the biggest Problems of the War atm IMHO and the Stun/Knockdown-Option would just be a very good addition to the War as a CC-Char.
My Fav is doubling the Lunge.

3) Signet of Stamina: This could actually be a pretty useful Utility, because both Endurance and Condition-Removal are things the Warrior doesn’t get all too easily. Atm. it’s just way too bad though. I’d say double the Endurance-Reg on the passive and make the active a Stunbreaker.
Reasoning: It’s just bad atm and atm. almost every class gets perma-vigor practically thrown at them and few classes have worse Condition-Removal than the War.

4) Frenzy: Reduce the Cooldown to 15 Seconds (in GW1, it had an even lower CD, but only gave 33% attack-speed) and the Duration of the Quickness to 3 seconds, while increasing the duration of Frenzy to 6 Seconds.
Reasoning: With the higher CD and shorter Duration of Quickness, it should be on par with GW1. There should also be no Problem with DPS being dished out too fast, because with the Quickness-nerf, there are other classes that have stronger bursts. Also, it gives the War an interesting feel of constantly weighing risk VS reward, while also making his spikes a more constant threat, but not as high as before and with an increased drawback. There should be no doubt that Frenzy has to be treated a bit differently than the other Quickness-Skills, because it has BY FAR the biggest drawback. Frenzy should be kind of the Class-Mechanic of the War and I see no Problem in making that happen.


1) Inspiring Shouts: I liked the Idea someone had that it should give the War a bit of Endurance back as well. Probably 25-50%
Reasoning: Again, the War has few ways of getting Endurance and although I like using Shouts on the War and I don’t think that they are weak, they are just not strong enough to justify playing a Warrior in almost any role atm.

(edited by PowerBottom.5796)

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

How is that good? Boons can be stripped and a lot of warriors alrdy get 25 might stacks in no time. Yeah, i’m talking PvE/WvW groups here but we gotta think about the balance as a whole as well.

Balance as a whole

This is why we suck in sPvP. Because mobs are stupid and do not mitigate damage like a player and in WvW you have insane stats.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: Liewec.2896


“Forceful Greatsword” (Gain might on critical hit with a greatsword)
needs to change to a universal crit=might with any weapon to encourage variety.

“Rampage” needs a complete overhaul to be on par with things like “Lich Form”
currently you’ll deal less damage than great sword auto attacks and it will block your healing skill and utility bar.

“Staggering Blow” (hammer skill)
needs t be usable while moving.

healing skills
need to be higher healing to match other classes, currently we have longer cooldowns and less healing

could-be-interesting idea,
banners should count as offhand weapons and banner skill 2 and 3 (since the other 3 are filler skills anyway) should replace skill 4 and 5 (offhand slots) on your skill bar.
this would allow for interesting sword/axe/mace builds with a banner.

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: Jzaku.9765


Oh hey this thread got moved to the warr subforums

There goes any remote chance whatsoever it’s getting read by anet because all they expect out of this subforums are people patting each other on the back about their 27-32k 100blades damage

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: Rommy.9875


HB while moving with new animations. Stomp with stun or knockdown and 800range.(like heroic leap in wow)This will help to gap-close, do damage and will increase fun of warrior gameplay through much more dynamics.

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: milo.6942


I’m pretty disappointed this got moved to warrior subforum. I posted in spvp with the implicit intention to get feedback from spvp players. Please move it back. I will edit the title to match.

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Oh hey this thread got moved to the warr subforums

There goes any remote chance whatsoever it’s getting read by anet because all they expect out of this subforums are people patting each other on the back about their 27-32k 100blades damage

I do more than 32k damage. That means I’m the better player!

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: Mayan.7164


HB while moving with new animations. Stomp with stun or knockdown and 800range.(like heroic leap in wow)This will help to gap-close, do damage and will increase fun of warrior gameplay through much more dynamics.

Totally agree with you. Stomp need to be a ranged attack. Only this change open a new world of possibilities, new builds, new combos and the most important thing, improves the warrior combat mobility.

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578




Gain (65-100) health each adrenaline strike.
Hammer/Mace skills give multiple strikes of adrenaline since they are slower.

Cure a condition when you fill a row of adrenaline.


1 Gaining Might (small) and Protection (large) when using a hammer.
2 Gaining Regeneration (large) and Protection (small.) when using a shield.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

(edited by Daecollo.9578)

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Forceful Weaponry (Changed from Forceful Greatsword.)
Gain ‘1’ Might for 4s on critical hit with a Two-handed weapon. All Two-handed weapon skills recharge 20% faster.

Two-Handed Power (Changed from Slashing Power.)
Two-Handed weapon damage is increased by 10%.

Master of Arms (Changed from Blademaster.)
Critical-hit chance with one-handed weapons is increased by 15%.

Merciless Hammer
Reduces incoming damage by 15% and gain might for 15 seconds every 3 seconds, as long as you wield a hammer.

Crack Shot
Rifle and harpoon gun shots pierce.

Shield Master
Reduces incoming damage by 15% while using a shield. Shield skills recharge 20% faster.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

(edited by Daecollo.9578)

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: Ottohi.2871


Can someone get all these ideas into the spreadsheets?

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: Rakshael.4361


Please move this back into the sPvP forum. This is not a rage or whine-filled thread, and most of the suggestions in the spreadsheet are genuinely well thought-out. This hasn’t been made with the viewpoint of “CHANGE ALL OF THESE NAOW” but rather with the mindset of suggestions and ways to make many, if not most, warrior traits and weapons viable.

Genesis Theory [GT] (HoD)

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: robocafaz.9017


I threw my two cents all over the place there.

Deany Kong – #magswag
Head Deany Kong of Deany and the Kongs [Kong]

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Mobile Strikes: Movement skills cleanse movement impairments (cripples, chills, in addition to immobilizes).

New Banner Skill = Stow Banner: Carry the banner on the player’s back, enabling the player to use all normal weapon skills while retaining the banner’s passives. Toggle again to gain access to the banner skills.


And change HB.
Remove the root, remove last hit, channel time down to 2s.

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: Varyag.3751


1. Make Stomp a ground-targeted leap skill.
2. Give Kick a stun.
3. Frenzy should have a quicker cooldown, even if it means removing the stun break – see post by PowerBottom.5796.
4. Combine Stronger Bowstrings and Burning Arrows, use left over trait slot for x% critical chance for each boon on enemy.
5. Hundred Blades and Staggering Blow while moving.
6. Traits for condition removal, heals or boons when adrenaline is spent, to encourage it’s use.
7. Trait for boon removal on critical hit, with internal cooldown.
8. Mobile Strikes also removes cripple.
9. Signet of Stamina should have passive condition removal tick each ten seconds, when active should restore one bar of endurance.
10. Throw Bolas decreased recharge time by five seconds.
11. Banners should be able to be carried on back by toggling the skill. While on your back it would grant normal passive effects but not allow you to use it’s skills.

I play Warrior, Guardian, Elementalist and Thief.

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: Rakshael.4361


9. Signet of Stamina should have passive condition removal tick each ten seconds, when active should restore one bar of endurance.

Don’t fix what isn’t broken. This is one of the few very good warrior skills, and if anything needs to refill endurance faster, should it need a change to begin with. No one would ever activate a signet to restore one bar of endurance, either.

Focus on where the issues are: Lack of sufficient DPS sources and survivability to make up for the warrior’s lack of any significant gimmick (stealth, clones, pets, etc).

Genesis Theory [GT] (HoD)

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: Sovereign.1093


Warriors should have a fist type weapon, where it does rampage like attacks. Would be so awesome if not fun.

[Salt] Heavy Loot Bag

Always Loyal

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: Varyag.3751


Don’t fix what isn’t broken. This is one of the few very good warrior skills, and if anything needs to refill endurance faster, should it need a change to begin with. No one would ever activate a signet to restore one bar of endurance, either.

That’s in addition to, not instead of, what it already does. Currently it’s alright, but not great.

I play Warrior, Guardian, Elementalist and Thief.

(edited by Varyag.3751)

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: Jonwar.9205


Make warrior movement skills unaffected by slows or make them equally effected by swiftness (basically make them cancel each other out).

Put something, anything in place of the 3% burst damage.

Fix tactic minor traits.

Increase speed of movement skills an bolas so they actually hit occasionally (10-30%).

See where we’re at after that.

Hurr Durr Blades – PvP Warrior
Jangeol – WvW Warrior

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: Bulde.3728


just scrap the class and start over.

Agree. Or at least do something viable. Currently, warrs are a joke. Its my style of play…but its weak weak weak. Its very sad because I WANT to play my warrior….but alas if I do, you are kind of the running joke. What are the devs going to do to remedy this issue?

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: Kajetan.3146


Frenzy nerf killed the only viable warrior spec

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: Interpret Interrupt.3824

Interpret Interrupt.3824

Buff bolas pathing and we will be back.

K Pop
The Warrior, The Necro, The F1 Connoisseur

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: Samulus.3025


Wish we could get a sticky on this, I think the devs need to see this.

A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn no other way. – Mark Twain

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


My two biggest concerns as a warrior as of right now is our lack of condition mitigation and lack of reason to use Adrenaline skills.

1. Tactics minor traits: rather that useless revival buffs they should all be changed to deal with conditions. 5 could reduce the duration of movement debuffs. 15 could remove 1 condition for each bar of adrenaline used for a maximum of 3. 15 could make you immune to conditions for a few seconds at 25% health with a lengthy cooldown.

2. Signet of Stamina: Have the passive reduce the duration of conditions by a certain amount depending on the condition. This combined with some points in Tactics would allow us to remove or resist conditions without directly ripping off guardians (Although a lot of my ideas take inspiration from them) because it focuses on reducing the duration or conditions rather than outright removing them. I feel it would work with ANets vision that warriors “power through” conditions.

Encouraging the use of Adrenaline attacks
My idea to have the 15 minor Tactics trait remove one condition per bar of adrenaline used would help greatly in encouraging the use of adrenaline, but improvements to the attacks themselves will also help.

Greatsword: This one has been heavily debated, and we know ANet has been kicking around the idea. One popular suggestion would be to switch the location of 100b and Arching Strike. This could be an interesting idea but I think that would require making changes to 100b. One thing to try would be slightly reducing the amount of damage it does while giving you the ability to move while using it, although still have it be less than normal walking speed so it would still encourage setting the attack up.

They could also simply change the effect of Arching Strike. Perhaps have it give warriors a boon that warriors don’t typically have easy access to, retaliation. In combination with the trait Spiked Armor and having points in the tactics line with the trait changes I suggested it would be feasible for a warrior to bunker and have some similarity to guardian, but instead of protection and Aegis they would use their toughness and high health pool, allowing them to preform the same role but in different ways.

Mace: Skull cracks’ one advantage over Earth Shaker is it’s speed and less obvious animation. I think the only change I would make is adding weakness to it so that it can keep it applied more consistently, since the trait deals more damage to weakened foes and in combination with Cull the Weak you have the option for both DPS mace and bunker mace.

Sword: I’d like flurry except that hitting with the full attack doesn’t actually do much damage even with the bleeds taken into account. Perhaps reduce the nmber of bleeds applied to a max of 6 and give the actually attack more damage, but not enough to compare to say Eviscerate.

Axe: This one is tricky, I for one love having Unsuspecting Foe with an Axe/Shield, Bashing them followed by a 100% crit chance Eviscerate. However, since they nerfed it’s overall damage it has become less appealing especially due to its bugginess vs moving foes. So, why not steal a mechanic from thieves and truly make it a finishing blow. Have the attack do more damage the less health the target has, like Heartseeker. This would force a much more tactical use of the skill in addition to being useful against bunkers.

Killshot: Another tricky one. I like the idea of it being a slow but hard hitting attack. I say keep it as it is and fix Bolas so that they travel faster so they can actually land without having to CC the foe first. They can still dodge out of the way while immobilized but it gives the player a greater chance of hitting. Rifle 1 should also have bleed removed and given higher base damage, making it a true burst weapon and not some half-and-half hybrid so you could make a build with it as your primary so you don’t simply use 3 and F1 and switch.

Hammer/Longbow: I like both of these skills as they are, perhaps make Earth Shaker actually land a bit faster and fix the, I suppose it’s a bug, where you leap in place and then suddenly appear where you had attacked.

Other changes that would be nice
- I would like to see bleed stacking be made comparable to what Rangers can do only with a sword. Because you have to be within melee range I don’t think it be unfair to rangers to allow warrior to spec for condition damage as well. I have tried to make this work several times before but it just isn’t anywhere near as good as running say an axe or GS.

- Continue to encourage new playstyles, it seems that they want Dual sword and longbow to be a thing considering they added bleed to pin down and Longbow with a sigil of earth means Dual shot could apply 2 bleeds at a time, but dual shot is still so slow that it still doesn’t feel useable.

Wow…I wrote a lot there. Hope this gets back on to SPvP or we take all the best suggestions are repost it.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: vapor.5390


Like everyone said, buff bolas. It wouldnt make sense if there was no change of dodging it, skill like that would be way too op and everything would be builded around bolas duration. But rather make it unreflectable and unblockable. Ofc you could make it land faster but then nobody could srsly dodge it anymore, anyway bolas need buff and im sure everyone prefer dodging over blocking . Then there would still be change to survive it by using dodge/removing it or spending some immunity spell on it. Its not good that most of the classes can rely on countless random/lucky blocks and reflects or even minions to destroy warriors most effective grounding skill(pvp should not be that easy). As a return you could lower bolas rudation slightly to prevent some 5+sec immobilises.

Whirlind attack might be better by reducing yet increasing it to always hit 2 times no matter the distance where it hits the target. It still gives the further target more advantage becouse he can still dodge/or use some other skill for it, if not then lower its speeds slightly.

But honestly, warriors doesnt need or deserve anymore condition removals. Who the hell want to play with condition builds anymore if everyone can cure them, solution to make profession good again is not to make countless of build options worthless.

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: BurrTheKing.8571


Like everyone said, buff bolas. It wouldnt make sense if there was no change of dodging it, skill like that would be way too op and everything would be builded around bolas duration. But rather make it unreflectable and unblockable. Ofc you could make it land faster but then nobody could srsly dodge it anymore, anyway bolas need buff and im sure everyone prefer dodging over blocking . Then there would still be change to survive it by using dodge/removing it or spending some immunity spell on it. Its not good that most of the classes can rely on countless random/lucky blocks and reflects or even minions to destroy warriors most effective grounding skill(pvp should not be that easy). As a return you could lower bolas rudation slightly to prevent some 5+sec immobilises.

Whirlind attack might be better by reducing yet increasing it to always hit 2 times no matter the distance where it hits the target. It still gives the further target more advantage becouse he can still dodge/or use some other skill for it, if not then lower its speeds slightly.

But honestly, warriors doesnt need or deserve anymore condition removals. Who the hell want to play with condition builds anymore if everyone can cure them, solution to make profession good again is not to make countless of build options worthless.

We don’t want to make condition builds pointless, we want to make it so that they don’t totally destroy warriors unless we spec so much into condition removal with soldier runes that our DPS is terrible while still not being as good of bunkers as Guardians.

What’s worse with soldier runes is that you may be less inclined to spam FGJ because you want to have it for a condition removal. Even with full runes of Lyssa and a Signet of Stamina conditions will still destroy you. Not to mention Lyssa is a crappy rune if you want to run DPS.

Mending isn’t anywhere near as good as Surge, it heals for so much less and the 2 conditions it removes will just be placed back on right away. Condition builds should still be able to kill warriors if the player is better, but it shouldn’t be a free kill like it currently tends to be.

Just an angry old man…

Old Man Burr (War), Bad Hat Ben (Engi), Manly Manny Manson (Guard)

Forum Project - sPvP Warrior Redesign

in Warrior

Posted by: Buzzcrave.6197
