Robert Gee Appreciation Thread
Thanks for not changing the usefulness of the necros in meta groups. Those people don’t care about turning Buffs into Conditions, they want stealth, swiftness and might buffs, blast finishers and useful fields. But the warrior looks great…. as always.. Sorry I’m working through the steps of grief, i’m on step 2 now which is anger
Thanks for making the a op class even more op. Might as well call this warrior wars 2. All the others save necro where great. Now it’s like you don’t care for anything but the war..... Let’s hope all the med armors get something just as good as the war.
Thanks for making the a op class even more op. Might as well call this warrior wars 2. All the others save necro where great. Now it’s like you don’t care for anything but the war….. Let’s hope all the med armors get something just as good as the war.
So would you like to explain where Warrior is OP exactly?
Spvp? Warrior isn’t even meta right now. I think warrior is still good in spvp after the Rampage nerfs, but its clearly not op there anymore.
WvW? Warrior is part of the Meta, but its no better then the other 4 classes that are also Meta.
Pve? Yup, I agree Warriors are pretty much OP in dungeons due to PS. But Berserker really doesn’t change PS builds that much, so complaining that Warrior is OP and gets even more OP seems like an odd complaint there.
So where exactly is the OP warrior getting more OP?
I really hope Robert is working on Druid as well, so far Reaper Chronomancer and Berserker look amazing.
I love how METAL it is. mad Deathklok vibes. so good.
also, skull rack is going to be insane with headbutt.
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
(edited by choovanski.5462)
I just love the concepts of those three classes. It all fits really well, skills, traits and the overall feel. In comparison the dragonhunter and tempest are a bit lacking conceptually.
Numbers and such can be changed and will be changed as seen with the BWE’s feedback.
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!
Not a fan of his ‘designs’. Chronomancer is Mesmer 2.0, Reaper is Necro 2.0 and now Berserker is Warrior 2.0. It’s more of the same, especially in the case of the Reaper as the core profession is so lacking. With the Berserker everything is in the wrong direction.
To really get use out of the spec you need to be running a condition build. Most of the primal bursts just got changed into a condition focus (burning on greatsword, really?) or made unnecessarily different like Combustive Shot or Earthshaker. The only utility worth using is the elite and maybe the heal as Warrior is a joke without the current meta utilities in PvP, and they don’t do anything for PvE where ‘selfish’ is just another word for useless.
This first round of Elite Specs has been disappointingly unimaginative so far. They don’t change how the professions play and struggle to contend with existing core specialisations. I can only hope the medium armour ones step it up.
How about you all wait until you actually play the elite specialization before threads like this…
How about you all wait until you actually play the elite specialization before threads like this…
See the Mesmer/Chronomancer forums.
Whatever Robert touches, turns to gold.
How about you all wait until you actually play the elite specialization before threads like this…
See the Mesmer/Chronomancer forums.
Whatever Robert touches, turns to gold.
Mesmer was already OP. Warrior is not. Thats the difference.
How about you all wait until you actually play the elite specialization before threads like this…
See the Mesmer/Chronomancer forums.
Whatever Robert touches, turns to gold.
Mesmer was already OP. Warrior is not. Thats the difference.
You literally know nothing about Mesmers or the Chronomancer elite spec by saying that.
To put things in a very simple statement for you, Robert designed Chronomancer, Reaper, and Berserker which change how each core class works and the abilities and traits were well thought out and flow with each specialization.
How about you all wait until you actually play the elite specialization before threads like this…
See the Mesmer/Chronomancer forums.
Whatever Robert touches, turns to gold.
Mesmer was already OP. Warrior is not. Thats the difference.
You literally know nothing about Mesmers or the Chronomancer elite spec by saying that.
To put things in a very simple statement for you, Robert designed Chronomancer, Reaper, and Berserker which change how each core class works and the abilities and traits were well thought out and flow with each specialization.
Mesmer was already one of the most powerful classes. Nothing they got in their Elite Specialization was replaced. They only gained.
Necromancer had stuff replaced. Go back and look at the Necromancer elite specialization beta feedback thread. Had lots of issues. Only good skills were RS and for pve. I wont even go there. You can read it for yourself.
Warrior gains a new berserker skill, but still at the core the same underpowered class that it was nerfed into. Warrior is not Mesmer. Warrior is not Ele. Warrior is Warrior.
like i said, best to wait until you play the Elite Specialization before jumping the gun with threads like this.
Get ready for another 2 years of “Berserker full zerker or kick”, thanks Robert.
1 week ago Roy Cronacher said about Revenant “well, we can’t have everything”, justifying Revenant’s weakness to condition damage.
Then yesterday Berserker stream:
Rubi: “You can’t have everything.”
Hugh: “Well, we can have a lot of things.”
That’s the same kitten reasoning that gave us Ele and Mesmer.
Of course people are upset about Tempest, Ele can already cover any role and do anything, Tempest cannot literally add anything to a class that can already do everything.
Back on Berserker, you can pop a rifle F1 and do 6k damage on 5 targets + 3.5k damage on 25 targets + aoe burning on 25+ targets, and if they already had burning you also spread it with explosion trait up to 125 targets, and ONLY if they add the 5 targets limit, currently it’s not even limited., I mean, even WITH the 5 targets limit it’s going to deal up to 125 hits.
How to 1hit kill a zerk group: the class.
See reaction pic.
(edited by Kidel.2057)
As warrior main, I cannot complain, it looks really awesome and I am grateful for this elite spec as it could have been fail, which is definitely not! I cannot wait to finally test it in next beta warrior masterrace, as always.
As warrior main, I cannot complain, it looks really awesome and I am grateful for this elite spec as it could have been fail, which is definitely not! I cannot wait to finally test it in next beta
warrior masterrace, as always.
expect many deserved nerfs for the sake of this game and don’t complain when they arrive.
The sodium levels of some of these replies would be most lethal if consumed.
Not a fan of his ‘designs’. Chronomancer is Mesmer 2.0, Reaper is Necro 2.0 and now Berserker is Warrior 2.0. It’s more of the same, especially in the case of the Reaper as the core profession is so lacking. With the Berserker everything is in the wrong direction.
To really get use out of the spec you need to be running a condition build. Most of the primal bursts just got changed into a condition focus (burning on greatsword, really?) or made unnecessarily different like Combustive Shot or Earthshaker. The only utility worth using is the elite and maybe the heal as Warrior is a joke without the current meta utilities in PvP, and they don’t do anything for PvE where ‘selfish’ is just another word for useless.
This first round of Elite Specs has been disappointingly unimaginative so far. They don’t change how the professions play and struggle to contend with existing core specialisations. I can only hope the medium armour ones step it up.
I see your point, but at least they offer viable and interesting gameplay through new mechanics, skills, and traits, unlike Tempest and Dragonhunter that might as well go back to the drawing board due to their overall uselessness, despite their creativity.
Basically my point is that Gee is good because he makes viable new specs, while the Non-Gee ones are bad because they’re unviable.
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..
Not a fan of his ‘designs’. Chronomancer is Mesmer 2.0, Reaper is Necro 2.0 and now Berserker is Warrior 2.0. It’s more of the same, especially in the case of the Reaper as the core profession is so lacking. With the Berserker everything is in the wrong direction.
To really get use out of the spec you need to be running a condition build. Most of the primal bursts just got changed into a condition focus (burning on greatsword, really?) or made unnecessarily different like Combustive Shot or Earthshaker. The only utility worth using is the elite and maybe the heal as Warrior is a joke without the current meta utilities in PvP, and they don’t do anything for PvE where ‘selfish’ is just another word for useless.
This first round of Elite Specs has been disappointingly unimaginative so far. They don’t change how the professions play and struggle to contend with existing core specialisations. I can only hope the medium armour ones step it up.
I don’t play these classes, so I’m honestly asking…
- Do Warriors have a viable condi build?
- Do Necros have a viable melee power build? (Something beyond deathshroud 1 spam)
- Can Mesmer play a meaningful support role? (In PvP)
In the case of Mesmer (which I do play) the answer is: not really. The new elite does strengthen current builds (shatter/condi/lockdown) but it also offers the possibility of much stronger support as well as a type of lockdown for PvE.
Another question or two.. What game has an expansion that doesn’t boost the classes?
What do Eles gain from Tempest?
Edit: Careful.. this coincidentally similar thread got locked.
Learn 2 Play Mesmer Here! || Lookit! Gots me a youtube!
Mesmer Personality Quiz! Exclamation Points!
Necromancer had stuff replaced. Go back and look at the Necromancer elite specialization beta feedback thread. Had lots of issues. Only good skills were RS and for pve. I wont even go there. You can read it for yourself.
like i said, best to wait until you play the Elite Specialization before jumping the gun with threads like this.
And if you went back to the necro forums you would see that they addressed many of the issues that people had with Reaper. Most of the necros seem happy and excited to try reaper out again in the next beta.
(edited by xarallei.4279)
Mad props to Robert Gee! Thematically its golden. Looks viable in condi, power, and hybrid.
5/5 Would run
+1 to the original purpose of this thread. Robert seems to be on a roll, and Berserker looks like it will be lots of fun to play.
I hadn’t decided if I was going to buy HoT (only because I spend most of my time running a warrior in wvw these days, and wasn’t sure if it’d bring anything new to the parts of the game I play), but this probably clinches it for me.
As for whether the new spec is OP, I guess we’ll have to see. I’m fully in support of toning it down if it turns out to be out of hand. I just love the addition of another mechanic to the warrior chassis and a trait line that can work well with a range of builds.
Ehmry Bay | Omg Brb Icecream Truck (ICEE)
well the elite does looks cool!
But dont forget that we have to drop a traitline.
Still cant deside wich one:
Strength = 40% dmg lost for GS (and might stacking)
Defense = lost of condition cleansing and extra sustain from defypain/adrn health.
Discp= no fst hand/no warrior sprint and more
Wished that guy did tempest… ;(
Get ready for another 2 years of “Berserker full zerker or kick”, thanks Robert.
1 week ago Roy Cronacher said about Revenant “well, we can’t have everything”, justifying Revenant’s weakness to condition damage.
Then yesterday Berserker stream:
Rubi: “You can’t have everything.”
Hugh: “Well, we can have a lot of things.”That’s the same kitten reasoning that gave us Ele and Mesmer.
Of course people are upset about Tempest, Ele can already cover any role and do anything, Tempest cannot literally add anything to a class that can already do everything.Back on Berserker, you can pop a rifle F1 and do 6k damage on 5 targets + 3.5k damage on 25 targets + aoe burning on 25+ targets, and if they already had burning you also spread it with explosion trait up to 125 targets, and ONLY if they add the 5 targets limit, currently it’s not even limited., I mean, even WITH the 5 targets limit it’s going to deal up to 125 hits.
How to 1hit kill a zerk group: the class.
See reaction pic.
This is pretty much false info!
The image you show looks like 1 hit take down those golems, but if you pause before the killshot hit you see the golems at the center and front where already good as dead.
People like you are in the same category like those saying, warriors are OP because they have the most health/armor…
damage on selected golem was done in 1 hit, and if there were more golems the skill would have hit them too with rifle penetration. That skill has no limit, even if they add a 5 targets limit it will still hit up to 125 targets, with multiple hits on many of them
damage on selected golem was done in 1 hit, and if there were more golems the skill would have hit them too with rifle penetration. That skill has no limit, even if they add a 5 targets limit it will still hit up to 125 targets, with multiple hits on many of them
C’mon Kidel – Proof that you’re wrong.
At 19:29 you can see the damage against full health golems. The splash damage isn’t as crazy as you’re making it out to be. At 19:34 you can see that the entire mob of golems are near death and NOT at full health as Kidel would like you to believe.
Please stop spreading misinformation.
That being said they obviously have to tweak it. You could in theory take most if not all of a 30 man zerg by landing a couple of these in a stack. 1 mesmer 2 bezerker killshot war – new zerg busting meta.
(edited by Spurrlock.3219)
The sodium levels of some of these replies would be most lethal if consumed.
“Sodium, atomic number 11, was first isolated by Humphry Davy in 1807. A chemical component of salt, he named it Na in honor of the saltiest region on earth, North America.”
Back to topic: I love how well-rounded Chronomancer, Reaper and Berserker appear. They all have an awesome core theme and skills, traits and mechanics are build around it. This is how it should be done and not by starting with skills and then trying to glue them together somehow.
sure, 6k penetration bullet on 5 targets + 3k spread on 25+ targets + burn spread on 125 targets. Not crazy at all. Again, factoring the 5 targets limit, that is not implemented yet.
Good job on the Berserker! Good job on the Reaper and Chronomancer as well. I really like how you design these elite specializations. It sticks to the core essense of each profession and made them extra special. Can’t wait to test out the Berserker. XD
Ummm, I wouldn’t exactly get out the kneepads just yet, Reaper lacks the utility and buffing abilities people want in PvE to make necros really desirable. Chronomancer is a could actually be okay but there’s still a ton of insanity associated with Continuum Shift. Which isn’t even mentioning that until mes are balanced (and I’m not exactly holding my breath for that) Chronomancers will never come into their own. Berserkers once you get past all the flash reduce the warrior class into a skillless nightmare of condi + CC + random physical skills (most of which no one asked for). It feels like they went way too literal with the fighting game motif and have turned warriors into a brainless button mashing monstrosity.
I don’t know maybe I’m looking for too much but it still surprises me how readily the community swallowed the Berserker even though it adds absolutely nothing to how warriors play and in fact dumbs down the whole class. Maybe it’s because I was hoping that Berserkers would have been represented in a new innovative fashion rather than the same old thing (which this is, it’s nothing that hasn’t been done and done before in MANY other games). I don’t know regardless I don’t think Robert Gee deserves that much appreciation especially when it comes to Berserker.
(edited by Atticus.7194)
yea i like what he did with mesmer, necros, and warriors. if i wanted to play a trapper longbow ranger i would play kittenin ranger, not as a guardian. i like how the mesmer, necro, and warrior specializations stayed true to its class.
Was just thinking of making a post along these lines. I play Warrior exclusively, so my interest in HoT was almost entirely riding on whether or not I liked the Warrior spec.
And I love it. Great job! Robert seemed really enthusiastic in the livestream too.
How about you all wait until you actually play the elite specialization before threads like this…
See the Mesmer/Chronomancer forums.
Whatever Robert touches, turns to gold.
Mesmer was already OP. Warrior is not. Thats the difference.
You literally know nothing about Mesmers or the Chronomancer elite spec by saying that.
To put things in a very simple statement for you, Robert designed Chronomancer, Reaper, and Berserker which change how each core class works and the abilities and traits were well thought out and flow with each specialization.
Mesmer was already one of the most powerful classes. Nothing they got in their Elite Specialization was replaced. They only gained.
Necromancer had stuff replaced. Go back and look at the Necromancer elite specialization beta feedback thread. Had lots of issues. Only good skills were RS and for pve. I wont even go there. You can read it for yourself.
Warrior gains a new berserker skill, but still at the core the same underpowered class that it was nerfed into. Warrior is not Mesmer. Warrior is not Ele. Warrior is Warrior.
like i said, best to wait until you play the Elite Specialization before jumping the gun with threads like this.
What mode is Mesmer Meta in?
As warrior main, I cannot complain, it looks really awesome and I am grateful for this elite spec as it could have been fail, which is definitely not! I cannot wait to finally test it in next beta
warrior masterrace, as always.
expect many deserved nerfs for the sake of this game and don’t complain when they arrive.
High density of NaCl detected!! beepboopbeeep
As warrior main, I cannot complain, it looks really awesome and I am grateful for this elite spec as it could have been fail, which is definitely not! I cannot wait to finally test it in next beta
warrior masterrace, as always.
expect many deserved nerfs for the sake of this game and don’t complain when they arrive.
High density of NaCl detected!! beepboopbeeep
Yeah well, they said primal bursts are supposed to be weaker then normal bursts, but you can use them more often. I don’t see that rifle supernova being weaker.
How to 1hit kill a zerk group: the class.
See reaction pic.
I actually was pretty floored when I first saw that in the video but when they kept repeating that portion of the skill exhibit, I noticed that the targets he shot at with the skill were mostly half dead before he shot them. When it showed him shooting fresh targets, it didn’t even do half of their HP. When you see the skill performed with the pic as a result, it was likely after shooting through them 2 or 3 times.
As warrior main, I cannot complain, it looks really awesome and I am grateful for this elite spec as it could have been fail, which is definitely not! I cannot wait to finally test it in next beta
warrior masterrace, as always.
expect many deserved nerfs for the sake of this game and don’t complain when they arrive.
High density of NaCl detected!! beepboopbeeep
Yeah well, they said primal bursts are supposed to be weaker then normal bursts, but you can use them more often. I don’t see that rifle supernova being weaker.
That was with the piercing tait equipped. Ever seen a full piercing killshot into a zerg? Looks prettys similar with bigger but fewer numbers.
The skill still has a loooong wind-up and the other rifle abilities still suck so yeah.
How to 1hit kill a zerk group: the class.
See reaction pic.
I actually was pretty floored when I first saw that in the video but when they kept repeating that portion of the skill exhibit, I noticed that the targets he shot at with the skill were mostly half dead before he shot them. When it showed him shooting fresh targets, it didn’t even do half of their HP. When you see the skill performed with the pic as a result, it was likely after shooting through them 2 or 3 times.
Also this. Numbers aren’t as high as you make them out to be.
+1 to the original purpose of this thread. Robert seems to be on a roll, and Berserker looks like it will be lots of fun to play.
I hadn’t decided if I was going to buy HoT (only because I spend most of my time running a warrior in wvw these days, and wasn’t sure if it’d bring anything new to the parts of the game I play), but this probably clinches it for me.
As for whether the new spec is OP, I guess we’ll have to see. I’m fully in support of toning it down if it turns out to be out of hand. I just love the addition of another mechanic to the warrior chassis and a trait line that can work well with a range of builds.
Yeah looks a lot of fun and if you get to play it in beta hopefully it will still be as fun as it looks both in beta and after.
I also hope it doesn’t receive too many reactionary nerfs (hopefully none) even if the calls are happening already. Hopefully it will really meld in with current specs to make up for what warriors feel they lost out on.