So where is that sustain we were promised?

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


I now die easier then ever!

Adrenal Health now doesn’t really work with the new cleansing Ire… now that we are constantly fighting between full and no adrenaline it barely heals for what it used to.

Healing Signet never got its passive buffed. Probably should double or even triple it. Or just make it a utility skill, remove the active heal and replace with some protection or a stun break or something…

Cleansing Ire only works after you need it. I need that confusion, torment, immobilize, cripple, chill, blind off before I use my burst…

Mending has to long of a cool-down. Lower it to 15-20 seconds, or 20 and make it a physical skill to make the trait more attractive.

Healing Surge is counter-productive, unlike any other heal in the game. It should simply heal for a lot and give 30 adrenaline and maybe cure burning/bleeding/poison… Just make it our version of hide in shadows with healing atleast 50% of our base health.

Add a trait that gives us health when we gain strikes of adrenaline? Hey that could be the new Adrenal Health!

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

(edited by Daecollo.9578)

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: TheGuy.3568



Now you know that wasn’t going to happen. Silly warrior wanting to be balanced.

Kor The Cold Heart War
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Zen Way of Harmony.7980

Zen Way of Harmony.7980

I wasn’t aware we were promised sustain. It’s been suggested and talked about, but I’ve never heard any developer say, “right, you’ll get some next patch.” At least, I haven’t. I might have missed something.

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Callahan.3180


“So where is that sustain we were promised?”

It was taken by the fabrics of reality and through some kind of chemical equation added to the phrase “life is never fair.” lololololol

Short answer: gave it to thief and guard. Like usual.

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: XII.9401


Sustaining the fail.

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Harper.4173


After this terrible fail at breathing new life into the warrior they’ll probably fix it the next time around. At least i don’t see how they could break it even more.

If here they fall they shall live on when ever you cry “For Ascalon!”

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Kryptonite.9376


I will continue to wear my Zerk gear and make endure pain/whirwhind passes at giant zergs until next balance patch. Crossing my fingers.

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Lyonell.1753


Sustaining the fail.

This made my day!

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: fuji.6283


Although I appreciate some of the new tweaks they gave to the warrior, I felt it was overall just a horrible change. Maxing out strength trait just to get back that one trait they had to move to masters. Sigh. Might as well just go all out berserker’s or condition damage at this point.

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


You warriors are aware you only get substain when you actually gear for it right?
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

You warriors are aware you only get substain when you actually gear for it right?

Oh I wasn’t aware I had to gear for useful utility skills.

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Kryptonite.9376


You warriors are aware you only get substain when you actually gear for it right?

This has nothing to do with gear. No matter how you gear, warrior sustain will never be how it is for other classes, it is how we are built. Play another class and you will understand the versatility and sustain you have in a large fight (think WvW) and compare to that of a warriors. Currently we are are burst class, overall. Anyone and everyone can survive longer with the right armor and standing back waiting for cooldowns.

This is not a discussion for try hards, kiddo.

Judging by your signature trying to show off your “Ranger PvP movies” you have no kittening clue what you’re doing. How was that ranger nerf today btw?

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


You warriors are aware you only get substain when you actually gear for it right?

This has nothing to do with gear. No matter how you gear, warrior sustain will never be how it is for other classes, it is how we are built. Play another class and you will understand the versatility and sustain you have in a large fight (think WvW) and compare to that of a warriors. Currently we are are burst class, overall. Anyone and everyone can survive longer with the right armor and standing back waiting for cooldowns.

This is not a discussion for try hards, kiddo.

Judging by your signature trying to show off your “Ranger PvP movies” you have no kittening clue what you’re doing. How was that ranger nerf today btw?

A. I play multiple classes, and they all require one thing for substain, Healing Gear…Some do it better then others, But if you’re kittening your heal sucks its cause you’re not actually gearing with Healing Gear…

B. Are you saying Rangers have more versatility then Warriors in a Zerg Fight?

C. The Ranger Nerf sucked, hows it feel being a Warrior today?
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Biondo.2570

I posted more ideas here if you want to add yours (i think in “suggestions” they will be read more).

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Vahlen.9508


You warriors are aware you only get substain when you actually gear for it right?

This has nothing to do with gear. No matter how you gear, warrior sustain will never be how it is for other classes, it is how we are built. Play another class and you will understand the versatility and sustain you have in a large fight (think WvW) and compare to that of a warriors. Currently we are are burst class, overall. Anyone and everyone can survive longer with the right armor and standing back waiting for cooldowns.

This is not a discussion for try hards, kiddo.

Judging by your signature trying to show off your “Ranger PvP movies” you have no kittening clue what you’re doing. How was that ranger nerf today btw?

A. I play multiple classes, and they all require one thing for substain, Healing Gear…Some do it better then others, But if you’re kittening your heal sucks its cause you’re not actually gearing with Healing Gear…

B. Are you saying Rangers have more versatility then Warriors in a Zerg Fight?

C. The Ranger Nerf sucked, hows it feel being a Warrior today?

Just watched “some” of your movies…………..why are you trying to comment on other classes when you don’t even have a good grasp on how to play your main?

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: dooger.2640


You warriors are aware you only get substain when you actually gear for it right?

My guardian does not need to gear +heal and has insane sustain, so does my rogue


So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: renss.5764


C= just the same as every other patch day.

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Warrior Healing Spells:

Bolster (Cooldown: 30)
Gain protection and adrenaline. Cures burning, poison, and bleeding.
Healing: 8,780 (2.0)?
Protection: 4 s
Adrenaline: 30

(This skill is based off of Hide in Shadows)

Signet of Sustain (Cooldown: 25)
Passive: Grants regeneration.
Active: Heal yourself.
Healing Signet: 450 (0.2) heal per sec
Healing: 9,275 (2.0) then lose 450 health every second for 10 seconds.

Mend Wounds (Cooldown: 15)
Heal and cure a condition for allies. This skill is a physical skill.
Healing: 4,240 (2.0)
Heal per condition cured for each allie: 724 (0.2)

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

(edited by Daecollo.9578)

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


You warriors are aware you only get substain when you actually gear for it right?

This has nothing to do with gear. No matter how you gear, warrior sustain will never be how it is for other classes, it is how we are built. Play another class and you will understand the versatility and sustain you have in a large fight (think WvW) and compare to that of a warriors. Currently we are are burst class, overall. Anyone and everyone can survive longer with the right armor and standing back waiting for cooldowns.

This is not a discussion for try hards, kiddo.

Judging by your signature trying to show off your “Ranger PvP movies” you have no kittening clue what you’re doing. How was that ranger nerf today btw?

A. I play multiple classes, and they all require one thing for substain, Healing Gear…Some do it better then others, But if you’re kittening your heal sucks its cause you’re not actually gearing with Healing Gear…

B. Are you saying Rangers have more versatility then Warriors in a Zerg Fight?

C. The Ranger Nerf sucked, hows it feel being a Warrior today?

Just watched “some” of your movies…………..why are you trying to comment on other classes when you don’t even have a good grasp on how to play your main?

I think I have a fairly good grasp how to play my class considering everyone who ran Ranger in TPvP and the reason people whined about Rangers in the first place was because they used the build I created.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


You warriors are aware you only get substain when you actually gear for it right?

My guardian does not need to gear +heal and has insane sustain, so does my rogue


clearly you’ve never actually geared for healing on your rogue if you want to see insane substain.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


With 1500 healing power I still have 2/5 the healing of a guardian with no healing power. Lulz

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Warrior Healing Spells:

Bolster (Cooldown: 30)
Gain protection and adrenaline. Cures burning, poison, and bleeding.
Healing: 8,780 (2.0)?
Protection: 4 s
Adrenaline: 30

(This skill is based off of Hide in Shadows)

Signet of Sustain (Cooldown: 25)
Passive: Grants regeneration.
Active: Heal yourself.
Healing Signet: 450 (0.2) heal per sec
Healing: 9,275 (2.0) then lose 450 health every second for 10 seconds.

Mend Wounds (Cooldown: 15)
Heal and cure a condition for allies. This skill is a physical skill.
Healing: 4,240 (2.0)
Heal per condition cured for each allie: 724 (0.2)

These numbers you’re coming up with, Are they with Healing Power or no Healing Power?

A. This one should lose the conditions removal, The Protection is fine I think…Because Warriors lack Protection and they should have at least 1 decent source of it (Rangers are kind of in this boat with Stability)

B. That Healing Signet is a little on the high end on the heal, 7000-8000 would be more reasonable. By Comparison Rangers Signet (Which is no apart of the heal but occupies the Utility Slot) heals for around 125 with healing gear… You have Access to Something comparable in terms of the Adrenal Heal..It heals for around 500 or so with Healing Gear, so it tends to heal a bit more then the Signet we have cause you’ll be using your Bars up…But even 1 Bar in with healing gear its about comparable to the Signet. You can get your current signet up to around 240 or so but even with Healing Gear its incredibly low on the main heal part… so 7000-8000 would be fairly reasonable with its current healing value.

C. Umm no on this one..Its slightly weaker then Heal as One for Rangers with no conditions, but cures all conditions and has a 15 second cooldown.

In the future I would suggest a more reasonable request instead of asking for the world.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Nevarato.3178


Personally i think Cleansing Ire is amazing. Adds another source of condition removal without sacrificing anything in my build. But that’s cause it works well with my build, it just replaced Embrace the Pain, which i was already using. Especially with longbow, since you don’t need to hit anything to use it’s burst and remove conditions. But i can see it being possibly bad for hammer.

(edited by Nevarato.3178)

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


With 1500 healing power I still have 2/5 the healing of a guardian with no healing power. Lulz

With 1500 Healing Power you can have 500 Heal per second with max adrenal bars which is more than a Ranger has.

While you do have 5 seconds more on your main heal then us, You will have a comparable heal of about 10k (I got to around 9.8k in SPvP with 1200 Healing Power or so) so its about Comparable to Trolls

Your biggest problem though will be lack of Protection.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


With 1500 healing power I still have 2/5 the healing of a guardian with no healing power. Lulz

With 1500 Healing Power you can have 500 Heal per second with max adrenal bars which is more than a Ranger has.

While you do have 5 seconds more on your main heal then us, You will have a comparable heal of about 10k (I got to around 9.8k in SPvP with 1200 Healing Power or so) so its about Comparable to Trolls

Your biggest problem though will be lack of Protection.

We don’t have constant adrenal bars anymore.

Rangers have CONSTANT evades and CONSTANT protection, so they take a lot less damage, they also can be at ranged as well a lot so they can avoid the bruising.

You can’t compare the classes because they are just different. Warriors should heal more because they take a lot more damage.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Dand.8231


A. I play multiple classes, and they all require one thing for substain, Healing Gear…Some do it better then others, But if you’re kittening your heal sucks its cause you’re not actually gearing with Healing Gear…

I have an 80 Guard wearing all knights gear. Sustain is really impressive, even though hes mostly specced for damage.

My 80 warrior, also full knights gear, has far worse sustain.

The difference is that a lot of guardian trees and utilities have sustain built right in. You can enhance them by wearing clerics gear obviously but even the baseline is potent. To get any real sustain as a warrior, you need to go with either a banner, or shout build, both of which cost 30 points, and thus detract from your ability to do other things well.

I like the feel and playstyle of the warrior, I really do, it’s just…. frustrating when I have no real way to regain health easily. With a 22k pool, it takes two healing surges to being me from 1% to 100%, that’s 60 seconds. Most other classes have multiple ways to heal themselves without having to heavily devote themselves to it.

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Ashanor.5319


I think the guy trying to take credit for Ranger nerfs is funny. lol

Best response is still sustaining the fail.

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Bushido.2184


Lol, sustaining the fail indeed.

Leet Hacker (War) | Linüx (Necro) | Linúx (Ele)
Quit to play my 2 favorite competitive fps and moba games ported to my favorite OS.

(edited by Bushido.2184)

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Ottohi.2871


Daecollo, stop getting so upset. The (old) leaked notes were probably dev change notes. We saw healing on there. They probby figured simple lowering the cooldown was silly and are going to get to it next time.

Besides I out lasted a hammer condi clear guardian today with no help! I think we got some of it, just not how you’re looking for it.

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


I’m always upset….

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


So where is that sustain increase?

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Skelemiere.3094


lol warriors have sustain if you specc for it, if you want the build, I will give it to you once the skill calculator is updated.

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Ashanor.5319


lol warriors have sustain if you specc for it, if you want the build, I will give it to you once the skill calculator is updated.

rolls eyes I love the non Warriors who come in here telling every Warrior they know more about the class than every Warrior that has ever played.

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


lol warriors have sustain if you specc for it, if you want the build, I will give it to you once the skill calculator is updated.

Where is the trait that improved my damage reduction and healing?

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Skelemiere.3094


Wow Ashanor, your failed logic is overwhelming. So much assumptions in 1 sentence. I bet you think you are smart now, huh

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Skelemiere.3094


lol warriors have sustain if you specc for it, if you want the build, I will give it to you once the skill calculator is updated.

Where is the trait that improved my damage reduction and healing?

Maybe use cleansing ire. Oh maybe use berserkers stance along with it. How about banners? They give nice regeneration and good team support.. (and other benefits). Why don’t you also use cleric trinkets and dwayna jewels. Hmm

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


lol warriors have sustain if you specc for it, if you want the build, I will give it to you once the skill calculator is updated.

Where is the trait that improved my damage reduction and healing?

Maybe use cleansing ire. Oh maybe use berserker’s powers along with it. How about banners? They give nice regeneration and good team support.. (and other benefits). Why don’t you also use cleric trinkets and dwayna jewels. Hmm


I got it. I still die quick.

Now what?

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Skelemiere.3094


Now you actually try it and practice.

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Ashanor.5319


Now you actually try it and practice.

Yes, you somehow figured out the magical warrior secret that has eluded all us big dumb warriors for the last 8 months. We must now worship you. All hail Skelemiere, God of the warriors.

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Skelemiere.3094


You got the dumb part correct

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Oreoginal.1580


Here’s a video demonstrating the Warrior sustainability after the patch:

Parmesan Stick – 80 Warrior – Kaineng

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Here’s a video demonstrating the Warrior sustainability after the patch:

So far, I see poor sustainability.

None of your opponents pressured you at all.

You fought a warrior, a bad ele, and another warrior.

You have no sustain, your health stayed at the same place through most of the fight as they just ran around you.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Blackjack.2083


lol warriors have sustain if you specc for it, if you want the build, I will give it to you once the skill calculator is updated.

Where is the trait that improved my damage reduction and healing?

Maybe use cleansing ire. Oh maybe use berserkers stance along with it. How about banners? They give nice regeneration and good team support.. (and other benefits). Why don’t you also use cleric trinkets and dwayna jewels. Hmm

Well you could use that and be about as much of a threat to actually kill someone as a fat kid is to a bag of broccoli. You will do crap damage, crap burst, and in the end still die just might take a few seconds longer. Being a WARRIOR should not be about being a buff-bot who is actually of no threat to an enemy other than his banners. This game puts such a premium on things like Regeneration, Protection, and condition removal compared to heavy armor it isn’t even funny. The class has such limited sustain compared to everyone else it just leaves us way behind in the power curve.

Some of the new traits are nice but they are too spread out and often require too large of a point investment to utilize them. Out of all the MMO’s I have ever played Anet’s implementation of the “Warrior” class has got to be, without a doubt, the worst. It is so incomprehensibly bad I completely believe that not a single dev responsible for the class development plays it in PVE,PVP and WvW. Maybe they screw around with it in PVE but that’s about it. The changes they have made make it very clear to me that they have no experience playing them in sPVP or even WvW.

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Oreoginal.1580


Here’s a video demonstrating the Warrior sustainability after the patch:

So far, I see poor sustainability.

None of your opponents pressured you at all.

You fought a warrior, a bad ele, and another warrior.

You have no sustain, your health stayed at the same place through most of the fight as they just ran around you.

What do you mean exactly by none of my opponents pressured me at all? I mean, they tried, but I manage to counter and dodge msot of the attempts. What could they have done exactly to “pressure” me? I’m genuinely curious by the way. I want to get better with this class.

Parmesan Stick – 80 Warrior – Kaineng

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Skelemiere.3094


lol blackjack, bunkers should be a threat now? Plus, if you want sustain when using 100b build with full zerk gear, it is not going to happen unless your warrior becomes a god..

In addition to your comment about the threat, why not use a clerics set? You still have power, plus if you use hammer and/or mace, that much cc will pose a threat..

Also, the banners help out your team too, with the benefits + regeneration..Since you know, this game is mainly about team play.

(edited by Skelemiere.3094)

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


This is sustain, it means your health is going up instead of staying at 17k forever…

Sorry but this is what you don’t have.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Bogey.5423


My warrior is only 62, so take this with grain of salt. I find warrior to be really hard to play, feels like there is no mitigation and heals are really underpowered. I get into trouble with rabble mob in PvE (even when downleveled), mob that I can easy breeze through with any other class. It might be learn-to-play issue for me, but my warrior probably end up as just slot filler when I get it to 80.


So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Oreoginal.1580


This is sustain, it means your health is going up instead of staying at 17k forever…

Sorry but this is what you don’t have.

Oh I see, so you basically want a Guardian that can dish out the same damage as the Warrior. I guess that makes sense…

Parmesan Stick – 80 Warrior – Kaineng

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


This is sustain, it means your health is going up instead of staying at 17k forever…

Sorry but this is what you don’t have.

Oh I see, so you basically want a Guardian that can dish out the same damage as the Warrior. I guess that makes sense…

No, I want a Warrior who can actually last in a fight and keep his up up, its called sustain. There is a difference.

Sorry but at the moment we don’t have sustain.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

So where is that sustain we were promised?

in Warrior

Posted by: Blackjack.2083


lol blackjack, bunkers should be a threat now? Plus, if you want sustain when using 100b build with full zerk gear, it is not going to happen unless your warrior becomes a god..

In addition to your comment about the threat, why not use a clerics set? You still have power, plus if you use hammer and/or mace, that much cc will pose a threat..

Actually, your comment is just plain ignorant. Just about every single other class in the game has access to more sustain without sacrificing much in the way of offense. On top of that most of those classes can do it from range. Warrior is still at the absolute bottom of the food chain everywhere outside of PVE…..don’t think so? Then go ahead and tell me who you think is I’m always up for a laugh.