[Merged]Stun warrior meta

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Amir.1570


The CC is necessary (Why? Vigor, Evade frames, high AoE pressure such as engi and necro), the healing buff was necessary (Because Healing Surge was just better no matter how good you were), you know what isn’t necessary? Berserker Stance and being able to have more than one stun break on any class.

Sorrow, please if you’re going to be a “know it all” then know how to deal with the CC portion at least. You don’t even know the true problem.

That amount of CC is not necessary at all.
If you don’t have stability (hint: not any profession have it), stunbreakers aren’t enough to save you from the huge amount of stuns.

The healing buff was good, yeah, that is the point. Now that warriors have huge sustain, their insane CC capability needs to be looked at.

Hell, I can chain-CC someone indefinitely just switching between hammer and mace+shield. Stability is only the real counter, but only two professions have reliable access to it. Guardians and, guess who, Warriors.
A Ranger has some breathing while under Rampage as One.
An engineer is dead meat.
Same about Thief. If you catch them with a single stun, they are dead.
Mesmer can only survive a bit more thanks to their invulnerabilities. Same for Eles.
Necromancers have no chances.

I’d really like to know how to deal with the CC part as a Necromancer. Please, tell me how.

Easy, pretty sad that you haven’t figured it out. You out-damage CC Warrior with Dagger 1. If they can’t CC you they aren’t going to out-damage you. Compare Necro Dagger 1 to the DPS of CC skills, Dagger 1 destroys it by itself and its not even that hard.

Foot in the grave. Every time DS is up press F1 for stability, switch back to dagger, spam dagger 1, rinse and repeat. You should have DS every 7 seconds if you trait for it.

If you’re in a team fight, learn to position and don’t be stupid enough to stand near attack range when berserker stance is up.

If you’re one of those casuals who still refuse to make plays then you deserve to lose. It’s time to L2P if you think you’re good enough to deserve to win.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: knight.8926


with 3200 armor i still get hit by backstab for 7k, then in 3 more hits i die. not much of an OP class…

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: sorrow.2364


Yeah, L2P here and L2P there said by people who none knows. Anyone here feels entitled to say L2P, because people are convinced to be the best players around and other players should always learn to play if they bring up a possible balance issue regarding their beloved profession. It’s not that I’ve already rerolled warrior in PvP because it is insanely easy to play and OP and I’m sick and tired to met 4-5 warriors at least in every SoloQ match.

Now I’m only expecting to get insulted by private message ingame by some mature warrior-forum frequenter.

Profession subforums have always been biased and most of topics moved from sPvP to profession subforums have always ended up with everyone disagreeing with the OP, even when something really turned out to be really overpowered. ALWAYS.

I don’t want to waste my time trying to argue with some people that will always find an excuse to justify their new toy.

Moving on.

(edited by sorrow.2364)

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Arewn.2368


Wanna know why stun warriors work?
Because the condition spam meta. The strong condition builds aren’t running with stun breaks and stability, leaving them completely vulnerable to hard CC.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Steelo.4597


most classes dont even have any meaningfull stability and you cant stunbreak every 7 seconds.. i dont see how people can even be so totally biased. sorrow you are totally right, the thread is already dead and nothing valuable will be contributed, only L2P L2stab L2stunbreak by scrubs… these forums are a waste of time because of all the narrow minded trolls. if i was a dev i would surely ignore this subforum 100%. as a warrior just let me tell you yes stun is over the top and at least a small nerf is incoming next patch with the fix to sigil of paralysation.

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

(edited by Steelo.4597)

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: jayson.6512


Oh yeah why not the devs give every class stability? And stun breaks while you can spam AoE condition then put a 5 sec swiftness too so we can kite the hammer mace/shield build. Play a warrior and learn how to counter its build i main a warrior but i also lose in wvw and pvp and i know if the player that i just killed is bad simple they dont dodge they just rush attack me even they see me switch to mace/shield BoOM skull crack. Free hits down then go to the forum warrior is OP. Tell you want there was a ranger that took 20 minutes but still i couldn’t kill him with insane hp regen and a mesmer that can always use his blink blink after i stun him so i just run away.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: sorrow.2364


Oh yeah why not the devs give every class stability? And stun breaks while you can spam AoE condition then put a 5 sec swiftness too so we can kite the hammer mace/shield build. Play a warrior and learn how to counter its build i main a warrior but i also lose in wvw and pvp and i know if the player that i just killed is bad simple they dont dodge they just rush attack me even they see me switch to mace/shield BoOM skull crack. Free hits down then go to the forum warrior is OP. Tell you want there was a ranger that took 20 minutes but still i couldn’t kill him with insane hp regen and a mesmer that can always use his blink blink after i stun him so i just run away.

Yeah, I used to play Necromancer. I have spent 700+ hours on it, I know exactly every combo, every trait and every skill of that profession and I know exactly when to use any of its skills. I just have the profession under my fingers. But, you know, there is a point where you realize that two stunbreakers on 50s cooldown are not enough, nor your conditions or direct damage, because warriors are pretty much immune to both of them these days.

Then I rolled warrior, played a couple of SoloQ and now I’m in the leaderboards.
I didn’t even played a 10th of the time I’ve spend on Necromancer on Warrior, maybe 20 hours in total. I feel guilty for that, but looks like most people don’t.

They prefer to call everyone they kill by just rolling their face on the keyboard “bad player” and pretend that they are skilled.

(edited by sorrow.2364)

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Nickthemoonwolf.1485


Warriors CC is a major part of its difference to guardians, along with mobility. Guess what? People whine about both. Just because you got ran over a hammer train dosent mean that its impossible to stop one, and even healing signet + mango pie warriors are weak to burst damage, and heavy conditions. At the very least you force them to switch off of hammer to clear conditions.

Lunar Fighter
Tarnished Coast, Hammer guy of [NOPE]

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Sovereign.1093


Do you think that condition meta was horrible? WRONG!
Welcome to the stun meta, where condition-immune, 3200 armor 24k HP warriors are stunning you while dealing 4k damage per hit.

What it is funny is that the next patch, those warriors will become even more insane thanks to hammer and shout healing buffs. A step into the right direction, I’d say!

I really hope ArenaNet is aware that the meta is even worse compared to what it was a month ago.

We’re now at the apex of warrior OPness. OP in PvE, OP in WvW, OP in PvP. Yeah, they definitely need a buff.

The hammer warrior is one of the oldest warrior builds out there.

Hammer wise, warrior has been nerfed (recent patches)

[Salt] Heavy Loot Bag

Always Loyal

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Yeah, L2P here and L2P there said by people who none knows. Anyone here feels entitled to say L2P, because people are convinced to be the best players around and other players should always learn to play if they bring up a possible balance issue regarding their beloved profession. It’s not that I’ve already rerolled warrior in PvP because it is insanely easy to play and OP and I’m sick and tired to met 4-5 warriors at least in every SoloQ match.

Now I’m only expecting to get insulted by private message ingame by some mature warrior-forum frequenter.

Profession subforums have always been biased and most of topics moved from sPvP to profession subforums have always ended up with everyone disagreeing with the OP, even when something really turned out to be really overpowered. ALWAYS.

I don’t want to waste my time trying to argue with some people that will always find an excuse to justify their new toy.

Moving on.

Maybe try actually informing yourself instead of going down the easy path to ask for nerf?
Stability counters this build, and poison makes healing signet a joke.
If you run without stability in PvP it’s not this build’s fault.

You didn’t even try to ask for advice.
You came here with self-righteousness and know-it-all arrogance, then you complain you’re treated with the same manners?
I sense bad parenting.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: EvilSardine.9635


lol, hammer warriors are hands down the easiest to fight.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: sorrow.2364


The hammer warrior is one of the oldest warrior builds out there.

Hammer wise, warrior has been nerfed (recent patches)

Yeah, but Mace and Brawn has seen recent changes, right? Also, cleansing ire and healing signet are new too.

Maybe try actually informing yourself instead of going down the easy path to ask for nerf?
Stability counters this build, and poison makes healing signet a joke.
If you run without stability in PvP it’s not this build’s fault.

You didn’t even try to ask for advice.
You came here with self-righteousness and know-it-all arrogance, then you complain you’re treated with the same manners?
I sense bad parenting.

I didn’t even try to ask for advice? Man, do you really think I didn’t tried everything I can to survive the current meta? Do you really think that I’ve just came up here from an hotjoin match after I’ve been killed by a Warrior and say they are OP? And, above all, do you really think that I’ve not tried to run stability + double stunbreaker?

EU meta is unplayable. Each team has at least one, most times two and even 3 and 4 warriors. SoloQ is overcrowded by them.

Not every profession farts stability like Guardians and Warriors do.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


EU meta is unplayable. Each team has at least one, most times two and even 3 and 4 warriors. SoloQ is overcrowded by them.

And many of them simply sux. Been playing SoloQ all day now.. About 90% warriors there are a running joke, so if u have troubles with them..Well..Take a look what Falcon said.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Reminds me when people cried about Bull→Frenzy→HB.
Backstab has been cried about for months and still untouched.
Anet said “we won’t nerf this, you will have to l2p”.
People l2p’d or quit. Complaints stopped.

This is the same story, there are hard counters to this build so you either l2p or quit.
It’s how GW2 works.
Else go back 2 blizzard where anything remotely brain-intensive to counter is nerfed to the ground.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Player Character.9467

Player Character.9467

Wanna stop a hammer train? Have you tried going left or right instead of backwards?…

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: sorrow.2364


Reminds me when people cried about Bull->Frenzy->HB.
Backstab has been cried about for months and still untouched.
Anet said “we won’t nerf this, you will have to l2p”.
People l2p’d or quit. Complaints stopped.

This is the same story, there are hard counters to this build so you either l2p or quit.
It’s how GW2 works.
Else go back 2 blizzard where anything remotely brain-intensive to counter is nerfed to the ground.

Yeah, I remember those times. But, apparently, you can’t remember what happened after those complains.

- Frenzy was nerfed, in fact quickness was nerfed and its effect halved.
- Backstab combo was heavily nerfed. CnD damage was reduced, Mug damage doesn’t crit anymore

Every time people complained about something, it turned out to be OP in reality.

What you are failing to understand is that something that requires no brain to be performed souldn’t be brain-intensive to counter.

(edited by sorrow.2364)

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Steelo.4597


scoob go duel a bit in king of the hill where duellists play and hammer / mace&gs warriors destroy people except a few mesmer builds – instead of stomping noobs and then come back if you have problems and stop supporting clueless elitists talking trash in this forum. also you run stun build yourself – lol. might i remind everyone that stun builds WILL GET NERFED NEXT PATCH (sigil of para fix) so its clearly not intended to be as powerfull as now.

i fear we will look back to this day and remember the good old wvw as it is now – Jan 2015

(edited by Steelo.4597)

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Amir.1570


Again. You refuse to make plays you deserve to lose. I don’t condone the Warriors state right now but you have options considering you’re one of those people who plays FOTM characters.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: sorrow.2364


Again. You refuse to make plays you deserve to lose. I don’t condone the Warriors state right now but you have options considering you’re one of those people who plays FOTM characters.

I always played Necromancer, even when it was the joke of PvP, PvE and WvWvW (hence, before the june patch). I don’t know based on what you’re saying that I’m one of those people who plays FotM.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Amir.1570


So if you’re compatible with the Necro, why can’t you figure out how to deal with Warrior CC? You don’t know how to use Flesh Wurm and Foot in the Grave? Gotcha, so you’re just a weak skilled player.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: sorrow.2364


So if you’re compatible with the Necro, why can’t you figure out how to deal with Warrior CC? You don’t know how to use Flesh Wurm and Foot in the Grave? Gotcha, so you’re just a weak skilled player.

Do you really think that I’ve just came up here from an hotjoin match after I’ve been killed by a Warrior and say they are OP? And, above all, do you really think that I’ve not tried to run stability + double stunbreaker?

Also lol @ Flesh Wurm as stunbreaker.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Caom.9251


L2P arguments never work.

Most (not all ) players assume that their defeat was because of facing something OP rather then themselves making a mistake. (whether or not this was the case here is not up for me to decide)

Just look a where the L2P arguments got the thieves, it never works, history will repeat itself and warriors will eventually suffer the same fate.

Anet always listens to whoever makes the loudest noise.

(edited by Caom.9251)

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: sorrow.2364


L2P arguments never work.

Most (not all ) players assume that their defeat was because of facing something OP rather then themselves making a mistake. (whether or not this was the case here is not up for me to decide)

Just look a where the L2P arguments got the thieves, it never works, history will repeat itself and warriors will eventually suffer the same fate.

Anet always listens to whoever makes the loudest noise.

No. What’s really wrong is that people assume that the game is flawlessly balanced and that each time someone brings up a balance discussion it is surely because he’s a baddie and needs to learn to play.

People in profession forums tend to be horribly biased. If we assume that everything said in the profession forums is true, then every single nerf this game has seen was unnecessary.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Caom.9251


I understand that mace/shield combo with GS is slightly OP but something like the hammer isn’t nearly as strong.

We can’t assume that its all down to class being solely mechanically OP. It just seemed liked you were ignoring much of the information that were being thrown towards you. Sure a large majority of them were bad but I felt that some could have been genuinely helpful.

Yes people on this forum will be biased when you insult their favorite class but it doesn’t mean that due to this bias we completely ignore what they have to say.

When people start complaining, things that weren’t a problem are mixed in with the things that are. That’s when it starts to get messy.

(edited by Caom.9251)

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: runeblade.7514


I was told that healing signet is the most OP skill.

I equipped it and I still get killed easily by a thief.

If Healing signet doesn’t protect me from a thief, I think it should get buffed more. Healing Signet is not OP enough to protect me from thieves.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Excalibur.9748


You need to L2P, have not lost to a single thief 1v1 in sPvP since healing signet buff.

All is vain.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


1)Now that I think about it, the warrior as profession has only seen buffs since the end of Beta Weekend 2, sometimes they were small buffs that nobody paid attention to..but buffs nevertheless, a constant line of buffs that seems to never end.

2)This profession just keeps getting stronger and stronger, we’ve reached a point that this profession has absolutely zero counter, during the last SOTG the devs said that it was fine for mesmers to have conditions as a direct counter to their profession..but wasn’t condition supposed to be counter to warriors also?

Still that counter now has been effectively eliminated..only for the warrior while it remain for mesmer..interesting.

3)Despite having the larger number of weapon sets across all professions, the warrior is also the profession with the highest number of viable weapon, if we take a look at the current viable builds for warrior we can see that no weapon is left untouched and same can be said for the utilities

Apparently at Anet there is no need for “extensive testing” to buff the warrior , they get buffed every 3 weeks, in other profession cases we need over one year to see a single change.

Some skills on warrior get buffed without the need to create multiple threads, again the Devs don’t need “positive feedback” to buff the warrior…in some profession cases ( ele) you create over 20 “positive feedback” threads and you still get completely ignored.

Only thing I wonder now is…if there is anything left to buff on warriors

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: runeblade.7514


It is hard to l2p when thieves are always farting blackpowder, headshot, and pistolwhip like it is nothing. It is hard to l2p when a single thief massive cripple, poison, bleed you to death.

No, Healing signet needs buff. A thief shouldn’t be allowed to kill warriors when the thieves are trying their best. In a 1v1 situation, a thief should rethink and just run away from the warrior.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Excalibur.9748


Blackpowder → move out of that field. lol common sense
Headshot → does no damage, are you trying to interrupt my heal? oh wait oops my heal has no activation time
Pistolwhip → lols i didn’t see a single S/P thief
Cripple → does nothing when Im just bunkering this point
Poison → Cleansing ire with LB burst
Bleed → Haven’t really run into any condition thieves really.

All is vain.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Mrbig.8019


1)Now that I think about it, the warrior as profession has only seen buffs since the end of Beta Weekend 2, sometimes they were small buffs that nobody paid attention to..but buffs nevertheless, a constant line of buffs that seems to never end.

2)This profession just keeps getting stronger and stronger, we’ve reached a point that this profession has absolutely zero counter, during the last SOTG the devs said that it was fine for mesmers to have conditions as a direct counter to their profession..but wasn’t condition supposed to be counter to warriors also?

Still that counter now has been effectively eliminated..only for the warrior while it remain for mesmer..interesting.

3)Despite having the larger number of weapon sets across all professions, the warrior is also the profession with the highest number of viable weapon, if we take a look at the current viable builds for warrior we can see that no weapon is left untouched and same can be said for the utilities

Apparently at Anet there is no need for “extensive testing” to buff the warrior , they get buffed every 3 weeks, in other profession cases we need over one year to see a single change.

Some skills on warrior get buffed without the need to create multiple threads, again the Devs don’t need “positive feedback” to buff the warrior…in some profession cases ( ele) you create over 20 “positive feedback” threads and you still get completely ignored.

Only thing I wonder now is…if there is anything left to buff on warriors


[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: selan.8354


yup they have been overbuffed imho.they are beasts in wvw atm because of that. it sometimes takes 5 people to kill 1.the heals are too much, the cc is too much and the thing is they dont need to give up everything to do decent dmg. the got toughness,healing, big dps, mass cc, mobilty,vitality all at once. a lot of classes have to give up at least 2 of those.
all i see atm in wvw is warriors everywhere, then necros, then guardians, then eles, then thieves…..and then after a while i see a few engis, then i see 1-3 mesmers in a 50man zerg and 1 ranger a day.

great balance anet!

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: MiLkZz.4789


Excalibur getting trolled.

Now to get on topic, I agree. Healing signet ain’t OP, think about it, 8k health/20s. Plenty of other heals do that amount. A guardian farts heals faster than he can pop them. Necro heal clears all conditions, wow I would like that one.

Just apply poison and be done with it…

ps.: dunno if it heals the same amount in tPvP, because the damage is lower there making the heal stronger. Might get nerfed in there.

Warrior of [VcY], guild from Seafarer’s Rest
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: RoRo.8270


yup they have been overbuffed imho.they are beasts in wvw atm because of that. it sometimes takes 5 people to kill 1.the heals are too much, the cc is too much and the thing is they dont need to give up everything to do decent dmg. the got toughness,healing, big dps, mass cc, mobilty,vitality all at once. a lot of classes have to give up at least 2 of those.
all i see atm in wvw is warriors everywhere, then necros, then guardians, then eles, then thieves…..and then after a while i see a few engis, then i see 1-3 mesmers in a 50man zerg and 1 ranger a day.

great balance anet!

5 to kill a warrior? You’ve got to be kidding. Also didn’t know this was the wvw part of the forums

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Gutts.8791


Blackpowder -> move out of that field. lol common sense

Oh right yeah good I’ll just let him shoot black powder and then get him when it’s on cooldown. Oh wait hold on, thieves are the only class in the game with no cooldowns on their skills so they can spam it as much as they like, yayyy. Also they can go stealth whenever they like, so I’m blind, PLUS I can’t see them plus their backstab does more damage than any of my single attacks all of which have cooldowns. Woohoo. I think I’ll start playing as my thief more often now that I think of it

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: selan.8354


yup they have been overbuffed imho.they are beasts in wvw atm because of that. it sometimes takes 5 people to kill 1.the heals are too much, the cc is too much and the thing is they dont need to give up everything to do decent dmg. the got toughness,healing, big dps, mass cc, mobilty,vitality all at once. a lot of classes have to give up at least 2 of those.
all i see atm in wvw is warriors everywhere, then necros, then guardians, then eles, then thieves…..and then after a while i see a few engis, then i see 1-3 mesmers in a 50man zerg and 1 ranger a day.

great balance anet!

5 to kill a warrior? You’ve got to be kidding. Also didn’t know this was the wvw part of the forums

hahaha yup. it was kinda hillarious. we were 1thief, 1 mesmer (confusion spec) and an engineer chasing a warrior on top of smc around. he had full guard leech aswell so more hp thatand power than u would get without it. he kept ccing us and killed the thief as he was semi glasscannon. so we had to call 2 morepeople to hel with him. as a mesmer that is v spec i dont have blink equiped and he was able to outrun us all the time.
and dont forget that u will see a ton of wvw players come here as anet only balances wvw around spvp only. warriors were in a good place in wvw before the buffs. now they are out of control.
go check wvw out or 1 day in a mid to high tier. all u will see is warriors and a ton of necros. mesmers in zergs are mainly support veilbots. we get no buffs because we are doing pretty ok in spvp.
i do well with my blackwater mesmer in spvp. but in wvw im stuck as a support because of anet not splitting the game modes.

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Oni Link.4621

Oni Link.4621

I may understand the complaining about current Warriors but I can’t stand complaining about “constantly buffed”.
It is plain obvious that your main is NOT a Warrior since you don’t know what it meant being a Warrior in SPvP for first 11 months of this game.
Cry about present, but do not even try to touch the past, Warrior was a joke for too long.
Sorry for the a non-neutral tone in the post, but your post is just over the top.

Oh, and about having a lot of viable weapons, if other classes have a lot of not viable weapons, then it is developers fault, not Warrior’s.

I agree they are a notch over the top, but people don’t accuse Warrior’s for other professions problems.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Excalibur.9748


yup they have been overbuffed imho.they are beasts in wvw atm because of that. it sometimes takes 5 people to kill 1.the heals are too much, the cc is too much and the thing is they dont need to give up everything to do decent dmg. the got toughness,healing, big dps, mass cc, mobilty,vitality all at once. a lot of classes have to give up at least 2 of those.
all i see atm in wvw is warriors everywhere, then necros, then guardians, then eles, then thieves…..and then after a while i see a few engis, then i see 1-3 mesmers in a 50man zerg and 1 ranger a day.

great balance anet!

hahaha yup. it was kinda hillarious. we were 1thief, 1 mesmer (confusion spec) and an engineer chasing a warrior on top of smc around. he had full guard leech aswell so more hp thatand power than u would get without it. he kept ccing us and killed the thief as he was semi glasscannon. so we had to call 2 morepeople to hel with him. as a mesmer that is v spec i dont have blink equiped and he was able to outrun us all the time.
and dont forget that u will see a ton of wvw players come here as anet only balances wvw around spvp only. warriors were in a good place in wvw before the buffs. now they are out of control.
go check wvw out or 1 day in a mid to high tier. all u will see is warriors and a ton of necros. mesmers in zergs are mainly support veilbots. we get no buffs because we are doing pretty ok in spvp.
i do well with my blackwater mesmer in spvp. but in wvw im stuck as a support because of anet not splitting the game modes.

yea warrior is great threat in WvW now. my thief build is spec’d just to catch a warrior so that a horror story like that doesn’t happen as long as I’m around.

All is vain.

(edited by Excalibur.9748)

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Most good thieves know how to use timing and poison. However a lot of the thief class is very very nerfed in SPVP. Pretty much shadows of what they used to be.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Stop bringing a WvWvW/non-SPVP thread into the SPVP forums.

1) Maybe because it was the worst class in the game a few months ago?

2) You mean by buffing shouts, one of our unused builds? That won’t help the scary warriors most cry about.

Warriors counter is Blind/Poison/Burst damage, things many classes have.

3) They are adding more weapons to all classes soon, also since you can only have 2 weapons for most professions equipped why does it even matter?

Now move this to its proper forum.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

(edited by Daecollo.9578)

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: redslion.9675


Blackpowder -> move out of that field. lol common sense

Oh right yeah good I’ll just let him shoot black powder and then get him when it’s on cooldown. Oh wait hold on, thieves are the only class in the game with no cooldowns on their skills so they can spam it as much as they like, yayyy. Also they can go stealth whenever they like, so I’m blind, PLUS I can’t see them plus their backstab does more damage than any of my single attacks all of which have cooldowns. Woohoo. I think I’ll start playing as my thief more often now that I think of it

Come on! If you want to get revenge on Griffith you’ll have to take down some thieves.XD

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


5 to kill a warrior? You’ve got to be kidding. Also didn’t know this was the wvw part of the forums

The GvG community is trying an “occupy PvP” tactic, basically meaning that they come here to post about balance changes that are needed to make different team compositions in GvG possible.

But yes, warriors were buffed quite a bit. Balancing them shouldn’t be too hard, though. Slight cooldown increases on stability/immunity, healing signet lower base heal but scale better with healing power, fix sigil of paralyzation bug. Wouldn’t be surprised if that would be all they need, actually.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


5 to kill a warrior? You’ve got to be kidding. Also didn’t know this was the wvw part of the forums

The GvG community is trying an “occupy PvP” tactic, basically meaning that they come here to post about balance changes that are needed to make different team compositions in GvG possible.

But yes, warriors were buffed quite a bit. Balancing them shouldn’t be too hard, though. Slight cooldown increases on stability/immunity, healing signet lower base heal but scale better with healing power, fix sigil of paralyzation bug. Wouldn’t be surprised if that would be all they need, actually.

They are giving other classes AOE stability and globally nerfing sigil of paralization while adding a bunch news ways for other classes to heal, which affects almost all of the Warrior’s Traits and lowers his damage significantly. They are also buffing other classes. Isn’kitten bit ignorant to nerf all that at once, without nerfing one and seeing how much it has a significant impact on the new meta? I mean, every class is getting buffed in some way, your pretty much asking for the warrior to be brought down to what it was a couple months ago, may I remind you how BAD warriors were back then?

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

(edited by Daecollo.9578)

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Lighter.5631


yup they have been overbuffed imho.they are beasts in wvw atm because of that. it sometimes takes 5 people to kill 1.the heals are too much, the cc is too much and the thing is they dont need to give up everything to do decent dmg. the got toughness,healing, big dps, mass cc, mobilty,vitality all at once. a lot of classes have to give up at least 2 of those.
all i see atm in wvw is warriors everywhere, then necros, then guardians, then eles, then thieves…..and then after a while i see a few engis, then i see 1-3 mesmers in a 50man zerg and 1 ranger a day.

great balance anet!

5 to kill a warrior? You’ve got to be kidding. Also didn’t know this was the wvw part of the forums

hahaha yup. it was kinda hillarious. we were 1thief, 1 mesmer (confusion spec) and an engineer chasing a warrior on top of smc around. he had full guard leech aswell so more hp thatand power than u would get without it. he kept ccing us and killed the thief as he was semi glasscannon. so we had to call 2 morepeople to hel with him. as a mesmer that is v spec i dont have blink equiped and he was able to outrun us all the time.
and dont forget that u will see a ton of wvw players come here as anet only balances wvw around spvp only. warriors were in a good place in wvw before the buffs. now they are out of control.
go check wvw out or 1 day in a mid to high tier. all u will see is warriors and a ton of necros. mesmers in zergs are mainly support veilbots. we get no buffs because we are doing pretty ok in spvp.
i do well with my blackwater mesmer in spvp. but in wvw im stuck as a support because of anet not splitting the game modes.

nice story bros, i killed 2 warriors with thief in wvw the other day.

tell me more about how he keeps stunning 5 of you all the time while you don’t have a single stunbreak, stability and can’t even apply a single poison, or you are just a bunch of lv10 uplevels who can’t deal more then 400 dps all together.

wvw doesn’t balance around pvp, revealed is 4 sec in pvp and 3 sec in pve wvw and whirling axe does 50% more damage in PvP only, get real, wvw is balanced around pve.

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”

(edited by Lighter.5631)

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


Stop bringing a WvWvW/non-SPVP thread into the SPVP forums.

1) Maybe because it was the worst class in the game a few months ago?

2) You mean by buffing shouts, one of our unused builds? That won’t help the scary warriors most cry about.

Warriors counter is Blind/Poison/Burst damage, things many classes have.

3) They are adding more weapons to all classes soon, also since you can only have 2 weapons for most professions equipped why does it even matter?

Now move this to its proper forum.

Cry me a river @Daecollo!

The eles have been crying since the end of BWE1 and nobody at Anet has really cared , the class is so stupidly designed that everything is water/arcana or GTFO, ele players were forced in using tank build to avoid getting oneshotted by 100b warriors who had always the option to use high sustain build like : mace/shield + leech sigil or control hammer build ( don’t try to say no if not I post videos here of the mace/shield “unkillable” build and hammer control )

Despite all warrior used to cry : " QQ eles do the job of warriors" …HOW? tanks with no dmg suddenly become warriors? ..interesting ….but anyway eles got ofc nerfed on the only thing that kept them viable : tank build….

So now eles are forced to use a “burst or die” build while having 10k less HP and less room for errors compared to warriors ( frenzy+100b…cheese and easy , much easier than being forced in pressing 10 buttons at the right angle and distance with perfect timing).

But hey one trick pony build is considered viable and ok for the Devs..when on eles..but warriors were considered UP while using it, so they gave them the sustain of guardians and more dmg spread across the board ..while nerfing all possible threats for them…EPIC BALANCE.

- Thieves d/d can potentially oneshot zerker warriors…NERF
- Guardians can outlive burst from warriors…NERF
- Eles can kill warrior with attrition..NERF
- Necros can kill warriors with condition…NERF and ADD ANTI-CONDITIONS STANCE
- Engy can kite warriors quite well..NERF and ADD MORE GAP CLOSER

But pls @Daecollo go on and make another thread on how warriors suck in this game

(edited by Arheundel.6451)

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Yaki.9563


Excalibur getting trolled.

Now to get on topic, I agree. Healing signet ain’t OP, think about it, 8k health/20s. Plenty of other heals do that amount.

Actually almost no heals do that amount.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


They are giving other classes AOE stability and globally nerfing sigil of paralization while adding a bunch news ways for other classes to heal, which affects almost all of the Warrior’s Traits and lowers his damage significantly. They are also buffing other classes. Isn’kitten bit ignorant to nerf all that at once, without nerfing one and seeing how much it has a significant impact on the new meta? I mean, every class is getting buffed in some way, your pretty much asking for the warrior to be brought down to what it was a couple months ago, may I remind you how BAD warriors were back then?

Hmm, that does sound like it could be a bit much. I thought we were going with “shaving,” but whatever. To be honest, a few seconds of stability on toss elixir B is probably not going to hurt warriors much. Warrior shouts are also getting buffed, which is the equivalent of the skills receiving buffs for other professions: they’re getting buffed because they were bad before.

The sigil fix is just a given.

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Stop bringing a WvWvW/non-SPVP thread into the SPVP forums.

1) Maybe because it was the worst class in the game a few months ago?

2) You mean by buffing shouts, one of our unused builds? That won’t help the scary warriors most cry about.

Warriors counter is Blind/Poison/Burst damage, things many classes have.

3) They are adding more weapons to all classes soon, also since you can only have 2 weapons for most professions equipped why does it even matter?

Now move this to its proper forum.

Cry me a river @Daecollo!

The eles have been crying since the end of BWE1 and nobody at Anet has really cared , the class is so stupidly designed that everything is water/arcana or GTFO, ele players were forced in using tank build to avoid getting oneshotted by 100b warriors who had always the option to use high sustain build like : mace/shield + leech sigil or control hammer build ( don’t try to say no if not I post videos here of the mace/shield “unkillable” build and hammer control )

Despite all warrior used to cry : " QQ eles do the job of warriors" …HOW? tanks with no dmg suddenly become warriors? ..interesting ….but anyway eles got ofc nerfed on the only thing that kept them viable : tank build….

So now eles are forced to use a “burst or die” build while having 10k less HP and less room for errors compared to warriors ( frenzy+100b…cheese and easy , much easier than being forced in pressing 10 buttons at the right angle and distance with perfect timing).

But hey one trick pony build is considered viable and ok for the Devs..when on eles..but warriors were considered UP while using it, so they gave them the sustain of guardians and more dmg spread across the board ..while nerfing all possible threats for them…EPIC BALANCE.

- Thieves d/d can potentially oneshot zerker warriors…NERF
- Guardians can outlive burst from warriors…NERF
- Eles can kill warrior with attrition..NERF
- Necros can kill warriors with condition…NERF and ADD ANTI-CONDITIONS STANCE
- Engy can kite warriors quite well..NERF and ADD MORE GAP CLOSER

But pls @Daecollo go no and make another thread on how warriors suck in this game

Warriors never cried on your forums, we mostly always asked to be fixed. That is a rumor people like you started. Warriors have never wanted anyone nerfed, we just wanted our profession fixed for 11 months.

Elementalist dug their own graves when they basicly said how easy they were and how overpowered they were in one of the SOTG. YOUR OWN Class nerfed you.

Whining won’t fix your class, whining never fixes anything, and your whining clearly indicates that your feedback isn’t suggestive at anything besides utter jealousy.

I even made this thread a while ago.

Most warriors want elementalist BUFFED. Not nerfed.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

(edited by Daecollo.9578)

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Lighter.5631


Stop bringing a WvWvW/non-SPVP thread into the SPVP forums.

1) Maybe because it was the worst class in the game a few months ago?

2) You mean by buffing shouts, one of our unused builds? That won’t help the scary warriors most cry about.

Warriors counter is Blind/Poison/Burst damage, things many classes have.

3) They are adding more weapons to all classes soon, also since you can only have 2 weapons for most professions equipped why does it even matter?

Now move this to its proper forum.

Cry me a river @Daecollo!

The eles have been crying since the end of BWE1 and nobody at Anet has really cared , the class is so stupidly designed that everything is water/arcana or GTFO, ele players were forced in using tank build to avoid getting oneshotted by 100b warriors who had always the option to use high sustain build like : mace/shield + leech sigil or control hammer build ( don’t try to say no if not I post videos here of the mace/shield “unkillable” build and hammer control )

Despite all warrior used to cry : " QQ eles do the job of warriors" …HOW? tanks with no dmg suddenly become warriors? ..interesting ….but anyway eles got ofc nerfed on the only thing that kept them viable : tank build….

So now eles are forced to use a “burst or die” build while having 10k less HP and less room for errors compared to warriors ( frenzy+100b…cheese and easy , much easier than being forced in pressing 10 buttons at the right angle and distance with perfect timing).

But hey one trick pony build is considered viable and ok for the Devs..when on eles..but warriors were considered UP while using it, so they gave them the sustain of guardians and more dmg spread across the board ..while nerfing all possible threats for them…EPIC BALANCE.

- Thieves d/d can potentially oneshot zerker warriors…NERF
- Guardians can outlive burst from warriors…NERF
- Eles can kill warrior with attrition..NERF
- Necros can kill warriors with condition…NERF and ADD ANTI-CONDITIONS STANCE
- Engy can kite warriors quite well..NERF and ADD MORE GAP CLOSER

But pls @Daecollo go on and make another thread on how warriors suck in this game

Where have you been? eles were gods months ago, my friend used to main it, now he doesn’t play it, because it’s not that awesome anymore.
and i know that you don’t play a single warrior from your list full of BS.
that one big river of Bullkitten you got there.

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Arheundel.6451



Never said warriors complained on ele sub-forums..they did complain on the sPvP forum and past SOTG, it’d take time but I can locate the threads started by warriors with the exact quote :" eles are more tanky than warriors and can sustain more".

There is that other warrior @Zone, for months his signature was :
" Warriors will be viable when eles get nerfed"-
And you still say warriors never cried about eles?.

But the cherry on the cake is you telling me that whining never fixes anything..when you’re the one who started a dozen threads stating how UP the warrior was…but don’t worry really , eles have been “whining” for months, we’ll prob get nerfed again in few months time if it appears we can win any 1vs1 in less than 10m

[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Daecollo.9578



Never said warriors complained on ele sub-forums..they did complain on the sPvP forum and past SOTG, it’d take time but I can locate the threads started by warriors with the exact quote :" eles are more tanky than warriors and can sustain more".

There is that other warrior @Zone, for months his signature was :
" Warriors will be viable when eles get nerfed"-
And you still say warriors never cried about eles?.

But the cherry on the cake is you telling me that whining never fixes anything..when you’re the one who started a dozen threads stating how UP the warrior was…but don’t worry really , eles have been “whining” for months, we’ll prob get nerfed again in few months time if it appears we can win any 1vs1 in less than 10m

Despite all warrior used to cry : " QQ eles do the job of warriors"

It is rather rude. I ask for things to be fixed when they are broken.

Ok… so i’m not allowed to suggest ideas for the class I play?

You know what, maybe you would get attention if you weren’t so rude and actually took the time to make your class better.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver