This is why your WARRIOR isn't good. Part 1.
I liked GW1 skills a lot better than GW2. One had many different weapon skills to choose from to mix and match to make great hit combo’s. Also, ANet should make WvW less zerg combat and more group combat. Example groups of 10 people, so when a buff is hit those 10 people get the buff. Or even guild groups Where if a buff is applied guildies get it first. Plus I feel no guild enteraction at all, really whats the point of a guild. We have no guild keeps no land to call our own just take a keep or tower and move on. Sorry I’m getting off topic. Warroirs should be able to tank 5 people at once. May not be able to kill those 5 but stay up and causing Havoc….Also where is “I will Avenge You” that skill was awesome in GW1, but its not in this game. I bought the game guide and it is in there, but apparently they forgot to put it in the game. Also, why does Great Sword, Axe, Sword and Long Bow get 2 trait skills each, but Rifle, Mace and Hammer get only one……….And Where Is My Great Axe!!!!!!!!!!
I liked GW1 skills a lot better than GW2. One had many different weapon skills to choose from to mix and match to make great hit combo’s. Also, ANet should make WvW less zerg combat and more group combat. Example groups of 10 people, so when a buff is hit those 10 people get the buff. Or even guild groups Where if a buff is applied guildies get it first. Plus I feel no guild enteraction at all, really whats the point of a guild. We have no guild keeps no land to call our own just take a keep or tower and move on. Sorry I’m getting off topic. Warroirs should be able to tank 5 people at once. May not be able to kill those 5 but stay up and causing Havoc….Also where is “I will Avenge You” that skill was awesome in GW1, but its not in this game. I bought the game guide and it is in there, but apparently they forgot to put it in the game. Also, why does Great Sword, Axe, Sword and Long Bow get 2 trait skills each, but Rifle, Mace and Hammer get only one……….And Where Is My Great Axe!!!!!!!!!!
“I Will Avenge You” was removed and replaced with “On My Mark”
GW1 its not GW2, sorry about that
Warrior is my main and by main i mean that i wear full T3 armor, work on my Juggernaut and have 1140h played only on my Warrior. I don’t agree with op entirely but i must say that warrior is missing something in wvw/spvp. Its great in pve, its god of pve and i love it. But when i run in wvw i get frustrated. Constant cc like cripple, chill immobilized and you can just /wave and die. I run 3 shouts that remove my conditions with “Shake it of” that removes 2 conditions and still i get hard time with trying get into melee range. I use leaps like sword 2 and “Earthshaker” and other but most of the time its no use because you will get knockback, cripple. chill and immobilize in mid air.
Since lunch i played many builds. Some of them i found, some of them i made myself. I was using:
- Shout support build with shouts that heal and remove conditons
- i stop using it because i felt like a healer, a weak healer
- Sword/axe and Longbow with gear focused on condition damage
- it was fun using longbow burst on zerg knocking at tower gate but conditions are too easy to remove ( unless you fight other warrior) and you if you have brain you will just dodge out of longbow burst
- Idea was to take advantage of combo. You immobilize target land longbow burst at him, Savage leap at target- you get Fire Aura, youse axe “5” throwing burning bolts around.
*Axe/warhorn and Rifle
- I wanted hight burst- full berserk but later found out that Kill shot and Eviscerate are easily avoidable. Kill shot get dodged/blocked or you get blinded or stunned. Eviscerate is worst because you are about to land it and get blind, cripple. chill, immobilize sometimes before using it, sometimes in mid air.
- Hammer/Greatsword
- Good dps with good cc but same problem as before- Earthshaker easily stopped by conditions. Hundred blades is only a noob check- kills only those who don’t know how to dodge or don’t bother with stunn breakers.
Now use build that focus on using adrenaline burst attack. Idea was that i want to use my mechanic more often. I build adrenaline fast and took lower burst cooldown.
Problem is that warrior burst skills aren’t in my humble opinion powerful enough compare to other class mechanic. And by powerful i mean thats its so easy to avoid it. For example:
- you fight thief:
Thief: “OMG a Warrior!”
Me: “Come get some!”
Thief: “Ain’t gonna happen dude”/invisbilty
Me: “So where i should land my Earthshaker?”
Thief: “Backstab!”
Me: Ouch. 4 k hp down
Thief: Heartseeker! Heartseeker!/vanish/
Me: Im just gonna land Earthshaker on me! /slap the ground with hammer/
Thief: Dude i’m not even there. Heartseeker! Heartseeker! /vanish/
Me: /run around waiting for Earthshaker to come of cooldown/
Thief: ??? /somewhere/
Me: Here you are! Earthshaker!/blind-miss/
Thief: Heartseeker! Heartseeker! Heartseeker! Stomp! /dance
- you fight a mesmer
Mesmer: “ I like purple and cats. I should dye my cat purple!
Me: You gonna die!
Mesmer: O Lyssa what is this? I should summon my army of clones. I like my clones they look like me and i look awesome.
Me: Where is he?! Or it was she? There he/she is! Earthshaker! /slap the ground with hammer/ /Butterflies. over 9000 butterflies/
Mesmer: You know nothing about fashion! Die!
Me: /dead/
*you fight guardian
Guardian: Hey! You warrior! You sux!
Me: Earthshaker!/blocked
Guardian: You call it an attack! LOL! I will show you the meaning of damage/do something with greatsword/
Me: /dead/
- you fight ele
Me: /hear buzz of lighting/
Elemnatist: Hi and die!
Me: Earthshaker!
Ele: Sorry dude stability.
Me: Why is he running away? Hey come back to melee range!
Ele: Ok. Let me just channel that abilty
Me: Backbreaker!
Ele: Dude stability! I’m almost finish! You should run away! Oh i forgot there is no point I;m gonna catch always.
Me: He wasn’t lying about that catching always thing/ dead
Ok so i don’t want to write other classes because my creativity ends here. I hope you get my point.
My ideas to “fix” Warrior is;
- Make burst skill ignore block. blind. chill immobilized etc. and make harder to build adrenaline and maybe add longer cooldown to burst
- After using burst skill you get 1-2 seconds immunity for conditions or 1 second of endure pain
- More adrenaline you have- conditions wear of faster or after using burst skill you lose one condition? XD
- While using burst skill you are immune to crowd control + conditions ( while you are mid air in earthshaker/Eviscerate while using Flurry etc.
In my whole post I’m not staying that Warrior is underpowered. Its mechanic its just not as effective compare to stealth, clones etc.
Or maybe this whole wall of text is about nothing and i just need l2p.
Sorry for my bad english- its not my first language.
- you fight a mesmer
Mesmer: “ I like purple and cats. I should dye my cat purple!
Me: You gonna die!
Mesmer: O Lyssa what is this? I should summon my army of clones. I like my clones they look like me and i look awesome.
Me: Where is he?! Or it was she? There he/she is! Earthshaker! /slap the ground with hammer/ /Butterflies. over 9000 butterflies/
Mesmer: You know nothing about fashion! Die!
Me: /dead/
Man…u just made my day with that xd i just got owned
cut out, but wanted you to know I was responding to you
I like how in all your examples (While comical), you relied on a single skill. It failed, and so did you. While this may not be the utter truth in the battles, it sheds some light.
The main reason why warrior feels so underpowered is that people know your class. Warrior has been played to death. And everyone knows how to play against you, because they have fought the likes of you before. Warriors don’t have any “Tricks up their sleeves,” but they aren’t supposed to. At the release, warriors were considered so strong because no one knew how to fight you, they didn’t know the skill chains, and they died. Now, everyone knows.
I think the issue is the lack of creativity in the fights. You seem underpowered, because people know what you are going to do. And I think that point was high-lighted by your comic-relief. Where you relied on your one skill, and when that didn’t work, because everyone and their grandmother knows you rely on that skill, you didn’t fare well. A GS warrior fails because everyone is just waiting for the HB to come, and they pop whatever defensive skill they have and then win the fight because that was the warriors only card.
I think, for awhile, warriors seemed so strong, and everyone felt strong running them. They were unstoppable, but now that people know what to expect, warriors can no longer rely on their 1-skill to do all the work. (HB, Earthshaker, etc.)
Now, suddenly, a warrior needs skill to thrive. And that is a whole new ballgame. People who ran HB for so long, suddenly find themselves never being able to use the skill, and suddenly warrior is “underpowered” because what worked months ago, people easily countered.
Same thing happened with my condition necro. No one had really faced them (necros in general) and I was dominating people because they had no idea what to expect. Now that more and more necros are surfacing (sPvP and WvW in droves), my win ratio is a lot lower, because I now must rely more on my skill, and I am not the best player to have ever lived.
So get creative, and play smart. If you rely on the same old tactics you have used before, they will be countered easily, as they have before.
P.S. Lol at the OP saying necro is hitting for 10k through the shield. :P
Knowing your enemy isn’t gonna help much. Axe, GS, and hammer warriors are the most common, yet you can’t say a sword or mace warrior could do any better. I know most professions quite well and I can’t do anything about thieves going invisible. Is there a way to counter it apart from mindlessly bombarding the area with AOEs or running away? Ofc not. There is no “Reveal” skill or anything like in most MMOs. The same goes for other professions as well. Every single profession has something that is hard to counter but the warrior. Profession mechanics are quite imbalanced as well. You don’t see mesmers for example having only 1 F button skill and that being tied to specific weapons like GS would shatter for damage, scepter for confusion, sword for diversion and staff for dazing. They can shatter as they please. Warriors on the other hand have only 1 F button skill. On top of that it requires adrenaline while a mesmer only has some cooldown. Illusions can instantly be recreated. Thieves do not lose all their initiative when stealing, necros can end death shroud at will, guardians lose their passive benefit but some can be traited to remain, elementalists only gain by switching attunements: fresh cooldowns and boons if traited. Should I go on? I don’t think I need to, you get the idea.
There have been so many good ideas about how to improve the warrior but does nothing. So many people pleed for the Tactics minors to be reworked, so many wanted stances to be stances, maybe even implement them as F2/3/4 skills that do not require adrenaline and would be toggles, something with pros and cons. Instead you hear a developer say that the warrior isn’t noob friendly just like Terrans (Starcraft) weren’t noob friendly at the beginning which isn’t even true (Zergs were hard to play) and that they’d like to improve it somehow but have absolutely no clue how. They can’t even fix Throw Bolas being unaffected by gravity, or… they simply don’t want to.
Until they decide to really do something about this I’ll just continue doing sPvP with my mesmer and own 5 warriors at once and laugh at their pitiful attempt to even try to get close to me.
Hello guys. I like that you got a discussion going, however, this topic is for PvP only. I’m aware that warriors are good in PvE like WvW and Dungeons but not tPVP.
My warrior is level 2. I never touched PvE, so if you could stop mixing the two things together it would be fine. I didn’t mention anything about warrior pve.
people are always trying to play warrior in pvp like they do in pve.
theory craft all you want, in pvp you are playing against real people who behave in a different way then mobs do in pve. building yourself for 3500 attack with 3200 defense and 30k hp isn’t going to be as effective in pvp as theory crafters believe, and when that fact confronts them they get upset.
the warrior is in a pretty good place, probably one of the best places compared to every other profession in the game.
people are always trying to play warrior in pvp like they do in pve.
theory craft all you want, in pvp you are playing against real people who behave in a different way then mobs do in pve. building yourself for 3500 attack with 3200 defense and 30k hp isn’t going to be as effective in pvp as theory crafters believe, and when that fact confronts them they get upset.
the warrior is in a pretty good place, probably one of the best places compared to every other profession in the game.
WvW is not PvP. Just to clear it out. And that’s zerging. and its a f…. mace and he’s specced for no dmg. What is he even doing.. your example is SO trashy. GET REAL. And give me a REAL tPvP comment. PAIDS.
cut out, but wanted you to know I was responding to you
I like how in all your examples (While comical), you relied on a single skill. It failed, and so did you. While this may not be the utter truth in the battles, it sheds some light.
The main reason why warrior feels so underpowered is that people know your class. Warrior has been played to death. And everyone knows how to play against you, because they have fought the likes of you before. Warriors don’t have any “Tricks up their sleeves,” but they aren’t supposed to. At the release, warriors were considered so strong because no one knew how to fight you, they didn’t know the skill chains, and they died. Now, everyone knows.
I think the issue is the lack of creativity in the fights. You seem underpowered, because people know what you are going to do. And I think that point was high-lighted by your comic-relief. Where you relied on your one skill, and when that didn’t work, because everyone and their grandmother knows you rely on that skill, you didn’t fare well. A GS warrior fails because everyone is just waiting for the HB to come, and they pop whatever defensive skill they have and then win the fight because that was the warriors only card.
I think, for awhile, warriors seemed so strong, and everyone felt strong running them. They were unstoppable, but now that people know what to expect, warriors can no longer rely on their 1-skill to do all the work. (HB, Earthshaker, etc.)
Now, suddenly, a warrior needs skill to thrive. And that is a whole new ballgame. People who ran HB for so long, suddenly find themselves never being able to use the skill, and suddenly warrior is “underpowered” because what worked months ago, people easily countered.
Same thing happened with my condition necro. No one had really faced them (necros in general) and I was dominating people because they had no idea what to expect. Now that more and more necros are surfacing (sPvP and WvW in droves), my win ratio is a lot lower, because I now must rely more on my skill, and I am not the best player to have ever lived.
So get creative, and play smart. If you rely on the same old tactics you have used before, they will be countered easily, as they have before.
P.S. Lol at the OP saying necro is hitting for 10k through the shield. :P
If you play reg PvP you know all classes. And being ignorant isnt a pvpskill. Sorry. Wells necro do 10 k. Power dmg + conditions. Over time ofc.
I must have missed something but since when was necro wells always going todo 10k damage? You have to sit in the well for entire 5 second duration to start.
If you are building for power/condition/precision ill admit marks, wells, and ds 4 combined will do some nasty aoe damage with a well bombing build in mind but that is at least a 36 seconds ill be without my big burst from the 4 staff marks, both damaging wells, and ds 4. I often use flesh golem and dagger 3 to start with so i can knock down then root them since most pop stun breaker after the charge so its easier to set them up for the well/mark bombing. So ill be left with very little to finish the other player off with if the other player gets away by evading, porting, blocking, etc at the right time. Just like how most players evade the warriors 100b combo mostly, evading, blocking, or whatever at the correct time.
(edited by gamefreak.5673)
Warrior is the most easy class to predict the move that why in sPVP he’s not doing well in 1on1.Also warrior are wide open when done with CC and go out with everything on the skill bars.
Also warrior are very endurance dependent since there are no gap closer that are not effected by chill or cripple at the moment.
Hey man, this is what u get for posting in a subforum discussing the viability of double sword, longbow banner-signet support builds, saying that wvw is pvp.
This is just sad, that 90% of players – pure trash.
GW2 != GW1
Different games, same setting.
Pretty simple.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.
Banners need different mechanic.
the Burst mechanics need change.
Too many Sigs, combine them into less Sigs, and give actual useful tools.
need more support options without being forced 30 into a trait line. And the support is in the wrong support line at that.
Needs better closers.
Need better defense.
Stance Mechanics need change to be more useful, especially when traits basically do the same crap…
haha , warrior was my first classs in the game and i still use it to this day .
even thought warriors suck in pvp i havent gave up on it thought .
waiting for the day that they gonna get buffed.
totally agree with u ,warriors r crap in this game. " and this is coming from someone who played the game since the 2nd beta and tried every single build the warrior can get in pvp"
waiting for
This is why your WARRIOR isn’t good. Part 2
all we really need is better condi removal. make shrug it off a 10cd and shake it off remove 3 conditions and either keep it removing 1 from an allies or getting rid of that part of the ability all together.
as for warrior viability Spvp/Tpvp , the game mode is conquest and just like in every single other mmo with this garbage game mode, if you want to “win” you bring class’s that can go full tank and ones that can heal. its worst game mode design you can have in an mmo, yet mmo’s still continue to add it and label it as skilled pvp.
I like how in all your examples (While comical), you relied on a single skill. It failed, and so did you. While this may not be the utter truth in the battles, it sheds some light.
The main reason why warrior feels so underpowered is that people know your class. Warrior has been played to death. And everyone knows how to play against you, because they have fought the likes of you before. Warriors don’t have any “Tricks up their sleeves,” but they aren’t supposed to. At the release, warriors were considered so strong because no one knew how to fight you, they didn’t know the skill chains, and they died. Now, everyone knows.
I think the issue is the lack of creativity in the fights. You seem underpowered, because people know what you are going to do. And I think that point was high-lighted by your comic-relief. Where you relied on your one skill, and when that didn’t work, because everyone and their grandmother knows you rely on that skill, you didn’t fare well. A GS warrior fails because everyone is just waiting for the HB to come, and they pop whatever defensive skill they have and then win the fight because that was the warriors only card.
God I’m so tired of this utterly bad logic.
Are you really trying to tell me warriors have been played to death, but not mesmers or thieves? Not guardians? No class but a warrior has been played at this point?
The difference is that our damage does not come from strong chains, it comes from ONE FREAKING MOVE. If we want to land some burst, we are forced to land a 100b (a move that is completely telegraphed, avoidable, AND roots us), or we have to land an eviserate (a move that is completely telegraphed, and avoidable).
I know exactly what a thief or mesmer is about to do, but I can do nothing to stop it but run away — and THAT is the difference. Many other classes put out very similar damage to me in pvp (because again, my damage is based on single attacks landing) they just can mitigate better while remaining in the fight, while I have to escape and completely disengage to do the same (which puts me at the disadvantage).
(edited by Kellhus.8071)
My friend is a HUGE DPS machine, i mean 23,000 damage on a person in WvW after hundred blades. BUT he cannot get hit or he will die. my tank can take damage from a dungeon boss but only does 300-400 damage with the mace. for a warrior there is no 50/50 if youre 50/50 you get torched in a fight becuase you dont have the damage to kill nor the tough to live. what im saying is what happened to automaticlly good damage then building onto toughness and some onto power? my GW1 warrior couldnt even get poked without dieing. but i could walk in and smash things up. and i agree 200% with the “eles are to OP” in WvW a Borlis pass ele was able to survive agianst me, my DPS friend, 2 guardians, and a ranger without losing more than 1/5th of his health. THIS SHOULD NOT BE POSSIBLE FOR LIGHT ARMOR!!!!!!!!! there is no reason an ele should stand there and get beat on like a ragdoll then run 300mph turn around pop 3 uber fast AOE spells then come collect loot. no. just no. this is the reason i hesitate wanting to do WvW. and you cant shield block the AOE stuff! necros traps arnt as bad for a tank but for a glass canon.. kitten man come on. when did magic users become the high damage high tank classes…….
You’re doing it wrong, I kitten with my warrior in pvp, and yes Im saying Im obviously better than all of you complainers easily. Get good and then cry, play a ranger if you want a kittenty class to play.
I guess kitten dont understand the meaning of glass cannon, Hits hard, breaks easily, know your role kids.
I guess kitten dont understand the meaning of glass cannon, Hits hard, breaks easily, know your role kids.
Stop lying, go back to engi/ranger forum.
over 1k hours spent on warrior every possible build created and tested
final conclusion:
Roll over warrior your dead.
We need something to make us usefull, something like “mortal strike” from wow. Something to counter enemy healing or protection.
My Biggest Issues with warriors:
- gap closers bugged
- no boon removal abilities against enemies (Only a sigil)
- no access to protection (Only runes)
- Dps gains drop super drastically with defense gains and vice versa (its supposed to happen, but with a class with no innate tankiness or sufficient condition removal its problematic)
- Weapon skills are repeats of each other or offer no unique abilities to help mitigate dmg besides sheild(5), parry/mace block and some stuns.
- Weak trait synergy and weak minor traits in certain trees.
- Burst skill mechanic is not even worth using in more than 90% of the scenarios.
- No real bunker build available
- Forced to use GS for mobility, or sword/x
Red Guard is laughing their kitten off at this thread and I am laughing too and my guild mates laughed too. So we all had a good laugh.
Anyway, combine handful of warriors and guardians as backbone, give em a mesmer and 2-3 eles and you’ll be rolling everything in WvW. All of you go full glasscanon builds thinking you’ll kitten everything and get bursted down in a microsecond, no kitten…
Red Guard video:
Notice how they have tons of warriors? Not so bad after all?
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU
(edited by MiLkZz.4789)
Red Guard…
I don’t think anyone is really arguing that Warriors don’t do well in WvW team play.
Head Deany Kong of Deany and the Kongs [Kong]
Red Guard is laughing their kitten off at this thread and I am laughing too and my guild mates laughed too. So we all had a good laugh.
Anyway, combine handful of warriors and guardians as backbone, give em a mesmer and 2-3 eles and you’ll be rolling everything in WvW. All of you go full glasscanon builds thinking you’ll kitten everything and get bursted down in a microsecond, no kitten…
Red Guard video:
Notice how they have tons of warriors? Not so bad after all?
Notice that your entire premise relies on getting carried by other people? Carried by other classes, and having an organized zerg around you to babysit the warriors?
Yeah… Some people like leeching welfare, other people prefer to stand on their own two feet.
Yaks Bend
Red Guard is laughing their kitten off at this thread and I am laughing too and my guild mates laughed too. So we all had a good laugh.
Anyway, combine handful of warriors and guardians as backbone, give em a mesmer and 2-3 eles and you’ll be rolling everything in WvW. All of you go full glasscanon builds thinking you’ll kitten everything and get bursted down in a microsecond, no kitten…
Red Guard video:
Notice how they have tons of warriors? Not so bad after all?
Notice that your entire premise relies on getting carried by other people? Carried by other classes, and having an organized zerg around you to babysit the warriors?
Yeah… Some people like leeching welfare, other people prefer to stand on their own two feet.
Babysit the warriors? HAHAHAHA, they babysit the others by cleansing off all their conditions, by giving them might, by locking targets on a position, by healing them for 8k+/20s/warrior. 4-5 warriors that is 45k health each 20s! They don’t get carried they SYNCHRONIZE as no other with any other class.
Face it, warriors are kinda OP in WvW. I am not talking about PvP, I don’t play that. It is just that warriors are perfect for WvW and maybe not for PvP, play another class for PvP than. You can’t balance everything for aswell PvE, PvP, WvW.
I know many of you ‘PvP’ players laugh at the lack of individual skill of WvW players. But still, I don’t get beaten often on my warrior when fighting 1on1 in WvW. I rolled multiple times parties of 5 players with 2 warriors. And don’t think they were all upscaled.
Fact remains, warriors aren’t UP over the entire line, they might not be ‘fit’ for PvP, who knows maybe nobody has found the ‘magical’ build yet. But they are definitely not as bad as you guys say they are.
ps.: what I do know is that I have seen tons and tons of kittenty warrior builds on the forum and in WvW.
pps.: you can’t fix warriors for PvP without making them rond out OP in WvW.
ppps.: I do agree that the leap skills need to get bug fixed asap.
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU
(edited by MiLkZz.4789)
I am not talking about PvP, I don’t play that.
Stupid character limit: I also play wuvwuv. I enjoy it. I roam. I do small man. Your warriors are being carried by zergballing. That’s all it is man.
Yaks Bend
idk where all get these thief backstab numbers from but i average an 8-9k backstab on lvl 80’s in wvw no matter the class except guardians it like 6k
idk where all get these thief backstab numbers from but i average an 8-9k backstab on lvl 80’s in wvw no matter the class except guardians it like 6k
+ the 4-5k steal/mug
+ the 2k cnd
THEN the 8-9k backstab
So 14-16k pretty much instantly. Commence 2 spam. Profit.
Yaks Bend
WvW is pretty much world pvp warcraft because you do fight low gear players in that zone unlike in hot joins Spvp a.k.a pvp or Tpvp. In hotjoins or Tpvp you see where your profession stand and warriors are underpowered in those two fields.
I did some Tpvp facing against some Top Tier1 skilled teams and to my surprise each team I fought did not have a warrior in their combination. Why don’t they have a warrior in their combo? It’s because they don’t truly need one since warriors don’t bring much to the table besides banners or hit and run glass cannon builds.
Warriors are usually target first because they are a non threat profession that can be killed off easily without help. They can’t bunker well so there isn’t much to fear about them.
Overall this isn’t how warriors suppose to be viewed or played in general. If anything they suppose to have utilities to make them dangerous in pvp than just raw direct damage. Anyone can be a warrior in a game just charge into a enemy like a ele and there you go a warrior, but with magic. Warriors knows magic as well “scholar warriors” which mean they can wield magic weapons which can be perfect for the condition spec tree, but that’s another story.
back on topic…Warriors have the title master of arms and knowing the battlefield better than other professions so that has to mean something there.
I’m not saying make them godly, but please make them useful so warriors can bring something to the table especially for pvp.
I target warriors first because a downed warrior is a dead warrior. We have a garbage downed state. So do necros, engies, and rangers.
I target warriors first because a downed warrior is a dead warrior. We have a garbage downed state. So do necros, engies, and rangers.
Actually rangers aren’t that bad because they have a AoE interupt when downed.
You know it would be nice if
A) Warriors down state #2 gets a AoE stun like bangs fist to the ground and everyone is stun whoever near the warrior
B) Necros down state #2 gets a AoE fear
C) Engineers down state #2 Aoe interrupt should be similar to rangers.
That right there would be give those professions some survivability for down state unless stability is activated then… oh well they tried.
I think what is more of an issue in sPvP for warriors more than anything is a lack of diversity when it comes to spreading out your stats. Warriors are super reliant on having optimal stat allocations since we lack any inherent survival utility skills or a reliable way to keep the focus off of us. sPvP pigeon holes warriors into deciding whether to go full glass cannon or tank/support/bunker build (which a few other classes can frankly pull off better in terms of both of these builds, lets be honest). We are slightly pigeon holed in terms of our build in WvW, but it is 100x worse in sPvP where we gotta choose between having 500 extra toughness, or losing 500 precision, 15% crit dmg, no vit, etc.
I have pretty much already accepted that I am going to lose 1v1s against classes like thieves, mesmers, full tank guardians (it is more of a stalemate but yeah) and possibly eles more often than not, assuming relatively same gear. Different weapons are better against different classes. I.e there are many times when I go full melee 1v1 where I wish I had a rifle b/c I keep getting kited, or there are times where I wish I was using axe/mace instead of greatsword, etc. Unlike most classes, in which their weapon setups are pretty much good all around vs any class, warriors will have trouble fighting certain classes if they are not carrying the best weapon for them. Our weapon diversity in this token is a gift and a curse as we have many viable options but this viability is selective in certain situations.
At this point people should just build around what is most effective in WvW group settings, grab a few guardians, some more people in your party, etc. That way many of the warrior’s weaknesses are covered so they can shine and do what they do best, which is DPS. In these type of settings, warriors are probably the ones that are putting out the most DPS out of any class, except maybe thief.
Red Guard is laughing their kitten off at this thread and I am laughing too and my guild mates laughed too. So we all had a good laugh.
Anyway, combine handful of warriors and guardians as backbone, give em a mesmer and 2-3 eles and you’ll be rolling everything in WvW. All of you go full glasscanon builds thinking you’ll kitten everything and get bursted down in a microsecond, no kitten…
Red Guard video:
Notice how they have tons of warriors? Not so bad after all?
I think you don’t even know what you talking about. I spent with RG lot of time when they were at BT. I saw what they did, how they did it, what they use and why they use it. The main reason for which they used the warriors – they are perfectly suited for the role of the melee train core. They have a specific set of utilities, weapons, weapon and armor upgrades, buffs, have constant support with pre-placed elemental fields, and condition removal. They move according to the tactics that they practice every day, never make unnecessary movements, do not come off from the group (unless it required by their role). As a result, they are the iron core, which rolled through the enemy and crush them to a pulp.
It can not simply be copied by one person and expect that it will be just as effective.
25 charracters
Stupid character limit: I also play wuvwuv. I enjoy it. I roam. I do small man. Your warriors are being carried by zergballing. That’s all it is man.
That, or the zerg is getting carried by Warriors.
Warrior is my main and it is a great class. Here are two examples:
—Highest burst damage in the game (kill shot and 100 blades are the two highest one key damagers in the game)
—Good mobility between some weapons skills, banners, and warhorn
On the flipside, conditions are a warriors worst enemy. I am fine with that.
idk where all get these thief backstab numbers from but i average an 8-9k backstab on lvl 80’s in wvw no matter the class except guardians it like 6k
+ the 4-5k steal/mug
+ the 2k cnd
THEN the 8-9k backstabSo 14-16k pretty much instantly. Commence 2 spam. Profit.
a 3 key combo? Screw that. Just press kill shot and get 12-13k damage.
Seriously warriors are super fun and are one of the top 2 classes in dungeons. Those of you who complain are crazy. Enjoy the class for what it is and don’t compare it to some other game.
(edited by style.6173)
if warriors are kitten in PvP why are there videos of 5 war teams face rolling people?
they dont seem to mewl about lack of ability.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.
I agree with Chukree. The Warior class is borken.. it’s by far the weakest class to use.
My first char and main char is a warrior. I have unlocked everything, have level 80 armor… using a greatsword and rifle build… it seems to no mater what upgrades, mobs skill set or what ever… the warrior class gets out skilled and out dmged by all other classes. Rangers, Mez and guardian seem to have a HUGE advantage in the game…. all three have skills that are by trait unfair… speed, invisibility, ranged, imob and healing.
I am willing to bet that the top players of ANet themselves cannot win with a warrior against any other evenly set up class.
This has to be fixed… either the skill cooldowns/power and conditions for the other classes have to be more restrictive or the warrior class needs a substantial boost.
Well let them whine, I gona laugh if my warrior gets buffed. I can troll even harder in WvW than.
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU
Well let them whine, I gona laugh if my warrior gets buffed
. I can troll even harder in WvW than.
Apparently you and your crew are so formidable that you can pull off the most awesome attacks ever. Now consider changing all your warriors to Guardians, Thieves or Mesmer. You just became the ultimate god team (judging by your worlds and the actual improvement of switching classes).
Inactive: Guardian, Elementalist, Ranger, Thief (ex-main)
Leveling: Engineer, Necromancer
idk where all get these thief backstab numbers from but i average an 8-9k backstab on lvl 80’s in wvw no matter the class except guardians it like 6k
+ the 4-5k steal/mug
+ the 2k cnd
THEN the 8-9k backstabSo 14-16k pretty much instantly. Commence 2 spam. Profit.
a 3 key combo? Screw that. Just press kill shot and get 12-13k damage.
Seriously warriors are super fun and are one of the top 2 classes in dungeons. Those of you who complain are crazy. Enjoy the class for what it is and don’t compare it to some other game.
Or 100b.
lmao sorry if it seems like I keep bringing this up but you gotta admit…
it IS one of the warrior skills that really hurts.
if warriors are kitten in PvP why are there videos of 5 war teams face rolling people?
they dont seem to mewl about lack of ability.
oh shi son… a banner/support warrior.
Well if this guy thinks warrior is all right then everyone should probably just shut up.
(edited by showatt.9413)
HB is pretty bad.
Thankfully GS has whirlwind attack to make up for HB’s crappiness.
Or 100b.
lmao sorry if it seems like I keep bringing this up but you gotta admit…
it IS one of the warrior skills that really hurts.
And if you get hit by 100b in any situation where you are alone with warrior (and not on CD / low HP from previous fight) you must be blind or PvP is’nt for you at all.
Please just go back to PVE forum, PvP is for ppl who can react.